Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 24, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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Is.aea' Dallr Bt aadai- ay I.
Hfmbrr of TJie Aaaoclalrd I'reaa
The Aaaoulated I'roaa la excluaiva
Ijr entitled to the uaa for rapuh lea
tlon of all newa dLpatohea credited
this paper and to all local news
puousnca nerein. au r,.ni. w
Cubllcatlan ot epeclal dlapatche.
areln are alao reaerved.
Entered aa aecond olaaa matter
"ay IV, 1U20, at the pout orthie au
Re leourv, Oregon, under act w
March , J7.
Represented by
err York 171 Madlion Ave. f kl
360 N. Michigan Ave. 220 Buah Street Ie.
trail 3084 W. 'Grand Boulevard
I. Aaielea m R Hprlnir Street
cattle 60S Stewart Btre.t Por
Uai 620 B. W. Sixth Street .
Ixola 411 N. Tenth Street
I AT I 0 M
VnliMrlpiloa Bate
Dally, par year by mall ISM
Daily, monlhi by mail .60
Dally, 3 monthi by mail 1.26
Daily, by currier per month... .66
Dally, by carrier ter year 7.80
Every stats, county and city
official or buunl that bundles
public money should publish at
regular intervals an accounting
of It, showing wdore and how
each dollar Is spunt. This In a
fundamental principlo o demo
cratic aovernment.
TO SAY thai tlio I'mpriuu,
curiiviin wan a complete huc
cesa in something of hi. undcrmitte
uiont. It could scarcely have been
Improved upon In any particular.
Tho day was period, tho road wuh
In remarkably good condition, tlio
crowd was ample, and IhoiiKli Hits
roulo was ovor flit iiiIIoh of moun
tain road, no nrcldcnlH marred the
Journey, .
Tlio Hplrlt with which other eom-
munition entered Into the affair
wftH Hp lend id. Huge no, Cottage
Grove, .MeUToid and Klumalh Kalla
all were represented In llio pro
gram In tlio beautiful picnic wove
at the south end of Diamond lake.
We people or Douglaa county learn
ed that wo have Home new neigh
bora iih the result of the comple
tion of a road up tho limpqim to
Diamond lake.
It was a Due thing to dedicate
tho bridge below (he llhihou to A.
C Marsteru. It la well known in
this communlly that Mr. M urate ra
has heen u loading uplift. In tho fill
your effort to obtain a road up the
rlvor to Diamond lake. Now, with
tho erection (r tho Htono monu
, merit and bronze plague at (ho up
per bridge, all who travel the roulo
may It' I hey will hut. stop, know the
name of tho el II sen to whom Miry
ure most Indebted for tho privi
lege nf being able to travel a runic
or such Hi-cnic grandeur.
It was moat fitting also that the
dedication bo made by (lie region
al administrative officer of the IT.
H. forest service. The newly ron
Ht i acted routo all Ilea within the
national fureat. Forest nervier offi
cluls have long been desirous ot
having the roulv completed but It
wuh an inidi'ttakluK that could not
have been completed for years to
come with money from relatively
amall annual forest road fund.
The cooperation, the energy and
Hie determination of local inter-j
ortlH, led by A. C. .Minsters made Its ;
completion now possible.
Mention bus previously been
made In (his column oT the really
valiant work done by the Steam-;
boat CCC boys. The writer of these :
lines made the trip through to the
lake just two weeks to a day be-1
Torn tho caravan made It so easily !
laid Friday. Two wueka Hgo there j
was much to be dune lo make the
road reasonably passable. It aiu
atly looked like an impossibility
Two weeks ago tio sueh comfort
able, well surfaced road with n quite j
ampin number of turnouts as we;
Haw Friday could even be visual j
I zed. 1 Jill the buys, tinder Hie able;
direction of Superintendent Tom I
llarber, did 11.
These glowing reports of the
North rmpqun rond must not be
misunderstood. The road Is nut a
highway. It In it bountiful drive
along one of tho world's grandest
rivers and through a wonderful fur-'
est. Many drivers would classify It
Is a very hunt trip. Hut It Is a thor
oughly piiHHahlo, fairly sale road.
There In much work needed yet to
luaku It an "1 throughout as II
Ih from iho forosl . boundary lo
.Steamboat crock but the nv
boy will ftttt-ud to that.
Our parly camo homo from Hi"
trek' lo iMatnond lako over the
nanus roulo. We saw many, things .
that had hot neon previously noted.1
Apparently Ihnl trip offers inn :
new things every Hum you make It.
Wo did notice, however, that tdgn
boards quoting mileages to Roao
hurfc and to Diamond lake arc
needed. Signs at Steamboat and at
Dig Camus ranger , headquarter
bould state the times of day
when travel over the new soot ion
can bo permitted. Now that so
much publicity has been given to
the opening of this now routo there
1b going to be considerable travel
over. it. It will be iiocesary to In
form the public, and this will doubt
less be done If, Indeed, It has not
already been done ero thin reaches
print. At present travel ovor the
new section is ullowed all day
Saturdays and Sundays and on
week-days before 8 a. in. and after
4 p. m.
Editorials on Newt
(Costtauad from fag a L)
Hon Uie TV A.
He has unquestionable charm
and personality which he is able to
project to the public through the
medium of the press and the radio.
This writer, who haH never seen
him, baa felt these qualities In him
as a result of reading und listening-
writer Is weary of politicians and
their all-thlngH-to-all-meii utter
ances, and senses that the public Is
lu the same mood.
AS TO McNary:
He is able, wlso, fcarlosa and
TOLERANT. He has skilled knowl
edge of the Intricate and (in a de
mocracy) NKCKSKAHY machinery
of politics.
As an advisor and collaborator
for Wlllkie, he would bo invaluable.
pHL'CK DAItTON is an udvortls
Ing man wlm Is now a congress
man, Ah an advertising man, lie
known how to say what needs to bo
said so briefly, ao clearly und so
convincingly that people wilt read,
understand and IIKLIKVR.
That Is tho kind of platform tho
republican parly must have If It Is
to win tho confidence of tho peo
ple. IK THK republican parly Ih to win
1 this election. It must convince
the people or tho United States
that It Is sincere, loyal und able to
do efficiently and patriotically the
big things that In the next four
years must be done.
This writer believes the program
here outlined would help toward
that end.
Mutual Iroadeaatlng Syatnaj
1KX) Kllooyole.
00 Lew f Jlninoiifl'H Orch., Al IIH.
.'(II Toa Tlmn Minim.
1)0 (ill-nil WltlliiiriH' Orch.
:io Shitfier l'lirkcr, MILS.
45 Little Orphan Annie, Oval
tine, MBS.
oo Tniimiii's Tuni'.
05 Newa, Calif. Pacific Utili
ties Co.
10 Newt-Review News Flashes.
15 Dlnnnr lllinrn.
30 John B. Hughes, Avalon Ci
garettes, MBS.
I.", - Vnrlc-lii'H.
no-l'iiclim llm PiihI. M IIS.
If, Mlltuni .MtH'HtriiH.
:io l,onc Hiiiicnr, miis.
00 SnllKH ly (.Jwt'll utnl ll'jld-
If, Kvr-nlng Mi-lfitlins.
l-nll 'N Swine Clul. MIN.
00 Alka Seltier News, MBS.
IT, -.lin k MrLiiin'H (lu ll.. MIIS.
:io Kcyiiftii. Aihlii'NK nf Urpnh-lli-litt
Cnnvi'tlllon, .MIIS.
;io- sinn on.
7:00 Stuff nod Nrollmni'.
7: 15 lll l.lKhln on Farm iiml -1 11
(,'lnh Nmvti.
7v30 News-Review of the Air.
7:10 Stale mill l.ocol Nowh.
7:ir, H)inisily In Wax.
8:00 Neighbors of Woodcraft,
H::i0 Thl mid Thai In Muluily.
8:45 Carters of Elm Street, Oval-
tine, MBS.
11:00-Moi'lllllR KnHHloll or Hi-pub-
lli-au fouvrintion. Mils,
9:30 Man About Town.
II: 1 -.Vlunilni; Si'mhIoii nf lli'imhli-
I'llll Ounvrnllnti, MIIS.
10:00 Pinto Pete, Copco.
10:15 Ma Perkins. Proctor and
Gamble, MBS.
10:45 Bachelor's Children, Old
Dutch Cleanser, MBS.
11:P0 Our Friendly Neighbors, Al-
kj Saltier, M8S.
II ir,- Mi-loillm in lihylhui.
1 1 .Ho Pns.sildo Krr n r ti News,
ll:ir VYullvr Knlik s (in hi-slru.
1 '2 : 00 .tinrhiMtn 1 lalui'.
12:15 Sports News. Dunham
Transfer and Powell Hard
ware. -
K '.'O -Klolhin at liuinlinn.
13:-I." N'i'wh, Stale anil Local.
12:50 News-Review of the Air.
1:00 Hennlnger's Man on the
I . ir, - l,ld! of llyrno. MIIS.
1 f:o-Orcao Mvluildw.
I:I:V l.ol'n Play llrlilm'. MIIS.
2:oo -Al Your ('omiminil
LMHI Mn.-i- and Muslr, MIIS.
2: 15 i". till' Wo n. MIIS.
3:00- Kalloo Lewis, Jl, MIIS.
;i:l5 -'I'onilny Itr-yooliItT oii-Iiuh-
tra. MIIS.
3:30 The Quiet Hour.
IMio -Sauih or Time.
1 :30 --Alnel iriilt l'alully lloliln-
1: 15-l'onvelHallon I'lere. MHS.
5:"(l Wythn Wllllnma, ('oinuiin
latin. MIIS.
5.15 li;nrititlon o .Miilnluel'ii
I'einile. MIIS.
::: Shallio Parker, MIIS.
5:45 Little Orphan Annlt. Oval
tine. MBS.
(Unn- TonlKhl Tulle
6:05 News. CalH. Pacific Utili
ties Co.
(, '" f 1 MA OH, MA rAAKE T
iS i-Tfs OUT FOR A ' -
Vtr - tm----MJmfmm FOR TH' PAPER, AND
I tW;MW-- 3tt7Z?, IT' A BASKET ON A
Many today are pessimistic
concerning the. luturo. Keon
mile condilions cause giear
concern to many. A spirit nf
lawlessness all over the wo,-ld
iPotiiK lo arguo against any
permanency of gov criiuieiil .
Anli-reliKidiis movementH are
most discouraging to those who
'lave put their I rust In ('hrst
lanlly as the ultimate hope ;f
Hie world. The spirit of com
mercialism which seems to
have replaced the Idea of ser
'Ice in professions and business
Is truly alarming. All this has
led to a Hptrlt of defeat. .on
which gives poor promise for
the future. There are today as
never hehftre grent minds word
ing together lor the welfare of
mankind. There is In spite of
war a gie;it mind for peace in
every nation. There Is u flow
ing spirit for social and econ
omic justice. There Is the flunk
fiif I ulring mind of youth in
every land. There Is a con
stantly growing conviction t'mt
thi only solution of Hie vun)i
need Is to be found In tho
Ideals of Christianity. The. man
wi I h h is face toward t ho. su n
never sees the shadow. .A! ay
our faces ever bo toward the
sun of rlghleousnesH who
brings healing in his boa in u
and sheds his rays of light and
Joy lo discouraged souls. Amen.
6: 10-News-Review News Flashes.
li : 15 -Talk by Herbert I loover
from Republican Conven
tion. MHS.
;:;:u-.tohn It. Hughes, .MHS.
ti: la Atler-Dlnner Imnce.
7MII) -1'iigiiiK the I'asl. .MIIS.
7 tf 1 5 ,l ii t ua I M acKl ros.
7:.tu Ned .;ordan, Sciel Agent.
K:nn Meet the Stars. MltS.
X : ;iu Treasure I sla nd Tours,
8:45 TwMiflht Trails, Avalon Clu-
arettes. MBS.
9:00 Alka Seltzer News, MBS.
11: IS Jan (lat her's i )i rbesii ti.
!i?;:n - Kultnn Kewis. Jr., MHS.
D: 15- Hen rv King s t trchestra,
lo;ot Sign Oil.
Seattle Increases
Coast League Lead
(By the Associated Press)
Seattle's flying liiiiuicrs, round
ing tbe half way mark In the Pa
cillc coast Iciikuc season with a
game lead, lookeil miglity hind ti
overtake' today.
Tho Ruinieis leiisled on S;icra
meuto uiiMt last week, Kobbliim
seven wins In an right-game series.
They made Sunday's ilouhlrhcudc
the piece do resislnnco lor bom"
town fans by walloping Ibv despair
ing Solons 5 to - aud In to .1.
hi the short si'cond garni' .vrsti-r-d.iy
Sacramento got t I'ltcher Hill
Walker for Pt su tidies, but ibr
llatulers left Walker in to absorb
the punishment white thry tolled
up 11 hits lor U runs. Tinpfe was
on the mound for Seattle in the
I li st JUMIl".
San Diego's Pie I re ciippcil Port
land tor two giimes yesterday. to
it and 3 to 2. Sun Diruo pulled
both games out of the tire lu the
ninth inning will, tworuu raillcs.
The second game went two extra
9th Inning Homer Wins.
Novikoft of I. os Angeles broke
np another ball game yesterday.
With the score n to M In the ninth
and bases loaded, t he Russlun
whaled a drive Into right field that
gave the AiiKcls a t lo u victory.
Oakland look the uii:htcap in sor
in innhms, I to 2. helped by Lub's
Hrsl-lnnhig home run.
The wavering Sun KraticKcn
Seals found new Impe In uit Knd
land Pertiaudejt, shortstop hurried
lv (tyniiascd Iroiu aktma In the
Western luterualtoniil league. His
lilg bnt helped the Seals take the
uiKhtc.ip yesti'tday from the Hollv
wood Stars, in lo I, iifler tbe
Seals lost the opener, ti to I.
l-'ernandei got h big band from
the fans on bis lust uppoHrntice nl
bat. In tbe tun games he handled
LI tiiaucea perftvily, batted four
for eisht. indudlug a triple, and
scored two runs.
Legion Juniors Get
Win Over Melrose
Aimlcgate. legion junior Hurler,
won nia own baseball gamo in ine
! Itoseburg Legion Junior contest
I with the Meirose Townles yester
!day on Kinhiy field. It was Apple-
gate's pinch single In the Inst half
lor tlio ninth wbicn Rvored two runs
and enabled tho Juniors to over
I cotne the Towulea' one-run lead and
j v. in the gume, 6 to 5.
t Trailing. 5 to 4, Uoseburg open
ed their bulf of tlio ninth with
1 Host reaching first, when S. Long
' tumbled Must's roller down the
third base line. Plueard got a pass
and on a wild pitch the runners
reached third and aecond. The
bases were filled when McDougal
laid down a perfect bunt which so
j perplexed the Melrose pitcher that
Mcnougal made It aufely lo llrat.
On a close play at tho plate Rust
was caught attempting to tie the
score on a passed ball through the
catcher. Applegute then gave the
ball game a fitting climax by
snmshlng a single betwoen first
and second' and wending I'leuard
and McDougal homo with tho win
ning runs.
In the batting department Mel
rose held the advantage, pounding
out VI hits to six,, for the Juniors.
Mathews and Kelt were t lie big
gnus lu the attack. Kuch collect
ing three hits out. of five times at
Applegale, until relieved by Cox
in the eighth, struck out nine Mel
rose batsmen and walked none.
Long, who went tho full routo for
1 1 be Townies struck out eight und
I passed three.
I hi a preliminary to the main
Kiuiid the Yoncullu Mid?; tits, al
; though oiilbit by the Itoseburg
Midgets, capitalized on six walks
j ami won. ti to It.
t Sirohecker. on the mound for
Itoseburg, struck out eight ami1
1 Favorite
animal pet
of man.
4 It belongs to
the family
Answer to Previous Par.zlc
10 Branched,
12 Stir.
13 Blcvkhcad.
14 Strife.
16 Wood demons,
17 Rhythm.
ID It is (ahbr.).
ln Melodious.
22 Half an em,
23 Mortar tray.
21 At this
2fi Idant.
2 First appear
42 To depart.
43 Split, pulse.
44 Haglike
Ifi Hone.
47 Theme.
ance in society 4!) Snaky fish
30 To concur. SI Dnfimn,
32 Thin.
34 A set.
36 Minute
3RTo horo
3fl (Jiowers.
41 Hccr.
53 Want.
54 Islands. '
56 Unless. ,
57 II is descend
ed from a .
. like beast.
5ft Convivial.
F 1 5 I t-J 15 lb 7 Id H Jfm i
j h I 21 i
TI 1 pV bo p S
ty WBlami
pltehcd 4-hlt ball. Williams, Yon-
callu pitcher, struck out six noBe -
burg batsmen, wallted two, aud waa
touched for six safeties.
S. Long, a b
Mathews, 2b
Handy, hs ....
lieeee, 1 b ....
Hodges, cf ....
R. Long, p ..
Fell, c
White, if
K. White. If .
1 1
1 8
1 0
2 4
.'I 11
1 0
0 1
Stephens, as
Maker. 2b ...
Cox, rf, p ...
Davidson, cf
Rust, 3b ....
I'leuard. 0 ...
Wimheiiy, If
Applegute, p,
McDougal. If
....41 5 12 2
AB It H Pf) E
rf ....
1 II
Totals ,
32 d H 25
:i. Rust,
Knurs Stephens
Long 2.
Handy, Recce, Hodges,
Two base hits Long, Kelt.
Stephens. Cox Struck mit-lly (disturbed him.
ApplcKiile, it in 7 innings, by Long I,
s. Walks-Cnx 2 in :i innings, Long Next (,ay (lt Kinsman he bought
.1. Winning p.toher App legate: los- naCrsi from Phoenix, A 1 b u
ing pitcher Long. Umpires, Hcmz nuoroue and Ixis Anueles. One of
and Conn.
In Un County Court of IrV SIjUu of
Urt'Koii for IxiujfhiH Count v.
In IIm Mittt.T of tho Kxlulu or
IxmikIjuh Will In, IferCiiSfd.
Not fi'. Is lo-ii'liy uivi-n Mi;tt tlx
Administratrix of the ;(,. to of
IxtiiKlHH Willie. riccM.I. '. ftji-d
hi Hie County Court of Slut - of
noKoti, her Klnal A' "unt un cm h
.Vlmiiiist nitrlx. iiml tli Court )
TKril July llm 'Mil. 1!I. n ( Hit-
imtir of 1(1 o't lo' k ,. Al. f i
fflo of tlif Connly Juilu
1 inn u Ins 'oiintv. ' ri'K"ii. lu t hr
urily. OrrKtin, us tho f'"i.' i, id i
liliici for llm tuMirinir of ot.j.-t i in-.-
ti!o m'ti,iii!"tit i'ii'r'''f ; lu "
Patod ii ml Tlrst inihllsiH-d lils
loili tiny of Jinn-, a : i
Atttnl in -n if.riv.
15 Particle.
17 Pertaining to
1 8 Crowbars.
20 Crowd.
21 Heart.
23 Female fowl.
25 Married.
27 The or
tame dog is
used for hunt
ing and pro
tecting. 28 Mail.
29 Wild gont.
30 Chewed.
31 Age.
33 Notched.
35 CompeN.
37 Bitter rtruB
39 Sprite.
4ft Perched.
43 Part of a wall.
2 To decree.
3 Manners of
4 Bed.
5 Like.
fi Stair pnsl.
7 Challenced.
4S Meal.
8 Paid publicity. 48 To embroider,
9 Aurora. 49 Electric unit.
II Months -. 50 Lion.
(abbr.. '52 Nothing.
13 It is the mosl 54 rroviderl.
or know--55 South Caro
ing beast. lina (abbr.).
TINK PALM BR Partnera in a
aiimmer toutlat venture at (iold
crest. DICK BANCROFT and FHAftK-
found un iiKoieHt in Goldcrcat.
Yesterday: Franklin tolls Chris
tine ahout the ex-convlct and
robber who will certainly come to
Ooldcrest for hlfl money. Later,
Franklin gives the purse to Dick
lo give to Christine but Wick
Blves Jt to Roaeleo! '
'!Iey boss! Hey- lluae loo! 1
sot Bumething for yon"
A man can crow a vei-v nood
Lerril In three to five monllu.
Mr. John Sawver. former!"
l'tlown as Carl Quail. No. '12283.
H.en! almost four months growing
nis alter tie got a job with the
lu;ierial Fed spar cornoiad n
ntnr Kingman. Ariz. The Imperlil
was handling 600 tona of reldannr
and silica per month, and John
Carl, work:-'! with 2n other
i In an lnoi.-.teil canyo.i wuh
scaiiely no cbrxce to c :v lo
.iwyer's Ion hair grew loo: It
h'n! been cut vny sliort in Jhi-i,-
hut by uummer It wan srrnK-
gly again. B-.ili his long hair mid
his, heard combined to niuao hlr.i
y iiiiini'tcit man Ii'him what
ho hod appeared at, say, Christ-m:i.-
On a day early in Iho Hummer
1 1)6 town boss rode out with a lew
r,l - 'oifoi'tH" lor the niou up In the
"anyun. inciuocii was a oaten or
i newspapers. Sawyer was keen to
'e"l tlieni. When bedtime tamo
2 no was siiiineoiy excited, in one
D of the Sunday papers more than a
1 week old was a lull-page feature
I nrtlele, with five goial photographs
j and a most interesting text. Oddly
0 Mr. Sawyer went right then and
t there to his boss and told him he'd
(' "P, ,11. v,,n nii .1 t.i 't
u ir Sau'vprv- ,ha ui,: .
Yep. But I got to ko for a
.tucii. i iiiiKiiL culm? itiiuji iiuer, ii
' you need me."
0i "Well, you done all right here.
0 I'll have to put on another man
now, but I could write you If you
........ iih; hi, until uii'ius miMlHIM
opcnln. Where you from? Your
address? You never (lid give me
place, when you come hero?"
"Reckon I'll ho around Tucson."
taawyer suggested. "Homo coun
try for me, there. Never been out
of Arizona, matter of fact."
Mr. Sawyer had to walk lu to
(... h Vh ,T ... ' ' "J
them was a Sunday paper again
Inter tlmn the first hr- bud rnurl
And hv (lomen If It lld'l livn
some more news that excited him!
One picture this time, of u tot of
college students in New York City,
I and a snort article underneath.
Mr. Sawyer promptly rented a
car lu Kingman aud drove out on
.highway fifi. He was considerably
worried anil he wasn't sure what
'to do. Riding along. It occurred lo
'ifm that he bad bent begin with
'biing extremely careful. True,
six months ehanges a man, makes
forget a lot of things and
( even makes officers of the. law be
fcome neglicnlibout an old man-
i ";"
'robbed a payroll and killed a man
would have to bo cautious all his
He pulled up after un hour or
so at a small roadside stand In the
josh u a forest country. Back of
the stand was a largo signboard
Turn here to
He read that and the smaller
lettering under It. and pulled up
to say good morning to the old
man who was in charge or the
"(lot any cold drinks?" he asked.
"Sort drinks. Cioin' ill to Cold
crest?" "ITaiu lemon. No. cun't spare
the time. What's going on up
there?" Mr. Sawyer eyed Uie old
tinier shrewdly.
"Why plenty, friend! Foil r
yoium pcople've opened 11 up for
showing. Cost you a dollar, and
wnlli it. This is a genu-wlne "
"I know about It. I've seen it.
years ago. They opened up every
thing, eh? The old hotel, stoles,
jail, bank and everything, no
doubt 7"
Nope, not yit. They uln t
j opened the jail yit. It has to lie
epaired some to be safe. Likewise
the mine shaft itself."
"Opened the business houses?
All o( 'em?"
"Couldn't open Hie lsink vault.
I heard 'em say. Ua'ked. llusled.
Two. Iliree old cellars, too. Mostly
"I'm." said Mr. Sawyer. "In
lercstine: place. Hope they make
money out of It."
"Them kids Is smart, mister,
lemnie tell you. They'll do well."
"Kids, ell? They live up there?
All the lime?"
"Vep. Mrs. Maude Hunan, she
ehoks for 'em. noos -lo 'em. They
stick to business. It's a lot of
lunrists conies lu. Hiindrod-crflil at
oncel due here day after tomor
row. Here comes a car In now.
Mr Sawyer paid the old fellow,
bill loitered n half an hour loimer
. -liliinliiR. Then he col In his car
anil drove on. llown Ihe road two
mllrs he halted and waited, riltv.
Ine fast. He didn't think Ihe road
side vendor would recoanUo his
car If he Just sped on by. returning
to Kingman. Mr. Sawyer had done
a deal of tbiu'dtiR. He bad evolved
a definite plan and he rearctteil
havluft to wall two days lu put
it into operation.
When he got back to Kingman'
he turned In his rented car,
took a quiet hotel room, then went
to a barber shop.
"I'm getting too gray," he men
tioned. In the chair. "Can't you
Just uh "
"I can touch It up and take 15
years off," the barber said. "What
about the whiskers? They got
some white ones."
"Touch them up, too. Make H
The barber wasn't rushed. He
did a good job. Mr. Sawyer, or
Mr. Qualt, looked even reasonably
handsome when the job was done.
He bought a new suit of clothe
and other articles to dress him
self inconspicuously. Then he net
out to buy a few books. But In a
town the size of Kingman there
are no bookstores. He did man
age, however, to acquire plain
spectacles and an umbrella and
a suitcase. He went back to his
hotel and sat down to be patient.
When opportunity offered he in
formed the clerk and other guests
that he welcomed the chance to ,
get back to civilization, since he I
had been out in the fields doing
some special mineralogfcal studies
for several months. In a day or
two. he said, he would be ready
to head back east again.
Then he wished he hadn't talked,
1 muca. ttomeoooy wouui .meiy
remember that he had posed and
worked as a mine laborer at the
Imperial Feldspar. Why, he was
almost a fool! It wouldn't do to
get careless now.
The thought worried him all
that night and into next day
when he kept to his room pre
tending to be reading. So th
second afternoon he ' set out
abruptly to go buy himself a pistol
and some shells.
He was already in the hardware
store before he remembered that,
in his present pose, he would look
Zwaua eSuied hi"
!iir ff hid seen ieavv 44
: conspicuous buying a gun. He lied
ca libre pistol under tho hotel
.clerks counter
I The second night he slipped
(downstairs at 2 a. m. and got the
clerk's pistol, being careful to see
that it was fullv loaded. The clerk'
hadn't even discovered his loss
hen Mr. Sawyer departed on the
reKiilar bus
8 the next morn
(To be continued)
Mixed League Standings
Vans' Vamlala 5 -
M-iino Millers 5
Brown's Standard Oilers 5
fee's Saltdwii-li Simp 3 !
Tannlunil's Terriers 4 I
Tandy's Place 2 -
This Week's Schedule.
Monday (V-c's .Sandwich
ts. Sandy's I'lace.
Tuesday ('re's Sandwich
vs. Itruwn's S. ().
Kriday Vans Vanilels vs. Tann
land's Terriers; Moure Millers vs.
Sandy's Place.
Games This Week .
Taiiiilund Terriers:
10. WorlcdKo ... 1:12 I no ion - ::'is
.1. I'ei-suson ... L'.l l:ll 1611431
.1. (lordon 131 lull 125 359
11. Taniillllld ...150 las 136 451
Handicap 11 1 1133
558 570 0471675
Moore Millers:
L. Miller 114 131 7S 326
I-;. Moore " 122 1 12 128 3112
A. Miller 13S 137 123 39S
It. Miller 13s 150 157 -416
Handicap II 41 11 123
554 604 527 16S5
Van's Vandals:
II. Hay HI7
11. Ulliolt 10!l
V. Slephelison ITS
Dr. Van Valium 145
Handicap 21
llrown's Oilers:
il. Chapman ... 134
II. ltidcnour 113
111-. Campbell . 119
K. Ilrowu 99
Haudicap 5N
131 311
108 313
155 4SI
150 4X2
21 72
125 - 32
110 - 355
136 37H
179 460
5S 171
C"S 1717
. - W. L. 1
Cleveland .. 38 23 .
Ilelroit 31 22 .
Boston - 33 23 .
New York 28 29 .
St. Louis 28 31 .
Chicaao .26 31 .
Philadelphia 22 33 .
Washlncton 21 38 .
W. L. I
Cincinnati 3s 20 .
Brooklyn 34 19 .
New York 33 21 .
ChliaBO 32 29 .
SI. Uiuia . . 22 23 .
Pittsburgh - 21 31 ,
Philadelphia 19 31 .
Boston 19 32 .
San DieKO ..
Los Angeles ..
Sr'.cralnetlto -. .
San Francisco .
Portlaud .. . .
. 40
Firemen's Convention dauco, arm
ory. Monday nielit. (lentlenien 45c
lli.a ,t .A flhnilll'a llnha.l,.
Injury Jinx Hits
Four More Players
Jurges, Bowman, Ttd Williams,
Cramer Hart; Madwick
Rtrurns, Aids in Victory.
(Associated Press Sports Wrltei J
frhe argument of whether a pluy
er should dress up like one of Km 3
Arthur's armor-plated knighla be
fore stepping onto the diamond Is
due for its unmial airing.
The cobwebs had hardly cleared
rrom Dodgor Ducky Medwick'a
brain alter being beaned by Bob
Bowman of the Cards Tuesday,
when Billy Jurges of tho Oiantu
was biffed yesterday by Bucky
Walters of the Cincinnati staff, and
Ted Williams, lanky Boston Red
Sox outfielder, also suffered a con
cussion when he and Itoger Cram
er collided, while pursuing a fly
The (limits, right lu the thick of
the National league pennant fight
dropped a pair to the Reds yester
day by 7-4 and 2-0 and that drop
ped them back to third place while
the Reds were re-mount lug tho
throne for tho sixth time.
The Red Sox lost the first game
of yesterduy's double bill aguhint
Cleveland, In which William? was
Uirt and Cramer badly shaken by
44.1 0s Al Smith a pun a six-hHIer.
They might have lost, tho second
if jt hadn't been for th? liMiierun
hitting of Jim Tabor whose two
bliws gave them a 2-0 victory.
Medwick's Hitting Counts,
Med wick, whoso "bean f 111$' lust
Tuesday started all thbi ush, caino
liack as a regular and helper! the
Dodgers climb back Into second
place. His two tliuoly singles kept
tho Pittsburgh Pirates from mak
ing off with a Ill-Inning afterpiece,
after they managed an S-5 win In
the first game, thanks to a lfi-hlt
attack off throe Brook hinders.
The second gamo was finally cnlled
because of darkness wllh tho score
tied, 4-4.
lhw tioMl UK"
clu,,e(1 " Performances by two
rookie Chicago Cub pitchers
Mooty and RalTensberger. Mooly
won the first game from tho Phii
lies by 3-2 on a six-hit and Itaf-
'-ni erger iook uie second 7-2.
Sulvo un' Sullivan likewise
cail,e through a twin assignment
i"e uosion nees, namitng tbe
St. Louis f:iii-ilin.-ilu ihoir ,'l,-u,
I double lii-atiue under Maiiaer
Kouthworlh by semes of 7-5 and 10-
-. miivo pin ned a alx hitler a-i-l
Sulilvan un eight bitter. '
Hob Jlownmn. who beaned Med
wiek, was victimized Irniself, be.
inn spiked in tho rirst Innini; of
the first Kiinio by Sisti of the Hoes,
and forced to retire.
Tigers Trounce Yankees.
In the American Iciikiio, Nows-om
wi,n his ninth i lrulcht a.: tho Ue
Moil. TiUers climbed to within a
'.I ice and a h il: or the leuK.ui! lend
luff Cleveland Indians by soclili'K
the poor- old Vciikeen. 0-i New
sum allowed ll-e once-feii.-cd maul.
its tiily four l.i's while libs mates
Kf l to Marvin llicucr, a,i-: stevo
.vn.!rn for 15.
'.'he Wasn!i!ii:on Senators and
Lie !,l. Louis lliiwns spin a I-..,:,,.
ed (I, mi, lie bill, Leonard
liiiiicliulballlni; the Nats to i .r.
win in the ooener and r.,,,.1.., i,..n.
1 1 fin: the Urown i to a 3-2 de-dsion lit
i-.Kuirnp wi.n a and ,
ialiy-tartins firii, limine double.
I he l'hilade'i hia-( hiciiKo double
header was post polled by rain.
Auxiliary Snapshots Wanted
'liua unit or American LckIoii
auxiliary is making a collection r
snapshols of members, their Irips
and events concernini! members,
and anyone havliiK such snapshols
in has heen asked lo leave them
""s week at I'isher's store
What's in the Air
No. more feudin', Clem. You got
a radio and ws want to hear the
9:30 P. M.
Be sure to wake mc up in time
tomorrow morning for
Guess I'll find out how Henry
Carter is getting along
8:45 A. M. TUESDAY
Shatter Parker 5:30 p. m.
Little Orphan Annie .'5:45 p.m.
" 6:05 p.m.
Herbert Hoover -ddress
6:15 p.m.
John B. Hughes 6:30 p.m.
Paging the Past ...7:00 p. m.
Ned Jordan 7:30p.m.
Meet the Stars ; :0Op. m.
Treasure Island Tours 8:30 p. m.
Twilight Trails 8:45 p.m.
Alka Seitier News ... 9:00 p.m.
Jan Grrbsr's Orch 9:15 p.m.
Fulton Lewis, Jr. 9:30p.m.
Henry Kinq's Orch 9:45 p.m.
DIAL 1500