R05EBUR5 REW5.RE7ICW. roSEBUTO, CTCESOR fuESbAV, JULY 2, 1940". THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER POMONA GRANGE HAS MEETING . I'OiikIu Couniy Pomona Rrnnno '-Ii'-iiHl in rHKiilar f.inn with Mhh it T. 11. llusi'iilmik In clinrnf. Kiato Inanity Arthur lirown wuh em oiif h to hair hy tho uhsIki- fiiil Ktewanlfl. Vrml (Jnff 'iii.ult? an jxrt'leiit roKirl of Urn (irniiKB Flic IfiHiirnm-e husinesB. An (xtBtislvi (-(liiiriitinna rnmiialmi Ih bHiiK con-Huc-ii'd by th niKunizaiiun. All Jiornt fconomkn clubs will iwcivc n linmiH of S3."0 if they certify tliPlr rpaimclivi) grunge IviUh uml grounds Iiuvr hmtn i:lfiiiiP(t up pro "ny ronderliiK them U'hs or a liro lKizurd, Mr. fJoff rnrif'd also that tho Kunnfi's' Int(!rlnsumiico Is nllow iiiK a ijomm of Kit; per inmufoor tp lit used lor educational work suttli lis highway HinVly contoHts. f Mrs. Jantzer khvr an at-count of the 41 h nf July folfhratfon the Azah-a t-rariKP in spoiiHorliiK. Onn fnaturn will bfi a lff rolling von , lest, besides rat-en, tmftlmll tianie, t and dance in the evening. The pro ' ci-edrt will he applied to the build inp fund. There was a motion made to en couratfft all granges to have two community sings pripr to October st. A bountiful picnic dinner wnB held In tho grovo adjoining the Azalea Kninun hall, followed by a 'program in charge of Paula Ander son, Pomona lecturer, nt which time Heveral mombei's displayed hobbles consistinj? of beautiful fan cy work, scrap books, and Overseer Carl Huebner entertained the audi ence hv showing beautiful color t-lidcs. The annual county Bone: contest was held at 2 o'clock. All snugs nine had to bt written prior to nineteen hundred. Mrs. Parrott. .Airs. Love and Mrs. Kwens of Jil uvt'isdale grange accompanied by j Mrs. Harmon, sang "Sweet and i I.ow." Mrs. Mabel Under, Kellogg ' grange, sang "Jesus, i My Cross V Have Taken."- Doris Fair, necom- Today's Pattern BECOMING WRAP-AROUND STYLE PATTKnN m First vote of any n busy house wile goes to the wrap-around a most convenient and comfortable style. Pattern 448fi Ik an Anne Adams special for mature women. made in a wrap-around style that's easy to adjust at the waist by side-ties or a hack-tying sash. The neckline smoothly crosses to form a generous lap-over, held trimly in place hy a double-breasted but toning. The whole simple frock , is in princess style so marvel- ously iiuick to cut, fit and stitch up, guided by tho Sewing Instruc tor. Cut the side panels on a bias, if yon like, and add crisp ruffl ing down the front bodice seams. Hurry order this useful pattern today! Pattern 446 is nvallnhle in wo men's sizes 31, nil, ItS. 40, 42. 44, 4f nml 4S. Size 36 takes 5 yards ?.5 inch fabric and 1 7-8 yards ruffl ing. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (lSc) In coins for this Anne Adams pat tern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME. AOORESS and STYLE NUMBER Cut a smart figure In the sum mer fashion picture. Make your new wardrobe from the original designs hr the Anne Adams Pat tern Hook. A colorful forecast of summer 19. rt. It includes styles fnr country and city dweller, "pocket-edition" youngster and "forty-plus' matron. There are pay sport clothes, dance frocks, cool prints and cottons for vaca tions bv land ... by sea ... by air. Of course the summer bride has not been forgotten. Send today! HOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PAT- TERN FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN T O G E THER, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to News-Review Pattern Department, Roseburg, Ore. panled at the piano hy Mm. Paul hon, Azalea grange, sang "Love's Old Sweet Song." Curtis Nichols. Azalea grunge, accompanied him self on the guitar singing an old southern melody. Mr. Love, Hlversdale grange, Ming, "Asleep In the Deep." Charles Pope, Azalea grange, sang "Curry Me Back" to Old Virginia." A uuur tet from Melrose grange consisting of May Taylor, Jewel Green, Roy Wickstroin and Flyd Felt, sang "Long Long Ago." Mrs. Iove and Mrs. Harmon sang as their number "Sunset," and were accompanied by Mi's, Ewens. The regional song contest will be held at Riversdale grange August 171 h at K:I!i p. m. The trio, w and quartet will represent Doug las county, along with the winners of lht solo contestants, which wen Doris Fair and Charles Pope.' Those representing the vnrton.H district fair boards made unnnuuee incuts; Southern fair board will meet July 7lh to make arrange ments. Fair to be held at Glide AugiiHt 27th. Central fair, at Suth erlin, August 3 1st. A pot hick dinner will bo held nt Fisher grove at Kellogg Saturday. July fitli. The afternoon will be spent in cleaning the grounds pre paratory to the annua) Pomona grange picnic. JAMES ADAMO MARRIES IN COTTAGE GROVE KLKTON, July 2. James Ad ajno wan married to Miss Laura Garrison at Collage Grove June Hi. The people who at I ended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. . P. Garrison, Carol Garrison, Her niece Garrison. Henry Weatherly, and Mary McChirron. The young couple will make their home at Gold Hill. A lovely shower was given Mrs. Adamo recently at the home of Mrs. W. P. Garrison with Mrs. Agues Hudson and Mrs. Carry Ross as hostesses. Many lovely gifts wore received. Those present were Mrs. Ad amo, Mrs. Ray Cole, Miss Owretha Hudson, Miss Virginia Gates, Miss Faye Borsch. Miss Mablo George, Miss Lenore Clemo. Miss Norma belle Weatherly, Miss Stan Weath fiiy, Mrs. .1. Gorman, Mrs. J. II. McFenlers, Miss Dona Lee Win terbolham, Mrs. Frances lleddcn. Mis. I -i ura Gustufsoti, Mrs. Mary Hockley. Mrs. Grace Heck ley, Mrs. Edith Gales, Mrs. Rose Ilenderer, Miss Marilyn Ilenderer, Ronnie Ilenderer. Mrs. Inn Ilenderer, Miss Murybelle Ilenderer, Mrs. W. P. Garrison, Mrs. Una Smith, Doris Smith, Mrs. Guy Cut Hp, Mrs. Elva I lardest y , M rs. Ida Thomas, M rs. Luc He McM ichael and chil dren, Thelina. Joan and Jlmmie. Mrs. Henry Garrison, Mrs. Neil Garrison. Miss Hernieco Garrison, Hovd Garrison, Miss Geraldfne Fenley, Miss, Marie George, Miss Marybello. lljeuderor,..; Mrs. Agnes Hudson' and Mrs. Carry Boss. VIRGINIA BOLIN AND HAROLD EDES MARRY YONCALLA. July 2. Word has been received from Culp creek of the marriage of Miss Virginia Hoi lln, youngest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolin of Eugene ami Harold Edes. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Edes of Yoncatla. The wedding took place at Vancouver. Wash.. June 28, with Rev. R. W. Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church performing the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. nml Mrs. Weston Scott, also of Culp creek. They will make their home In Culp creek, where the groom is employed. Mrs. Edes is a graduate of the Cottage Grove high school with the class of 1!M0. The groom lived his entire life in Yoncallu graduating from Yon calla high school with the class of 19113. Their many friends in both communities with them a long and happy married life. ! COUNTRY CLUB AFFAIR TO I BE ENJOYED ON JULY 4 ' I The men of the Roseburg Coun try club have arranged n delight ful public tournament at the club course for Thursday, July 4, which will be followed at four o'clock by the members of the club holding a mixed tournament. A politick supper will be enjoyed by the members In the evening nt the clubhouse. BELLVIEW CLUB TO PICNIC ON JULY 4 The Bellview club members and their husbands have planned n very enjoyable all-day picnic nf falr for Thursday. July 4, at Mc laughlin's grove. The committees in charge are making plans for an unusually enjoyable day and all m em hers and their f a m i I ies a re urged to attend. POTTAWATOMIE GROUP TO REGISTER FOR CAMP All members of the Pottawato mie Camp Fire group desiring to go to the summer camp have been asked to call nt the Model bakery before Thursday to obtain their registration blanks. There will be no meeting of the group this week. POETS CORNER PLEASE EXPLAIN Why women wear, within thlr homes. Lone house-coats, of all sorts. And when they get out on the streets. Bout all they wear is shorts. Orpha Collins. JACK RODGERS FIRST HERE WITH 'CORRIGAN.HOLE-iN-V Jack Rodeers, member of the Roseburg Country club, Is the first local clulmant to a "Corrigan hole in-one." Rodeers teed off on No. 1. His hard-bit drive took a wide slice, sailed over a aeries of low mounds and trees and plunked squarely Into the cup on No. 7, a good ir yards. SIDE GLANCES Iff . : .mm: COPB. IfrW BV NFA SfftVlCC. INC. T. M. REO. U. "Well, you kissed mo before you were 18, uiul the movies had nothing lo do with it!' Country Club To Hold July 4 Frolic The noseburg Country club is making preparations to entertain a largo group of members and friends Thursday, July 4, when the public will be admitted to par ticipate in nn nil-day frolic. Between fid and fid valuable mer chandise prizes will be given to participating golfers, 0 w u y n e Buelt, touritaiyent chairman, re ported, The prizes will ho ar ranged so that all players will have equal opportunity, regard less of skill. An entrance fee will be charged all players and non-members will be assessed the usual greens fees. No other charges will be made for the facilities of the club, Mr. Buell slates. Residents of Roseburg and vi cinity are Invited to use the club's lncilitles for swimming and pic nicking, as well as' golf and other sports. The Roseburg club last Sunday met the (! rants Pass club In a tournament hero, winning by a score of 2f to lit. Clark and Hodges shared medalist'' honors lor the visitors with 7.r each and Paul Morgan with a 78 was low lor the RoHchurg club. VITAL STATISTICS BORN HITNTINCTON To Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Huntington, of Clen dale, at 'Mercy hospital, Monday. July 1. a daughter, Margaret Bar rett: weight seven pounds six ounces. IIOIIMK To Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bohme. at Mercy hospital, Mon day, July 1, a son; weight eight pounds one ounce. Elkton KLKTON. July 2. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snook and children Cora In and Charles Peter, Mrs. Wardie Snook, Jack Snook and Kl- mer Ktlens, of Portland, are vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Fenley. Hob Kartell spent Tuesday night nt the hostel at F.lktou. Mr. Barlch is just nut of high school en route from San Francisco to Canada. He is stopping at Salem to visit his grandparents. The whole summer will be used on the trip so ns he ran visit all places of interest. ' Iirona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Luke of North Bend, is visiting the home of her aunt, Mrs. Catherine Fenley. Mrs. Clare Smith and Miss Sy bil Fairfield visited the Orn Pow ell home in Drain Wednesday. Mrs. Ivan (irubbe. of Califor nia, has been visiting relatives and friends in F.lkton. Miss Norma On ten has returned from Woodland, Calif. Miss Oates snent the winter with her sister. Mrs. Dorothy Maupin. J. L. Rowe is at the Bell look out for the summer. Mr. Rowe has worked there In the summer for a number of years. Howard "Hod" Turner, of Rose burg. was at the home of Zane Adams this week for the purpose of getting Mr. Adams to play on the Roseburg American Legion baseball team this summer. Mrs. Nell Philllns. Mrs. Katie Fmerick. Mrs. Oladys Griffith. Mis Iris Haines, Mrs. Mary Grubbe. Mrs. Grace Sawyers dnd Oliver Haines visited the Cottage Grove chapter No. 4 O. R. S. Fri day evening on its sixtieth anni versary . Other chapters present were Kvangellne and Blue River, of Eugene, and chanters from Creswell, Junction City, Gardin er. Brownsville. Drain. Oakland. Springfield. Corvallls and Rose, burg. Invitations were issued to all of the grand o'fficers of which many were present. Following the business meeting a program was given with Ttex Dnvift the sneaker of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Rlue River, spent Saturday at Elk ton. Aulden Cheever has returned home from the Socred Heart hos pital at Eugene, following an ap pendicitis operation. Mrs. Marietta Haines went to fty Oaftral 9. PAT. Of F. Drain Sunday afternoon to visit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haines. On arriving at the Haines home she found Mrs. Haines was in the Sacred Heart hospital ut Kugene where she was operated on the day before for appendicitis. Mrs. Haines has not been well for some time. F. B. Solomon has finished pick ing berries at his place. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frost, of Forest Grove, have been visiting the home of William Frost. Myron Haines went to Portland over the week-end to visit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blood good. Music Hath Charms CPRRfTUCK. N. C. C. M. Ed wards and J. R. Wealherspoou of Raleigh, fishing from an nuchoretl boat, couldn't gel u nibble. So Edwards tuned In a dance band on u portable radio and, he reported, a half pound bass prompt ly plopped Into the boat. Spends Day at Reedsport II. C, Darby, of this city, spent today in Reedsport attending to busi ness. , MARKET REPORTS LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., July 1 f AP) (lT. S. Dept. Agr.) HOGS Butchers SR-fiO higher than last week's low close: good-choice 170 225 lb. weights (i.lIft-Gu; latter top on sorted carloads; over and un derweights 5.2f 0.10; packing sows strong to 25 higher at 4.00-75. CATTLE Calves moderately active; medium-good fed steers fully 25 higher; grass steers steady-strong, spots 15 - higher; grass-fat she slock fully steady at recent down-turn ; can ner-cu Iters steady to 25 higher than last week's low close; bulls and veal ers firm; 2 loads good fed yearl ing steers 10.50; load medium KI0 lb. weights 9X0; short loads 1 0f8 lb. grass-fat steers 8.85; other grass-fat steers 7.75-8.65; medium weighty kinds down lo 7.35; pack age mixed few yearlings 9.25; grass heifers 7.50 down; mixed young cows and heifers (1.25-75; common-good beef cows 4.75-0.00; canner-eulter cows 3.75-4.50; top vealers .5u; medium-good bulls fi.25-7.2n. SHEEP Lambs strong to 25 higher; early bulk good-choice drive-ins 7.75; few 8.00; 2 decks good-choice grndos held above S.tiO; older classes steady; shorn yearlings 4.50-5.00; shorn simili ter ewes 2.75 down. PRODUCE: PORTLAND. July 2. (AP) Butter, butterfat, cheese, country meats, live poultry, dressed tur keys unchanged, ONIONS Oregon No. 1. 2. !R 50- lb. bag; Yakima ( 50-lb. bag; new was $1.25; red $2.00; Walla Walla JI.fi:,. New potatoes, potatoes, hay. wool, mohair, cascara, hops, un changed. WHEAT PORTLAND, July 2. (AP) Open High Low Close Sept 73 73 73 73 PAUSE REFRESH CARL'S TAVERN GRILLE Slipf Local News Attends to Business Gurney Mc- Datilel, of Garden Valley, was a business visitor in this city yester day. Undergoes Nasal Operation Russell Met tain, of Arngo, Orn., un derwent a nusul operation yester day with Dr. A. C. Seely In charge. Back From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. linger Bailey and baby son, Roger, have returned to (heir home in this city, following thn week-end in Eugene visiting relatives and friends. Vacationing Mrs. Clifford Smith and two children, Ronald and Paula, of this city, are spending the next few weeks vacationing at the Dr. H. It. Scnfleld cabin on Little river. Go to The Daltet to Visit Mrs. Mildred Meatte and granddaugh ter, Shirley Vearwood. of this city, left Sunday for Tho Dalles. Ore., to spend a month or so visiting rela tives and friends. Pott pone MeetingThe Rose burg Art nnd Embroidery club meeting scheduled for this week. has been postponed until July 17 when Mrs. Alfred Neal will enter tain at her home on Fleser street. Visit Here Mrs. M. S. Allen nnd daughter, Margret, of Portland, have been spending the last sev eral days in this city visiting the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cracroft. ami family. Move to Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson have moved from Altilras, Calif., to Roseburg and are making their home on Mill street. Mr. Robinson was trans ferred hero by the Standard Oil company. Back From Vacation Dr. nnd Mrs. George E. Huock have return ed to their home on South Steph ens alreet, following a ten-day va cation trip In Diamond lake, east ern Oregon point mid back via the coast highway. Move to Thurston Home Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chrlsler have mov ed from the Machen duplex resi dence in Uiurelwnod to the Thurs ton home, located next door to the Machen place. Mr. Chrlsler is bookkeeper at tho Lock wood Motor company. Returns to Portland Mrs. K. I Cook, nee Helen Ximrick, has left for her homo in Portland, following a week s stay in this city visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. A Ximrick, and with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Jmrick. of Bakersfleld, Calif., who are ,herti visiting. .Back From Eugene Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Yearwnod have returned to their home in (his city, follow ing tho week-end In Eugene, where they were joined for n visit bv Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jacobs and two daughters, of Yakima, Wash. Mr Jacobs, a salesman, was formerly stationed here by Swift nnd com puny. Move to Riverside Drive Mr. nnd Mrs. John Irving have moved from Harvard avenue to the resi deuce on Riverside drive, which has been occupied by the Paul Ilelweg family. Mr. and Mrs. He- weg and two daughters, Shirley and Paula, have moved Into their recently completed new home, on Riverside drive. Attend Wedding Mr.- nnd Mrs Boone Humphreys, nf Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hum phivya and son. Howard. Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Mcltrlde and Miss Iris ('row, of Eugene; Mrs. A. H. Fish, of EI Monte, Calif.; Mr. nnd Mrs (1. C. Oshorn nnd daughter, Helen of Portland, and Mrs. Eliza Bran don, of Halsey, were in R,oseburg over Sunday to attend the wedding of James Humphreys, of Eugene and May Henry, niece of Mr. and Mrs, (tt-orge Unley of this city. WANTED ! . . . unusually difficult cases of squeaks and rattles in passenger automobiles, to prove to all drivers unique advantages of Stop-Wear Lubrication. One Stop-Wear Lubrication Job enables motorists to observe three distinct advantages. One, you can see the differ ence in the way it looks tires, running boards dressed, glass gleaming, interior cleaned out. Two, you can actually hear the difference in quiet operation. Three, you can feel the difference in the way it shifts, steers and rides. Apply immediately, your own neighborhood Union Oil Station. If de sired, cars picked up and returned at no ex tra cost. Remember, only Union Oil Stations have Stop-Wear Lubrication. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD UNION OIL STATION Attends to Business C. E, Moy or, Dlllard nurseryman, spent Mon day in ihls city attending to busi ness. Theta Rho Club to Meet Alpha Xetn Theta Rho glrlH club will meei tonight at 7:110 o'clock at tlie I. (. O. F. hall. Returns to Work Muymml Bell returned to his work at the News- Review office Monday, following n two weeks' vacation. Home From East Mavor and Mrs. A. J. Young are back at their homo on Flint street, following a month's vucatinn Hip to their for mer home in Wisconsin. Back From Portland Miss Helen Jnno Kerr has returned lo her home here, following o week in Portland os a guest at tho Dr. Andrew J. Browning home. Gray Ladles to Sew Members nf tho Gray Ladies organization have been asked to meet Wednesday from 10 to 4 nt the Episcopal parish iiouwe on East Cass street to sow for the Red Cross. Arrives From Portland Mrs. Rex Mack, of Portland, arrived here Monday and stopped a short limn lo visit relatives and friends en mute to Riddle for a visit with bei parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Arzner. Injured by Fall Mrs. Ella White nf the Douglas hotel was removed to Mercy hospital Monday, when she suffered a broken pelviH in a lull down the steps at the hotel entrance. Return Here Mr, nnd Mrs. J. H. Wo I ford have returned lo their home in this city from Portland, where 'MV Wolford attended the rille matches und Mrs. Wolford Joined u party of friends for a boat trip up the Columbia river through Bonneville locks. Player Hit by Ball Not Gravely Hurt Dwaln Ilnrbert, member of the Kugene Legion Junior baseball leant, who was struck on the head hy a pitched ball during (he doubleheader ball game played here Sunday, suffered no serious III ellects Irom I he Injury, ac cording to word received hern to day. Hod Turner, coach of the ltoseburg team, received 11 card from llarberi (hit morning, ex pressing appreciation for the care given him at ltoseburg following his injury, lie stated that exam inations made nt Kugene had dis closed no fracture. Martlet t was Injured when he endeavored to confuse Cox, the Roseburg pitcher, by taking front stance at the plate. Because of his position, he was unable to fall away from a high inside pitch and was struck on the back nf the head us he attempted to dodge, Me was stunned, but soon re gained coiiHclousness, following prompt ministrations by Coach Turner, nnd later was removed to Mercy hospital lor observation. He was released within a short time, however, to return to his home nt Kugene. N.UmpquaRoadto Be Open July 4th The North Umpo.ua road from Roseburg to Diamond lake will be open for travel ut all hours on Thursday, July 4, V. V. Ilarpham, supervisor of the Umpqua National forest, reported today. The road is kepi open for public travel every Saturday and Sunday and oi all holidays. ! On other days the 10-mile Cope land creek seel inn Is closed be tween 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. while work is In progress, but is open to travel from I p. m. to K a. in. The section rrom ltoseburg lo fopclnnd creek and the section (torn Diamond lake to Itlg ';iiii;i; art open at all bourn every day of the week. The only portion up.m which travel is restricted is the iM iulle Copclaml creek section be tween the mouth of Ihut creek ami Ihe Dig Camas ranger station. Work will be In progress there for the greater pari of the summer, and until the r.oad has been brought to Hlnndard. the work-day roslrleilotin will be continued, Mr. Ilarpham Mtales. Butchers, Dunham's Softball Victors l)y EVUHKTT ClliOUC'ir RC'llllIK Iwlro In till) flint of thn Kovonth limhiK, Dniiriii'k 's IIuIi'Iioih iiohi'iI nut tliii Hancock Ollnra. !) lo 7, III thn Him of Iwo WPlliilnywl .mrihull names nt Fllllny field liiHt iiIkIii. I'ho Ollnrs, who Rn far hnvn not w.'ill u k'hiim In IIh Hiril)all InaKUP. hail vl, lory In hIkIiL last iiIkIU as limy wont Into llm ttixllt IiimIiik Willi n li'iiil or 7 In 4. Hill the llntchern tlcil tho nenro Willi thriM' iuii.s In thn IiihL hair or thn sixth anil tiilllcil twice in tho seventh tc will I ho hall cainn. Klllson relieved Dufflidd lii thn socoml innlni: mid allnwnil rivo liltH, hut orrni'H pormlltnil tho IlntchiTK lo acorn. Tho Oilora wont inln tho lonil In tin' Hist InnlnK, when Iltifflolil ponndeil out n homo nin with two inntoH on huso, anil added four runs In thn fifth IiimIiik. Thn Butch ers milled twice ill tho first mill addei) anolhor In thn floconil, and Mi'iiilnally cllnihoil In Iholr (out' rmiH in tho tdxlh. MoiTitl nll.'voil (ho Olloia pIkIiI It it a anil struck out rivo. Konnoy liurulico pllclioil (llron- lill hall and struck out tune as llunhum'ii Trimst'orinc!! Ima( Oak' hind 4 (o II in tho Kecnnd Know. Oakland milled three times In tho first or tho third limine, lint Ininlmiii's came hack In tho last of that fratno lo lio tho ncore. Tho winning tnarkor was tnlliod in tho fourth IniiinK when Ilho walKnd atolo socond. nnd advanced to third and to tho plate on inl'lnld outs. Hooves started nn the tnoiitiil for Onlihinil and nllowed Ihron runa and throo Ii I ih. Jacobs, who re lieved hint, allowed onn run nnd three hits. Hach pitcher had one strikeout. Scores: Itoiicoclv's n II K 210 013 2 i 7 4 .300 bill 07 8 7 Hancock's .Merrill nnd Meyers; Duffleld, Kl- Ifsmi and (lleiiz. Oakland 003 000 03 3 0 iMluhiiin's 003 100 x 4 0 3 Reeves, Jacobs and Unbolts; K. I -aura nee ami Perry. Azalea Grange to i Celebrate July 4 A Kntirlli of July colouration will ho sponsored hy the Azejen Kiunue nt their Riovo nil lny 'I'hursdiiy. 'I'ho program will Blurt nl in n. m.. Vtli viirloiis races, contests und other competltivu sports, with prize nwnrds for llio winners. A piitrlollc program will bo held from U a. m. to 12 noon, with Froil A. Ooff of Hoseburi! ns the prlncipnl speaker. Tallies will ho provided during the noon hour tor itso hy picnick ers. Corroo nnd other lievorngos will ho sold on the grounds. A Softball gnine will furnish mi lerttilninout from 2 lo 4 p. in., fol lowed hy Konenil sports nnd n Jit ney dnnco until (I o'clock. Plum ing. Hh music hy tllenn Hamil ton's orchestra or llrantn I'uss, will he enjoyed niter 8 p. ill. ('iirnivtil concessions nnd re rreshmeut booths will bo open ilur nig the arteriioon and evening. All proceeds wiil bo used Tor Hie grange building rum). Salem Studies Proposal for City-Owned Utility SAI.UM. July 2. (AP) Mayor W. W. Chuilwlek appointed lust night a committee of 15, Including FASTER TIME TO DENVER KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Lv. Portland 9:35 P. M. Dallv on he famous PORTLAND ROSE Save 1 hour 40 minutes la "Denver, arriving 8:50 a. m. (Second Oayl w Save over 10 hours lo Knn. j eas City, arriving 9:00 .m. (Second Ooy) .Save 5-34 hours lo SI. "Louis, arrivinfl':3fl a. m. Uie thil peodier larvlc to I lava your lime. Alr-condl-lionsd qulpmont lot U clanei ol travel. For connection with tha PoilUnd Noia, Inquua ol ,.H'TIIKItS I'Ai'll'li' AflHNT. or wrm- .1. r't'.MMINil. tlKN. I 'ASM. AdKNT, I'lllo.'k llloi-k, Portland. six rounollmen, to report hy Ben. loinhor 3 on whether Salem should opnruto Ks own power Ryste.ni. Tho council iiavn (he Salem Klec- trlo cooperative, which plans lo Roll llonnevllle power In the down town illslrlct, permission to oroct 20 polos. . James If. Pollienius. nraslilniit of the Porilnnil flennrnl Kloetrlo niiitiany, pleaded lor continuation of prlvnlo ownership. He said Kit- . mm neips carry the load ror rural districts, tho company (totting a 13 per cent return on Its Salem busi- nesH compared with 7 per cent ro Itirn in rural .Marlon county. Driver Examiner to Be Here Until Wednesday Word McReynohls, examiner fnr the stiito motor vehlelo department, who was in Hosehiirg today on his ' regular weokly visit, rnports that ho lias been Instructed lo remain in HoaehiiiK until 1 p. in. Wednes day. He will conduct examina tions Wednesday forenoon nt. Ills offlco In tho courthouse for all per- sons ileslrltiK licenses or nermlln lo drive motor vehicles. Quartet Will Sing at Roseburg Naiarene Church Thn "Ciospel-Aires quartet of Northwest Nassarene college will present a program of sucred mimic at tho Church of tho Nazarene In Hoseburg at X .o'clock this evening: Thn quartet consists of four young -men students of tho college at Nam pa, Idaho. Tho singers are accom panied by Dr. A. 1 Harper, repro sentatlve of tho college, who will present a short address. The pro gram is open lo the general public. Today and Wednesday Pal Night OTHER GIRLS WERE CALLED SWEETHEART BUI SHE WAS 5f HIST A SWELL KISI aoirtr CUMMMCS DAY PLUS 4 or"--. o 'If !-'" Clwies COBURN BcuMUBONOI Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Matinee and Evening Single admission 20c Two fop 35o ENDS TODAY sgf TOunB'miiLBnD DOCTOR PLUS Louis-Godoy Fight Films STARTS WEDNESDAY THE STORY OF ...li iloqml pin fir peace OS litis... bicilll Iblj Mho Bill dil III Bolem' losil DON AHECHE EUGENIE LEONTOVICH M!T BETH HUGHES AiuCUJTE c?.ni(isr total LONEir Matinee 30c Inc. Tax Evening 40c Inc. Tax Children 10c . MM mm" Mi HW ni V3P L. I ALL MOTHERHOOD! I ITS. CT I M Shows vT I 1 I--