Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 09, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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bnH Dallr nmmamy r k
Mrmbrr of The Aooclaled Prraa
The Annotated ProM in exclumve
I entitled to the una for republica
tion of all news lnpntche credited
to It or not otherwlne credited In
thta paper and to all local newi
publlnhd heroin. All right of ro
publication of mmclal dlHpatcbea
herein are also reaervnd.
ttARniS EL.UT.VORTH Editor
Entered aa eecnnd cum matter
rfay IV. 120. at the poiU orfi: a.
RoeDurt, Oregon, under act 01
jfarch 2, mn.
Represented by
w York 271 MadlnoD Ave. Cbl-te-o:ifHl
N. NiuhtKun Ave.-ii
KraocUru alio Bimh Street
relt 30H4 W. Grand Boulevard
loa Ana-rlra 433 H, Bprlna; Strel
ealtlr 608 Ktowart Btreit orl
Immd 6110 B. W. HlXth Htreet St.
L,oula 4U N. Tenth Street
ftubacrlimoa llatca
Dally, per year by malt IS-M
Dally, 8 inontha by mall f;0
Dally, 3 months by mall
nllv. bv carrier nor inuiilil....
Dally, by carrier tier yiar.. .
Evory ataie. county and city
official or board that hnmlh'a
public monoy ahoubl piitt)lah at
regular tutorials an an uiiiilhitf
of It, allowing whore and how
each dollar la apeiiL Tliia Im a
fundamental principle of demo
cratic government.
RICNT off the bat. wo ought to
explain that there Isn't any
Mich word as HiieceHHoplitlo,
Hut If u word were to bo made
up to deHcrlbn the fellow who wor- j
ships success, any kind of sue- i
cess, atlained by any meana at
all. tbat might be it.
Right now wo are in dmiger of
developing ton many pouple of
Ibis type. We've all beard Ihe
kind of person who looks at Ku
rope with popeyed wonder, and
inuttera to himself, "(losh! You've
really got to hand it to that fellow
Hitler, don't you? lie sum has put
it over! Ho must have some
tiling!" This train of thought Is very
.easy to fall into days. Hut
It is dangerous. I
There Is nothing In success It
self Unit deserves worship, or
even reMpetl. Tho thing to ask
is, "What sort of nutuwsH wita
Hought?" and, "How was It achiev
It Is certainly true that the mili
tary accompllshuienlH of 1 Miter's
(iermany, slrirtly as military ac
complishments, are magnificent. A
Cerman army bus been developed
which no one has yet been able
to resist.
Questions: How worthy an ob
ject Ik thai? Mow bus thai serv
ed the world and its people?
Question again: How was .11
done? At what cost, and by what
Tho answer Is simple: Hy
channeling an unheard-of percent
age uf Ihe proilucllvo ability of
Ihe (ierman people Into building a
military intirhlim. My making
every man a soldier and training
htm for periods of time and with a
lliorouglinesH which oilier nations
were unwilling to adopt. The oth
er nations were ret net ant to lie
liee I bat men were made lor
Siippom1 tbe lrnltcd States bad
einbaiUed in l!Hi:i on a atmilar
fun I'sc, Suppose tbat instead of
providing Jobs and sustenance to
an average or lUitMi.nnn people il
bad simply clapped them all Into
Ihe army? Suppose I lint instead
of Iniildltii: t.'.7.omt miles of roadt
and LM.tinn public buildings. w c I mi 1 1 1 miliiaiy highways and
tanks and li.i i nu-Ki .' Suppo.T thai
Imdcad of building llolltdei- (lain
and tiiatid Con be and ttonue 11 r
ami I'otl 1'cck. we had hiilll
planes and battleships?
Docs anyone suppose thai we
could not by now have blitkriig
ed Canada and Mexico and sub
Jectcd the hemisphere to our
i if nurse w c could 1 fiit uud'-r
our deiuociatie way, wc cIiom oih
er objectlM'S.
IN'i'hapH p should have divert
ed more oT our rnerglcs In mill
lary ends, less to ihe ways of
prat e. In lew of what Iiap
pened since, most Aineilc.inh now
agree to 1 hat.
Itut tbe democratic way. even
IhoiiKl) It has dctotcd llsclf to
peacelul obJeclies. lias shown
even in those n tremendous pow
er. That power Is now being di
verted by world currents Into mill
1 in y channels, channels more
dearly marked by tho very failure
of Kuropcttn democrat les to navl
gale them. Those f.illuics were
not (allures of power lo perform;
Ibey w fie I allures to reft gn lie
the coiiihc. Meniutracy in Amer
ica need tear no such failure. It
will not m round wanting tr th
test conies.
Editorials on Newt
(Cottaue4 froa L)
will bo u CNIiKMEVAllLY TKIt
niltlK famine.
Wars ami famine have always
onc toKvthor. They hill! du.
G Kit MAN HiibinariiiHfl, you must
have notpfl, have none on tin
loom) aKain doubLlnari with the
aid of Italian sub. Slnklnga of
UriliHb Hhlprt have boon liimvy.
Ormtiny In HcohliiK to starve
KnKland berore England tun
Htarvfl Germany.
THIS Ib pure guesswork;
Hitler will try to alitrvo KtiR
land out. Ho will liAmh her lit
urciiHlngly until be rout hos it ter
rifying climax. Hn MAY try to
invadft lit')-. aliliotmli falhuo to ki
tho full French fleet mukcH that
morn difficult.
Ilu HOPES to smash lint; la ml in
lime to turn on KiishIh nnd crip
ple her with swift blown. All litis
iniiHt bo done Imfore winter mines
with famine In IM train.
(ThiH Isn't inside Information.
It Ih merely one pueHsor's contrl
bittiou to olhor Kuensors.)
biH ln1et press conference,
Jlsls flvtt essentials to permanent
world peace:
I-'roiMloiu from fear (through
Freedom (if Information.
Freedom of religion.
l-'rcedum of expression.
Freedom from want.
rrill'I world has been struggling
toward these essentials ever
since there has been
human activities. It
t record of
Tho president's flv
rniinUltnu to '
permanent world peace am thrill-1
ing. Inspiring and wonderful like t
Wilson's II points.
Hut don't look for
world peace IN OIK TIM K
through realiation of these Ideals.
It's much better for the present
to keep a dependable gun bandy.
"Lone Ranger" Prevents
Tragedy; Hit by Bullet
The Lone Itanger, masked nent
of justice, halts a near-l raged y
when a young man, seeking vt-ii
gcaiice on an enemy, mistakes tils
fa l her for the man who wronged
bbu In "The Lone Uanger" west
ern drama to be ln-nrd at 7;:tn p.
m. I'ST over KRNIt and Ihe Mu
tual hon Lee network Wednesday,
July Ml.
Friday. July 12, the Lone Itanger
Is felled by a bullet from an assas
sin's gun when he sets out to hack
down an unknown master criminal
in "Tho Lono Hanger" over KliNR
.Mm lna I Don 7:30 p. m. I'ST,
Mutual Broadcasting Syttam
1BO0 KMoeyelea
7:iili Stuff and Nonsense.
7:30 New8-Rcview of the Air.
7:40 State and Local News.
7:45 J. M. Judd Says "Good
7tti--fthapsody In Wax.
S im Itreakfasl ( lab. MI'.S.
- luteilude.
8:40 Bess Bye, Rancho Soups,
8:45 Carters of Elm Street,
tine, MBS.
):ft0 Joe Hart's n clicsini,
9:30 Man About Town.
Pl'ir. --Keep I'll lo Music, M MS.
10:00 Can You Imagine That.'
10: 15 Ma Perkins, Proctor and
Gamhle. MBS. j
U::to I lonietnakets' Foiinn. MltS.
t0:45 Bachelor's Children, Old
Dutch Cleanser, MBS.
11:00 Our Friendly Neighbois, AM
k Seltzer, MBS. j
11:15 Wheel of Fortune.
Il:d.r) Tiny Hill's irehe.-tt i a. M IIS.
IL in Luiicheoti I'aticc. I
12:15 Sport News, Dunham's and!
Il'; jr. Khihmai Ii.hmIoiii. '
12:35 Parkinbon's Information Ex-!
change. I
12:45 State and Local News.
12:50 News Review of the Air. i
1 00 Henninger's Man on the
I : I
I Job Ni c b n I ;i ' Hawaiiaus.
.loliusmi Family. MUS
Let's liny Mini.-. M US.
At Your Command.
Know Your America. MUS
Fnllnn l.e K Jr., M US.
I : I.".
:t on
I! L--( 'has. Freili ti k l.iud.-le
Talks It Hi. i. MIIS.
3:30 The Quiet Hour.
1 .0" Sheep (ioata' t'tiib.
1 ' Tea Time t aiu e
f:0i) Carlos Molina's t ircheM i a,
a.;in I 'etiioci aiie I'i c t (tnvenilon
limiml I p. Mt!S.
fi en - uittiid (J ra m Saving.
till". HI li tier I Mllte.
6:30 John B. Hughes, Avaloit
Cigarettes. MBS.
ti. I'. - Modem MebnlleN.
7 Touluhl's Tune
7:05 News. Calif. Pacific Utili
ties Co.
7: 10 News-Review News Flashes.
7: la- Mutual Maesiros.
,7.;ttl Uinc lianger, MUS.
S lMt:posii,Mi ranlMHV, MUS.
N:;ti tins Aiiilu'im'-s Itnlntrj.
9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS.
Ida .Mm my ,io t tiuhetr.i.
.M I IS.
!t::tu- Fulton Lewis. Ji.. MUS
1 -I j To Hr AniiouiKcJ. ML11:
icon Sign till.
"'; '.rffiyi.';; ""'" luck akjp preparedness y-g j
Miners Now Seek
Metals for War
A 1 Feature Servient
SAX FftANCISCO -Kver dream
ailOllt IIIKIing a loi oi rnuiifj
y(l(J.$ ', -nn(, um tl!ft congress !
hllH Hip,opriated lo buy (rssontlal ;
war minerals.
It's not goid. now. Prospectors
these days are look i tig for such ;
humbled metals as manganese. ,
luugsieii, chrouiium, tin. For. de-
spin I'uclo Sam's natural weullh.
(he geological survey lists more!
than two dozen minerals in which!
ho is deficient. I
The major activity is by mining!
companies, but. (he romantic lis-,
ure is the lone prospect or, who
starts on a shoestring.
Typical of these old limers Is
Charles lot'ey, who has made j
and lost two substantial slake In
gold mining. 1
"The west is the only place for)
the small prospecimv said lov- j
sey, li"i'i- to out I it lief ore return- j
ing lo I tat tie .Mountain, Nev. I
"I'raeticaliy nil tin; land in tin;
east In privately owned. Out here;
there's plenty of government do-1
main and it beloiiKs to anybody :
who'll stake a claim.
, "Of course, ihe Moing is loui;h. ;
'That's why It's still public do"
mam. I tut theres rich mineral !
I here, and a loi of il is just what
Ihe govcrnmenTs n Iiiiu." '
Huge Acreage Available
In western I'nited Sltiies there
ate millions of acres of land in
ptihlic domain, land which any
prospector lor gold or any of thi
ol her minerals I nrle Sam needs
can stake oul lor his own. Mete
is. in acres:
i 'oloi ado
New Mexico
( treuoii ....
Washington .
li. MHO. IH'H
i'2, nutt. ono
I L'.Killl.ilIM)
,'". iiuo.iiiin
Tain. nun
I ...v.. will 1
'I he cii
111 o' lierly
h" remcuilicred as the place where
the emhatlled delegate needed six
rounds lo pnl Hie riht man down
lor the loot; count.
Willi ton initiates (,r ji western
prison i.'kini; savophope and mini
pet lemons soliiai y rout inement
inav licco!iif n haven lo lie ualtn'd
onlv bv rood hcha ior.
An ei:i; hn lies lorn- has been
laid In Illinois. proh:ih! the hu-esi
linte ihe ladio comedians leit tin
air lor Ihe summer.
t'erlaiu deep ea li-di cai iy their
own lantern (,r tlliinitnalions, sa
Mjeptisls. The i; i..l are expected
to piomise oil de!ietic by Sep
Icniher. !
Survey allows there are "oii.ti'i"
-lnims t.ud other percussion inslni
incuts in iee in Aniciica. two tint d
ol which have been cm lined and
pill to Use 1 tilt? If ear -'Ut I next
Now arises the hat He over who
nld Ihe stoiy ol the Tloian horse
-Homer or YllKil. Neither, h'w . dtt amcil tl would uo to t lie
post km ui.iuy times.
II i :!!.: ::.'i-l
lh.ll ft . I K wll
ball names In
tuns ur i an
t-d in --iime
llttctl'l III!
I.ii'imii as
HI tllMlh Ol
ii:d tel .'.
Ill base
Cbvlrlt a whim-
(Viimi- Italics sttnw an hu m usi
nl liiillan-i In Arlnona. Tin' i j
hlnnu Amei b an lakes a curiam
, :ill to handle Ihe jug and uik Ir.idr j
wild III'- tourist (lend Ileum et 1
nuid Ibis yi-ai. I
Enjoy Trip to Beach .Mr. anil
Mis. Frank Cecil ami daughter.
Itaibiinl. and son, Frank Jr.. nl
litis cil. M'rnt Siillilav eiij'i.MU
an outing at Siiucel beach.
"For ye have need of pat
ience." How understanding the
sacred writer was. (Jod's word
is powerful because it strikes
so directly at the point of our
need. Could any word he more
appropriate. more eternally
true, limn; searching, or more
needed for meditation than this
penetration uileiaiiee? Life's
richest rewards are reaped
Ihroiiuh patience. Think of un
happx and I ragic situations ot
promising projects abruptly end
iim in failure, of htidding friend
ship and 'I.ivo withering, of
family discord, of personal in
effectiveness, caused by impat
ience. How much we all need
patience, the bullied, tbe sorely
tried, the near discouraged, the
spiri'ually hungry, the sick and
sorrow stricken, and counties.-
others, all need paiienee. The
shi M'd wriler says we should be
can In! lirsl lo do tho will of
(lod. The promise of (!nd de
pends upon thai. Lo Cod's will
liom day to day as you under
stand it. Then be patient. Wail
quietly for Him. ti'id will never
fail. He who lias promised Is
faithful. "Trust In the Lord,
and lie of good courage, and lie
shall strengthen thine heart."
Then we need not fear what
ion can do lo us. For Cod will
leiuper the storm. Therefore let
us in the Lord and wait
patiently lm lihu. Amen.
lll'NTINCTON. Iinl. - (AI'V
Though unable lo lalk, walk or
move his hands because of a para
Mir stroke. Hr. Melvlo W. link
ham nl Fort Vane was on the
witness stand neatly a whole day
ni his divorce dial here, lie said
"yes" b lilting his left knee and
"no" by wiping his left loot. '
1 Pictured
explorer ol
0 Garden
1 1 Perfect type.
12 Fruit.
15 Sugar sand.
14 Beginner.
16 To sink.
18 You and I.
19 Toward.
20 To occur first
25 Not at war
with either.
Answer lo
S3 Girl.
30 The cast wind M Rubber tree.
31 Ye.
55 Exullant.
33 Coronet.
34 Tepee.
35 Reddish dye.
37 Brief time.
art Mvseif.
56 Before.
57 He discovered
the State of
on Easter
3!) Spain (abbr.). 58 He was
41 Seeks to by birth.
attain. VERTICAL
46 Flexible. 2 To unclose.
50 Booty. 3 Spruce.
51 Recipient. 4 Pool.
EDElAA imiiy QEEiO.
M 1 1 M I nl n 11 h
iy WDoim
Truck Lines Spar
For Oregon Trade
I'dKTI.AS'l). Ore.. July O.-(AI') - Norma, you're loo darned In-
Two of the wesl's biggest tuitlve:" Jan flashed at her as she
freight truckers sparred today for scuttled for the ,'',yw"J . '.cl
interstate commerce col.-mission curious or nol Jan ll't' '
sanction to servo territory now at her brother a door. Kcdn sori
served by the other. 'Iy into Ihe 0'" ,h ""r
,mi w ii nws ooking out ovei
ICC Kxannner C. I. Iv'-pnnr. ot
Kxaminer C. l. K'Mihari
Wiishiiigtnn. b. C. oncn. il hearing
yesterday on Ihe aipiic.l ion of
Consolidated Frolghtw ay.-, rcpul".
to be the largest mot.'- fivMgli--finu
west of the .Missis.t;pii Willi
lieadiUnrters lieie. to extend ser
vices from Marshfiold. Meilfonl.
Klamalh Falls and l.akeview over
lour routes lo San Francisco. Oak
land and Sacramento.
present Consolidated trucks
... il..o uitlh..rti llreonil
noiiils where Its rival III Ihe hear-
ing. Oregon-Nevada-Califoriiia Fast
Freight. Inc.. of San Francisco,
picks it up and takes it south.
Fast Freight. Inc.. countered the
I. (IllSllllllilll'.l f I'i "'" "" ' "-
quest for a permit to extend its
California service Inlo Oregon and
Washington. Il also asked to serve
the Coos llnv. Ore., district via u
"loop" route through Iiillanl and
Consolidated argued thai uninter
rupted service direct to Culifol'til'.l
would expedite hauling, lower
costs and lessen damage risk.
The INirllund hearing will con
tinue Mlo remainder of the week
and resume in August at San Fran
The kindness and sympathy of
neighbors and friends in our re
cent sorrow will always remain
with us a precious memory. Our
sincere thanks and gratitude for
all Ihoso comforting acts.
.Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jones
and family.
Previous Puzzle
2 1 To regret.
22 Sea eagle.
23 Slash.
24 Organ of sight
25 Convent
26 It is (eorrtr.).
27 Knock.
28 Constellation.
29 He at
St. Augustine.
32 Single thing.
33 Took notice
36 Dormant.
nA.r.i 1 1
L UW.fc.Nl-zil
S Dinced.
38 Mister (abbr.)
6 To prepare for 403 1416.
42 Spirit.
7 To permit.
8 Organs of
9 Salt of oleic
43 Horseback
44 Highway.
45 Plant.
46 House cats.
12 He sought the 47 To sanction.
"Fountain of 48 African tribe.
49 Falsehoods.
52 North
15 Inspires
17 A clot.
YKSTKRDAV: While oil paint
ing on the roof of hnr house, Jim
k(kh mniH'thlng nohbltiK out at
pa. She lultt'8 her bout to the res
cue and ihiIIh In a rod-halrcd
young man agalnBt his will.
You II he sony tor tills, lie
warns her.
Chapter Two
"Tako him un to the room
across from Lance's," Jan ordered. I
throwing open the door. -Rener
run over for some brandy while I
start coffee."
"(lot any rubbing alcohol?"
asked the lifeguard.
"Lance hiu. Tell l.amo about It.
I'll be up 111 a minute"
Frank started up the wide oak
stairway with its old-fashioned
balustrade. "I ll rub him down
with alcohol and wrap him up
in blankets." he said.
Norma Fulton came Into Ihe
kitchen while Jan was measuring
corfee Into the electric percolator.
"Can I hel. Jan? I heard Frank
saying something lo Lance about
your pulling a man nut."
Jan explained briefly. She liked
this gentle young teacher with
Ihe plain face and neat brown
hair who taught in the grade
school a few blocks away and
had roomed here with her and
Lance since last fall.
"I know Lance must be starved,
Jan worried, plugging the perco
lator cord Into a socket. "Would
you mind terribly tossing somo
potatoes inlo a pot to boil, Nor
ma? Frank's ofr duly and ho prob
ably Iihs a date anil wants to get
nwav. I'll run up lor a look at my
victim." . , , i
Nnrtna's cyns twinkled behind
uiw.u.rimiiipd classes. "Sure yon
iircn't eaten up by curiosity as
to what sort of a man you fished
I..,,. ,.r ih. fu-f:in?"
,,.,., ,, aa solt.
tap iibhiii
radel. lovely room.
"Unco." she called to the back
of a wheel chair near a lamp.
"I'm sorry, dear, about yonr din
ner. I'll have it ready In fifteen
Older the practiced pull
.t.i nni-wius hand, the
of a
swung around. "It's quite
I've Jan." he answereo.
i,pr 0 busy I haven t
Icrv't it KlinClll. .IUU.'
n held un a small, exquisitely
nliuic airplane modeled I n
lines of a big clipper ship.
.done now. it ought
to bring a
good price.
him. ruffled
.Tit- . I .1.1,1
his hair and hinseo un m"
"It s lovely, my dear." she "-',s'",''
hitn soberly. Wllh tender naoos
she straightened and , adjusieu
the plaid Dianaec i'"''"" '
i,iu waist down over uie
straight expanse of his legs,
m beautiful face twisted.
voice harsh with restrained an
cer. hit out at her. "It's lovely!
F.xouisito! Artistic! To hell with
that stuff. I say! 1 wanl to Hy
planes. .Inn, not make toys ol
"I know." she soothed.
How could you know?" he
cried, his aiiKUish tortul'illB her.
"Ilnw could you know what II is
lo lly like a bird. free. j;liirliius.
then end like this'.' I'd rather lm
Inured as she was to his jnoods
of depression nnd melancholia,
she still winced under them with
almost physical pain. "I'm KninK
to fry a chicken lor dinner." she
said cheerfully. "You love chick
en. Ionic. And I went berserk
and boiieht a box of the very
first strawberries down at nie
market this morning so you just
net rcadv for strawberry short
cake wltli loads of whipped cream
on It!"
He reached lor her small in-own
huml and held II a moment
acalnst his thill cheek. "You're
good. Sis. I noil l Know n
vou pill Hi' wnn inc. i in .....j
about the outburst. Now run
along and see bow your snlvased
coods Is doini! and send Frank
in tu belli me downstairs, t n
e-it in the kitchen and annoy
Not Grateful
Thankful lo Lame for not rpics
lioninu luiiher. Jan left him and
incl Frank in 'he hallway just
comiliK out ot Ihe strangers room.
'Ilnw is he?" she asked.
"He'll lie all rich! by tumor
row. I rubbed him hard, bundled
him up and poured a blc shot ol
liraildv down his throat."
"Hid he say anjlliini; "'
"No. Conscious, thmmh. .Ian. he
illiln'l go In off the beach "III
here, lie must have swum down
from iltilie a ways up the coast. 1
didn't even see how. Think he
mlaht have been nltcmptin sul
"1 wouldn't knmv." she said
briskly. "Help Inline downstair.
Frank. And if you don't have a
dale Innlclll. stay for dinner. It's
fried chicken and slra berry
"I'd break a dale lor that." he
grinned. "Say. what about clothes
lur that bird in there-"
"I'll die up something of
"Sav. that City is eaily sit feel
two or three Ijinces stuff won't
fit hnn and neither will mine."
-One worry at a time." she siild.
shovlng him toward the opposite
The man looked at her as she
cairn In and closed tbe door. Unix
his head protruded from the heap
of lied covers. Ills hair, almost
dry now. tillnled bricht cupper in
the llcht. His skin, tltoueh trained
of color from hts lone snakiiic.
ui. tanned and llchtly freckled.
Ill rres. Mark and bitter and
-.l irti! failni'ed her.
"Cosh, jon're little." he said.
"Y'ltl mul have the strength of
an tnunn.'
"I'm Jan Merrlmer." she said
"Hi" do van te-l uo? Hetter?"
"Deu't start asking questions,
for I have no Intention of telling
yon anything," ho said. "1 didn't
ask to be rescuen, but now that
I am I shall probably never
aguin find the courage and the
proper frame of mind to attempt
dying. I'm not the least bit grate
ful to you. I wanted to die. I'm
an adult of sane, reasoning mind,
l know the difference between
right and wrong. I failed to do
what I wished lo do with my life
and I decided to end It. I do not
feel In the least cowardly about
it. so kindly refrain from preach
ing." His voice, spent and tired.
dwindled to a whisper.
Surprise held her speechlosB a
moment. His voice was 'Wiiiieo,
perfectly controlled; ins "nuucia-
lion was slurring enough lo oe
enchanting. Ilo seamed, obvious
ly, a gentleman.
"You're yoniir and very good
looking," she slated frankly.
"Won't someone be searching for
"Women and their hateful prob
ing curiosity:" he muttered. "Ill
inn vim nothing. I'm only thank
ful you aren't beautiful. 1 couldn't
stand that.
His eyps closed and he turned
his head away from her. "ill
bring yon some rood the minute
it's reaily." she said, and went
Before going downstairs, son
went Into her own bedroom and
looked at herself in the full
length mirror. So he was glad
she wasn't beautiful! Observing inifiirp. she laughed wit la gen
uine merriment. She did look a
moss. Her tally-colored hair, sun-
1.1.,1.,'hprl to varving shades, was
a tousled, riotous mass on her
shoulders: her golden-skinned
face, innoceul of any made-up.
was certainly not even pretty.
There wern naint smears on her
shapeless while sweatshirt and
shed torn a hole in the knee of
her slacks hauling 111 in into her
Nevertheless.' she comforted
her image, "you have gorgeous
eyes, my sweet, and you may defy
him to sav
01 oerw isc. i
i....,, ....a hl,,n mi,l nvntieMllv lash-I
.i .. .!., M.,1 v..iir teeth are
iJ... r.nm' itut outside of
that you arc a friKhtlul mess: save money ior oniscn.-s .mi oiu
Illowing a kiss to her reflec- i ers. and. generally speakinc. make
Hon. she skipped out of the room, this oid 1". S. A. of ours a better
stimulated by excitement out of ' place ill which to live, whenever
faticue. On the stairway, she j we uet a chanco to do so, do we
nearly collided with Johnny lien- nol?
ion. her oilier loonier. well then, this being true, might
"H'lo." lie said. "What's the I siiceest that we take a littla
hurry?" more precaution and care before
"I'm the cook, didn't you know ?'' we go to and while we are at tin
"You don't look like a cook." polls to vole. Since I have served
"I look like a beachcomber and on various election boards. I hare
1 don't care, so you needn't start noticed that at least aO per cent
your usual haranpue about 'Yotijof the voters enteritlK the polls to
owe il to yourseu lo mase ine
most of what nature nave you. idea of what they are actually do
Co find a Rlamour Kirl at your : Iuk until they receive their ballot
old beach club and leave nie In
peace, Johnny."
"It isn't my beach club." he
argued lu an aggrieved tone. I
wish it was.'
"Were," she corrected matter-
of-fact Iy.
"There you go again, .lumping
on my grammar hut yiu have a
fit if I criticize your clothes! Any
how I wish 1 were the band lead
er Instead of the trumpet blower.
I get tired or blowing my lungs
out on a piece of brass for tired
executives trying to do the"
Jan laughed and he glowered
at her. "All right. 1 suppose its
funny for a musician to be ambition-!.
Well, li s no funnier lhaii
it is lor you lo want to be a lady
"Johnny, for goodness' sake,
let's declare a truce. How about
it?" Her eyes were friendly on
the solid young inun with Ihe
sleek black hair and natty sport
suit. "You blow a swell trumpet,
dear boy. and f paint beautiful
baskets of fruit."
"Sure. .Ian. but. you could be a
knock-out with the right sort ol
got -tips."
"And who will provide them?"
she demanded. "My taxes are due
on litis big red elephant and I
can't make both ends meet now."
"If 1 had any money ' he be
en n
'Oh. skip It. I wouldn't talk lo
you this way II you inun l seem
like one of the family, me lad.
tiue-s I'll advertise for another
roomer. Shall I ask for a glamor
ous lady w illl a pusl ?"
"Try and gel one," he Muffed.
"If you do ou ran raise mv rent "
"And that's a promise 1 won't
ov erlmik." She slid past him and
made for the kitchen.
Norma, swathed In great
white dishlnwel. Mas frying
chicken under the cautions ol
Frank and l.ance. .Inn took over.
Ironing with impatience to finish
the cooklna and rush a tray of
loud upstairs. "Woman's hateful
curioity." she thought wryly.
Yet. a bit later, when she did
take him fond, he was deeply nnd
sounlv asleip and she hadn't the
heart to wake hii-i. Pausing a mo
ment before dimming ihe liehl
and switching on a tiny night
lo ill p.' she noticed his hands on
top of Ihe patch-Aurk quill. She
tiptoed close.
They were unusual hands.
Long and nartow with strong
sensitive fii'gers ending in nails
so well kent, so itiimariilale that
her own. in Instinctive compari
son, were grubby. His shin was
flushed now and his cvpresslnli.
in sleep, vas calm and boyish.
ITo be continued)
TAIIUKF.L. N. I'.-I APi Sixl)-ftie-yearold
lloraie linbeison Is
not taking any more chances with
ins bteyele. A tifdiceman pulled
lilio for not having a liglil. Now
be has lo Flashlight on his bi
cyi le. ranging ftton u im-hex to
three feet long. It lakes iwt
terle to keep tbe llilnn on. What's
ftuore. has n flre'i. a he'!
and a h'.'tn. pins a tltermuuieter.
Average Increase
In Taxes Small
SALEM. Ore. (CP) .Mr. and
Mrs. Oregon, together with con
sumers all over the nation, this
month began paying tho new taxes
designed by congress to finance na
tional defense
According to a Coiled Press sur
vey, the average family w ill pay
ahout 110-a-year more in hidden
(The average family, federal dc
partment of labor statistics allow,
is made up of four persona par
ents and two children nnd has an
annual Income of $1521.)
For a family of the samo sizo
with a yearly income of t"5U0 the
living cost Increase would be about
S20. lint neither the $1521 or the
$2500 family would have to pay an
Income tax despite the increases ill
that tax under the new inensurc.
Increases would come in the exciso
Tho income tax features of the
new bill low er llie exempt ions for
single persons from Sinoo to $X"0
and for married persons from $2511(1
lo $2iino and exact a ten per cent
lax 'earmarked for defense.
The $400 exemption for each de
pendent and the ten per cent
earned income credit of the pres
ent law are maintained.
Some of the increases for the
$1.-,2I family, based on tho average
consumption of goods on which the
taxes have been augmented.:
$7.15 more for cigarots; 51. KG
for movies, sports and other ad
missions; 15 cents more for gaso
line; four cents more for toilet
preparations; and about "'J per
cent more tier gallon for alcohelic
beverages (for which it now spends
to the Editor
F.ditor News-lteview:
We all wanl to be good citizens.
i i-hsi men- ii.uiiiis nave very nine
u,i mi- lining imiiu in mum
the same. There, for thu first
lime, they start to read about and
study the various candidates and
measures, get nervous and In a
hurry, and. considering their state
of mind, probably end up in voting
just the opposite of wltat they
would have done bad they t-onio
It is my opinion that evetything
would work out a lot better all the
way around if wo would securo
sample ballots several days heroic
election, and. along with tho little
book called Hie "Voters' Pamphlet"
I un- various candidates and nteas
I which contains information about
I ures, mailed to ua berorc each elcc-
lion, sit down In an easy chair at
home study the ballot. There, un
disturbed, we could conscientiously
consider each candidate, stmlv his
or her nualllicalions to hold such a
responsible position, then mark our
sample ballot according to Ihe con
clusions reached. This would be
saving our government time and
money, ft- ,, lnp uilv of ,,,.rtion,
armed with the sample ballot al
ready marked, we could go to the
polls, cast our ballot as marked on
the sample, cfricienlly and swlftlv.
thereby aiding olhcrs who are wait
ing lo vote.
Also I might add that the prac
lice nf "writing in" names of can-
iniatea nol n.teariiig n hc bal-
j lot In the space provided for sui lt
use might be given a little Ihonghi,
... inany limes, voters thought
lessly v.e . ,,r ,.(.
dales, wcll knowing that there is
no possible chance ,,f ibelr being
elected, ti, f ,,,,.,(,.,, rs!)
"'. cause., delay in the tubulating
"I Hie ballois and prevents gelling
an early return nit the final re
sults ol the election.
a. r. (;ki;i:
II" i"hutg News-Review:
We would greatly appreciate if
v.i-i would c'lnvev to the citizens:
of Hoscbing l In- appreciation of the
Oregon State Fire Fighters asso
ciation tor the kind hospitality cx
lendcd us during our convention iu
your city Jimp :.( 2- ;iB
We greatly appreciated tho op
portunity 0r spending those three
'lavs In Mnir jIK. rtv. Hllf j ,. as.
silr" vou that we en loved ourselves
very mm h. The splendid work ot
lalo Stephens and Ihe mem
hers of his department made th"
on mill iim a great success. I lie
naii'inel which was held lit the
I in.'u. hotel tho evening ,if Juno
- one f tm fini'st our slate
ass.ii aalion has ever had. We also
eieatly appreciated the entertain
ment presented by the llusiness
Women's ciub of Hosehurg. and wo
were Indeed glad to have the honor
"f hearing from Senator Chirk and
Ucproseiilatlvo Canaday of Louglas
county, who are both fine friends
l the fire sen Ice.
In com. lust., n agHn ,h to
thank the citizens nf Hosehurg l"r
their true hospitality.
Wllh kindest regards. 1 remain,
sincerely yours,
T. Ii. SCHKl'NK. excel-ti-.
e secretary Oregon
Stale I'lre l ighters assn-