ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1940. FIVE Livestock FOIt SALK 13 good evo. Phouo 42-F-13. C. L. Weber, ltouto 1, Koseburg. FOR SAI.B or trade Registered Shropshire ram. - J. C. Stadler, Azalea. FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Hampshire bucks. Y. J. Vestal, Glendalo. FOIl SALE Extra good Duroc Jersey weaner pigs. Phone 15-F-22. WANTED Feeder lambs. R. H. Wilson, Llmpqua. FOR SALE Saddle or pack horse. Phone 12F31. 60 OOATS R. A. Nell. Phono 5F24. f COCKER Spaniels. Pbone 886-J. Poultry 7-WEKKS and 3-weeks old Leg horns and Hampshire baby chicks. Wntzig Hatchery. . FOR SALii 3o White Leghorn pullets, 35c each. Karsten, Route 1, Ho 8. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Haled aUalfa. J11.00; oats and vetch, $10.(10; wheat slnivv, $6.00. Nagcl, Canyon vllle. FOR SALE 12 acres bay in shock. Truelson place. V. Bar nEiir. Fuel PHONE 282 Re economical buy green wood and let this summer sun dry it for future use. Phone 282. Koseburg Lumber Co. ALLEY OOP I SUPPOSE VOU'VE PtANMED OUR DE5EI2TION FliOM THIS AMAZON ARMY FOR. TONIGHT ? X TONIGHT I IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A . , . JT-X' f T rAHF Tr M WUV . T P'iNWrn Ih Re- AT 1 IT KWOW, BUT " f TT JUME WITHOUT VOU I'M AFRAID 1 SAY GOODB", I THE BUS DEPOT TbSSE MY FAMP..Y WtU. f ME WAMTS 1 FCSG ME ? YOU'LL MISS I JUNE ' A OU LEAVE AND J BeTHERANJD I T& KISS YOU . BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Something in His Mind By Edgar Martto kJ&2 OO6feOT,V00 I IU &OTWtS4 WVW I I VSAA-.fcW ?.vA. ? NOVMK)' eWtVi.,1. vAOW WW jff HF Y I SSSotO UlWW S - &cX OOT 0r J I P" HVM ,?OCa A VC"VE Wt'Si TV' Mt,tt' t-t OvK, ; TrX' CWCJI. ntl, ? -' -f HtRt T7 Ifl CWM V-NVlTi 3l WtOWt ASeR. WOsi 1 oy - V vs. o"? -xo f 1 1 . I J'l Ft'" 54 A OKTt -ay-y M-f thi T . VSsi. J III of waoE. ,-0f , Ihf 1 - I ? c WASH TUBES NEM OCUtAWS I tEAK w)Wc tCPvKi-niNia i fi FOREIGN AGENTS ARE 1AIL INC0WINI3 I P0URIN6 INTO THIS SHIPS, JOE - '- f COUWTEV UNOER OUR , Real Estate FEDERAL land tianK (arms. Rea sonable prices: convenient terms. Lints available at the Natloual Farm Loan OKlco, Perkins Build in?;, Roseburg. FOIl SALE, CHEAP ' 99-acre ranch. Good house, barn, chick en bouse. 30 acres tillable, rest good pasture. Marvin Cornutt, Riddle. FOR SALE 5-roani rustic home on North Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. VCR SALE Modern remodeled 5 room house. 606 S. Pine street, Roseburg, Work Wanted NOTICE: Will do Ironing at your home, or mine. Leave calls ut office at Ndrthsldo Apartments. ! Orpha Collins. i PAINTING, pnperhanglng, kalso- mining. very reasonable. Work guaranteed. . Sloan, phono 870-J. CABINET WORK made to order. 643 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Wanted THREE PERSONS wish transpor tation to Cheyenne, Wyoming, starting by 4th of July. Help pay car expense. Inqulro Box -Sis, co News-Review. WANTED House truiler, cheap for cash. Specifications, price, first letter. Ray White, Canyonvllle. PLAIN, clear, oak logs, 8' and up In length and straight, delivered to mill npur Tenmile. Phone 311-Y. hlDES. Highest cash prices. Leave I ears on. Douglas Market. bUR"DESERTIOM? 1 ALL RIGHT OOOLA, BUT IT WON'T BE FUMMY IF THEY . J ( I COULD COUNT ON CATCH US OUT ON I eOVS.THECE'S A X BUT WE RE X 1 f Rentals BELTONIA Jlodorn.' furnished apartment. Hardwood floors, tllo sinks, ' refrigerator. Opposite I'tnpqua hotel. Reasonable. 'Phone 12-L. 5-HOOM flat, private entrance and bath, gas for cooklug: 4-room house; both furnished and clean. Phone 222-ii. 547 S. Stephens. FOR RENT Furnished house for """Imm C'n,-,?vy l0Caled 0ndi cool. Phone 77'J-V. CLOSE IN. Downstairs apartment. Cheap. Inquire 308 Norlta Steph ens. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 650. NORTHS1DE APARTMENTS J12.00 Up. Phone 369-J. FURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent Douglas Hotel. MODERN 5-rooni house for rent. Phone 633-J. APARTMENTS Xor rent. Page's. Phone 242. CLEAN, -troll furnished, house. 544 S. Pine. 6-rooin FOR RENT Furnished, 3 rooms, lower. B48 S. Pine. FURNISHED apartment. 424 Floed, comer Mill. Dentistry DR. NERBAS Gas Wbeu DcBlred Masonic Oldg. Pbono 488 Dr. G. W. Marshall. Med. V Bids. Autos j-uit MALI'., cnenp. n taxen ai onco , '38 Chevrolet town sedan, ra- dlo. II. I,. Bragg, Camp View. Ah, There f7 VOU JUST LEAVE RUWNIMG THAT THEM.' TO ME.' Advice to What's the THEN WE'LL HAVE TO 5LEyJHERE 8 A TIP HAS JUST COME FROM WASHINGTON THAT I0OV4E OTHER THAW MEL6A VJOIFE IS TEYIN6 TO 6ET IN! For Sale Mfeeelta neons GOOD used battery radio with wet battery; used electric refrigora tor, 132.50; used davenport set, $10. ou; new & cubic foot Hotpoint refrigerator. $119.95: Bulltwell Daveno (39.50; suitcases, 95c special ; combination radio, phono graph, 31.9&; good, used Moil ing range; $42.50 9x12 Axmlnstor rug, $27.60. Judd's Furniture Store. FOR QUARANTEKD MUFFLERS glasB trailers and uto parts, go to SARFFS AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 523 N. Main. Phone C53. FOR SALE Good Champion Mud or. Very reasonable. Also 3 horse Falrbanks-Morso gas en gine. Joe Matthews, Melroso Slar. I10VSENBERR1E8, 03o crate. Pick them yourself, in own container. Can pick any day while they last Ray Luurance, Kelley's Korner. FOR SALE 1 Cauliflower planter In good condition. Reasonablo price. Lyman Skinner, Jr. Phone 28-F-2 after 8:00 o'clock. FOR SALE 1 used furnace. 1 gas circulator heater, 1 wood beat er, 2 drop leaf tables. Slnuig er's Sheet Metal Works. A NEW mortem storage locker system at Douglas fee and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. BIG trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N, Jackson street. YOUN011ERHES Pick them your- - sen. iinng containers. wiiiicr Leake, Dixonvllle. FOR SALE 2000 band grain sacks. Oakland, Oregon. good second j. E. Cooper, , GLADIOLI 25 cents dozen, Nnrih Pine. the Lovelorn Answer, Easy? Y VOU UNOEBSTANO THE IMPORTANCE OF CATCWW6 THIS NOTORIOUS SPy AND SABOTEUR AS SHE ENTERS T:aE COUNTRY, RATHER THAW I SZARCHING FOR HER, LIKE A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK, . I LATE THAT NISHT.x HALT WMW NOW WITI-rl 1 ' , I WHO GOES ) , 'Wmfl LUCK AT V V'T ,? S THER.E ? J ffeno- - ' -- . j THE ORANGE TRUCK arrived Friday morning with the best, large sizo, juice orangos avail able. Tills load . contains the thinnest skinned lemons and or anges of the season. Fine lem ons lc each. Very sweet grape fruit, 15c to 30c a dozen. Vine .flavored tomatoes, 4 pounds 16c. At tbe Orange Truck you get good quality plus a noticeable saving on each purchase. POSITIVE COCKROACH DE STROYBR. Send fifty cents for four separate feeders. Guuran . teed. Douglas trouuty rcpresentu ." tlvo wanted. Senate Sales, 623 S. W. Park Ave., Portland, Ore .gun. GOOD used truck tires. All sizes. .LVamn t,n,.- Tl.,,1 Clllantl'o .'t avaitn uttitlnn K nnhan. nml . Mosher. Miscellaneous 1 OUSTOM CANNING. Tuesdays aml Fridays. Hurd'8 Cannery, Edenbower. Bring your fruit, .vegetables or meat and let us cun them lor you. Pbone 1100. IF VOU need rock or dirt for fills, you may pick It up at the Pro duce market, being built by the Orango Truck. It Is free to haul uway. Ivan Edwards. Help Wanted WANTED Paying J3.00 Tor haul ing logs 38 miles; soma 5 grade. Need three or four trucks f immedinlely., J. E. Flurry Luiu- .. bcr Co., Ashland, Ore. WANTED High school girl to tu tor 7th grade girl and help with light housework. $10.00 per month. Mrs. H. P. Bobb, Myrtle Creek. WANTED Farm cook, co News-ltovlew. Box 819, IMS.- J v S' r HEP RfcFU&tt, EAbV, HWA I I IK NAVAE IS PEY ALL HA PASSPORTS" I THINK Lost and Found LOST OR STRAYED Dark bay, 3-year-oid Gelding tiom John Ulain ranch at Morgan Creek. Notify John Main, Gazley Route, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. LOST Brown and white male I dog, little larger than fox ter rier, long hair and tail. Phono 447 or. write P. O. Box 10U4, Roseburg. LOST Brown purse containing currency. Leave at Mr. C'ana day's office. Koblhageu Build ing. Reward. LOST Ward Swiss watch, silv er. Return to News-Review. Trade uvu ii.ii.t, nurnu ill uvvmeiuH. iu uuutj nil iiitiitri- iiouso. In gnotl condition, $200.00 value. Earl Wolfe, Suthorlin. OREGON EVENTS FLASHED FROM WIRE SERVICE PORTLAND, Juno 27. (AP) The damage tunnuutcd to more than "peanuts," but peanuts were tbe cause. The automatic sprinklers lu the General Grocery company's third floor storeroom went into action yesterday, damaging $3500 worth of merchandise. Fire Investigator W. P.. Fnirbust said beat iron, roasted pennuls stored on the floor were to blame. EUGENIC. Juno 27. (AP) Mrs. Merle Stuart democratic state com mittecwoman elected .Monday night, announced her resignation today. Mrs. Stuart, district census supervisor, became the target of criticism when It was maintained she hail violated the) Hatch law by accepting political office whilo on the federal payroll. By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser GO AHEAD- 1 WON'T BE t EMBARRASSED X JUST WEWT TMROUGH THE SAME THING, WITH HILDA By Roy Crane T 5iiv A t)E COUNTRY. I CON' if EXPERT SERVICE When's Something You Want Den SEE AN EXPERT Tht firms and Individual! listed blow specialise In thalr work. 8a them for axpart tarvlea. You ahould profit by thalr help. GENERAL SAW PILING How-.rd Casebeer, 443 S. Stephana Also lurnlture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 & Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Epaugh'S Garage. 128 S. Stephens street Phono 803. Knight Porter, corner Douglas & Main, Body, fender work. Painting, SHEET METAL WORK Stnnlger's. 444 N. Jackson St. ONIC CENT SALK. Hemlspar var nlfili, PACK'S DOWNTOWN UIM HKIt YAItD, corner Main' uud Washington streots. (Adv.) PACK'S Is the Place to Pur chase Pulnt tlmt PIcuhoh. (Adv.) AOTICIC (IP IIKAIIIMI Itli tttrYUIC!. I INAI, IiCI'Olt rV Nut iVo Ih hiTuliy given t hut t ho nnihrnlgned reculvor for Myatul l.iiwmiii I.uinhcr Company Iiiih fil t'fl 111 rinitl ri'imrt hh muh rt't-olv-cr in tho Olri'iilt foil it at tin Slate of un-Ktin for UiiUKlitfl t'dunty. mu the Mun. Carl K, Wlitthorly. Jiulne of mild ton it. huff unpulnted Mmi iluy. AuH-iiHt A, J li I U, Ht tin dhk In thi' fnrciniiin of Miihl day. In IiIh 'oiirtrootn tn ItuMulntrff, DuukIhn County, Oft'Kon, us tlu time ant) lilni'o fot' hi'iii'ltiK haUI report and iilijfctl(in thcleti. If imv. All porMoiiN intoi'cfltou urn nt'l-c-lv tiut If to fllo their oliterllnnn. If any, to Miild rinnl ri'purt at or Durttro in' tunc nu hpi rur noarniR. UutiMl Juno tv io. a. (i. rijAiiku. Itot'clv'or for hynlul-l.ii vnn l.uin uur uonipuny, n fttipm-niKin. not icr to rntoniTOKH lit tlio County Court of the state nf (Ireann fcir TlmiirluM f'nitnlv. Ill tile Mutter nf tlio Kattito ClmrlcH II. MiuiRGii, Iloccnut'd. Notice In hfTi-hv ulvi-n tlmt llir untlnrwlnnod by order nf the fdove ntlllLMl court duly nuidn nnd cn tcrcd of record, luiu bi-en impotnteil iinnininir.itnr or iiie DHtato of .'hnrloH II. Mnn Hon. deceit sod. mid htiM duly quullflcd hh nuclt. All mrHoti8 having r I n I in N HKJiioflt mt ill f-nlnlu (nit horchy re iiuiiod to ircmnt tlio mtmo tn tho iindorHlRnpil, ni-npcrly .vi'rfflcd, it tho offiemi of lllco & orcull In KoHchiirK. lmtiRhiH County. (ircKoit, within xlx rnontlis from thn first jmblirfitiun of IhlH notci wlil.h la tlio Tlti Uuy of Junrt. l!itn. ... CI. W. MUNSON. . Admlnlittrntor of tho oh In to of umiilcH it. Miiiifaon. dcceJLrtuil. M)ii( i ; Htui or itiai, i'itoi'i-;nTr Nlllll'l Ih llhlMx CT(f.ti ttint tin. 1t ii ml iiurmmnt to an ordur of tho I'otlllty t.'ourt of till! Htitln of (Irr nn for DoiiKlim County tluly inndo iiiiu oiiil'i bu oi roruru in mo nitii - 1 l-r of tho nHifiLo or WHIhtm 1!. i ltnttoil, alao known iih William 11, I Million, drr'TfiMfd, riiltliorlliiK (lit! 1 uiidiMMlKiicd ii h ad ml n ImI rat or of i Hiild i-miiiu to hoII l lit- roul :rul- ity luTi'lmiftur UfHi-rthi-d; I lomil Hunk of orlland, of I'ort liuid, fJrc-Kon, us Ptii-h u dmln Intra -tor will at tlio orrit-cH of Itlco & OrtMl't, In ItomihurK, MmukIuh Couir y, Oivffnn, on and nf tor tho (Hh iliiv of .Illtv. IIHII. nffur t,,r ttuia ii nd tod! at prlvuto mhIo for cuhM hi himd, Hiilijiurt to ronrirmiilloii hy Hiild court tho fnllowlnir dc- mrritM'tl rral property holonffltitf to mini Rmino, 'icwii; i.nntiM in iioiiitiiiM iMutity, lircKon Tint KiiHt half of Hm-.lloti H. Tnwn. Hhlp I'll .South, Itiiiitfo 8 WtfMt, Will mni'lti) Murlillun; lutlH U, 9, 7, S f belfijr thrt South half of tho North huTo of Mfi'tion L'ti. Town.iiit T& Houlh, JlitiiRi! 9 Wnst. W. M. North hnir of Hfrtlun KB, Town ship 'it Hotlth, I til II go 0 WlTHt, W. l:uMt hair of fto'-tlrtn .10. Town hll 25 Mouth. ltauKis II Want. W. si. ; ah rji m-f'tion hi,- lownmiln an South. t(nno 1, W. M. . I.NRHI in s. ii im ouniy. frrrKnn W V or HK or Hi'L-l Ion 1 7; HUM. H of NKK. NW'4 or NKU. SUM "t NW,i, ii ml NK4 or HW-ii of Kent Inn 'JM, TowitMhlp i Hotllh, SVV'i or Knlloii 21: NW'i of NWM, HW', of NW'4, and ut NWtt of Hinrtlon B: and NK'4 of Sfli-ttnn 29, Town.iliip Hoilth, lt'iiiK; 1 1 WfHt. W. Al.: Huhlei-t to thi' rftttit or A. K. Ht'llMM- and litn iiKxiKrii to t-iiit-r upon the lu-cm is(h a no iok an i iii uiu urn win thnt.i-r nhovd in ItH-hi'M in dlainclor 1 lti'-iiH nhovo Ki'Mind. NK'i or the NWU ut Ki-clloti "X. TowiiHhlp 2i Hoillh, ItaiiRn t Mi-ft, v. hi mij cm. mi 1 1 hi r i if nt or a. I-, Hi-1 her and IiIm iiMKlgiin to iicroHH t ho Kainn or fouNl nn-l tint- uUift wajH or roiwH fir tho t rn im port ;it Ion ot 1'iHH from the trio'lN Ium rlnh'-fnrt) iihti tlomd ti p u n whliti th tfmlHT luiu ht con-. v.?y'd to tho uriHltfmt of tho Hani A. F. Kithcr. I.t 1 IXW Nil), I-ot S INK NW'I, r,.t a fxw nV). anrt i, ot. r, (mk NW of H-ftion :t0, Tnwnwhlp ti Hr.ulli. ItHiiUM 1(1 WckI. W. M. l,ftM .'I nnd 1 of Hi-'-tjiui 'Z, Town- Khlp 2'J Koutli. UaiiKO It WiiMt, W All or ao'-tion Towninip Kj. nf KW'i. I.otn ?. and 4. KKA, and HK'4 "f Hi-i-tlon IN. Townnhip "7 Hiiulh. Itnniif 11 Wi-Kt. W. M, THK 1 MIST NATMJNAI HANK OK I'ultThANIt, p Ad ml nll i al or nf tho IlHtuli- ot Willi)! HI II. MllMf'll. IllNit Unown ' an William II. Mntlnn. d tittned. I:it. or Mi-Mt puldhntlon: J IIIIU 7, I li 10, latu of lust pulillcntlou: July &. in in. YICK SO HERB CO. HOURS 10 A. M. TO IP. M. THURSOAY, FRIOAY, SATURDAY ONLY Chinese herb remedies have alleviated for disorder of goitre, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, gland, pll. catarrh, asthma, blood pressure, dropsy, rheumatism, eczema, stomach ulcer, and hemorrhage all disappear. ' J, H. Leong Heibdll.l PLUMBING Pete' Crumett, Plumbing. Ph. 697. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING zoseburg Electric. Pbono 123. RADIO SERVICING Hargla Radio Service, Phono US. Lund Radio Service. Phono 34. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jonea. Pbono 139-1 LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Bor. Phono 841. KXIXITOH M KOTK H TO 1'HKUITOHM Notice In herobv trlvitn that Mm tinder-alumni hnn bent duly iinpoltil orl tty tlio County Court of UniiKluH County Htiilo of OrvKon, at Kxoi-u-tor of thi- Umt Will iintl ToHtiinicttt unit KfitKto of Ilo ii a McCulloih. U t'ounoil. All poritntiH ImvltiR rlnlinii utfiiiiiHl tuili i-Miatn uro hereliy 110- 1 1 )'i iu ir(jnifui no mium to uiu jiroporly vci'lflud 118 ly law r MilltTil Ht ItoHChtlVK. Ulu., It, P. IV No. 1. n r to deni-ffu .Idih-h, Attor ney fur naltl cMtttto of ili'i-uilciit ut :illt i'l-rklim HIiIk. HoNuliMric. (Ho- irott. within six rnoutlis rum Julo hut-oof. iJiitrtl Juno Slnt. into. HKNIty I-ANIKlt. lOxi'Htor f the liHt Will and T-h- ttimeiit of ituuii McCulioeli, Ijb- COtlRt'd, No tiro t heroliy srlvon that tho undrmiirtied admin tut rat or of thu OHtatn or lAH-y E. AudroWH, diHTaa-t-d. has Tiled hta Final Account In tho County Court of tho Htnto of Oroffon for DiiukIhm County, atul thu Hon. Morrln C. lluwkir. .luduu of mild court. Iiiim uppolutod Mon day, tho Uul day uf July; ItlHi, at ten nclock In tho foronoou of : ttld ilny. In tho county rnurtroom In tho uurthoUHo In ItoMt-burir. UmiKlim County, Urosion, aa tho tlmo and place Tor hi'urlnn obJiMr tlons. If any. to ttnld Final Ac count and tho Mittlttnont thu roof. All piTHunH lnlurento(l In Hald ornate urn hcrohy uoiiriod to flirt thidr ohjoottoim. If any. to Hit Id account al or bWoro tho tlmo nu appointed for final hear! ns as afori'ttald. Mated June 21, 1!i)o. , , RILKT J. ANMItKWS, Administrator of tho Hutu to uf - J.ucy H. AndrcwH, IxjccaaoU. . AtiTKK to (iti:i)iioi;s . In tho Comity Court of the Htnto oi Oregon for Douglut County. In tho Matter of tho -.iHl.t'.u cl ciiHrlea uiinhHm. DocoaH.d. Notice hurcby In glvun, that Mm nuui mmneii, hy order of the Coun ty Court of tho Htnto of iiriiron, tor OoiifthiK County, ha V-i-n ,p. pulh toil nxfeutur of the 1. ut and ToKtamont ot Chariot) Ou-i'in ii, ' docnanod. Alt pcrsoitB havintr rinlmn alitnt the oxtat of Charlen Dun ham, decoaoed, heroby uro notified io iin-snin i no aiinit, vomica an it -iiulred hy law, to tlio undo-alvn-fl at tlio oiflooN of Hullmarit & Mod' don. In tho UuukIuk "'Hiding, In Itonoburir, I:UKl;ta County, Oregon, within pix fit) itioutita from thu data of this nt- ualod June 7, MHO. ('l.Ait l.'VPii' i tilt vtr i r . Exorutor of the Last Will nlid ivf- in?ninc 0I unariuM, Im,- Ntl'I'ILt: OF NIIKI.iFF' tt.M.K OF iujjiii ran i'kiiti Notice Ih herchv iilv.n Miul l.v Virtue of an xc nl :in mwl ..i !.. OT flillo iHHUitd out of the Circuit Court of tin; Htnto or Oregon for m-'iihiji" i-uuniy on ino aiHi nay or May. 191 it, upon and puiMiant to a Judgment unci ducrco duly given and nindo In no Id court 'did cauxo on the 2HU day or May lut'l. 'it tt nnii ior ioc lorecioMiiro ot a mortgage pending therein in which Tho MougluH National Hunk of ItMHoourg. a naMonal hnnklmr a. Koclatlon Whs plaintiff, and KM 1 1 Turner. Patricia Man Turner. John William Turner, and l.oia ,iran Tiwtier were dofViidiiuai, which oxoeutlon and oi dor of unlo Wim 10 mo uuty (iireeieo ami loinm-imi-eil mo to noli Mie nrmwtr' v t hinii and hereinafter duMcrlhed to i t -iMfy the H.-tw find chaigeti In aald decree Mpeelflcd; I will, on Monday, lio filh day of July, 1910, ut tii o'clot It lu tho I'n-onooii oi aaiu nay ai ino cutn t houe front door lu JCoxotiurg, MoUghiH County, Oregon, ol'f.r for Halo uud aell at ptihllc aii'Ttlon f r eiiNh, auhject to rodeiuptlon an pro vided hy law, all right, title and IntercHt of tho d -f ndatilH In Hiild Hint ami or all pr4'ina lain. Ing hy, through or under Mum or diner or them jdtn.-o Uu: tirto it' or Oecemher, l:tx, in mil to tlu following deHcrihud real propcrt, to-wlt: IoT m 1 and !, tho Weit half tC tho Northeajtt quarter, Hie Norm half of the SoolhcMsl quarter and tho Koiltll WIHt qiiart'T i,( Sec I ion :tl, Towimhlp 21, Houth or Uango it Went or W. M. -oni "Ininir i(. .i:t a'Ten. inoro or lean. Tho K-iat half of the Knar half of the NoilhweHt iiuurtor of Hel lion !M, TnwniH; I t South of Jtango 'J Went, containing 41 Rem, more or leim. Tne Nortit half of tho Northwest cari-r if HhcMou :i. Towuahip L'& South, itaugo K Went of Mo; W. M. mid taiutug a U'Ti-H, more or enn( Hav ing and rxeeptitig therefrom a cer tain parcel of land !)u yardu north by 70 yartH wont tlei-ded to Hi hool MlHtrlct No. It I f-.r actionl puipohoK only. All tf the liliovr dcHcrllird land coolnlnuig I IT. acrea. more or leu and being In Moiiglan County. Oregon. Ttiaether with the teiii-ineutH, heritlilaiiirntn and a iqiiirt cnaticcH thereto todougllig, or lu tiny wj bp iippnrlainlng. Muted t Ilia 3lt day of .Mil v. 1 ft 10. rKHCV A. WI-IHll. HherUf or Douglaa County, Oregon. Call or Writ RoMburg, Oregon 132 N. JACKSON ST. BRANCH OFHCfc MLDFOnU. OREGON ili',' 8V