SIX RgSEBUKS WEWS-REVTEW, R0SEBUR5, PRESON, TUESDAY, JULY IS, IMP. ' Legion Juniors Hard at Practice Revenge Sought in Wednesday Game for Defeat Suffered From Marshfield Team, The llosihiirg Legion Junior liiiseba;! it'M m. im-mI) from n 1 in 2 win over Million), wept Ihiougli u hard worlioiil yesterday In preparu Hun for their encounter with (In BlriiMK Muishflild team Wednesday IlllCIIIOOII. The rnnio to be pluved hcn ngaiiiM Miusliliilil. which hold tWO vllloilcs fiVIT (lie local I I'M Ml . will be iihiyi'il ut -1:1.". i. in. Wed Ti'-Hilliy III I'lnh.y Held. M had lii-nii planned in lntNl a iwllit'lii game, lull ilnc In oIiht (-rtiiiiiiltinii'iiiH for the held, II was im'i essaiy. IVml I luil 'I in nit annitiiiii ci lu'lav to arrange Hm game for p. m. The Itosehurg ten in dropped both ends of u double header to ihi' ( oos Itiiv players recenity. Ih in tents being dun In pari In .1 v. i high wind, which doubled t ic out rlchlci'H III IllllHllillL'. IIV hull. Coach Turner Pleased f'oiicli Turner was well pleaded. i K'.iortH, wild showing made at Med ford ami hopes I tic local t -am 'iu play li h well in Wedemday' , t-'ii ,ic. 'I'lic Itoschirg team ) victory in tomorrow's contest If it Is lo Flay In the h a i u p i o 1 1 si ; I , i lace. Jloseburg bus :r oppoiii.nlly, by winning Wednesday's game and loth ends of Die douMehealer lo he played here Sunday again! Mcdfoid to win the Southern Ore poll district championship, hut a toss l'i Maitdif icli would he a ser buis Hciliuck lo any i hump!'ii:.'liip ' hopes. This year's team, f 'o.v h 'hn pet Males, hint greater poh-niiiliiles (hail any iliot-en lo represent 'bin locality lor several urs. For ihc liivt llnii' In several season the teil'it Iuih llirce pilcherH available lor iluiv, with Apnlcuaic. Cox and 1 iyer iih the litn I Inn stal f. CoK. W ho minus Hie mil I i-lil ci -.1 f -s when mil pitching, is rapidly do veloplng itiio a long distance hit ler. Plruurd. catcher, in declared to he one of Ihe hoist prociccf i hi be nen in tunny years, and. it is hclieved hy funs who ha'.. net n tillil work, will be alilc to go si way In hiiyeball f given tin- li-'in opportunity. Hice, I) a v I h o n, ('iip'inltn-':'. Atlaimi. fox aii'I Appltraic an iivallahh' lor oiill'lehl pinitions. Wtllie Ull:d. Steplo'H. 'liU-.- noil Itelle.ri ( nil will holit -dow.i Hi 1 Infield HpolM. Support Urned The AmiMicaii l.ej;i'ii haxchal! coininlltce, fponuorhiK junior h.ise hall, uruc'i hh many laim ai ioI hie to turn oill ior Ihc cnun- Wed iii'Kilay nl l ci noon. W hile it i leallcd (lie llnii' md for Hi" aiiu (m not Kit II ii bio lor a rn-at many tuna, II In the only hour n vntiu5.lt1. Atli'inlaiicp of latin In needed, hnih lo five Hie leinn tin m-cdi'd mipporl, hul itli'i In holtder Ho1 H uaiiclnl iml id' tin) Itaseliall ;Mtl- Tin- ninln came Wcdiicnluy ii'tei tioon. will he piecciled liv a run IchI ladwcen Ihe Vonialla and Itosclniiw MldutdM, Hie lliid fMiu. helll nitiedllleil tor I : IT. fiVloch. Winner of City en"i'ni I, i . i' . . ."V' !'i .V';'' hun.:i r las!'?-- M New j- t !-v l-W I 'lint o ii lid i; ii tfi it VI ii if MI-h Lois Kurt, above, crowneil lady teiinin cliaiiidon for the i lly of liosidiiiiK, when j;he eme'rcil vicitir Sunday in Hie linalH of Hie city tournament, sue phm-d thnmyh the i lliuluai ion rounds ami le leaieil Vera Hod in Miinhi nets in the match Sunday In acquire the t l(y title. Mih.'t Kurt, a dau;:hter "1 .Mr. ami Mis. Waller Kurlz. llln W. Kirst St. J Burma Route Ban Opposed by Hull WAR II INC TON, July 10. (AP) Thi; atalH ilcpaitnicnt announced I'liiicd StatcH opposition today to the i-IohIiik of world trade arteries Mich as the Ihirnut road and the French Inilo-Hilim mil way over which Chinu receives iiiohI of its war supplies. Japan hail demanded that fireal firltain close the lliirina roil I e. A Htalemenl from Secretary Hull Haiti:' secretary of Htato 1n reply to iiuiuirli'H by press corrcHponii I'tilH tor comtiieiil In regard lo re poris thai al the instance or the Japanese government. Hie l!i liish j-'overnmenl would prohibit tem porarily Ihe inovenient of certain com moil Hies through Itnrma into Ctilria over what Is known as the lliirina route, naid that this gov ernment has a iepitiniate interest in tin; keeping open ol arterli-H of commerce in every part of the w or Id and coiiHidcr that action such us IIiIh, if taken, and Hiich as waa taken recently in relation to the Indo China railway, would cou sliiute mi warranted iiilerposiiions of obstaclcM In world trade." Roosevelt Still Mum Toward Demo Meeting frontlmietl from pace 1 Colonel Will Entertain Roseburg Rotary Club Germans Ready to Hurl 600,000 Men at Britain : -; - i m4 latitiiiH wilh Ihe outside world. The llaniii how hav urea Is ahoul I "H miles south west of Shanuhai. It is one of Hie daces listed in a Japanese proclaumi loo yesterda v h-ininu the coasis id r'ltekian and Kukicn provinces lo all .ship (ml lie MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE I'OliTI.ANIl. July HI. (AT) j Mutter, biillerl'al, clinese , ckkr. Ifrniiiliv i ila lln iiniilli-V dress. Pl'OVCS Aide tO CuOldN'l Imlteys, onions, new polutocH, 1 ! hay, wool, mohair, hides, cascara, National Guard Call (Continued front patre 1) ; Imps. 0inrullKC(. .1 Jap Cabinet Resignation Presages Firmer Policy 1 (("nntltuieil rroni pKi D IIiHIhIi ami Fiemh Isles in Hie Miiltll t'aclllc. SMANHIIAI, ' July Hi. (AIM VarHhliM. nlrcrall mid marines have :oiie into action, ihe Japan ese iiaxy uuuouni-cd today, to close IIiiiikcIiow buy and Hie impoi i;mi trealy port id NiliKro. Hirourli which the Chlam! Kai Slick uovein incut b:et been maim a Ine.l trade re let-ill a j- ami nallnnal imatd I mops lor (he maneuvers Ihiioiki men In I he Mi si ,n my, Mi. nun men in t he I. ti"-. ii "i men in Hie (bird and M' lhcu in the toniih. Hcnui.:e ol lite maneuvers, dales of I he nailonal rille mulches al Camp I'eny. O., have been cliatitied llOIII A ULTiil IS Sciilelllhel' 7 lo Seplcinbei- 1 J. Since Hie new dale in.Mlii't:! w ith Hie opeiiliu; of' schivds. ihe deparimeiii said ludayj UO I ill' teams id Hie l iti.ens' mili j tary (r.iinlni; camps or the reserve) nlliieis' liaiinii;: corps could b'" st ill to Hie inalches. Man Who Hid Churchill In Mine in Boer War Dis .loll AVNF.i-IH'Ut;. I'nfun of 'oulb All it ,i, .1 , : I Hi. AIM .Inhlt CetH-je Howard. ST. Who hid Win-'tiHi ( Imii liill in a mine pit tor lluce davs in IVt'.i alter ibiiain s P' iiuc mlni.' Ii'r escaped I rem a prisoner':' camp in Hie IJoer war. (Mill I'idaV. lie belpetl Chlllclllll llee b train lo I 'oil Ui-Ucse l-'iii 1...' . f-nnee:l.-d til t.ile-; r Wind American Legion DOUBLE HEADER Wednesday, July 17th Midgets 1.45 Legion Juivop. 4:4C- Roseburg Midget's vs. Yoncalla Midgets Roseburg Legion Juniors vs. Marshfield Juniors FIKiLAY FIELD ADMISSION 25c LIVESTOCK l'OIITI.ANti. inc., July 11'.. ( A I-) (I'. K. I i'il . A nr. IKlliS: Miiilii-I inthiT slow, nhuiit Kti'Uilv. v.ici.l . Hir, L'I r. Hi. ilrlvfiiiH fi.Hi 'Jr.; niuallv kiiIiiIiIk :il J7.1.1: fnrlimrlH fnKilnl.lf lo $7.;!'.; L'L'r.-L'r.ll III. li.'h!s $11. ".II 7".; liu'Jil IIkIiis ' "": iiiimIIiiiii ur.'iilrM ilnwn in siioii; ii.-nkliiK siiwh $i..u-r..2r. ; IIi'IiIwi'IkIiI I'i'i'iliT ilt:n qiliilulili. ?li .'.ii 7 ml. ('A'l'l'l.i:: Cnlvi'S slmv. luiisl Iv sl.'iiily; few pliiin hIi'its uiisnlil: mill lii'int nil liTHinnmiHl Kli'i't's :..;r.-;.iin; t-.mKK nu m kiii ;i.iiiiiI S.LT. Him: ii.l sh'iTM illnt.'llili $1 .'.II; It'V. riililtllilll Ii'miits $:..;r, K.f.u: kihi nil in iiviK Milnlalili' up In ?!MIU; riuiui'l'rulll--miiu rows S:l.r.u l.:ju; I'rw iiii'illiiiu Ciiml llt'i'l" I llWrt J.i.UII 7.i ; kiiiiiI vnlini: f'l'US (luolulili' lo SH-lTi; uii1 illuiumioil suusimi. hulls sii.T.u 7.uu; uiinil rhiili i' vi'iiIiu k M.iiii Mi; no-li'i-ls III ?!IA."i; lllrilllllll vt'nll'is ?7 mi -i.r.u. SIIKKI'r Muiki'l nilivi'. Klraily; irouil rliniri' snlui: l;l III lis J.uil l1.".; I'liiiMiui'i nii'iliiiiu Ki'iuli'i $7.i'0 .r4; l'i-i I'it'Iit lauilm $7.1111; ml. I rarliii!:M $."..iu; ful ivis sulalili. SJ 7'. ;l.uil; I'liiinuoti Ktaili's ilnwn to SI mi. WHEAT I'llltTI.AN'li. .lulv li!.- IAIM IMu'ii Hli;li l.nw rinsp S.-. .71 71 71 71 Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Coiupilt'il I iv Thi' Assoflatuil l'i S1.00 EXAMINATION SPECIAL to the SICK Only One Day Tells Ca'ir.rt uf Yoie Tt onb'o Friday, July 19 TpMs Where It Is Loc.itfd Tells ts Do For It THIS COMPLETE EXAMINATION Di nk or IrMiitt in th ihmm.ilnm. rt'Oriht lilixxl t?lll'f. fit. Ihit ft I.-.I. It l tt'etli". II villi nit .lilmj a i t Mi' tu h.if P'n A lilt in duroteiitg tmliltn tmts .mil Int-thof man human bjly wnin mtv hit f i.niililf to' ttii-i Almriitt t ditoiilri. rifitoUMifiv ht iddirt. Itm.ilf hmiiiln, Imjti p( h trftil $1 tMmi'Uliuti ii fi'lirt'v (liltfifnf dom i ni not fiftu'y to tm tlic rlrclo nn ti tug unlm m mv li n t ino Ihf MIUI)( t'AUSe el nf Inmlfv (lift r Cap (fin ti 10 RtVtWJfR tilt 0ATIS. DR. S. A. DAVID, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Hotel Grand, Roseburg .lulv III: r.u 1". 1". Kit ln.rln lili'n I I'm St'ks ! Tui-iil.iy . ... . r.7 ir..7 :..f. n.7 I'li'i. iiav .... r.7 :i ir. I ;ir. I am Mi.uiIi ami . r. :! iis r. n.i V.'ar nun . 71 u III 1 :l r.ii I l'i in likll . 7 1 '2 L'n .i In i rc - nun imv t,i. s i:iu :',iiii ::;.n BONDS L-il 111 111 111 l.-li'H Iu.I Ih I t's Kan. Tui'siluy r.7. lit;! ii !ui ii "tl l' I'lvv. ilay . n In; ll li". II 117.1 Month atn .. .'.i 3 inn ;i ii;i 2 ;n n Yi'iir ;iiii r.s '.' inn li liil II ill 1 ' ri hi liiuh . Mi ii iii:i.ti 117 "i r.:t r. ii' in low . . iv. :i iis it ;iu.;i ::.'..) KEEP HIM ON HIS TOES I 'oi's your luiHtiuntl oUor i cusi'i i lii'ii you wnnl lilin to en tun In Iho cvt'iilni;,,llon't It'l him pull tin' old kiik. "My i lullii's uim'iI rli'anlnK iilnl PIi'sm lui; " Maki' its tosponsllih'. rhiini1 IT-. Umpqua Cleaners 231 NO. MAIN ley hlMillKlifcfl the first major convention Hession last ninlit. Todays iiroKiain Kent the ron venilon tliioui'li Hie last whirl of roinmlities hid'tire ihe real nclioii Ktarts. ToutoiTow -the platronn rol.ably will be adopted, and Thursday will ln noniinaiinK day. Ah In the recent republican rnn venlfoii al Philadelphia, the knot I lest proldem v. as reconciling di veimTit views over foreign poliev. The commit ice hen i'i ilemandK thai Hie Tiiiled Slates (?o so tar iff (o convov supnlies infireat lb it nin. Kenators Wheider ol" Mon tana and Mct'arran of Neadu de-clai-ed tJiat to tu so would be an lie of war. They have s:iid they uotihl fil)( any proposal that MroiiL.'. on Hie floor of the conven tion if necessary. On the other hand. Senator I'epper of riorbla v:k leading a tleinamt for a plank advocatiim all possible aid short of war. Bankhead Asks Unity In his keynote address. Speak er Itatikhead said the major objec tives "of boih paities must be un it v II nd solidarity of purpose in preserving inviolate Hie structure of our government ami (he perpet ual freedom of its people." "We recognize thai ours is a government by political parlies and that as lustrume uiallHeK of uovernmeiil Hiey are entitled to the largest measure id' freedom in carrying leg 1 1 (mutely disputed is sues to (he people." he said. "We do not propose," he added, "to appease ( i os e aggressors whose duel l'i ties wage war upon every principle nf liberty fur a free people Ihat our declaration of independence and our federal coiisliliiliim reserved." tin this point, Farley said In his address that the administra tion "has given its solemn pledge thai no American liny will be seul to die on the hailleibdds nf Ku ril pe ami Iliis eninp'ti't will he kept." Farley Gets Ovation Farley was given a tumultuous ova t ion when he urged the party workers to "give our successors and I he new national pariy or ganization ihe same support that was accorded to Ihe national coin mittce in U:i2 ami and 1.:i." The delegates already had been counselled by Mayor Kdward J. Kelly in his welcoming speech o "draft Woosevell." lUlt Kelly said the president always had turned aside his every suggestion that lie run again. Delegates in Quandary Other leaders of states whose delegations are pledged solidly to Mr. Itnnsevclt for a third 'erni said they had no more definite w ord from the white house than did Kellv They had no irpdrur- J he l uion Oil company will pre sent Colonel Jack Major, (above) public relations representative he fore the Rotary chit of Roseburg, Thursday noon. Colonel Major hails from Pa ducah, Kentucky, and Ik the pro tege of levin S. Cobb, having been din caddy for that worthy on the i'aducah goll course. It was through tht assistance of Mr. Cobb that Hie colonel began his writing and alter dinner speaking. The colonel's after dinner talks (Contlntifid from page 1) uwulted storming of lint island fortress was orlKirmlly set for the night of July 0-lu, but was delayed because or disagreement among I III lei's generals. The nazl .ships were reported poised till along Ihe channel coast from Itrest, France, to llergen. Norway. Nazi Air Raids Lessen I liens t Aus lieu ischium). Cer mun comment ury, said air raids thus far against Knglaud had not been op a large scale and were intended only to tighten Cer m a n y's attempted "starvation blockade" and to weaken resist ance hy destroying airdromes, iiruiM plants and docks. The daily (ierman raids on Brit ain tapered ofr sharply. Planes were sighted over northeast lOng lund but no bombs were dropped und a lone raider was believed shot down off the southeast coast. The llritisli for their part ap peared to be striking at Cermauy. A dozen or more radio stations in derma ny and Ceriuan held ter ritory fell silent last night and early today. Indicating that llrit isli planes were in the neighbor hood, although no announcements were made at the time. The British air ministry report ed it hud inflicted punishment on '22 ierman airports and other points in the previous -IS hours. The (Jermans called the raids "aimless" and scoffed at damage done. Mines Ring Italy Itrltaln was believed to have are ho crammed full of Kentucky laid ''W mine fields In waters i hill-billy lore, race horses anil around Italian territory in Ihe isioiies about Padiieah that the gov ernor, in recognition ol his work made him a "colonel." lie has en tertained the president in Washing ion and other dignitaries many limes. Citlonc! Jack Major writes for the Christian Herald, making use of his early (raining- bin slill iuclud-i hum...- 7n i,. ii ,.,.r .... 'Ian Hiiiish naval baltlf chuckle, iii addition Colonel Ma jor is a vocalist and a whistler. Mediierrauean. The a d m I rally warned vessels that if they should venture within liu miles of Ital ian territoiy in the Mediterranean they would do so "at their own risk and peril." The move was staled to have been in retaliation for similar action taken hy Kaly against ICngland. Itelated reporls of the big Ital- III the from both sides today, giving new details. A cotmnunkpie by the commander-in-chief of the llritish fleet said at least 2d Italian bombing planes were shot down In the ac tion! from anyone as to what to tlo. Nor was there nnv general agreement hv third term advo-jHon. cates over the nuesllon of how I1'1 Italian high command re ihe nresiileiii's name should he ported three direct bomb hits on nut formally before Hie convon-l"1'' 4I!.iiiMrin Hrillsh battle cruis t inn ii iw.i iii.n i. i .. : er 1 1 nod world's la rire:t w:i rshin 1 nominal i ii g speech, have- a deb' and one hit on Ihe llritish nlr cruft carrier Ark Itoyal. PrftviotiH unofficial Italian claims to this effect have been officially denied by the llritish admiralty. Holy Land Suffers The Kalian communique also re ported huge fires set at Huiia, British oil port In Palestine, through direct hits by Italian bombers on oil refineries and de pots yesterday. Idspalches from Jerusalem said one Arab was killed and another seriously wounded in the attack by 10 Italian bombers on nulla the first air raid in the Holy mml since the war began. The llritish admiralty acltnowl edged that the nazl-proclaimed 'atnrudt Inn hlnckfide" Kllbmnrlnn campaign u gainst the P.rittsh is lea ,.uu,l lit.. I.iua nf 114 1!(7 tuna nf1 allied und neutral merchant ships iiuring ine wcea-enu in jiny j. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE COMPLAINTS TANDY Ilni'ltcl't (). tiRttilist Malii'l Tnnily: tntm-led June 5, llilu, nt Albany, Oi'i.; innp'tlon. IIAN1.EV Lena ngnlnst WooiN row llanloy; tnanleil Doit. lli;iu, nt Vuni-oiivi'r. Wash.; ilosni'lion. An Unusual and Exclusive Service Created By The Sherwin-Williams Decorative Studios Whthr yo pUn to. ptlnt your horn r not, don't to tf thl mitn9 Shirwin-Willlomi Point ond Color Stylo Gvido t our ttaro, oowl It contoint 120 gUnt poQti, tach ovor 2 tquoro-lttt In tlto, 14 full-color lllvt tiotiom . . . mny fvll p9-li ropro dudtoni of octvl color photograph. Novtr btforo h onylhing mado It to oaiy . . . to convanltnt . . . lo vituallio M vividly wtt how colon fid color combinations would look In your own homo! Drop In today ond too It. You will put younolf undtr no obligation. Your Copy o the New 1 940 TtCC t VCf ShTwIn-WUIiamt Home Decorator rimw CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. Ironmongers gate arise from the floor in a ges ture of sponlanefty and propose a third le'-ni. or slrnplv let Ihe oth er candidal es be placed in nom ination and poll (lie votes support ing Hie president. The latter are ample to nominate. In l his air of uncertainly, a split developed In t he Massachu setts delegation, promised to Far lev. One 1 1 derate, Clem Nor I on of Itoslnu, shouted In a caucus: "Mr. Farley is a phoney cuntlidate. I want the world in know where I stand wilh Roosevelt." , bout Ihe same I ime. a state ment was coming from Kd A. Car mil, nn tii mat commit teeman I'rnm Washington state, sayitur that many delegates resented "Hie treat men t being accorded Far ley." 2nd Place Still in Doubt The vice-president picture was even more confused. Potential candidates mush roomed on every side. Secretary Hull, Jesse 1 1. Jones of Teas, Paul V. McNillt of Indiana. Secretary Wallace, and Senator Ityrnes of South Carolina shared the most prominent con sideration. O t h e r possibilities Included l.ouis Johnson, assistant secretary id' war: Speaker Hank head, and Senators Hark ley of Kentucky. Hi o n of Michigan. I. ilea s of Il linois and Herring of Iowa. Willis Mahoney. Portland, chair man of the Oregon delegation, es timated six of Oregon's 1" votes for vice-president would go for l.ouis Johnson, assistant secretary of war. He said the siv railed on John son yesterday and assured him of their support. Ihe six included Mahoney. J. W. Morrow. John ilteckman, Harry Itoidoin, and J. I-. 1'hich. The "Biqqest L ELECT! fyer Offered at This Price! Want to Build This Summer? $ Loan Applications Are Considered Promptly Here Tf you want to take ad vantage of the best building months of this year, you need a "Quick Action" Home Loan ! Come to this special ized local thrift and home financing institution. Loan applications are considered locally, without waiting for -out-of-town OK's. Local money is ready for Immedi ate release. Work on your home can start at once! See us now for details. IIMPOfJA VJW&r Savings and Loan Association 147 N. Jackson St. You'll Always Be Glad You Bought a G-EI Other 1940 G. E. Herigerators at Sensational New Low Prices .... LOOK AT THESE FEATURES! G-E Sealed Mechanism Plenty of Ice Cubes Plenty of Storage Space Automatic Interior Light All-Steel Construction Thermostat Insulation Bonderized Exterior Finish o Sold With a Five-Year Protection Plan Hermetically Sealed SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER v