TWO SCDCDETHY Social Caltndar Sunday, Junt 21 Itnschurg Counlry club members invited lu enjoy mixed tonrnutiieni nl I wo o'clock III Clllbh'lUSe, fol loweil by a politick U"'i at -lb- llOUSC. Monday, Juie 24 Methodism Id cnlcrtnln at six thirty pnllurk siippcrnl church par lors honoring Rev. nnd -Mrs. UmiIk Mnuin. who n i v moving In N.V.C. Dr. II. I,. dunn's iiini-ileimiii Irut I Jon ii I llllili! study class In meel ii! 7:45 o'clock In evening nl Douglas Intel dining hull lo study "The Kour Horseman or the Aimralypse." Rev. sixth chanter. I'lihlle Invited. N. ol W. Thimble rlub to meel I" uNernnoli ill home uf Mrs. Clar ence lllrhlnn l Siilllli Stephen. street. Tuesday, June 25 " liosehuri; Hchekiih lodge No. 11 III meet. Ill S o'clock In evening l I.O.I I K hull. Public Invited III Job's llaugll tern llisliilliitlon of new iiflliern nl 7:15 In evening ill Mnsonlr ti'iii pic. II.KO. club to meet ill 1:30 lunctipnn ill home of Mrs. C. W. Owen nl 21s IllcH mrect. K. S. club m meet In afternoon lit home of Mm. II. V. .Melssncr nl 122 I'nrrett ntveel. Wednesday, June 28 W.C.T.C. lo observe Temporunrii nni I MIhhIoii (Iiiv Willi Inleiemlim proHrnin lit 2::in ill ( CllllM II. llll.'nimiiuj n. t" Himeliui nnil vlchiliy emieclnlly lllvlleil. Speclnl pniurnm. New lileii club one o'clock lunch eon mill lint ineetlin; of annum nl home nC plesiilellt, Mm. C. K. MnrkK. IliiiriliiH mill of I'lo Aineilcn pic nic Blipper Mir in. ,., ,,,,.,.,. n...i iMviio.i r.i.m.U ,t )l:M In eve ...... : . ""K. .K- K""1'" i Klllll Htreet. St. JoHcph's Allur widely to Hpnn nor cnlelerlii dinner Ironi II n. m. ti two p. in. nl ptirltfh bull. I'uhllc Invllcil. Mm K. Iiolun. cliiilnniin. llBSlBleil by Mm. (leorne llnillliler. Mm. Kiln Wuwlllim. .Mm. l-iicy .Icnnluim, .Mm. Knyetie l.unuen tins. Mm. John McClenienl. Mm. Fred' IUl"ii,i,n. Mm. M in y 'nyp..t: '"s Mm. Wllllnn. S.lewiK nnd Mm. H. KUW. Jif.o, Ibiiid. Mis. Uo, ..i .., . '.; u- ..I n l.ull r' .. i,.l ,,.nL.,,.i.' Itetresb-I nienls. I Thursday, June 27 Counlry in ladles to continue , handicap t'df Inurlluiuclll w"n ; DELIGHTFUL DINNER PARTY first fllglium teeing oil at K:trr ln , liuirnlnu: second IHuhlem at !i:b"i .Mrs. lrvln Mriinn, or tills city, mid third 1'liuhlers nl !l : Ifi. I'm- nnil her daughter. Miss Shirley luck luncheon at ll!::tu and cnn-Mao. who is u student mime lit tract bridge play ill l::ln o'clock. Tim Dalles hospital, entertained at I.mlv KII'S closing meeting or;,, ,-harinlng dlnner-pnliy nl Suther Heason In bo held ut S i clni k In : Wednesday evening, evening at temple. All ldy Klli .,,,. W(,n, ,,,,.,.,, , ,.. Inv liM lo attend an. are prUlleg w to invlle a IHelld. I''' '"': (leorge Wharton. Mm. M. llZ,d plays. ; "r"yll,m ghler. Miss llellv- by Mm. henneth Quli.e and Mm. h. i um (. (. T)i)(n Rml ilimsh H,w"-. Il-n-ni nssoclalion lo '"'- . Clnlre .,. Alvlu W,,h- meet two o click In aflenioon . " " dam r. Miss Helen. nl Mnccnbc, bull. jMr- D. N., I iisenbark nnd dangli- Friday, June 28 ",r- ,M,M" Kalhryn. Mrs. A. .1. Florunrii Nlgllllllgnle lent No. 15. tlcddes und dilllghlcr. Miss .lean. Daughters irf 1'lllou Vi leians or (he! Mm. Ilov (niching ami diiugbler. Civil War to meet at 7:;l" in eve ! Miss Helen Marie. Mrs. Kilylli (III ulng at niinory. inuur nnd dtiilgbler. Miss Virginia, Saturday, Jun. 29 Miss Mury Fllcn Darby. .Mrs. D. It. Woman's club service shop open! MncKlllnp, or Long llcach. Cnlir.. nil day upslnlm In clllblnuse op-1 Miss Agnes Pllchlnrd. Miss Fi nn ki. He Hunt's Indian Ihcalre. ces M'.lsger und Mrs. Ilrunn and Federal Kiuployees In enjov an-! daughter, Miss Shirley Mne. nmil picnic at Dod'e Inn. sniilb ol'j Visiting was eujineil following Kosehum. All Federal employees; tMP .tin - hour. Miss Hiunii nr In this area Invllml lo attend. rlvf.l here last Monday lo spend , . 'lie week vacationing and vlslilug CIRCLE NO. 3 HAS ; ,, mother. ENJOYABLE MEETING I ' m m ON THURSDAY THIMBLE CLUB IS Circle No, ;l of Hie Rosehurg ENTERTAINED MONDAY llnpllst Women's society held a i BY MRS. C. HOOPER vi ry Interesllng meellng Thursdsy j ariernonli ill the church purlins. I -Mrs- "111 lull Hooper eliterluiued at which lime Hie circle null! was " N- W. Tblmble club Mun tied and Mrs. N. M. Nelson, chair-'''ay ulternoon ut the biiuie of .Mih. mull, and Mrs. William Mcllee act- , ,'''"1 ' Crenshaw on Wesl IKiug ed ns lolnl hostesses. I 'as sli eel. Airs. 11. W. Tnylor. Following Ibe business meet Ing ! president, rnuductrd I lie luisiucss n social hour was enjoyed anil ' meeting, utter which a garden .Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. McKce scrv- party "lis niijeyed and games, I is- tit lovely refreshments to Mrs. C. I. Snoddy, Mrs. AtiKiist Hehloe nian. Mrs. Albert 1 ,011. Mm. i W. Flnlav. Mrs. A. S. Itoser. Mrs. I KohlhaKen Hr., and Mrs. 11. II. In livr. The July mcetfntr of the chclf ill be announced later. ALTAR SOCIETY HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY AFTERNOON HI. Joseph' Altar society inel Thursday al the parish hall to make plana for a cafeteria dfniier lo be nerved next Wednesday 11 1 Ibe hull from eleven in iun ni lock, to which the public is invited lo al lend. .Mm. William HilewU acted as hostess and assisted bv Mm. F, I'l lucen nnd Mm. W Ospald net v- ed delicious relreshmeuls at (he close of the mt elini:. The uet regular meeiinu will be I. . I of Mrs. Lot en Miller at Dillard. F. S. CLUB TO HOLD MEETING NEXT TUESDAY The F. S. club wilt meet next Ti.i sday ulternoon at Ihe home of Mrs. It. W. Melssner at IX' North Mon is M. Iloarh. Mm. Mark I.. I n-j 1 ici ti udo Ahrend. a Miest. Mrs. I'anott street. ;i)erwood. Mrs lieitree M, Ihown. Dave Meyers. Mrs. Chauneey 1 The eluh was enlertained last .Mm. t;. Wnklam. Mrs. II. S, Nl-Dnnn. Mis. Henry Fmklne. Mrs. Tim sday by Mrs C. II. Wickham rhols. Mm. F.ininn l.eno. Miss; Harry l.ohr. Mrs. C. W. Dwell, al her home on Mill ntreet. Sew 1 Maritarel Clapp. Mia. tieorne Sew- .Mrs. Lawrence Krouel, Mrs. Chu lug and vlslihm were eniyed im- ell. Mrs. . A Itellows, Miss Marylcme Dislimtn. Mm. Vtmtnia Ml Ihe tea hour, when Mrs. Wie.t- Mellows. Judy. Houtilo and Jim- Campbell, Mrs. Clifton Hooper, hit ni served delleleus refrehmeuH tnie Dellowri, Hob and Morns j Mrs. Myrtle Norwood. Mrs l'eicy tu Mrs. Kinmn Hot-nn k. of Se'tb. Iloaeh. Mrs Ida Hailev. Mm K S. 1 Myem. Mrs Lee Houuehell and a Rtiest. and M Hurry F. Hall and sou. Sieptietl. and Mrs. Hie hostess. Mrs. Medlll. MeM. lrs. II. Cbapmatt. Mis. Frederick J. I'orter. I Fle bundled was en wyed dur T. W, Tt'O'in'-'O"- Mr. F.i-I II; -V- V bort -oi.iil time lollot'l thel'ne o nHe'-neo" Hb Mrs Uoun 'tr. Mm. I( . Mrtfiter, Mrs. .1 Ihincbvon hour. The Aid wdj not shell md Mrs. Ahrend w tuning the j'. II)'id and Mr. II. T. Uloom. imel until Scpuinbei. twu infill ncoie. By. LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER J ! Miss Meredith Anne Jenkins Is Complimented at Charming Shower Party Given on Friday evening Miss Meredith A lint; Jenkins, at tractive, daughter of Air. and Mr, ('mil Jenkins, wan I lie Inspiration for one uf the largest uimI loveliest shower pariles of the season, when Mm. It. L. Whipple find her daugh ter, Mm. (iordnii Stewart, enter tained Friday vhiiIiik lit IIih love ly Whipple home on F.nst Douglas I reel. Lluhoralo decorations were ar ra lined for t tin pa i t y hy I ho live of gorgeous bouquets and baskets flllml. wllh tumbler roues, ihdphin miiiih auti wna put a conn, a iniiim- ture ueddiiiK parly graced the fir place mantle, which was reflected by an oval mirror at the back o the llmu hie. Tin burfet (able, overed hy an exquisile lace hundmado cloth, wan centered hy two caken molded In the Hhape of wetldinw hellH and taxl- eiicd louelher with a 1 1 oral nrny, of Madona IllleH. On the top ' the bell eakex were the rninie.i of .Mi mi .lenklnn and her liance. Kn nln Clark l.eedy. Kuclrclltm the liell-eakfH wr tdntrle rows of pinli (tweetpMiiH and at the lour coniom of the centei piece were four amall IiowIh of pink sweelpeati. Tim In ll-i'ukeii conlained tiuy fortune ciinla Hinl favoi'H (or I ho kuchIm. Mllle Kaiy :)en Kukmlrf, ilaiiKhier ol Mr. and Mi-h. Jack Suliaduif. iire.iei'ited beautiful or.miT' lo Minn Jeiiklim, lolloviil by Jnnnlci. Whipple ihiuKbier f mj, mi! ittiiniNk maun, ai hiiimi lime Januice Kuye Henbesl, daiiKh-l mi- nr i- mill viin i h' r..niit i l 01 mi. anil .mih. j. h. iieiiuesi. ind Jimmy Whipple, hoii of Mr. and dm. ihmli Whipple, dressed as a . . . ,,.,.le,l "'" . ... . ... ' V !T Mir manv iieaiti ll hhih to (lie an .1 honor. The Kllln we, a laiRH bHsket on wheels, decorated to represent a ship. Goods Invlled by Mm. Whipple and Mm. Slewart to enjoy the af fair honoring MIsh Jenkins includ ed: .Mrs. t'aul Jenkins, Mrs. J. C. Leedy, ol I bonks. Ore.; Mrs. (I. It. llaten tmd ilaimhler. Miss Dorothy nicis Nelson, of (llendale Mm. Ken- Ill Pickens, of Kllimalh Fulls Ml.s Miidljn Slcuilis and Missnavy MRS. IRVIN BRUNN AND DAUGHTER ENTERTAIN AT lllug ami sewing look place durii.g tile social h.Mlls. Dalnlv retreslimenls were ser.' jed liy Mrs. Hooper, assisted hy ( Mrs. crenwliaw lo Mrs. ,1. T. Mill ii'r, .Mis. I'oi-ii Dourle, Mrs. : lloiinshell. Mm. Hertillde Allreilil, .Mis, Clarence Dislnu.-,,,, Mrs. I'li.yd .Mil, mis. Mrs. Anhur llu.l- ,uell. Mis. C. W. llweu. M llarr.T , Lobr. Mrs , Mrs. II. W 1 , ,1 , """ lujioi. The aitentooitR cune mie wa awanbil to Mm. l.ohr The club,,.... 1 .il.ii..;.. ' .... will be entertained Monday. Jump 'Jl, ai the home of Mm. ci,n m-p I'iKhmaii on South Stephen si l eel. ' PRESBYTERIAN AID ENJOYS POTLUCK LUNCHEON THURSDAY The last meetine of the season loi Ihe Ladles Aid soctely of Ihe , ... , 11 SI ltesbteilan chuieh was en Joyed Thursday at a one o'clock .poiluck lunch 1 at the church pari"!'. - Covers fie placed for Mr. W. M. Chalmers, nreniileni: Miss Josephine Neal and Mis Helen 'Carlson, ot I'oitlHnd. Mr. and Mrs. ROSEBURG Joyce Hilda's, of (Jukland; Mm. 8. G. Selleck. of Kuijene; M IB. Har ris KIlKworth, Mm, O. M. lien. .Mm. T. (i, WalHon. Mm. HarrlHon Win Klon. MIkb Hetty Shoemaker. .Mm. (I. V. Wlmberly. Mrn. J. It. Whar ton. Mm. Will II. (ierretnen, Mm. Kenneth W. Kimu-y. MImh Jane Ilollinai!, Mm. Jack rhapman, Mm. I). II. Lenox. Mm. J. I:. IlenbejU and diimibier. .lannice Kaye. Mm.' .iHi-lc snlfiiinr uml daiichter. Karyi'he and Mm. Uiwrence oooo Kllen. Mm. I'erry Smith. Mm. A J. (icddcK and dutiKlilnr, .Mlait Jean, n,. ...... iii(.b irtf i ' Itlllll Mini iiHim"-'. '" ' RUEr.BUHU WOMAN B CLUB Marie and Mian Hulh Ann, Mm. L.,rNj0yS ANNUAL PICNIC W. JuKfu, Mm. U L. Wlmberly. Aj beLL LOG CABIN MIhm Kb-aii'ir Flea, .Mm. I. M. Inniu.j Mm. ItfiKer Hailey, Mim. Waldo) Tho Itottchurx Womnn'H club Campbell. Mm. Curl K. Wlmberly ( held lis uunual picnic and eloxhiK and daughter. MIhb FranceK, Mm. meeting of the year at a delinhtlnl De.xler IMce. .Mm. M. W. Helllwell, one o'clock affair Tuesday at Hie Mia. II. C. narby. .Mm. L. K. Flea, ' Hell Low Cab'.n on the North L'mp MIkh Mary Kllen Darby. MIhh fpiu near tilide. Dorothy (iermond. Mm. Huith Whli l TIiokc enjoyliiK the occuwlon in ple and diiuuhtcr. Januice. ami win.' eluded: Mm. L. A. Vi41s, presl .limmy. MIhb i telly Mae Whipple dent, Mra. Filwanl G. KohlhaKeti. and Mm. Freterlck J. I'oiter. .Mm. M. It. UichardH, Mm. It. H. Imrlntt the social hour the Sippretl. Mm. F. A. Field, Miss uiiestfi einbroidertd Ihelr names on 1 Jennie Jorey. Mm. John William tea loweld. which were preHcnled lo Miss Jenkins. t 'nil..... I.... llm .tiieniiiif of the Am. ,i' 1,'e .n. mow 1, .mih. ii. ., " h K- low. refn" eifarpenler Mm. I.. Kohlhiiscn. Sc.. k wee en l h fet hi i.f . T. O. Watson. Minn Oerliu.le nienlK wi.i ei il " ' " !c,,u m, 11 1; ci,l Mm. Knrl AHMlHiinis .11111. s '' "v" , m." l" M,m e i.,.,.ii,.. i- mhih huh ... " . iinond wil l jannire w m ub nn mih ' , "Nlcctions. Miss Jenkins, wim is on tii u iw- ' . .... . .. ..- memuem oi me jmuih'i U.ln'"il '.on. the local hlxh fcttool ano iHier 1 Slie will liecoine mine 01 .. . , . lOimlan Ulnrk Lcedy, sun of Mr. and Mm. J. '. l.ecdv. of lljooUs. Ore., thin mi er. hi, Bleu l.ei "iy , known here, hav ls IHBO very " .......... ing been limn i . . ... 11, mi scr.nil am ............ nnviil iniidcniy In Ibe June 1H.W class, lie is ut presen s tali . lied II, nil, in. u. iin....... - ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY Tbe iioseburg Ail anil F.nilnV. dery club was dellglillully enler- .... n... i Mill.. i- ill I ii t-t , iy ,,- Wednesday nllernoim lit the iinmo of Mrs. II. Krsklne on Cobb nil :. Gliosis of the uflernoou were Mrs. Krsklne. Mm. Muude Plyler and Hit in owini: mem iters: .Mrs. .1. i. 1 Sle isou. Mrs. William Hailey. Mm- Kllen Cornel. Mr. Glei, Cox.: Mrs. A rale DeWllt, Mis. I.. Ingels, Mrs. Palm. Mrs. Polrol, Mm. K. Rhonils. Mrs. II. F. Snyder. Mrs. Kllie Slubblefleld and tbe hostess. Mm. Miller. Sewmg ami visiuug were eiimv ,,,, annulled the garden parly ed nod Pnllyanua gills were i'vjB ,,, hnn. o( ,! Mnl. .; n. changed. There will he no meet : Sh wnr i I.iuiri'lwimil. iin.;r wliii li lug ol the elnn on .itlly -nil. on ." mini ol the lotirth ol ,vy holiday ( lar meetine will be July ITlh al th" hoine ol Mrs. A. Neal. Al the lea hour Mrs. Miller serv ed delirious reireshmcnls. MISS VIRGINIA WHETZEL HONORED AT KITCHEN SHOWER PARTY THURSDAY Mrs. T. W. Scott and Mrs. Kimiiii Troilb were Joint hosl esses at h ileltMhii'ul kitchen shower parly al the loiuier'K borne Thursday after- noon to compliment ibeir imiml- daiiKhter and nit , Miss Virginia Whetiel. daiiKhter of Mr. ami Mm.; Finest Whetzel. of Myrtle Creek. Hills were presented to Miss Vir- jctniu frmn Mm. Cetie Mills and damihier. Virginia. Mm. Lorella hex liuititmtou. Aim. l-.lla itetzel. ' Mrs. Myrtle Norwood, Mrs. W. M.I Chalmers, Mm. C. Jensen. Mrs. It. Seheiu. Mm. (ieoice Frew. Mrs. , Minerva Smith. Mm. Sadie Powell, 1 Ii. II.. Mable Ttouh. Mrs.ColTel. Mm. Wil - tiaut Fisher. Mrs. Mary Moore. Mrs. Lilly Kennev. Mrs. Mo-ward Uiiseheer. Mrs. Sarah llrlsco. Mm. I.1..I1,..., n........ l, 1.... ii...... I ,', ' , , nona 11 10 hi. .mi t. i'.. 1 1. itrewer. Mrs. It. G. Maker and Ihe hosiers, 1 ...... t, 1 .mi f. rn-iii 1 ami .11 in. 1 ruuu. .-jj.: 1 1 ... were nerved oy tlie hoflesses. H. E. O. CLUB TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The . K O. club wilt be en tertained by Mrs. c. W. Owen al a 1 . :iu luncheon next Tuesday. June LTi. at her borne at IMS ltii-e j street, The clllh w as etilet l.-iined luit Tuesdav ut a charmlm; 1 Inueh- I . ,n iCen by Mm. Maft.e Medllt In Uhemide. Mic. pu flow 'em Ktaced Ihe ,..etlilv appointed table. Mrs. Medill was assisted In) iservhm by Mrs. Myrile Nmwtiod and Mrs. I'eiey Mvers. Cowr were placed lor: Mrs. NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. SATURDAY, D.A.R. HAS ENJOYABLE . I PICNIC LUNCHEON AT MONGER HOME FRIDAY ' I'mpqita chapter or the D.A.R observed Flat- day with a delight ftil ono o'clock no-hostess luncheon in the atirnetive groro at the home of Mrs. Walter V. Monger on the Keaton road In looklngglam Fri day afternoon. The luncheon wan rei ved at a long table placed under lite trees, at our end uf which was hung a large American flag and red, while and blue paper was (I raped on the tree to carry out u beautiful patriotic motif lor the, oc casion. Covers were placed for Mrs. George M. Urown, MJhh Adeline. Stewart, .Mrs. I). N'. Hiiseubm k, .Mm. iiav 8. Petrei-uln. Mm. W. M. Campbell. Mm. William .McU-e. Mm. F. II. Churchill, Mr. Uwr im e (loodbourn, Mrti. It. 11. Grin sted, Mrs. Waller V. Mu.iger. Mm. A. A. Mellows. Mm. Ma Deckley. Mm. Charles Dysorl, Anne True- blooii. I lea n Kckes. Jean Potreqiiinl atnl Vlcior and Mary hsther Mon ger. A short bushier. meeting was held and plans 1 r thu fouiiiitf year' aetivItleH were tiiRcusMed. .lr. W. M. Campbell read u Pit iiriio urun.- on in- . bourn read an ititerentiim erlltoriui on the lias and patriotism. Itobeiison, Mm. II. IJ. Curler, Mrs. Fouler Hulner, Mm. John M. Ralsb, in,,.,,. 1, m,. i ,. nf,i,iie Jim. I.. A. Ilboden nnd Mm. Willlnn 11. ii lest. a i,,.,,,,,!..,! .,m wn n.eMented ,, ,, ' . , i ,v rs. A . It. liichan s on behalt , r(.tril .trt.M. rHt UVlls. who has enjoyed very successrui year at me nean r .n-i.-niiitlfm The new ol "' h'Ya I e i a .. Tt " a lie Kiiiiuer iiitiinn . ,.,,,,,, v,...iv , .,, ,,,.,,.,, .,., ,,.,.,.,.,,, ,.,; :, h, . ,Hence r t i-easnrt-r. Mra. It. . Mnmlera. Tl. Ii,s full ineelllll! will be belli nt ,.,,,, o,.,,,!,,.,. u COEN.McCLA,N BUFFET BRDCE SUPPER ,s CHARMING AFFAIR Mr i.nd Mrs. It. D. Co.n nnd Mr. and .Mrs. K. S. McClnln enler- Inlni d nl ii very charming seven o'clock biuret bridge supper parly nl the lieautil'ui Coen home on I Iverlooll Wednesday evening. The unlet lame, was centeie.i w,,n a low bow 'il sweet s. wi le large . ,- . i it it i n. ihiu.-i.- "i "i". .u. 1 . " ,""!". ,, ''"""', V ,., '"; ;: . ' " !5 r L '.!" " ... : .' ... . . .' ,,'"' i'" ? v n, l, ai d Mrs V ' McCmitol'k"' ul and Mm )( W-,M,, xi r and Mrs Ivan j.j,.,.,;, ,r ',( Mrs. II. V. Church, ,,., Wi ami xl.' iUi j,rll ,.,.,.,. Morgan. .0nowli,g Ibe supper hour, the U....I..I- 1....1...1...1 . 1.1 j n,,,.,- relurned In the Coen home i-ontrucl undue. Mrs. ( II. I nii.e lor the evening's play with Dr. Allen winuintE the men's Hiwh score prize ami I lie t ravelin K prize rMni; lo Mr. and Mrs. Ivan IMck ens. j KITCHEN SHOWER PARTY ENJOYED FRIDAY AT SINCLAIR HOME .Mis. Uolieit Sinclair and Mrs. Aitlmr Travis were h tstesses at a delbihllul liiirlicu showi-r party I'lhl'.i- 1 viMiintr nt the former's tunt, it :,(.- Kowler street In com- pij,,,,.,,, , .rs. sieve F.lco. nee ,nhs .M-mnd. CniiqueiH of roses were attrac- Hvely arranged about the r toms.' tijimes wer: ettt ived and prizes were hiwarded to .Mm. Civile Fisk and Hs Maraltne Ferguson. Ia"'' .Mrs. Sim-lair and Mrs. Travis s',v' ed delicious refreshments to Mrs. Cleo. miest ol honor. Mrs. Arthur I .one. Mrs. Fred l.onu. Mis. Cl de I.-I.I.- UU- 1 l.' ; neuliih' Maynard. Miss Klsie lieese. 1 Miss Jessie lllake. Miss .ian-oime I'ei uiison ami Miss Yvonne ""'I -iiss liiitn t.aoway. AAA mi dc cikinoi nc 1 a vm c " w . . . w ' ENTERTAINS CLUB AT mi;i ir.UTCin party .wv.-. .... w ....... ' Ms- Sandra DeUiym? entertain 1 fl her sew int; club Thursday ev -ulna at the ;. M lies home, fol lowed by 14 danctnu iwiriy at her studio, a I w Inch lime the hus bands joined the Knmp for a de lichtlul parly, Later in the eve ning relreshmeuls were enjoyed. enjoying the evuninK v lib Mrs. Delwiyue Included: Mr. a nil M m. I .eon V ea rwood. cuesi s. and Mr. and Mm. tl. M lies, Mr. ard Mis tlnrdon llenuell. Mr. iU" r! ,!' , ., V1;": .?', S " " .? ' V .,L...r I"'"1 M,K "n MRS. PHIL HA3TH IS STESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY Mis. Phil Hiirth v. ry craclously entei tamed her bridge club al a char mine one-lhlrty o'etoeU salad on Kaal Cass si. cel. A lam- bowll nl pastel -colored sweet pens uracvu lb.- servmi: table, while lame b'ttl- iph-is of blue, pink and lorv col oied laik.-.'iii wire iiMtl nltoilt the rittnns. Ciers were placed lor Mrs. H K MmMoV M'ti Louis Fullerton iind Mo, Clde Fiilleit'tu. quests. mnl Mm. M. II. Mumy, Mm. C. SIDE GLANCES I 1 "I lipiicd Sis (ilT lo llml swell steady job, and now she wr.-i I even li-n" lllcbnioml. Mm. Kinlill Lour. Mrs. Aililiin Kiwlier mill tho hontus. .Mm. II111 111. ... lnHn Hie iiIciibiiiiI nlleinoim houm win, Mm. Mi.iblox wlnnlln! Iho hipl, score and I Ho Irnvell.iK prize nnd Mm. Ilnllh winnlns Hie uocnnd IiikIi 'core. r-AoncM ai i cv a(-mcwq Jr"..' .1. -ud clcuio iicw vrnvtno AT mfftinh om Ti-mR;nAV AT MEETING ON THURSDAY The Garden Valley Women's club held a very enjoyable meeting Thursday afternoon ut the club hoime with Mm. Gilbert Wood act llie rooniH very attractive. Thin whs the Inst meeting of Hie current club year ill ew office elected Includeil: Mis. II. A. Cal noun, presineill . .ilia. I. .. " mill- lorn, vice-liiesiiieni; .iiim. iinriej Kwens. secretnry-treasurer; Mm. C. C. I'ulley, member of the execu tive committee, and Mrs. It. S. Hut- I ton. press correspondent. ' Verv Interesting- renorts trom conimo Wlnnirord, who is a 1 11 summer school student from Gnr- ,eu valley ut Corvnllla at till time, wore Bv,,n. During the oe(lhour Mrs. Wood served-.ilelHiIiiuff. re-'hmel,B ln Mr.'&Johnritoll. M A Calhnillrvi.'J'li , ,, "A..t.. ,.. tISir. ?Po SSSiiSi!' I'liiueia, ,ins. iiiuv R. s. Ililtton. Mrs. A IT! - M,.s v s,.yi .m,,. John Sin- chlir, Mrs. Peter Sinclair. Mrs. Jake Thronberg, Mrs. William ;iutiiu. .hi a. 1. .ti. iiuini'i u uiiu ' Mrs. Fred Woods. The next club meellng. which occurs July loin Ih. has been cbang- ed lo meet on Tuesday. -Inly '.'nil. so that the inembers' holiday plans I will not conflict with the regular meeting. DR. CALVIN AND DR. COHEN ENTERTAIN POST BRIDGE CLUB III- tlunli.l fulfill riliil Mi- I mi (u roll.t1 ...iieriHineii the I'osi htiileo club al their home in the Kitter a part men ts Wednesday evening. Itouquets of spring flowers were al j It actively arranged about the 1 rooms. I Contract bridge was enjoyed dur I iiiK the evening with Dr. Calvin I winning the hi eh score. Followine tho bridge play the hosts served a delicious bnttet supper, Covers were placed Tor Colonel and Mim. 10. F. TjukIv nnil Win F. n. Van Ness and the lutter's ulster. Miss i'hvllis Allen, of IlloomitiKton. Illinois. Dr. and Mrs. Arthjir II. Mountlonl, Dr. and Mrs. 1,. Cnderwood. ir. and Mm. i Crosttman Dr and Mm Clar- ence Jump. Mm. John M. Itahdi and , the hosts, Cohen. ... ., Dr. Calvin and 1! mcctiwo at ddi mc m Wfct 1 INO AT PRINCEN SUNSHINE CLUB HAS HOME ON THURSDAY '-, Xri ttiiiio Sunshine cluli was dcltlitiullv entei talticd al the home o Mrs. Kneiie Prlneen. Sr.. rhiu.da. at w hich lime I' tllyanna ins w ere exchanged and follow- in:: Ihe husine: session, binco was rlljoynd. hiie h draneeits formed the de corative motif for ihe occasion and at the tea hour Mrs. Princen served refreshments 10 Mrs. Wriston. Mrs. miller. Mm. Hallim. Mrs. N. It. Fisher. Mrs. Cnsebeer. Mm. Krnse, Mrs. Lon. Mrs. fleecroft. Mrs. Nel son. Mrs. Inueis. Mrs. Pendercruss. .diss Kliiabeth Puul. Mm. Helen Prlneen. .Miss llernardine Princen, members, and the lollowlna i;uests: Mrs. Itiyan. .Mm. MeClemem. Mrs. O. Joleihion. Mm. Llraudoii aud Miss Unbv Johnston. IDA CHAMBERLIN IS HOSTESS AT PARTY FOR COLLEEN BUSH WEDNESDAY Ida Chainherlin enlertained al a deliebtlul party Wednesday after noon at Ihe attractive new home of her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Chamberlln on Court street, lu honor Met house guest. Colleen '"' h" l''"'". ",".'"'""K, !' week here and who left Thlimda) for her home in Myrtle i reek, t; it iocs imp eliioeil and al the t teu hour Mrs. Chainbetlln S' l'Mil lovt'ly lelreshmeuU to Colleen 1'iuski. Kueal of honor. Patibia Mm phy. Aune Mellis. Frela Heudrkk sou. Jojce llariley and Ida Ch-iiit- beiliu. JUNE 22, 1940. me a cjuuriP'" COUNTRY CLUB LADIES ENJOY TOURNAMENTS THURSDAY AT CLUB The li.iliea uf Die llnuehni'.- Counlry club met Thursday ut the club course lo resume the sun i .er handicap Rolf tournament plav, fnlloweil hv n t a : Md nniliu k liiiuli. eim ut the clilbluiuso. C'lrcr.i were nlucnd lor .Miss PbvllU Allen. i,r llloomlngton. 111., who is hern vis-- vlons high membership record by thing her sister, Mrs. 15. M. Van 22.-I2S. , Ness, Mrs. J. F. Dltlard. and duugh- They now have a record or ler. Jeanne, Mm. K. H. Van Ncsi, Going over old records Mrs. K. A. Pearson. Mrs. W. K. Ott. ( jtoseburg unit wo learn thai Mm. Loyal Stearin). Mm. Kenneth iioselmrg once had the largest inem W. Kinney and daughter. Jure ,ershlp in the state. Just n very Hoffman. -Mrs. Gene Green. Mrs. . utile more work and I'mpnua unil .1. It. Mountrnril. Mm. Arthur II.1 would equal that membership. H Mouiiirord. Mrs. R. D. Ilridges nnd n) ml lenrued that beside dls daugbter. Joyce. Mrs. Harris Klls- tri,.i m-esidents and .liennrlnient worth. .Mrs. Kenneth liuine, Miss pn.Bldeuts we have had the honor Helen Casey, Jim. Frank Coi ,f having a national vlee-prcsldenl Mrs. H. C. Stearns and daughter, tle person or Mrs. B. II. Stew Madlyn. Mrs. J. M. Juilil, Mrs. W. ,.. 1Si Stewart wus also na M. McKachern, Mrs. Paul Geddes, i,m coimiiltteewoman. In the Mrs. H. T. Tunsen and Mrs. U E. auxiliary, officers work up from one .McC'ielock. lolfice ii) another so Mm. Stewart Column bridge enjoyed In ,na h,., n,,.,,, all. It Is hoped that Ibe afternoon Willi Mrs. McClilitock the mill niav receive citations in winning the high score prle und Mrs. I.. Stearns winning the sec- iniil high Bcore prize. dm- of activities ns outlined nn- The next meeting will he Thins- Honnlly. day. June 2". at the clubhouse wllh; n u-as announced by Mrs. J'.lch first flightem in the golr tourlia- aids that Ruth Ann Ruhl has been mom teeing oil at K : 4i : second rJiKhlu''s "l 9:011 thl1''1 nimu. er" at ":lr' "'clock. Polluck lunch- i.ora at S f"- "l leun will lie held at the cl'lhhnuse nt I2:3ii wllh contract bridge ut l:3i) o'clock. n Sunday a mixed tournament will be held al the clubhouse at two o'clock, followed by a polluck sup- per. This affair was planned to take the place of the MamliXield- uoseniirg tournament, which has been cancelled, DELIGHTFUL SHOWER PARTY GIVEN FOR MRS. ALLEN BURKHART Mra. Krnest (Jardner ami Mm Arthur M. Selhy entertained Tues-1 ,'.ai'tn,1'nt rehabilitation commis ilay ulternoon at a shower in honor sion- or .Mm. Allen llurkhart at the home! Women of the American Lecloe of Mrs. Selby on Garden Vallev : Auxiliary are devotins increased road which was decorated with a 't,r,,rts to 1inilinc Americans in de varletv of beautiful flowers from vo,ion nml loyally the prlueinles the well-known rmk Hardens of of Americanism. Mm. Walter Fish. Mrs. U. A. Ctterbach. lmintv. cool er- th;'ri'an of the Americanism refreshments were served hv the "'" mpqua unit of tho hostesses, assisted by Mm ewev ,l,,x,,iniy- 'Ipdan'il today. Kruseand Mrs. Ilert Kruse. Anion",? , Thj nuxlHary Is workihg active the suests present were Mrs J0I111 lv wUn ,he Aniericuu Lenion to birkbnrt Mm Murev II M.-o Ted llurr. Mm. W. VV. Commons, Mrs. (ilen Cox. Mrs. Ikile tiulley, Mm. It. L. Hhiiuou. Mm. Ilert Kruse. Mrs. Dewey Kriise, Mrs. Joe Mamtem. Mm. K. .Maurey. Mm. W. K. t)lt, Mrs. Nelson Moore. Mrs. Kd Marks and the honor guest's moth er. Mm. c. Smith, of Wilbur. MR3. LZ"OY rtiATT )S HOSTESS TO BRIDCE CLI B ON WEDNESDAY .Mrs. Leriy (Matt entertained her brtdue eluh nt a lovely one-lhlrly o'clock dessert-luncheon at Ihe Ho tel Hose Wednesday, alter which I lie "if ill 11 en ioveil runt r:nt tiriil-n al Ihe home of Ihe hts(es on Soul h I Pine ttieet. Iieatltiful bouquets of red rambler roses wen used lo carry nt an altraetie decorative moiif (01 Hie occasion. Th'se eujovlm; the afternoon with Mrs. Hiatt included: Mrs. (-rant Oshorn. a ne, Mrs. (. M. Krell, Mrs. P. M. Lee. Mm. K. C. Patterson. Mm. T. K. llurr. Mm. H. II. Turner and Mm. A. H. Taylor. Cunlnu-t bridpe was enjoved dur tnu the afternoon with Mm. Os horn recetvinii the miesl prlxe ami Mrs. Krell the hluh score club prize. HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEETS AT GUtLEY HOMES WEDNESDAY The Happy H'tur club?inpt Wed uesilav afternoon nt ihe atlraetlve new home of Mm. Dale C.uiley. Mem hem present lo pnjoy the af leruoon with Mm. ttiiiley Inclmled: Mrs. Harry Ihirr. Mrs. T. U. llurr, Mm. W. D. Comuion. Mrs. Ci-m Co. Mrs. Dale liuiley. Mm. Jo hanna llmnmoml. Mm. II. 1 Har mon, Mm. Ilert Kruse, Mrs. Dewey Kruse. Mrs. Joe Msrstei s. Mm. W. K. Oit and Alleyene I'tterback. At the bnsinenH meeting a di nghiiul picnic was planned for July PMh to Im held nt the home of Mrs. John Potrkhari. At Iho close uf Ihe meellng, dellclou refresh ments were servetl by the hotdeKS, Mm. Pulley. DADS DAY IS CELEBRATED SUNDAY AT WIGGINS HOME Dads day was celnbraled ill a vry onjoysble fnmlly affair Sunday at iho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I'erry WlBKlns In West IlnnebnrK. at which time the latter' father, U I). Kelly, of Glengary. who Is visit inn at their home, was guest of honor. There were four generations of the faillllv present Tor Hie occasion Including: Mr. and Mrs. Hex Gib ion and children. Wallace and Sandra Ie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter SprlBis nnd bohb. I.elnnd and tt'avne. Mr. nnd Mm. Itay Muden nnd children. Jlminie und Januice. Mr. and Mm. Gordon I'eters and daiiKhtrr, Judith K., and Miss Cleo Hales mid Burl Cox. all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Ahrelld. Mrs. Will Woods and son. HIIHe. of Mak er. Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. WIS sins. , , . A bullet luncheon was served nl noon from a table beautifully dec orated with spriliK flowers. PRESBYTERIAN C. E. GROUP ENJOYS HIKE AND WIENER ROAST The Christian Endeavor society of I be Klist Presbyterian church tin toyed a dellKbtful hike to Hed !im;e Monday evening, followed by it wiener roast. Hiose enjoylne the evening In rinded: Dr. Morris H. Iton.:i. I nis Wilson. Ven Goelz. Carl ll'oi e. Marilyn Harpham. "liiilip;' ' M.'ilerv. Alta G'1 U'n. Hi bar I l-ci del. Miss Helen Ca'isiili. Mr.." Mellows. Mrs. Ilnroi.l Uei !ovj Mnry nnd K.mcy ll-i!:nd, Prank Anslln and Alice Moon. American Legion Auxiliurj Activitie Ily MHS. CLAUDK MAKER WorklhK at top speed lo have all ,.iillliii v renin Is ill to the slate de- nnrlmelll bv tile 25th of tile month Mrs. M. II. Richards, I'miinua milt president, expressed great satis- faction with the year's attainments, The unit Is over Its quota in mein- nership. The nationnl ilepnrlment on June 1 had exceeded its pre- departments this year. They mve. closely followed the calcn- awarded the Heaver slain rump cll- mliment. Should the membership ,e received In time liuth Ann will lenve Mnudav lor Silver creek falls. Mrs. Richards also announces I Hint nluns are being made to en- ter the stunt contest at the slate convention at Seaside Ibis year, Mm. M. R. Richards, Mrs. Vera McClinlock Jones. Mrs. Walter Fisher and Mrs. Claude linker are delegates with Mrs. Wnller Olms- cbeld. Mrs. Arthur Midland. Mrs. Charles Ferrier. Mrs. Kari 1'llricli t alternates. Mrs. Hoy Youiik, Mm. lrvln Klepel and Mrs. Ned Dixon, will represent I hp depart ment with Mm. Walter Fisher rcp- Twpntln,K this auxiliary on the de- m""1 oieiMMu un-ineuiH which seek to wenken the I'tiltcd States from within, she said. It is carry inir forward Intenstvelv Its cam- Investment in joyous n ess The eternal fire will,,',, ihs di,ln)nllJ V(lu (,,. I'l:,y should rii Ii Towards of ;, .nil for g.ntr,,;is vot (o cmi. j.-(ir (,(, linglit wnrmlh of il, flame never dulls willl familiarity . . . ,'t burns everlastingly on in memory of lh one who gives it, and of ihe ucvasiou for Ihe giving. You nill find u. rrad.v and willing to -rlim the f.n-r qu.ililics which d-lermine the wnrth of an.v diamond. Yon will pr.dit bv our aiil iu j ;,, sclcetinj the stone that Ills our needs. Profit i ih,t sricvlific j.Wy afgtmt ikrVMgb tie American Otm Stcitly, KNUDTSON'S JEWELERS paimi of education In tho ideals of American democracy, seeking to strengthen understanding and loy alty to the American way of life, especially among the women and youth of the country. "Equally Important as the build ing up of the armed derenae Is this strengthening of America from within. The auxiliary women are striving to do their part to make the Culled States a strong, united' naliou for the defense of American , democrucy against whatever threats the future may hold. With the United States awaken- ' cd to the need for ndeiiuate na tional defenses, tho national de reuse activities of the American legion Auxiliary have entered n new phase, according lo Mrs. Guv Cordon, chairman of the national defense committee or L'mpqua unit. For nearly 20 years the national derense program of the auxiliary supported the American Legion's efforts to arouse Americans to the dancer of permitting the country's defenses to remain grossly Innd-v miate. Pacifist movements among women which sought the total dis armament of the United States vigorously conibatled. The auxil iary led the women's patriotic, or- . uiiulzatioiiB of the country III ef forts to hnlt the spread of pacifism among women, and gave lis Infill-, ence lo aid the Legion's demands for increased appropriations for defense. 'The voire of the Legion and alixiliarv urging America to nwnkc lo realities and provide a strong defense for our counlry went loo long unheeded," said Mrs. Cordon. "Years when we might have been preparing were wiiHted, but that is all past. The work of. the auxiliary now, and or all patriotic men and u'.titieii In In ttiirn Hint nm- I country is at last given a real nu I tloiuil derense. "This country Is still governed by lis people, one of I lie few left ibe world. The demands of the in dividual Americans are listened to by I he nation's law makers. The' demand that should go up from ev ery American ut this time Is 'America must be Becure.' "National defense funds must , hB 8,,t officienlly uild effectively. Defenses must be built adequate for any possible need. Speed must make up for the wasted years. There must be no profiteering on tile tuition's necessity. It is a big job, but with the united interest, attention and erfoiis of the naliou it can be done." KEEP JUNIOR CLEAN and YOURSELF COOL Summer need be no back breaking problem even if you are the mother of an active son. Keeping his clothes clean is our problem. Let us tike care of your laundry while you keep cool. VI tS5. 1. Q. oORY CLEANING I "y H s