two;. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1940. News of Douglas County I daklahd OAKLAND, June 25. Miss Mar Knret .HmniiiKs and MIhh Mar Knrut Allen of KuKuna spent the week-end vtalttUK- the l'm-pior's par opts. Mr. and .Mi-h. George jen Jiinfis. Mrs. Roy Miller anil daughter, Audrey. spent Wednesday In Yon-l-nlla transacting business. Mr. anil Mrs. MiikIi Miller and Mrs. I.lla FiubpI of Lob Anodes, fullf,,. spent Tuosdny evening vis iting Mr. anil Mm. I'aul Sinllll and daughter. Hue,' of Iliwiibuin. Mr. and Mrs. Odoll Miller of Grants Pass arrived here Wednes. day to spi'inl several days visit ing Mr. and Mrs. l-oyal Ktearna and M".. and Mrs. Leonard Miller. Mrs. fCugene Krnwson and .Miss Helen Allen were In Hose-burg on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. J. Frank Allen of Kettleman city. Calif., departed Monday after having spent aever al . days vlslllng .Mr. anil Mm. (ieorge .Tcnnlngs. Mrii. llnrton Avery of Rulherlln vlalted Mra. ICugenn Krewaon Fri day evening. Mra. Pearl ' fla'rvey lleparteil Monday for I'm Hand where, aho will visit her daugllter, Miss lull bol Harvey. Miss Jaulrn De Vore haa return ed hore after having spent several daya vlBltlng Mr. and Mra. Myron I in Vur-n nt Leona, Miss I'm. Htearua haa relurneil to her home horu after having snout the pant week visiting In Siillicrllii. Keith Krewaon. who suffered n apralued ankle lust week, la" now spending several daya visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. lOllBone Krewaon. I lonu III MeKllmey. f Millwood spent part or Wednesday visiting at tho noy Miller home. Mr. And Mra. Frank I' and Misses Pauline I'ehsel and VVlliuii Carslen,' plenlekod ut Ouki'ldgo Sunday and on their return visit ed In Cottage ffrove. Mrs.' Sarah Smith tlepurtcd on Thursday Mr Elklon where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. I'llt llD. ,Mlss ICllmibeth Stearns Smith nvrlved hore Wednesday from St. Helens to spend the rest of the week visiting with Mends and re la'tlves here. ,Mr. and Mra. Kit IIhitIh of Kit gene sponl Sunday vlslllng Mr. ami Mrs. Oeorge .lennlugs. :Arthur Smith of Siilheillii was In town Wednesday Irausiicllng inslness. l)r. anil (Ieorge M. I.eminer anil Kjitherlue Leuiuier or lloseburg tiiidaMr. and Mrs. Paul t.emmer of Oakland drove to Collage drove Tuesday to attend a birthday lrly honoring Mla Fleauor I.eiu iner. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Coeherain i,ni dallBhter, nf lied Hill, were In town shopping and . transacting business Tuesday. Allan F. Tulhlll .was In .own Thursdny attending to business. ,"rd Moser )vus In town Bhopplni Tuesday. Mr. mill Mrs. Donald llui'don o 'li'iints Puss, Ore., have returnei homo urier a vuratlon trip eover Ing several stales. They visited Mends , and relatives al ('inter latin. II I. (Ire.. Walla Walla, Vtfash., I.ewlslou, Idaho. Pollali-h, lilulio then, back lo I'orlland unit , Oakland, where they made an ov rfnlchl .visit with Mr. and Mrs. S, M. Adams. Mrs. Ilnrden Is a .lmiuliter of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. II II. vinrunii MIUOU) HIIVI ll'iiih - past week In Lyndon. Wash, where he Was railed by the de'illi of lils lather, (Ieorge wnrinen -Mr. and Mrs. ( A. M.nisman ami family and (.'. . Huusman. brother and father or Mrs. !. A. Spencer, came in lust Friday from riittnire (lime. The family left i.... i.i.t en I hmumtm I "il , I, :.. for an exlrudcd . vIhII. .Mr. unil Mi. Ilnli M-hniiin : hi rnim llu-lv plni'i- ni'iir Diililanil nil himlncna I lie 1'iil l.v uil l cil I Il Klovil Sinllll nf Wllliliv ilpiMlt riiuiilny Imro vIhIUiik III" mnilifr. Mix. Ni'lih' Sinllll. Iluuh MIIIit unil linv Pi'iilll vo llUHi'il friim Swill U'. I'rliliiy. Alius Ki-lll ("III "I s.-a.mill 1 Kiiciiilllie n-vwiil days. In'iv Ihl" wi'ck vlHillng Iiim- inullicr. Mi". I.i-iiiuilil ( ii In Mr. mill Mra. Willlllin lliillll- ilnn r Klltli-im linnl Saliliiluy mil StllKln v vNllhm Sir. mill Mi's- I. rruim'il fain. .Jim. Nnt Kviiiik Iiim Iwumi niilii' Hfi'lmiHlv III Hi m-illr mni' lln-mil lillt Is now miinnn hal linimnod. M. Ada I Hi via haa lli'i'll c.irlliK Inr her. -.Mr., unil Mrs. .1. Will I'l'iinlmfl ril nviii'il Tuesday alU'r lialiiB vvint a oik in Pm-iland vlslilni: mid Irm'Hiirllni: luialili'as. Mrs. Uny Tinlll winl Ii) I'miI lilllil lust wi'i'k lor llfl- laialloll. it(nl i-ftiiini'il hnv last Krlday 'Hh hvr slati'i- anil liriilhoi-lii law. Mr. sail Mrs. l-'ralli-os l-'llnl of l'rl llrnil. mill Mr. Hint's sisli'r. Mrs. If II. Miilllnr. tif .Mliaiiilii'ii. "ii nr. Mrs. Mulilar li'll Krlday llluhl l"l Alhainliia. and Ilu- I'llnts irliini cd lo t'oillnnd Sunday. Mr. anil Mis. Walli-r Klnarl "f AVjIlhiir vlslti'd In tialilunil Tin's dv. .Mr. iiiul Mis. .Inhiiny Mntks of Itliai'liiiiB W'li' In Oakland Vnn idly nsslslluc Mis. Minks r.-itlirr, II, C. Pim-i'll III llliivlns in ''li'll .l.l.v ... . i .i. ...a r... 'I.COIPP. JI'llltlllKn il.-M..i... : PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 Hakor. Oitrou Monday lo visit IiIk niolher, .Mrs. P. J. .IoiiiiIiikii. Sutherlin SIJTHKItLIN, June at. .Mrs. (Mven Itose motored to Corvallls over the week-end lb visit her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pudelford. Karl Kvans of the Skagit Log ging company made a business trip to Seultle Tuesday, returning Fri day. Mr. unci Mrs. L. I). Hobertson anil sou. Donald, spent lust Sunday picnicking ut Idleyld. Mr. and Mrs. .tames T. Chilcolt of Sloi kton, Culll., and Mrs. Doro thy Clilleoll, of Logunsport, lud., are sieudlug a few days at the C. ('. King home east of town. Mrs. Dorothy Chlleott Is a .sister of Mrs. King and Mr. Chlliolt, u nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Chllcott are on their honeymoon. Miss Nani-y Kudcliff of Snore lueiito. Calir., Is a house guest of her eiilssnlute, Miss h'lvlia Wof I'onl. Mlsa Iloloii Allen and Miss Pauline Trozelle drove lo Kugene Thursday on a pleasuri) trip. Mrs. Marlon MeClaskey of llel llngham. Wash., Is visiting her mother, Mrs, M. 1. Merrlman ut her home aouth of town. Miss Irene .Murphy has been plac ed in charge of the Sutherlin post office until the regular appoint ment Is made. JUIly Parker, nf fioseburg, and ileorge Swill, or Sulein, are visit lug for several daya Willi Iheir grandmother, Mrs. N'eille Parker. Miss Virginia Websler. n heiilth nurse of Portland, la vlslllng her graudfulher, Charles Arc hamhenu. Sam Croon and Karl Kvaus of the Skagit Logging company were In town Friday on business. Mrs. Clara Lut-us of Salem ts vis iting at, the home of her sister-lu-law, Mrs. William Lucas for sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sclileniun made a business trip lo Porlland. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny While spent I In- week end In Cottage Crove vis- Ithig relatives and friends. .tin i Cook or Wilbur was a busi-ji,,.,. ness visitor In Sutherlin on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. .Clifford Horner and son, Jam-s Roujamiu. tdopped in Hiiineruu lor a anon lime wen- nesday en roule to Los Angeles whoro Mr. Horner plauK to attend summer school. Mrs. Frank (. Young. Miss .!nm' Young and Mrs. Hurry Pearce wero dinner gnesls of Mr. ami Mrs. L. l. Robert hoii at tiielr home on Hitldrcu. Fourth avLMiue Thursday evening. Mr. ami Mrs. Milo Howard mov Tom Hand, a well known loral (.. llHt (i'k from ilu I ilin- ii'sldeiit. was Hi-rlmisly hurt wbib einidoyi'd at the Dcady box mill Thursday. June 2. Th Injury was sustained when he was struck by aiTIn rsday for Portland to bo near DliinU. I'tie lujiiroil man is under j their nine monlbs olil son, vho Is the care of Dr. Devon; of Oakland, in Mic Docmbfcker hospital rioiv- Mrs. Ilurdetlf Leas ami smi. ing i lira! care. They plan to be Teddy, or Roseburg, are spending away several days. a week at Ihe Tony Mels h el A sou was born to Mr. and Mrs. vet or town. Kinerick RuiHirk last Sunday at Edna Stacey shopped iui.1 attend-' heir boine in the Doerner district, ed to business in Roseburg Thurs- j Mrs. Joe Moigan and small sou. (lav, Mux. ami her brother, Glenn llaugh- Mr. and Mis. (ten Dick and man passed llnoimh Meinme Sat Frankie llnlgate returned Thurs-! urday en route to the Callahan day evening from a trip to the Ore- Kon caves, crater lake and points Mr. ami Mrs. Dexter Haimhinan. In Calififri'ia. On their return trip Airs. Morl'i -.sides In Tillamook to their home in Porlland Sunday county and her brother. (Menu, has they wilt be accompanied by Mrs. suciit the past month visiting her. Krenk IM-ste and cMldin, Jvie Mr. Morgan will arrive this week aud Fraukle. who will visit thero end lo lake his inmllv back home. to'- iwo or three weeks. El nnr Larseu, a local painter, has been employed hy llavo Scott for the sumuier monlbs. WoH has been receivetl here thai Ihe Skagit Longing eonipnny, who have been losing on the A. I the school. Leonard hum at Tyee will suspend Mr. and Mrs. (1. N. Riddle and operations there and move to Coon the hitter's mother, Mrs. May Kale. cn'Hli In the near luture. jot Riddle, were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hose are guests of Mr. ami Mrs. .1.' F. I tone bfvlm; a new resbb-me euuslrut't- ' brake. Mis. Riddle is a sister of ! P'"lf.l' enlly pun-has- ! i-d fi'iuii Mrs. AiiiiIm'I lir.Mulh alitnit Hi'-".' luih-s nisi ol town Thi' mil of Inwn ii.iiip wh,, t. ti'inli'd tin' lali' Will .1. Ilayni'i-'s funi'ial wi'i-c .Mr. mid Mrs. Louis K Si'luiiltl ami sun. UoImm-I I.. M'lnnlll in' port In ml. ( ),,.., anil Mrs. n rmni i.. I'orionii'iii, ol Imli'i il.-in i', f)n. Mrs. Si-lnnlll mid Mis. Porli'trii'ld Korc nli'ics of the do- I'l'HSIll. .Mr. ami Mrs. II. ft. l-'iiiilkni'r havr-Iiuri-hasi-d tho proporty oi-niplrd at pri'soiil hy Urv. Mr. jaiolis and dauuhli'i'. Kvtolisivp ii-pairs Willi ho made Ih'Iiiio tho ownois will mmm kW:1;: " I .. ..-..'.' (.-"J A i Kl,,Tr.7rifVlil7r:...,,to,-7,. , (food Con,nl,nl Location j CoIIh Shop lulltl Tin Dinln tni' laagutl Hooai, ftmooilir Fin Foe Mod, ppolnlm,t, tiniaioal OoltW Roort Biiait OppoilM A Welcome Awaitt You I1'1'1 W!- 1 i-t iXM'l l i' ' ne ininimiMiiiiani iiatl Miiial FLAPPER FANNY - com. mo it Nt si evict, ' I think he's about ready to propose. Last night he said 1 was extravagant and wore my skirts too short." occupy the hmnn. l(ov. oiirifil M. Trick. In tiumn.- liiK t Ik Oregon annua! coiifereneu ut the MnihodfHt church which in being held thin Wiick nt Ihf FiiKl Me'IIjoiIIkI chitrch In Portland. MIhh Holly I -on VK!lpohl. MIhk Vlruinla Smith, unil Mian Kuiiico t Davitt ari'ivoii ljonn? Fi Iday noon fjoni Coivailis when they havo Ijim'U ulteiidliiK I N Hiiinincr hcIiooI. Melrose M HI. ROSE, June 25.!,. K. Kel ler Is building an addition to the front pari of his home. Mrs. Carl Itackluud and son. ito. returned home Sunday rrom week's visit at Myrtle Creek with Kr,ii-f n-ht v and daughter. Mr. ',i Mrs. (ilenn Thackery. Mrs. i That kerv was MIkm Mebn Mack- bind before her marriage in May. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herptrom of ,(lainl were week end gueHts of .v. and Mrs. C. R. Holmquist. Vernle Calieton. or Drain. Is ! spi'tidfiiK the summer witli Mis. fifm-un Sendberir. assisting 1km- wllh her work und the care of the tiic-1 to the K. Cooper Iioiinc at! F.lgai ose to make Iheir home. Mr. ami Mrs. Ceorge Kellev left j trail district lo visit, their parents. j tl:iiibniau'a are former Mel- rose residents. 'Hit Ronebreak returned home . Friday Ironi Corvallls where he yt- icaued the l-H summer school. This was his second year to attend ' Mrs. limit-brake and Mrs. Fate is hi'i liiolhcr. j Mih. I-:. ,'t. I.iitiu.ui, who was in- Juri-d (inltc liailly Monday w Ihmi she ; ii ns run ovi'i- hy looai hoi sca. Is i i-i'liorh-il to hi' doing vory nk-i'ly. Sim Is Iii'Iiik i-nl-cd tin- hy' her sis. Ii'i'ln-liuv, Mrs. Sylvln I'lcri-i' in eep luxuriously LX Paynt COOLER. AIR. A map of Ihe iwitch bring, your own fresh "moun tain" air: cool fiUered circulated for more pen nies day. Famous Paynt en qineoring and workmanship throughout. See wide rang of siies and models today, Tu KM Sisuwf C,l,r-lf je, E. C.JONES Refrigeration Service Co. - ! Na-Hv I 125 W. Cass St. Phone 630 1 By feylv inc. t. v. reg. u. . pat. off. Went Uoai'lmiK. ItoHcnniry Null son, who wits run over at the uaine tlnic, was able to return to her honif. Thu laltor'8 sister. Mrs. At tin SiatiK and I luce cliildien, of Klamath Kails arrived Thursday lo assist in carinc lor the injured ladies and assist In 1 lie work and cunning. Fehl Fails in Effort to Get Out oi State Hospital SALEM, June 25. (API Form er Jackson County Judge Earl Fehl falied today to win release from the Htate hospital when Circuit Judge Hewitt of Portland dismiss ed his writ of habeas corpus. The judge upheld the slate's con tention that the court was without jurisdiction to rule on whether Fehl now was Insane, Inasmuch ns Kohl was committed from Jackson county. PHONE 282 For economical fuel. Prompt de livery o! If!" and 4' slab wood. ROSKHCRt; LI.' M PER CO. (Adv.) fife. Training of Embryo WASHINGTON. Junn 25 JAP) - Prusidi'iit Roosevelt announced today a urogram Tor voluntary (raining or men 19 to 20 years old who ultimately would receive commissions as officers in the nav ;il resftrvc. ..AmiiigementH have heel) completed for starllhg th? program iu mid-July. Five thousand young men will be trained annually, the uresUer.t sri, . ... ' , , ,,lT, b"ule8h,l8 wJ be 1-iad.j ;mhI hihlp a unit Autv IH fni .-vitUba nfter which men who qunli.'y ' - '. - ihrougb examiuatfons n:ll be el i.'iblt lor a three-monlhs course of iiiatnictloii whkli would put ihsm in line for ftomuilssicni as ciiii-ns in Ihe iihv:i1 reserve. TI)j program wa'. worked out al a conference belwee.t the p'esi- .it.i and naval orr-cl iip. As for general draft lgfslatloi:, Mr. Roosevelt said th it there was 1'oi.hiiiR he could say about It be yond the statement tint the whole prob'eip wus in th study stupe thiU the plan for truiiiliv; embryo naval ci fleers fits Azalea AZALRA. June 25. Freddie (iae-det-lje returned to his home here Friday afternoon after spending the past two weeks nt Corvallls where he has been attending 4-H club summer school. Mr, and Mrs. Ren Phelps were. In Roseburg Thursday on business, Mr and Mrs. Joe Lapp and Miss liernlco Caedecke relumed lo their home iu Marshfield Tuesday alter visiting here for the past week with Mrs. Lapp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cacdecko, and other relatives. Harold ami Doro thy Lapp remained here where they will visit lor the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Jantzer and sou, Hill ie, Orvnt Johns, Vernie Eastman, ami Mrs. Cora Chad wick were Medford business call ers Wednesday. They were accom panied home by Jackie -lautzer. He bad been visiting relatives at Cen tral Point since Saturday. Richard d inter from .Oakland, California, Is here visiting friends and seeking employment. Mr. and Airs. Phil Adams from Portland visited here Sunday after noon with Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. John Jantzer left Wednesday afternoon for Prospect where Ihey will visit for a week with their sou and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Airs. Stanley Jantzer. Rillle Slieelz of upper Cow creek w ww .w w w u ww wr ; e& ecialljr Conducted Toiu vJhmrniJI AM to 4 was In (jlendale Wednesday look ing alter business nllalrs. E. C. Thome vlslling Mm. Thome, who Is a patient in tho Mercy hospital at Roseburg, "Frl clay. . Mr. and Mra. K. O. Adams from Redmond arrived here Sunday to visit .Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Tripp. Mrs. Adams will remain here for several weeks. Mr. Adams returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith were in lioseburg shopping Tuesday. Forty-one memliers were pres ent Monday night for the regular I KranKe rA"' ",e UUHI- j ness meeting refreshments were I served. Those on the serving com- j t.ommittee were Mr. Bnd Mrs. Val- . .. . . ler Kenin. .Mr. ami i rs. p. rs. iiar- rell, Mrs. Anna Ames and Floyd Amea. Myrtle MYRTLE CREEK, June 2G. Miss Evelyn Sellers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sellers of South Myrtle, who is one of the grade teachers at Jacksonville, is attend ing summer school in Rellingham. Wash. -Mr. and Mra. Roy RedTord have bought the house on North Main street whore the highway leaves the old county toad. Mr. Redford Is the city marshal of Myrtle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ratcliff have moved from the! r Weuver creek farm to the John Wimer house on the corner of laurel and East Broadway streets, where they are living until they move into the March cottage the first of July, when Mr. and Mrs. Hank Shirt- el iff, the present tenants will move lo their new home, the Hohs nouse on Sne0nd street. Dr. and Mrs. Hess will soon be moving to Roseburg. where Dr. Hess is going into Dr. Stewart's office as a part ner, following a mouth's study iu the Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minn. Major and Mrs. O. A. Mulkey and children, Oren. Jr.. and Adello, are hero from San Diego, Calif., visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. March and Frank Mulkey, After a visit with his brother and sister the Mulkeys are leuving for San Antonio, Tex., via Boise, Idaho, ami Salt Lake. (iroceryman Albert Easton spent last week in Porlland. In his ab sence Mrs. Madge Cazley and Mrs. Easlon took care or the store. . Miss Thelma Delzell, who Is a teacher in Corvallls, is here for the sutiuner with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, ami Mrs. Henry Sbirtclilf. Jv Minister and Mrs. Walter A. Names of the lot-ai Christian church and Mrs. Ruth Jensen of Kugene. who has been here helping Air. and Mrs. Haines with the daily va- cation Bible school, departed J or, Hans Weaver, a week ago. Monday for the annual state Christ. Mra. Rundell was Miss Waitha ian convention at Turner. At Eu- Weaver berore her marriage, gene they will be Joined by Mr.) Otho Sellers is taking treat Jensen and Coach ami Mrs. Alton jments at Mattson's hospital lit Rrostrom. who are also expecting to attend the convention. James Hall and his daughter, Mrs. Clifford Potter and daughters, June, Donna and (Jloria. aro spend ing a few days at Kittson springs, where Mr. Hall Is hoping to re ceive some benefit und reiief from rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hunsuk er, of Medford, where both are em ployed as teachers during . the school year, visited last week at the home of Mr. Hunsaker's grand pureuts, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Drew e where Mr. Hunsaker's mother, Mrs. Tempy Roberts is also visit ing. The work on the new manual training building at tho high school has been Btarted, The foundation has been begun. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chamber lain have been working on their new garage lately and have It about ready for the roof. Mr. and Mrs. John Rundell of Longview, Washington, came down for n visit with Mrs. Rundell's lath- CMC owner, report 15 to 40 aavineal Mileage Meter Teti PROVE that CMC SUPER-DUTY Engines, with their many exclusive, outstanding advancements, give most mile per gallon size for size. Here's the truck "buy" of 1340. Tlim- imynifiits HirmiKii urn- itwn ROSEBURG OAK AND ROSE STS. DEEED II , Portland for tuberculosis. Tho MickelBon family and II. E. Jones were among the Douglas county visitors at the annual home-coming ut the state T. B. hospitul at Salem last week. Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Works Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 627 N. Jackion St. Phon. 320 Floor Sanding and Refinishing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J Phone 128 Temporary addreae R. F. D, Oakland, Oregon .THE IHUCK o VAIUC. CMAt; I'lun til lowest nvalltilil'1 riiU-w MOTOR CO. ROSEBURG. ORE. S3 PM The Doug la, Dittributing Co. Phone "14, "R ok burg '"