r rgSggUKS RSWS-mtgW, KP5EBPKg, OKSStifl, MONDAY, JULY 8, T94g. SHREK Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER UMPQUA REBEKAH LODGE MEETS KI,KTOX, July 8. The Umpqim jfi)Kiili lodKo No. 17: met Tiles- liar oven ins for a regular nieotliiR wan .mihh Ann Iluebner fts noble grand. Mrs. Krina Jensen was nitnoint il inside fniartl in plaro of .Mrs. HuhIp ilroniboy, who has moved uway. -Mrs. Muble Rader reslRned from 1 he office of secretary. Mrs. Kdith iates was nominated to take her place. A letter of thanks for the chair presented after the fire of tho Ru der homo was received from Mr. dim) Mrs. J. II. Rader. Mrs. Ina Bossen and Miss Faye Tlnssen played a piano duet and Mrs. Kdith Gates and Mrs. Agnes Hudfm served refreshments. GRAY LADIES TO HOLD ALL-DAY MEETING WITH POTLUCK LUNCHEON The Gray Ladies will meet from Ion to lour o'clock Wednesday, July 10th, at the Episcopal parish hpult on Kust Cass street with n poll nek luncheon at noon. Mrs, L. W. Josse is chairman of the sew ing project, which is belnp sponsor ed by the group for tho Red Cross. Mrs. J. C. McCallister, chairman of the Gray Ladies organization, has urged nil members to attend the all-day sewing meeting. COUNCIL FIRE TO BE HELD BY UMPQUA CAMP FIRE GROUP THURSDAY EVENING The Vmpqua Camp Fire group liaH issued a most cordial Invita tion to all parents and friends of the members to attend the Ki-oup's Council Fire to be held at the Rose- burg Woman's clubhouse Thurs day evening, July 1 1th. at 7:00. The group met. last Friday eve ning at tho clubhouse, at which time the guardian, Mrs. Gene Mills, Today's Pattern DEMURE YOUNG PRINCESS DRESS rATTERN 4175 The "tongue-ln-the-cheek" de mureness of this frock is lrrestible to any 'teen-age girl! For in Pat tern 4175 Anne Adams combines a sentimental air with lithe, stream lined princess style Kvery detail has been planned for the minimum of sewing effort. Yon can see for yourself that the pretty yoke and center front panel are in one easy piece make them on the bias 'if you lile. Or Instead, hiaactlt the two side panels at front and back. The puffed sleeves are closed or have perky. flared openings. Wouldn't this dress look gay with frothy ruffling at yoke, sleeves and about the hemline? Pattern 4175 is available In jun ior nnd misses' sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and IS; bust sizes 28, 30, 32. 34. anil 36. Size 14 takes 4 yards 39 inch fabric nnd 7 yards edging. Send FIFTKEN CENTS (15c) In coins for this Anne Adams pat tern. te plainly SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS and STYLE Nl'MHEIt. Cut a smart figure In the sum mer fashion picture. .Make your lien- wardrobe from the original designs In the Anne Adams Pat tern Hook. A colorful forecast of summer l!)li, It includes styles for country and city dweiler. "pocket-edition" youngster and "forty-plus'' matron. There are gay sport clothes, dance frocks, cool prints and cottons for vaca tions by land . . . by sea . . . by air. Of course the summer bride has not been forgotten. Send to day! ROOK FIFTEEN" CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS, no OK AND PATTERN TO OK T H E R, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Send your order to News-Review Pattern Department, Roseburg, Ore. reported on the Guardians' school, which she has recently attended anil E. A. Rrltton gave a talk on sportsmanship and conduct of mem. bers attending summer camp, which will be held immediately following tho eloso of the Boy Scout two weeks camp. Plans were made for the Council Flro to bo held Thursday evening of this' week, FORMER ROSEBURG GIRL IS MARRIED IN LOS ANGELES IN JUNE At n very henuttfu! Juno wed ding, Miss Jeanne Ward, daughter of Airs. Harry Dutton, of 1-oa An geles, and a granddaughter of George Weber, of Roseburg, was married to James Crawford, Jr., son pf Mr. and Mrs. James Craw ford. Sr., of I.os Angeles, at the Chateau chapel of the First Con gregational church of Los Angeles at eight o'clock in tho evening, Rev. Mr. Hartlett, pastor of the church, performed the impressive ring ceremony In the presence of about one, hundred nnd fifty relu lives and friends. The church altar and choir lofts were banked with colorful flowers and lighted by tall cathedral can dies. A white rug-runner was placed on the center aisle for the bridal party to use. The bride, beautiful ill a floor-length while lace dress, wore a French shoulder veil and can-led a bouquet of bo vnrdla centered with gardenias. .Miss Kay Wui'd, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and was charm ing in a blue net formal frock and carried a bouquet of pink roses. She wore a spray of gardenias in her hair. "Hap" Ruggles acted as best man and Don Crawford and Rill Johnson were ushers. The bride's mother, who was fornierly Cora Weber of Roseburg, wore a rose knit suit with white acces sories and a corsage of orchids. The bridegroom's mother wore white silk with a corsage of gar denias. Among the guests were members of the Victor Mcl.aglen Motorcycle corps, of which the bridegroom Is a first lieutenant. After the wedding ceremony, n reception wus held in the patio, at which time the beau tifullv decorated wedding cake was cut by the bride. Following the reception. Mr. nnd Mrs. Crnwforil left for Oregon nnd coast points to spend their honeymoon. The brldo Is well known in Rose burg. where she formerly made her home. While here she visited her grandfather, George Weber, and aunt, Mrs. Albeit Kronke, besides other relatives and friends. The bridegroom is employed by the Douglas Aircraft plant at Santa Monica, Calif. I'pon their return to California, they will reside at 103.1 South Plymouth, .boulevard, Los Angeles. FAMILY CELEBRATION IS ENJOYED WEDNESDAY A very enjoynhlo family celebra tion was held at the T. W. De laney home in .West, Roseburg last Wednesday. " Those, present 'wertr Mr. and Mre.Irfonai-d f Deliiney,. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Delancy, Mr, anil Mrs, Frank .Streit,, Mr.. and Mrs. Russell Pitt. Mrs. Tillle Zuehl kn, of Minneapolis. Mini)., Mrs. Susan Aldrli-h. of . Valley City. N. U.. Mr.. nnd Mrs. T. W. Delaney. The .' occasion also marked the sixth-seventh birthday anniversary or Mrs. Slrelt. A picnic dinner was enioyed at noon and beautiful birthday gifts were presented to Mrs. Streit. RECEPTION TO BE GIVEN REV. AND MRS. WIRE AT MARSTERS GARDEN TUESDAY The members nnd friends of the Methodist church have been in vited to attend a very Interesting reception Tuesday night at S .o'clock honoring Rev. nnd Mrs. M. T. Wire, to l)o held In the beautiful garden of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Mnrs ters on South Kane street. The reception wus previously planned for the church parlors, but was changed to be held In the llars ters' garden. PICNIC IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF THURSDAY A very delightful picnic was en joyed on the banks of the Cala- pooia river Thursday. Those otuoy ing the occasion Included: Mr. and Mrs. Creed Cranfll, Mrs. Jennie Mc Coy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeff Williams. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Howen and daughter, June llowen. Mrs. Albert Long, 'Mrs.' Genevieve- Nettleton and daughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marsters and son, Dar- rcll. L.A. TO B. OF R.T. TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY Tho Indies auxiliary to tl)e Rro therhood of Rallwny Trainmen will meet at the Woman's clubhouse Wednesday evening with Mrs. 11. D. Wil'lams acting as hostess. Mrs. C. P. Snoddy, president, will con duct the meeting. The auxiliary quilt winner will be announced at this meeting. All members are urged to be present. M.O.A. CLUB TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The M.O.A. club will meet at a one o'clock politick luncheon Wed nesifay at the home of Mrs. C. T. Tipton in Oaks addition. All mem hers are cordially invited to lie present. RIVERSDALE H. H. CLUB TO PICNIC ON WEDNESDAY The Rlversdale Happy Hour club will hold Its annual picnic Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. John Burkhart. All members are most cordially Invited to be present. PYTHIAN SISTERS TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The Pythian Sisters will meet In regular session. Wednesday eve nlng at 8 o'clock at the K. of P. hall. All members are urged to be present. SIDE GLANCES K ftS OOm. 190 ev NEA SERVICE, INC. T. M. BEC U. t. "They're all strtuitfers to me ''from my wife's Leo Carillo and Wullnco Berry, dlan theatre in "20 Mule Team." f, tj , j.i. GLENGARY SEWING CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY vThe tlleugary Sewing club, will meet "Wednesday" arternoon, ' July HI. at I he home, of M,rs. J. A. Hor lon. All - members, are urged to be present. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES .ROYDHAUSOTTER Arthur Jerome Boyd and Rose Mnrie Han sotler, both residents of Jtiddle, SPAl'CJH-RIKGEL Alba LaVern Spaugh, Jr., and Kathleen Patricia Riegel, both residents of Hose burg. llELMTIOLDT-REDING Rich ard Edward Ilelmboldt, Los An geles, nnd Juunlta June Jicdlng, Roseburg. Mrs. Mildred S. Turner of Millwood Passes Away Mrs. Mildred Susan Turner. 72. wife of George W. Turner of Mill wood, died at her h.ome this morn ing following prolonged Illness. She wus born at Janesvllle, Wis consin. March 4. 1SU8, and wus married to Mr. Turner at Cartage. S. I)., January 31, 1X89. They came to Oregon shortly after their mar riage. Mrs. Turner ultimately made her h,ome in Roseburg until about 11122, when she moved to the Cow creek .district, near Glendale. For the past five years she had made her home at Millwood. Surviving, heHldes her husband, are three sisters, Mrs. C. F, Me Donald of Oakland, Oregon; Mrs. F. E. Albright Glendnle. Calir.. and Mrs. L. B. Ward. Los Angeles. Calif., and a brother, C. R. .Ijingley. Portland, Oregon. The body ha been removed to the Douglas Funeral home ami fu neral arrangements will bo an nounced later, , Developing and tCg Printing roll of 8 .... )V Your choice of Enlargement FREE The Film Shop 222 No. Jackson St. Phone 9-Y PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 mm. . mmaiiiRiu3Ki!SWHMi fry OaJbnM. " v-vl ft?52; $S&Zl -a PAT. Off. lliey're llie passenger list winter cruise!" iii i jiji .'l com Ifi&f11 ejfr'taifiAiii'i'il' attnSojirire still soirfifta A fjftifcfun telephoned to repotr in n qiAsWntf volt e , Unit slje - hail "Hut I cHn't- io .that Vwua (hp i'iny. ii wus iiio Key u)-ui)(uiu-mnhllp." ' ' ' (' I0UI I U.H. T. fm. C-jpTrtl 199. Lfcctn ft Mitf i Tmkci C, "Mule Skinners" f" it. orlcffij I Local News Ten mile Visitors Here Mr. and Mrtt. Chester Howuril, or Tennilln, spent Sutunluy here on buslnnH. Spends Day Here Oliver Fisher, few hours In intending to of Dllliird, ttpent a HosebuiK tSutui'day husinesK, House Painted The homo of Mr. urn! Mir. A. J. Ellison nnd family Kust Custt street has been re painted. , Visits In CoWatlis I.eullo Colo. Watkfns dealer for this territory. spent the week-end visiting friends m (Jorvullls. Spend Day at Crescent City Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Harris, of this idly, drove to Crescent City. Calif.. and back yesterday. Shop and Visit Mrs. Alta How ard imd Mrs. Pearly Huhn, of Ten mile, spent Saturday In this city shopping and visiting friends. Returns to Work L. J. Crafton left here this morning for his work in Kugeno. following tho week-end at his homo on North I'ine street. Back From Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Hoy J. .Smith have returned to Koseburg, following a week's honeymoon at coast points. Mrs. Smith was formerly MIhh firnce Montgomery. , Obtain Marriage License A mar riage license was issued Saturday, July 6. at Keno. Nevada, to Itene Shaffer. 21. Tiller, nnd Mildreth Montgomery, 20, Days Creek. Visit Here Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Haruuni and family, of Portland have been spejiding the last several days in this city visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. ClydeWlurd and also wilq Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. McDonald. - Return to Salem Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young and small son, Ronald Dean, left last night lor their home in 5alem, following several days here visiting Mrs. Young's uncle nndJMMit.JJii.and Mrs. D. ll(,ljubnr.' Her : onVvtsinestSteryftk4 star e. . eeaemi. maiu&rer tuvlt 'WtSiiAW Wd LLbiber m: ,pArry sprtt Saturday 4 this cty: visiting K. PajtHir lh.r. Staffe yHiiiert?Himi in iwnnJianiwooui -U)d p&ifoi Mompanled jt:tftyNni&fr'T?cHM (taker 'and s,MiaSi 1W Seed lni Jteturned to th'etomMllMR into 'IopTOrllrg.WMoCr .Smiilern,' iTiVel da Bnker. and l04Mt.lfi Gaylp. who pln ,-ttef.-tir Fort- LwlCHptnln f;: W. Ruhl, of thin .oiijcileft' Sat urday for Fort fcewbi,' Wah., to upend -tlto.ncxt two. Xtflis in offi cers, reaorvo training, lie wa nn. companled ns''niv as Portland b; iiw flaugiltB)-,. Miss Hutli Alio, who win .imiiiiviwu wnpsit.,UBt,vrtVJitll1 lug MtaC'tttab. WlnTOWivroWitfrly o(.UiW;xityf1l& ttrfdlhg thp; t;HTtBtgimi.llJi;TIKti ;W ,IWl('lng. . . . looks like Chesterfield's real mildness is holding the stage with smokers everywhere. Ask for a cigarette and sure enough Chester fields come popping out all around you. Smokers everywhere w ant the cooler MIlDER BETTER-TASTING cigarette that SATISFIES. nesterneld " Here on Business Mr. and Mrs. W. 12. firay, of I.ooim, wero UubI ne.su vltdtnrH In this city Suluiday. Back Prom Lake Mm. Oraee MI colli and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Me Itomtld nnd daughter. Mrs. 'la I ford Warner, nee Helen McDonald, have returned hern following a trip to Diamond lake. Visit In Eugene Stato Pol Ira nian Paul Morgan and Mrs. Mor gan and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. flood win, of this city, spent the week end In Kugeno visiting relatives and attending tho golf tournament be tween Itoscburg and Kugeno teams. Return From Ashland Mrs. K. O. Hickll and son, Jack, returned hero yeatorday fr.om Ashland, where they visited several days with tho former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer, and other relatives and friends. Leave for Corvallis Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon and daughter. Miss Hettyjane, who are attending sum mer school nt Oregon State college. left last night for Corvallis, follow lug a four-day stay at their sum mer camp, Jtio Hacienda, on the North Cmpqita river. Stop Here Saturday Mr. nnd Mrs. W. (J. Wado. of Oakland, Calif., slopped hero Saturday for a short visit with the latter's broth er, Frederick J. Porter, en route to Kugene to spend two weeks va cationing and visiting Mrs. Wade's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter, Sr. Mrs. Wade, nee Rosina Porter, and Mrs. Wade, who is an official In the Montgomery Wurd company Oakland office, both formorfy mado their home In Uosoburg. En route back to California, they will spend a couple of days In Drain visiting Mr. .Wnde's mo I her, Mrs. Jaunie Wade, formerly of this city. Leave for Medtord George Felt, of this city, look Ills aunt, Mrs. William Mai'tlg, of Pasadena, Calif., by plane yesterday to Mod ford, where tho hitter will reinuln for a week's visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Connej formerly of this city. Mrs. Mnrtlg hns been here the last several mnutliB visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Doorner, and other relatives as well as' friends. Last week- the Doerner family- and Mrs. Martlg, accom panied bv Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Da vis, of- Rell, Calif., spent' several days at Steamboat.. Rov. and Mrs. Davis, are spending this wenk -In Caitbjf.j-Oi-e., attending -r-i .- cHureh jifoftn.6'aiul will Join; Mpi-dvMlF ;BbSA Medford th first o"f?itj :!Jui taetiejtUj Callfolt SPECIAL HNOUNCIMENT 'Hi reSntly aai4iiiM' ices.; .m MKHJH.Ke.lVtf:W. manage It's Cafe, which will be nmru UVV IMV1TC -J'S':. r7 ! . $5!&- I i ? 'SSI:; Visit ' Hers Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Krmol Churchill, of Mui-hIi. field, sprat Sundny In Itnspliurn visltinK tholr uncle and aunt, JudRt and Mrs, It. W. Mursters, Leaving Tueiday Mr. and Mrs. V. I. l'orry nnd boh, Vunce, of this city, nnd Kay and Miss Kdna Uur Inn, of Druln, hrothcr and sisler of Mrs. Perry, are leavlny Tuesday for Dluninnd luko to spend sev eral weeks vacallonltiK. Visiting Grandparents .nuth Ann Penrcy, duiiKhter of Mi, nnd Mrs. II. !.. Penrey, of Sulein, lins arriv ed hero to spend two weeks visit ing her maternal grandparents, Juil-te and Mrs. R. W. Mursters, on North Jackson street, Back From Wedding Trip Mr. nnd Mrs. WUIltini K. lllunier, re cently married In this city, have re turned here from their weddliiK trip anil ttro visiting the latter's sister. Miss Murio Martens, on North Jackson street. Mrs. lllunier wns formerly Miss lrnm Martens. Daughter Is Born Word was re ceived this morning of the hlrth of a duuKhter, (,'arole Klinnheth, to Mr, and Mrs. C. Arthur Young, of Sun Francisco. Mrs. Young, for merly Miss Helen Thompson, is n niece of Miss .Margaret Pago and C. M. Page. She taught at the Green school severul years ago. Visits Here Miss Margaret Slo cum, formerly of this city, now a resident of Portland, and Harry Mengcs, of Eugene, spent Sundny In this city visiting nt the S, K. Sykes home. Miss Stocum Is en joying a two weeks' vacation. Mr. Mengcs Is warehouseman for the Zcllorlmch Paper compuny In Eu gene. TODAY AND TUESDAY A Grand Show AtiflSr Intern? t V -'.svlddles til Kiui fimvivra ii BRENDA JOYCE oho of Hollywood's buiiosf y' j and moil popular young tlart, furrenfly V- - . . appearing in tho 20lh Cenlury ?pk.p' BETTER MADE FOR BETTER SMOKING This view at teen in the moving picture "TOBACCOIAND, U. S. A." shows one of Chesterfield's huge modern tobacco conditioning units. It adds usf the right moisture content to Chesterfield's mild ripe tobaccos and enables the stem to be removed cleanly. -, Leota A. Brunner Dies at Her Roseburg Home I.eota A. nrunner. 18, daughter of George and Hannah llrunner, died at her home, 321 South Pine street, Roseburg, Sunday evening, following a short Illness. She won born In Roseburg Muy 7, Surv v tie besides her parents are three Bisters, Mrs. Jack (Wan da) Esherg, Washington, 1). i nnd Reryl and JlecKle llrunner, both or Roseburg. Christian Science services -will be behl at the Roseburg Undertak ing compuny chapel at 10:30 ft. m. Tuesday, ufter which the body will be taken for burial to Denver. Colorado, by Mrs. nrunner nnu her daughters, Beryl and Beckle. Leave for California Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford loft 8uturday for their home In l,os Angeles, fol lowing their wedding trip to thin city to visit tho latter's grand father; George Weber, and other relatives as well as menus, mrn. Crawford was formerly Miss Jeanne Ward of this city. For tne last sev eral years she has been residing In Imb Angeles with her motner, Mrs. Henry Dutton, formerly Cora Weber, of Roseburg. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY PAL NIGHT Illdylsa.; VigillBihjd ;&2;tHDS TODAY ' ; -. eohnicofor producfien-.