E05EBUR5 nEWS-REVIEW, ROSETORg; QKESTJR TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1940. THREE : Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MRS. PORTER HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON MONDAY AFTERNOON Mm. Kreilprlnk J. Porler entar IiiIiimI her brldKe club and two til IiIch of guosiH at iin inftinnitl 1:30 ilfHsfi-L-liinrheoit yetttertltty lit her Jioimi mi Iti'snrvnlr iivenne. Swont nnn unci mlxpd slimmer flowers M',',-0 uhuiI tihout tUe rooms. t'ovei-H were placed for Miss Helen Casey. Mrs. L. L. Wlmberly, Mrs. Murshull Pensra. .Mrs. Leon aril lllley, .Mrs. P. M Lee. Mrs. T. (J. Wiiison, Mrs. J. P. Dillard. Mra. Kclwuril fl. Kohlhagen, Mrs. W. It. I'lirlxler nnil Mrs II. II. Milddox, quests, and Mrs. Scott Williams, Mrs. Prank Coen, Mrs. Iloirer litillpy, Mrs. A. I J. Parr, Mrs. l-'redi'ilck ('hnpninn Jr., and tlio IiostHHS, Mrs. Porter. Contrnct hrlilKe wits tbe diver sion ol' tho afternoon with Mrs. l ee winning the Biiest prize and ti-nveliliK prle; Mrs. ('liapniun tin (lull prize and Mrs. Pengra the Mum prize. WILLING WORKERS CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING YONCA1.LA. June 25. Mrs. John Poller anil Mrs. Minor Applegnle were Krnrious hostesses to the regular meeting of the Willln; Workers club of Krotts Valley, tile meeting being held In the Victor bull, Thursday atternoon. A sot-iiil hour followed the regular meeting v.'ilh n delicious lunch being served l,o Mrs. Lloyd Wise. Terryl Wise, Mrs. George flore. Miss Ora Mae Core, Mrs. Percy Appleeate and daughter, Janice, Mrs. Hilly noun and two daughters, Mrs. Joe Cel lars, Mrs. Lee Cooley, Miss Hell ish Applegatn, Mrs. Ncdra Glove niul anil son. Pete. Mrs. Calvin Johnston. Mrs. Clurence McKern, .Mrs. Itay Potter, Mrs. Montn Si.alllillng. Mis. Wllma Upilegrilf mid daughter, Mrs. Krnest Vro- limn. Mrs. Tim Wutson, Mrs. Les ter Wells, Mrs. Ivn Wheeler, Mis. Today's Pattern SHIRTFROCK OR CHEERY DRESS PATTIOliN 4421 "Put your pride In your pockets tills year," dictates fashion! Kor the smartest new styles accent the pocket theme, and Pattern 4421 by Anne Adams Is no exception. Those detachable pockets on the trim shirtwslster version are of the cash-and-carry variety and are jield onto the belt by their smart buttoned flaps. There's a second, Mifter version of this frock (sketched In the smaller view) that omits the pockets, cuts the neckline in n square and adds gay ric-rac. Hoth versions have all around shoulder yokes which may he cut on the crossgrain. And both tuny contrast skirts and bodices fur extra dash. Here's a style you'll reully need this summer. Pattern 4121 is .available In misses' mid women's sizes 12, 14. 111. IS, 2". 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 41) and 42. Size 1G tnkes 4 3 8 yards 35 Inch fabric. Send KIFTBEN' CENTS (15c) in coins for this Anne Adams pat tern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME. AI1HRKSH ami STYLE NUMBER. Cut a smart figure In the sum mer fashion picture. Make your new wardrobe from the original designs In the Anne Adams Pat tern nook. A colorful forecast of summer 104n, u includes styles for country and city dweller, "pocket-edition" youngster and "forty plus" matron. There are gay sport clothes, dance frocks, cool prints nnd cottons for vacations by land ... by sea ... by air. Of course the summer bride has not been forgotten. Send today! BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to News-Review Pattern Department, Roseburg, Ore. . Worth Woolman, Miss Patricia lleutel), Miss Yvonne Watson nnd the hostesses. LORRAINE WEATHER FORD AND JAY SHINN MARRY IN EUGENE, THURSDAY, JUNE 20 j Miss Lorraine WcntherforJ, .daughter of Mrs. Lottie Weather ford of 427 East Douglas stiee.. wus married to Jay Shinn, son of Mr. and Mrs. U 10. Shinn of Roseburg, at a quiet ceiemony held In the First CongregHtliin il cinrx-h In Eocene, Ore., Tiiuraluy, Juno 20. 1 r.c ceremony was held In the Cc dun chapel iidjoir.i'.irc tlio tu'ilu 'lr.iit.1. The' room was softly light oil by cundles and n nu'id i;l,iziil Khun cross. Itev. V.'Ul.siou Wht of the First CoiiRica'.lor..ii church pi rt'dimeil the ceremony. Miss Jerry M. Watson and Rulph L. Ohmun, also of Rose burg, were uttendunts. The bride wore nn afternoon dress of dusty rose, clmlk-strlped sllli, and n large brimmed white hat. She wore a corsage of white roses centered with smaller pink roses encircled by white sweet peas. The brldesmnid, Miss Wat- unn In n hmwn atilt hurl n Cnr- 'sage of Tulismun roses and tnnid- en-hulr fern. Following the ceremony the bridal pnrty motored lip the Mc Kenzle river and on the way back stopped at Seymour's chateau for dinner. Miss Wntson and Mr. Ohmun returned to Roseburg Thursday 'night and Mr. and Mrs. Shlr.n left on an extended trip to Portland, the Wallowa mountain region. then to Spokane and Scuttle niul hack to Itosebiirg about the first lof Julji. Holli brute anil nriucgroom are very well known here, having been graduated from the local high school. Mrs. Shinn wus gradu ated in the class or 11140 and Mr. Shinn In the cluss of 1 930. MISS GWYN LAURANCE COMPLIMENTED AT CHARMING SHOWER PARTY Mrs. I. B. Thompson and Mrs. Kenneth Laurance were joint hos tesses at n charming shower party on Monday night in honor of Miss Gwyn Laurance of Whlttier, Cali fornia. Beuutirul gifts were presented to Miss Luurunce by Mrs. Ken neth Ellison, Mrs. Kurle Oakley, Ml'B. Custer Luurunce, Mrs. liny lllce, Mrs. Fred Agee, Mrs. Rny Luurunce, Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister. Mrs. Fred nurks, Mrs. Estle Snlll vnn, Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. James Laurance, Mrs. George Van llelibcr, of Whlttier, Calif., Mrs. Plin Luurance, Miss Grace Ellen Simpson. Miss Margaret Cordon, Miss Grace Lady, Miss litleen Klelst. MIbs Judy Laurance, Miss Patricia Miller, Miss Mnry Sulli van, Miss Fern Cain,- Miss Mablc Thompson and the hostesses, Mrs. I. H. Thompson and Mrs. Ken Lau rance. After the gifts were opened de licious refreshments were served by the hostesses assisted by Miss Muble Thompson. Miss ljiurunce will become the bride of Edward McKillliey. of Whittle. Calif., on June 2!). She Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Laurance of this city nnd is well known here having formerly made her home with her family. She was accompanied to Roseburg by her maternal grandmother. Mrs. G. A. Van Bebber, also of Whlttier. AH-NEAH-NIKA GROUP HAS INTERESTING MEETING ON TUESDAY The Ah-N'enh-Nika Cnmp Fire group held an interesting Council Fire Tuesday evening, the 18th. at Ihn home of the guardian, Dorothy Jackson. j Hunks wore awarded. The Trull Rockers rank being nwnriled to Carln Lie Tuvlor and Prlsclllll Wnde; the Wood Gatherers to Hot tv Smith. Patricia sheeny, Alleen; Sluttery. Prisollla Wade, Yvonne I lltil t and Marllee Yeager. Mrs. Mills and her daughter, Virginia, rami to the Council Fire. Dining the social hour refresh ments were served to Aileen Slut ton'. Yvonne Iliatt. Betty l.ou Crocker. Lois Lilly. Carta Lee Tay lor. Ntillov McClintock. Jenn Wiley. Ruth Collet t. Florence Denton. Prisollla Wude, Virginia Mack and Marllee Yeager. YONCALLA CLUB HAS FINE MEETING YONCALLA. June 25. The reg ular meeting of the Yoncnlla Town-j send club was held Monday eve-i nlng In the theater building. A' short nrnurnm consisting of a vocal. .duet by Murv vian ana iwnnn ixiyn.i ! s vocal solo by Mrs. Gene I-akey of. Drain, and a reading by Mrs. Lnkeyi and group singing was enjoyed. Aj Boclal hour followed the meeting with delicious refreshments being served. .Guests present were Mrs. Vern King nnd daughter, Winona.' of Philomath. Mrs. Gene Ijikey and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace King of Drain and several members of the Scotts Vnlley club. POETS CORNER ASPIRATIONS By MA LIN DA ODERKIRK As I grow old And wise, I would have those For all. nrreat sympathies And kindly thoughM. The power to 'ant;h. A;d humor romprcQcnd. The Rift to rhnor a irlend IaI'Tik the way. A work to do. An honest friend ir two. Cur Savior had Vit feu, And was content. And give to m5 An un.lerfttan'llnR !ie-t Fiom these I wiuid not prut At 1 grow old. SIDE GLANCES COPS. 1 WV 1IC StHVICt. 1WC. T. M. BCC. U. S. "I never get Ural of dial sermon Hie purson makes hell-lire, seem so real!" "Torrid James CiiRtiey ami Ann Sheridan, co-starred in ' Torrid Zona," which opens ;i ionrdiiy ciiKugt'iuciu Wednesday at Haul lndiun the atre. ' : EASTERN STAR HAS MEETING HiniJl.K, June 25. Tlio local chapter of Kan I cm Slur held an In U'ie.itlnn mei'llng Tuesday when the birthdays of the mem hers oe cmiiiB the first six month of the ear were celnbriilell. Later In the year the ones entertained at this party will he the hostesses for the other members. After the business session the members repaired to tho dining room where a beautiful ly decorated table awaited. The families of the members were in vited. About 45 were present to enjoy the occasion. Mrs. C. F. Staufrer entertained the Past nations club or O.K.S. at her lovely home Friday. A potluck luncheon was served at one o'clock, covers being lalrt for Mrs. Chns. Mostluif. Huth Mostbar, Mrs. ti. N, Riddle. Mm. May Fate, Mrs, Ed. Hurt, Mrs. C. M. Acker, Mrs. (1. L, Grant, Mrs. draco Decker. Mrs. C. K. liORsdon. Mrs. Minnie Frater, Mlns Fiances Frater nnd Mrs. Klauffei The afternoon bouts were spent In visiting and sewing. RIVERSDALE GRANGE TO HOLD SOCIAL NIGHT Members nnd friends of Rivers dale grange have been Invited to enjoy u delightful social to be held at s o'clock Friday night, June 2S, at the hail. The grange met last Friday nt n f:30 potluck dinner at the ball to honor members having birthdays in April, May and June. A fine attendance enjoyed the excellent report given by W. O. Patterson on the state grange convention and the lecturer presented an interest I"-- Futber's Day program. i lie next meetuiKVllMr"K:lf), July 5. at the ball, with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Patterson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slnclnlr In charge of refreshments. PICNIC SUPPER TO BE HELD BY PRO-AMERICA UNIT WEDNESDAY NIGHT A dellghtrul Bix thirty o'clock planned picnic supper has bfen arranqed by Douglas unit of Pro America for the members and their Invited friends to be held Wednes day evening In the attractive car den of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Manning on Flint street. Mrs. 11. C. Wad del), chairman of the unit, has an nounced that committees In charge of the picnic supper have com pleted plans for a very Interesting and enjoyable evening. EVERGREEN H.E.C. TO MEET THURSDAY The Evergreen Home Economies clv.b has planned an all-dav meet ing and noon potluck luncheon to he held Thursday, June 27th. at tbe home of Mrs. Cyril NIhols nt Ilrockway. All memners aro urgea to bo present.. -awoiju -,.'"'? SAT. OFf Zone" STEDFAST CLASS TO ENJOY PICNIC LUNCHEON AT BROWN HOME THURSDAY The Stedfnst class of the First Presbyterian church has planned a nnnn notlin-tr 1 II tt Sh anil tn lio hold rt.....c,,in in n. r m,.u .' ; : m ZT p Z'S u.' i w,,u burg. If the wenthnr does not per- niit. the liinohcon nnd meeting wlir be held ill the Hrown home instead of the garden. Those attending hnve been asked to brine a covered dish, their own tuble service and sandwiches. . COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO MEET ON THURSDAY The ladies of the Roseburg Country club will continue the summer handicap golf tournament plhy Thursduy niornliig ut the club course with first fllghters teeing off nt 8:45: second f lighters nt 0:00 and third fllghters nt 9:15 o'clock. Potluck luncheon will be served nt the clubhouse at 12:30 and the summer control bridge toiirnnineiit play will begin at 1 :. 10 o'clock. All ladles of the club are Invited to be present. LADY ELKS TO ENJOY SOCIAL MEETING AT TEMPLE ON THURSDAY The last meeting of tho season Tor Iidy Klks will be a very enjoy able occasion Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the temple. Prizes will be awarded lor the card plays and refreshments will be In charge oi Mrs. Kenneth Qulne and Mrs. K. it. Metzger. All luly Ktks are urged to be present. W. B. A. TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Henoflt associa tion will meet Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the Mucrubce hail. All members are urged to I i I ! PLAY UP TO HIM "He's Interested all right, Mnry, but play up to him a hit. Kend that pretty pink gown to f Dip qua Cleaners, After all you can't expect a proposal of mar riage without some effort on your part" Umpqua Cleaners 231 NO. MAIN Local News Here for Convention D. L. Berry, Insurance adjuster from Portlnnd, Is here attending the firemen's convention. Here Monday Arthur Mn- honey and Jim Dearllng. of Oak land, spent Monday in this city at tending to business. Visiting Here Zoo Dempsey, formerly employed at the veterans fuclllty hospital in Roseburg nnd now ut the Walla Wnlla, Wash., veterans hospitul, bus arrived here to spend a pint of her vncutlon vislling friends. Playing In Band Alhn Spaugh, of Ihls city, yesterduy drove his son, LuVeme, to Everett, Wash., where the latter will piny for sev eral weeks ill the Curt Sykes or chestra. Vacationing Leroy Miller, of Sacramento, Calif., has arrived' to spend his vacation nn the North l'lnnqiia river. He formerly made his home In this city. Past Presidents Club to Meet The l-nst Pri'siiltMils club of George Stunner, auxiliary to United Span ish War VeteraiiH Iiub announce)) n meRliiiK for Friday at a one-thirty (leKserlhincheon nt tho homo of Mih. l'util bempsey. , Back From Wedding Trip Mr. niul Mrs. Dick Frost have return ed to their home In this city, fob lowing llielr wedding trip. They were married in Heno, Nev., June 20. Mr. Frost Ih employed at (he Richfield Hint ton on Stephens and ('ass streets. Daughter Is Born According to announcements received here, a daughter, Rayanne loulse, weigh ing seven pounds five ounces, was born June 20, ut Sacred Heart hos pital In Eugene to Mr. and Mrs. Itay Wood. Mrs. Wood was for merly Miss Phyllis Keckley of this city. She is n daughter of Mrs. P. W. Beckley, of Rose burg. MRS. E. M. SEELEY ENTERTAINS CLUB MKLROSE, Juno 25. Mrs. E. M. Seeley was u charming hostess to the West Melrose club ladles at her home Thursday afternoon, June l.'ith. Alter the business meeting much time wns devoted to a leaf idenlificallon contest. Mrs. Cox; won the high score with the most correct nnswers. I A dainty lunch was then served, by .the-'1 hostess, Mrs. Seeley.' to .Mrs. CV(). Crlteser, Mr. JmW Hi' hards nnd daughter, Mima Rutb.j Mrs. Henry Cox, Mrs. Ray Petre-' (iiln, Mrs. A. D. imrie and Mrs. 11. G. Thompson. The next meeting will be Thurs day afternoon. June 27th home of Mrs, Thompson, Ail niem - hers are most cordially Invited to lie present. MRS. FRANK TRIPP IS HOSTESS AT DINNER o--i. '....' ...i.. ' .... A.AI-EA, June 25. Mrs. Frank ivt'ty r HiiitM n miy iintnt-i . Guests Included Krank Trlnp.'"" ' ' "k , ,er nm0 this guest of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Ver-j ,V,'' ,' , ',,,,? i" J i,V r,".r.ne'.'kI',,. r-.nn ,.. miumn nun 1:1111111 rn, iiuii: mill ini, . . r,..., u .i i..i 'r,.i Mr 'friends. I and Mrs. Neil Tripp and daughters, Sally and Lynn, froin Talent, anil the hostess, Mrs. Tripp. MR, AND MHS. MILLER ENTERTAIN AT DINNER YONCALLA. June 25. Mr. nml Mrs. Leslie Miller enlertalneil nt, ii dinner ut. their home Sunday ,vIiib as tiielr miosis, Mr. and I Mrs. Gale Thornton and son of, l.nkevlew, Mr. and Mrs. George Nclml and two children of Salem, Mr.- and Mrs. Herman Miller nnd duughter, Murium, of Kureka, Cnlir., and Mrs. Kiiinm Miller. SUNSHINE1 CLUB TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Northslde Sunshine club will meet ut the country home or .Mrs. N. It. Fisher at Kelley's Kor ner Thursday ariernnoii, June 27. All members are cordially Invited lo he present. WVr 10 Ml vmt mn MlM H !' si - -wniJ J. 'ill? " Attends to Business Henrjr Anderson, of Melrose, wns u busi ness visitor In this city yesterday. Back From Eugene Knute Kurshnor has returned hero, fo. lowing a trip to Eugene to attend to business. Pythian Sitters to Meet The Pythian Sisters will hold u social meeting, speclnl program and servo refreshments nt a session Wednesday night at 8 o'clock ill tho K. of P. hall. Go to Salem C. K. Marks and Mrs. Mux .Marks, of tills city, yes terday took Walter Marks to Sulem. where the latter will remain for a short time to visit his father, civile Hatfield. Mr. MurkB and Mrs. MyeiB returned here lust evening. Return From Coast Mr. mid Mrs. Homer Grow have returned to their home on Cobb street, follow ing several dnys ut lliindon, where Mrs. Grow convalesced from a re cent Illness. Mrs. Grow Is still nil able In be out hut Is repoi'ted In he improving ut her home. To Install Officers Roseburg bnlhol, No. 8, of Job'B DllllghlelB, will hold Installation of officers to night at 7:15 o'clock at the Ma sonic temple, to which the public has been Invited. Miss Carolyn Cordon will bo Installed as honor ed uncoil of tho bethel. Public Invited to Luncheon St. Joseph's Altai- society has invited the public to a cafeteria luncheon Wednesday, to be served from 11 to 2 o'clock at the Catholic purish hall on North Kane street. Mrs,. E. li. Dolan Is general chairman of the project. Has Broken Writt Floyd Raugh mau. pioprletnr of the Roseburg Howling alleys, Is suffering from u broken wrist, resulting from it softlmll game. Maugbman, playing in one of (he games last week, In jured his wriht tu sliding to tho plate, when he rolled to avoid splic ing the catcher. Enjoy Coast Trip Mr. and Mrs. Dale (iuilifr am! , their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. lJ'in Uulley, enjoyed a week-end trip to Pacific CHy whero they were guests nt tho summer home of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Ieedy, parents of Mrs. Don (iuiley. They left Fri day, returning to Roseburg Sunday night. Leave For Home Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shields and daughter. Mari lyn, and son, Rob, left last night for their homo ut Stockton, Calif., following several days here visiting Mr. Shields' father. It. F. Shields, on South Pine street. Mr. Shields recently returned to the Dulled Sti'.tes, following ten months at Barcelona, Estado Auzoutegul, Venezuela, South America, where he was employed by Raymond- iipnhlel syndicate, doimr road con strut-Don work for the Standard Oil company. Back From California Mrs. C. T. Tipton nnd Mrs. R A. Helmhoidt and daughter, Hetty, have returned to their homes here, following Sev ern) weeks visiting relatives and friends nt Hurkeley, Oakland, San FriinMucn niul Siintn f'l-n?.. Tbev Ut theinlllnvnl thu flnlrlfin Jflittn nynnKi- t(m wl,r,0 ln Sun Francisco, Tlio three were accompanied to Cali fornia by Mrs. W. C. Tipton, 01 Roseburg, who later accompanied her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, of Pied mont, Calif., on a trip to Yosemite national park for months vacn Vloii. Following the vacation, Mr. i , ... ...... time to visit other relatives and "Sounds rimmmw it, '".'J -"-'- "" ' n i -"" wonderful" Let's telephone!" When you telephone, you have the chance Co talk things over. Accommodations more pleas ing, at a satisfactory price certainty of reser vations these can be confirmed. Attractive low Long Distance telephone rates to most points are in effect 7 P. M. to 4:30 A.M. and all day Sundays. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELBGRAP11 COMPANY Telephone 71 . 121 80. Stephen, St. Back From Eugene Miss Vivian Burtley has returned to her homo in this city, following a short stay In Eugene vlHlllng. New idea Club to Meet The Inst meeting of tho season of the New Ideu club will he held Wed nesday nt a one o'clock luncheon ut the homo or Mrs. C. H. Murks. Return From Marfhfleld Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clouke have re lumed to their home In this city, fallowing a short stay in Marsh Held visiting their two daughters, Mrs. Hay Ashitry and Mrs. Thomas- Havens Jr. Back From California M rs. Virginia Smith has returned to Iu8oburg following several weeks in California visiting relatives and friends. Sho was accompan ied home by Bier daughter, Miss iNirothy, who wits graduated two weeks ago from Sacramento Jun ior college.' Leave for Home Mr. nnd Mrs, U. If. Page left Monday for their homo In San Diego, Calif,, follow ing a visit with relatives and friends in ICugeno, Roseburg and coast points Mr. Page, who was formerly a local tobacco dealer, now owns a large tobacco nnd pipe shop in San Hlego. W.C.T.U. to Meet The W.C.T.U. will meet Wednesday at 2:.'I) at I lie Melhiullst church for a temper ance and mission day program. Missionary society members of Roseburg nnd community aro es pecially Invited to attend. Mrs. C. A. Chamberlin, president, will con duct the meeting, - Former Resident Here Tom Carton, chler of the Rend fire de partment, la hero attending the fire fighters convention and visit lug relatives and friends. His father owned one of the first liv ery slahles In RoKehurg and was located where the Iickwood Mo tor company building now Is. The Onrlon residence was whore the Roseburg garage now stands. Mr. Giirlon Is an uncle of C. M. O'Mal ley of tills city. Moxious Weed Control to Be Shown at Riddle Meet A meeting of particular Interest to farmers has been arranged by Riddle grange for Thursday eve ning, at which time J. Roland Park er, county agricultural agent, will speak nml conduct n demonstra tion concerning noxious weeds. The meeting will bo open to all grangers, nnd It Is urged particu larly that those attending the meeting bring samples of Btrnngu weeds for classification. Oscar F. Henry Passes Away Here at Age of 84 Oscar P. Henry, R4, died Ibis morning at the home of his son, P. W. Henry, 2H0 East Iano street,, following a long Illness, He was born In Canada May 20, 18fift. Sur viving are his son and a daugh ter, Mrs. R. P. Ileaumont, May: wood. Calif. Tho body has been removed to the Roseburg Under taking company parlors. FunernI arrangements have not been made. VITAL STATISTICS . BORN SMITH To Mr. nnd Mrs. Har ney Smith, of ItoseburR, nt Mercy hospital. Snturdsy, June VI. a son. lister Levi Ucorfte; weiKht six pounds, ten nnd three-fourth minoos. ' - I W. H. Bowden Will Get 50-Year K. of P. Jewel W. 11. Howden of Roseburg will ho honored by the Knights of Py thias lodge at n meeting Wednes day night, nt which time he will bo presented with the order's jewel marking 50 years of continuous mem bersh I p. Tho presen tu t Ion will be made by Stanton Rowel) or (Iraiits Pans, past grand chancel lor, who was Initiated Into the same eastern lodge simultaneously -with Mr. Itowden. Wednesday's cere monies ulso will Include work In the Knight rank. Starts Wednesday 4 Days , TODAY WEDNESDAY IS PAL NIGHT WALLS THAT TALK! ...WHJUNatmHiit.fifl 1 taitfc tali at hiddf gold V...nd of i taUl curst that dtmandid Hi toll v.9t avtry The Fleers in and tho gals are out ENDS TODAY "Alias the Deacon" and 'Millionaire Playboy" JIM SHERIDAN J JjkMO'BBIEN urn Mil Kiddle, 10e -itts JBI.f-,"'';.!" " W "."..IJ.. IV 1JKIU ll