FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1940. Iinvd fMllr B-;ert fcnnd rry by the ftevra-itavicw tuu mr Membr of Tk Aaovle4 Tho AnnoclaCM promt I exclusive lv Antltlorl trt fliA IlKflj fftf rODtlMlfa tlon of all now dlspstchcfl credited to ft nr not otherwise credited in this ptiper and lo ll local nowa published herein. All rights of r-mibiir-fition of HporittI dUpatches JIAHKIS KLL8WOUTU .Editor Kntccd as neeond class mnttor May 17, 1920, fit tho pout office at Itoncburff, cirvgun, under act of Maruh 2, 1878, Krw VorU-'J?I MiiiIIkoii Avo. fcl- N, MhtilKHii Ave. Man raf.rih -20 ft""' fltreM irull W. flruiid Houlovard I, on Aanrlra 135 H. Spring Htreot fttattt i3 UU'Wurt Hlrcct lert so a v Hlxth Avo. M. Lonl 4)1 N, Tonth HtreeL f II rffllllrilAil I ATI 00 Hubaoripllon Hair Dully, par year by nmtl. . . . . . .f.'.flO JiHlly, 6 months h? irmil a..' Dally. It inontliH by timil ).- IlHlIy, ly currier per month ti Daily, by eurrior por your 7.80 Hvcry iitiitc, county and city offi'-bil or boiird that handles ptildh- rrtonry should publish nl regular Intervals an n''fiiiiitlntf o( It, showing whom and how each dollar Ih apriil. Thin Ih a fundamental prln'lplo of demo cratic: go vi' in a if i it. ASTRONOMICAL Mima are bo- luff appropriated for a two ocean navy. We need It for pro por defense not only of our own country but for th defenso of tho two American continents. Itut even largo navies arc nomc times poiKftrHtod, Tho mighty combined fleets of France and Kim I and liavo not yot Mummed tho sweeping dlHualor to tho ul lted cause ' Suppose a during, though fool hardy, ononiy aomottiuo seokB to 'occupy United titatcH territory west of tjio Itockles. Honv would : tho Pacific, eonijt dofond Itself Mobility Ih 'tho necessity In any military operation, nowadays; Mo , bllll menua that an army mum ho ahlo to go whom It Is .needed when It la needed: Tint ait army anil Ita supporting tanks and other field u tilth c'ould not In moved tip. and down tho - lmclffc coast. Thero is only one thin line of railroad rails for a considerable portion of tho dist anceand rail transportation is too nf4oxlf)lo for military opera tions. iMovo by motor ovor tho htgh ways? : Impossible. For all of tho Pacific coast with tho exception of 150 miles In southern Orognn motorized army operations ate easily practicable, lint this 150 milCH happens to ho I'.KiHT IN THK CKNTEK of the Pacific coast.. Tho H-iciric roast is thus divided and can not be defended on laud so long as this bottleneck of curvcH between hero and (Iran In J'atiH exists. If wo Walt for tho Oregon high way commission to remedy this situation it will Inko 21 years. One of tho members of the commission fluid so. f int. tho Improvement of the Pa cific highway In n national defense measure. All military men who know the facts declare Its Im provement necessary to tho pro lection of I ho coast. While (ho billions are belli? poured out for other defense measures, at least, a fow millions should ho nlloted for tho purpose of providing it defense highway upon which to move tbo new tanks, motor trucks and motor mounted riihb, A delegation from southern Ore gon aRHln yesterday called this , situation to the attention of Hie highway commission in meeting assembled In Portland. Slmlhir delegations ihvi been doing this mime thing for thron years and more. Tho request. Is always the funic they nsk tho highway com mission to take tho matter up with proper federal authorities. Yesterday the same request Mas repeated, this time with some as surance that a refluent by tbo Ore gon commission may bo success firl because of tho Intensified in terest In national defense. What , will v the commission do? The ' news rmit of yeslerday's meeting sahl simply: "Tho com mlsiilon made no comment on the request." Is the highway commission working oulctly and effectively In Its own way on this matter- or Is It placidly paying no attention? Tbo people, at least tbo people of southern Oregon, are entitled to know. Lirtl for Neikevrln Mrs. l K. MuCllntock ami daughter. Miss I'atrlrkl and Miss Carolyn Cor don, uf this city. Ime leu lor ,Nf-ko-Kln lo enjoy a vacation. Represented by Editorial on Newt (OoateM tnm t9 I) tplte of Republican oppoaltlon to Increaning the national Uefenae"; THK American people If they ft K ALLY BBI-IEVB thoae things that Senator llarkley Bald to the Democratic dclegatea at Chica go can't be blamed if they retime to havo anything further to do with the Itopubllcan party and voto back into power tho noininco of the remocratlc convention, oven if do ing ho Involves throwiiiK over board our unwritten law that llierc shall bo no third term fur ANY" PftKHIDKNT. The picture lie painted, IP TUCrc. Is too convincing to be dis regarded. -piIIS writer DOHSN'T IIKMKVK TUB PICTURE. Hut this writer is only one indi vidual among millions. Yon don't havo to take his word for it. You don't have to lake ANYBODY'S word. You have lived through Ihrse seven years of (he New IKjal. If you havo been better off during these seven yenrs than under preceding fiopubllcan administrations, YOI! KNOW IT, and nobody cull fool you. Iletweon now and next Novem ber, It will bo CP TO YOU to de cide KRNR Mutual arMdeaitlna lyst WOO KIlMytlM KKMAfNINfJ HOC lift TODAY 4:00 Tommy 'luclier's Orcb- MBS. 4:.t0 Interlude.' 4:40 Hilly nisnell'H Olch,, MI1S. B:ii0 Hawaii Calls, SlHS. 5:S0 -American Choral KcHtlval. Mns. 0 : Of) Dinner Dance l):.'lo .lohn II. Hushes, MIIS. C : 4 P. Melodies Modem. . 7:00 Tonight's Tune. 7:05 Newt, Calif. Pacific Utlll- . ties Co. 7:10 Newt-Review News Flashes. 7: lS-Mulual .Manslros. 7:45 Larry Cllmon's Orch., MIIS. 8:00 fluddy Maluvllln's Oi'cii., M IIH. 8:30 Hilly MoDonald'a Orcb., MIIS. : I no News. MIIS. 8115 bsturoay wigni rany, wing - iinareues, iyibo. , . SUNDAY, JULY 21 ; 8:00-Sf I'huI's f'athnilrnl t Choir: of Huflalo, MIIS. ! ! i ' 8:30 Voleo of Prophecy CJmlr, MIIS.)- 1. 8:4r, Canary Chorus. MIIS.' I 11:00 March of Health, M IIS. 9:15 The Chaplain Speaks; he v. perry Smith. : i ' 9:110 -American Wildlife, MIIS. , 9:46 llenny Kruger's Oich. lllS. 1:li0 The Hymn Singer, MIIS. 10:15 Romance of the Hi-Ways, Greyhound Lines, Mob. 10:ao I'almur House Concert. MHS. 11:00-BaptHt Chureh Services. I2:uu Kl Pasco Trouliailors, .MIIS. 12::to Nolnuly's Chlldien, MflS. 1:00 Tommy Reynolds orcu., MIIS. 1::0 Jack Teagatden's Orcb. MIIS. 2:0u Tropical Serenade, MIIS 2::l0 Lang Tlininpson s Orch. MIIS. U : (10 II ender.vous. MIIS. 3:30 SlKrirl Sihullz from tier many, MIIS. 9:45 -Terry Shand's Orih . MIIS f:00 American Potuin of tho Air, M lis. 6:00 Old Fashioned Revival, MBA. (I:IM A. P. Nows Hulleliuii, MIIS. 0:n,"i -WON Symphonic Hour M IIS. g:30 The Angelus Hour, Dr. A. C. Edwards. 7,00 Favorite Songs of Youra and Mine, Hansen Motor wo 7:15 The Quiet Hour. 7: Ui Hancock Kni-enihle, MIIS. 8:00--Mac-It Canmlii Kesllviil, M IIS. 9: (III News. MIIS. 9:1i - Dance Orch. 9:30 Sign Off. MONDAY, JULY S3. 1910 7:00 Kl tiff and Nonsense. 7:30 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 State and Local News. 7:45 J. M. J odd Says "Good Mornlna." 7:hO--nhnpsody In Wax. 8:011 Mreakfasl Chili, MIIS S::in - -Interlude. 8:40 Bess Bye, Raneho Soups, MBS. 8:ir Peaeen Fitzgerald. ulk. MIIS. 9:nn Symphony. !: 1 r. John Agnevv. organic'.. MIIS. 9:3l0 Man About Town. n:I.V-Kcnp l-'lt lo Music, MO.7. 10:00 Adventures of Uncle Jurmy, Copco. 10:15 Ma Perkins, Proctor and Gamble, MBS. ii:!IO Radio Harden Chili. MIIS. 10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. 11:00 Our Friendly Neighbors, Alka Seltzer, MBS. 11:15 Wheel of Fortune. 11:45 Elbert Laschelle, organist, MBS. 12:00 Talk by Viscount Halifax from London, MB8. 14:20 Sport News, Dunham Trans fer and Powell Hardware. 12:35 Parkinson's Information Exchange. 12:45 State and Local Newt. 12:50 News-Review of the Air 1:00 Hennlnger't Man on the Street. 1.13 Moh Nlchcd'a iluwaitans, M IIS. 1:!tn Johnson Family, MIIS. 1:4S--l.els Play llrldge, MIIB. 2:0cc At Vocir Command. J: 30 -Five Men of Kale, MHS. 'J: I A -Strings of Snliigllmic. MIIS. .1:011- Fulton Lewis. Jr.. MIIS. 3: 13 Lelchtou Noliel's t irctieslra. MflS. OUT OUR WAY C0PR IMOgVNEASERVlCt.lNCAL' . iLIV Northwest Bloc Opposed Wallace Ballots Cast for Agricultural Secretary After Futile Support for Others. My Pit AN K C. fiOftftlK CIIM'ACO. July l!l. IAI'I-Se lection of lli-nry A. Wallace lor (ho nuiiihoi- two piiol r,n the di'iuo- rrnlir national l i.-k.-t wn not n choice wilh the mii.iorily lilo Pacilic IKO'lhwoKl flt-lc:;a- llfn to tho national convention. Tho delegations, which joinoil in malting the voto tiniinhuous last night, did ko only niter fighting lo tho end for olhor candidates. Oregon cast ita entire ton votes for Wallace but Washington and Idaho delegates fought the pressure f WA;hlt.e gr, s , ,neir unniiort in oilier directions. Idaho casl eight votes lor .in' Null while Washington's vote was HilJI" five ways with Wallace re ceiving only 11. Alaska gave Wal lace three and l!anlilil-iid three. "Cards Stacked," Charge I'M A. Carroll. Washington slate, , homed Hie following tftalcmcnt alter the convention: "The Washington iloloiin.lon rl-lt Hint Wallace wpuld he a liiihliiy towards carrying Hie state both In slate and county office duo to the unlileniily feeling ol the fanners and truit growers. "The onidH were stacked. for Wal lace and most delegations felt It would he iill'enslvn If we didn't Humiliate him. However, we re ceived so inauv wires from home protesting against his noniiuaiinii I that we decided to vole our convic tions. The slate grange lias op posed Wallace's fiii'in and orchard program since he became secretary of agriculture. "From the piilllical partisan standpoint old guard democrats re Belli having lo accept a member from Hie opposition party." Willi iMahrilley. Oregon slate chairman, said Ills delegalion de cided to "go along with the piesi ileiil and his ailmiiiislrntion" alter l., ins Johnson had released the delegates. Annual Bach Festival KRNR Program Feature Ciaul musical highlight of the year, runnel's sixth annual llach festival, will delighl music lovers of Hie wesl coast when il is liro.-nl-cast lo listeners ol MINI! and Hie Don Lee net Sunday, July 21, S to II p. in. I'ST. Through Iho eft'oils of Hie Don Lee station KDON. Carniel. ( alll.. the hroadcasl Sunday will feature llaeh's H Minor Mass ii-oin the Carinel mission, ami the entire company, including; sntoisls, chor us and orchestra will p.-illicipale. The broadcast climaxes a week's festival in celclu-al ion of the 2'.'lh ,.lllll efsary ol Hie bit til oi the beloved music oi .lohiinn Selias tiau Much, during which lime live eoncerls, Iwo organ recitals and IcctHies arc scheduled. The orchestra nod chorus com iwtsed of amateurs and profes sionals of Iho Monterey peniiisuli 1:U0 Coliluiiitl Hand Concert, MIIS. 1:110 Tea Time Dance. 1:15- Clem Williams' (ircheslia. M IIS. r,:m Mystery Hall. MIIS. r.:.n- Shatter Parker. MIKt.. 5 15- Special Feature. M'ts. C:U0 Raymond Oram SvMng, White Owl Cigars, M3S. r,:l5 Dinner Dance. 6:30 John B. Hliqlics. Avalon Cigarettes. MQS. I!: 15 - Melodies Model II. 7:eo Tonight's Tune 7:05 News. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:10 News-Review News Flashes. " 15 Muliuil Maestros 7.311-Lone Hunger. MIIS :(i(i-Doiolby and Owen Knler. lain. S 15- Inline Orchestra S:3il Ijlugh n' Swing Club. MIIS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. b: 15 .lack Mclean's Orchestra. MIIS. !l:3il-Pillion Lewis. Jr., MHS. H: 15 McFarland T In. (Milles- ira. MIIS. ii:(H Sign off. OH, ME? OH, I LEARNED IN MV CHILDHOOD, ' WHEN YOU WAS ALLUS HOLLERIN' AT ME FER- BEIN' SO DIRTY AN' TORN THAT'S WHN I WAS LEARN IN' TH' DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A COW AND A BULL, A MIRE AND A MEADOW, A BRIER PATCH AND A LOVERS' LANE, A SNAKE AND A STICK, HOW TO STROLL THRU A FENCE, AND ABOVE ALL HOME WITH NOT "fen V'.; VAA. fcW,.V '--SjllF 1 nTl iroff r.CT r"rtAV DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CIIA3. A. EDWAED3 To Hiiy lliat tli most, powerful forces In history nro n'ot;riipl,if' and pconointc, '.a lo ri'duce (Joil to tin iiiiisoniil fact, (Icihtsoii nlip tiiHiikiml, and roll lilo of its iiiriltial inisuiinK. It Iiuh bi'i-n Bald I hat tho pfrsislciico of Kiiitltiifil idoalH Im-tirhale in Iho universe and within the fioiil ot man, tliat really accounln for oar advaiiciii clvilizulion ami l he cultural achleveinetitH of the human Kpiiil. II in this that makes u.s aware of truth, CoodiM'Hs, and hi-aiiiy, thai lie at ihe heart of all reality, no inechani.itic. or maler I a I i a 1 1 c forres fan account 1 for tlio Rreat nrtils, ficholarti, philns ophcru and Rcientints or for the nohlc 'literature an lofry ethical ideal of the humaif race. Cod Ik still at work In Iho world. Flo has not ahdicalnd His I It rone. Heaven and earth .shall asn away, hut my words shall not pass' away.." The iierKiHtence of MiiiliUiil hlcals in a changing world accounts for I he greatest 'moral and ri'liuiotia proiiroHS of tnankhid. Thcielore wehtnst he sloadl', iinnmvahlr, atwayK ahoiiiidinR In (he works of Iho f.ord, if we would succeed. Anion. is under the leadership ftf Ihe em inent conductor, tinstone t'siglf. For the Hacll festival tlio' orches tra w ill ne augmented hy profes sional arlists Iroin Callitirnia ami elsewhere, who are giving their services through their interest in Hie musical opportunity which the ( annel Hai ti Icstivul allords. It reriulres approximately eight minutes and 20 seconds for sun light lo reach Iho carlll. il being !i2,!miii.i miles from our plaiuit. ORCHESTRAL HORIZONTAL 1 First instru ment in an orchestra. 7 It is a .instrument ot the viol class. 1 1 To perish. 12 European shad. 15 By way of. 16 Stone Implement. 17 Stabbed. 18 Wayside) hotels. 20 Civet. 22 Mnnl.'.y. 2.1 Fold. 24 To sanction. 2V To blotch. Answer (o 46 Call for help at sen. 47 Plum! pronoun. 48 Branch. :'l Wild sheep .iMIideou.; giant. 5(1 M.iple shrub. 3fi Fatigued. S3 Capable. 30 Opposite of r,7 Any. closed. 58 Cogwheel. 59 It has S-shaperl 40 Requirements UNSncaky. 43 Wasp bite. 44 Copper llolcs. U New Eng'uinrl fO II has 3 low i a our. ). . IU -3iK !LYL-MJAilAO'4 QBm ft 1 !KfJ3 I PjJI.0!AS!TJrj hlr REtTjrvJA'AmjlT E SH MAP OF :tititjv EN !Kll BaREflAfc 3 UQcHHST!--MOWiA;rtl. f ' " W M jSS lib y WBUam , BARB WIRE HOW TO COME BERRIES, I .a BURRS' i? U. A 7-7 O British Defense Leaders Changed JML - nv colnma S I e'ieco "'corps J"''" KJP U sleepless for the Brllish expeditionary force In , f" 1 r've" ' fh,l' France, was named con mandei-ln- "sual l'leldity by conce n for chief of 11,-itish homo forces ,. hn, announced firmly: in go night, succeeding (ieneral Sir Ed- t0, li,lie, '"" t0 movl"? "' ! miind Ironside in a move to "" :!"" ct a lleal strenelhen ilrilain's licenses. ic0; f!"" .11 woo t go. be protested. I Ironside was raiseu 10 inn runic of field marshal and wan kept on Ihe aclive list, it wus explained elinlily, "1,0 he available either in an advisory capacity or inaiiit. Informed iuarlers said his re- placement was prompted by ' the leeling that It is "now essentiaf mat mo command oi inn noiuo vnu? A,. vou determined to . tor forres should be placed in tho 'm0t nl0 u'nh helplessnessj" hands of a commaiider-in-chlef with. j;rnill'3 ,,ian llillc face ji led., experience in France." thought" sho hoWtated. Viscount Coil. wh6 headed the went on: "The picture Is 'Test Hrilish expeditionary force, was ot.' I thought yon might want named Inspector-general to, the t j,co ji, imcc. You love'air- lorcuu for training. Robbery c? Postoffice, 1 At Cushman Confessed -,'(! to- Ihe walk, then eatno i back (shy smllei Li , duo nine sue was MEDFiKI); Oie'.. July 20. (AP) , j.,n w, was scraping , food I permitted the run, of the show-s. Amos E. Jones has confessed the remnants off plates and stacking Sho learned more 'frenn these ctn-l-oblierv of tho poslollice at Cush- dishes lo be washed.. In the un- menial, bolsterbus. j 8hrewl ipeo man, lire., and has been turned kind glare of Ihe overhead light, pie thaa liny. .l)ik- ?oill(l have over to postal authorities, Assis- she looked tired, he thought. ) taught her npout.thelr isprt of-ll.; taut strict Attorney Neilson re- nortcd Friil'iv i polled I . Jones is also wanted by Clatsop county for an Astoria burglary. Jones has cniered a pica ol guilty to a similar offense hero. Fldrldge Lawlor. arrested here with Jones last Monday, will be turned over lo Hie Clalsop county .. , , n.iih' men sii.i.. orison ,-ec. oills. the' authorities say. B INSTRUMENT Previous Puzzle this instru ment. 10 It has four 21 Sniky fish. 23 By. 25 Modern. 28 To mention. 28 S-molciing, 20 Three. 30 To spread. 32 Obtained. 33 Honeybee. 2 Mental impression. 3 Lubricants. Permits. 5 To scold constantly. 6 Bodi'.y. 7 Small child. 8 Uad. (nbbr.). 41 To M ing legal suit. 43 Indian weight. 4ii Viceroy in India. 47 Small hird. 40 Wise men. 50 Beast of burden. !) Twining stem. 51 Dove's cry. . p Flannel 52 Balite bird. 11 Burden. 54 Cot. 1 1 Prophet. S5 To loiter. 16 A fine type ot 56 Sooner than. VERTICAL .IS TInilur.iv HIGH YESTERDAY: Lance and Jan have their first quarrel since his accident, over Derek. Lance re proaches himself bitterly. Johnny wantH to pet Jan a Joh as hostess at the cluh but she refuses. Chapter 12 She looked at Lance, who shook his head. "Thanks, Johnny," he said stiffly, "but wo don't need money that bad." There'H nothing disgraceful tout it," Johnny argued. "All about she has to do Is meet people and " No." Lance cat in. "She's too young. She Isn't the type. 1 don't want her mixing with that aril ffcial, bunch of rich picture people from ' Holly wood." Johnny looked so crestfallen, so injured, that Jan said, "It was sweet to think of ine, but Lance Is right, Johnny. I'm definitely not the type they'd want. I'd have stage fright and jitter all over the place. Resides, I have no suit able clothes, and no way of get ting any." "You are the type," he Insisted That Is. you could he, if youwih t,jein H sho was RO iUe have your hair done by an expert and your face " Leave her alone: Lance or dered, his thin hands gripping the iibhcr tires of his chair. His pale. worn face flushed with annoy ance. "She'H fine just tho way she is. 1 don t want her made into a painted, slinking munuoriuin. Just because I can't take care of her Is no reason she" the anger died suddenly from bis voice and he seemed to shrink into his shell of meager flesh. "Do as you please. Jan," hn ended. ! "I wouldn't ' consider It for a moment," she dismissed the en- i tire matter. J Tho brief scene distressed both ...,.., ,nr,i ... i ,..n'l I lell A woman pushing mo along ;,, ',.,.h m i, ie. i,ere'l bare lo sit In the aisle " '.01"' and people have to suueeze 'and circus who shouted all sum me nnil full over mil! I imr long at prospect i ve custom- went 011ce wu, Frank last year ... . j swre r,i never go again, what's the matter with all of planes so." : ' Ills lips worked lo control (help ipilvering. "Well, why didn't' you say an? (let my coat, Jan. (To, hell ; ...,l, ll, uioh" - . . '. I -. ' Room For; Rent -fii;-; 1..1.ti,,u i.ti.l, nil'i .lhi nltnlr' lint. Damn it an. wny couioo i mm take Hie j ind hire someone to 'iu thia drudgery' ,( ..j eouldn't." , s Cl V(nl silw ,luW lMnc0 ., yml n..t men - : tinned il in mint of him. It's bad 'for him lo he aroused that way." she didn't tell him. she felt like a wornout butler from constantly , ... ,,,i,,L- '.smool hlv 111 the growing uirbu - jlence of her household. For Lance. iiesoite his good resolves, hail not nnlnci.ofl tor slnriniiiK about Derek. Insleiiil he had chnxen tn iunore the whole episode with the Vonsefini'iice that It hiuiK like an opiHMie eitrliiin between them, (iranlihf,' that she was entilled to romance, to a sweetheart, he yet resented It should be a man ".f whom none of them know any thing. Til dry I lie dishes for yon." Johnny offered In an unexpected across of generosity. His actions trnk i' her bad mood, for ho was so afraid hod Ret a drop or water on his loo perfect clothes that be slood far back from Ihe dran board and reached for dishes with an awkwardness worthy of a movie comic. When they finished Johnny put his ainis around her and peered anxiously down Into her weary eyes. "I wish I could .lake yon out of all this, Jan. I'm crazy a lion t yot), honey. I will take you out, too, the minute I gel my own baud "If I let you." she parried, loo tired In resent his arms about her because they were, somehow, comforting and friendly. He drew her. head to his shoulder and laid his cheek against her bright, tousled hair. "You're so little and so sweet " he said, gently stroking her shoirlder. The- kitchen door swung inward and I orok- observed the tableau. Sorry to intrude." be barked but i would like some lotion My lace hums like Ihe very devil. .tn n . e m ba rra ssed . sh y . d re w a ay from Johnn d,tsting 'bo Mush she tell dyeing her cheek. W hy should she feel r.uilty? Cer tainly she meant nothing to Derek. "I'll got It for you." she offered, hurrying to tin little chest over (be sink and taking out a bottle of honey and almond lothm. While Johnny v atched, glow ering, she poured some of the liquid Into hoi palm and disii -Minted It carefully oer lerek's face and neck, lty Ihe time she finished Iferek was grinning. "Did I enter before or after Ihe kiss?" he inquired Impudently. Jan glared at him. "That's hate ful of you." ! "Oh. don'f mind me. folks. I'm! an Ideal ehapeione. Itigbt now 1 in i end retiring and leaving you ill alone; "Listen, yon." Johnny began. but iVrek was already Ibrougb the door Jin sUjgled helplessly. "ile'a terrible absolute',,- outrageous and so delightful!" - "ftot to me he Isn't," Johnny Rrowled. "I don't see anything funny. It'll be the happiest day of my life when he leaves , this house for good! Well, I guess I belter be getting to the club. See you lator, honey." Another Coney Island Jan, alone In tho big silent downstairs, took her account book ifroin the kitchen cupboard and i settled down at the table, worry- ing a stub of pencil with her teeth. Taxes were duo In April. Outrageous t..xes. because the liouse chose to sit on a choice piece of beach front. She could not possibly pay the taxes with what she had saved and what little money would be coming In. Upstairs there were five bed rooms, all In use. Derek, she de cided, would have to give up his room and either put up a tent on the roof or take the davenport in the living room, for she must have another twenty dollars a month to add to Johnny's twenty and Norma's forty. It was fortu nate that Norma like boarding trouble and the extra, money was a life saver. Eighty dollars a moiilh plus n liltle now and then from Derek and the sale of Lance's plane models would pull them through. She found a hammer and a few tacks, totaled the "Itoom for Kent" sign she'd used Inst year and tacked it up at the side of lh front door. Putting down the hammer, she shoved her hands I into the pockets of blue jeans and strolled up toward Ihe pier, thinking she'd drop In and talk to Frank awhile. The night was clear and chill. A slice ot moon hung like u suspended cradle over the water and thousands of clean, white slars dotted the upturned cup of the sky. Several persons called to her as sho piissod them and she smiled answer. Most of the eon cession owners had been here every season for years. I ney formed a clannish resident colony an their own which was closed IO ll UUSieUlS. Jilll i, ii. .h i .-i", m almost us one o Ltiem. They 'liked her. trusted her. these 'curious people, spawn of carnival era wilh complete and hardened indifference In heckling and slar- , lngk happy when warm summer nichts drove hordes of "suckers' lo their gaudy beach stalls. This new world had opened to her fascinated' eyes only two years ago when; tiT necessity, she had lo leave sc'hbol and care for lince. Every moment nf frocduin she . spent In, exploring . what seemed unusual, bizarre, and in triguing In this small west coast ircpiicu of Coney Island. : Little by little these people he eiime ucoiistouied to seeing the small, ,lIU0-eyC(i gin won coo - ',''. "'T " 7, heard ol bloody buttles, drum on Imischlef. faithless wives, loving, husbands. and all the colorful do-i inKli u niniblc-wltted show peo- 'ple. I Jan passed Frank's office at I he , lifeguard station, saw through the window ho wus talking to some , men, and went on out to inn iikr'a end. S he iked just to Htatlil i ihore and. look clown at Iho wator batlcrliiK niKht und day at the pilings below. I'sually Iho nnromittinK roll of the surr lulled her. 1ml tonight it did not. She kept thinkim; f Derek and of Johnny, wishing that scene in the kitchen bail not occurred. Not Hint it mattered. Derek had made that quite coar on the rooftop the day ho kissed her. Nevertheless, it made her miserable to think bo haf soon her the first time she had ever boon in Johnny's arms, and prob ably the last. Too Sensitive "Am I fallinj: in love with Derek?' she wondered. If ihia was love, she thoupht sb'-'d rath er skip il. Due moment exal tation; the next depression. She was becoininK too sensitive, too vuH.orablo. "I oiikM to get rid of him.", who thought, and the thought made her feel empty. Soon after she reached home Norma returned with Uinco. He greeted bis sisier wilh feverish ' enthusiasm, telling her in detail all about mo airpiane m-fpn-rn nf I he picture. 1 le liked Cable and Tracy, he said, and the scenes wore almost too real. 'Tell her what happened." Norma prompted, looking a little white, more than a little dis tor bed. . . "Koinrmber nit the photographs of mo when I won Ihe went coast air, races'" he asked, bis face radiant. "Afler Ihe phfure tonight, the. lights won! on. Jan, and some body recognized ine. Pretty soon everybody in 'h place whs cran ing lo see me. saying 'Tht fel low was a tost pilot. He knows all atmilt it. He was ovor at the Lockair plant." They crowded around me. Sis. and talkeif to nic and wanted my autograph." They talked a while longer. , walling for Frank. Jan had slopped In Just lone enough lo toll ; him of lrfimo's theatre venture and he'd promised to run in when the show was o ei When ho , rame. taking lnre nnxlair. ,: Norma seized Jan's hand s,', squeezed them fearfully. "l didn't Know." she whispered. 'Test pilot was just a name of something to do with aviation. ' Oh. Jan. 1 couldn't bear It if . I.ance were ever to fly again! I- j Td go mad imagining disaster. How did you bear it?" I "I didn't know, either," Jan ! told her quietly. "He never at- j lowed me near the field. I was In school. I didn't lenrn how dan-, gerotis It was until until alter- w aid. 1 can't even talk about It. I get sick inside." Their hands clung a moment in silent understanding, then Jan said. "Iveta make coriee ana sandwiches for the men and atop being tragic!" Following Derek'a ndvlce to forget bor painting awhile, Jan Hprawled in a sun suit on the beach before the bouse the next afternoon, watching the hordes of people crawl around on tho sand, for all the world like ants, happy because tho sun was hot and the water not loo- cold, over joyed to see their white flesh burning a painful red, uncaring of lonights irking blisters. Through her amber sun glasses she saw a smartly-dressed young woman turn in on the short cobbled walk to tho red house and scrutinize tho "for rent" placard. Springing up. Jan caught hM in n t ii she reached the wldo ioak door with the curtained port hole set in its upper half. "I'm Iho landlady, Jan simieu. Did you wish lo see the room?" (To be continued) Traffic. Collision Killls Father, Six Children SAN FERNANDO, Calif.. July 111. (API A father and six ot bis seven children wero killed lo. day. police reported, In a headon collision between two trucks. The crash occurred shortly aft er Clarence Yount, 2!l, and his family had left Ixis Angeles on a fishing trip to Jttuo lake. In tho Sierra Nevada mountains. Dead with him wero Hetty Yount. 12, Jacqueline. 10, Itobert, 8. Donald, 7. Marie, 6, and Shirley May. D. Mrs. flladys Yount, 211. was tak en lo a hospital with a broken leg and Internal injuries. Physicians described as serious her eondlllnu and that of a younger child Clar ence. Jr.. 2. The latter apparently also was internally Injured. Pollen identified the driver uf the oilier truck, heavily loaded wilh grapes for Los Angeles mar kets, as James White, in, of San Fernando. The light (ruck In which Iho Yoiints were riding caught flro and burned several or the victims tu death. i I Umpqua Dredging Last OT . , tA lnrriCT rrwetf iwi i TOLEDO, Ore., July. 20. f API Major C. II. Moore of Portland, dis trict army engineer, told the open ing session of the annual north west! rivers and harbors congress today that'we can look forward lo a decrease In rivers and harbors projects for the coining year. Ho told tho 50 deli-gates from Se attle to southern Oregon the de crease ih projects is necessary "be cause of the move to spend all available money for nationnl de fense purposes." Projects nines sary to aid the navy will receive cnnsideralion. , Army engineers reported Ihe rnipquu dredging project, giving n 22-foot channel lo Ueeilsport. will comiiieto the; lust of new project s ill this district. It will he finished next year.- - ; - ' . today for complete Home and Car RADIO SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES RADIO DOCTORS 124 W. Cass St. What's in the Air Well, all right! Go home to your mothr, then maybe I can listen in peace to THE SATURDAY NIGHT PARTY Saturday 9:15 P. M. to 12:00 Midnight Well It's not a fire exactly. It's the AMERICAN FORUM OF THE AIR Sunday 4:100 P. M. Topic: The Outlook of Both Parties in the Coming Election. Naw. dis ain't no stick-up. Buddy. I just want to come in and listen to the ROMANCE OF THE HI-WAYS Sunday 10:15 A. M. ' HI-LIGHTS ON SATURDAY'S PROGRAM 7:05 .News. 7:45 Jack Teagardcn's Orch. 9:03 News. 9:15 Saturday Nite Party. HI-LIGHTS ON SUNDAY'S PROGRAM 8a45 Canary Chorus. 10:00 The Hymn Singir. 10:30 Palmer House Concert Orch. 12:30 Nobody's Children. 5:00 Old Fashioned Revival. 9:00 Newt. KRNR DIAL 1500 f