ROSEBUKG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1940. II Livestock FOlt SALE 3 fuinniu Chow pups, .pedigreed, 3 months nlil, Jlo.uu each. E. W. Banister, SoulU Myr tlo Crock road. VOll SALE ItcElstured mid grade Itoumey rams. V. L. JJusu, Myrtle ' Creek, Oregon. MALE Iloston bull pup for sale. In- null-., nt XV A rtiuirr.ll lilni.n. Houte i. llox 102. j Foil SALE lOmontliB-old duci'ii- sey bull. J25.0U. c. 11. Harbour, j Sulhurliit. WANTED 8 to 10 good aged ewes. Lloyd Roberts, Cuiuas Valley. CiOOD wcutier pigs, $2.50 ouch. Phono 3SF22. J. J. Kesler. COCKER Spaniels. Phone 386J. Help Wanted CHOWKHS WANTED, lloliaflde old established c&mpany needs additional men and women to raise mushrooms, (iuuruntecd materials furnished, erops con tracted. We paid C. L. S33X.6G few weeks spare time. Perhaps vour cellar, shed or bam suit able. Start fall crop now. Write lor cooperative plan. Western Mushroom Co., Dept. ID, Port land, Ore. COUPLE wanted for work on poul try farm. J. M. Cubot, Tenmlle. Dentistry SPECIAL Extraction and Plates Pyorrhea Trealment Gits when desired. Dr. Ncrbas Masonic Bidg. Phono 488. 4 lUr. 0. W, Marshall, Med. A nidg ALLEY OOP ( A ulflW! ,i-tA 1 f THERE.' SEE? ir 7-L HEARIM&THIMGS.' f -wflJLBfc'U'. FLOOti.' Sy GOOD THERE. SOME- Tl 'T' HEAEMS, ) THIN& CiOINje OM I 7((f 'iP Jf3- OSCAR, N AEDUNP HERE.V jWS?yC ,$rZ I VJHATS THE ) QUICkL.' LETS ' Jlffi-M- i ' iVi-S ifT-, ( fvVUTEE.? JgETTOTHE f frkrV M L 'i IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS QkiA( L-v? There'll be tmousands OALMUINI 1 7 of em later, i. They eo Holy smoke; . ( upstream to lay egss dozens of 'em.' j when the egos hatch ,tme BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES '-crAaem fJ WASH TUBBS ' Getting the lowdown ' . By .Roy Crane 'HE AWT JUST A BOM, BOSS. HE USED TO BE ) I f THAT MEM DISHWASHER Ht& POSSIBILITIES, 1 'MS PIEBVTHIU6 EASV D0E4 16 WATCHED tS HE LOOKS KEEP 5HAD0vVIW6 AM AIBPLAME PILOT WSOME SOUTH L -4. MEBBE VOU BETTER 50 A LITTLE ' " ' OKAY, BOS6. HE HtM. WE CAMT TEK , r AMERICAN ABMV. HE'6 DESPERATE... fcBi UMNJESTISATIWS 1 . "U TALKS TO NOB0DV, CHAMCES ON HIM 1 T MElLPO AWTHIM&H 7- f umuI V ' 4; fftf., I MAKES NO PHOWE 1 .8EIM6 A 6-MAM TLm. Z'O - IS 7 ' lli.jSl S CALLS, (SETS NO NT 'tTT- ' MWL1" Rentals 1315LTON1A Mmloni, furnished apartment. Hardwood floors, tile sinks, refrigerator. Opposite. Umpqua hotel. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. WOULD LEASE new 6.100111 mod ern house to responsible party for a year. Also vucuul lots for; side. M. K. Emuicrson, near , Camp View. TWO and tbreo-room uparlment, lights and hot water included, very rotiHonablc rout. Inquire corner Rice and Jackson. SltOO.M flat, prlvalo entrance anil bath, gas for cooking; furnished and clean. Phono 22211. ' 047 S., Slcphous. 5-ltOOM, unfurniahoil house. Call at Mill Street Store. '.. C. Drown, 1303 Oak St.. Klamath Falls. 3-llOOM apartment. furnlHhod. close in. Inquire Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens. PLEASANT room with board of fered by privato futility. Phono 16F13. 3-IIOO.M furnished house. $7.50. liraughton, Miller's Addition. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phono 650. CLOHE IN. Sleeping room, cheap. 302 West Washington. SMALL iiparUnnut, close in. at TI10 Slrinige Shop. Cull Fuel PHONE 282 Bo economical buy green wood and let this summer sun dry It for futuro use. Phono 282. Rosoburg Lumber Co. .I DABY FISH GO OUT IO SEA; y.'. v - f . I 1 fr"x' IgOSH.WIiLUE.I OOMT LfsKCNOU FOR ) I f V 1 I For Sole Miscellaneous THE ORANGE TRUCK will be n town again through Sunday. e have the sweetest grapefruit that Is sold near Roseburg. The Orange Truck has an assort ment of the finest oranges avail able ul this season. Oranges at any price and largor ohob for the money. Beautiful lemons for 1 penny each. Klondylie wa termelons, lic a pound, guaran teed to be sweet and ripe. Small melons for the kids, luc each and up. ONE $15.00 Columbia bicycle, al most new, 27.50 cash. Also late model Hawthorn with knee ac tion anil two-speed, in good shttpc, $23.50, and one used Servl- cyelo motorbike, $-ly.uo. bee mum ut Rosubiirg Cyclety. FOR SALE Al crastlc reduced prices, 26 farm implements. All are brand new and ure cui in price from $10.00 to $50.00 off regular price. -Ward's Farm Store, South Stephons St. FOR SALE Genuine inlaid lino leum, distillled in your home, as low as $1.23 u square yard. Sec our now pafturus. Montgomery Ward. A NEW moneni storage lockor system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. FOR SALE One new wagon with stool wheels, was $51.50, now 345.50. Warrfwood bed wugon for half price, $18.00. Ward'B Farm Store, South Stephens St. BIO trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. FOR SALE 3-bottom plow, 11", was $199.00, now $149.50. Brand now. Ward's Farm Store, South Stephens St. Sowing the Seeds of Doubt '-TIME.-MACHIWE' IT'S BEEN WRECKED-ANP YDOO. JOM, OM THE; Lard Has His , "rbu mean fish -are Born in Fresh water. AND them uve in salt WATtR I' A- The Eavesdropper ATTENTION TRUCKERS! Used , tires for spares, all slues. Own brand wnrrautced. ' Montgom ery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. FOlt SALIC Hospital bed. twin -bed, wheol uoo, miscellaneous ar ticles. Mrs. F, A. Fields, 73(i S. Pine. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Vaughn, drag saw for -cow. George Mc 'HugllLDIxouvlllo. FOR SALE. OllUAP 30-gallon pressure hot water tank. Kenneth llHi-lieburg. Wilbur. FOR SALE Harluy-Davldsnn mo torcycle. Inquire ut Airport Cafe, Canyonville. GAS PUMP, 650gitllon tunic and fittings ror salo. Kenneth Huruo burg. Wilbur. GLADIOLAS, 25c dozen. 008 N.. Pine. I Wonted CALL FOR BIDS. Sohool District! No. 13: Wiring for grade build ing, refiuishlng interior, painting and stuccoing exterior, sand- J lo ..i,i fin..- Vt.i,.-ullnMH ! from clerk. Bids opened July 2H. Hfp. in. W. J. Morodlth, Looking glass, clerk. WANT small ranch that will run few head sheep and goats. Will pay cash. Write full description to C. M. Bcrryhill, Route 1, You calla, Oregon. hIDES. Highest cash prices, Leave ears nn. Douglas Market. WE pay cash for old or crippled 1 horses. Phono 48K 3. Miscellaneous LAIJIES' EXCHANGE nt Iho Hem stitching and lint Shop, 121 West Cass. TH' IAD IS COMIWGlOH.THAKlKHEAVErJ AEOUWD.TJOC...HES) I DOKl'T liMOvV eOIM& TO BE ALL RIGHT Ol IT TH AMD WHO COULD THIS J 1 THIMG7 THIMG7 Doubts Yep come X'u. show You THE Fish ladders S 1 1 Real Estate FEDERAL Wild uuk farms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available at the National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build lug, Roseburg. WANTED To buy farm with 10 acres or more cultivated and some .pasture H., c-o News-Re- view. FOR SA LIS 330'iiero ranch, stock ed and equipped, by owner. 120 S. Parrott, Roseburg. Oil SALE Modern remodeled 6 room house, 606 S Pine Btreot, Roseburg. Autos FOR SALIC 11133 Chevrolet coupe, radio, healer. Cheap. Crescent Heights Service Station. MODEL T Ford sedan for sale. In quire W. A. Bourell place, Route 2, Box 102. Work Wanted LEST YOU FORGET Wo have n hydraulic wheel tightener that tightens thoso metal fellow wheels to stay tight. Work guar anteed at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 523 N. Main street. Phone 553. FLOOR SANDING and reflnishliiK. Excellent Job. Very reasonable. Also interior painting and kulso mining. Phone 40j. CABINET WORR. made to order !". Lost and found LOST Casting rod and reel on N. Umpqua rond. Return to Dud Carter, 001 Fnllorton. WE. MAV MEVER KMOW--OF COURSE THE. BOY WILL. TAUCINe NONSENSE, BUT YOU ATT PflV- KklOtU HOtAJ OlO EARTH HEAD TENDS TO AF HAVE DONE. FECT SOrWE. AWFUL. PEOPLE COPR. 1940 BY NCA ' YEP.' TiJEY 9 Fish I I LADDERS? I BUILT SO THE SALMON COULD get up the stream easier COFR. IMA BV NEA Sf BVICF. II . N iM. KtC. U.S. PAT. L X 1 B I Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Baleu Rlfairtt, $11.00; oals and vetch, $10.00; wheat straw, JG.00. Nugel, Canyon vlllo. HAY Walter Leake, Dlxouvillo. , Around the County Clkton ELKTON, July Ifi. Mrs. Vi'P mm lMinU'1 vIhHH tho homo of Mr. unci Mm. tSumllin of DruJu, Sunday. I Kvorott Anuit or Korpnt (inivo. uiul Lawionco Aranl, of I'ortlaud, 'wore week -end vlKltors ut thn .homos of their Knuidmothcr, Mih. Verona Dimlol tuitl undo nnd aunt. J Mr. and Mrn. W. J. Hurgun, I Mr. Hint Mrs. Kloyd Mi'Mluliaol and family vIbUoiI the Delhcrt UlaiRim family Sunday. The liar- khiih live at Lorano. ! Mrs. Lucy Sawyers, of Arizona, lis viHltliiK the homo of hor Hon, A. H. Sawyers. I Mm. Lena Uohhcii han received a box of material from tho Hod , C roHH at ltoHelmtK. The Doicub nod el y hus taken It to make up. 'Another box of yardage Iihk been I ordered for the Willing Wot kerB. (Any one wishing to help Is re (KieBted to (jet In touch with Mrs. (llOHHOII. I Mr. anil Mra. Irl Hinder have roturnod from Lna AiiroIoh and 'other ptdntH nouth, v'lioro thoy 'liuvo heRit vlsltinc I McKlnloy Hcdden left Sumlny for I.oh Angelna where ho in em ployed. I Mr. uiul Mrs. A. M. Whtlo wero 'altondlng to bunlnenH matters In Collage drove Thurmlity. I Charles Clements hua returned from a vaeatlon trip to Ijtkovlew. 1 Minn Owertlm HudHon nnd 1. h. By V. T. Hamlin PROBABLY START A CPAr.Wi DM THE. t 7-ZO ItFBVICF. INC. T. M. By Merrill Blosser WERE LlSTNi M1ST6R, WE MAY LOOri LIKE H:CI5, BUT YOU CANT MAKE;" us Believe ANYBODY goulb TRAIN A SALMON IO CLIMB A ladder; By Edgar Martin n j 1 r 1 j 1 YES.! 1 I J KNOW, I I OSCAR. I I BCC. U.VWt, OFF. HJ CXFZIT SERVICE When Thare'a Something Vou Want Don BEE AN EXPERT Th firm ana Individual llatad below aaaelalln In thalr work, eet tham for Mnart aiwle. Vou should profit by thalr help. GENEBAL SAW FILING Howard Caaebaw, 43 B. Biapuao aho lurnitura rapatring. . 1 ANTIQUES Tho Btranse Shop. 106 .8. Mala St. AUTO REPAIRING Knight Porter, .corner Doimlna A Main, uouy, leader woik. alotlnc. SHEET METAL WORK Blnnlger'a. -444 W. JaoVtnp Bt. Itulo wore attondlite to .bUKlnons nmttorn lit Cottitsc drove Satur day. C. C. Jonnn Ih III at hln homo. Mm. Wardlo Snook, who took! Hluk wjill i! vlHltlttK tho home ut, hor (lutiRhtor, Ml-a. S. A. Konley.i vhh talton tn 1'ortlnnii Monday by, tho Snooks from Portland. Tho people from Klklnn have ro-' turned from iiiuklna borrlea at tho Perry (leorKO place at Kellogg. Aims Virginia (latoa was a i.u-; Bono visitor. Saturday. . , oirs. noison ami iiniturcn, ..or, Vaughn art! visiting the homo tit, Mr. and Mrs. tUVank lllndor. .Mra. Nelson unci Mrs. lllmloi- ure sis tors. Kane Adams wont to Itoauuuri! Saturday to pructlco hull- with the uotigus county Junior Region. team. IVlrs. .Zoa W'ailo and Norma Ciates wore Jtoaohurg visitors Hat--urday ' Jira. Honry rowoll and uaugh- tor, Margaret, woro nttondlng to huslnoss matters In Kugcne Sat unlay. Mrs. Powell and Margaret returned from a trill to California Thursday. They had beon visit ing Mrs. Powell's motlior. - , : - Mrs. Wilbur tlarrisou . was tuk-. on to tho Sacred Heart huspltal at K11K0110 Thursday and Frltlay mortiiiig was- oporatod on .for -an- pendicles. Mr. (larrisou took hor. nut add went nut again Friday. llownrd Maupin has returned from a trip tn ('allfnrnia. Marvin Aokorman, of Vaushn.' is visiting 'tho homo of 'Mr. and Mrs. Hon florgauti. Vtayno Cheovor,' -of Astoria,-, Is visiting thn humo of Mr. and Mra.' vi imam i;noovor. - t AtrH. -tMiHi'lnn itrrtrtilririii'. "MImh' Mary- 'Hello Jlondoror and 'Mrs. Ilmiry (larrlsnn woro 'ttugono vis tnrs -Kuttirday, .Mrs. -ilHriisiin uunt !to sen her husband, -who :1s In the Sacred , Heart hospital as. the result of accidentally Hhootlng hlinsulf in tho ghouldor - several days ago. . luldio .Slkonskl, who has been In Camp Klkton, luft Saturday .for Ifori i-mci. : Krldny uiornltig nil tho hoys, ox- .eopt 11 few .to . break the now hoys in, left .Lamp .Rlklon. Some of the boys turned local, othors got tlia charges and are .going to work hero or go Jjack to Now Vork. The balance of the camp was 'divided into two groups and sent 'tn ML. Friday night over, .a hundred and ninety new boys cniiin In to tnko the placo of the buys that left. The now buys nro from Tennessee witli 'Iho 'excep tion of a very fow anil thoy arc from 'North 'ttarollna. Mr. and Mrs. John ChIiIII left recently for New ;York. Mr. 'CHhill was a cook at tamp Mlklon. They are -going homo tho auuthcrn route. Mr. and Mrs. Norm .Woulhorly and Mrs. 1). (). Weathnrly, of "Dor- 11a. havo been vlHitlug .tlio.home of Mrs. I)or Traylor. Mr. and Mrs. Wesluy Morgan. 'Ot Drain, wero Klklon vlsiUns Sun day. Mrs. llulda Mcuonald, ratricia COt Wfr W MU IHWCt, IWC T' M W 11 "No, I'm not untinn put up vtnnl linger prints Hold Everything! .PLUMBING, Pete Crumott, Plurubiug. Ph. .897. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRINO PHuburt Electric. Phone 123. RAOIO .SERVICING Hargla Bartto Service. Phone 1M. Luud Radio Service. Phone Z. 'REFRIGERATION SERVICE B. C. Jonea. .Phone 13-L. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Ser. Phone 848. McDonald, Mrs. .Catherine Cbeev or and children, wore Drain visit ors Friday. 'Mrs. Ilo.m llutlor. of lloavorton, has been visiting tho homo of Mr. and. 'Mra. Walter Haines.' Harry Anderson, of Kellogg, la working 'for , -Charles Hinder. Sirs. Kugenlo .Solomon, who la working, at Canyonville, was home Sunday.- Jiorn at tho Saurod Hoart hos pital at Eugono a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clomo. Tho baby wolghetl eight pounds and was , namod Darlono Itosallo. Mr. anil Sirs. V. K. Burke, who havo beon living at Lebanon, .havo ramo to lilkton to, live. Mr. iiiiinu whs 111 i.ump Kiaion anu when his tlmo - was up wont to New York .a year ago last Juno. Ho was married soon after and they canto wost. Ian Ilalnos; Mllo Unities and Or land Hunter, uf Drain, wero at the homo or Mrs, Marietta Ilalnos, Sunday. .' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith and family, of Kellogg, , and Mr. and Mrs. -II. S. ' Adams spoilt Sunday al tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Wll-v .bur Hugus, of Kugojio. riuy Cutllp loft -"for Portland Sunday to get a dheek up an his kiice whluh. was Injured some time ago. ,- , ,'. , Mr. and Mrs. G0, IjiOrandor 11 "il . fimilly . nt Dritin, f wore at the M. it. llousou homo .Sunday alb omoon.' - Miss no.rn.ico Garrison Is 111 ul . Jior home. 1 -1 . -- Itayintuid Jouos. took Mrs. V, II. Janes to thq Sacred Heart ho 'Pltal al ICugeno Sunday fur .111 op- . eratlotr. 1 Mrs. Ilakcr toturuod 'home with Mr. JVhiah.- 'Back From .Portland Oudgo M. ('. Ilowker rqturnod horo -last night, following a shprt slay In l'ortlliiiil attending to business. . . IN BANKRUPTCY . 1 " 'B-25001 In tho District Qourt'ot the United iStatos for the District of Oregon. In the tnuttor of James Franklin DavlB, Jlaukrupt. .To tlte creditors of James Franklin Davis of Scottsburg, In the'Coun- ty of Douglas, and district afore- said, a bankrupt:! Notice Is hereby given that saltl James Franklin Davis hus boen duly adjudged a bankrupt on a pe tition filed by him 011 the 18th day of Juno, 1010, null that tho first mooting of his -creditors will be held at the office of the under stguoil'ln -Itosoburg, Oregon, 011 tho .Hud day of .August, 1940, al 11 u'ciook lit tho 'forenoon, at which -placo anil tlmo tho said creditors 'nmy attend, provo their claims, ap point a trustee, appoint a creditors committee oiumluo tho bankrupt and transact suub -other bustnuss as may properly come before salt! meeting. Dated tho 18th day of July. 1910. C.-L. HAMILTON, Itoforee In Uankruptcy. UT . a 'wet tpeint' ifln ! Tliink I call over the place?" r- .. '; IE-- A i V".