Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 21, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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Louis Knocks Out
Chilean Battered
CfMaaelo' Soveg Onslaught
Hd ly After
, Godoy Downed Third Tim.
NKflT YOftK, Jnne 21. (AH
Ihitlnred Into a terrible conditlun
liy joe Uiiil?' Jrthtil fljits and only
ncinicoitHt(oi; A if )f rp (Jodoy nf
Chfle yot vn able to lift hiK httm
lunger ml featured down In t hi;
dnnttdng room ut Yankee Htadlum
JaMt night and wty proudly:
, "Hut I can inkn It, can't, I? Sure
Arliiro c-hii lithe II."
There vhhu'I tnurli doubt about
that, and tips i-rowd galhercd
h round the ChUmi Chilean tow til in
ho. t appeared to mnko Arltiro r'4!
imitih bettor. lie (tad Immmi knock
ed down and out In (hi eighth
round of a flghl that winrfoij brutal
and bloialv (o wltucaa with any ltd-
IMi, but he bad acquitted hJniHHf
witn courage.
None nf llin niim olhm- flihi'liii'
men the big negro baa bt-aten
Bince hp uecninp cnaunuon wok
inom awful fMi)ifnbtiient than wok
inoted out to findoy bo fore h fin
ally fell fonvfird on hln liattficd
face laat nigh', and wim Hp.iri'd
furtluir blown by teferee IliJIy C'av
anngli. ,
In I minute ami 24 hcco.mU of
the eltfhih Loula bad iiceonipllidi
pil what he la I led I o do I n 1 5
rottnda agalnat fiodnv laat Puhni
ary. A crowd of 28,000 oi Ilia
thrill If witn loo It In for.
9avd by Bell In 7th.
Tho Chlluau had been down
twice under tnrrlflc uininlitiHnt be
fore Cavanagh Plopped It. Ie w;ia
up but out on hla lent after taking
a count of aix when tliu bell on, N il
Die seventh chapter. Ill HecomU
worked heroically to aend him out
for the fatal eighth, hut It would
have been mora merciful to aavn
loft him on hla atool.
IjOiiIh, never it man to lot lilts
wounded prey oHcupe, tore Into the
aeinl'bllnu floijoy aavagely, and in
a mitJUlB had dropped him for
count pf oiglif. Again the C'hlti'iin
groped ilia way ei'ect, only to run
into another hurricane of lefts nnd
I'lahtH. A final abort, a harp right
pitched him forward an blond gut li
ed from if long rut ovei bin eye.
Cavanagh then stepped 'It.
Louie at Hla Best.
When' ho reulled 1 what had
happened Uodny went plunging
acroaa the ring to get at I.ouia
and It took the Htronuoua effort h
or four or fivn men, including bin
htanager.'Al Weill, 'to. calm him
iown.. Hut .it. un only a wild,
beart brokeii gealure: Lou i ft -aloud
euliulv and watched It, bin face
it III InaoPlllnWIi.
Never did Ijniia look morn foil
in in Hum uinn mm -nigut. ai i:i:'
pounda be 'obviously wan trained
to a flue point, prepared to a Hue
point, prepared to punch relent
.curtly and . long againKt a loo ho
Know was rugged. be
tore 'Godoy down, uinl when tho
(iioinont came executed htm.
Ah iiHiial. there waa aouie tu,lk
that lb In might he Loulx' taat fight.
Ilia mauaera aald ponitlvidy' not;'
(bat lie woud enter the ring again
In September IT the fight between
Tony Galonio and Mux Inter next
iontii provide an opponent.
; In 11-lnnfng Game
Illy tho Aaaoclated I'retoO
Tbe race In the ruclflc coiimi
league lightened around the in til
. aeullon today aa San Ofego maneu
vered into position to reclaim it
former tlnd divlHlon berth.
Tho i'adrott, after lmt(jn thelr
fali toward the baHcuieut laat
night, pulled up to witbiu mx per
centage point. of Hollywood and
Sacramento who are tied lor third.
Newsome, uce San Diego pitch
er, put the f'adreft In the winning
column Tor the tiat time in eight
wliir In by burling a I to u shutout
over I'ortland'H cellar club.
It took NeWHome I) innlims to
get the hotter nf llarrell, Portland, t
IMU-Mor, and win iiih iweillll victory
to retain aecoml.-place uinong I lie
circuit'H regular pitehera.
The winning run iu the eleventh
ciime when tflrat Itiiscnnin Mc
Donald alngled to acore Tatchett
front acc-ond haae.
; Hollywood went into a Me for
Mitrd by drulihlng San KramiHco ti
In 1. Klenilug. Ilonvwood iiHtundH
tuan. limited San KraiiclMco batters
to (wo bits and niKicd n Khutoui
lhen Shortstop Trower registered
for tho Sen Is in the nith
Seattle took advantage of an
erratic fourth Inning to tmrcnMe
Ita lead with a 5 to V vlctnry over
Although the Itaintcis got nitlv
two hits In Hie fourth, they aenretl
all their ruiiK In that luulim. Tliev
t'Uiue on u .tiiiKle. two uulka, one
error, a thieerun triple and u wild
Los Angelea made It time in a
row over Oakland with an It to ti
NKW YOUK. June :'l.--(.Mi -.Joe
Louitf today collcrteft J.lo.Jey.i
for hla cluht rnuud knockout vie
Jury nf Arturo fiodoy at the Yan
kee ataillum laat uiuht.
1 tiodoy received f.':t.ti:'U for the
Funeral Director
- Licensed Ldy Assistant
Phone 472
Any Distance, Any Tim
Our isrvlci i( for AH, end
meoti fcVERV NtKO "
1 Pictured is
the map of
pr Eire.
7 Jts most
13 Withered.
14 Aqua.
1$ Irish tribal
17 pharge
19 Cat's foot.
20 Size o( type.
21 Overmatched.
23 Headed pins.
25 Musical note.
26 Saintly.
29 Yellow bird.
30 Common
32 Kind of acid.
33 Decorative
Answer to
49 To make
61 Cord game.
53 Foreigner.
54 One who
atones. '
56 This lapel's
62 This land's
Eamon de
63 Silly.
1 Exists.
2 To liberate.
3 Goddess of
, 34 To peruse.
j 37 Legume,
, huh.-.
41 Verbal
43 To (roan.
45 Constellation.
47 Still.
beating be took. Altogether, 7,7Sf
apectatora paid II t!),5ii5 to aee
Loula make the 11th defeiiNe or
llin heavyweight title. The ml re
cclptH wuro lr.S0. the federal
tax .?15,ti(ft and the slate'a ahare.
Elks, Oakland Win
City League Games
Ity KVKUKTT ClttH t'll
The Klka club, newest entry in
the City Softball league, eked out
a y-to-S win over Hie Hancock Oil
era (n the Ural or tiie two m-hed-uled
gamea played IiihI nlghl at
Klnlny Held. C.olug Into the last
half of the tteventh inning, tho Oil
era held a two-run lead, but pro
ceeded to lose the ftume on einns.
Kohcrtson hit a homer to leave the
Klka club trailing by one run. Klti-
son then reached first on an error,
and acored on overthrows (u He
the acore. rrea.Hou, next uinn up.
readied Him on an error, stole
second and stored on n single by
(lender led the hitting attack for
the Klks, getting two douliles in
three tripH to Hie plate. .McMullcn
annexed the batting honors On- the
towerawith two singles and a
double In three trips.
In Hie second game, Oakland
lowered the boom on Hull's Indiana
and clouted out a 12-to 1 victory.
Ileeves. Oakland htirler. held the
Indians to fur scattered hits, plti h
tng n shutout game lor nl luniims.
An error, walk and a single
brought iu the lone tally I'or Hie In
dians In the seventh frame.
L'amphell, pltchinu for the In
diana, gave up eight hits, and
walks. Adding to Oakland
Hi-ores, bow ever, were eight errors
by the Indian fielders. Iteeves had
I his rant hull working to perlecllon
and gave only one walk while
striking out live batters.
In Hie games tonight Dunham's
I Trtiusrcrmcn will play the National
(iuardsmeu and lioiicock's hatchers
will meet the Suthcrlin .Musco-
vii es.
Lu dies' tiummiT hats at 1 to J
off of our already low prtcca.
You'll find a In i tie assortment to
choose from at Cari'a. (Advj
Klreineii's Conveuliou dance, arm
ory. Moiuiuy v'entlenicn Ifn-.
Indies free. Hhman s Orchestra -
(Adv.) raiticnhtr People me IVrfet tly
I'hsTsed ruirhaslng Pure Ptepared
Pntiit from I'.iui.'h - ( 1 1 v .
5 " np r tnis
n jpr
5T ZL 25 W
w ns w bj n?7
5i rVngr -pJ
T JJ p
Hrkfjsr r2
tfl 1 I 1 1 I b H 1 1 I L
HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M.
Chinese herb remedies have alleviated for disorder
of gottre, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, gland, pj lei.
catarrh, asthma, blood pressure, dropsy, rheumatism,
ectema, stomach ulcer, and hemorrhage all disap
pear. .
Call or Write
Rpseburg, Oregon
132 a- JACKSON ST.
1. H. Lceug
Heiballit '
Godoy in
Previous Puzzle
22 Dreadful.
23 Skin.
24 Male child.
27 Not real.
26 Marked with
31 Pulp. .
35 Brazilian title
38 Bride's
40 Ventilating
42 Alluvial land
at a river's
44 Ground
46 Bursts
48 Implement.
50 Fissure.
52 Unit.
54 Avenue
55 Noun ending.
57 Above.
58 Exclamation.
4 Lists..
6 Northwest
6 To dibble.
7 To stitch.
8 Hour (abbr.),
9 Artless.
10 Fastidious.
11 Public
12 New England
15 Idle talker.
18 Low tide.
20 A peak.
21 One of this
69 Behold.
land's famous 60 Into.
sites, the 61 New York
Stone. (abbr.).
Grillers Battle
Crescents Sunday
neth'a (iiiltera. Hoseburg'a team
In the Southern Oregon lauguo. one
game behind the second-place
Cresi-enl City team, will meet the
CieHceiilH on Hie kilter's .diamond
Sunday In a game which may lie
an important contest in (be play
off tor the league title.
On Sunday also Hold (Hit plays
at Med ford, and Cranta I 'ana drawn
a bye. due to the w llhdrawal of
the Ashland-Talent Aloes, will
mark the end of the first hulf of
the season.
Hrants Pass uuloiualfcally takes
first place, and. thcrelore, is as
sured of a playoff for the league
championship following the second
hull' of Hie season schedule. Should
Crauls Pass also lake first place in
the aeniiid half of the season, the
1 1 lay of I will he wllli the team hold
iuii second place during the Hist
In the event Itoseliurg should
win at Crescent City Sunday the
two teams will be tied tor second
place. This, in turn, would require
that Itoschurg piay-off Hie game
I post poned from May 5. w hen rain
prevented playing Hie season op
ener. If, however. Crescent City1
wins II will not be necessary
make up tho postponed game.
League standings ure as follows
I.. Pet
OrautH l'att.s
Crescent Cllv
llelh's 'lllll .
Cold Hill
Wpmcn Bgrfenders in
Oregon Opposed by AFL
(AT) - Alter a spirited iiscualon.
Ihe-si. ile federation of labor in
convent ton here today adopted a
resolution to Ihe et'lect that the
Icdonitlon sponsor legislation to
prohibit women working as bar
lenders iu Oregon.
lion rude Sweet, vice-president of'
ine Motel ami Kcstaiiraut Lmployes
Intern.tliomil ailfame and the liar
tenders International League of
America, asserted that if women are
allowed to work as bat tenders a
"stm m of public protest" w ill arise
and there will be agitation for a
return to prohibition. Kthel Mm-
pny. .narsnneiii. uitiieii that women
should not "i hisel" on bartenders
Several deleitatcs spoke on both
sides of Hie issue.
Mr. Rainvllle Here .loe llaiu
ville. of Tiller, was in Kocluri; tor
a few noun yesterday attending to
8th Roundm
Cleveland Grabs
Lead in American
Boston Rod So? Foil prpiyi Top
by Losing Doubloheodor to
Rampant St. Louis Browns.
liy JtrilSON HAII.EV
! f AKo(-int('(l lnH Snin-ts Wrlterl
HaKvhHii'H bigcMt sctiKation I'lglil
now ix tito St. l.uuiH iiiowns. now
in I'irtii place Juki a game and a
luiir belihxl the VankeeK. They got
fiM-H veHlerday by blaiiting the
IioKton Red Sox 111 both ends of a
ilnulileheaiifM- 2-1 and 11-4 to run
tlifli- cun-i'iit u-iiinlng atreuk to six
II Ik notabli. that the' Hroivntt
now have wu 27 game and Ioki
:t- while last year tiiey clliin't gnt
their 27tii victory until August 4 hy
wlilrli Umib they hail lost 88.
Tliny wen Irj-pttiHtlhle uti they
went about the business of bump.
Ing UnMnn mil of the league leail
Tor the fiiHt than since May H. . Iu
ihe Hist game I'lggcllug hclii (lie
Sox siuggers to five lllu uinl Cilft
came along with a home run In the
ninth hilling to decide the game.
in the second game the llrowns
collected tour home runs, the mom
Important being Uei-iiurdino's with
two on.
Indians Grab Lead.'
(liven the opening the Cleveland
Iniliiins rode right into the league
lead. Itob Keller pitched one of
his best ball games Mr his tenth
victory, lie gave the Washington
Senatoia only lour hits, struck out
1 1 and wulaed hut one In winning
The Detroit Tigers were defeated
04 by ihe Philadelphia Athletics
as Hi'uncuto singled with the bases
loiirJcd and homered.
I lie iankees w ere shut out 10
for the second glraicht inv l,v flu.
Chicago Wlilte Sox. whose John
Ulguey held them 10 five hils In II
Innings. II was New Vork'n fifth
straight setback.
The Natlonul league lend ,ilr.
changed hands as the plodding
Phillies mobilized behind lllel.u
and Chuck Klein to beat Hie Cin
cinnati It,x 4-: In 12 liinlnas.
The New York (Jlalits routed
l.elty Larry Krench am! Iiimii th..
Chlengo Cillis !!:! -'IlioiiKll oulbll
The Pittsburgh Pirates nlsn -o,-o
nullilt lint ninnaged to beat the
i.tfnit,,, itfl'S ft.,.
American Leagu
L Pet
.....15 22
.. ;u 2u
....22 21
... 27 27
.. .27 2u
... 26 30
....2t .TI
-Vow York
SI. Louis
21 :i7
National League
1, Pet
New Yolk .
St. Louis
Plltsburuli .
....2:'. 17
....S3 PI
32 21
....29 2.S
...21 3il
.. .111 30
....IS 31
.17 31
Pacific Coast League
W I.
Seattle 41; 31
Oakland IS 3-i
Slicruiuelllo 12 il
Hollywood 12 41
San Dien 4u Iu
Los Anscles 3!t 4e
Sail Francisco 3S 42
I'ol'lhini! 2!l IS
Officers Chosen for
Myrtle Creek School
MYltTLK Cltl'.KK. June 21.
The local achoul incetint,' passed
off nniellv Willi ul i.n.m..).
'"petition In the election of a direc
tor for the 1 h roe-yea r t enn to
mul.e It interestins:. M. McDou-
uall. tile ri'tlrhiL' rlirm-tni- viui a t o.
lJllt nominated, witli Ceoro Ahvr Sr.,
'1 and Oscar Wee lis placed in oppo
'bif si Hon. Seven ty-eiKhl voten iere
'- cast with Mr. Weclis receivlnc
JUG te largest number. V. W. Cook
siici-ecded himself as clerk with
no one tunnini: against him.
A special tax of approximately j.
filial was voted to enable the
sinooi to run next year. A total
of 2ti pupils were enrolled laat
Ontlvinir diMli-ict.i tiiiii-J from
I report as follows: Iloomer hill.
I Mrs. Halo Weekly elected as clerk
and Mrs. Alva Weekly aa director.
A new teacher will be hired for
next year. For the school at Ce
dar urove. Perry Kdwnrds Is clerk.
A. J. Pan. director. Mrs. Maude
Sitter wHI teach ajrnin next year.
Sn out for -CUrkcV if you te kvkinf fix
frocoUt. mfllow whiskfy that jtnkm the riht
note. Ar( tour years for soodnws and It's
mild it 90 Proof.
?3 op Wwhtagroft M. Campus,
Qtyw? i f4f Q Employ,
lavtsffggtor Pharos. ,
2L (ad-
Tyre II. Hollander, head of Hie
versive activities Investigation ram..cre1'
verslve aetlvtllea llivestlgntlon com- "ICK HANCROFT and FRANK
miltee. laat night told a eoniniu. LIN I.AMIIAWAV They also
nity elub that there were 1.S21 found an interest in Coldcrest.
members of the communist party hi I
Seattle and 71 parly units ju King yesterday: The mining agent
ci'ly. . pla cornered by Dick who wrings
"t ia up to you peopje, as 'he truth from him the agent is
American citizens, to defend your trying to scare the girls into sell
country by reporting subversive Ing then Dick walks back into
activities and bucking tie Legion
" P legislation compel,
'e aliens to register and to be
riiigerprlnted." he said.
Holl'inder,- an attorney, review-
ed "fifth column" activities in En-
ropcnii nullons which have fallen
i ot.i 1 1 in i in n airgresslon. Bald 2.1
communists live near the Unlver-
slly of Washington campus, many
of them attending the unlversliv
like one young man student who
i iu ine reserve nllleers
corns and who. wiiii his
holds communist meetings every
"Plnki" In University. money from (lie old shaft and
Hollander said there were about nl,le " !," lhc dungeon without fell
half a dozen "pink" professors at '"s u8'"
the university, and that numerous' "I don't like o think of him as
commiinists are employed in red- under suspicion," murmured
oral government positions and bv Christine.
several of the largest industrial They had watched Pick go hack
emnlovers in Seattle. ,into the dungeon, and had seen
"Dictator nations do not believe lnc faint reflected glow of a flash
they can overthrow the Culled flom fa' ,"lc, I" ,Jle fr-
States bv aimed rorce alone" he bidding depths or the Jail cells,
lidded, "but believe the combined 'Then, still crouching In the shad
force id an advance naviw-v upm-ir. ows, they had seen Pick come
ine within the rnuntrv m.'i.i ........
the way for ultimate victory."
Norman M. Llttell, assistant U. S.
etlQincv general, said yesterday
"there Is clear evidence of nnzi in
filtration in Mexico and certain
South American countries."
"We 11 not hereafter be caught
napping as other democracies have
been, notwithstanding Hitler's as
surance that America Is for Ameri
cans uinl Europe for Europeans,"
he added.
"Fifth columnists" are active In
the 1'nlted Slates." Llttell told all
interviewer, and "there is every
reason lo bo vigilant and to take
' . l'1-ecuution through
... .-,,1,,, Ll-llll'IIL Itu,. lirifiq lip,, mi,
Mini i: in.- i.'iv.i.
. ..
XnHi e i i,f,.!,v Kiv,.ti timi t In -
".I'ui'i.lsiriiirlx ,,r Mi,-
. . ' UIIIK I Hill, ,l,.',.IH,.l. 1 III S
filed her I'll, i, I Account Vil.-h
iMliiiinisirairu In th,. i.-uimty i i
i;i ill, , ,.r ", ."".'.'" ' -
:.: vu:rv.xv,.!r,!r,ir7.i
'. oiu-r (liny mud,. ,-iu. .u
r,y (iiui'r duly iiiiki,. .-mm. ,.nl,.i,.,l
;rlX''tl Memhiy. .luh- ir,::,. 11
th,- huur of ten o'clock in tl-
'h' V-,c,',','!v
t :i,
f,i;ii"i'n ii in,, turn
court 1:1,0111 ill the t'o'irt
KoMplnir. tir,Kon. us ti, phi
' . ''u
ft hv
H. "
"..i""k itj,.,-i ions, ,r uiiv iu,r.
to sutil rhuil A.-couut uiiil I lie
1 1 lenient thereof. All i.r,uus
icrenieii He sillit cstiile lire hei
iioilri,..! 1.. ni.. 11.... ..1. ,. .
filiO.ony Ihey huie. to suid l-'inul
f,4S 'count hi 01 liefoie the 11,11.. a,-t
em 1111111 neuriiiu.
r.i!il1,l";.j.'.i Ul"1 f"'"1 i"11'1""-"1 '"
Ailitihtlstiutriv of Hi,. riHt,,:,. cf
l-'rnuk rain, 1 luicaseil.
irii II. liiildle.
Allorney lor Kstute.
i i i, si:t''i.i:mi:
N". I
heifhy fi veil
eximi' nl i.ii y -;. , ml it? vs. P-
'il. hurt filed Ills Kin a 1 Aen.utit
I In- ('utility O.urt of tilt St ute
l l t'Kdii for I iiiiul:i.s Ci.iimIi
II. -n.
-M.-rrfs f. Cnwk.T. .lii.iy.
r Mi'i
lay. Hie
imrt. litis anmhiiril .l.ui -
1 1 I Uay uf .lul-. I n Id.
-il UU nr lock ill the f.. i viii .i.n of ' MH'H lUlllB.s. liiiuuneij. il
nniti iy. in ti univ i'.mh t room been amusing then. Franklin waa
i1.1 ..!!"' :;,Mrrt',t,uT l:"!"'l1"f- more boyish. Slender and raLher
unable to conceal bis
nous, if any. to suid Pinal A,- sivness with his forced geniality
.oiiiii unit Hie sett lent .h,r,.f banter, lie was extremely
.Ml i. iioiiis interested u suhl , , , f,.i..,,,i ntolr
eniiiio ,,r,. herehv iioiifieii to rn.-Joyul to his friend Dick.
Huh oiijeeiioiis. ir uny. to ui,il Kin ii k 1 lii had shown more and
"I "I heroic ihe time nu.rnn. roriniMiient and lovability
iil'l'o luted . for fiiiiil
I'Hted June -,'t. Cllll
Itll.KY .1.
Administrator of th
J .it. v I-:. Andreic, i
' used.
i:ki 1
ollee is llerehy
Ullllel SIM lied lui.x he
ed hv Hie County i
en did
'ourt i
I lotlttl
unty state
t W ill uinl T,.U ,.,nl
in mi i-nimi
f Itemi Mi riiii... h. .-
All -rsoi)s ha I tin flntiiif I
lr1.".'! ':r'.,,,;,..':::::t1:?; '.'".over her. Somehow she had nn
properly wririi-.l as i.y inv r-,
iiumi at Hoxenuru. ure.. ti. r . i'.
or salfl esttite oT ilit-cl.-nl tit
Vrkius I ililR.. llost'I'Oi tf, i in
within l months from diilt-
latel .tutie
!Kt. 1 ! in.
iiKMiv t.vxtt:i:.
of the I .iiM Will I T.-
of . li.-iia Mi t'ullu. li. h
$1.00 PT. $1.95 OT.
Avadjbtt tn CUrkf Straight Hf Uid
Clarke's Straight Bourbon. Thtst
WbsJtj' r Ywti Old - Trtt
TINE PALM Kit Partners in a
summer tourist
venture ut UolcJ-
! Ihost town Jail. The tjlrls
"atch all tbl. as the agent flees.
I He gave the man a shove and
Packmen began running, indeed
The girls, hardly daring to
breathe,' saw Dick stand anm
akimbo for a long minute watch.
Ing the other man free. Then Dlcii
slapped his hands together as if
cleansing them, turned and walk-
ed hack info the glios) town Jail,
"Pick's not iie kind who would
Ble'": uoseice was oec anng.
onre '." sins wore in pen tnat
out empty-handed and go hack
ll0,vn lile street, and they
ihe had concealed the
money M-
flide. The two girls had returned
to the Ace High hotel and gone
to bed bcrore 10 o'clock.
"I'm terribly upset, Christy.
Honest I am."
"Roselce. do you suppose this
man Packman, wasn't it? will
try anything else? Ills mining
company, mean?"
"I don't know. Hut Pick will
be on the lookout now. surely, lie
will take care of everything. He
he would have. 1 mean. What
I mean he "
Roselee was confused. Confused
in her speech and worse in her
own heart. Christine sensed it
8m) 8nK,.oU 1(. , 80 reached out
i .... 1. ...
I "Tell me something. Roselee."
rhe spoke tenderly. "Do you love
Dick Dnncrnft?
j(oBeee ,i,in't answer. There
' was a long moment of silence ami
,,., distinct little sounds as of
, ,el" "
"You don't have to tell inc.
dar ng." Christine whispered
h- ' "w you do i0v? ,.
'I inow now you icei uuw, i"o.
can t think he was planning to
l,neeal the money from you. Why
Idon't we go and ask him?"
"At any rate there was some
good news in It the man said
j Coldcrest ore was valuable again.
ll-le even said there was a few out-
I l.. ........1. n -....,,.1,-A.I ,1,.11,,,-U
CIUOIIK WO, , ouo.x.u UU,., "
n ton. Roselee!"
"I d-dou't . . . care!"
Christlno was holdinp b e r
friend's band now us alio lay
there nn her pillow for a long
limn, thinking. The liour wasn't
late, and she thought back over
nil the events alnee school was out.
Sie thought, too. of Koselee and
I! -Dick Bancroft and of Franklin
-1 I.arraway.
"I FranUI(n was gone tonight.
,i i Fninkliu liad fallen for her.
t ir st hie knew, from the moment
ii, hmi nmf Iipi' A clrl can sense
t , . , i .... it
'anil liitelllgenee as tho days had
I passed. Christine had left herself
'drawn to the larger, more com
manding Iticlinrd Bancroft nt first
just as Koselee had been. For one
tiling they had '"discovered" Dick
under ilriiinatlc circumstance, like
a movie romance. There In twi
light at the bank vault goodness!
And he was undeniably handsome.
Itlll r I IIIIKHO is e.eij on o ,.o.,
looking." Christy reminded her-
.self now.
lio u-mifloreil whit I had come
dergotH u kind of spiritual change I
.just lying here thinking. She i
wasn't sleepy. She wanted lo
think to think about Kranklln. !
"And I make Kraukjin believe
I was crazy about Mick:' Chris-j
tine recalled, horrified now at the I
thought. "There, painting the i
siirnhnard ho tried to bn nirc--'
Let us give you a feed business! It's
a goodfeecj business, too, and it
won't cost ypw a cent , extra. Just
buy your feed here and let the
profits buy the business for you.
Farm Bureau Co-op. Exch.
copvmaxr. ise
tried to let me know!"
Now It was Christine's turn
cry. and she sobbed harder thaajwas going in to town, see? May.
Roselec had done, until both girls )e we better not tell him you'vo
finally turned over their pillows 'already seen it. see?"
ano weni 10 Sleep in companion
able misery.
.wrs. Hogau na.t a goou Drenu
ibhi iur nitf lureo yuium ocooie.
.'h6 f nfi, . il Urt,n ll
watched Dick expectantly, but he
d ,no' ,fn,,e""OPn.h th . 1p,evlous
u . . i . ii...,i.ii
'I'"' i" ,.k had hddn ln
I ' lZb
n thought they didn't know and
Ue wasn't shaNng them. Hwe
disappointed, especially
Hick had hidden the
lees lovely face was
dark with
A few tourist automobiles were
coming in by 9 and the young
, wan Christine though, who kept
i.rr j.,i , .,,. Frakiin Lar-
people nan to serve as guinea, u
i ' ratiiv old ear cninine
acroas , jnshua tree desert be
ton she 1)Bari) , voiBe,
i jB,)e,j jfer
little knot of tourist
guests with one of Roeee's nnd
liasteped to pieet r ranKlln.
The young man's eyes bright
ened with olvous' fileasure when
she came to his car.
"Hello!" he xntd. "You look
fresh as a dev.drop! Your new
cowgirl outfit is very becoming!"
She laughed a pit. happily.
"ffring me anything, oininf
She asked it casually, teaslngly
as a child might have, and Just
lis casually picked up the parcel at
nis sine, u sue nim given it a
thought at all she would have as
sumed that ' the parcel contained
something for use at (ioldcresl.
It was a natural assumption. They
had bad to buy a lot of odds nnd
ends tools, sourvonlrs, cooking
utensils, Items nf clothing, pro
visions and such on trips in to
town. And in a thoughtless In
stant Chrlsllne had shaken the
loose wranner off this parcel loo,
A calfskin purse,, beautifully
beaded, dropped out...
"Oh." she cried, staring.
Franklin blusbed, rather pain
Sending and Refinishing
Phone 851 -J ' ' Phone 129
Temporary address R. P.
Oakland, Oregon
UJJ'. dtvslopn your 8 fx
T'mX Pe'f 'I'm, oivf
Send your film. Prompt service. Sotis
foctlon juqrontttd. Rtprlntp 3c tech,
minimum ordsr 2Sc. Uni titn.
ty''f phlurti, Ko( mach'iti wuil
forrl.sJ 4322 QtHf
Moi Distinctive Hottl
Friendly Service
' Home-Likj Roomi
Wonderful Food '
Sensible Rates
Broadway Oak Portland
You Are As Old
As Your Feet
Why have tired out feeling
pains in feet, ankle knee, legs
pases caused by some form of
foot troubles
Dr. J. M. Ingalls
who make regular visit every
other Saturday to your city, l
licensed by the state of Oregon
fRIST He give complete foot
ervlce. Weak or flat feet, corn,
Calouses, Ingrowing nails, treat
ed without pain and ' with little
cost and trouble to you.
Call for appointment or come In.
8 . m. to S p. m.
Umpgua Hotel. Roseburg
Next visit Saturday, June 22nd
." 'I J.. i,n l ,. '. ' ! '.
fully. "Yeah," he llnally inanagcil,
swallowing. "'eah, I ()ld. . But
you beat me to It, Christy. I well
I mean I forgot It was laying here
op t")e seat.' 1 Inlendetj w jet'lt
to Pick first"' .' :....
"To Pick.?"
"Yeah, that's it! Dick! He, uh,
he told nie to bring it. lor you. .
Christine. He's well I guess he .
to wanted to be nice and all. and 1
Christine looked at Franklin,
looked Into his frank gray eyes. He
was trying to lie casual, trying to
- io an(, , h a bUi
Uut t runk-
.. ,. nn,i i,
asn't getting away with It. Chris-
, fe? sudden hurt within her.
She knew Kranklln waa lylng-
"he knew Dick bmln t ordered that
ll""el S"? . wa8" ' "ur i
whU . Ily had happened b
u,' ' , told bet tuat thlnf,
? '"I , UV,r.T.f S,
purse! She wasn't sure exactly
but ner
She felt
her throat tighten and she waa
nfi-ntil wha whr Groins to crv acain
'as she had erled last night. So she
turned hastily away.
I - "Oh aure," alio forced herself to
' "Don't tell him. It's sweet of
him to think of me, wasn't it?
You you heller hurry up and
- come to work
(To he continued)
Ford 60 coach lf
with radio 9909
'38 Chevrolet 4-Door Stdan
Run less than 20,000 miles.
Spotless inside and as shiny
as new outside. OrtAA
Down payment .. 9)1IV
"36 Chvrpt Ptluxt Coupe
Equipped with radio and
heater. Tires 80. Bright or
iginal finish and has had ex
ceptionally good J
'36 Deluxt Ford Coupe
Finished in maroon with vel
low wheels. It's a beauty with
lots ot extras and 4C
runs like a clock 9909
'36 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan
Finishod in a beautiful au
tumn brown. Very clean mo
hair upholstering and tops
mechani- f A)
iiy 99V9
34 Ford 4-Door Sedan
New tires, new paint, a sweet
running CttaC
"r 9409
36 Dpdge Coupe
Motor completely recondi
tionod. Finished in a rich ma
roon. It's in tiptop condition.
in every re-
'37 Ford Coupe
New tires. Has original jet
black finish and priced $50
:r.:z $39$
37 Willys Sedan
A fine little car that will give
aoour ia miles per m m
gallon of gas 99C9
'34 Pontine Sedan .
Run less than 20,000 miles.
me second sot of new tires
just put on. Aaaai
Extra good 99Z9
"35 Oldsmobilc Sedan
Low mileage. A car you'll
'31 Model A Ford Coach
We sincerely believe this is
the best A model Ford in
Douglas county.
29 Ford Coupe
'29 Ford Coach...
'29 Chevrolet
Coupe, new tiros
Trticfts and Commercial
'39 Ford Pickup
'34 International rrr
fickp 9ZZ9
'37 Ford Truck. mmi
heavy tires 99 9 V
35 Dodge truck, recondition.
ed. Good tires and ocer-
tionally good
throughout 9929
34 Chevrolet a m
Truck 9109
Logging Truck and Trailer
Ready to work with all new
tires on Ana
trailer 90UU
t:!::i $295