'St " tfbsfeBumS f)feWS.RgVTg, RftSEBURS, ORESSfl, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1940. Dunham's Defeat Hub's Indians, 6-5 First 8-lnning Gam Staged In Softball League; Elks Triumph Over Texaco, 7-2. ftiinlinm'H Transfoi men eked out ft fl-(o-li win over IIuIi'h Indians jiisl niK'ii in tho first, extra Inning pnmn of (tin City Softlmll Icrkik. Willi two men out In dm last lialf or Hi? cU'lith InnltiK. Kieo lined a looping hIiikIh over Hooond bit ho. The flithlnr came in lo nut off tin1 ball, wtiili look n hud hop ami rollftd to the rtiitnr gin-don, while 3lico rounded ihe palliH ami slid niMlnr ft high throw to tint plate to scoih Dm winning run. I llotli tennis flolded and hatlt on v;n toijitn ami It was nnyhody's nail name until Kieo. Horaloliod out JiIh lucky hit. "I.pftv" MoiHk. ilitfhhtir ftii- Dun liain'H allowed Ihe Indians sovon JntH and jftfiiii'd four walks and hud mm flti-i) uoiiu Campbell, Indian pitcher, allowed seven hiis, issued one wnlk und had one strikeout. Hlce with mm lilt for two Union itl the platn and Dominion with 1wo for four, led the hitting parade, for Dunham's, while Miiiumi and -Attiiinury Bhared the mmi Jjht for the Indians, each with two for four. Kieil Schemer poled out a long homo r.m In llm third inning to tako honors for llm longest lift of the game. Elks Trim Texaco Tho Klkfi chili allowed the Tex noo Chiefs two rutin in tho flint Inning of the Heroin' pnmis and then Hhiit Ihem out. fr Ihe roniulndor ol llm coiiteHt. to dike an onsy 7 lo 2 win, "mason nPlwod tho Chiefs five Tiita, issued four walks and had five Kirlkeoulfl. Kllisnn hurled nine hit hall for the Chiefs, but fie ven errors by his team mat en, coupled with four walks, helped the Kilts to victory. . Tim Dunham TrnnHfermen will play the North Henri nnflhiill I cum In an exhibition gaum at X o'clock tonight. IMin I.ntmino.n, one of the heavy alluknrri ftr IJunhtim'H fH buck in unlforni again alter re covering from an early son sin in jury, und Is expected to bolster the team's hilling strength. I Scores : n If K Tilth's Indian 12 Oil no B 7 1 1 Dunham's 201 2WM,1-J 7 ft trip Wednesday via Marshfiehl and other coast points on hlghwny J 01. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hryant, who were recently Injured in an auto mobile accident, are both recover ing. Afrs. Hryant 's sister, Mrs. I lor in Tiiegel, of California, is here attending her slHtor, and Mr. Hry nut's futlior, W. H. Hryant, is as sisting with l he ehoreH and outside work at the ItryAnt home. Mrs. Htliel ('liasi, owner of the Chase Poultry plant one mile east of town, Is visiting in Portland. Mr. nnri Mrs. Hubert Williams and children, returned Monday from a visit at the home of Mr. Wil liams' parents in HrftlHh Colum bia. They report no trouble at all was encountered in crossing the boundary lini Mrs. Mary MeKinlev ond her daughter, Mrs. Kuhy Morian are preparing to move their houehold effects to Los Angeles where they exneet lo make their home. Itrnee Wy n I er has been t tans ferred lo the Standard (til company station in Hone burg from i rants Pass. Mr. nnri Mrs. Nasin Hennnriie of San Francisco, who have been visiting in Heal lie lor some time, slopped here at the homo of Miss iiose Murtln, Mrs, Tlonnndle's daughter, for a short vIhIi Monday and Tuesday. They are being ac companied on their homeward jour ney by Henry Iawsou, a brother of Mrs. Henandle, who was warily injured tt year ago try being run over by a stage, which hroko both of his legs, one in two places. Mr. mid Mrs. fieoffrey SI rone and children, Patricia. Koheii, Har- bura. Pint no and (Jregorv came down from Portland lust Wednes day for a visit with relatives and friends. On last Sunday they were i complimented with a plf'titc. or I lawn party, on the shady lawn at! ill" lionrgo Aker home, other te a Hvoh attending were Mr. and Mrs. O, A. Strong, parents or Mr. Strong nnri Mrs. Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry reuce, Kosepitrg, Mr. und .Mrs. Ceorun Aker an-.' son. fleorire. Jr.. Sunday was Miss Iturhina's birth- dav so the gathering was also a blrlhrisv party. Mr. and Mnt. Heinle Fato wore callers In (hn af ternoon, Mrs. Cora Drake and Charles Coder, from Hremeti, inri., were Sunday visitors at llm r'hriMnn church. Minister nnri Mrs. Walter A names and Hope Wvnter. Alvin Norton ; Morris I N,'wl"" ' Tresa McMannls are inlteilrilllg the summer emiTm-m.,... Ill 022 0-7 ft t for neoplo or the Christian 200 000 0- 2 fi 7 '""'"'li this week at Fir Point, iH-iir iin'iiuaie. Campbell and nnd Perry. Klks Club Texnco Chiefs . Creason and (hyidmnn; Klllson und Solomon. Youthful Briton Fined For Act of Sabotage IHftMINdllAM, England. July 17. (API A 15-yearolri hoy appear ed in juvenile court today charged literally will) throwing a wrench Into the machinery. The prosecutor culled htm n "sn boleur and traitor" lor cuiiHing a Ifi-mlnuto delay al a brick works. The boy, riucri i'B (about S20) Raid he threw the wrench because lie was tired of working. Around the County Myrtle Creek Days Creek Walter Poole and her daughter. A rlono, uecom pa u led bv Ceoiv KlRglns. wore altemllng to husl ness matter in Knsehurg Thurs riav. UenrlntH 1'lnm ts spenriing sev eral weekH in Aslilnnri im lite miest of her bi-other nnd slster-ln-tiiw, Mr. and Mrs. I.no I'lam. Miss Mahle .foole, who has been onipioyori at the Canyonvllle hotel Inr the pnst several weeks, visited her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. A. R Monro, at their homo here Sniutnv. i Her prrtndfather. Dennis Hanks, of Canvonville. accompanied her, Jack Catlike iii-companled bv his I two sons, John and Hud liiiuluo. marie business trip lo Kagle I'oin' Sunday. Tho lltreshlng season was offl' Inily niienod by tho Catlike thresh Im; oii'Mt ut ttio Karl Sumner place Monrinv morning. Combining on- eratlens have also been sluiieri. Hon Snyder opening tho season al his plneo M'indav. Julv 1, IcirJey oilier interest on their return trip. Miss Anna Mav Mauley spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. M. K. Mauley, al her home In Can yon vi lie. Sim returned to Tiller Monday evening. Mrs. Arcl.ie Archainlieau hud churge of the cafe during her absence. A largo community picnic was enjoyed by the people of tho Drew neighborhood the Fourth. It was followed by a well attended and very enjoyable dance In the eve ning. 'Ihem wiih also a nico dis play or fireworks shown. I )r. a nri M rs. Robert Kieoshila nnd son, Hobble, recently returned from a combined business ami plofiKurc trip to Portland. Jack Higglns has marie a number ol trips to KoKohtirg for medical attention recently. A very Interest lug ball game wan enjoyed al. the Souih ilmpituu Full: CCC rump the Fourth. The coiilHHlanls weio the irtuin camp versus the Hid Hutle side camp, the former being the winning team. Alva Matthews and his son, Marshall, accompanied by Nnrval Ferguson, returned .Monday after noon from a four-day catniting nip on Prong creek. In the eveniiigj Mr. Matthews and Murshall left! for Port land where they attended to biisicess matters and visited un til Thursduy. While there liiey were iiuepts mi Mr. Matthews sis ters, Mrs. Juck Parks or Portland and Mrs. John Oal'Ield or Heaver ton. Mr. .Matthews has returned to his work wiih the Southern Pa cific and Murshall is sluying at the Archie rergusoii home until his mot iter and brother Maurice, return from southern California. Mrs. John Montgomery and daughter, Marriu, und son, Jaeule, are spending a part of (Im sum mer vacation at their cuiiiit above TIM-.-. Mrs. Alice Morrison and her RrnnriKOii, Herbert Savage, both of CraiilH Pass, were guests Sunday j at the home of Mrs. Morrison' : sl:;lei-ii law, Mrs. Mat-'Kie Snyrier.l .Mr. and Mrs. Waller Poole and daughter, Arlene, am) Mr. and Mrs. J. L. I 'onto went lo Hlenilale Sun day evening to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Klvan Pickett und family enjoyed a trip lo Crater luke the Fourth. Clifford Fies Dies in ' Roseburg at Age of 56 (Continued from page 1) II. M. Wem, of Heattla, Wash., and by one eronclKon. FilllBrul mit'Viv.ea will bo lielil In He i-Iih)kI or the DoiikIuh Funeral home Krliltiy inoniliiK fit 10 o'elot-k, K(v. MnrilH Hoiirh ori'lclallnK. Con i llllllllK RorviWH will follow ut Hie Mnminlr reinelery. Roosevelt Renomination Scheduled for Tonight (Continued from page I) ' haliman nnd n cHiiiliihiln hlniKelf.'Rootlanil hnrlior anil that a nrtt- "American residents of Manila, P. ioki rer.'irtei-H that uny ntteiiijit to Ish troop coneentrutlon was boml)- ;tpj Jonlni" with his ven I Ion haek gavel. Senator Jlynies ot Smith Caro lina, Moor leader for tho Itoose. veil rot-res, announeed that the resolutions committee had finish ed its siiuabliles over what the plat form should i-nntain and thai the document rdnld he, adopted at lo- day s session. "Tomorrow night wn can meet to tinish the lob for u-hloli vnn uiiiu, iiere oi oraiiiug ('resident Roosevelt," he said, and the dele gates began whooping again. Farley Bans Stampede . James A. 1'ailey, national party MARKET REPORTS MYRTLE CltHHIC, July 17. The l-elgllton rinnlly cur, ncrliiiled by Mr. and Mrs. (). K. ljlchloii, their Kranddiiugliter. Slella, and Mr. l.eiahton's brolher. John, overturn-i betii't Ihe crop harvesled ed Ktiuduy atteruoon on the grade ' coiniiines nave since staiien cut near the A. S. Marl 111 home, owing Una grain. lo a fault ill the steering gear. The! Minion Perdue and Mr. nnd Mr, car lolled off Iho grade, ovorlilrn- l Kvei hart spent the Fourth In Ash ed and came to rest against a tree. I land. All the occupants received minor Miss Wllethn and Miss (,cm cuts and bruises. John IIkIUoiiJ lUili lilns'nii relumed lo Ashland tllso has some cracked ribs. Suiid.lv morning afler vis ting at Chillies Wonacott, tlullniutl tress-1 """" '' "'' Wln'' "V. Pier of tho home missions depart-' ""'' ;coniuiilled t Ivde Uelhei- tnent ot thn Presbyter inn clinic h ol "7; 11 f I Ml- tmillir un nvn I'll llMlt lilies I III Ihe Walter Hutchinson Home. It. A. Moore and his riatmhter. t o a. M. I.odgerwood homo Mr.i , M)in.u W(l. llttPHnc lt Aonncott Is a son of the late Judt:o lntltnl hl lnwilUr, Mon- tind Mrs. ,. Wonncolt who (,J(V M,S8 Mllhl1 Mm.(, w(m ti. formerly lived hero on 1-rozen (.mpiovm1 tu Canyonville, acntm ci((ok and hiler In town, Mr. Wona- niulj,Mj ;;i, m cott, Sr., loachlug tho local schools ( Vi-' na.lKor. who Is emploved In each place, His home is in New' nt maino. t)reion. returned there York City hut at present he is suiulav nl'tor vIhIUuk at his hmiie imtkfiig n btiHlueHs tour of the west, .,. since Wednesdav. luciriontully calling on relatives, chivbourne lean rettirneri to his Iho Vnlled States and all Its for oigu pnsKcsslona, has been a Myrtle Creek visitor as a house guest at; and friends in various places. Mrs. Chas. Crooks and daughter. Margaret, of Fnllerton, Calif., cull ed on ri tend ft in Myrtle Creek last Thursday en route lo their Boulh- ern home, after n lilp up tho coast PRODUCE POnTt.AN'l), Oro., July 17. (AP)-liult(M-, hullerfal, clieese. country meals, live poultry, dressed 1 11 r key a unchanged. ONIONS- -Oregon crystal wax 12.75; Vuklinu I) fin-lb. hug: new wax $l.r,; re.l $2.00; Walla Walla i.r,o. NF.W POTATOFS-Kastern Oro-t-oit Washlnlon SI.i'i-I.K'i ewl. Hay. wool, mohair, ciHcnra, hops utii'limieri. LIVESTOCK Among tliose attending installa- Hnn nf the officers of the Hebekuh ' I'Oltll.AMJ. ore., July lodge at Canyonville Tuesday eve- (API -(li. S. Dept. Agr.) HOf.S ning were Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Market active, steady to WorthinliHt, Mrs. Wurie Worth- dong; goral -choice 17H-2IR lb. inuton. Mrs. Wuller Hutchinson ""rive ins mostly 7.15-25; rarlnml and Mrs. Walter Poole. Uotahlo to 7.3a; 2:!0-2S( lb. Recent Ktiests at the WUde """'ifis 11. ;m-(. i; o.i:, . weimns Worlhinctnn home Included Ciipt.'0.25; liKht Ihihls mostly .2.V5n; and Mis. C. II. Hosier and their pucmng sows 4.;iU-;,.iio; jignt daugliler. narbara. of Oakland. 'weights to 5.25; good-cliolce light Call!. Miss llurbara will be a sen-.feeder pigs salable around li.5n ior at Iho Uuiversllv of Califfirnia , 7-i. this coining vear- While hero I hey. CATTI.F-Calvos active, steady accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wadeo wrong; lw common grabs Worthlnnton and rainiiy nmi -ml moers twin; cuuers nownwani and Mrs. J. A. W01 thinglon, en- to n.: ami below: grass-tat steers joyed an outing al Crater lake. Jsalable around K.mi-'t. no; good light M I'S. It. Ii. t III IIOUll mill " h' iim-ifii nn-i-i n iiiwi jinn- m i u.;in , daughter, Petry. loll Wednesilay few common-medium heifers ft.fin- niorning Tor Hoyris, Wash.. wliere T.itU; canner-common cows Il.iiu- Miev will visit relatives lor u C'.u-;i.Eto; odd liemt dairy typo cow pie or weeks. jupwurri to 5.(Mt; uiedium-good beef Mis. H. P. Conn of Melrose and cows 5.110-75; good young cows el- Mrs. Wood row Conn of I'm lupin igiblc to v:iu; cnnimon-ineriium were overninht guests at the home unusuge hulls O.nft-75; good beef of the fornmr's dnughter, Mfh., bulls salable to 7,25; few good Wnrio Worthlimton, Monday. When choice vealors 9.25; medium they returned home they were ac grndes 7.5)-fl.nil; good choice coinpunied tiv Miss lleveriy Woi'ln- iicavy calves S.fitl. ItiKton, wlio will spend a connlo ol SHKFP Market active, steady, weeks visiting at Melrose and I'mp- good-choice trucked in spring qua us well as wiih her aunt. Mrs. himbs K.nn-25; commou-iuediuin John William Robertson. In Hose- grades 7.00 5(1; few feeder lambs Kluimierie the convention into choosing a nominee without a roll call w.iiilri "jeopardize the party's chances in the November election." For himself, the postmaster general said his name would lie presented. Any effort to prevent thn name of any candidate from receiving consideration, ho said, "will be badly received by Ihe nation." It was Farley's opposition in this boisterous convention hall last nighl which blocked a plan by Sen ator Popper (U Fin.) lo move an Immediate Roosevelt p.oininntion bv acclamation. Ily compromise, It was agreed 10 nominate tonight. instead of tomorrow night. 2nd Place Stilt Problem. At n downtown hotel Secretary of Commerce Hopkins was talking with Mr. Roosevelt by telephone und refusing to say what he had learned. Rut he also wits Issuing a statement of confidence that Mr. Roosevelt would accept. A little later. 14 of the men who have been at tho forefront of the third term drive were meeting In Hopkins hotel suite to talk over tho method by which tho conven tion would yield up tho nomina tion. No word came of their decision. Nor woe thorn any indication Mint the vice presidential race was set tled. Secretary Wallace, Assistant: War Secretary Umis Johnson, nnri Supreme Court oust ice Douglas were among the men prominently mentioned for the post. Foreign Policy Agreed On. AH the thorny spots In the for eign policy section of the platform were said to have been planed away, thus eliminating the likeli hood ol uny floor fight nnd giving assurance of easy udoption, l lie lorelgn ptnnk was described as satisfactory lo those seeking a strong anti-war stand. -Senator Wheeler of Montana, for example, called the undisclosed statement very good plank." Ho recenllv had threatened to leave ihe demo cratic parly if It became a "war party." Rarkloy's sneoch last, night lerni-! ed Wendell WIMkie, the republican presidential nominee, a "political , ennmeteon ' because he left demo- ed al Sea pa Flow. Three Cerman bom hers were shot down over the P.ngllsh chan nel during a series of new raids on British shores yesterday. The British air Toreo raided German held coast positions and bo in bed oil supplies at. Handover. Rome Reports Blows Tho Italian high command ack nowledged today tho loss of it submarine and reported the can- lure of Kressan In the region of Kurmtik in the Anglo-KgypHan Mioan. Tho occupation of Moyale, Brit ish frontier post fn Kenya, also was announced nH well as the heating off or a heavy British At tack on Italian positions north of Fort Capuzo In Libya. Tho British previously hud nn nounepri the withdrawn! of their troops from Moyale. In Libya, the Italian high com mand said, tho British attacked with a strong force, including about 50 tanks, behind a smoke screen laid down as they ad vanced. Further Italian air bombard ment. or Alexandria, Kgypt, was reported In Ihe high command's communique, along with the bomb ing of air fields and barracks in Marsa Mat t ub and Sirii Harr.ini, in Kgypt neur Ihe Libyan fron- l lei. Two British planes were report ed shot down In an air fight over Malta and another in raids on Kthioplan centers. An Italian submarine sank n lurge oil tanker In the eastern Mediterranean, the communique said. In addition to thn loss of an Ital ian submarine, tho high command reported that mi Italian piano was missing alter un air light over Malta. GERMANS SURE OF ABILITY TO CRUSH GREAT BRITAIN Tlv LOniS P. LOCHNKU RKKLIN. July 17. f API Pre natations for the offensive against Britain nro almost completed. authorized Herman sources said today, but warned correspondents lo refrain from speculation as to when or what the next move may cratic ranks two years ago, and declaring no one can forecast said tho republican platform wusAdoir iMMers actions ami oeci "written in mud with the feet or,Kion?1- a weasel." I Com plot e confidence In nnzi nhil- "No political party or ndininfs-! i,v ( ,usM was reflected I ml Ion in the hlstorv of this or any in t1"' linneHn with which the other nation " he said, "over mode ' '" people nwultod a decisive gr.aler sacr f cos to avoid int-nlvo. I " um' I., cabled Colonel Dewllt Peck, commander of the United States marines at Shanghai, commending his slum! in 'the .incident, which Involved the urrest of 15 Japan ese plain clothesmen for which the Japuuesn commundniit apologized and 8iihse(uently demanded an apology from Colonel peck. The group n:so cabled Secretary of Stuto Corriel Hull urging a strong attitude by ihe United States In the far east. "Yielding to Japanese pressure," they told Hull, "is tho surest way or sealing the fate of all of us." An authoritative source at Shanghai declared the case had grown fur out of its original pro pettiens since tho Japanese have taken the position that tho honor of their army and nation will not be satisfied unless the Americans noologle. Visiting Here Wayne Rice, of Isadora, Ore., Is visiting Robert Johnson at the home of Mrs. Hut tie Zimmerman on Micelli street. Hose burg. Motorists! Have Your Car BEAR Safety Tested Today! FREE CHECK-UP STEPHENS AUTO CO. 323 No, Main St. Thl, H-tan CMC Plck-vp glvn I AND GMCs COST NO MORE THAN OTHER LIGHT-DUTY TRUCKS CYC prices are crowding the lowett. GMC SUPER-DUTY Engines w th revolutionary POWER-PAK Pistons, RIDER-EASE Cabs, SYNCRO-MESH Transmissions (on and 1-ton models), and FRICTION-FREE Steering are features you can't get In any other truck at any price. Come In and see how much more value you get In a GMC. Time pnympuls ttiruugh oar own UMAl! I'lnn at lowest iivnilahle rates ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. OAK AND ROSE STS. ROSEBURG, ORE. 3 1,.,.. ., I e'l inny 'nmp nt any minute. Dir-nst Auh Oent.Hchltmil, whk'li only yi-HtHCluy t-'P'ir!Ml m-erythiiiK In rcii'llni'Ks Tor a iuuhh nnKluught niton KnKlalHl, declared Hint the liallon wan nwalllllK Adult lllllcr-'s rnininiind In strike Willi n serenily whirl) permitleil it In look heynail Hie filial HtrilKKle u the task nf eg taliltshini; n new order In Kiu-npe. (AI'l- Sepl. I tint-,' I .. . .. . n.... It lln nl Mr. nun an. int.. - liiiKi'liniK IiioiikIiI Mi". I'erdueB mother, Mrs. C. O. Kline, lo her home near Tiller Tnemlay. She had heell mielldlllR Ihe IHlHl two weekK In Hiixehiii'K earlim lor Mm. 1'er ,liu win, haw heen very HI. Mr. ami Mrs. Stanley (Jiilmliy or Modesto, who have heell vIsitlllK, here, and Mm. Pete tllam were' dinner euesta nt Hie home of Ihc iiuier'a. In-other and llerinlaw. . Mr. and Mm. 1'red Wriiilil. at llieir home In lloselmi k Monday evenlni!. Hoy llortdal has relumed lo Summit ( Ily. I'nllf.. after visitini; Mm. Ilofldnl und their mm. Myron Uny, ill Ihe J- A. Worthinnlon home. Auinnir IhONp. ntlendliiR lo IiubI- iiesn tnnlterH in iioHenuiB mirauuj I'rev. day were llllinont Staat.. Mr. and Mia. KIoIlt)l 11K0 Juy Wrliiht and Hon. Marry, ''', Year nso dniiKhler. Hosoinnrv. (ieoino Kon-.1(M0 ltK tl ilenil llllit w inner v. un i. Mr. and Mm. Wade WorthlliBtoll nnd ehildren, lleveriy nnd Junior. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W'orlhinsloli and Mrs. Hay lloftilal nnd sou. My ron Hay, were iiinonR those nltenil Inn the Atalen gruiiKe piinie Ihe Kourth. good weighty ewes It.un. WHEAT I'OliTl.ANII, Ore.. 0ieii lliult Low Close 71 71 71 71 Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Compiled ,y The Associated Press. July 17: no ir, 15 en lud'ls IID's UCs Sflts Wednesday .. 07.9 57.9 5S.5 70.3 7-1.2 20.5 52.3 13.0 BONDS 211 10 19 III low ir,.o :ir,.r, 15.7 35.5 15.1 33. S 19.1 3S.9 in i; 311.9 11.7 41.7 41.3 49. 6 53.2 37.0 111 10 Pipe Dream COIiM.AXn. Ill John Fnrnnm ns far north as Portland, and lip ''nllf., let! Wednesday for tin Ir he Co Hun i a h chwnv ns far ns home alter vlsitlnc nero ni inr woili nl Lookout. California, sun , . uia ..,, i,." ,,,: snent two ilnys lonkine for his fa Mrs M K llean vol lie pipe before lie finally found Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Qulinoy ! II with Ihe howl burled snuKly In liiul ilinicliler, Joyce, of Modesto. the uronnd Wednesday Prev. day .. Month nKO Year nun .. 19411 hlKh .. 19411 low .... UK's Ind'ls I t's Van. . 57.4 1(12.9 911.3 3H.5 57.2 ln3.ll 51.9 Klll.3 57.9 100.5 59.9 103.fi 45.3 9S.9 90.0 93.7 911.9 97.5 9U.3 36.2 37.9 53.5 35.1 nieul In war than hav iiy Hie democratic party and its present administration." Northwesterners for F. R. Ileleirnles from Iho three l'nvl I'le northwest stales ,'liid Alaska "ern sliniiL'ly lot- a third term I'or President Kooievelt today afl er purl li-in:il i,i.7 In v.-o muslin; iiciunnst rat ions on the floor or the driiiorrntlr. national convention lust nkht. Their standards were carried n boiii parades from start to finish. The western bloc, represent Ins ihe II western slates, planned a "icellni; lute today to Ret n united front, for soino imrticular candi date for vlenpresldciit. Ish, French nnd Netherlands pos- nio nshlnL'toii de!e';ation was sessions in the orient. reported divided ovenlv between Powerful forces of Ihe Unllod Paul McN'utt and James Kai-tev. j Slates battle fleet, which steam the Orecon delcRalion was said to led out of Pearl harbor, Hawaii, yesterday, were believed en route Totalitarian Rule for Japan Formally Begun (Continued from page 1) be leaning towards l.ouis John son and Idaho remained noneom initial. Axis Plans 'Last Chance Offer to Great Britain (Continued from pace 1) ulr siniult.ineoiialy may come 'w'llliln the next monlh" and If II comes "II will f-ill." Air Minister Sir Archibald Sinclair said in a hro.h'casi to the llrilish eiunirc tc-nisht. He declared (irent Britain is certain to have to withstand un air allacl- "mini v times creater than nay which tho enemy hus jet Iniiuched." New Air Battle Staged An nerlal ballle was fought over the southenst coast of Kuk land this afternoon with a num ber of planes engaged nnd with the (ierninns dropping bombs. The fight took place after other planes were reported flying over he northeast nnd southwest consts. The Cerman high command said a merchntit ship hail been left In rtsnies In an nttack on a north lit. deduced that squirrels which inhabit a tree ill the Kuriium lawn Hood Hlver. l.lke iiioni suiuiner vlsilors liiey expressed themselves as being chnrtued with the beauty of western ( h-egou. Mrs. W. II. Irvlu nnd children. 1urry and Pntrlcla. ol KlHlnorc. and Mrs. Mary 1.. Ilrewer of iing Pencil, Cnllf., have been visiting tu Myrtle Creek mid vicinity for the pnst week, stnrtlng on their return i'cle l linn home lor the pnst ten I hud burled the bowl, fooled by Its iIiivh. Tliey iilalineil to go by way color and shape into lielievivng It ot l,al.-e Tnhoo and Mlher poinls ol was a walnut. HOP PICKERS ATTENTION Registration Books Are Now Open Big Stason In Prospect Extra Fint Hops Good Accommodations Season Will Probably Start Between Aug. 8 and 14 Thot who regllter now will be notified when to report and will be given preference In employ ment. Address: Hilton Hop Yards Rt. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. Summer Sun and Fuel Everyone likes to save money. Buy GREEN SLAB WOOD and this summer sunshine will dry It for .winter use. CITY PRICES 16-in. Green Slab, per load . . $3.00 4-f t. Green Slab, per cord . . $2.00 We have a quantity of dry slab wood now ready for immediate delivery. 16" Dry Slab, per load $4.50 Why not order green slab wood now and save the difference. Phone 282 r-tuw-w "-ni I Groin N.-"-'1"" J CONTINENTAL DISTILLING CORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, m hot to "patrol" Rritisli ami Ficnrh is lands fn tho South Pacific the region oyvd hy Jaimn. U. S. Opposes Road Closure ilolh Clniri'liiirs Rovornniont of Groat Itritain ami tho far oast ap praised Socrclary II nil's ileclarn Hon that tho I'nilod Slates would disapni-ovp Britain's closing- tho Inirtna roml as a concession to Ja pan. Hull said such action would he tloiiiinontal tu foreign (ratio inter ests. Tho Chinese Rovornment in riiunKkins said closing tho road, ovor which it lias boon obti'iiiiu vital snpnlios, would violate inter nal ionat l:iw. Apology Demand Renewed Throe thousand Japnnese resi dents In Shanplmt hold a mass moetinj; and nred Japanese mili tary aiithorltlos to "demand the disarm Inp of United States mar ines" unless the marines apolo gize for the aliened mistreatment of Japanese gendarmes on July 7, foinoidontnUv. a small group of Don7t Waste A Summer WAITING FOR OK'SfTN 3. You can get money for home building or buying quickly ... by dealing with this specialized local thrift and home-financing institution! Without wait ing for out-of-town OK's or bothering with "red tape" procedure, your loan application is promptly consid ered. Local men and money are ready to serve your needs! See us now for a "Quick Action Home Loan." UMPQUA Savings and Loan Association 147 N. Jackson St. Perhaps there are many helpful banking services afford ed here with which you are un familiar. Therefore, this partial list may bring to mind some need that we can fulfill. J CHECK YOUR BANKING NEEDS . . . Checking Accounts . . . Savings Accounts . . . Time Deposits . . . Safe Deposit Boxes . . . Bank Money Orders . . . Bank-by-Mait . . . Travelers Cheques . . . Letters of Credit . . . Collections . . . Escrow Service . . . Trust Service . . . Foreign and Domestic Exchange LOANS FOR: . . . Home Building . . . Modernization . . . Farm Activities . . . Business Operation , . . Industrial Enterprise . . . Auto Purchase . . Personal Uses Roseburg Branch of the UNITED STATIC XATIOXAL BASK ot Portland