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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1940)
ntW5-1TEVTEW, roSEBURg. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1940". THREB' Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER FAMILY REUNION IS HELD SUNDAY CAXYOXVIM.K. July . IS, Mr. find Mrs. Guy MrGee nnti iliiiiRh-t-r, J-mi, and Mrs.. Itnlli MetJee at tended a'dclihliiil fuuiily reunion hfld lit Albrtny Ktmduy, July 14, in (In i-ily purlt. Monitiora of tho Mcliiln ami Alphhi liiiiiilioR wit i eh are n-lu lives of .Mrs. MHJpe'R fa tlior, fiimiizfd tho reunion group n numlifi- of ycuiB ago and each year meet (he second Sunday hi July lo HpeiMl the day loifellier. A rouiilar business meeting was lieltl nfier which visiting ami group i Hinging was enjoyed. A bountiful liasket dinner was served at noon mid the remainder of the day spent In the continuation of a pleasant and informal good time. Later in the evening il r. and Mrs. I flny AlrCee. Mrs. ltuth MeGee and I Miss Jean motored to Gardiner! where i hey called at the hpme of. Mrs. McGee's mother, Mrs. .Mary Sau'ahitd. Jean will remain Ihere lor a hi ief visit. C. E. GROUP HOLDS SWIMMING PARTY GLKNDALK, July IS. The Chris tian Kndeavor society of the Oil- vet I'rPKkytortun c.hunfl MHil 11 ru'ini'iilhg iiiirly nt th Kir 1'i.lni Qiilnn, Mr. ul'd Mrs. f'lmrli'S (Is iviol on Tiinsilny pvuninv. Afler . tramler uml dunchtfir. Sliarnn, l.t. Thfir Kwiin. tho pi-onp eninytjfl R and Mrs. Wullucip Aninson. Mr. wic.-Ktr rniiKt nnil Willi rnu-'on fi ('!.'nni Mrs. fii'o. Short, Alberta Short. Mi.-is Iiorwn Huici mill Mrs. Wm.'Mr und Mrs. Itiiviuitml Hrown. ViiumIi worn chuiicroiis for tlm; i(k. lli-vurly nnil Arlyii Brown. evening. Thosi iiri'Sfnt wi.rt' MIks t.quIkp ltt:H.''ll. Mr. nnil Mrs. Hiir- Ni vii I itvpii of. berdeen, ; tr. nnil Mrs. C'llf'ml Mi Kay, Miss .1 :: niKfl ! D-hIko or 'iin-ln, Mi Kny, Mary Kllin unil Dnlwlii onvilli. Miss Mitxini: Mi'Mnrri'n or i, iay, (jiiarl Ml.. IliM'lha Nixon, I.Mlyl' ' Wliulcy. Wilnin Martin. Allfit l-'jENKINS FAMILY niiiliowiR, liorne Klitvwiwiii. Mil- pCNIC IS ENJOYED ill-fil Carilnor, Mi'ttv I'hillilis, Clorial Wiinsrh. Audrey Mi Nrel. Jim Thn Jenkins fnmily picnic held ill lianlner. Hob Norniovle. I.i.p Mc- OlHlIn Weilnesilay was ft very en- Neel. Crest MiNee'l. Illll .! a. Jnyable nllulr or I ho wrok anil was Dean (iarrelt. Author Ypuil'-', Hon attended by Henry Jenkins, or Ya Today's Pattern GIRDLE-APRON HAS BACK NEWS PATTKHX 4193 i Memo to a smart housewffp: "In- elude a good supply of spic-'n'-span aprons in your summer wardrobe plans!" And cut them rrfim Pattern 4l!)3 by Anne Adams: This simple style makes such a gay "cover-up"! i There are two neckline versions: one a Vw V-shupe; the other a "P ' s'l'iiitcd l( slyii;. a pointer!. bias-rut waisi-yinlle ives you that fonart whittled look; the skirt Is nirely lull. Take special note of Ihe hack, with the straps held se rtirel) in place by a buttoned hal ter. I'si i utiles or ric-rac duing. It you like, mid add attractive uoc kei. You might want the girdle, sah and ptxkets all in a bright Minirat. Thin style is done in a jii y "'in ine ins.rucu.r J,,'l ' small "'-':U). medium CUKtS). and huge Mo-l'Ji. Small size takes 2 yards Inch fabric and lii yards ric-rac. Send F1KTKKV CKNTS (ir,c) in coins inr this Anne Adams jtattern. Write pbiinlv SIZR. N'A.MK. AU Dlii:SS and STY LK Nt'MHKR. Send vnir nrdr to the Nen---Ue-view. Pattern Department. Knse buri:. Oreuoa. 1 f Mfyrsr ! J ifi 4 Wp.-. Men Admire Women With Shapely Figure Thon."nni1. of Wnm-n ktp ttin fiiriirf idumW and hnpty 9KKI.l wit hunt Sinrvltin or KTr-itiiK with I.WItlll niw Hnstblc Mfmm. They fitut l.lltll prevnt thrn from (rutnit f'it and hit'i(i thm looking nnd feollnK yound'T. Chop mnn's trt Stor rt'comm'-nds I. IX II til fnr mfilntnlninsr nnrnml Tcliiht. I.WIIID In SAVE TCi TAKK. It do- not mntnln Dlnl lriphnol or Thvrmd. Try It on our Mtiny-Hack fjnnrnntin1. nt 1.AX It 1ft t'"tay from yonr dniKirixt. Chapmen's Drug Stor Jones, Harvard Iwis, Sam zel, Paul Archamheau and lioh Lewis. HUMPHREYS "FAMILY HONORED AT PARTY AVI Mint. July IS. Tho AVllbur community gave a nartv lYhliiv niglit at the Wilbur gymnasium to honor Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hum phreys and daughters. Alien and JesHlp. Mae, who are leaving soon for Salem to make then- home. Mr Humphreys is being transferred to the rurul carrier line there. Hi! operated the lino out from here ( lor the mist 2f yeain. The family j wus presented villi l.ovely giris from their many friends. Ice cream , and rake were served to a large crowd of friends and relatives who gathered to hid them farewell and wish them well fu their new home. HAROLD McKAY FAMILY HONORED AT PICNIC AVIMU'n. July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Harold MeKny und family, who recently moved out to their summer home, were the inspira tion for a politick picnic: dinner Sunday. Swimming and .other sanies were enjoyed by the follow- jne "uctttH: Mr. nnd Mra. Kenneth kima, Wash.. Mr. nn .mix. J.onu Jenkins, or (Jlenilale, Mr. anil Mrs. Kd .lenklns, of lioseburi!. Mrs. Km mn DeLoiiK. ol' North Iiend, (ieorse Mullen. Mrs. Myrtle nation. Mr. nnil Mrs. Lawrence Mullen. Betty Weeklv, Ilex Stevenson anil Charles Weu'ner. all or Mvrlle I'olnt, I-nuis Anilerson, or Marsbdelil. and Claude Mullen nnd lamily, or Ban don. With I ho exception or Will Jenkins, of Natches. Wash., and Aim Giles, or Ventura, Calif., the entire Jenkins family wan present for tho occasion. P.N.G. CLUB POTLUCK PICNIC SUPPER TO BE HELD FRIDAY EVENING The P.N.O. club members, their families anil (ho members of the Alpha Sintn Tlmlha llho Girls club lire linlted to unjny a slx Uilrty o'clock nolhick iilcnln supper l'"rl d:iy evfmlni', Jul v lo held nl. tho T. B. Ilusenbnrli home at Mel lose. Membcra are requested lo biiliK their talilo service lor them selves and fjuests. EAGLES AUXILIARY HOBO PARTY HELD A very enjovnble hobo parly was held by the Kasles auxiliary members and friends al the Kaales ball Tuesday evellin. The lunches were broiiL'hl lo Ihe party In paper cai'ims. shoe boxes and paper bans. iliiid wi.i-f. mm o tor ii irronn oi:'"V" ' "... a. .h.(t fmiuu tiu. mi.mhei-4 to atiend the district I lKlk0 nil,i n C'lpslioot as features ,"' Hie past week because of III- ,,r 1,10 lW'y ovoiit. The Hod Wh. i . romii e WMhm' ',u,yaud tluu clul was loreed to cancel Mm. W. H. McMillan and dauyh- J 1 ' ' ' its salmon bake, usually held in!'"'", l-'iloen. Ml for Seattle. Mciti- BARKER REUNION SET Into June or early July, because of ,l!'y where they will visit friends FOR SUNDAY JULY 21 various conflicts, and the lodge pro- ',ui1' relatives. ' I poses a joint effort between the! Robert Reinert has gone to the The annual Zaeharinli Harker lodge and the club to stage the ' 1,)ol0,lt station on Mt. Scott to ramlly rtMlninn has been set tor Sumlav. .Inly 21st. to lie held at a j one nVlncli basket dinner at Idle-1 yld park. All members and friends are most rordlally InUted to en- jti wu. iiiij. POETS CORNER FROM NOWHERE I Just returned from nowhere. Where the hills were low and brown. And the great hall of fire In the sky Was slowly settling down. t r.iin would hnvp slaved Anj j1(Mm tie night wind low and dim. Aflw. the'sun had vanished Alli Ihe his WPrc ,j;,rIl am grim. x jusl r(,turnni frm nowhere u-ll(,re ,he hnik wpre I(IW an,i hrown And the leaves on an autumn eve ning Were slowly drifting down. (i. M. Keeper. TO TIE HER BUNDLES 1 would always expect her To tie her bundles tV(h rHlbout. or tinseled strings. pnl. ulintovpr ulin .11.1 Had no bint Of unsightly things. (I. M. deeper. Back From Vacation Dwsyne Tluell. salesman for the Si IHHard Motor company, nnd Mrs. Bueil have returned to their home In this citv, following a vacation trip spent In Utah. Nevada and Cali fornia. Off Cat or Dog IItVs a quick, sure, wy wnr to Ct rid of tho flpflft. Himply oprinkle tli powder liRlitly tbmuxli tli fur. Then wr.tch the flea roll oft"! Ill II A( II In iaexpfnxive. dpIpi keep petn free frm Hem, btnh bif-r In Handy Nlfter t'ant Sir up at lra? lirorpfn-. Seed Snr nn1 t Shon Hit Picture Coming Sunday to the Indian JL. X lilt 'JrMSt'"; i.iVi'r, 9 ifI-iiffyi-fimiMMiitf f Iff i r " t '.Merle O heron and (ieorse Ilrent. coming .Sunday to Hunt s Indian uieutre in Tin e .iei Again."" a tender love story oi two people whom Tato allowed four weeks to live. Featured players include Put O'ltrlen, Minnie Barnes and (ieraldlne Fitzgerald.' Thrilling Donald Barry as Josho James, now playing at the Hose theatre for ... t.s ... , ; Phms for n three-day Labor day celebration are heiuc nuwlo by the KaRlcs lodRe. through a roniniltlee directed by Wallace A. Hupp and Karl Hill, it wan reported today. The lodge, it was staled, plana to join wilh the Itoseburg Rod and .event as a part of tlie 1-ubur day celebration. The ,n(gn n,so nillllP(1 rmln,. , con!isllnK of w,,,,.,,, ,)ona( j,rilniose ,, CilttrIg ,.,. rot to himMe arrannenienlH tin- Hi ' A. .... .1 . . f ' . . . ; ... i 'annual iodge picnic to be held at n J i Sun , v ..iir Winchester July 2S. Members and ' "y T'v 1 h1os' P" j friends attending the picnic arc b- j Mrs' Harry Woo? Mr ing Instructed to bring basket Hrid Mrs Allen Mes er r, .i lunches Coffee and cream will U " " , prov.ded free of charge at the pjo H(,(,i. iMl, nm, Mrfl m mr n.c grounds. Wo(1(Js IIH, chil(Irin nViirU lur . ...-...-Kumii niim iiih iiirai aerie will go to Coouille toniEht to at tend a joint Doitglas-Coos comity meeting. The loial lodge at Its regular meeting Tuesday night, accepted five applicants Into membership. LOCAL NEWS Return Here Dr. nnd Mrs. A. Wells have returned to their home fn Laurel wood, following a w-'ek's vacation at San Francisco vcMting their son. Let. Jr., who Is nip'.nvrd by the I'elton Water Wheel company. Arrive From California Mrs. I.elia Andrews and daughter. Mrs. Frances Honfigll. nee Frances Chapman, orrlved here from San Francisco this morning to visit nt the home of the former's mother. Mrs. W. Ft. Murray, who suffered a fractured p-ft nnn In a fall a few days a 20. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS MUea of Kidney TuWa Flush Out Poiaonoua Waste If yoo harv an eiwn of nHdi In your Wood" your lb mi lr of ki'lnry tuljfa may be ovrr workd. TtifTW-tiny filur- an t inbw re orkiiig day and night to titp Nature ri-i yuursyilciu uf Bicmt mcvit an'l poMonoun ut. Ubeo tli,rirr tt kii)ny (uwtioo pmniti pouonout tnat(r lo rrunin in yrmr blood, it tiy tus n.-Miitin backache, rtirymatir pam, parn. Inm of ppp and enerity. tttinc up tiiKhta, a well ing, puiTitinm umler tnt tyw, h artita and diiiinew. I rr-(u-nt or anttity paa ith amartinaj and bumtn( ornetime thowi Uter ii Boraetiiiiig tuac with your kidneya or bUfMer. hwneyi may nwd nIn the am at bowel, o ask your drurriat for Uoaa'a filb, wd uc- opwuiiT ny miiiii opr 4i am. I r.y ttv happy irtiH ami wrll hMp th n.ili tjf History tn the film. "Davs of Jesse James a Ibree-iiay engagement. i ' . . VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES COOPKIt-HAItltlS Lorenzo An drew Cooper anil Jean Arlene Har ris, both residents of Siitliei lln. Glide .! mrc. July IS. -Mrs. A. (). Hel- j " -" " " i"mi visit David Asam. Mr. and Mrs. Kracer and fam Hv of Kugene are renting C. P. Mmire's house at (Hide. A wiener and marshmallow roMst was held on the river ii-mu unrt, lietty and K: telia. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ()f Seattle and Jdr two children. (Jor.lon and Virginia, and (he hoslomt, Mks Wood, a retired nay nur.e. Mr. Alexander Ik a retired navy pilot of very high ranking. Uf and his family Hre on their way to their new honiM in Pan Diego, t'alif. Miss Naleon Is the house guest of Miss Ada L. Wood Tor this month. Airs. IIHen Kohiuson and her mo: her. Mrs. I If nan. were busi ness visitors fn Itoseburg Tues day. NOW Under-arm Cream Deodorant saftiy Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses, docs not irritate skin. 2. Nowaiiingrodry.Canbcuscd right after shaving. 3. Initantly irops pcrspinrion for 1 to 3 days. Removes odur from prnptration. 4. Apure.white.greasdcss, train leti vanishing cream. 5 Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American Institute nf Laundering foe being harmless to fabrics. 23 MILLION fara of Arrid haveben told. Try a jar today I 0 . . Al ell iIatm trltlnt tUl nrn&M JW )r in ,.t Vt, , Local News Shops and Visits-. Mrs. A. I.. Wade, or Oakland, shopped und visited friends here yesterday. Ml, tnril Ma. l.'.....l ..f Gardiner, spent several hours In HoseuarK yesieruay on nusluess. Here From Oak Creek Mr. and Mrs. Asher, or Oak creek, were hero on business yesterday. Glide Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. (ieoiBe VaiiKhn, of Glide. spenl yesterday In Uosebllri; on hllsiuess. Attend to Business Kdward ami A. I.. Ilnneocb, reslilenta ' or I'lkton. were business! vlsitoi-s In this oily yesterday. I ' On Vacation Miss Merle lleaiy, asslslunt city librarian, Is in i'orllnud to spend her annual I wo weeks' vacation. . Has Tonsils Removed Ida rliamberlln, daughter ol Mr. und Mrs C. A. Chambeiilli, or (his city, had her tonsils removed yes terday by Dr. A. C. Seely. Arrive From Medford Mr. and Mrs. I-:, (i. Kuudolph and daughter, Bnrhara. or Medlord, were over nlghl irtiesls ol' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Motsclieiibaeber. T It e Itall ilolpbs. who are on a vuc-ulon, Idan to visit relatives and Mends in liosebui'K and In 1'oiilaud. They I'ntmcrly made their home here. California Visitors Leave Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Dabl, of Slocktim, I'alll.. stopned over in Itoseburg .Monday and Tuesday to visit their son und daugliter-in-luw, Mr. und Mi's. Julian Dahl, before conllnu- illig on their way to Dps Moines. Iowa, to intend tho Loyal Order if Moose national convention. I eove for California Captain nnd Mrs. M. S. Tlsilule and Wil liam Ciilloway, who have been here visiting Cupinln Tlsdale's mother, Mrs. Mark 'i'isdale. In the Howell apartments, left Weilnes ilay for Vallejo. Calir. Captain Tlsdalo Is captain of the cruiser Chester, now In dry dock ut Vallejo. . Former Residents Visits Rnlph Kearney, former Roseburg resi dent, acrompaiiied by his two sis ters. Mrs. C. VV Haines and Miss Lena Kearney, Is spending a few dnys vifdling wilh friends in Howe burg. Mr. Kearney and his sis ters are residents of I'm-lliind. Mr. Kearney, a retired nillroad oon ducior, was employed for many yearn hy i he Southern Pacific, company out. of Roseburg. Roseburg Boy Promoted Ae cordlni,' to word received here, Harry V. Wilson, who has been employed as Western Union op erator Hie last, year at Nam pa, Idaho, has been promoted to the position oT niKht mamiKer al the ''idena. Mont., - office, where he has been transferred from Nam pa. Harry, who was Kiadualed from l he local high school, wan foi merly employed by the West ern I'ninn office in this city. B!G TRIPLE BILL Today, Friday and Saturday No. 1 Jgp JESSE JAWES mmA ' Jl ...VICTIM of INJUSTICE "WM'J or a RUTHLESS KILLER? 'j.PmXi ""i SEE THE ANSWER IN THIS m J EXCITING, THRILLING PICTURE! Wkt Ijk ROY ROGERS I ""WJfr, PAULINE MOORE ,clp $ 5i HaSSWi WESTERN JyWk l ACTION rti -i $t U v- N M The Battle of YM the "Bums" V?ii)M FIGHT PICTURES . v D0NU0 BRBY t B J Y'$P$4:i A 20-Minut. f)i!&&$ Comedy Riotl V .ffi'J&0JA '0c 2-7-9:30 P. M. mm Dated for Services at Local Baptist Church Rev. J. W. (Jim) Brouyher, Jr. nr. jamnw wimconio nnjtiKM'i and his two sous. Russell and, 'Mlm", are to conduct services at the First Raptfst church- in Hose buiK fir the next three Sundays, acrordiir; to Rev. H, I Sconce, paftor. Next Sunday, Jim, tho youngest son, will be the speaker. He has been pastor for the past 12 years of the First Baptist church at Glen-' dale, California, whero he has a membership of more than Jt.OUtl person:, lie will speak at the Hi a. in. service on the theme. "If Jesus Should Come to Your Home." The tonic. Rev. Mr. Sconce states,' will deal Willi the problems of side, ness. death, poverty, prayer, and, how the broken homo can ho re-i united. A mass meeflni? Is planed for 3 p. m., when Mr. Itrnugher will lec ture on world condilions, using as! his theme, '('.)d Speaks What Does He Say?" At 8 p. in. he will conduct tho usual evening net-vice, speaking on the subject. "A Funeral Where All' Wore J)ead, Including the Preach er." CvnAii4 Ulr TnmnrrflW Mr. and Mrs. Ii. ('. Klllott and daugh-1 tor, Patricia, of vrei;a, ram., are expected to arrive here tomorrow neanln.r tn ulimill fl 1 III It of I lllll vncation visiting friends and en- joying an oulliiK on the isorin l'mp(iia. Their older daughler, j Norma Jean. Is In Portland visit ing reiuuvea. Vacatlonlna Here Mi, nnd Mrs. J. I. Roberts nnd son, "Hub ble" of Kan Francisco, lire spend-' lug their three weeks' vacation in M yrt le Creek and in RoHoburg visiting relatives and friends. Mrs.; Roberts, ; nun Clalro Fullertou, Is a dnnghtier of Mr. anil Mrs. J. 11. Fullerlon' and Ihe twin sister of Clyde Fiillerton, of Roschurff. j Called to California Mr. and j Mrs. II. I). Willhims. of this city, have left for Oakland. Calif., where they were called hy the death of Ihe hitter's brother-in-law, A. J. Parker, who died Wednesday at. Fort Smiley veterans hospital, fol lowing a year's Illness, lie was 51) years of age. Itesidcs bis widow, j Ihe former Murriell Williams, ol Rosohurg, he leaves two sons. John Allen and Craig Parker. Funeral services will be held in Oakland Friday morning. Near Riot Marks Junior Ball Game Marshf itld Team Accused Deliberate Tardiness to Upset Locals' Morale. of Double protests and a near viol marked a partially played Ameri can Legion Junior baseball game al Flnlay field Wedensday in what was expected to be one of the scheduled district games, but which proved to be u completo fiasco. The Marshfinld team failed to ar rive on schedule, In fact, not re porting until 0:20 p. ni.. more than an hour and half aftor the "play ball" order waa given al 4:4ft, the "greed starting time, hy Umpire Pill Schemer. Roseburg protested the panto when Mnrshfieli), with nine men present, hut still missing one carload of players, refused to start tho contest. A wild argument ensued when play was slopped hy Umpire Setter tier In tho middle of the fifth Inn ing bpratiso of darkness. Rose burg was trniltne 8 to 2 at tho timn play was stopped. Falluro to completo iho fifth Inning mado It "no contest." Thn facts have been referred to thn state Legion base ball contmltten bv Car! R wlmber- ly, district baseball chairman, for a ruling. Unless tho game 1b awarded hy default to one or the oilier of the teams, tho tennis will ho required to meet at some date and 1 .ino specified hy tho state cpmmitlen. Delay Held Deliberate The Roseburg baseball commit tee chili ged that thn Marshfinld team deliberately delayed Ha ar rival to npsel thn morale of thn local team, and to get thn players "cooled oH" ortor limy had apnnt considerable tlmo In hatting and fielding practice. . Thn strategy, if such it was, was highly Mieeossful, fnr tho Itoseburg team wns sadly off form In starting the contest. Murshfleld, on thn other hand, charged deliberate stalling tactics in hold inn up tho game so that the laht halt of tho fifth inning could not ho played. Had the git me gone the full five innings It w.iutd have constituted a contest. A crowd of fans, much larger than had been expected, was fully in sympathy with the home team's protest and thn umpire's decision to call the gtimn when he did. af ter being canned fo sit Imnatlontly for ncariv two liurH awaiting thn arrival of thn players from Coos Hay. Locali Play Poor Game Tho Roseburg team played a very ragged style to open the contest. Dyer, starling pitcher, was wild, Issuing four walkH and hitting two baiters with pitched halls In lhre Innings. The bases were filled In thn rii'Hi Inning, but the local tnam managed to retire tho side without a scorn. Murshfleld, scored three runs In tho second, -however, and added live In the fourth, as a re sult of five hlls, and four Itoschurg errors. Clayhaugh, the Marshfleld pitch er, tossing up a "roundhouso" out curve, limited thn Roseburg bat ters to two fl its, nnn of them a home run hy Cox, scoring a run ahead of him for Rosehurg's two tallies. Dyer was relieved in tho fourth by Cox, who, in turn, wits replaced Parkinson's "FOOD FOR SALE" Frosb! It is especially important during the summer months that you trade where volume turnover is sufficient to in sure fresh foods at all times and where a guarantoe of monoy refunded if dissatisfied means just that. Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, July 19th and 20th PRODUCE APRICOTS u9 39c LETTUCE Solid hcada 5c GREEN BEANS Local, 3 lb 14c BANANAS Golden ripe, 3 lb ........ 19c Harvest Specials FLOUR Kitchen Queen, 40 lb $1.45 CI OIID Drl,,ed Snow or ' fft rlWUn Flther'i Blend, 49 lb. CU6AR BEET 10 "' -, 51. 9UV7MK cane, to m. ....f....!..,-...,.-....,.......v.r...v.,53i BACON Morrell't Eastern, lb .11. 25c SOAP p A Q. bar, 10 bars ......... 35c TISSUE M.o.,3ro, 25c NAPKINS 109 count, PkB 9c PAPER PLATES 18 plates for 10c GUM AND CANDY BARS 3 ,or 10c Complete Assortment of Fruit Jars and Supplies. 323 W. CASS FREE in the first of the fifth by Apple gate. Sc.ore: 11 H E Marshlleld fi fi 0 Rosoliurg ; 2 4 4 Clayhaugh and D. Hannlng; Dyn Cox, Aiipitatn and Pleuard, Roof Fire Causes Little Damage at Local Home Thn Roseburg fire deportment was called at noon today to the D. 13. Lew in home, 1107 S. Mill St., when an overheated flue started n roof fire. The blase wos extin guished by use of a garden hose, prior to the arrival of the fire de partment, No Borlous damage re sulted. Interwoven LANCASTKR. Iji. Weaver Mar tin and Martin Weaver are going to marry the Martin sisters. Miss Mabel Martin will become the bride of Weaver Martin and her sister, Alice R, will wed Mar tin Weaver. Almost Exterminated. Man's greed for the plumes of -the egret almost brought about tho extinction of this beautiful whltn , heron In the early part of the present century. Known to the millinery trade as "oHproys," tho plumes Bold for 1322 an ounce. . Killing of the birds now 1b pro-, hlblted by law, but poachers con- tlnue to destroy large numbers. .' NOW PLAYING LOVE FIERCE AS THE HOWLING FURY OF AN ARCTIC STORM! DELIVERY PHONE 24 RAYMHIAND PATRICIA i M0RIS0N ivtA I. FARRELL William mwu;vl it 'i 1ANE DASW1X iM J. PAnRELL M.cDONAXO , 2-7-9 P. M. A 10c 30c - 40c Vg ' Including tax Mity tuiea Ouxli out un iouuua aal frvu ' ' - PfiOr.CUHCtO tW'HAtK