STX ftOSBUK6 NbWS-REVIfcW, RC-SSBUR6, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1$, 1940. Release of U. S. Subs, Torpedo Boats Rapped WASHINGTON, June 10. (AP) Cliulnnuil Walsh (D.. Mass.) at Iho scmile naval rnininlllne said lo-l'? '!?, ilnv Unit rnl... i,. ,i, .... , Jdeorge Holler, score in' mure torpedo and subiim- line chuHing minor bouls In the Hllllsh was 11 "grievous wrong, es-l-oolally lo 'lie American yruith wlio muy ho called upon lo fight lr Dm ilcrciisi ol our country.' Tim navy imil reported a row hours oiiillor Hint II had cleared ii" nny inr urn i-.inetrlc Haul, eiim- imny nr (Irnloii, Com:., In sell the emit, originally ordered for thn United States Heel. The navy Biilil 20 IhiuIb worn Involved, Walsh said thorn wore II torpedo bonis and 12 submarine chusora. "If win- should rnm In tho next few nioiilhs." Walsh mild, "and mil enemy mil, nun Ine approaches our iiarnors. no ono can estimate the iiiineciuoneo t Hat imiv follow an a result of this disposal of those vessels. resilient and Ib now owner of Iho Pulmdnle hospital. Mrs. Pauline Irving and Hon. I .lurry, of llrldKe. Ore., returned lo t their home Sunday evening after la tew days' visit here with Mrs. Irving ft parents, .Mr. anil Mrs. Paroled Bandit, 21, Gets 1 5 Years for New Crime MHDFORD, Ore., .limn 1(1 (AP) -Floyd Harlan Miller ii who pleaded utility to a charge or assault while with u deadly weapon, wan senleneed lo fifteen years In elmo prison by Circuit Judge Notion lloiuluy. .Miller, his record returns show, wiih on flvo years probation lor burglary from Clatsop county Elanlnd July 13 last. Miller. accnrdfnir intuitu w HHiuontfnd, liiml Am mth A. VonriK, laximnn, lo h'-iiil him to AhIiIihhI riYiin I Ills vUy on nlctil of Juno 4. Kpnr a jJ.i i'Mv olhwriy innoii, Young drove oil iho, highway, wan nuurk on Iho hcnd with a gun butt hy Mill er find lobbed of $2.75 mid Ills ii to. Mllli.t wan itri-HHicd a short tlmo lalur by tho AhIiIihkI ;iiy ioliro. Suthcrfin filTTriKnUN. J 11 no 19. Mr. mid Alru. Many Hupp of Tunmint, Cnlir., wer khphIh of Mr. and Mi-h, Jack Culver Jr., TI.urHc.ny ovonlng. Jnko Francln hnd Iho mlsfor tuno to ioHO IiIh hay lixrn Inst wiMik by rim. Tho loan jK partial ly rover by Insurance. ChnrlpA Ileller reiurnod to his homo Sunday from CreHwell, Ore., whero ii has been veiling for tho hiHt two wopRh with his sister und brothor-lolaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ufn (Smith, Hud and LeRoy Cooper left Sun Iny from fireahum where they will pick berrlcH. Dr. and Mph. Harold Snook of PalmdiUe, Calif,, aro Hpendlng nnv eral ilnya hero with tho former's jmrents, Dr. and 1rn. H. W. Hnook. Tho former Mr. Snook Is H well known fnimnr S-ithrrHn nnrl Farren Fli'atton ami Carl ('ratty returned Frbluy from a bunlneH trip to Seatllu, Vnnh. Mr. ami Mis. Unrold Shirley vIh (ted over the wcfjk-(jii(l with Mnj. Shirley's Hlntcr and hrolhor-ln-luw, Mr. and Mm. .lark Smith and Mr. Shirley's brother, KriKtir Shirley, and family. Mr. ami Mrs. Shirley bad been enjoying u trip to Ari zona and Mopped en route, home to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M, I MeKinney find daughters, Irene and Kiln, of Oak land, and Mr, and Mm. John MuHgrove and sons, John and Wayne, enjoyed a week-end on tho North Cmprjua river above Steam boat crf-ek. -Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert MeKar- land, daughter, nnd the former's mother. Mrs. Katlo Mel'arland of lieno, Nev., have been visiting for Hii past week ut the (i. W, Milam homo east of town. Mrs. Katie MeKnrland in ft daughter of Mrs. Milam. A group of about 25 young peo- ole made a hike to Mt. Scott Sun dny. Charles Hall of Cottagn Crnve slopped for a short visit at 1ho j Kdgar Shirley homo Monday aft ernoon. ! Klmer Jenkins left Tuesdny morning for tho const where he litis employment, Construction of an nddltlon 25x50 feet to their present build ing has been announced by J. W Culver, owner of Culver's market, The new building will bo lidded to l.ho .rear of the present structure and will house, cold stoniKo lock ers for public use. Hollo Knowles and fieorgo Heller are In charge of the construction work. Tho fuunral for the Into Frank O. Young was held Monday after noon at two o'clock In (he Metho dist church with Tin v. I'erry Smith of St. (ieorgo's Knlscoiml church of Itoseburg officiating. Interment was In the Valley View cemetery. Mrs. Carl Thornton under went a major operation al Mercy hospital in Hoseburg Tuesday morning. She Is reported to be re covering qulto satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Hen Dick and son, Charles, of tiladstone, Ore., stop ped here Saturday for a short. vlyit at the Prank llolgfiln home while en route to the Oregon caves and Crater lake. They Jett (heir small son. Charles, with the child's aunt, Mrs. Ilolgnte, nnd took Frank lo Holgate with them. Mrs. II. C. Wilmol motored to Moil In rd Monday where she met Mr. Wilmot and returned to Suth erlln. Among tho out of town people hero lor the. late Frank Young's funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. (Jrorgo Itussell Heed Jr., of San Francisco, Thomas Maiden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marden, Mrs. Clarence Ad ams, and Mrs. Kenneth Culick, of Mend, Mr. and Mrs. Zell Young, of Fortbind, Mrs. .leiinetto Pearco. ! Mr. and Mrs; Ct'orue P. Laird. ' Mrs. Pearce Is remaining here with hr daughtor, Mrs. Frank Young, for a visit. MImi Huby Thornton Is in Mercy nospitai for treatment. .Miss Pauline Luchterhand of Portland visited Iipre over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol- gaio und Mr. und Mrs. Percy Uiciilei'lian.l. Funeral serviceH for tlie late Will J. liayiwv were held at the Methodist church Tuesday after noon with Ilev. Perry Smith of ficiating. Interment was in Val ley View cemetery. Lloyd Stuart of Gladstone, Ore gon, visited at the John Musgrove homo last Thursday while travel ing through on business. MARKET REPORTS Nampa Mayor, Flying Teacher Hurt In Crash PRODUCE POIITi-ANI), June I!). (API llutler, butterfat, cheese, country rneels un lirillKed, 1.1 VH I'O I! I.T n V llliylllK prlee. No. 1 Krade: I.eBhorn brcill- ers 1J lo 2 lbs.. He; fryers, under .'I lbs.. 15c: fryers 211 lbs., I Si:; roasters over 4 lbs., 17c; Leghorn hens over .'!! lbs. 12c; Ia-kIioi-ii hens under :ij lbs. luc; colnred heilH over S lbs., i;ii:; eoloreil lier.l l-" lbs., l.'Je; old roosters f.e. Uressed turkeys, onions, jieas un changed. NKW I'OTATOKS C'ullfnniia whiles 00s, $1.10; Kills, 2.ll",,. I'olaloes, hay, wool,, hides, cast-lira, hops unchani;"il. NA.MPA, Idaho1, June 19. (API Hen II, Walifiind. Namna niavnr and Harry Clark, aviation Instruc tor, here were In a hospital today as a result of an airplane acci dent al 6:30 tills morning as they look off for I taker, Ore. Malltanil, Chief of Police V. K. Jeppeson said, is suffering from euu and shock while Clark lias nits, serali-hes and possible bai It injuries. .lepijeson ouoteit spcotulnra as sayiiiK Ihe plane, apparcnlly linv in engine Iroulile at the takeoli. ro.-to about 29 feet III the air and ihen nosed over on the runwav as tile eilKino filed. Clark was to conduct flyln': classes at l suitor today. LIVESTOCK POKTI.ANIV Ore., Juno in (API ill. S. Dent. AKr.l-IIOOS .Market acllve; butchers slroni! lo 10 hlclier; packing sows sleady; built Koodeholce 17.1220 lb. ilrlveln hulchers li.OIMO; prae llcal lop 11. ii; one lot choice 218 III. butchers averaan (1. 20; over weight butchers anil light llglils fi.Oll-all; iKickage smooth. Ilcht packing sows'r, others 3.70 1.50. CATTI.H F e d steers absent. iiuotable nominally steady; Knias steers scarce, about steadv: mass 1'lielfers now showing relatively as much decline as beef rows: "beef cows slow lo weak: cnnner-cuilers steailv: hnllu uiu,lv- iri,i,.,.u "'"'ly to 50 lower; few meilliim ! 111111 grass steers 7.7;: fat grass steers absent; grass heifers 7.511 down; medium-good beef cows iiuoliihle mound 5.00 -Ii. 00; canner connnon cows 3.75-1.75; good bulls lo 7.25; odd choice vealers to 10: ol hers 11.50 down; package good 2110 lb slaughter calves 8.75. SIIKKP Spring lambs steady to 25 lower; good-choice drlvelns s.uu-i! latler earlv Ion nn slim-i deck 7a lb. weights; few medium good springers 7.75; odd feeders down lo 7.IUI; undertono weak on slaughter ewes. hum boils of procuring munitions. Mr. Johnson told the group that In the present defense emergency "wo must have motoriznrlnn f,n,l mecnan izat ion on a grand scale. i ae nuvy reported that It liad leferred delivery on 20 sneed boats, of the torpedo anil snhmnr. Inc chaser type, ordered from the r.ieciric itoat com nan v at (iroinn Conn. This opened the way for " ainiisciurer to sell tho craft lo Ihe llrltish. At ihe while house It was mild mat rreslilent Koosevelt had nn- proveii pi. ins ior mo transaction. Forced Service at Issue The oiieatlon of coinnulsorv nn service for American youth now neing siuilleil by President itoosevcii soon may he nut soiiureiy up to congress, where a mixed reception was Indicated to- uay. The chief executive discussed universal training during Ills press conference yesterday, say ing Hint ho might communicate wlih congress on tho subject with in Ihe next three or six weekB. An administration lieutenant, Senator llyrnea (11., 8. C), follow ed up with iho statement that ho understood ihe war department al ready had worked out nlaiiB for such a program. President Ilnosevell, in outlin ing Ihe compulsory training pro gram he has under consideration. niphasizod that It was still in iho sludy stage. It eontemplaied, no explained, eventual government service for ill of the nation's young men and perhaps its young women In promoting tho national defense. I.eelslation lo emnower the Use of subterranean clover in nresldent to send Tied Cross piisluro mixtures throughout west- "mercy" ships inlo Ihe war stone .-in wi'-kuii , lo oouoie tae "no urniiiui in ii v inucKeu oy neua- carrvlng capacity of hill land anil ler Holt ID.. W. Va.l, who accus- France Faces Bondage Is Rumored Peace Price fConllnued from page 1) Netherlands East Indies, The newspaper Asiihi said Japan had decided lo make "very frfendly representullons" trf del many ami Italy on her concern over Indochina. Subterranean Clover Has High Pasture Value whom were experiencing their first taste of real war, were Bent scurrying to air raid shelters when tile first alarms were snnml. ed near midnight and It was al most dawn when some of thero came out Into the open again. Spectacular aerial battles,! , will send a service car to follow the caravan and any driver ex periencing mechanical or tire trouble Is asked to drop out of line and await the arrival of the service car, which will contain ex perienced mechanics to aid in any fought In a sky lighted by burst- Ing shel s and the beams of searchlights, marked the raid. Al one. point 111 Cambridgeshire spectators who remained above ground cheered as a llrltish fight- Program Set at Lake. At Diamond a'e thero will lie a short prngrnin, celebrating the opening of the road. A delegation from Mamatli Falls has a"kei for Stock and Bond Averages er plane pumped machine-gun bill-1 a part on the program. Wclcom- similar unlrrlgated naslures. C.eo. II. Ilyslop, head or thn division or plant Industries ut Oregon Stale college. Bays. This peculiar legume has been grown at the stution for a nmuhcr of years now, anil has also been given prncllcal teals In pasture mixtures, particularly In Coos county, where It has stood up un der heavy grazing year after year. .iiiiiiiiigu an annual clover, It sticks us own seed Into tho ground he. fore maliiring. Ihus Insuring u con tinuous stand year after year. me oi mo limiting factors In rapid expansion of this clover is an inaiieiniato seed sunn v r.f ,i. slrable strains, said Henry Hamp ton, assislant federal npi-ntinmlct Kxperllnenls In growing this clover for seed Indlrale that It enn be successfully handled on certain l.vpcB of soil In this stale, parllcu larlv Ihose that are loose and friable. ed the administration of stirring up hatred and said the shins might provide an "Incident" which would send the country to war. West Hemisphere Land Transfers to Be Resisted lets into a bomber und sent tho ruiiier crnslilui.' In flames. Nazi Cities Raided The air ministry announced last night that heavy damage on tier man fuel supplies had been Inflict ed In raids executed the preced ing night on (ielsenklrchen. Horn. burg. U'unne, Klckel. Essen, Doll horgen. Hamburg, Aachen, Diils berg Ilhedyt, Cologne and Ko-hlnns. Two Ilrlllsh aircraft failed to relurn from these missions, it said. Sharing tile spotlight with these -rial operations were the fol lowing developments on the home Iront: (ieneral De Cnulle, French tin- iler-seerelary of defense In the Iteynaud cabinet, declared last Jiigbt in a broadcast from I.ondon that I- ranee, with her vast colon ial empire, can stilt unite with tr. lain nnd, aided by the resources or ihe United States, crush der ma 'y. The llrltish expeditionary force has now been withdrawn from France, l.ont!on reported, and will devote itself to the "one task" of home defense. About 1,250,000 sol diers arc under arms to guard against the Imminently-expected nnzi invasioii. fConllnued from page 1) j Hearing of Five Accused Gypsies Again Deferred Miss Jean WHEAT POHTI.A.N'D. Ore.. June 1!) (API (men llii:li 1j- r-ln.n Kepi. . 711 715 7H 71.1 HT US WtflfE YW Ihe preliminary hearing sched uled loilav In Ihe justice court for five gypsies arrested for larceny from Iho person was again post poned, Justice pf Ihe Peace n. W. Marslers reported. The iii.nn.itin' of the enso is being continued -for iiiriner investigation, it wn: plained. and Minuclsnn off Newfoundland. Secretary Hull was expecled to re-define American policy In tin ad dress at Harvard university com mencement exercises tomorrow. VITAL STATISTICS If A MARRIAGE LICENSES NO II Til CR A FT-S iron P i'ln..,i rniiiris nortneralt and Helen Mill MIOOl). both resiitenlQ Itoseburg, lllKI.SO.GO DON AHhiin Wolford Joclsoll nnd liiclni-la i.iiiii i.nruon, noiii residents or j.osenurg. Congress Speeds Bills for Increasing Defense (Continued from page 1) IF THEY'RE GOOD ENOUGH TO DRIVE IN ON THEY'RE VALUABLE TO US. SEE HOW MUCH ACTUAL CASH WE CAN GIVE YOU FOR THEM ON THE PURCHASE OF NEW U.S. TIRES Do you know that we're offering big cash isvingsun your oldtires-aod that we'll apply ihcio savings you make to any new U. S. Sufcty Tire we bave in our llorc?Th.t'j real ncws-cspecially when you consider that you're getting genuine U. S. Tires-famous for their extra skid and blowout protection, their extra long mileage. Take ad vantage of this amaiing offer now while our price for used tires is up! Sin ml Ibit SMOOTH TIBB ARE DANGEROUS! IET US SAFETY-CHECK YOUR TIRES TODAY! 6:00x16 U.S. Tires and old tires KIAKfSEN MOTOE CO. Phone "Doc" Carter at 1 04 bnle on Iho exniinslnn bill i,.,n... row. Lenders predicted the ineaR. tire would bo sent lo the senate In record time. Senate Votes Bnn.t The senate nnm-onrialinna m niiiteo. mennwn e. nnniiiveii inner Item of Iho president's de- lense program, the ( 1.777.1S9 7SS emergency supply hill carrvln I inula for a great variety of ar ii. .1111, his ami munitions. As l- "111 llded by (lie senate com mi lee tile measure totaled S7113U- Oiio more than when passed by the house. This net Increase resulted mien ine senuto added $I0II..35, KSil in annul cash but vn,in,.a. the amount of contract nuthoriza- iicns approved ny inc house. i.eailers said Ihey would nslt seniile passage today or tomor row. Of the hill's total. Sl.-tS.1.35:!.027 inuiiii no in rash und 12811.1311.761 in contract inilliorlzallons. Plane Motora Included Senate Increases Included $13 iniii.iiiiu tor the purchase of 3.000 iiiuis lioyce airplane engines from i ne r oi ii jiotor company: ss mm ODD for the ncqiilsltlou of marine corps ordnance material; J7.501V "i"i inr irainlnv naval cadets and ,1'iiiineer reserves, and $25 000. Ono for a navy department "emer gency fund." The measure nlso would pro vide for increasing from 2S0.OO0 mi ,1,11.111111 men ine size of iho siiimting army. iVmong oilier defense develnn. mollis. riH)iBanlznllon of the armv Industrial college lo triple lis out put of officers trained In methods or mobilizing Industry for defense was ordered by Ihe war denart- mi-nt. The school, created In 1H21. will operate the year round In three i'ourses of four months eneh tt. stead of Iho present single 9 month course. "Grand Scale" Set Louis Johnson, assistant war secretary, announced classes ""inn inciiiiie annul 70 armv. nnvy and marine officers, mostly reservists. First of the new lasses will start August 1. The announcement was made as 3 officers received diitlnmn. fw.m Johnson at the conclusion nr s months training In army and navy MONROE DOCTRINE CITED BY AMERICA TO ITALY TIOMR. June 1!). IAPI The Tulled filntes government, citing Ihe Monroe doctrine, has warned Italy it will not tolerate Herman nr Italian interference with French or Hritish possessions in Ihe western hemisphere, a reliable source said today. The Infortnnnt said lie under stood that an American nolo to the Italian government minted pass ages from President Monroe's 1S23 message which proclaimed the famous doctrine, particularly that pari opnoslng any extension of tho political systems of foreign powers to tlie American hemisphere. This is Ihe part of the Monroe doctrine message which was said to have been cited In Iho American warning: "We owe It to candor and lo amicable relations existing between the I'niled Stales and Ihose (Ktlro penn) powers to declare we should consider nny nttemnt on their part lo extend their systems to nnv por tion of tills hemisphere as n danger lo our neace and safety. "With existing colonies or de pendencies or nnv Kuronean pow ers we have not Intei-rered nnd shall not Interloro. lint with gov ernments who have declared their Independence n"d have maintained it . : . we could not view nnv In. let-position lor Ihe pninose of on pressing llieni or controlling In any other manner the!:- destinies hy any Kuronean power In nnv oth er light Hum ns maniresiltnllnns or nn unrrieniilv disposition toward Ihe I'nlieil stales." "No Pity For France" Word of the warning came even ns Virginia (inviH, answering "sen timental appeals" or American and Swiss newspapers lor considera tion lor France, declared In II Oiornnle lvilnlla, that Italy can see "no reason to show ally for France in the present case." Onyda. fascist editor of Ihe ra- tier. wHo frenuentlv sneaks for Pre mier Mussolini. Indicated France would he renuired lo vleld some of her territory, and said Hint onlv a new Kiirnpean order "can restore national unities and dislrllmie justly political power and over seas colonies." The newspaper II Ponolo 1)1 Monia said nermnnv and llnlv should demand the unconditional surrender or France, nnd Us Munich cori-einomtent wrote that a nroclse plan Had been drawn nn ior division of French territory be tween urn-man and Italian tirmles lo nrevenl Ihe French from aiding Ilrllain. lie listed five economic i.-niis. inn a government source emutiated them. mi iieriin, auinorized sources cautioned the foreign press from speculating on conditions of the oi in ist u e ,,r I he terms of peace, nnd flnlly denied the five points named by II Pnpnio HI llomn.l German Warplanes Raid British Coast Region (Continued from pace 1) LONDON, June 13. (API OH supply centers, railway marshalling yards, power station and rail com munlcations in many parts of northwest (lermany and the Ithine- land were attacked Tuesday night by royal air force heavy bomber siiiiailrons, the air ministry an nouneed today. Targets near Hamburg, llremen Frankfort, Essen. Castrop, Stork ratio and Hanover were reported heavily bombed. At llremen more than 250 bombs were dropped within ten minutes, causing heavy explosions among oil tanks nnd starting numerous fires, the announcement said. IlKlil.IN, June 19. (API Fritz Weltzel. 30, nazi party leader in Ititsseldorf, was killed by u bomb splinter In a llrltish air raid on that city the night or June 18, DNH, official German news agency, announced today. Weltzel was a high SS (black shirt elite guards) official ill west ern (iermnny. Details Arranged for Caravan to Diamond Lake (Continued from page 1) where extra precautions must be taken. The Tlnnsen Motor company ing delegations ulso nro expecled rrnm Medford. Ilend and Kugenn. Members of the earn van mav re turn as Ihev choose. A scheduled return v. lll bo' made with police es cort for those desiring to return home by way of tho new road. Others mnv prefer to camn at thn lake over the week end, while some doubtless wli- elect to make a loop trip. . , Tho distance from Ttnsohure to Diamond lake bv way of tho North TTmnnua road Is 92 miles. From Hoseburg to Diamond lako liv wnv of the next nearest route is over ine -liner-Trail cut-off and Union ei-eek roads, a distance or H5 miles. P.v wnv of Mndford the distance Is 204 miles and bv wnv of tho Sams valley route, ISO miles. Onu Stretch to Be Restricted. ' Although the North llmpnun road will be officially opened to limine travel frliluv. certain in. slrlelloiiB will ho applied to the iinnnisned uopelnnd creek seclion until work in Hint nleled. v. V. Ifarnham, forest sn- iiervisor. said today. The Cope land creek section of about three mMes has onlv been rniltrhlv ri-a,l. ed and not cut to full width. Con siderable work remains to be done In the way of widening iho mil. eliminating n few sharp turns, dig' ... mimn niicnes and surfac ing the roadbed. However, tho road will be open ed to travel dally after 4 p m at which lime the CCC crows quit work for tho day. nnd will remain niinn until 8 n. in. The road will he open all day on each Saturday nnd Sunday for public use. The restrictions nnnlied in ,.n ..i. davs oilier than Saturday and Sun day. Mr. llarpliam states, nre neces sary In order lo Insure completion of Ihe Job and to provide safety for motorists. Much powder work re mains In he done, together with a "tent tient or heavy erot ling. V.r. lot-Is will he made, however in clear a passage way bo that Ihe road may he used bv the nubile outside ol work hours. Travelers planning to use the route nn ,l v. other than the two open dnya. he miiira, minum arrange their sched ules so that Ihey can be ready to pass at Ihe time tlie road is nnon. ed. Work will be In nroiriess from 8 n. m. to 4 p. m. Thus cars may use the road at other hours and by pronerlv arranging the schedule will still he able to make tho li-ln either way by daylight, if desired. Average travelling time from Hose burg to Copelantl creek Is about two and one halt hours, nnd tmt Diamond lake to the upper end of me t,opeiantl creek canyon the driv ing time is about one and one-halt nours, STOCKS Compiled by The Associated Press June 19: 30 15 15 (10 Ind'ls llll's Ill's SI'ks Wednesday .. f.s.5 15.1 33.8 41.3 Prev. day 58.3 11.8 33.(1 41.1 Month ago .... 51.3 13.2 31.1 38.1 Year ugo (17.(1 18.1 37.5 47.0 1910 high 74.2 20.5 40.0 52.2 1910 low 52.3 13.11 30.9 37.0 BONDS 20 10 10 10 Hit's Ind'ls l!t's Fgn. Wednesday .. 51.9 10.3 93.7 37.9 Prev. day 61.2 100.3 93.2 38.0 Month ago .... 49.0 99.2 90.0 37.7 Year ago 57.3 100.4 90.1 lil.8 1940 high 59.9 10.1.0 97.5 53.5 1940 low : 48.3 98.9 90.3 35.1 anmoore Hotel in Portland Meets Public Demand Because after several months' study the management of the Dan. moore hotel In Portlnnd has found certain demands are made by tlie people who visit Portland and aton in hotels . . many of these demand are now Being met at the Dan. raoore . . fli-Bt reasonable rates, room without bath single rate $1.50 instead of a dollar for the second person in the room a charge of 60 cents is made . . Doom with bath' 12.00 Bingle, $2.50 double are the minimum rates . . . second the Don. moore hotel makes no chargo for your car In their fireproof garage. . .,lhe garage Is free . . third . . . cheerful bright rooms, many ol which have soft Monteray or Car. mel colored furniture . . four; fam ily or group rates . . a family of four, two adults and two children may have two connecting rooms with bulb, for as low rato as $4.00 per day . , recently $10,000.00 was spent on Improvements nt the Dan. moore nnd now the manager, Ray W. Clark, formerly In business in Hoseburg, announced Hint the Dnn mooro has the I1KST HOTR1, ROOM VALUE In Portland and he suggests that you try the Man moore on your next trip . . he nlso says that If you tire not pleased with the rato and appointments of the rooms nt tho Danmoore ho will pay your taxi fare to another ho tel . . The lintel Danmoore Is nt I2lh and S. W. MorrlBon streets. Allison's Residential Beauty Shop Permanent Waves $1.50 and up PHONE 384 446 N. Rose St. CORNS HURT? Ill I I AH o" Co"" HI I L L I W H rornuila, A Nw Idea, A S 0 I II nwiit NO ACID. SU CHAPMAN'S AABH Art? drugstore vwiiii-wrr rell loo yards from the murine uoii wings. The three other crew member. uninjured, were seized nnd taken to ponce neadqtinrters. The four-man crew of another German raider shot down at son was rescued by fishermen. T. of the nazis were wounded The raid, one of the mn.i e.ian. sue mat r.nglaml has experienced to date, enmo only a Tew hours af ler Air Marshal Sir Philip Jatibert nan wnrncn ine nal on n a hm,j. east that it must be prepared for moa inr attncK. lie echoed a warn ing voiced yesterday in the house Su ro'"':',on" b' Prim Minister Churchill, who said that "ih. k..,., of England" was about to beRln. I RE FRtS Ice-cold Coca-Cola is all pure refreshment. Its taste satisfies completely and a refreshed feel ing follows that leaves you wanting nothing more. P A U THAT BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-COLA CO BY HOSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS iiunisunin or unions, many of TELEPHONE 186