Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 22, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Hess Honored
At Charming Reception and Garden
Party at Stewart Home Wednesday
Dr. urn) Mih, IS. II. Stcwurl outer
lahiffil nt tho lui'KOHt uocltil affair
of Hits Huasnii ai their bimutlful
now homo "KIrliavjen," lit Lam el
wood, WednnHtlay evening, wlinn
limy invited over two-hundred
frirudB to a charming reception
likI pnrden party to honor Dr. and
.Mih. O. II. HfSH.
IlniuiuetH of liydrangoriH and 11
variety of mixed summer IiIokhoimh
were attractively arranged ahout
Hie ApaciniiK rooms of the home,
.hiln the heuutiful garden was
lighted by numerous flood lifthtK
iiml n fire In the large outdoor flro
j.l.ifM on the riverhank.
Tlw fiuentti railed nt the Stewart
homo between the hours of fight
and ten o'clock and wore received
hy Dr. and Mrs. Stewart and Dr.
and Mih. Hens.
The friends railing especially en
joyed the lovely water-color paint
ing of the Stewart garden, painted
hy AlrH. T. (i. WatHon, HoHehurg ar
IfHt. Mrs. Theodore Alliums, play
ing piano solos, and Mrs. Vera Me
Clintotlt Jones, singing a number
of KelcctioriK, added to the enjoy
ment of the guests during the re
ception hours.
Mrs. Paul Jenkins assisted ahout
Din rooms and Mrs. Frederick J.
Porter had charge of the guest
hook. The two punch tuhles were
arranged In the garden and were
presided over hy Mrs. K. K. Kenny
and Mrs. T. fJ. Watson, who were
assisted hy Miss Meredith Anne
Jenkins, Miss Jane Hoffman, Miss
Patricia .McClintock and Miss
Nancy McClintock. Mrs. Watson's
table was covered hy pink tarleton
cloth, caught in folds along the
sides hy green ribbon bows, and
centered with a howl of lilies and
white summer flowers and en
circled by white bunny rabbits.
Mrs. Kenny's table, covered by a
green tarleton cloth, with npricot
colored bowls, held circles of ivy
and marigolds, with white bird
(lunula invited to enjoy the oc
casion with Dr. and Mrs. Stewart
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Hess in
cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Al
liums, Dr. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Y. Allison. Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Hashford. Mr. and Mrs.
William Anderson. Miss N. Jean
nle Uuick. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. ltu
sen bark, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Itusen
hark, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Busen
bark. Miss Kathryn nusenbark, Mr.
and Mrs. It. IX Bridges. Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. H. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. llnr
rle W. Booth, Mrs. J. F Barker,
Mis. Broadway, Mr. and Mrs. U. It.
Brand, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brand,
Dr. and Airs. D. B. Bubar. Mr. and
Mrs. 10. A. Britton. Mrs. George M.
Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bailey, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Berg nnd daughters.
Anna hollo and Clarabelle, Mr. nnd
Mrs. O. M. Berrie, .Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Brown. Mrs. Arthur Baum.
Judge and Mrs. M. C. Bowker, Mrs.
F. H. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Stew
art Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
Caskey. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Coen.
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Coen. Dr. and
Mrs. II. C. Church, Mr. nnd Mrs. F.
1 Crittenden. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A.
Cliamberlin. Attorney and Mrs. tluy
Cordon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cms-t(-ns,
Mrs. B. Casey. Miss Helen
Casey, I). K. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Frede
rick Chapman. Jr.. Mrs. Arthur j
Clarke, Charles Curry and the
A wedding of great interest to
Ibelr many friends here, took place
Sunday. June Kith, in Eugene,
when Robert Boyd, of that city, j
and Marie Walker, or San Fran-
cisco, were married at three o'
clock nt the home of the bride
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
It. Boyd. Rev. Mr. Cook, pastor
of Ibe First Christian church of
Eugene, performed the ceremony
fu the presence of about thirty
live relatives nnd close friends.
Shades of blue delphiniums nnd
lilies formed a beautiful setting
for the ceremony. Preceding the
wedding. Don Childers. of Eugene,
snug, "I Love You Truly." The
wedding music was played by Bill
Wharton, of Roseburg.
Tho bride, beautiful in a white
lint lnce gown over taffeta with
finger tip veil and a shower bou
quet of sweetpeas and gardenias,
was given In marriage by her broth
er, Leonnrd Walker, of San Fran
cisco. Mrs. Leonard Duncan, mat
ron of honor, wore blue net over
taffeta and carried a nosegay of
sweetpeas and rosebuds, and Miss
Dlnne Duncan, of San Francisco,
woro burgundy net over taffeta
nnd carried a nosegay matching
tho nintrnn of honor's. Donald
Boyd, brother of the bridegroom,
acted as best man. and Wayne
Boyd, youngest brother of the
hrldegroom was usher. The wed-,
ding guests wera received by Mrs.
William t'nrath. of Roseburg, a
sifter of the bridegroom. 1
A reception followed, at which j
time the bride the beautiful'
three-tiered wedding cake topped!
by a miniature bride and bride
groom. The cake was decorated In ;
pink and white. Mrs. Mahle Camp-;
bell and daughter, Virginia, and j
Mrs. Lyle Lindley, of Eugene, as
sisted in serving.
For traveling the bride chose an
ensemble of brown and whlto with
matching accessories and a cor
sage of gardenias. Following a
honeymoon at coast points, Mr.1
and Mrs. Boyd will return to Eu
gene to make their home. I
Out-oMown guests attending the
wedding besides In the bridal party
Included the bride's mother, Mrs. j
Guy Jeter, of San Francisco; heri
grandmother, Mrs. Dyer, of Rosa-
Misses Curry, Dr. Daniel Calvin,
Dr. Louis Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Ned
Dixon, Mr. unit Mrs. Harris Klls
worth. Miss Minnie Kastiuan, Mr.
nnd Mrs. L. K. Fles, Mrs. C. IX
Fles and daughter, K lea nor. Dr.
and Mrs. O. C. Fin lay. Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Fullerton, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
A. Fulcher, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Fisher. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will H. Cer
retsen, Mr. and Mrs. AI flreer, Mrs.
Alvfn (ierlack, of San . Francisco,
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge (Under, Mr.
and Mrs. Nohel Coetlel. Mr. and
Mrs. I,. R. Good bourn, Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Gorthy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
(iodell, Mr. and Mrs. Washington
Hughes, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. B. Hump
ton, Miss Jane Hoffman, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Helweg. Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Hartlt, Mr. und Mrs. Chester
II ere her, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hard
ing, Mrs. Mary F. Harding, Dr. and
Mrs. George E. Houck, Mr. and
Mrs. IX W. Helllwell, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hildehurn, Mr. and .Mrs.
Paul Jenkins, Miss Meredith Anne
Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Josse,
Mrs. Vera McClintock Jones, Dr.
and Mrs. A. N. Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. James 15. Judd, Dr. and Mrs.
Clarence Jump. Mr. and Mrs. K. It.
Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G.
Kohlhngen, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth
W. Kinney, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred
Iockwood, Mrs. Edgar Lewis, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. IJlhtirn, Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Marstern, Judge and Mrs. It. W.
Marsters. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Mc
Cluin. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mor
gan, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. McClin
tock and daughters, Patricia and
Nancy. Mr. und Mrs. W. J. Mess
and daughter, Lucia, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. McClintock. Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Mlcelll, Mrs. H. L. McHenry,
of Portland, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur
H. Mountford, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Ness, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Ott, At
torney and Mrs. A. N, Orcutt, Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Osborn, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs.
(it) Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Pickens, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marshall
Pengra, M r, nnd M rs. Harry
Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Palm,
Miss Rosa B. nnd E. L. Parrott, Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter, Mr,
and Mrs. H. IX Quine, Mr. and Mrs.
M. K. Rilter, Attorney nnd Mrs. I.
B. Riddle, Attorney and Mrs. Dex
ter Rice, Mrs. M. F. Rice, Mr. and
Airs. Leonard Riley. Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. L.
W. Ruhl nnd daughter, Ruth Ann,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ralsh. Rev.
and Mrs. Perry Smith, Mrs. El ma
Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Star
mer, Mr. and Mrs. George Sewell,
Mrs. H. H. Stapieton, Dr. and Mrs.
B. It. Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Stewatt, Mr. nnd Mrs. G.
N. Sheldon, Dr. and Mrs. H. A.
Single, Mrs. Paul Trueblood, of
Moscow, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Taylor, Colonel and Mrs. E. F.
Tandy, Dr. and Mis. E. B. Van
Ness, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells, Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. R. Whnrton and son,
Bill. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wharton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wharton, Dr.
and Mrs. C. W. Wnde, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Wilder, Mr. nnd Mrs. G.
V. Wimberly, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. G.
Watson, Dr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Waln
scott, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wil
liams, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whipple,
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wimberly.
Judge and Mrs. Carl E. Wimberly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wardlow, Mr.
and Mrs. E. It. Walton, Mr. and
Mrs. It. D. Williams and Hr. and
Mrs. Mark L. Underwood.
burg, Mrs. William T'nrath and
Bill Wharton, of Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are both well
known here, having attended the
local high school. Mrs. Boyd went
to San Francisco from Roseburg
and for the last year has been em
ployed by the Metropolitan Lire
Insurance company in that city.
Mr. Boyd attended University of
Oregon in Eugene and is now em
ployed there hy the Standard Oil
The Jolly Neighbors club met
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Homer Stricklfng. Games
were played nnd refreshments were
served by Mrs. Strickting. assisted
by Mrs. Bert Matthews, to Mrs.
Charles Waer, Mrs. George Ham
mer, Mrs. John Meissner, Mrs.
Charles Walker, Mrs, Clyde Brown,
Mrs. N. J. Smith and Mrs. E. Km
mitt. PotUwatomie
The Pottawatomie Camp Fire
group enjoyed a bicycle trip to the
Country club Saturday, where a
swimming party was followed by
a picnic lunch. Those present
were Mardel Greene. Louise Mor
rison, Ethel Fretwell, Mlsa El
eanor Fles. guardian, Elaine Rho
den. Cleo Noj-er and DorU Moran.
The group held a short meeting
Tuesday to make plans for tho
summer months. It was decided
to hold a social hour at every
meeting. Members present were,
f. leo Noyer, Elaine Rhoden, Ethel
Fretwell. Mlsa Fies. guardian, and
Mr. Gardiner, assistant guardian.
Thir week the group met at the
home of the guardian. Miss Fies,
with the following members pres
ent. Carol Kerr, Ethel Van Voorst,
end Etbel Fretwell. The group
will meet next Monday, June 24.
at two o'clock at the borne of
Ethel Fretwell at 1271 1'
1 h rv r
fit allliW'
Nws-ltfiVicw I'iioio and KngiiivhiK
Uffl to right:' Bi tty Mao Whipple, Mrs. Perry Tlilele, Mrs. Norman Hess, Mrs. Fletcher Gardner, Mrs.
Cordon Stewart, Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Mrs. Ralph Hnrman. Mrs. William I'nraih, Mrs. Paul SniMh.
A largo and enjoyable affair of
the week was tho Junior woman's
club Installation of new officers
Monday night nt the club house, at
which time the Woman's club mem
bers, mothers of members nnd the
Sub-Deb group w ere special guests.
Greenery, summer flowers and
lighted candles were used to carry
out a beautiful decorative motif for
the impressive ceremony. Mrs. I.
M. Dunn, past president, acted as
Installing officer and installed the
following new officers: President,
Mrs. Gordon Stewnrt; first vice
president, Mrs. Paul Smith; second
vice-president, Mrs. William U11-!
rath: secretary, Mrs. Ralph Her
man; treasurer. Miss Betty Shoe
maker; sergeant-at-nrnis, Mrs.
Fletcher Gardner; director for two
years, Mrs. Norman Hess; director
for one year, Mrs. Perry Thiele.
and new contact chairman, Mrs. G.
V. Wimberly. The retiring officers
Include: Miss Verla McLaughlin,
who received the past president's
pin presented by Mrs. Stewart, fol
lowed by a special solo hy MIsb
Betty MarBters, accompanied by
Miss Faith Young; first vice-presi
I A vory chnrinlnK ovont or tlie
week was the seven o'elwk salmi
Ibar bridge party given bv Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Parpeter and Mr. anil
Mrs. (ieorne Wharton Thursday
oveninR nt the beautiful Parpeter
liome on Claire street. The pnrty
,lwas one of a series of delightful
affnlrs to be piven by the Par-
geters and Whartons tilts season.
The salad bar table was center
ed with a bowl of pastel-colored
hydrangeas and tall lighted tapers,
while beautiful bouquets of mix
ed summer blossoms were used
about the rooms. The serving ta
bles were arranged on the' terrace
and In the attractive garden of
(the home. The garden, which is
one of the most beautiful In this
'city, was especially lovely for the
occasion, being lighted by colored
lights. Tho punch table, which
was placed In the garden, was
covered by a blue nnd yellow
checked cloth with the ilecorn-
, tlons carrying out the same color
j Mrs. Pargeter and Mrs. Whar
,lon were assisted by Mrs. Mroad
.way. Mrs. Kdvthe (illmour and
Miss Virginia Otlmniir.
Covets were placed for Hr. nnd
Mis. Clair K. Allen. Mr. and Mrs.
O. M. Herrie. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy
Tlellows. Mrs. Arthur V. llnnm.
Mr. and Mis. J. A. Hurtling. Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Jenkins. Dr. and
Mrs. Arthur H. Mountford, Mr.
and Mrs. U E. McClintock, Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Robinson, Mrs.
II. H. Stapieton, Dr. and Mrs. M.
A. Single, Col. and Mrs. 10. F.
Tandy, Dr. anil Mrs. v.. H. w anc,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Waddell, Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. V. Wharton, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Wilder nnd Dr. and
Mrs. Mark 1. Uunderwood.
Contract bridge waa enjoyed
.Imliip- ihn iileasnnt evening hours
-win Mrs. Mountford winning the
ladles high score prize anil nr.
Underwood the men's high score
Roseburg Bethel No. S of Job's
Daughters Invites the public to en
joy Its installation of new officers
at 7: 15 o'clock next Tuesday even
ing. June 25th. to be held at the
Musonlc temple. Tho installation
ceremony Is one of the most beau
tiful and impressive to be held by
the Bethel.
The installation ceremony will
close tho Bethel meetings until
September. New officers to be
Installed Include: Queen. Carolyn
Cordon: senior princess. Bette
Owen: Junior princess, Athnlle Tay
lor: guide. Patricia McClintock:
marshal, Marian Church: chaplain,
Patricia Glenn: librarian, Doris
Chapter: musician. Joanne Hume;
recorder. Florence Hamilton; trens-
Ceremony Is Held
dent, Mrs. L. C. Latham; second
vice-president, Mrs. Adrian Bowen;
secretary, Mrs. Ralph Herman;
treasurer. Miss Betty Shoemaker;
sergeant-at-nrms, Mrs. Sidney Dom
enico; director for one year. Mrs.
Edwin Gardner: director for two
years, Mrs. Reginald Erskine. and
contact chnitnian, Mrs. Waller
Fisher. Special music was played
during the ceremony by Miss
Mrs. Dunn presented nosegays to
the officers during the ceremony.
Decorations for the afrair were in
charge of Mrs. L. C. Latham with
Mrs. Jack Chapman as general
chairman and Mrs. C. E. Smith as
refreshment chairman.
The Sub-Deb group officers were
officially made a unit of the Jun
ior Womun's club nnd the officers
of the group include: Betty Mae
Whipple, president; Barbara Gard
wood, vice-president; Doris Abeel,
secretary; Carmen Abeel, treas
urer; Freda Barker, scribe; Marga
ret Cordon, sergeant-at-arms and
Mrs. Gordon Stewnrt, advisor.
Tho refreshments were served
from a lace-covered buffet table
urer, Margaret Cordon: scribe,
Betty Marsters: fifth messenger,
Putricia Quine; fourth messenger,
lola Brunner: third messenger,
Ruth Ann Ruhl; second messenger,
Carmen Alloc!; first messenger,
Klaine Fell; senior custodian, Bar
bara Garwood; Junior custodian,
Evelyn Wiley; Inner guard, Bar
bara Coleman; outer guard. Betty
Pattison: custodian of lights, Illldc
garde Rosolund; soloist, Betty
A very interesting and enter
taining meeting was held by the
Roseburg local of tho National
Federation ".of Federal Employees
last Friday evening at the Episco
pal parish 'house.
Plans were completed for the
annual picnic to he held on June
29 nt Dodge Inn, south of Rose
burg. Coffee and lemonade will
be furnished by the local. A prize
and fortune telling will be fea
tures of the afternoon, it was an
The picnic grounds and beach
have been reserved for the exclu
sive use of members of the local
and their families and friends, and
a most cordial invitation is extend
ed to federal employees in this
area to attend.
MrB. Arthur Hudnell and her
daughter, Mrs. Floyd Althaus, en
tertafned at a charming one-thirty
o'clock dessert-luncheon nnd bridge
party at their home on Rose street
Covers were placed at beautiful,
ly appointed serving tables for
Mrs. U. 11. Motzgor, Mrs. J. Karl
Pickens, Mrs. Grant Oshnrn, Mrs.
Willis livers. Mrs. C. W. Clark.
Mrs. C. W. Dlshinan. Mrs. K. J.
Brown. Mrs. Charles Heulv. Mrs. A.
II. Perrin and Mrs; V. R. Hallcrart.
Contract bridge was enjoyed dur
ing the nfternonn with Mrs. Metz
ger winning the high score nnd the
traveling prize nnd with Mrs. Dish
man winning the second high
score prize.
All Methodists have been invit
ed to enjoy a ft:, in o'clocit pollucl:
supper next Monday even'ng at
the church parlors lo honor Dr.
and Mrs. Juis Magln, wn.i are
leaving soon for New York Ci. to
Innke thefr home.
Let us give you a feed business! It's
a good feed business, too, and it
won't cost you a cent extra. Just
buy .your feed here and let the
profits buy the business for you.
Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch.
3 -
centered vllh a bowl nf yellow and
charleuse. colored flowers and
matching tapers.
Guests of the evening included
Mrs. G. V, Wimberly, new contact
chairman of the club. Mrs. T. (i
WatHon. Mrs. R. B. Sipprell, Mrs.
James Smith, .Mrs. Elmer Pierce,
Mrs. George Frew, Mrs. Quincy
Brown, Mrs. It. W. Marsters, Mrs.
V. F. McLaughlin. Mrs. R. I..
Whipple, Miss Meredith Anne
Jenkins, Miss Jane Hodman and
Miss Eugenia Virden ; Sub-Deb
members. Miss Betty Mae Whipple,
Miss Faith Young. .Miss Freda Bar
ker, Miss Dorothy Crumiuett. Miss
Betty Marsters and Mss Roberta
Edwards; club members. Miss Ver
la McLuurJilin, Mrs. Gordon Slew
art. Miss Eleanor Fles, Mrs. I. M.
Dunn. Mrs. Charles Ostrandnr, Mrs.
Perry Thiele, Mrs. Norman Hess.
Mrs. C. E. Smith, Mrs. Fletcher
Gardner, Mrs. Kenneth Milter, of
Oakland. Mrs. Adrian Bowen, Mrs.
Ralph Herman, Mrs. Paul Smith,
Mrs. Sidney Domenlco, Mrs. L. C.
Latham, Mrs. William i'nnith, Mrs.
Edwin Gardner and Mrs. Jack
The members of tile Roseburg
Rotary club atid their ladies en
joyed a very lovely seven o'clock
no-host dinner parly Thursday eve
ning at the attractive summer place
ol the I'nratli family uu the North
I'mpquu river.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Willtam Adair, Mr. and MrB.
H. W. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Slnnlger, .Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. llarri4 Ells
worth. .Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Hamil
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Story lies, Mr.
n till Mrs. II. R. Miidilox. Mr. anil
Mis. V. J. Mlcelll. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1.
Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Orr
Altornev and Mrs. Dexter Hire.
Mr. anil Mis. John William Hubert
son, Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. ltunyan.
Mr. ami Mrs. S. .1. Shoemaker. Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Wiley. Mr. and Mis.
Ernest I'nratli. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam I'nrath. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Dlinschi id. Mr. and Mrs. Saar. Miss
Elsln Wcllslein. Miss Margaret
Page and C. M. Page.
Mimic and visiting were enjoved
during Ibe social hour, following
the dinner. j
Mrs. W. A. Davis was a most grn
'Ioua hostess last Tuesday after
noon when she entertained the
members of the Greens Study club
at her home in Happy Valley.
The altcrnoon was pleasantly
sjicnl in sewing anil visiting. At
the tea hour a delicious luncheon
waa enjoyed by the following la
dles: Mis. Gen. Holm. Mrs. Joseph
Porter. Mrs. Cecil Kessler, Mrs.
Ivan Lander, Mrs. Claude I'ark
luirsl. Mrs. Millard, Mrs. Carl
Schmidt. Mrs. John Hess. Miss
Kvnlavo KesHler. Miss lla Mae Da
vis and Miss Martha Davis.
The next meeting will lie on
July 2, the meeting place to be an
niiuuceil later.
"The Bible's
Answer to Some
Often Asked
Sunday, June 23
8:00 P. M.
St. Paul's Lutheran
Mrs. Clydo Cnrsteus very gra
ciously entertained her bridge
hit) at a delightful eight o'clock
dessert-supper Monday evening at
her home in Ijuirclwood. Pink and
white carnations were used to
cai'rv cut an utlrnciivn decorative
mot if.
CoerH were placed for Mrs. II.1
- Berg and Mrs. It. R. Maddux,
cuests. and Mrs. Clyde Fulleriim, 1
Mrs. Louis I'lilb'i'iou... Mrs. Leslie 1
Cummlur.H, Mrs. .!. B. lien-I
nessy, Mrs. Adrian Fisher and ibe
hostess, Mrs. Carstonn.
Contract bridge was ibe diver
sion of (he pleasant evening hours
with score prizes going to Mrs.
Maddox. Mrs. Ilsher and Mrs.
Clyde Fullerton.
At a fpiier ceremony Sunday
morning in the parson ago or the
Firm Christian church. Miss Mil-
rlred llebard. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. II. F. llebard. became the
bride, of John M. Hudson, of Rose-
Mrs. R. C. Byrd, of Grants Pass,
sinter f the bride, was her only
attendant, while Franklin Hodsnu
acted as best man for his brother.
The impressive eoromonv was
performed hy Rev. John A. Barney
hi the presence of the 'mmedialo
families of tho couple. A wedding
breakfast followed the ceremony
at. the home of tho bride's parents
In lTmp(ua.
The Yonntr Married People's
class of the First Christian church
-enjoyed a delightful picnic supper
and garden parly at the Charles
V. Stanton home Thursday ovo
ufii!;. Those enjoying the occasion In- Ifi.i- nnd Ali-u John A
I Barney, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
jliamm, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wint
er, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ogle. Mr.
jam! Mrs. D. E. Fnltz. Mr. and Mrs.
il'aul MeGowan, Mrs. Royd Brit
ton, Mrs. E. J. Schrimpf, Mrs.
Hampton and Charles V. Stanton,
Stock and Bond
Compiled by The Associated Press
June 22:
20 10 1(1 10
Hit's Ind'ls I'fs Fgn.
M.I) 1(11.2 ! ,'17.3
....62.8 KIO.S 114.0 :i7.4
...4S.S IIII.2 111.0 38.1
...r7.2 HlO.:t 911.4 01.0
.....w.n !i7.r r.3.r
....I8.:l 98.9 90.3 35.1
3" 15 15 00
Ind'ls Hit's I't's Sl'ks
5S.1 J5.0 34.2 41.1
.. 5S.0 lfi.0 33.9 41.1
.51.2 13.5 31.3 3S.1
....1(7.0 ISO 37.4 47.4
...71.2 20.5 40.(1 52.2
...52.3 13.0 30.11 37.0
I'rev. day .
Mouth bko
Year ayo ...
HMO high :
l!HO low ...
I'rcv. day .
Month ago
Year ago ...
lain high .
HI III low ...
HOW'S Yni'R ROt) F ? See
Pago's for cedar shingles, nsphnll j
shingles, roll roofing and roof coat
incs. (Adv )
suuflufin STELunnT
ZCA 1 V, it' : I I 2-3:30-7-9 P. M.
win. iSta WVI s-""
Joseph Schildkraut
Lost Times Today
Dahlias Given to Office A
beautiful bouquet nf red dahlias
was presented to tho News-Review
office this morning hy Mrs.
W. It. Scott.
Motidcjy - Tuesday
A Grand Comedy Program
Shows 2-3:30-7-9 P. M. i
Gene Autry Geo. O'Brien
Serenade" Bullet Code"
Sparkling With the Zest of Laughter!
m " IV V UlttBSAM
- Spencer Tracy "Edison the Man
Visiting Here Mrs. Ruth Hor
man nnd daughter, Miss Martha,
of Sulem, are In It one burg visiting
at the homo of the former's sis
ter, Mm. Arthur Clarke.
...the m
Deacon's in
town! He can 4
fill an "inside
straight even when f
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