It 13 1 .. .. t ... -a TWO KUSfcHURG NEWS-RbVlfcW. ROSfcBURG OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1940. . 53 5(D(EDEirW Social Calendar Sundav. Julv 21 'iiMiurinli IttirkiT niiniiMl ifiinlmi to lie Imld ut one o'clock banket dinner pirnltMit Idkyld park, .lem- hers ami friends invited. Monday July 22 N. of W. Thlnfble dull to meet ut home Ol Ml'S. (iCOIKO C'lTllrtllilW Oil WuHt liougluK Mired. Ilr ll I. Il.mi.i-- i,(ir1..l..iifilnlii.'i. tionul Klble study lass to meet at 7 : 1 T. in evening at Doughm hotel ilii.ln,- hull Piihlli- iiivlloil Tuesday, July 23 'K. 8. club Hllernoon ini'eting at home of Mrs. J. K. Hyrd Kosf-hurg Kebekuh lode to meet it N o'clock In evening at hall. Ho freshiiii'iits hi charge of Ma vine fludnell. Kulli Dlshmun, Minnie Noyer, Ollle Kcolt, Kinmalou IHsh mail. Virginia Cyrus and O, L. Johnson. Kntei'taliiment in charge of Lillian N.dson, Klsie Keese and Merle Henry. Wednesday, July 24 Ladles Missionary and Aid ho- eiety of lilide liaptlst church to meet ut ltlce phulc park in afler- noou with Mr. L. M. Itlee, Mrs. CharJea Vlcek and Mrs. Paul Can well an hostesses. Kl. Joseph's Altar noddy to meet at tw lu afternoon at Cath olic uiirhdi hull on North K it no Hlreel. tKWIH U. 0. T. V. noon pot luck picmi luncheon at It. II. Wilson place at I'mpiiua. i'yihhiu Slstera business meethiK at o'clock In evealiiK at K. of K hall. Gniy laiile.H to bow from ten to four at Kpiscopiil parii-ii ball fu" Red Cross. Thursday, Julyf 25 'Kdeii iadles ald - of . Klainse church to meet, in ulternoou at home of Mrs. Carl llackland in stead of at the church with Mrs. J. ' HJoKi'en as hostess as previounly anuotiu:ed. , Lndtca of Hoieliiit'),' Country club . to meet at 8:110 a. m. at club course Jon-W'tfi itytltif'k luncheon at 12:30 aul contriwt blithe play at I CUi. Mldscoital uuild liblies to hold all .lav sowlnu etin al SI Ceorire's Knlscinial narlsli ball; on Knst Cuss street. .Members and friends to how for mwli t ro.. ' t . , ( , , Friday, July 26 .""moon ol August 1 with Airs. , FloreiU'o N-lghlingale tent, , No. .'hneld,-r aellng as bus ' IS, Hauitl.U'rs ol Veterans of "'"H- 'ill.- Civil War, lslil lS.15;'s.'l their .lamllies . uil.l. nvllell miests'i MARRIAfiE DATE OF ' askH.I 1 1 rt I drill " (i : 3.1 )0llm k picnic I ELMER DENT AND : Slipper III Mnplo gruvij. . , . Saturday, July 27' Itosehurg Women's club service I t,.... ........ ,,ii ...... ...,u,.,.u i, bouse opposite limit's Indian Ihu-1 .,ri, - tre. Sunday, July. 28 . (lill.leu Valley Woyi en's club in vites entire commlinlty lo' tttleud annual picnic noon luncheon III Iltitlou's grove. Coffee to be fur nished hy rluh. Those allendiug ie ttuesled to brlu gllleir picnic luuches. BETTIE RAE YOUNG AND ABNER RICE, JR., MARRY HERE ON JULY 13th Alls. Heltle Kae Young, ullruc tlie daughter of Air. und .Mrs. Cienu Young, ol Itlverslde. Calif., anrl Ab ner ltlce. Jr., son or Mr. uml Airs. Aimer ltlce. of DllUird. Were quiet ly married at an Impressive cere monv al eluht-lhli-lv o'clock Kitl- ur.lny evening. July Willi, al .the ! . uin nignt ni the iii uiory. a. home or Airs. Willie (l.ioil.nau m i liti h lime plans were null! I Ml. Winchester slreel in Itosehurg. ' ""' " o'clock pntluck picnic Judge It. W. Marslers perl.;.' jsupper lo be held by Ihe inemliers. Hie oereliiony lu Ihe presence ol' ""'h' 'anillles und luviled guests Ihe bridegrooms' parous. Air. ..nil MBple grove next Friday night. Airs. Abner lllce. his uiinl, Mrs. ! Kiidle Sheridan. Air. and Mrs. Kuril lolh.wmi: Ihe business meeilug .llllvanl. Isaac Cllne und Mrs. I. II , lie Coo.lmuf:. lleuutlful bou.iilels of gladioli In:"1.' l""'',," the g.oui .pastel colors und Ihe sollly llghled rooms were altracllely arranged . lor the wediliug selling. The bride was lovelv lu a peiirl-jL' ' COOPER AND while shark skin ensemble and a 1 JE AN HARRIS MARRY ciirstige ol gardenias ami hoiivurilla HERE 0N THURSDAY al her tin oat. For raveling thei i v ... , , . ... ' bride chose a .al ol blue with j Jv.Vh , r s! i le l' ,V 'm inatchliig accessories. v , 1 , , V The bride Is the danglder of Mr I ; ," , Vh Mi,, ,' ', ' 'U" and Mrs, (lien Vouug. loimoilv of bv Ihe liel ielv ll T 'M""lf" ''. -? ,1!:'-"!"' ?'" ' t, 'Him''bioih,:;: ' T, . . glass high school In I'.llo and Is h popular uiemner n. ine ouuger: .Mr. and Mrs set. The briil. 'gn null Is Ihe second 'Ihelr 'home' in son oi .mi. ami mis. Aimer llice. ot Illllard. He w as gi .iduulcil I rem Itosehu.g blgli school und Is now; a A m employ.'d at Ihe Stephens street GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S Saleway store. ICLUB ANNUAL PICNIC TO Following i. honeymoon In lie I BE HELD ON JULY 28 spent al coast points and In lliei mo Ihwest. tllev will telui 11 lo make Ihelr home In Oialla. REBEKAH LODGE TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY anno... iced lor Suiuli.y. July ;'S. to liosehllig Kchckuh lodge N'o 1 1 ' ,"' ''''i11 ''I ll,,n" llutlon's grove. will in n.M Tnes.h.v iiIl-IiI al!Tll"S1' allendiug Ueil to (, o'clock ... Ihe I (I. ... F ball. Tlielhr'ug Ihelr hasUcI lunches Colfee ref.eshulen. untlltee ;n I lie eve 1 " " be luilllvlled by Ihe club. III..:: III. I.lll, 'S Mavnie' 1 1 IK I T , . -1 1, i ' Hull. Nmer. llllie ! w C. T. U. TO PICNIC Si nil. Fn.nialou lllshmun. VI. gluii. NEXT WEDNESDAY Cyrus und ... I.. Johnson j Tbe ceiling's enter. iiitimoiit will ""' " ,,' 11 hu aniiounceil In lu chiirco ol Lillian Nelsnll i:! '''' y,'''y dellgb.l.ll noon potluck pie sle lie,.,, and .Merle H.'urv Ml""1' '"'"'hem. lo he held next Wed meinbeis mc lequesleil lo ,c p, es-1 '"'"'lay in "Hollen Acres" home ot HI MISSIONARY AND AIO SOCIETY TO MEET I The Missionary and Indies Aid ALTAR SOCIETY TO society .ol the . Ilide llapllsl chnn 1. 1 MEET NEXT WEONESDAY will lucid at ltlce park nel Wed-1 SI. Joseph's ,uar soc.ely has nesilai ..I.e. noon will. M.. 1. Al jauuounceil an l.npuiiaul lllce. Mis Charles Vlcek .....I Mrsjlo. Inn o'clock next Weduesduy Paul Caswell at ling as lliiv.""te- I .'llel noei' lo he held a. the inn ish All members ore to lie in ent. By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER I GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HEARS INTERESTING TALK AT MEETING Tint members of the Garden Valley Women's club were very 1 IHH lit ly eill hi tallied at the chili ' 1")Uat , '-'hmsday afternoon with BB "sr",H- Jnaime and Donald War., nnler- j mined I In giup liy singing songs tmi " 'KJ;' reading was given r"m,m ,rt " A most Interestlm; and Infoinri )e UUK CIV M ISS laiC AlUleiHOII. ' Ul W-- "'"." vis m IlH' V11"1' 1 1,'I"('- J,r7, n riijuvii. mini rtlllMMNlill HIM 111 II eery u--iJgliiltil mid inlot inal w ay the IncidenlK nf her Join m-y to Sweden 1,'ihI year. She recounted her trip through the i'auaiua can al and acroHH the Atlantic to I -on dim. Knitland : Oslo, Norway, and liothenheig and Stockholm. Swed en, giving accountH of family lite and customs in the rural and city disl rifts of those count rtn. Allss Anderson's talk wax very gnnily enjoyed and appreciated by the members and guests present. I'luiis weii made mr the an until club picnic, which will be j held Sunday. July I', it Mut lt)tr Ki-ove and an invitation has been 'extended to nil residents of I he (iarden valley community to join wini the i-liiD and bilutt Ihelr banket lunches tu the a,rovc tor that occuMlon. Coffee will he serv ed by I lie dub. Al the lea hour Mrs. Calhoun. iiHHlnted by Mih. Albert llrown and .MIks I'atrictii DoiiKlaa, serv ed lovely lelreMlnnentH to: Miss Kate Anderson, of Los Angeles, Mrs. Nora K. Ware. Mis. Imrley Ware and daughter. Joanne, -mil son, hnuuld. .Mrs. Ituby Tucker, .Miss Jean Hltdiie. Mrs. ieoi- Niday, Mrs. t;. ('. Bailey. Mrs. I- I., nnr.hfnnl. Mrs. John Daniels, Mrs. Harvey Kwens.. Mrs. H, C (irabain. Mrs. S. Muiton, Mrs. Wutih KJtchle. Jr.. Mrs. A. N. Schneider, Mrs. Clem Schneider. Mrs. John Sinclair. Mrs. l-eter Sin clair. Mis. C. L. Spray. .Mrs. Wil liam Vauithn, Mrs. T. M. Wlnnl fonl and daimbter. Kmma Leah, and Mrs. I 'red Wood. The dub was happy to an nounce at the ineelliiK Mini Mrs. .1. V. Lonir has been welcomed into : I he oruaulfillon us a new nieiu- l'r. J T'K' r.-tular . lull meelliiK " "" ' i iuininuse ine CAROUYN HARRIS SET ' JiMlliiiions have been r. (veil here bV relatives and riieuds hi at- "i'il cereinony today. ,'."l -t. of Allss Carolyn. Harris. Uaughlcr or Air. uml Mrs. I.loyd A. Harris, of I Villi, 'Km, II. C and William Klmcrl Dent. -oldest son ol Air. ami Airs. J. II. Ilenl. id Itose b.irg. al twolhirty o'clock at tbe Augellcuu c.burub at I'eullcton. Following ihe wedding ceremony I , ni,,,,,. ,n-. ait a ..irs. .lent ! will go lo Tillamook to nialie Ihelr home. Air. licit, who wus grailii. aled lu the IIMii class from Oregon Slate college, Is employed III Tilla mook. D. OF U. V. T3 HOLD PICNIC FRIDAY Florence Nightingale Tent No. IT.. Haugblers ol I'ulou Veterans of Ihe Civil War INIil, me. " l"lz. ".niesl on the Hug was ducted liv Virginia Cyrus The will be held Alluusl ihe eve. ling al Ihe ai.u.i.v. islsler-lu law or th, J teudanls. bride, we al- Cooper will make Suiherlln. where uli,, lo.mec I I lloinin:, mii, employed In Ihe lh '":'e community of (laid jeu valley has been imiicd lo join (Willi Ihe i:. ll, I, ll Vallev omen s ;'",llh l,,r l luh's annual picnic I.Mr, nnu Mrs. it ) Wilson al ll'iupiiua. All members and Uieir :il.l.ed liien.H have been asked ll." enjoy the oc-uslo.l j ;l.ll on North Kane siiect. MlN'. loeiu'ie.s ale urged lo be M ese.ll. ' PARGETER-WHARTON BRIDGE I BREAKFAST IS CHARMING 'AFFAIR OF TUESDAY One of tlw. loveliest parties of) the week was the ten o'clock fried chicken bridKe breakfust Kiven by 'Mrs. H. Mrs. II. (. l'arKeter and Mrs. t ,t,tra u!i...i,. i-n,.uif,i. ..... i.iir , ., , ... , , . .. , " "Vlahe lea ""' h .., I.Iuhkoh.h wore UHtMl uhoul 111.. IOU1HX. '111.' blO.lkf.iBt W,!H labl l.huc.1 on l l.o mdou to.-.' i-iicch of Ibc biimo. wliich coin- im.iimIh one of (be fluent views m ' u....i I ,, ,.' . , ,, ,, . Mi-. I'liiKolor iiikI Mm. Wharton were amUntml by Mm.) V,' ,7 i i V.,V """"J . josBe anil lier houae guest, Mrs Al,r. VlrKlnla (il ...our. I lleorge Cro.kett, of Taooina i;nels Invlteil to enjoy the (!. Wash Mm t'lult- K All,.,, , il. .1,-h.l,,, affair with Mr.. Parget or ( house' gueal, AIIhs Loulae A iider ' urlon lnel..d.Ml Mr. ,, ,,,.,,, All-.. H. C. XVud (,. ft. Child., of Han ''raneweo; i ... ,, ,.' , .., , ' Alls. Marlon Talt. of llryn Mawr '"'.-lie Vh. nun J T J' J '"' a. Phna.lolphla. Pa, M.. I.apbne irwim L t 'hrV' Huchos, Now ark. New Jersey; Aliss wortl . m. w r,. ; , " L'," John Young. Mm. I). II. Iluhar. All.. . . ' ' Allee l-elan.l. Mis. Marcaret llai ' '.Mrs. II. C. Chureb. Airs. John H.I Itohinson. Miss, (iertr.l.lo llasl. Mrs. llr.Mi.lwny. Mr., lialpb (J.llno.l Mrs. (i. V. Wl.nhorly, Mrs. (Ill O.-i borne. Airs. Arlllllr Clarke. Ml-1. William K. Hlumer. Miss Marie Alartens and Airs. Frederick J. I'orler. Following the enjoyable break fast hour, contract bridge was lu play with Mrs. W. F. Chapman winning the high score prize. MRS. JOHN M. RAISH HONORED AT PARTY AT ADRIAN FISHER HOME Airs. John Al. Kul.h. who Is leaving soon for u visit In Hie lllld-i dlewest. was eoluplluienteil at u charming one thiliy o'clock lies-; serl-lunelieon given Wednesdav by Mrs. Adrian Fisher at her home I " M-. I0u::enp I'rineen. Jr.. in North Hoseburg. Mrs. W. M.l'"" 1111,1 Imsless ut u dance Aloore. Airs. A. I. Itelch and Airs. Klv,'n '" honor of tbelr first wc.l-Flsli,,,- li'i.r. .,..,1. .. i, .... i ! ding iinnlversarv. an, I l 1,.,,,..',. n,- liose h bridge foursome club, pre-' seined a lovely farewell L'lll to Airs Jluisb. Clu.llnll fornieil , .leeorallve uiollf lor tbe oreasion. j i ' wen, pincou mr ,.rs. k.iisii guest of honor. Airs. W. Al. Moore Mrs. A. I. Kalsh. Mrs. Al. H. Mllll-l oy. .Mrs. Louis Fullerton. Mrs. Ar- Ihur II. Moumrord. Mrs. K. A.! I'osl and the bosless. Mrs. Fisher.1 ( onlracl bridge was enjoyed dur- i Ing Ihe allernoou with Mrs. Munuv winning the high score prizo." MRS. ADRIAN FISHER ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB MONDAY EVENING Mi's. Ailrinn Fisher verv gracious, ly eulerlahied her bridge club al a .h'llehllul elghl o'clock dessert- slipper at her home Monday c-r.-il-! Ing. Ilcaulllul summer rlowe.-s cur-1 l ied out an attractively .leeorallve,. I ( overs were irfaco.l for Airs. K. ('. I'alterson, a guesl, and .Mrs. W. : I.. Winiberly. Airs. .1. II. Ileiinessv.l Mrs. Louis Fiillerloii. Airs. Civile Fulleilon. Mis. Leslie C. Cuminlngs.l .Mrs. Clyde Carslelis and Urn hos-' less. Airs. Fish,,,. i contract bridge was enjoyed luring i no evening wilh score prizes going to Mrs. Fisher. Airs. I'allorsoii and Mrs. Carstens. CHARMING LUNCHEON ENJOYED AT KNAPP HOME ON TUESDAY An uii.'iiciivc lace filet clolh and a howl of blue ami yellow summer ...ossorns carried oul a prelly mo-l ' ' ' iMiapi day alle.-noon, when she outcrtulu-j .iienus in u cuarniiug one, ...lock luncheon lit her home on .-aue s.reet. ..e.,g....,i, seven-iniriv o clock overs were placed lor Mrs. I,. ! desse. i s.i,per at their nllraclive L Wlluberly. Airs. (I. V. Wllulierlv ' home In Ihe Howell apartments: Airs. K (1. itlckll Airs W .' I l'"l Iday evening Colorful bouquets' Campbell. Ali-M. Fre.leriel. .1 purler' "' s''l"lKus and gladioli were., uml Ihe hostess, Mrs Knanp .used lo carry out a pretlv tlecora-j Visiting and sewing were 'enjoy-1 "v" """" ""' thc '"-casiiin ed during (he pleasant afleraoo.i ,T-MT, ''".' '""'I hours PENNEY COMPANY EMPLOYEES ENJOY PICNIC FRIDAY- The employees nf il. local J. C. Penney comi'iiuv stor iluve.t a I delightful picnic supper at Clce. land rapids Friday evening. Ilial ing. swimming and visiting v er. enjoyed .luring tbe social lucre liy j.lleuu Owen, manager of 'he, ,.r lino Airs, licit Court,,.'.-. Mi. and .Mrs. Howard Cmorol',. .Mrs Leo.. VeurnniHl. Mrs Clonics Solo mon. Hob lllssel. Hill Stevens. K,.n. nelh Hii.lleld. Ilettv Slict-k. Mavilin Shaw. Alalcolm Mollis mid Alii Claribcl lloilck. THIMBLE CLUB TO MEET AT CRENSHAW HOME ON MONOAY Mrs. (Jeo, go Crenshaw will en lertaln .he Neighbors or Woodcraft Thimble dub next Motulav uller. noon a lller home on West l.ouulas s.reel, Ihe lueetlug was pre.tous. I.v announced It would he held hi Ihe linote ol Mrs Allie Colloril. lull due to Ihe latle.'s Illness, the meet ing place was changed. 'GLENGARY SEWING rLtm ENTERTAINED WEDNESDAY I AT HOOTEN HOME Airs. .1. A. Hooten ami Airs 11 j K. Heeling were Join, hostessc a. la cha. mills .lesse.iiuncheoi. meet I let ol the Oleligary Sewing . lub .'. IMcb ...el ut the louner's home ltduediiv ullerimoii Seivhi,. ,.il - lnug wee e.ilov.'d jhnlnr in v.clal houi MRS. CARL E. WIMBERLY ENTERTAINS AT CHARMING TEA FOR VISITORS TUESDAY Al iB. Carl K. Wiiiiberly entertain ed at a vory e ha lining ton from throe to five o'clock Tuesday after noon at her lovely bo me on KhhI 1 -ji lie street in compliment to Mm. Thomas Fry, of (i rants Pass, and Mrs. Frank Milium, of .Salem. ilea ut lt'u I bouquets of summer f low era were used about the rooms, while the tea Lable, covered by a lace cloth, was centered with a Mat white bowl holding graceful sprays or fUBchia, dark maroon scabiosa and miniature white figurim-fi Mrs. Albert Micelll served punch and MiH. A. K. Kent no u red col lee .Mrs. J. Harold Mahout and Miss hi ea note Micelll ust-iisted Airs. , Wlinberly in nerving. A ni..i ...,. ,i. . A bp(;c1jm feature of the tea was the very beaut lul violin aolos nlay- C" by " '''"' H " ' !' " ' 7 '"" '-""I""; J" " -Mih. J. Hiirohl r,,;,,ol; .V,"""1" !to'"' ' nfteinoon with Mih. W lllliiei lv lionoi lni! 11m. l-ilbnrn .Mm. fry hii.1 .IiiukIi ter Mar;ia, liicf ikIcmI :. Mrs. J F iiarker. Alia. Drou.iwny. Air.. L. W. V. Wiiukcrly. .AI.h. Alhert Mleelli A: K-nt, Airs. II. v.. Chureh, i. II. C. Chureh. ,,'V.,. "'!'. ""mc . ru . .. ' L,-V e -'-. ?. Orunt (Jshorn. Mrs. Stewart . '. .;, ,' -'"no. sirs. '""V Ul' .J'Y JUr8- A' Wl"a' '- ' c; "'' Mrs. Harry, mm. n. i v Hippie, rtlrs. V'. K., Airs. J. Harold Nichols ami Airs. Kredoriok J. d'or ter. .Mrs. Lllhurn has lioen apendlnlt the last week, here visiting m the home of her parents lii hiu', Mr. a:i.l Airs. A. J. I.llburn, In l.aurelwood, anil Air. anil Airs. I'Yy anil daugh ter, Alurila. ure vaealloniiiK at "lllenan.lon," summer homo or the S. V. Wlmlierly s on tbe North I inpijuii near (Hide. MR. AND MUP. DB.Mro, CELEBRATE FIRST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AT DANCE Ullnahffh lOu'gholm on We'd- flel"l,lv i'enlng. Airs. Kngliolni is 'here visiting her parents. Air. and ,.,i,.'""s- '" r flrockwuv, ini, allra.'live H si,.... Airs, (lallanlz. whose birthday '., , . "" UIIU ""' " Riven ll L i. . 1 ' H""I,11 "' ' i'"1""- f , , . h.,, , , f , s furnished by .. V." ' "" uccui-illon. and, ....,.. . '....t il... . -,- , pari or lh,,. lance. I.v ii i-i i !'-V.!'a , ' ,"'Htc'1.Boir 'I'hursday morning h M ls Kl zabelh Waul, was given ,, c, ,.,lb ,.,.,,. wl,h A,s .i, lo ill , l.ullanlz. K M,.is ,vi , . rj , , , , Fo - Ose m' ,Tv '!i K""'v-M'- Kri.nk Cel.. the second flight. Mm til l.iil' xii'' 'L ,-v"--.l Mrs. W. J. Olmscheid, third .il.titin I'aul. hadie lUixton. fiKht Mrs. Alelina I'enon. Airs. It. liar-: ? ' , i i ,. J.uni heon was served at noon to Air. and Alls I Harold VidmlVl .Mr. I. II. Mchols Mr A I . I'aul' Aljss Al Wutzi" Miss Cescelia Wat' nig, Miss Wllilail' I'o'lijola Mr ao l .Mrs. Cb.rence Charlier. Aliss'llelle t'.nik. ;Mlss I'altv Nichols Air I!av-' monil Nichols. Mrs Kllzu'heth' Fnii-1 holm. Air. Illcharil M..h.,l u- ,, I Mantis. Mr. .' I'nul m 'r'"....'.-i..J llllMon. Air. Alfred Perron, )r. I 'avid Porroii. Itav Wle.kstrom : Miss Ileum ll.,,.,,.. .',... I.- . I ''rlv MeJ'.'jIs, Mr. uml Mrs. Ku, I i inum. sr.. .M and Mrs V tial-l lailtz. Mr. A. Mender. Mr. Ilariv' iieury. sir. und Mrs. llarnev Walsh.l1"1-' ...uiage ..roye mums in ...o .Miss KliZHheth I'aul. Airs. Al. I'aul.!1"""' future ami an Invilallon wiis I Alls, llernardine 'ilncen. Mr. Itlcli- aid I'llnc Uever I Father Leo Sheehiin. Air. ami .Mrs. Kugene H,,bing ilulihouse. I'rtncon. Jr MR. AND MRS. LOCKWOOD FMTFRTAIN BRIDGE CLUB -IU r HI DA Y EVENING . . . .u.i .v rs. i-1 en lock wood en-. le.lalneil Ihelr bridge club at a .'i,.-. i'. . i.eun. en. gliosis, aim... . , . , , Mr niwl Mi- I.' i,-i..i ... I ol Ihls cll. was honored and .Mrs. U. H. Coen. Mrs. W. T Peters and the host and hostess. Mr. and All's, l.ockwood. Contract biidge was enjoyed dur ing (he pleasant evening hours, with score prizes going l.o Airs.' llelllivell. lurs. Air. Coen und Airs. Pc- GRAY LADIES ENJOY SEWING FOR RED CROSS The members id the flrav Ladii organization euj;iyed un all-day meeting from len lo four o'clock lay Willi polluck ' luncheon al Ihe Kpiscppal hall, at which lime the ladles sewed 0.1 ... tbies lor Ihe lied Cross. Mrs. I.. A . .l.-se is ...ilng as chairman of Ihe sowing project lor Ihe group, i.asi week the group mel at the nail to sew tor Ihe Ited (ioss until ,11 noon we.e the gnosis of Airs. I IV. ry Smith, who en.erlaiiieil the loli 's oi ihe Kpiscopiil church at ' vei'! .in Ing one o'clock lunch' '".I The Cray holies will meet iigaln lor Ibc lied Cross Irom len to tour o'clock. All inemliers ure urged to be present lo assist with the work. REUNION OF BARKER FAMILY TO BE HELD AT IDLEYLD SUNDAY The annual reunion n( Ihe do. sci'inlau. ol X.. hatiali llaiker will and Airs. Al. II. Aluncy, members, be held Sunday at a one o'clock j and Mis. Fredetick J. Purler, a basket dinner al bllevld pa. k. ' Riie-t. Aleinlieis i, .lie r.milv uml nil. Conlract bridge was enjoyed dur friend', are cordially in. lied In Bt- Ing the atternoeli with Airs. V im- leun. DAYTIME MAKEUP FADES WHEN THAT EVENING SUN GOES DOWN It's "Sicklied O'er With the Pale Cast" Given by Artificial Lighting at Night IS7 wAj , i 'JJ W 'Jf ' J pif P Vv -' 3imi" 1141 She doesn't need soft, artificial light to add to her allure. Flaw less skin, expertly made up; a charming hat in a new shade of pink to match lips and nails; a Rood-looking day-length dinner dress her appearance will stand close scrutiny in summer's day lighted evenings before the lights arc turned on. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES ENJOY GOLFING, BRIDGE AND LUNCHEON. THURSDAY '1-1,. II, . nr .. T,... c -j,,... ,.,,, ,;, .,, . M' " "i'I.Iki'b and daughter, '"'"' Mr. J. F. Illllard and daugh ''',K' ',,a,'",,e and Jeanne, anil J"'H- "I"111''1'" niece. .Miss Sally Salem. Mrs. K. A. 1 r,"'s""' 'Ml Helen ( asev. Mrs. K,,'"''"' -lhi. Mrs. II. 'C. Slearns Mrs. Loyal Slearns. Airs. W. K. (H, -Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney, Miss ' ?"" I'.ollnian .Mrs. ,s' '"ll".1'- f";s' 'leene. Airs. Call ! Frank Coen. Airs. (lene. I. illlherly. Mrs. II. T. Hansen, Mrs. W. .1. '" " '," '" " J' . " ''"""' I'l.Hls w.'re mud mr entertain, tiloie ladles in Iho lounge t.nive lor llie goll ladies lo spend a day ut Ihe l!;Jse- Conlract bridge was en.foycl dur ing the allernoou with Mrs. Ilridg es winning Ihe high score und Airs. I.HI tile second high score. Tile ladies will luce, at S::iu next Thursday morning at the ciul ,.ou,S(. golliim lo be followed ,v 2::li. polluck luncheon and (Utract bridge tournament play llt i an o'clock ' PORTLAND VISITOR COMPLIMENTED AT PARTY ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. It. K. Crawford, of Portland 1 1. the Prayer Circle niembeis ut u d.iighttul parly Wednesdav afternoon al the al- tractive home of Airs. II. L. Hud son. Sewing and visiting were enjoyed bv .Mrt. Clawiord. guest of hofi'ir. Airs. It. L. Hudson. Mrs. 11. II. L'lirtl. M.S. Anna Carson. All's. Kali Aeoe. Alls. Nora Ware. Airs. II. II. Ilajin. Mrs. I. II. Huff. Alls. Fred A. Knighl. .Mrs. .May Hockley and Mrs. William Fisher. A beautiful lace clolh covered the soning Inble. which was Ic ed ly an allracllv bouquet ol mixed summer flower N'lhostes refreshnu'iits were enjoyed at tin t.e:l hour. MRS. M0T8CHENBACHER TS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Airs. .1. 1' Alotschenbscher was a ,s, gracious husless Wednesday j ,,,,.. wneii she enlertalue.i ,.,,. 1 t verv lovelv olie- hl t v m.,ni, , ber 'home on South Alain street, lleaulilul I bouquets of mixed summer blos soms were used to grace t lie tallies at in 1 ilecorille the rooms. Those enjoying - Ihe occasion .with Alls. Mntsc ticuhai-hcr Included Mis. L. I- Wlnibe.iy. Airs. Phil llu.ih. Airs. S. C 111. hmond. Airs. Adrian FlsheV. Mrs. Ijing. I'e.iy ami Airs. Molscheliliacher winning the Hi st and second high v" ;m,3. iiui'iu ami .Ill's. Aluncy tbe traveling prizes. LIONS CLUB DINNER IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF WECNESDAY EVENING .Members of the Hns.ehurg Lion's cliin. their ladies, and guests on j.'K'd a seven o'clock dinner at the rmpqila hotel Wednesday evening, July 17th. The meeting was .opened will, the singing of "America." Colonel Jack Alajor. a real Ken luckv. colonel, and honorary mayor of I'.-idilcah. Kentucky, who is a good-will emisary lor the I'nion (HI Co.. delighted the galherlng with songs, stories and Ktuuts. On a stunt testing the colonel's apll ik.i ....... ..... i... ..... r .., W, nly-live coins eauh. a III ml ol' j;, '.-, rr n,,. cross was col- 1,, ,.,.! 'I-..,,, .,... selecllons. i,i,." ,,,! "Ten in,- M'w,," reudeied hy Miss llelle Owen, were also ureal ly enjoye 'hl, c -oloiie-l Major was Intro- ,1,,,.,.,! ,v ,, I'msidoilt Merle II. i,n.v. Those ..resent ut the ,,Mn(.,. i ti - 1 1 il t-. .Mr. and Alls. Carl . Nlckens. Mr. and Mrs. (lien Owen, .Miss I!. 'He Owen. Air. und Mrs. J. A. Hart. Air. .....I Airs. K. K. al l Ion. Air. .....I Airs. J. P. Motschen-1 In.,!.".'. Ilr. .1. K. Campbell. Mr and Airs. P. M. Lee. Col. .Major Air. Mrs. Al. II. Aluncy. Air. and .Mrs. II. W. Helllwell. Thomas C. Ila.iliel, Air. and Mrs. For.l Singleton. Air. ur.d .Mrs. S. C. Itich nionil. -Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Franks. MT. and Airs. Ivan Pickens. .Mr. and Aim. A. .1. Klllson. .Mr. and Mrs. John Itt.ish. .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Ford. Mr. und Mrs. Marshall Peugru. Air. and All Phil Haiti.. .Mr. and Airs. Frank Long. .Mr. and .Mrs. II. V. Sullivan. Mr. ami Mrs. t). .1. Feltlkamp. .Miss Wilina FehlUau.P. Air. ami Mrs. Homer Slrickling. Airs. Nance I.. Fitzsiinnvms and Tommy Alklns. The u.ieling closed wilh the singing of the Oregon slate song. " B.P.W.C. PICNIC AT PARKINSON'S CAMP IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR A delightful picnic supper was enjoyed by members of Ihe Itilsl ncss ami Professional Women's club und guesls Wednesday coning at the summer camp of I Air. and Mrs. Thomas Parkinson south ol Itosehurg. Covers were placed lor Airs. Flor ence of Alueomb, 111.. Miss Alary Sala and Allss Nolle MeHonahl. or tlreemille. III.. .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parkinson and daughter. Mis. .Marv Joan. Mrs. C. W. SI'.niger. Mrs. William Hell.. Mr. and Airs. 1!. L. Carpenter. Mrs. Klizahelh Carietl. Mrs. Kdylh till ni'iur. .Mrs. K. .1. Itrnwn. Mrs. Kakln. Miss Lucille Lenox. Aliss llu Ih.ii bach. Aliss I'orolhv Norton, Miss Ij.vola Mc.Mlllcn. Miss Martha Per ... Miss Margaret Johnson and C. K. Mansfield. Music und visiting around Ihe huge bonfire were enjoyed during the pleasant evening hours, PYTHIAN SISTERS TO MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY TAe Pythian Sisters will llieel next Wednesday night Ht S o'clock lu' K of P. hall for an tmimr- tan. business Hess.on. All uirm . bets are iTque:cd lo he present. I Jly ALICIA HAIiT , NKA Service Staff Writer We dine hy daylight or. at best, twilight, these summer days. No Kill can depend on the beams from softly glowing candles or subtly shaded lamps to make her skin ami hair look prettier than they really are. All of which presents something of a makeup problem. Obviously, you eun't drift out In broad day light In us much mascara, rouge and lipstick as you wore for tor inal parties when the days were short and the nighta long. Hut neither can you expect the light Hlreet makeup which Is charming ut five to keep you from looking washed out after nine when the lights ure tin net! on. CARRY A MAKEUP KIT FOR EVENINGS So unless you want the young man of the moment to think you '. nre a fragile little flower who gels f paler and paler as the evening goes on. better carry a small make up kit In your evening bag. Apply street makeup carefully using a foundation film that will 1 give your skin a slightly dewy ! If ink it hiimI'uo Hinrtinit nf rnliin j perfectly blended, usual daytime amounts of powder and lipsthk Into your bag, in addition to Dp " stick and powder, carry rouge which matches exactly the shade you have on your cheeks and some ' mascara. f -ft When the lights arc turned on. - ' dlsappear tor a few moments to put mascara on your lushes and a t little extra color on your cheeks and Hps. 1 To make life simpler, get one of " ,: the new pm-Ho-sizo makeup kits take out u couple of superfluous ! gadgets and substitute rouge or ; whatever else you know you'll need. Itesolve not to try to make your : i.iul then .luring tliu winier you a ayliKl.t dinner date, may ha tMo" ,"'' ii Zftf d" u.'u? fae, that your hair wnsn't in top . Jj, 'softw"", ed notch eondlilon. Uui the late alter. " or bU .? infor- noon sun which streams acftiss Ll Uancinc. the sidewalk culo or the World s . . fair restaurant will highlight uvery , " " " ' couture delect. don't forget your hands . . . If you haven't already done so. .tart a sees of salon or Inline re- tummiuiiuig iieatiuenis lor scalp anil hair. Then have a good per- inuneut wntcli Is reasonable assur- mice that a swim won t remove every trace of v. lives and curls mid. KEYSTONE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED AT FORD HOME ON FRIDAY ' i. .Mrs. Kenneth For.l and All's. K. C. Jones entertained the Moihodlst Keystone club members at. u very lovely one-thirty o'clock ilessert luucheou at the former's home Fri day alteriioon. Mixed bouquets of 'colorful suinmor flowers were at- trueliveiy arranged about the rooms. Lovely corsages were pre sented to Airs. Al. T. Wire, a now member of Ihe club, mid to Airs. Karl Wiley, who is leaving the lat ter part of Ihe month on u trip to the east coast. Farewell good wishes were also given lo Airs. John Al. Kalsh, who will cniov u I trip soon to the inl.ldlcwest. Covers were placed for Airs. John M. Kalsh. Airs. Karl Wiley. .Mrs. ltoscoe .Marslers, Mrs. K. A. Ilritlon, .Mrs. t;. Iiurr, Mrs. Klward Smith, Mrs. L.lllerly, Airs. N. M. Nelson. Airs. Clarence Kami, Airs. Law rence Kami, Airs. K. Ilorgen, Airs. William Ciiralb, .Mrs. Van Cordon, Mrs. Hugh Harrison, .Mrs. j. , lloucock. Airs. Vernon Keel. Mrs. Al. T. Wire. Airs. Charles A. Kd wards. Airs. I,. Al. Lilly. Airs. Son Jensen. Airs. It. L. Irving, Airs. C M. Ilutner uml the hostesses. Airs For.l ami .Mrs. Jones, Airs. Ford, president, conducted the business meeting und appoint- eo .ins .... ii. ituiicock us chairman of n committee to outline n year- (i.iok and hostesses for the club year. The next meeting was plau- ueo .or August MU to ho llel, I nt the K. A. liiitton Inline in West ltoseburg. Cumes were enjoyed ilurh.i.- II... isociul hour wilh Mrs. Clarence winning the prize,. ART AND EMBROIDERY CI UB ENJOYS MEETING AT NEAL HOME WEDNESDAY The Itosehurg Arl Kmbinlil ory club was plcusuntly entertained by Mrs. Alfred Neul al her Inline on Fleer slreel Wednesday afternoun. Sewing ami visiilug were en ioyetl and ut the lea hour Alls. Neul served refreshments to Mrs. (iludys llurke. Airs. .Minnie Cox. Airs. Kllen Cornell. MrH. Cluck Mrs. lA.glo HeWil;. .Vus '. 'I). Ilnwn. Mrs. Clarence Miller, Airs. .1. (I. Stephenson. Mrs. Palm. Mrs. K. Alls. Kflle Stubbiefiel.l. Mrs. H. F. Snyder ami -Mrs. II. Worlhlliglon. The next meeting will be held , Aiicnsl 7th at the home of Mrs. Ilailev al lllxouville. at! which time Pollyauna gilts will be exchanged. ATTORNEY AND MRS. RICE ENTERTAIN AT DELIGHTFUL DINNER SUNDAY EVENING Altorney and Airs. IVxter Kice entetiainc'l a large group of friends at a very .lelighllul six o'clock . linnet Sunday evening at their attractive summer ramp on J Ihr- North I'mistua near elide to celebrate the b.tler's birthday an niversary. Covers were placed for Mr. and Airs. Koy Hollows. Airs, Arlllllr W. Hailiu ami daughter. Alls. .Marga ret. Mi's. Kdgar Lewis. J. J. Kp- plnger. Airs. Ii. II. Statileton. Air - tati tut. is r...s.'or.u. .Mis. A. (.. Sutherland, lr. hii.1 Airs. C. , leaye your hair limp uml Htruggling ' for a poHt-swim date. ' f Q Whilo you're about It. resulve to keen your hands looking belter thnn Ihev did lust summer. Chang.! I l(ist summer. Clutngo often as necessary A cures. hand lo- Jiail polish as belweeu manic: Hon many times i a day and a culic-le M several nights, a O cream or lot Ion .wuek . , it Wade irr.' and Mi4. K. HI. ,KU,w,',t. :j ..Mrs, J, !'.. liuikDr,.AjrsK;iiWiijlwiiy, .Mr. and Airs. W. F. Chaiimau. Mr. I i and Airs. L. W. ..los'se ami IheirML house guest, .Mrs. Ceorge Crockett, tJ of Taconm. 'Mrs. II. Casey and tJ daughler, Allss lleken. .Miss Itosa II. I) I'arroll, li. L, l'aliolt. Air. ami M Airs, tlopige rtolter, of Portland, Alr' an'I'Mrx. A. A.s Wilder, Air. .uui y.a -Mrs. C. A. Lockwrfod, of Portland. Air. ami Airs. Fred l.nckwoo.1. Colo- l lie! and Airs. K. F. Tandy, Air. and Hi Mrs. ('.. ,W. Whaiion, Air. uml Mrs. .' .1. A. Maidins. Mrs. llarrv llil.1.- :A burn, Air. inuf Irs. .1)., W. llelll- :i well and the host and hostels, .Mr. and Airs. Dexler Klce. i ; " :S Lovely gifts jvero preaeatod to ?$ Airs. Kice In honor or 'tlit.'tjocji.slon -. and" following Ihe'T 'hour, an ;J impromptu cntertuinmuHt was pre- seuie.l oy ine guesls. . f ; , )?' MRS. JACK CHAPMAN: i ' COMPLIMENTED AT ' ' I CHARMING SHOWER 1 , ( . Airs. James Jml.l und Alrs.j iiiciiaru c rensnaw were joint lm teases al a charming desseii.suis t:i per and shower party In eoiuiill'?:! mi nt lo Airs. Jack Chapman ..I lie M .nr...e.''s ... I , Tliursduy evening. i he desserl-sui.per wus servcl by Ihe hustesses at n luce roverciij camlle-lightcl table centered wilh 3 a cradle ol pastel flowers und lit ; small Inhles. decorute.l In u ...g p.ace.l iibout the roonis. lleaulilul huuquels of pink a.i.l wui.e gun. ion were used about met rooms und hugi. punch bowl grac- 3 .Many lovely giris were presenO'.l s lo Airs. Chaiunun from Airs. l!alili iieiman. Allss Kvelyn Thoinason. .diss I arlllel New land. All s. Cordon Slewarl. Airs. Charles tlslraii'ler, t ells. Allllard IH.yle, Airs. Kollelti iieiiiwell. Airs. W. F. i airs. j. Al. .I.i.l.l, Airs. IT. F. Alt-: LailKlilln, Miss Verla McLauglihn. 1 Airs. Iloheii Kelly, Airs. Kilhl .....ilner. Airs. L. K. Fles. .Mis., I'rederlck Cliapman, Jr.. Airs. K. Al .earsoii. Airs. I. ,. Jiunn ami l.oslesscs. Airs. James K. Judd and , Mrs. Kicbaixi 1'n.ii.huu ' The remaining social hours of'J .h .,,, . . . . . !fl ' " ""'s i i . , eujovu.iiy si'fiiv . ill Ida. Ine ,,i.,lu i " lo .Mrs. K. A. Pearson uml 'onion Slewarl. Rlru . ol - .ll"1? -10BE RT HESS Es SECOND BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Kl.iiar.1 Il.-.heti (Il.ibl.vl 1 1 (Il.ibl.j -on ..( i.r. aud Mrs O.-'K? lli-ss. el Lai.relwooil. celebrated Ills sor.itvl bilihdav annl v, , ,, ,. , ., ,l, lichllui party In Ihe garden of 111' '-. ..Hiiej mmie Saturdav ai ternoon. i (lilts weic presenied l.o llohl" Iron.: Mrs. Marshall Pengra aid son. .Michael. Mrs. Scott William' and son. Peter. Airs. Frcleriik Chapman. Jr.. ami daughter, Kniu, geline. tru II....... n..n.. . - - H.'ger. Al.-s. J. K. Fles Blid sol. "J Hobby. Airs, lonanl Kilev n.ri J "iiuglitxi. l'alrlcla. Airs. il. A M.irtclllt and Mrs. (). K. Hess, lu"' k less. tiauies wo... enj-ne.l and laler-,J '..' uenuiiiuiiy decorated hlrtlels! cake, lighted by two can. lies. a" cut and n'l with rireshiiicut' n