R05EBURS REWS-KEVTEW, KOSErKmS, OKESOR MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1940, Soc ie ty and Clu bs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER LADIES AID HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING - KIJT1IKRI.JN, June 17. The J.nilic.s Aid of tUe MulhodlHt f!hui-i!h met in tpkuIui setution ut tho churi-h Thin-mlny nfternoon, Juno 13, with Mrs. Alva .MannliiK unil MlH. Cluuilo Uoff 11H )! t,,RS8. Mi-h. I. A. Coinstock conducted tin uieeiiiiK In Uie absence or .Mrs. Walter Slutcr, Mrs. W. J. . Lndl lmil charge or the devotion i:Ik mid Mra. Cliris Flachman pre-R-iiteil a rose exercise nii(l sang a song. "In the Time or Hoses." A delicious lunch or strawberry shortcake and Iced tea were serv ed at tables beautifully decorated with assorted napkins and bou quets ol' flowers in season. The Broup sang, "Hnppy Illrthdny," to Mm. A. P. Slack. Mrs. Wilson I lurothorn. Mrs. Claude (loff and Mi-h. Jess Cooper. The following were present at the meeting: Mrs. P. A. Corn slock. Mrs. A. P. Slack. Mrs. D. W. Hanker, Mrs. John Saucerman, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Myrtle Kunkel, Mrs. Annaboll DeMutll, Mrs. Jess Cooper, Mrs. Nellie Parker, Mrs. (leorge .CJreen, Mrs. Mabel Itose, Mrs. W. J. Lndd, Mrs. Anna Hankenson, Mrs. Tom Gib son, Mrs. William C. Woods, Mrs. Claude Schrack, Mrs. Mary MitL'ham, Mrs. Mary Selleck. Mrs. Wilson Hartshorn, Miss Phyllis Corf, Mrs. Chris nacliman, Mrs. Clara Lucas, Mrs. M. W. French, Mrs. Orville French, Mrs. Dick Vulentine, Mrs. Theodore Ander son, Rev. Ormal B. Trick, Mrs. H. L. Wilson, Christian Bachman Jr., nnd the hostesses, Mrs. Manning ami Mrs. fioff. JACQUELYN CARSTENS CELEBRATES TWELFTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Jacijuelyn Carstens. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carstens, cele brated her twelfth birthday anni versary at a charming party Thurs day, June i:Uh, at her home In I.aurelwood. Gifts were presented to .Tacque Ivn from John Morgan. Betty Jean Miuntford. Harriet Catherine anil lli liin Booth. Shirley and Polly Hel vcg. Merle Hamilton. George Hin der. Frank Coen. Jean Ackley, Jannlce and Jimmy Whipple. Nan cy liadabaugh and Alvin Hills, ol Golileniltile. Wash. Games were enjoyed and later lovely refreshments were served by Mrs. Carstens, assisted by Mrs. H. Berg and Mrs. Hanie V. Booth. Tho table, carrying out n beautiful Mexican mntir, was centered by a lighted and decorated birthday cake. EAGLES AUXILIARY AND MN. ENJOY INSTALLATION &h 'Eagles and their auxiliary had Joint ihfltallnllbrrof officer .with Carl Murphy as ceremony chairman June 4. On June 11 the wttlllnry and Eagles held a meet ing to make plans for the conven tion to lie held in Marshfield June 27-20. A joint social hour follow ed and refreshments were Berved by the men. Tho auxiliary has purchased new uniforms for the drill learn and has purchased formals for the officers who will put on the initia tion work at the convention at Marshfield. Over the week-end the ladies went to Wolf Creek and served refreshments to the men who built the Eagles Boy Scout cabin. Yesterday the ladles went to Umpqua park to join the lOngles at the Hod and Gun club shoot. ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLUB TO PICNIC ON TUESDAY The nnnuol picnic or the nose burg Woman's club will be held at one o'clock tomorrow at the Bell Log Cabin on the North Umpqua river near Glide. Members nnd Iheir invited guests have been ask ed to meet at the clubhouse at twelve o'clock and transportation, will be furnished. Installation ot the new officers will take place ati the picnic. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE TO PICNIC TUESDAY NIGHT The Young People's league of St. Paul's Lutheran church will enjoy a picnic Tuesday evening and ail members and friends planning to attend are requested to meet at the church at seven o'clock. Miss Vera Goetz. Mrs. Russell Kaine and Mrs. r.oy llebard are in charge of the picnic arrangements. MIDWEEK BIBLE CLASS TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Mid-Week Bible class of St. Tsui's Lutheran church will meet at a one o'clock potluck luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. An ton Coen'enberg in Sutherlin. Those desiring transportation are asked to call .Mrs. Russell Kaine. GREEN STUDY CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Green Study club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. W. A. Davis, Instead ot hold ing a potluck luncheon at the Ivan Lander home as previously planned. All members are cordially invited to be present. NEW IDEA CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The New Idea club will be en tertained by the president, Mrs. C. E. Marks, at a one o'clock lunch eon at her home on tho Garden Valley road Wednesday. June 19. All members are cordially Invited to be present. H. E. O. CLUB TO ! MEET ON TUESDAY The H. E. O. club will meet Tuesday, June IS, at a one-thirty o'clock luncheon at the home o( Mrs. Mattie Medlll at Riverside. All members are urged to attend. TENMILE CLUB HOSTESS TO BUSY STEPPERS CLUB TENMILE, June 17. -The Ten mile Community circle emertaiir ed the Olalla Busy Steppers nt an a!l-duy meeting in Rowell's camp ground Wednesday, June 12. A potluck dinner was served at noon. The table was decorated with lovely bouquets or sweet peas and a largo bouquet or Cant erbury bells and Madonna lilies. After dinner a very interesting program was put on by the young folks. The program consisted of a mock negro wedding. AlLi llow-i-re was preacher, irene iloinolka bride, Ann lockwood groom, Nona Hi, ward, Ray Ward Flower girls. Norma I-oekwood and Phyllis Croy ns train bearers, unit Mildred Ward furnished the music at the pluno. This was followeJ by n ikkio song by .dona Howarl. aft er which Izma Vance and Ann .i;ikwonil gave two Interesting lap dunces, then Hay Ward sang nliuther negro song, accompanied ty Norma lxjckwood at (he piano. Later games were played for which several prizes- were awarded.- Among the guests present were Mrs. Karl Ollivant. Mrs. Junia By ron, Mrs. Falmsby and daitehler, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. llodg".-. -Mrs. Iltvlne and daughter. Maiie, Mr. and Mrs. Reed and daughter, all Olalla, Mrs. Jor.n Culver of Corvallis. Mri. Martha Paul ot Co- utile, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, or Sutherlin. and Mrs. G. W. Knaggs or i)il!ard and daughter, Margaret and grandson ot Wash ington. The Tenmile club mem bers present were, Mrs. Halin, piesldent, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Hoi gil Mrs. Rex Barnes and two cliil li'en, Sharon and Stmiiene, Mrs. 1 leery Rowell and children Shir ley Diuieen nnd Careen. Mrs. Cirules Rowell and Mary Kather Ine. Mrs. L. D. Lockwood a. id chii ill en. Norma and Larry, Mrs. It. D. Lockwood, Mrs. Don Lakey and children, Phyllis, Doug, Conrad, ni'.d baby sis'cr, Mrs. James Ho-mi-!ka and di-.'ighter, Lillian, Mrs. Virgil Vance and son. Viigil Jr., Mrs. Bill Elbe and son, John. Mr. i.nd .Mrs. Herbert Slbold. ::Mrs. Geo. Swift. Mrs. Otto Kuebner and daughter, Lucille, Mrs,' Leon Simpson, Mrs. John Cabot, Mrs. .Marlon Ward and daughter--' Ray, Mrs Ralph Howard and daughter, Nona, Mrs. H. Crowley and Airs. Kate Bourasse. A very enjoyable time -was re ported by the guest club an 1 wNo bv the hostess club. . :.;. MRS. WILMOT IS HOSTESS TO GROUP SUTHERLIN, June 17. Mr. II. C. Wllniot graciously entertained n large group of ladles at her homo east of tovM Thursday, June 13. A delicious lunch was served on a large table in the yard to the fol lowing: Mesdames Clarence Fraser, Sidney Wcgner, C. H. Welchell, C. T. Chamberlain, Jake Francis, Hugh Wahl, Din-wood Rose, Wor rell Weber, William Coleman, A. O. Smith, Jack Culver, Jr., Jack Culver, Sr., J. F. Brown, C. IC. Flory. Peter Adnnis, Charles Ellis, Van Bedell, Miss Venetta Frasei and the hostess, Mrs. Wlimot. The day was spent in sewing for the Jled Cross. The group decided to meet each Thursday at the club house to sew tor the Red Cross and any one is invited to come when ever possible. Bring sandwiches or cookies and stay all day. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB TO INSTALL OFFICERS TONIGHT Installation or the 1940-41 offl cers of the Junior Woman's club will take place tonight at 8 o'clock at the club house, to which the Roseburg Woman's club members have been Invited as special guests. Members of the club will al so entertain their mothers and friends and the sub-deb group will be formally installed as a unit of the Junior club. Mrs. I. M. Dunn will act ns Installing officer and Mrs. Jack Chapman is acting us general chairman of the affair. A social hour nnd refreshments will follow the ceremony. MECDELL CLUB IS ENTERTAINED SUTHERLIN, June 17. Mrs. Louis V. Smith entertnined the Mecdell club Wednesday nfter noon, June 12, nt her home west of Sutherlin. A swimming party was enjoyed at the creek after which the ladies and children went to the house where they were served a delicious lunch by the hostess. Those attending were Mrs. Howard Wahl and son. Kennv Dean, Mrs. Noah Rose Jr., and children, Margaret and Bobby, Mrs. Dick Valentine and the hos tess. Mrs. Smith ad children Lil lie Jean nnd Iouis Jr. MRS. HILES HOSTESS TO THIMBLE CLUB RIDDLE, June 17.Mrs. Hor ace lilies entertnined the Ladles Thimble club Thursday afternoon at her home on the Canyonville rond. Twelve were present to en joy the occasion. After the social hours of visiting and Bewing, Mrs. Hlles, assisted by her daughter. Miss Jean, served dainty reftesli ments. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB TO MEET The Roseburg Art and Embroid ery club will meet Wednesday aft ernoon at the home ot Mrs. James T. Miller. The club will enjoy Pollynnna day. All members are cordially invited to be present. Developing and m Printing roll of 8 .... it 5 1 Your choice of Enlargement FREE The Film Shop 222 No. Jackson St. Phone 9-V SIDE GLANCES & tm. nee u.k Mfff '.jlFJJ - w t "I wonder if I couldn't get one of those smart little Legion Juniors Defeat Yoncalla Pickup Team The Uoseburg American Legion Juniors won a practice baseball same from a pickup tram at Yon calla Sunday. 14 to (. The Juniors garnered 21 hits, five of which went for extra bases. Stephens, lead-off man for Roseburg, had a perfect day at bat, getting four hits out of as many official trips to the piate. He was walked once and in the last inning went to first when he was struck by a pitched ball. , Applegato, starting pitcher for Roseburg, had six strikeouts and Cox, who finished the game, struck out seven batters. Sensational catches were made by Baker, De- Bernardi and JJavison. . A double-header has been ar ranged for next Sunday at FinlayJ, field. John Collins, manager, re ports. At 12:30 p. m. there will be a game between the iRoseburg and Yoncalla Midgets, followed at 2:30 by a second game between the Juniors and the Melrose town team. VITAL STATISTICS BORN LILRS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liles, of 305 S. Second street. Roseburg. at Mercy hospital. Wed nesday. June 12, a duUKhter; weight rive pounds, rourteen and three-rourtlis ounces. KIRK To Mr. nnd Mrs. tilen A. Kirk, of Route two, Roseburg, at Mercy hospital, Saturday, June 15, a son, James Alfred; weight nine pounds. BECKER To Mr. and Mrs. Tied Keeker, of 859 Miller street, Rose burg, nt Mercy hospital, Sunday, June 16, n daughter, Joyce Marie; weight eight pounds. Bulletin on Fumigation Gives Methods, Material Five types of rumlgation are available for growerB or handlers of seed, bay, grain or other rami crops requiring treatment for the eradication ot insects, according to a new extension circular No. 352, entitled "Fumigation Against In sects," Issued at Oregon State col lege. It describes the various types or rumigation, the most effective fu migants to use under various con ditions, and also contains construc tion plans for making a suitable fumigation chamber. Copies or the 12-page circular may be had free rrom any county or slate extension office. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore., June 17. (AP) BUTTER Prints, A grade 30 i lb. in parchment wrappers, 31 J in cartons; B grade 291 in parch ment wrappers, 304 in cartons. BUTTERFAT 1st quality, max-i imum of .6 to 1 per cent acidity de livered in Portland. 21J-2S lb.; premium quality points 2c leas or Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Works Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 527 N. Jackson St. Phone 320 SAVE TIRE WEAR BEAR STEERING AND FRAME SERVICE Come in for free checkup STEPHENS AUTO CO. 323 No. Main St. fry WbrmWi just as much exercise with power lawnmowersr 26 lb.; second quality 2c under first or 2B lb. CHEESE Selling price to Port land retailers: Tillamook triplets, 19c lb.; loaf 20c lb. f.o.b. Price to wholesalers, triplets 17c lb.; lout ISc r.o.b. Tillamook. EOns Buying prices: Extras large 15-lXc lb.: standards large 14c; extras medium 13c; do stan dards 13c doz. COUNTRY MEATS Selling mice to retailers: Country-killed hogs, best butchers 125-150 lb. 8 SJc; venlers fancy 13-Hc lb.; light thin 10-12c; heavy 1011c; lambs, spring, lGc; yearlings 10-12c; ewes 4-llc lb.; good cutter cows 10c lb.; canner cows 9c lb.; bulls ll-12c lb. LIVE POULTRY Rliylng price: No. 1, grade: Leghorn broilers 14 2 lbs. 15c: fryers under 3 lbs. llic; fryers 2-4 lbs. 17c; roasters over 4 lbs. ISc; Leghorn hens over 31 lbs. 12c; Leghorn hens under 3i lbs. 10c; colored bens over 5 lbs. 13c; colored hens 4 lbs. to 5 lbs. 13c; old roosters 5c. DRESSED TURKEYS-SolllllK prices: Hens No. 1, 13J-14C lbs.; toms 9-10c. ONION'S Oregon No. 1, $2.15 50 lb. bae: Yakima. 50-lb. bag; new wax. 11.25: red $2.00. NEW .POTATOES California whites 50s. f 1.10: 1008. S2.05-2.15. POTATOES Yakima Oems ; Deschutes $2.25; Klamath Falls $2.25 cwt.; local whites 90c box: do sacks cental; Malln S2.25 cental; southern yams 2.40-$2.50 crnte. HAY Selling price to retailers: Alfalfa No. 1, 115.50 ton; oat vetch $13.00 ton; clover $11.00 ton; timothy eastern Oregon $17 1S ton; vulley timothy $14 ton, Portland. WOOl. 1940 eastern Oregon range 20-2sc; crossbred 30c: Wil lamette vulley 12 months 32 lb.; lamb lb. MOMAIR-1940, 12 months 30c lb. CASCARA 1910 peel Bo lb. HOPS Oregon 1939. 30-35c lb.: 1940 contracts 35c lb.; 1940 seed less 35c 11). WHEAT PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 17. (AIM Onpn IMirh I mi' rw. Sopt 711 714 711 7U Today and Tuesday! Starts Wednesday mm Mats, 26c Eves. 35c Children 10c Local News Here From Elkton Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Elkton, .wore business vistioiH in this city Satur dny. Lilac Circle to Meet Mlae .Cir cle, No. 4!i, Neighbors of Wood craft, will moot tonight at 8 o' clock at the I. O. U. P. ball. Theta Rho Club to Meet Alpha Zeta Theta Rho Girls club will meet Tuesday night at 7:. 10 o'clock nt the I. O. O. F. hall. Mr. Baughman In Town Dexter Itaughman, of Callahan district, spent Saturday hero attendig to business. Return Here Mr. ami Mrs. T)e bert Guard returned to their home in this city this morning, following the week-end spent. at points in northern Oregon. Leavei for San Francisco Mm. Forrest McKay, of this city, has left for San Francisco to enjoy the Golden Gate fair and to spend two weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meredith. At Wimberly Home Don Wtm berly. of Berkeley, Calif., has ar rived in Kosehurg to spend a week visiting his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. V. Wlmherly, on Glenn street. Visit at Sitkum Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quine. of this city, spent Sunday at Sttkuin. visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Lt. nnd Mrs. Henry Wallace Amason, Jr. Mrs. A mason was formerly Miss Hetty Quine. Return to Portland Mra. How ard Ilaitey and sou, Glenn, have left for their home in Portland, j following a few days here visiting tat the home of Mrs. Bailey's pa I rents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey. They were brought to Roseburg last week by Howard Bailey, who returned to Portland to resume his work the next day. Guild Picnic Tonight St George's Kplscopal guild members, their families nnd invited guests will hold a picnic supper tonight at C::tO at the summer camp of Dr. nnd Mrs. G. C. Fin lay on the North Umpqua at Glide. Those attending hnve been asked to bring their own table service. Join Knighta Here Attorney and Mrs. Glenn McCarty, of Portland, were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Knight on West. First street, leaving this morning with Attorney and Mis William W. Knight, of Portland, lor San Francisco, Los Angeles and other points south for a two weeks' vacation. Philip Knight, son or Attorney and Mrs. Knight, is ro maining In Roseburg at the home of his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield. Visit at Orr Home Mr. null Mrs. Courtlimil Blair, of Fairfax, I Cull T.. spent a part of last week at the Camas Mountain service ela tion vlnitiiiK the former's uncle anil jaunt, Mr. anil Mrs. John M. Orr, I who accompanied them on a trip lo Gold Hench to visit at the home of Uie Orrs' son-in-law nnd daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. JaJ' Frnncisco. They also visited friends in North llend nnd Marshfield. On Wednes day Mr. and Mrs. Orr entertained as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Illalr, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hi-nCI mwl Tnlie nnd Norland Croft. ! nf Mnrlh lloiiil Mr llliiir in II Richfield oil dealer at Fairfax. TODAY AND TUESDAY ff'S A 10VE Ar'D LAUGH LARK" PLUS RICHARD GREENE H "ICHAKP PI ia WEDNESDAY PAL NIGHT The Higgins Family in "Covered Trailer" 'Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me' with TOM BROWN CONSTANCE MOORE 1 urzri-1 ononis ' , 4 I; Dillard Visitor Here M. L. Mor ris, or Dillard, was a huslneHH visi tor In noseburg Saturday,' Here on Business Joe Hedrlck, of Drain, spent Saturday in this city attending to business. Mr. Halladay Here C. It. Halla day, of Heed sport, spent Saturday In this city attending to business. Arrives Frcm San Francisco Miss Charlotte Johnson, of San Francisco, arrived here Saturday evening to spend a week visiting her mother, Mrs. E. 1 Kuapp, on Kast nun street. Former Teacher Dies Jennie LImhockor, who taught school here nhout forty years ago, 'died at Woodland, Idaho, June 13. She its survived by three sisters and two brothers. Funeral services' were held this morning in Portland, Return From Ashland Mrs. R. J. Hodgers has returned to her home here, following a two weeks' slay In Ashlund. She was joined there tho second week by Mr. Itodgers. who brought her back to Kosehurg. - Here From Spokane Mr., nnd Mra. Guy C. Matthews, of Spo kane, Wash., are spending sevcml days nt the Hilt Crest Auto court, on the N. Pacific highway, near here, whilo visiting relatives and friends, in this community. Mr. Matthews is well known here, hav ing mnde his home in this county before going to Washington. He is grandson of tho late Joseph Mat thews, of North Deer creek, who sett:ui here lf.:; Mr. M itlln.ws is a cousin of W. F. Chapman of Roseburg. Mr. nnd Mrs. Matthews are spending their vacation days at various points in the county and their evenings at the auto court re ceivlng old friends and relatives. ID Cnprrlttil I9KI, Ijixtrr I Mmi ToiMCo Ol, 1 JF lp Mi Jf imam a really fine performance. ! 4,, NrWi t"'f ndlh.l'.why,o'll.n.ieeln, j ' " , t w,vS S ' him In SAFARI, Paramount', cur- ' Here This Morning O. H. Batea, banker at Myrtle Creek, was a mnducHH visitor In this city today. Back From Arizona Mrs. W. T. Petera and three-weeka-old baby daughter Lois Terry, have returned to their home on West First street from Tucson, Aria., whero Mra. Peters visited rela tives und friends. Back From Vacation Mrs. G. M. lies returned to her work in the News-Review office this morning, following a W(fok's vacation visit ing Imr mother, Mr, llrola Olson, at Oakland, Calif,, and other rela tives and frienda at Berkeley, Calif. Return Here Judge nnd Mrs. R. W. Maraters returned to their home on North JackHon street Sat urday, following a week's absence. Judge Marsters spent the week in Portland attending grand cnapter of the Oregon Eastern Star, while Mrs. Maraters remained in Salem to visit her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pearcy, and family. Visiting Here Mrs. Kathryn Gurhurdt. of Los Angeles, plana to leavo Wednesday, for home, fol lowing two weeks hero visiting her brother, Charles O. John, proprie tor of the It oho burg hotel. Mrs. Gurhnrdt visited, another brother and with friends In Indiana and cumo to Oregon via Portland, where she Btopped over to visit an other brother and his family. Thie trip east was Mrs. Garliardt's first in the eight years since moving to California. NOTICE American Legion regular meet ing, Tuesday, June IS. Election of officers and refreshments. (Adv.) ADJUTANT. Vftai) $mm nso means esterfielcl ... Chesterfield means the Cooler, Better-Tasting, Definitely Milder Smoke One of the best-known slogans in the whole country is "They Satisfy" and it de scribes Chesterfields one hundred per cent. And here's the reason .. .Chesterfield's Right Combination of the best cigarette to baccos that grow in all Tobaccoland makes them cooler, better'tasting BETTER MADE FOR BETTER SMOKING " Is lh n ll,M ilonrfor, f lit Ay'-: and ihp for KOltr, Mlltr. ieST k loilln,, daflnltcly mlldir imftka, KvL 1 Chttlcrfbldt art mad rl,hl In Ijw .A. ' " " wry detail la yon tha el,a 9 ' ratta thai nally wtliflai. (Wtlvra 'dTV LAND, U I. A.") e " 1i rsj roi E. A. Geary Named Htad of Agricultural Board SALEM, June 17. (AP) B. A. Geary, Klamath Falls seed grower, was elected chairman of the stAte board of agriculture at Its annuul meeting here Saturday. Geary succeeds Mac Hoke, Pen dleton, who roslgned from the ag-, rtcultural board of Lor his recent appointment to the state hoard of higher education. . Floor Sanding and Ref inithing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J Phone 12t Temporary address R. F. D Oakland, Oregon H. C. STEARNS Funeral Director Lleenud Lady Aulttant Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORB. Any Distinct. Any Tim Our lervlc la for ALL, and . mteta EVERY NEED PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 and definitely milder.