ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 18. 1940. FIVE m Livestock 100 UAHOE wennor and feeder M nlira. also two irood fresh milk COW8. J. E. Cooper, Oakland, Oregon. FOR SALE Two Shetland ponies. Konald Hurst, Myrtle Creek, Ore gon. ! FOB SALE Day-old bull calf, (1.00. 829 Mlcelll St., Roseburg. IfOHSALE 3 fresh milk goats. . Inquire 1002 Prospect street. ,i FOIl SALE Weancr pigs. Lloyd '! Harvey, Curry Estate. I FOR SALE Saauie or pack horse. :S Phone 12F31. : COCKER Spaniels. Phone 836-J. Help Wanted f;WANTED Youngoerry pickers, I 20 miles northwest of Oakland. ;? Picking to begin about the 20th. Write Perry George, Oakland, Ore. WANTED Man and wife or a single man to work on poultry V farm. J. M. Cabot, Tenmlle. NIC AT woman for housework, f t $15.00 per month. Mrs. John Win- niford. Wilbur. Oregon. it- Miscellaneous . 1'. JOHNSTON, Iho former wuiclminker or ltosebnrg. Is now Sf open for business at 609 N. ? Jacksou. We guarantee first i class repairing at reasonable f prices. Lost and Found . 'LOST Large, red speckled hound. V$ Reward. Harvey Uaviapn, Idloyld 6000 6ttN OOCb&OSi'c. ,VS. WASH TUBBS OH, HO! 60 VOL) WAS RXIN' IV) liAV AFFAIRS A 6 AIM, VNA -TAlWM' TO t0 ME ALLEY OOP Awaiting the Returns By V. T. Hamlin :M fSoiJRE GETTIMg) PREPARED TO CYOlJ? WHAT MAKES fwELLMYGOSH A REGENT'S A 11 f BUT, ALLEY, THEy CANT felEL-0 , THE (3RAND COUMClL. ,o!!1.f f ! ' WjiXir Pp.PAED? VTAKEOVeRTKigWTHIrTHEV'RE LEADER , AIHE K AW' WHO'S 1 YTTS Ar?SVcEDKS vo t' ' V PREPARED ) REGENT JOB GOING TO ELECT MAKE A BETTER LEADER IN 1 AMAZON COUNTRY .' i BAH. 90 THE NEW RULER MUST fy YOU WONT V'-Ajji- 1 s FOR WHAT ?4 TH' DAMES (I V W s THIS CRrSIS TrWN A GENERAL? VOUR LOGIC IS ( YOU'RE, ) HAVE BEEN APPOINTED J HAVE TO I I- ' " ' . '' I IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Coming Events By Merrill Blosser 1 feak'Wf Lifiri.) tWairS" I US Im STORE ) ra STORE OWNS AND I WWATfc SOMETHING ' ft f NtW"" TWD flA' I ZYmiM GONNA WJkT V ' p J IT THW SMB ABOUT CALLIN3 I QMOMTHS IS Too It "1 VtT:P-V BP ? Main P J SHBS GONNA , IT THE . llrrortW jff LONG fOR. MG TO RCAOuR.IS 1 IT ) r y'-g , c? E 7-' ' gonna call I CupBOArd rTi J .J wait For some- OKSriNfD fjr 7 1 1, I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Wottq Man ' ' By Edgar Martin A ,11- Real Esratt FOR SALE or trade for Eugene property -48 ceres near Cleve land, 12 miles west of Koseburg. tiood house, barn, chicken houses, fruit, well fenced, elec tric lights, water. For sale--20 acres timber In Melrose Orchard tract. For sale Koeliler plant, Becond hand, in good condition. Would be nice for a summer home, inquire at Farm Uureau Co-op, Exchange In Rosehurg about plant. Mrs. C. I). Patrick. 653 Seventh avenue W., Eugeno, Oregon. WANTED -Small acreage with wood, water. Trailer bouse part payment, some, or balance, cash. Must be bargain. 3 choice lots In Sweetwater, ' Texas, with some improvements to trade. Box 841, co News-Review. STRICTLY modern, five-room home, completely furnished; fur nace, fireplace, piano, radio, Frigldaire, sewing machine, elec tric range, garage. Adults. In quire G. W. Young & Son. FEDERAL tana bank tnrms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms. Lists available at the National Farm Loan Offlco, Perkins Build ing, Roseburg. BELTONIA Modern, furnished apartment. Hardwood floors, tile sinks, refrigerator. Opposite Umpqua hotel. Reasonable. Phone 12-L. FOR SALE G-room rustic home on North Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Olldo, Ore gon. LOT and small house in Portland to trade for same in Roseburg. Phone 75. l)R SALE Modern remodeled 6 j room house. 606 S. Pine street, VAKfc PKKi' VAT Wt TO MEDDLE e-T WAt o VOUf VOU DIRT, HEY lit Mi -k FOR SALE OR TRADE For Doug las county property, Portland lor, E. 6Slh St. M. Eaaton, 446 Fow ler St. Phone 33. VACANT lots for sale or trade for car, trailer house or livestock of equal value. M. K. Emerson, Route 2. Work Wanted STENOGRAPHER, Di years' ex perience. Competent, reliable. WisCies full or part-time work. Box 840 co News-Review. CABINET WORK made to order 643 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Wanted WANTED Snetland pony. Must be gentle. R. W. Wise, Yoncalla. hIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market. Fuel j 16-inch and 4-foot green slab wood Orders receive nromot attention NOW. Roseburg Lumber Com pany. FOR SALE 1 GO cords 4-rt. slab wood banked on tho. road. 26 miles from Roseburg. Mako of fer. Box 813, c-o News-Review. Poultry FOR SAI.r: 50 White Leghorn pullets, 35c each. Kursten, Route 1, Box 8. BABY chicks. Wutzig Hatchery. Dentistry DR. NBRBAS Gas When Desired Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Tf,. - H ObONV V.OViEC S A Bad Man ' r:tAft ClAfttUlll AC For Salt Miscellaneous NICE YOUNGUERRIES, lot of them. Clean picking. Bring con tainers and pick. 86c per crate. Come Monday. L. E. Sartln, 4 J miles out on Melrose road, Box 94. BUTCHER EQUIPMENT Two cases, 8x10 ft. Step in box, alic er. scales, sausage machine. Ex cellent condition. Liberty Mur ket, Medford. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass trailers and auto parts, go to SARFFS AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 623 N. Main. Phone 663. FOR SALE Giant tinnias and marigolds. Still have nice plants at 10 cents dozen. 316 South Main street. Mrs. Bert Courtney. VETCHES and pea seed, cleaned, graded and fumigated. New, equipped plant; Bart Johnston, Saginaw, Oregon. A NEW modern storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor- - age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons for sale. BIG trade-in. allowance given on vniir nlft furniture. MnitlKnmarV I Ward. 315 N. Jackson street. YOl'NUBKHHIES Pick them yourself. Bring containers. Wal ter Leake, DIxonvllle. FOR SALE Farm wagon with rub Ircr tires. Cheap. Hull,: corner Sixth anil FleBor. ONE (IAS RANGE, ono Montana buffalo rug. Mill stroot store, 80S Mill street. FOR SALE Trailer house, 7x14. equipped. Reasonable. 1110 N. Jackson. f-FOOT AlcCormick binder, tongue truck. J60.00. A. J. Webber, Sutherlin. VVKiOlAi.OTCVV' VAiL.Vi CtWAKiW r KOCV TVOOV AX , h'e. awv vtsyocv Wt.'t .SOT VS. CAN -XtYX NA vAOWt ASOOX A PLAMt- VK4 MoXWt ME. CAW POX A MOTOIi i, A VVNfc CHA VOVUtO 7 15 to Cross fTUPNttV VELLA.WA AlWT TO HAWE ENOUSH SLEW-FOOTED PELICAN'. NERVE TO FK5HTA WS A. K.t lA! HOL0IH6 A 6UM, OM HIM L-eoM IWIIUIMIUK I H lr.MT.fl MOVING EAST Selling onr furni ture, davenport and chair, dress er, bed, office desk and chair, kitchen utensils, etc. 129 South Main. LOGANBERRIES Delivered, 11.00 per crate; pick them yourself, 50c. . Bring containers. Carl Brownson, Oakland. CLEAN UP SALE on ladles' hats. Big reduction In prices. Hem stitching Shop, 124 West Cass. FOR SALE Icebox, holds 60 pounds. Perfect shape. $5.00 463 Fitter street. FOR SALE Second hand lumber, windows, doors, etc. 242 S. Rose. MONTMORENCY pie cherries. A. F. Suksdorf, Coos Junction. . FOR SALE Used furniture. ,L. W. Jordan, Glide. FOR SALE Cedar Whaley, Glendale. posts. Ben FOR SALE Good Call 1)36-11. wood range. Rentals FOR RENT Furnished house 3 rooms, bath, garage. Wayside Shop, near Soldiers' Home. W. P. Harding. FOR RENT 6-rooin. nicely fur nished house. Adulls. Inquire 817 South Main street. FURNISHED housekeeping room. Lights, water. JS.0O. 828 Hnmll . ton street. Strictly modem. Phono 550. : milTHSII.K Al'A (I MBNTS - iz.uu up. t-nono job-j. GROUND floor apartment Call The Strange Shop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent llniie hs tfolpl. ' He 1b unemployed. I V "V'&'c.XWt VrO- e-ir) WO FisSMT.1 AM' yOU. ME THBOINEP IN W' 6IT VOUR JUST HIM, AU' MODERN, furnished apartment 626 S. Main. 3 ROOM, furnished bouse. Inquire 641 Pitzer. FURNISHED apartment. 424 Floed, corner Mill. f APARTMENTS Phone 242. for rent. Page's. Autos FOR SALE Model T Ford, good condition, 4 new tires, $20.00. Roy smith, on corner across from Wntzlg Hatchery. Norwegians Have No Liking for Germans SILVERTON. Ore., June 17. (API Mrs. A. T. Gunderson of Silverton received a letter yester day from her sister In Haugesund. Norway, which told in pocketbook language the effect of the nazl In vasion. The salaries of Norwegians, she wrote, have been cut In hair since the German occupation. Elsewhere the letter stated: "Be cause of the war tho school chil dren have been let out on vacation from April to August as the Gel matw are using the schonlhouses. . . . The Germans bchnvu very nice ly, but tho population has let them know that they are not weloouio In Norway . . . Tho people or Norway were prohibited from celebrating the 17th of May, Norway s jnuo pendence day." jrOHier SAN FRANCISCO Charles Finn , ,,, . ,.,108ell "typical American futhor" ill a father's uv lisram at Golden Gate expo- 1 ... sons. etAVSV WANSVi, T'N-ttvVDW 1 OOVSE. V.5SV.Ste Tr' By Roy Crane LOVELV LASS,! V3U'WE- THE WBON6 SIDE. VE'LL DESERTS THE SAME AS TJON'T FORiSIT IT 1 1 EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Want Den -SEE AN EXPERT The flrma and Individual listed below apaolalli In their work, ee thorn for expert trvio. You should profit by their help, - GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeer, 448 8. Stephens Also furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 3. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugh'a Garage. 128 B. Stephens street Phone 103. knight Porter, corner Douglas A Main. Uddy, fender work. Painting. SHEET METAL WORK 8lnnlger's, 444 N. Jacksne St. Woodrow Wilson's Kin Joins Mystics SEATTLE. June 17. (AP The daughler of (he American world win- iitident wiih reiiortcd toduy to ho IIvIiik in seclusion from the world In a colony of l eMRious myi tics nt Uoiidichurry, Imltii. Clooigo Knknshlmn, ! Ameili-nn-born .IniiancHo nrchlUict And n Ri-niHiiito of tho University of Wuuhtngton, revealed on hiB rutuin here from India that he hud met AIIbs Margaret WMboii, daughter of President Woodrow Wllnon, In tho colbuy at lloiuiicheri'y, where Nn kashinm went to construct a dor mitory for followers of the Drahma religious leader, Brl Aurohlndo. Miss Wiison, now 64 years old, entered the colony two years ago, Nakashlma said, adding: "She says she will never return to the outside world." The followers of 8rl Aurohlndo, Nnkunhlina said, are members of a fHlth which involves recognition of of multiple dlety, Uruhma orton pictured as i four-hundechtigure In religious art. The leader of the cult La a Hindu graduate of Cam bridge university. Members of the colony are urged to work nt tasks In which they are interested but obtain their material support large- j 1y from cult followers In the out Bide world. Nnkashimn said the colony has an excellent library and includes I several miiHiciuns and experts In various fields of endeavor. HiHer Can't Stop Own Machine, Exile Declares POUTI-AND, Juno 18. (AP) A German professor in exllo told the Portland chamber of com merce yesterday that Hitler's war machine was beyond stopping VACANT AUGUST 1ST Roseburg Electric Building Will sell-lease as is-:or remodel to suit. If interested, write Mr. Harold Hudson, fc-o Yakima Electric, Yaki ma, Washington. Hold Everything! COfl. iim lr ma mvici. ikc t. m m u. i w. s, "iiluc prints! Ya can't enjoy cum PLUMBING Pete Crumett, Plumbing. Ph. 697. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roseburg Eleetrle. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Hargls Radio Service. Phone 196. Lund Radio Service. Phone 84. REFRIGERATION SERVICE, E. C. Jonee. Phone 139-L. LOCK8MITH Pnoifin Kev F,er. Phone 848. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS We all find It bard to admit that we are wrong. It la so much easier to blame another, or to create some plausible alibi, than to say, I was wrong. We f.veii ratlonalleo our sins until we emerge with a Ben no of ap proval. When Jeans said repent, ho was pointing us to tho only way into the kingdom of pence, of friendship of heaven. This kingdom la right nt hand close by. All we need to do to enter Is to tnke the first step, and the door will open. The prodigal son found It so, for as soon as he said to himself: I will Bay - to my Father, 1 have slnuedt then relief come to his soul, and It was not far to the reception at home. The rich young ruler missed this kingdom hecuuse he chose to cling to his wealth- and position, rather than admit its unworthluess. Judas could have found joy In forgiveness oven for his betrayal hud he only ad milted to the Master. The king dom of forgiveness and peace and heaven Is open and at hand to any and all If we will only acknowledge our sins. He is willing and faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all unright eousness, for all have sinned and come Bhort of the glory of God and we all need , forgive ness. Amen, even by Hitler. T Dr. Ktirk von Fritz, former Unl. Versity of Rostock teacher, aBscrt-. ed that the German dictator had sold tho younger generation of nassiB on tho Idea of 'world con quest. "H 1b not a question of whether Hitler wants to dominate tho west ern hemisphere. He not only wonts to go on he has to," von Fritz rhHI. the building without a blue i w