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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1940)
I 1 FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 12. 1940, laeaed natlr n(vi nuuanj by 1 Nena-ltevlew (. Mf-mbrr or The Auctatrd Vrmm Tho Associated Press i exclusive entitled to the uae for repub tea tfon of all news dispatches rrt-rlllei to It or not otherwise credited II this paper and to all local new, publication of special dispatches herein are aino rrvwu. vARIUS KLLSVyuKTII ..Kdltor Kn tared as second class matter alay 1 V. l2(i. at tho pout offk-b ftoicuurg, Oregon, under sot v March a, 1K7S. Represented by w Vorh 271 MndlHon Avo. :hl-kn-KO N. Michigan AVI".- ?" :iOK4 W. Grand lloiilovnrrt a.atll. 603 Ktuwart Btrn-l lor 10 B. W. Blxth Blroot . lToul 111 N. Tenth Hlreet OrigIoi Pub li s IAT1 01 Subscription Ilatca Dally, per year by mall ft.pii Dally, C inontiiM by mall pally, a months by mail........ I " Pally, by carrier per montn.... official or board that handles public money should publish at reliular Intervals an accounting of It, showing where and bow each dollar la spout. UH" Is a fundamental principle of deinu crutiu guyBiniiiem. Hi: I IK In Douglas eounly wo Imvo wondered what Huil "PltHieer Chill" COlolllzlllluil Httllll Lluil recently threatened the (ii'iuilM Pass area, was reully nil about. In Oregon w know full well Unit t ho Idea hh HtiilPtl, name ly to ItiK I lmlcp IhihIh on a fain lly basis, in absurd, 'lagging 1 not dotio llml way In the Douglas fir area and if tins ambitious Call forniaiiH did nol know It thy could easily find out by asking nearly anyone In thin part of the world. Hut along with the fact thai Uie Wllfllft Idt'H WHH "HCIL'Wy" W HH till! i.f.'inlim secrecy or tho pioneer movement. Homo of thi'in anlv ' rd In Ihn vicinity of tlrants Puss --bill they would nol. Inlk. They put up "no trespass" signs and kept to themselves. Then yesterday came Dm iu'wh lluil thu entire settlement had dis appeared between sundown and Kunup and, to all Intents, hud lo tu'Uy and completely vanished. Them wan one disiiuleting IhiiiK aliout the news report dated yesterday. This hist paragraph slated . thnl Hlllioiifih neiKhhoi.s of (hn Hi'llltuneul tl Khf Hie "ploncura' 'hud Bonn bark l Hi Houlhhiud, tilliwra believed they had moved on "to other parts." A I that polnl wo IhhikIuk eimniy IoIUm become interesled. Some per cent of nil of the rir limber In Oiecnii Ih loenled In our county. There hat been relatively liltle hiKCiim. ToHslbly the "IMoneeiH," liutui; come hh far north iih .Iohc phlne county, have beard of our last Umbered acreage by this tl and may be .traded In our di rection. Heaven forbid! Neiirly all colonl.alion schemes Ht hour hooiht or later. The ioup (hat hailed off to Hie iHland In the South Sens to establish I'topla nre ii'piuted to have become very diflllusioued. other "colonlsih" have jn real lly been uuloituiiate victims of real estate piDinoteiM of it very dmir type. We may as well be plain almiil It. If there was any reasonable chance of sin h a colon latlon M-biun witrMiiK '"it in 'h'' I'imik Ins I Imbeied men u e could nut reiiKiuiubly frown upon It. There is plenty ot timber here bin It can liol be inai keleil sin cessllilly by any sihemo f family btKtiiK J.oKito; nnd suuinillinK In ttii" ciniutry Is a business tcipiliim; eu oiuioiis Inwstu.riiis, skillful or Kanizutlnii and an ii.leqinite kimwl viko hi making and inm keinm lumber. Tlie "Pitmeers" piubably ill not show up in our county but H they do they should be promptly dtsillasinncd it mil dls cotiraKeil, IT their plan is iKiiially as reported. Editorials on Newt (CoiUiuad from paga L) tor, it ion of the 1 'tench Un inie. ynii were n scion nf Kiemh royally and w ere restored (n tin throne of our tutbers II Y A KOli Kiev ( UNQI KItdli. how w.miM you reel about it in Un silent wait ties or (he utKbt uheti you uip alone with your conscience".' tlKHK is the Htiftwer cynical (ml tine: If you vxere a scion of deposed royalty, you would be grateful to ANYBODY vi bo gain you back llor whateer puvpowpl your loci W perqulHltoB and privilege. Himory leaves no doubt on that point. pONOKK.SSMAN JOKKP1! W. MAHTIN, or MaHHachuseltH. ninority leader of the bouse of representatives, has been named chairman of the republican nation al committee and director of Will Lie's cumpaiKii. Judged from a distance and by report, Marlin seems a sensible, hard headed realist. If that Is true, the choice Is a pood one. We need sensible, hard -headed real lit Is In these critical days. IN piping Union of peace, when everything looks lovely and the ;;oosc appears to hung high, you can afford to weave daisies In your hair ami dance in the dew in the moonlight, but when grave danger threat ens you have to buckle down to hard work and common sense. II you don't, the bogey man will gel you. KRNR Mutual roadoattlng SyttMl 1M0 Klloayolaa UIOMAININd IIDUItS TODAY 4:00 Wings (or America, MBS. I::ll Toil Tlmn Dlincn. IMO-SlnfnnlcllH. r:IIO HpoilM (lillilc. MIIS. G : 1 G llH-hlo WoodH' OrchoHtni, MIIS. li: 3(1 Winner Pnrknr, MIIS. 0: IT, Chonr IIl (imiK, MIIS. 6:00 Raymond Gram Swing, White Owl Cigars, MBS. Ii:l5 Dlnnor Daiicd. 6:30 John B. Hughes, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS. fi:4n -Modern MeimlieH. 7MIII TuniKhl'H 'lillie. 7:05 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties. Co. 7:10 News-Review News Flashes. 7: 1.1 Mutiml MiiokIi'oh. 7:n I.IUIO HiitiKer, MIIS. S:(I0 INihkIIiIc Lmiilnn NnWH, .MIIS K::in liny Nnlirt'H Orclicilni, MIIS 9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS. 9: ITiMirzy Miireolllnu'H (irchcH- tni, MIIS. 9:110 Kulluil I.pwIh, ,1r MIIS. !i : -I f Pancn f Irclu'st iu. 1U:00-SIkii Off. HA'I TltllAV. JI'I.V l:l 7:no Stuff ii nil Nonsense. 7:30 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 State and Local News. 7:lf HlmiMiHly In Wax. 8:0U- Cnl. Manny I'raKei'H Ore'i., MIIS. K::io-'l'ltln noil That In Melinly. !l:Oll- Dun Alien, lenor, MIIS. !l::in MeKiii lnnil T in. MIIS. 10:00 Songs of Yesteryear, Copco. to: Ift Syiiiiilmny. I0::io- MiihIi- by Willanl, MIIS. 1 1 :()ll MnliluitterH. MIIS. Il:ir Til Me Annnllneeil, MilS. 12:llo - l.iinchenn lianee.. 12:15 Popslcle Pete's Monry Dox, Popsicle, MBS. 12:45 State and Local News. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. l:oo Soiih or the ruriile Saie, MIIS. 1 : 15-Tninmy Reynolds' Orehes- Ini. MIIS. 1:10 At Your roinlnand. 2 : 15 - W'estel ll Ti'llliis Tnllrney Semi Klnals. MIIS. 2.-.HI llianias of Yniilh. MIIS. :l:i0 I'nliner Mouse t'oneerl lr- eheslia. MIIS. :t:15--(!eo. Sleuniey's Oirhestrll. MIIS. 3:30 Itllililv Melville's I In'llest 1 .1. MIIS. 1 :oli - Tommy Tin ker's Or. !:esha, MIIS. 1 :3o Interlude. 1:10 lllllv llnsKel'H (Mi llesll.!. MIIS. rOO lliiwnll Culls. MIIS. fi:3(l- Ameili-an Choral festival. MIIS. 11:0(1 dinner lianre. ; :: .loim n Unfiles, miis. li: I.". - Moili rn Melodies. 7:on Tollfcllt's Time. 7:05 News. Calif. Pacific Utili ties Co. 7:10 News-Review News Flashes. 7:15 -Mat mil Maestro. 7 : 15--l.any Clinton's (In lieslia. MIIS. S:00 lluddv Mi-ievlllr's Oil-lies- I rn. MIIS. S::n -Mnzzy Man-elllno's Oi-ehes- lia. MIIS. !l:0li News. MIIS. 9:15 Saturday Nlaht Party, Wing Cigarettes, MBS. 2:11(1- -Sikh oil. SI'NIi.VY. .II'I.Y I I S on SlallnK Male Clirnus ol r.-nlisyh aula. M IIS. S:"0 oiie of l'lO.herv (Vloll. MIIS. v 15 Canaiy Choms. MIIS !l on Mnivh nl lleallh. MIIS. 9:15 The Chaplain Speihs, Rev. Ferry Smith. !i 30 Amerl.-an Wlldlifc. MIIS. !l 15 - S inpllniiy lo on incer and Ale:iiid-r. MMS 10:15 Romance of the Hi Ways. Greyhound Lines. MBS. 10:30 - PalnuT Mouse Cornel l Or i-hesiia. MIIS. 11:00 Baptist Church Services. 2:i'" Timtittrlal III Mass. Cal' mel, MIIS. 1 on 'I'o He Anminni rd. I.:l" .lark T''.'ii:iu-il''ti's orelies tin. MIIS. 2 nOTropii-al Si'i-enade. MIIS 2:15- Talk hv Sen. l-.'dum C. John son. MIIS. 2 ::n Western Tennis Toililu v finals. MIIS. 3-ini llender.tims. MIIS. 3:3o - SiKiid Selnillz Iroin lor itiiinv. M US. 3 15- Shea fields' Olrlioslra, MIIS i nn Amerlian folilin of the Ail. MIIS. 5:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour, MBS. on- A IV llnllellns. MIIS B:n.1-wiiN Syniplionle lloin, MIIS. 6:30 The Angelus Hour, Dr. C. A. Edwards. 7:00 Favorite Songs of Yours and Mine, Hansen Motor Cr 7:15 The Quiet Hour. 7.45-Hamoik Kn-euihlp, MIIS. OUT OUR WAY 0j GOfeH.THAT GUY'S A THEM'S. TH' KIMD V ,THAT& VJMV GOT A COLD CLAM MV I AIW'T SL0&PICIOU9 r'M A COBWE& f HAND&HAKE--JLiST OF IT'Sj TH' H ALE COWBOY TODAV LIKE A DEAD FrSH IN AM' HEARTY HAMD- I USED TO L.IKE. YOUR HAND I'M 5LS- 6.HAKE THAT POTS THEM Bl5 (SRlPPy B PICIOUS. OF THEM ME OM THE ALERT.' GYPPER&, BUT , ' m. KIND OF BIRDS A FISHY HAKLD- I LOOK AT KE .' THEY THEY rAAKE SHAKE!? HAS NO V SHOOK ME COWKj.' M UP rAY I PASSIM& INTEREST Xf f N oWTW SPINE. - IN VOLA IT'S THEM V hr'-v' S N:00-Toininy Tueker'H Orchestra, MIIS. X: 15 I'aslor'n Sludy, MIIS. s : 30 Command I'ei fi p-maiiee, MIIS. II : no I: 15 11:30 News, MIIS. Iiam-e Oreheslra. Sinn off. Commissioner Roadman Still Hospital Patient t.'onnty Commissioner II. It. Itnndniiiu u ill be confined to Hu cii'd Henri hosjiilnl in Kugeue lor seerul weckn, relatives and friends bore have been Informed. .Mr. ftoadmuu lasl week sintered un attack of heart ailmetii while stop ping In Kneel n; on Ibe way home from a vacation spent in the Wil Inmi'lti' valley. He mis rushed to the hospital, where bis condition si ill renmhiH quite serious, a I Ibough he is reported Id he show ing some inn loveineiit. IL will be necessary, however, that he be given hnspltul observation and treaimenl lor considerable lime, it is repoi ted. LETTERS to the Editor HIGHWAY TRIBUTE TO A. C. MARSTERS PRAISED t'ANYu.WlN.i;. Ore.. July 1 -Ktlitor Koseburg News IJe icw: I would like in congnitubite Huuglas coiintv on the realization of the opening of the dream highway Hie North t iniHiua river to I Ma. ( uiond lake, and also that you have a i i i hi citizen ami living monument In Hie Hint never says quit A. ('. Mui'siers-- and lew know the ninny line things he has done for the slate, county nnd his fellow man. I am this dedication was made while he was here to enjov H. and not alter he hai passed over Hie (ireat Highway lor the bod lime, I am glad il was given in Hie ioiikIi. u natural park just as Cud made il. beloie Hh native beauly had been spoiled by loo much civil Ir.lni;. I hi: It in tlo rugged mountains where Ibe rmpquu river is a little narrower, a Utile clearer, a little colder and the Until have darker spot -4, l!il made Hi is Immense park, and it would seem that he had breathed his breath upon il lo preserve Us natural beauty, and who knows but what he did. first came the park, then came man and now Ibe bridge and monti tiieiit to the men of the old west and the rhildiell of tile new west. We hope thai A. ('. Marslers w II be spared lo houglas enmity until bis lootpiiuis ale as tuau upon Hint roadbed, as upon Hie stieets ol Kosebitl U. KMHMT NI FAMILY. Sprague Raps Expansion I Of Bureaus in Debate PI tUTI.AN I . .Iul P.'. - (AIM Governor Sprague condemned the cvpaiton ot tederat bureaus lust night as "one ot Ibe greatest evils ol our time." Ivhating with Hi hard N'eustadt, regional social security director, at the hiHttlule ol NorlhweM Attairs, Sprague asserted the gnvermuenl had deprived states of sovereign l q: Ills through increased fedei a I laud ownership ami lows superced ing the ads ot stale legislatures. The govern'ir complained that the stales hail In-t Ibe fieedoin to ex periment and that lederul control nl "purse siring"" made il dilticillt lo teslM cut i oat bmetii. V'listailt replied Hint Hie ecu ltulir.atiin atisweied the demand lor "solulion ot the national prob lems on a nation wide basi." "In P.;;:' It was impossible lor b cal governments to solve the prob leni-t of uneutplo) meut w ithout (edernl aid," lie said, "theiefoi e. the fcdeuil government was forced lo step in at the people's cutu niand." The government acted similarly to meet the requirements of other -oial di-rlopments. Netii-udt add ed. PALNA MVSTER.V cgpji. two dSOllEGONfSOWN 'SUGAR Klamath Falls Kiuoolh, umber-colored, mealy and luscious. Kiauiath Netted Heny potuloes have won friends wher ever I hey ko. And that lueans a lot ol friends, for tho Klamath ba sin raises more than 7'Min carloads of potatoes each year and it ex ports approximately so per cent ol all Oregon potatoes shipped to markets outside the state. Onct: potato Krowim; was intro duced to the irrigated farming urea near Kiauiath Kails, this product i came rapidly to the front as a ma jor Klamath contribution to Ore gon's agricultural wealth. It was discovered that the hijfh altitude fllbo teet), I lie fertile sandy lonm. the sunshine and reg ulated moisture on Klamalh county farm lauds produced an Ideal tu ber, unexcelled anywhere iu Ameri ca. Klamath fanners quickly ac quainted themselves with methods of increasing both quantity and quality. Production has been in creased, now runninp Irom ;Jnu to ."in 1 1 bushels an acre, and the pro portion of '. S. No. 1 potatoes runs remarkably high. Regulated mois ture through irrigation has bad a lot lo do with the development of smooth, perfectly shaped potatoes, aim Kiamatns ugiu unmer spuos have an inviting appearance that Is just Hied by the- results of any method of cooking or baking. Klamalh potatoes are graded ac GOVERNMENT LEADER IIOKIZONTAL 1.7 Pictured president of the Philippines. 12 Burden. HGood-by. Hi To canter 17 Monster. 18 Place- of worship. 19 To make a swenter 20 Dover property. 21 Ki cednm. 23 Abstract being, 2-1 Note in scale 2ft lnh 2 fi Southeast (ahhy i. 27 Snijl! Amn in f.ihbi 2fi Answer lo Previous Puzzle iA-PGiEiNp 1 iNjAlJvTKEiAiTI RE:BAiTS F O A'S PI 41 Folding bed. 42 You. 43 God ot sky. 44 And. 45 Cintcr. 47 Fond containers. 4!F.ll 5ft r.-tymenl for intruction. JO Tpc nie.tMiro 51 English 31 Spun (;ibbr ) inonoy. . 53 Supreme Ucmji 55 Challenge 57 Play. 5!) Hand.-ome XI riM'i 3-t si.ip's record 1-vU :;ii nitifT :lli l,.r.?u,sh i 1 13 M I ib" b 7 ) g 9 jiQ il iT"4 15 "Tfe . 20 P" 21 ' ""Jul 13 H 2l I 25 Tj.' I I P zfaEzzt rtfjj ZZjDlL "T Pun Y,f ! n 1 11 I n 1 r y WDams j SY MCA scsvicf. :wc. V"fcii! uVs. .AT. err, y cording to I'. S, standards, thus assuring uniform quality. I'eople of Khtinath Falls, as well an the fHiinera of that area, aro justly proud of Klamath potatoes, and this of lesson: "Sacrament." Sunday products has contributed Hubstau-1 school convenes at 9:15 a. m. Wed tially to the welfuru of tho Klam- nesday evening meetings which In- ath basin. Klamath potato farmers main-! lain the quality of potatoes by rn - tatlng this crop with grain, alfalfa and clover. Recently small seed open dally except biindays nnu growing has come to Hie fore as an holidays from 10 a. m. to 4: 30 p. m. important product of the Imsiti, Mere the Hfble and all authorized with nlsike clover a favorite rota- Christian Science literature may Hon crop with potatoes heading be read, borrowed or subscribed the list. In. 19:18, some l.:ial.,IM)U for. The public Is cordially invit pounds of nlsike seed was grown ed to attend the church services on 200b acres, bringing a return of and to visit tho reading room. $111,750. christian Science services iu Sugar beet seed f rates second Myrtle Creek are held each Sunday highest In small seed tonnage In Ht 11 a. in. iu the grunge hall. The the Klamath area." with n,000 subject of the lesson-sermou for pounds produced last year and Sunday. July 11, is "Sacrament." more to be planted in the present The public is cordially invited to year. Klamath s agricultural develop ment Is pain tl with a busy lumber industry In sustaining this pros perous community. Klamath Fulls likewlsc occupies a key poqitfbff. Jn mercial avenue. A. Harold I'ers tbe transportation system,..,, the ing, pastor. Services for Sunday: coast being on the Gr'ltyrav Sunday school at 9: -13. John isl and Southern Pacific mJrtnaaW,1 Jlot in chargu with a fine group and It ds tho bub of q;. 'Miiyf teachers co-operating. Morn highway system :onnooUi$ j.lh'fiig worship beginning tit 11 a. m., all of tho leading soctiobp(jpf ' the C. A.'s will meet at (i:yo. Kraut-oust, t"' 1 gelistic service at 7:45. Quar- Crater lake Is In Klamath coun- let from the Southern California ty and only (ill miles from Klamath Itible institute will have charge of Falls. The lava beds national this service. They will be singing monument Is only IJii miles south, many special songs for the even These and many other attractions Ing. They are all young men who can be reached over fine high- , are studying for the ministry. Ser ways. ! vices Tor the week. Tuesday night Klamath Falls, a comparatively at 8 p. m. Devotional and preach-new- city, invites Oregon people to ing. Friday night at S p. m., C. A. 'a visit it and to sec for themselves in charge. the agricultural, industrial and , transportation development hat FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH has taken place In this area. And! il invites Oregon people to tryj Ilihle school 9:15. Classes Tor Klamath potutoes. They're first all ages. Church service 10:15. class! 1 1 Tennis fences. 14 Flatfish. 15 Lug. 21 Typescttin g machine. 22 Compliant. 27 By law he can not be elected to himself. 28 Sloths. 30 Neither. 32 He is a or a pleasing leader. 33 Old wagon track. 61 His country is now a (Pi). aouazenc. 1 37 To decay. 38 Yes. v 40 Unit. ' 45 To appear.' 46 Lacerated, VERTICAL 1 Frame of mind. S Kind of wool. 47 Arrived S Attendant for 48 Malleable. sick. 50 Away. 41 Custom. 5 Layer t Blaze. 7 To abandon. 8 Lame deer. 9 Climatic divisions 10 Deems. 52 Uncooked. 54 Burmese knife. 56 Army corps (abbr.V 57 To accomplish 58 Lava. ' 60 Subsists. laaAlivrim.Ji D&MTfrlflPn N X I iwiiriunnj Sunday fU DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHA3. A. EDWARDS "Slmly to show thysclt ap proved." How varied are the fortes which bring us to the do ing of cci'taln things and re strain un from the doing ot others. There Is u fear of con sequences. If we do not do this we shall lose. If we do that we will suffer. Again, there is the continual threat of the loss of the good opinion of our fel lowsthe mass pressure of tho crowd. St. l'aul In these words presents to Timothy a deeper motive supported uy an inner authority. Ucfore the judgnicut seal of his own conscience lie ought to stand unashamed. Noth ing less 'than this is adequate. The spirit which loses Its own self-respect haa lost all. One must be true to himself at all costs. What shall It profit a man if he guln the whole world nnd lose the commendation of bis own soul, or what shall a man give In exchange. How true the words. This above all: To thine own nelr bo true, nnd It must follow, as the night the day: Thou cunst not then lie fnlHe to nuy miin. My God keep us lo be true to our own hearts for Jesus' sake. Amen. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST :U2 E. Douglas street. Regular services Sunday at 11 a. in. Subject elude testimonies of healing and remarks on Christian Science are ' held Rt S o'clock. The reading room at 317 Perkins building is attend these services. FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Located at the west end of Com- sermon. " I he .Man With a Vision." .loh n A. Harney. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m., church service 8 p. in., ser man "Rejoice." Men's 9! club to meet Tuesday, iluly Hi, at 8 p. m. Daily vacation Ulble .school will continue for one more week. Young people leave for Kir Point Christian service camp Monday morning ut H o'clock. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Edenhower district. Kosehurg. Sunday school. 10 a. in,. II a. ni. Morning worship 11 n. m.. 12 noon. Young People's service, 7;:tn p. ni.. S p. m. Evangelistic service. S p. in. Come and enjoy with us a quiet hour or Christian love and fellow ship. Kev. .1. 1. Kern lit t. pastor. DILLARO METHODIST CHURCH ti. A. Carbnden. pastor. Sunday s,chool 111 a. in. Morning worship 1 1 a. in. Sermon topic. "The Val ley of Human Needs." Prayer meeting Wednesday. 8 p. rn. LOOKINGGLASS METHODIST CHURCH A. Carboden, pastor. Sunday school in a. ni. livening service S p. m. Sermon topic. "Hand in Hand With Hod." TENMILE CHURCH fl. A. Garboden. pastor. Suu'lay school lo: (5 a. in. THE PILGRIM HOLINESS . CHURCH 17T South Jackson street, two floors north of the Hose school. The iter. Orval C. Keller, pastor, Sunday school at O.yu a. m. Morn ing worship service ln:JPt to U:U": Evening service at 8 p. m. Young People's sm'tely ht 7: lo p. it. Prayer meeting every Thursday nicht at S p. m. Topic for Sun day morning message. "The Mini mum Christian." Sunday nlcht (lev. Keller will speak on the Mile ject. ' Paul ' Letter to the Ualatiau Church. The union prayer serv ice wilt be held at the Church of the Nazarene next Wednesday at 7:tr. p. m. Every one Ifi urged to attend these union services. CLEVELAND CHURCH OF GOO Cleveland I" hoil dtctrlct. Sunda fchool at 1" a- m. with ilassPB for nil ages. He sum and come to Sun day school and bring flue vlih nti. and you will have a star tit our trowu. MorninR dip'.lou at U a. iu. Kveulng services at 7:15. t wAVi o These houI stirring sermons are brought to you twice, each Sunday without cost and without price. Hearty welcome to all. Mrs. John Parry, superintendent. John E. Evans, pastor. CAMAS VALLEY CHURCH 0. A. Garboden, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. ni. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meets hi Edenhower school house, one mile north of Hoseburg. Uible acbool begins at !:!.". a. in. Sermon at 11:00. Evening services begin at 7:15 p. m., consisting of a children's Bible drill. Song service at 7:15. Sermon at 8:u o'clock. Hoth sermons delivered by S. T. Tipton. Strangers made welcome. The Ilihle is the one hook that tells of man's beginning and his eternal destiny. Come and let its study it together. THE METHODIST CHURCH Church school at 9:45. Classes for all. Morning worship at II. sermon by Rev. Melville T. Wire. Topic, "The Double-Fronted Divine Pillar." Epwortb League at 7 p. m.; evening worship ut 8, sermon topic, "The Ilattle of Life." You will find a cordial welcome at jtll these services. BAPTIST CHURCH "When the Wicked Prosper and tho Kighteous Suffer." Is the ser mon topic at the Baptist church Sunday evening at 8:00. "What to Do With Life's Burdens.' Is the topic Sunday morning at 11. Mr. Lcif Jensen of Tacoma. Wash., is the guest soloist at both services Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. If. Weiho. mis sionaries In Africa and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Xick Xewfeld of this city, will assist tho Baptist pas tor in tho mid-week services Wed nesday at 7:3ft. One week from Sunday Tiev. "Jim" Urougher of Glendtile, Calif., will be the preach er at the Baptist church. On Friday evening, July 2fi. Dr James Whiteomh Brougher wli! be in our city speaking at a men's in the Baptist church. On Sunday, the 2Sth, he preaches at both services and lectures Monda evening the 2!Uh on "Will Bog us and the Philosophy of Good Hu mor." On August 4th, Dr. HusseH Brougher will preach. Shipmate Mob will hold servires at the Bap tist church, August 2. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lane and Jackson streets. "The Voice of tho lonl" is the subject for the sermon Sunday morning. The evening message will be the second expository sermon on the book of Colossians entitled "Com plete in Win." The calendar for the week: Sunday, Sunday school !):1f a. in., morning worship 11 a. m.. C. E. society 7 p. m.. evening service 8 p. in.; Wednesday, pray er meeting 7:30 p. in. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM i WIRE SERVICE I WASHINGTON. July. Id. i.P) Mayor Joseph Carson of Portland, Ore., continued today conferences with army and navy officials to de termine, how the resources of On gon and Portland could be fitted into the national defense program. He cited particularly the state's timber. ! SALKM. July 10. t A P) Col lege students who lose their part lime jobs are nol eligible for un employment insurance, tho uiiem-1 ploy men t ompeiisaiioii commission ruled. I SALEM, Jul lo.- (AP) Gov ernor Charles A. Spraeui yesterday announced the reappointment of Dr. J. K Bounds ol Portland to the slate hoard of naturopathic examiners for a three-year term effective July 1. " SALEM. July lft.---r.p) Ore-' gon's Hill automobile license plates, with while numerals on dark green background, will be the same colors us those of Washing ton slate. Secretary of State Snell said today. i Snell said he doubted Hint the plates would he confused because the Washington plates will be larger than those of Oregon and will bear an alphabetical prefix to the numerals. V. II. A. LOANS for remodeling. Additions, garages, chicken houses, etc., see PAiiE'S.--t dv.) M tN csurtm. b '0UGLR5 FUIIERRL HomE .. . itr until ,7nZ,fTr..lX,.7t AS?'! notice; ok rix.w, nbttlkmknt Notice fa hereby given that the undersigned, administratrix of the lostute of Frank Cnln, deceased, hna filed her Final .Account aa surli administratrix In the Oouniy (Uirt i 'of the Htate of Oregon, for ..oi'g iHs County, and the Hon. Morn ' Howker, judKu ot naid juiiii has, by orur duly made ouu cnteied. ! fixed Monday. July Jotli, 1 J-i'l, at nhA hour of ten o'clock In ilia fore noon as the time, and th.- Oouniy Court llooin in the Court T'oti In floaeburK. Ort'Kon, as tiie place for hearing objottions. ,t any Hiit be to snid Final Account and tho pot tleniont ibt-ieof. All pt.riions In-tcrt'sti-d In said estate am liL-r-ty notified to file their objections if any they have, to said Final Ac count at or tR-foro the imio set for final bearing. , ,, . , , Uatcd and first public u-1 Juno lal- ni:sHii.; o.M.v. Administratrix of the tislato of Frank 'alu, Oeccaaed. Tra H. Itltldlo, Atturnoy for 1-tate. CITATION In the t'oimtv Court of the State of OtuKoli for HoiiBlua t'ounty. In the Mutter nf tin- Application of John FilwardH and Kuth Ann l-.d-wantK for the Adoption of L'arol Hurlelie Neilson. To: I (yarn Cm Neilsoii. I at her iff Carol iMrleiie NcilKon and T: l'lui cin e VKsioria Ncilson. Motlmr of Carol Uaihin; NtdlH'Ui: In Hie nam" of the Slate of nr. Rtui; You are herctiy filed and ie ijiiired lo appear, in the 'ounl y i.'niirl of the Slulc of iirexon. fur the County of I lunula, at Ibe County court room in ibe couit liouae in ItosidiuiK. Douglas Coun ty. orrKnn. within ten days Vioin tho date of the service, of tiii Cl ttiiioii upon you, if Hie hiuiio he served within Douglas County. State of oreKon. or within twenty davM If served within any other roiiiitv of ihiH Stale, if personally nerved, or if nerved by publication wllh I n "K days from the dale of fli-Ht puhlieallon of this CttnUi.ii. then and lle-re to show cauHc, if any exist, why decree of HiIk court should Hot ho made; and entered, Heireelim Ihat Caml Darlone Neil son shall, to all leifHl Intents and piirposes, he the child of the pe titioner .hdm Kd wards nnd Itutli Ann KdwardK, and furl her decree ing Unit Hie name of tin- satd Carol Oar)' ne N.'ilscti ho chunked to Judllh Ann Edwards; Wilnesit the Honortilde Morris floWker. Judge of the County Court f thu State of Oregon, for the County f I iu lights, with thu veal of said Court affiled, IhiH Illi day ut J til ML t County Judge. Attest: Hoy Ague. Clerk. Bv W. II. Iliczelt. Dcpuly Clerk. (Coinity Court Seal) liHte of flrwt iniidlcation: July ii. If I ii. OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL Charlti E. Fuller, Director KurMiil Ctxiul I'iriHiIri (llil llvnms rt llir Klt( Every Sunday & ai r. M KltMt l.'.flii Kll'ifjclrt I'ritsfjm A XatiuiiuiJe (Impel What's in the Air SAO'C. roi Ml Things sure are quiet on my beat at this time of day. Guess everybody is home listening to RAYMOND GRAM SWING, COMMENTATOR Monday through Friday, 6:00 P. M. I sure have been sellin' a lot of radios since they started giving cash prizes to the kids on POPSICLE PETE'S MONEY BOX Saturday 12:'15 Doggone! Ah sho wishes quitin time would come so's ah could shuffle home an tune in THE SATURDAY NITE PARTY Saturday, 9:15 P. M. HI-LIGHTS ON FRIDAY'S PROGRAM 5:15 Talk by Russell E. Singer, Topic: "Crossing Amerb can Borders." 5:30 Shafter Parker. 5:45 The Cheer Up Gang. 6:00 Raymond Gram Swing. 610 John B, Hughes. 7:05 News. 7:30 Lone Ranger. 8:30 Ray Nobel's Orch. 9:00 Alka SelUer News. 9:15 Muziy Maroelino's Orch. 9:30 Fulton Lewis. Jr. KRNR DIAL 1500 OI.XCI5 MEMORW otry lli..flltl Tilt. Willi Ml, "T Vl B.t IW..U, l.t Tlr l m in lC Th tomptctt hymn m fun4 In th fentdtnln dttlon r St- B4Tirl Wwk.i Mnttlat fort-rlhl innmt H h toHd b Mtn thtt St. tTwrttiH at'l-lts ndrtwl wrtttnf fwrnltbH tbt mtertl "hkS tub. MflutmiT by torn infniout nun mrneo into It i hma ot turn'" imi tnd It hM bin uniriitr xcorM plic imoat (be retm fejaiiu