" ITOWJik P!?77?.R5Vi"V, KSSEEUK9. CR555N, 'SATURDAY, JULY 6', T94ff. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS ICNJGHT PORTER 'JAMES DEXTER HELLIWELL CELEBRATES SIXTH BIRTHDAY ANNI VARSARY James Pexlpr Hdllwill, son of Mr and Mrs. I. V. lMllwoll, and grandson of AHorney and Mrs. Jxter Hico of this city, celobrnt vi his sfxili IdrUiduy anniversary at a very enjoyable party at his home on South Kane street Friday afternoon. June 2S. (lifts were presented to Jlmniie fruin: Frist-Ilia Wade, Aileen Slattery, Kendall Yountf, Joanne Jlewltt, of Seattle, Ailu Moon, Karen Kronke, Jerene and Kd uard Oreutt Kisher, of Seattle. Marshall Penjira. Jerry and .Mi ehael Coen, Jerry Long, Mai'chi and Roddy Newland, Jon Pickens, J Joreen and Michael (VMalley, .Molly Mai'Raret and Henry Month, Carolyn Hurt, Larry Kisher, Don nln and Mary Kllen Hunt and Join Halhnai It. (James were enjoyed und later di'liKiitlul refreshments were serv ed at a table decorated with Bay colored balloons, toy firecracker favors and a beautifully decorated and llfchled birthday cake. Mrs. ' 1. V. ilelliwell was assisted in servins by Mrs. Dexter Klcu and Mrs. Frank Long. ; MRS E. A. PEARSON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. K. A. Pearson very gracious ly entertained her brido club at a chiirinfng one-thirty o'clock des-j Fert-luncheon at her homo Tues day afternoon. fJtadioll was used, lo carry out an atmiclivo motif for, the occasion. Thoso enjoylns iho nftemoon with Mrs. Pearson included: Mrs. C. K, Heese, of Melrose, and Mi's. Adrian Fisher, guests, and Mrs, L. j K. Fies, Mrs. Fred Lockwood, Mrs. ". T. Peters, Mrs. Maurice 1. Hallmark, Mrs. M. C. Bow kef and Mrs. Paul Geddes. Contract bridge U'tiB cnjoyCfl durfuK the plcaf int afternoon hours with Mrs. Fies winning the Iiiph score and Mis. Peters, second high score. MRS. E. C. PATTERSON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. K. C. Patterson very gra ciously entertained her bridge club at a lovely one-thirty dessert-lunr-heou Wednesday at her home in West Jloseburg. Heaiitiftil bou quets of colorful summer Mowers were used about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mrs. Cliiir K. Allen, a guest, and Mrs. Today's Pattern POCKET-TRIMMED SPORTS FROCK PATTEHN 4IS7 Tf summer gives you that young V carefree feeling here's a frock to match! Pattern 44S7 is a casual Anne Adams style for active sports, work-a-days or Just plain buying In the sun. A striking feature is the pair of optional pockets that fasten to a belt which runs right under their buttoned flaps. Notice too the young round neckline and the straight-across yoke, with gathered fullness helow. There's a full-length back buttoning that's Jaunty, that makes ironing easier, and that pre vents crushing when you get Into tiie frock. You may have crisp, cooi sleevebands or straight. short sleeves. Why not make this frock in white cotton or sharkskin? Pattern 44S7 is available in misses' ami women's sizes 12, 14. Ifi. IS. 20. an. 32. 34. 36. 3S. and AK Size 16 takes 4 yards 35 inch fab ric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (13c) in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME. AD DRESS and STYLE M.M HER. Send your order to the News-Review. Pattern Depnrtmeut, Rose burg, Oregon. (c 4 - A 1. M. l.oe, Mrs. 0. M. Kii'll, Mis. II. H. Turner, Mi'H. A. H. Tnylor, .Mrs. A. J. Klllson, Mrs. T. K. Ilurr. .Mrs. l,eroy Iliutt uml tho hostess, Mrs. Pattursnn. Contract liriilgo was enjoyed during the afternoon with Mrs. Allen receiving the guest prizo nml .Mrs. Taylor thu high score club prize. MASONS TO GO TO TULELAKE SATURDAY TO ATTEND MEETING A number of Itoseburg Masons are making plans to utjenri the larpe meetiiiK to be sponspreil by Ciinhy Cross loile No. (17!l F. and A. M. nt Tulelnke. Calif.. Salunlay. July nth, at which time the third degree of Masonry will be con ferred by Silver Trowel lodre No. 2!i. V. and A. M. of Phoenix, Arizona. Plans have been made for ft trap shoot and other entertainment to lie held at Prisoners Hock. Tours have been arranged from Prisoners Rok to PetroKlyphs. Tulelake Wild Life Refute. Captain Jack's stronghold. Canby's Cross and other historical places. Saturday evening the Modoc degree will take place at Prisoners rock. Sun day, July 14. the Tulelake chamber nf commerce will conduct its an nual lour ot the lava beds national monument and a barbecue tuncn will be served at Medicine 1-ako. ALL-DAY PICNIC IS j ENJOYED AT FINLAY SUMMER CAMP THURSDAY A delightful all-day picnic affair was enjoyed the Fourth ot July at the alinictive summer place of Dr. and Airs. O. C. Flnluy on the North llnipqun. Those enjoying the day Includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Hen l.nrsen and children. Carolyn and Larry, of j Placervllle, Calif., Mr. and Mra. IT. 1 II. Turner and children, Uarbara Ann. Cynthia Rue and Howard, Jr., and Dr.. and Mrs. o. C. Flnlay and sou, Jim. REV. AND MRS. WIRE TO BE HONORED AT RECEPTION NEXT TUESDAY EVENING A very charming reception has been planned for Itev. and Mrs. M. T. Wire to lie held nt eight o'clock next Tuesday evening at the Meth odist church parlors, to which all members and friends of the church nre most cordially invited to at tend. Itev. Mr. Wire was recently sent to Rosbetirg from Ashland und will be pastor of the Methodist church here, replacing Dr. Louis Magin, who has resigned to move to New York to be near his sons. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET NEXT THURSDAY The Presbyterian Missionary so ciety will meet next Thursday nt 2:30 o'clock at the church parlors, instead of holding a picnic us previously-planned.' ' '; ' - '" Mrs. W. M. CampTielT, Tiresiflent, will conduct the pieetlng aiid ,Div MuiTis If.. Rohi:trawlll' be the speak er. Reports of delegates. to the Fir Point conference -will be presented. All inemjiers and friends are most cordially invited, to nttend. Re freshments will be' sorvod'-at.tlie tea hour. 1 ' . . ' 1 '.. . M. O. A. CLUB TO ' ENJOY POTLUCK LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY The M. O. A. club will hold a one o'clock potluck luncheon next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. T. Tipton In Oaks addition. ' All members are requested. 'to bring their own table service. . . POETS CORNER' STRANGE MISTY' THINGS I picked up the vaso Of lovely (lowers. Strange misty things Thut seemed to speak In silence Of angels passing wings. From their depth Of loveliness, Tho' speaking not a word, Lovelier lips have spoken And none have ever heard. Tho speaking not a word They hold you in their grasp. And touch your saddened heart Till they unlock its Illuming clasp. G. M. Leeper. THAT NEVER PASSES BY Give us all the sunshine That there is in the sky, And the true and lasting Friendship That never passes by. G. M. Leeper. THE KIND, GENTLE DARKNESS As I sit In the darkness Where there is nothing I can see, Loved, unseen forms - Stand close to me. Ry the ruined cathedral 1 see not the broken mass. And dear, gentle faces Pass and repass. , In the darkness I sit; I.oved ones lie dead at my feet, Yet the kind, gentle darkness Hides the picture I cannot meet. G. M. Leeper. LOVE'S UNBIDDEN TASK It Is better to see love Than to say It, For It is not Ioves deepest wish That you obey it. Obedience may answer What you ask; Rut love goes beyond And makes for lUelf An unbidden task. 0. M. Leeper. SIDE GLANCES COPR. IWtWW, OMVlCC. 1WC. T. M. DEC. U. S. "If an QtiHry looking woman drives up anil asks for me vnu haven't soon inc. in n couple of years!" "Kid" Mischief Herself I, . i' i llnby Sanely, star of "Kamly Is Sunday lot' a throo-tltut jiQyinp MRS,, HARRY" S, BLACK ! ( . ' ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CL0 AT LOVELY LUNCHEON ' Mrs: Hair' fL Ttlaek very, pra ciously .cnlcriaincd h:r. Ijridge club Tuc.slay . ai teinoon at- .a, charming one ? o'clock .' Imicjieorv at vplne Ridge" beauttrul home pf Mr. and rs. L. - L. WJmbeily. Altractire bouquets, of colorful summer flow ers carried out a pretty decorative motif for the occasion. CoverB were placed for Mrs. L. L. Wimberlv. a guest, and Mrs. W. J. Olmscbeiil, Mrs. I'. T. Unbar, Mrs. T. II. Ness, Mrs. S. J. Shoe maker. Mrs. C. W. Wright. Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mrs. D. H. Mor gan,. Mrs. M. F. Rice and the hos tess, Mrs. Illack. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the pleasant atlernoon hours with Mrs. Wimlinrly receiving the guest prize and .Mrs, Ness the high score club Yi7.c. MRS. C. B. WADE IS HOSTESS AT CHARMING LUNCHEON AT "WADE INN" Mrs. C. 11. Wade entertained her bridge club at a very charming one o'clnck luncheon Friday at her beautiful summer home "Wade Inn" on the Norlli Fmpqua. Covers were placed for Miss Helen Casey, Mrs. P. M. Ia'p, Mrs. CI lir K. Allen, Mrs. Chester Mor gan. Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Mrs. D. H. Ituh.tr. Mrs. L. K. McCllntock and the hostess. Mrs. Wade. Swimming was enjoyed and in the afternoon contract bridge wa in play with Mrs. McCllntock van ning the high score. GREENS STUDY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING The Greens Study club was gra ciously entertained last Tuesday ui'ternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Fisher at Kelley's Korner. The nftei noon was pleasantly spent in sewing and visiting. At the tea hour a delicious luncheon A'iis served by the hostess, assist ed by her daughters, Norma and Shirley. Those enjoying the nflemoon with Mrs. Fisher wen Mrs. Ivan Lander. Mrs. Geo. Holm. Mrs. W. A. Davis, Miss .Martha Davis, Mrs. Cecil Fesslcr. Mrs. Claude Clay pooj. Mrs. Joseph Porter, Mrs. Curl Schmidt. Mrs. Claude Park buft. Mr- E P. Hnltou Mi- Fdna - BASEBALL SOUTHERN OREGON LEAGUE Grants Pass Merchants Beth's Grill SUNDAY, JULY 7 FINLAY FIELD 2:30 P. M. Admission 35c and 10c tj QaJbraRfc ' PAT. OfP. 11 Lady," coining to the Jinxe llicalrn ,j, t ; ' . Mile Voole. , , i ; ' : ! - j ,;i .'I bo on Joly lti witlx ii ti ivim 4-aiH tier as Hostess. VISITORS HONORED AT FOURTH OF JULY PtCNIC; AT BERG GARDEN Mrs. Clytie Carstens and Mrs. II. ('. Uerg were joint hostesses at a (lelightrul Fourth of July picnic at Iho Herg garden on the North Pacific highway Thursday. Those enjoying the occasion In cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knairss nnd daughter, Miss Maria, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. . Earl; Burr and daughter, Wyona, anil niece. Miss Jean Holinger. of Is Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Car stens and daughter and son. Jac quclyn and Clyde, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Herg and daughters, Miss Annabeilo and Miss Clara belle. . Scouts of 3 Troops to Frolic at Kiwanis Park Roy Scouts from the two Rose-burg- troops and the Oakland troop will participate in a Campnree to night and Sunday at Klkanis park. The overnight camp and program wil Ihe handled by Dale Owen and Hill L'nralh, scoutmasters in charge of the two Roscburg troops. The yellow-billed cuckoo Is of great value to the fanner as a de stroyer of caterpillars, especially tho hairy variety, which few other birds wlil eat. One cuckoo stomach was found to contain 250 tent cat erpillars. B3E3IIE COSTS LESS TO USI THAN .sTr&Kis POWDERS OR PASTES! Amirine (tlicoveryt One pplicition of DENTU R.B2B will mikt your loon plate fit like new for weeks. Not j pow der or paste new-type plaitie that ctuilly rlii)tplttet! One tubecontaini everal application. Thousands of en thuiiaitic uicri. GUAM'iTtt CHAPMAN'S DRUG STORE Rose burg, Oregon 7-6 Local News Spend Holiday on N. Umpqua in: ami Mrs. Deaue, or rot i in ml, spent the Fourth of July holiday at their summer place on the North I inpfpia. At Calhoun Home Dr. and Mrs. Ivan ( alh.'iun, of I lllaiuook, are spending ihe week end in Garden valley visiting the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. li. A. Calhoun. Thimble Club to Meet Memben if Min Neinhhors of Woodnuft Thimble club have been invited to meet Monday afternoon at (he home o Mrs, Adrian llulhcrt on Cobb street. Enjoy Fourth Mr, and Mrs. W.l V. Willis, of Canyonvlllo, and clair, in Garden valley. iluuKliter. Miss Kvelyn, and May- - nard Hell, of KosebuiH, and Karl Leave for Home-Mrs. Allco Gib ArmllaKe. or I'otiland. enjoyed the m ()f 0akjall(li Clfti ,md her Kourlh at I-.mplre. daughter, Mih. Alvin (ierlacb and Iduughter. Nuncy. or Kan Francis L.T.L. to Meet The boys and ro, have left for their hornet via Kirls of the Loyal Temperance Portland and the Orcftun coast Einn are asked to hriuK bundles rne, following several weeks in of raps to the meeting Monday at ini8 city H8 nm.Ktf, ul te lome two o'clock at the ItaptiHt church. The rags wilf be sold to raise money for the swimming pool fund. Leave For Home Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knauss und daughter. Mar la, left ibis morning for thejr P,nme In Portland, following a few days in this city visiting Mrs. Knauss' aunt. Miss Klbel Webb. The Knauss family formerly made their home heie. Arrive For Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Karl Purr and family I heir niece, Miss Jean Holinger, or Los Angels, have arrived lo spend their vacation visiting Mi'. Huit's parents, brothers and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ilurr, Harry and T. R. Purr and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Jr. Home For Week-End Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon and daugliter, .miss Hell v jane, and -Miss Elizabeth! Campbell, wlm are attending sum mer school sessions at Oregon State college at Corvallls, are spending Iho week-end nl their homes lu this city. . ton Hu.lon. or ' Corvallls. visited ! Ib own. and Mr. nml Aim. Earl Dun over the Fourth in Oarden valley, and daughler. Lo s. al of Co wilh thu rormer's parents. Mr. und 'qnille. spent the Fourth or July vis Mrs R S. Hutlon. en route lo iling Mr. and Mrs. John M. Orr at Ashland to visit unlil Sunday, when; i hey will return hero to visit uuui Monday. Arrive From Salem Mrs. John It. Caugheil ond daughter and son, Josephine and John, and sister, Mlns Josephine IJauingartner, all of Salem, arrived here today to spend the .week-end visiting their aunt, Mr. IL II. tttuplelnn, On Chadwick J'r'-'i i ! ' ( j : ..; ; Visiting ''Lakfcview 1MV. W Mrs. J-. J. Wainscott, of Ihis'city, are spending the week end nl Lake view, visiting their p,onlnluw and daughter, Mr. and Mr.' Harrv Saml quirtt. Kn route to euslern Oregon, they stopped over In Med ford ror short visit with their Bon, liar- old. . Enjoy Trip to 'Lake Mr. and M.-u 1 nmr fin. I ami Jt.ili' of Ibis cilv. and Mrs. Umg's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, and daughter. Miss Madlyn, of Mi'i-llo '.-!. .b ttiilnvnit ii li-lti In Diamond lake over the new North I'mpquu highway over the rourin. Arriving Today Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Forrest and Miss. Norma Ol sen. of Oakland, Calif,, are arriving here today lo spend a week A'isll trig the hitter's and Mrs. Forrest h hrolher-lu-law nnd sister. Mr. und Mrs. G. M. lies.' Mrs. IIch, who is employed at tho News-Review ol ficc, will next weelt enjoy- a vaca tion with her house guests. Announce Birth of Son- State Policeman aud Mrs. Raymond Har ris, of Km pi re, have announced the birth of a son. John William, born at Umpire this week. They nre former residents of this clly. Mrs, W. K. Oodscy. mother of Mrs. Harris, left Oakland n short lime ago for Km pi re to visit ror a lew weeks, FOR YOUR HOME, for you mod your children, this him unabridged dictionary. Is daily qucation-aiuwcrrr. "Look It up in the MrrrUm-Webter"nd you consult "The Supreme Authority1 FOR YOUR OFFICE, this new Merrism-Webster Is the court of final appeal on the spelling, pro nunciation, meaning, and use of words. SEE THIS NEW WORK at your bookdelera or write for descrip tive pamphlet to ii. A C. Merriam Co., Dep't 13, Springfield, Mass. I WEBSTER'S T DICTIONARY i : 1 At the Indian Sunday Lionel Harry more as "Or. (lilies pie," In "Dr. Kildaire's Strange Case." which opens Sunday ut the Hunt's Indian Theatre. Spend Day Fishing It. J. Gilbert and Dr. II. C. C'burcb, ol this city, fl((lU Thumlay fishing oil the North Umpqua. Arrives by Plane GeorRino Mof- fitt, employed in the Copco office at Med ford, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kin- ol' Mr. and Mr. Ceorge Kohlhagen on South Jackson tdrcct. Biblo Class to Meet Dr. R. L. Dunn's non-denominational Hiple sludy class will meet Monday night at 7:45 o'clock at the Douglas ho tel dining hall to begin the study of tho fifth and sixth seals as ru corded in Rev. (Mb chapter. The class attendance has Itnen reported as excellent and Ihe weekly meet ings have been planned to continue through July. ' Enjoy Trip to Coast Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lungenherg and daugh ter, Miss Coletta, have returned to their homo here, following a trio In Marshtield lo spend the Fourth or July with the runners' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lungenherg, nnd family. While (here, they enjoved a trip on the ocean in Harry Hallmark's schoon er, "Rogue." Visit at Orr Home Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shepherd and daughter, Dor othy, and son. Penny, Mr. and Mrs. the Camas Mountain service sta tion. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. Merle K. Allen huvo left for their homo at Richmond, Calif., follow ing a week's stay in this city as the guests of Mr. and Mi-h. II. J. flUher! on East Oak at reel. Mi'. Allen is an employe of the Santa Fe Railroad company. The (Jllberts Look them oira trip to Lake Tub kenltoh and up, theNorth Umpuna dtfrlng II lie Weeks, Thi'y returned home -via the McKeiittlt-'Tmnp aifd Paslern .Oregon,''' JUIumond- r and Crater lakes and then south ovej1 the Reilwoodi iiighway. Shows 2-37-9 P. M. Matt, 30c inc. tax Evel. 40c Inc. i. tax Kiddle. 10c JkL& and tickle yair funng-bane . . . with Tt'?'X.K her madcap crew of mcrrgmiters! ,', '. , f BABY .41 Sjf wih MISCHA AUER iPj r. f H EUGENE PAUflTE BIUY GILBERT Wf" j I ' ,v -IDGAR KENNEDY : NAN GREY -Jf V ts ' M" Red Cross Swim School Doted at Camas Valley ! A lied Cross Bv:mmInK and life surinj; cttmpuiKii will he conducted at Ciimas Valley, beslnuinn July 8. Clushe.i will ho conducted daily ihrough the week ending on Satur day, tho i:ilh. IteMlnueiH or swlm mei's wlnbluK to take these classes should jcgMler at the Shell service sialio!) with Mrs. Palmer or Mrs SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY The Finest "Kildaire" Picture Yet f ' it ci pMi c tGu" rMe lAlRSJMRWORE j V T0DAY 7 i Don Ameche I ' f Allen Curtis J "Four Sons" Preview Tonight LEON ERROL , . ..In "Thousand Dollar , V Marriage" STARfS SUNDAY -3 ENDS TODAY "Texas Stagecoach" and "King of the Lumberjacks" Guy Moore. Huh transportation is being pro vided by the rommitlee and those wishing such service should be at thu Shell servicu station at 11 a, m., Mondays. . Malted milk was Invented In 1SS3. It is mainly a wholo mlilv combination, with the liquid sep a ruled from a mash of ground har ley and whent ,Hour. Heated to 12f degiees K. In vacuum pans, it. then is dried, sifted, and ground. 2-3:30-7-9 P. M. Afternoon 30a Inoi'tax Evening 40c'lnc-,.tak DAYS! COMFORTABLY AIR CONDITIONED .