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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1940)
K0SEBUR5 REWS-KEVTgW. KPSETORS, ORE50N, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1940. THRT8 Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MISSIONARY SOCIETY HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY Tim Missionary soelety nf the KiiHt Presbyterian church was en-frttiini-d Thursday uftm-nuori ul the Earl I,. I'llrlrh homo on Commer cial avenue with Mra. Ullrich. Mrs. ft. L. Knapp and Mrs. George Ware nr.'tiriK us liost(?ssi3. Mrs. w. M. Cntni1jH conducted the devotions and the business int'Hln-: with Mia. Morris H. Itonch leading in prayor. Miss Josephine al and .Miss Helen Carlson, of Portland, who are here directing the Daily Vacation Ilible school at tbf Presbyterian church, gave ex ceptionally interesting and enjoy :ihln talks, followed by the year book of p raver in charge of Airs. I. H. Meyer. Following thtf meeting a pleasant Rocial hour was held and the hos t!jsi' served (lelicioun refresh in .ills to Mis Joaephino N'eal, Miss Helen Carlson and jMIsh (Jcrtruile Curtis, gliosis; and tlio following members, Alius Margaret Kaldwin, Airs. A. A. llellows, Mrs. Ida Bail ey, Mrs. George AI. Prown, Airs. D. ). Clark, .Miss .Margaret Olapn, Mrs. W. Al. Campbell, Airs. W. Al. Cbnlmers, Airs, ilelle Croft, Mrs. Aiorris H. Jtoiicli, Airs. R. II. Grin ftend, Airs. Homer Crow, Airs. I. II. Meyer. Airs. II. S. Nichols, Mrs. C. K. liobcrts. Airs, Thomas Sum-1 liters, M whittle Al. J. Shoemaker. Airs. (J. Wlcklfun. Airs. U Robin son and Mrs. W. G. Make. The- Focleiv will entertain their husbands and families nt the July 3 1 f It meeting ut a six-thirty o'clock potliick picnic dinner nt the borne of Airs. George Al. Drown in West lioseburg. I COUNTRY CLUB LADIES CONTINUING HANDICAP SUMMER GOLF TOURNAMENT - The Indies of the TloHeburg Coun try club met Thursday morning nt the club c.oiirso to continue the an nual summer golf handicap lourna ' ni cut piny. Politick luncheon was pervert at the clubhouse at noon to Airs. R. R HridKes, captain, Mrs. K. TJ. Van Ness, secretary, AIJss Helen Casey. Mrs. T. Stearns, Mrs. Arthur 1 1. Mounlford. Mrs, J. It. Vmiilforrt. Mm. K. Ott. Airs. Kenneth W. Kinney, Allss Jane, Airs. Kenneth Quine, Airs. .1. 10. Alarks, Mrs. Frank Coen. Airs. J. M. .ludd. Airs. H. C. Stearns. Airs. I j. K. Flos, Miss Aladlyn Stearns and Alias Joyce Ilridges. Contract brldne was enioyed dur ing the nftemonn with Airs. Frank Coen winning the high score anil Airs. II. C. Stearns the second high ."core. The handicap golf tournnment play will be continued next Thurs- Today's Pattern BUTTONED STYLE FOR BUSY DAYS PATTHRN 4471 Wherever yon spond your sum mer at seashore, mountains coun try or on your own front porch a liutton-front ilresn will be enor mously useful. Pattern 4474, by Anne Allium, has free-cut lines for BwltiRitiK a Rolf club, driving a car or working in eurilen or house. There's a yoke clear across the action-back, with gathers below. Each front yoke is cut in one easy piece with a center panel. That front buttoning helps you dress quickly, anil lets you spread the frock flat for simple ironing. Choose between two smart necklines: one is high, young and round; the other a cool lower version. An easy-to-make frock with the Sewing Instructor's aid. Pattern 4 474 in available in misses' and women's sizes 11. lti. IS. 20. 32. 34. 3, 3S. 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 4 vards 35 inch fabric. Send FIFTEKN CENTS due) in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, AD DRESS and STYLE .Nl'MIlEU. Send your order to New. Review. Pattern lept., Itoseburg, Ore. "M fj Mm day with first fllgbters teeing off at 8:4.ri; second fllgbters at 9:110. and third fllghturs nt 9:l.r o'clock. Potluck luncheon will be served at the clubhouse at 12:30 and the sum mer bridge tournament play wjn be resinned at one-thirty o'clock. r. l. Mclaughlin celebrates eighty second birthday Tt. t. McLaughlin, well-known Douglas county resident, celebrat ed his eighty-Beeoiid birthday an niversary nt a dinner on Sunday and ut a stag party on Monday evening nt his home 9n Deer creek. On Sunday covers were placed for Mr. Mclaughlin, guest or honor. Mr. and Mrs. Elward Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kester and daughter, Lorene Dentine, Mrs. MiiYine MuI-uiiKhlfn Arnold and Hugo IlurKinnll. A largo birthday cake was cut and Rifts wore pre sented to Mi'. McUtugliliu. . Monday evening Mr. McLaugh lin's three daughters. Eileen (Mrs. Elward Smith), Maxllie (Mrs. Ar nold) and Hobertn (Mrs. Clyde Kester), entertained at a stag 'party nt the McLaughlin home in viting as guests: Thomas Hat field, George Donchruke, Law rence Gilliam, A. E. McCormack, Roy Hatfield. Napoleon lilce. Will liouehrake, .Stanley Penrce, El ward Smith and Clyde Kester. Sweelpeus and snapdragons were used about the rooms, while the serving table was centered by a beautiful birthday cake lighted by eighty-two cundles. Gifts were presented to Mr. McLnughllu nnd Napoleon Rice entertained the group by showing pictures of Iloseburg business houses sixty yenrs ngo. Visiting w-as enjoyed and lovely refreshments were served by tlio bostosses assisted by Mrs. Edna Sponaugble.. i GWENDOLYN WEAVER AND WILLIAM M. PAUL MARRY IN MYRTLE CREEK SUNDAY A beautiful wedding was sol emnized Sunday. ,lune 2nd, nt two o'clock nt. the Methodist church ill Myrtle Creek, when Miss Gwendo lyn envoi, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. P. 11. Weaver, became I he brldo nf William Marcellus Paul, Coqullle. liev. Mr. Wilson, of Pi-atum, Ore., formerly of Myr tle Creek, njud the impressive ceren'.onv. Preceding Hie service, Mrs. Wil son sang, "I Tjove You Truly." The church was hcaulllullv decorated with a background of greenery. Madonna lilies and niorlc ornnge blossoms. The bride was lovely In a f'.ior lencth gown of whlto lane with a tulle veil. She was attended bv her sister. Mrs. Donald Ward while Jerrv Paul acted as best man to his brother. Following the ceremonv.. nil in formal reception followed in the church parlors, nt' which time re freshments wore served nnd the beautiful wedding cake was cut. For going nwav the bride chose a navy nnd powder bluo crepe en semble with powder blue accessor ies. Following a. wedding trln to coast points. Mr. and Mrs. Paul will go to Coqullle to make their home nt !l2!i N. Coulter stj'eet. DOROTHY DALE JACKSON COMPLIMENTED AT LOVELY DINNER PARTY FRIDAY Mrs. V. T. Jackson nnd Miss Ag' nes Pitrhrnrd entertained nt a charming six-thirty o'clock dinner parly Friday evening at the lnt ter's summer home. "Happy ljmd Inn." on the North Unipnun to com pliment Mra. Jackson's daughter. Miss Dorothv F.nlo. who is leaving June 23rd for New York City to attend the national camp fire meeting. Sweetpens, delphiniums and other pastel-colored spring flow ers were 'beautifully arranged ou the table and about the rooms. Covers were placed for Miss Jackson, guest of honor. Miss Frances .Metzger, Mrs. M. C. Ilow ker. Miss Evelyn Willis. Miss Ln volla McMlllen. Mrs. Wilma Doyle. Mrs. llov Peterson. Miss Carmel Newland. Miss Helen Wetherell. Miss Dora Ilroughlon, Miss Beryl Urunner nnd the hostesses. Mrs. Jackson nnd Miss Pitchfnrd. A lovely handkerchief shower was given to Miss Jackson after which contract bridge was enjoyed and prizes were awarded to the winners. L. A. TO B. OF R. T. HAS INTERESTING MEETING WEDNESDAY The ladles auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen met Wednesday evening at the Woman's clubhouse with tlio presi dent. Mrs. C. P. Snoddy, in rhnrge. It wns decided Hint the club unlit will he awarded to the wie ner nt the July 10 meeting, at wlilrh time the auxiliary will be entertained nt the clubhouse by Mrs. It. I). Williams. A social hour was enjoyed and Mrs. Sam Starmer, hostess, serv ed delicious refreshments to Mrs. C. P. Snoddy. Mrs. K. W. Meiss ner. Mrs. C. E. Walker. Mrs. It. I). Williams, Mrs. G. V. Helblg. Mrs. V. II. Duncan, Mrs. C. It. Fream, Mrs. Andrew J. Ford and Mrs. G. H. Hess, of Ashland MRS. GEORGE CASEBEER ENTFRTAINS SEWING CLUB FRIDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. George Casebeer graciously entertained her sewing club nt her, home Friday afternoon. Attractive bouquets of spring flowers were used about the rooms. Sewing and visiting were enioy ed until the tea hour, when Mrs. Casebeer served delicious refresh ments to Mrs. Hugh Corhett. a euest. and Mrs Vera Shrum, Mrs. Howard Hatfield. Mrs. M irrls Mat thews. Mrn. Civile Kester and daughter. T-orene Deanne. Mrs. Maurice Weber, Mrs. Justin Eiffert and Mrs. Lizzie Shrum. SIDE CLANCES .aHaflfe COPfi. 1938 BY WEA SERVICE. IXC. T. M. BCG. U. S. PAT. OrF. ' ' " -f "They liavo some nerve whistling nt us! The curly-hcad-1 one is rather cute, isn't he?" Simply Amazing Til 111 If n" f i ii Melvyn Douglas and Joan IJIondell, coining to the Hose theatre Suu day in "The AmazIiiK Mr. Williams." Mrs. Homer Grow Presents Pupils In Musical Workshop Recital One of the vory charming musical nffairs of the Benson whs Riven In compliment to the mothers and n few special friends of the piano pupils of Mrs. Homer Grow, who were presenteil In another "Musical Workshop" program Wertnemhiv nf toi noon at t he attractive Grow home on Cobh street. The Intermission numhers were Siven by Misc Claire Tison, charm (UK soprano, and Mm.,. Morris iyni'h, talented violinist, lieautlfnl bouquets of gladioli and ferns were attractively arranged about (he rooms for the occasion. At the cIosp of the interesting musfpul. lovely refreshments were perved by Mrs. Grow, assisted by Mrs. Elward Smith. The program included the follow-in-: The Dream limit Williams Ilnrp Serenade Wagness Morris Poach Meal Time nt the. Zoo Williams A Hose in Mv Garden Williams Hobble Roach The White Seal Willinms The Parade Shannard .Jenn Wilev Dolly's Funeral TKchaiWtwsltv Skippy's March Kincella Mary Ann Caskev The Grasshopper's Parade, Nord inan Nobody Knows, aire arranged by Thompson. Sailv Smith. Intermission Vocal solos. A Henrt That's Free Pobyn L'Amour Toujours ...L'Amour, Frfml Miss Clnire Tison MRS. W. F. HARRIS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. W. F, Harris vory gracious ly entertained her bridge club at a. charming one-thirty o'clock des sert -luncheon at. her lively home on Sniilh Main fllreet Tuesday ar ti rnoon. Sweet ocas were used to enrrv out a pretty decorative motif for the occasion. Covers were placed for Mrs. D. H. Morgan and Mrs. Clair K". Al len, guests, nnd Mm. .. J. Shoe maker. Mrs. Fred Hamilton, Mrs. R. O. Uiclili. Mrs. Homer Grow. Mrs. G. W. Marshall. Mrs. O. V. Wlmber Iv. Mrs. O. C. Finlnv, Mrs. George Wharton. Mrs. Hnrry S. Black and Mrs. It. L. Contract bridge was enioyed dur ing the afternoon with Mrs. Allen winning the euest prize and Mrs. Black the club prize. A MRS THOMAS PARGETER HONORED AT INFORMAL PARTY AT CHAPMAN HOME Mrs. Thomas Pargeter. nee Elsie Busenbark. who with her small daughter. Carolyn Sue, have been visiting here from Ran Francisco with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. n. Busenbark nt Melrose. Lotus Pond ........Alexnnder Dennett William Tell Overture rtosBlui neiiy niniiii M'"'C" ! ItS.W"' VHnnv. ,, "Oh"'" t-nskey I ih lie s' Mn'rei;' ' trances ' Irving Lovo Song Odmanl ,ois Lilly Duet. Oh! Sitsannli, Stephen Foster Mary Ann and Donald Casltey Intermission violin solo. Negro Spiritual Melody, ' Dvorak Krelsler. Mrs. M.orrla Roach Tho Elf and tho Fairy Dentlcy . iv., i'.;"';""--,.jldrlng the pleasant aftornoi Pauline Caskev' Cathedral at Twilight ........ Wagnoss "'"V" V"B," 8cn,'' P,IZ0.B"" W''- Perry Smith l''"' F' Tandy winning the slam Sweet Lavendar ...GaIhrallb l"'i!!0- Sonatina, Op. , 'III. No. 2 Clementll .x Hcrvl Caskev I PAST MATRONS CLUB Solfegglettn . "' llaclj MEMBERS ENJOY PICNIC Hustle of. Spring". Jl.Z.Zsindlngi LUJCHEON AT ROYCE HOME Alleen' Slattery T'm menibers of tho Past Mat- lllteriiilsflon vociil spies: ''"m cl"h "r "oselnirg chapter of Vlllanelle Dell 'Aqua' ''1il((''''i Star enjoyed n very lovely lx-t Mv Song Fill Vour Heart,' "ne ." clm k li" 'i"nn Moll- Charles. Miss Claire Tison Beautiful Ulue Danube Strauss Marian Slattery Yellow Butterfly Barnes Evelyn Wiley Duet; II Travatoro ' Verdi Pauline and Beryl Caskev Turkish March Mosarl Iteve Allgelliiiie .Rubinstein. Jack Harding Bourpe Bach Valse. Op. 04. No. 2 ...Chopin Catherine Irving was honored at a delightful Infor mill purtv Monday evening at the h.nno of Mrs. Jack Chapman. Sewing nnd visiting weie ell- joyed and later Mrs -Chapman serv ed lovely refreshments to Mrs. Pnrgeter. guest of honor. Mrs. Wil liam Unrath, Mrs. Edwin Gardner. Mrs. .lames E. Judd. Mrs. Charles Ostrander. Mrs. Gordon Stewnrt and Miss Verla McLaughlin. Mrs. Pargeter and baliy are leaving this weekend for their home In San Francisco. MRS. C. E. SMITH IS HOSTESS TO SEWING CLUB AT DESSERT-LUNCHEON Mrs. C. E. Smith very graciously entertained her sewing club at a lovely one-thirty dessert-luncheon Thursday at her home. White snapdragons were used to decorate the serving liable, where covers were placed for Mrs. Halph Her man. Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. L C. Iatham, Mrs. 'Adrian Bowen, Mrs. Edwin Gardner and the hostess. Mrs. C. E. Smith. Sewing and visiting were enjoy ed during thi pleasant afternoon hours. The club will be entertain ed Thursday, June 20. at s one- thirty d fieri -lunch eon nt the home of Mrs. Herman. B.P.W.C. MEETING 19 ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF MONDAY The nu8iness ami ProfsRsiunal Womon's club held & very interest ing meeting at the clubhouso Mon day night with Kdyth Clilmour. llu Laiiha'ii, Margret Anne Saunders und Kucillo Ienox In charge. Sweotpeas. roseH und lilies were attmcttveiy arranged In huge bou quels about the rooms. Group singing was led by Lu cille Lenox with Lena Porter at tho plfino. After the reading of the collect, tdiort hUKlness meeting was hehl wiih the president, Katie Slnniger, in charge Cotum'ltteG reports wore Riven and all remain ing business for tho club year wus cleared up. Tho emblem and initiation cere mony was presented with the fol lowing emblem stuff: M. Hnxel Dixon, Haxel Doerner. Margret Saunders, Gene Mills, Vera Krctd rk'kNon nnd Nance Fitzsimmons. Ha Luulmch. membership chairman, prisenteil tho following for initia tion und ussfsted with Mrs. Slnnig er In the Initiation: Mrs. Arlene Meyers. Mrs. Kthel Carpenter, Lena Porter. Mrs. Velma Herman, Mrs. Rebecca Crockett and Mi's. Hchs Stark. This coretnony was very beautiful and Impresalvo. Mrs. Sinniger introduced her of-iieei-H for the last year: Gladys Ha.skln. vice-president; Dorothy Norton, treasurer; Hazel Doerner, corresponding secretary; Nadine Plnlterton. sut.-at-arms, and ex pressed her appreciation of their cooperation during her term ol ot flee. Lucille Lenox acted as Install- Iiik officer and installed tho fot lowing new officers: Gladys Has- kin. president; Amanda. Anderson vice president: Margret Anne Saunders, corresponding secretary; Margaret Johnson, recording sec retary; Nance Kitzsimmons. trea surer, ond Uivola McMlllen, sgt.-nt-nniiH, Claire TiBon. accompanied by Lena Porter, sung two beautiful numbers, "Viilonello" Del Aqua and "Trus"- Kilmer. Gifts were nresented to tho out ing president, Mrs. Kfnninor, and the incoming president, Miss Hafl' kin, followed by corsages being pre sen ted to the new und retiring of ficers. Mr. Woodward entertained tho group with a very delightful varied harmonica program, which was es pecially enjoyed by tho group. Members and guests nre invited to attend the lt.P.W.C. June 30th picnic to ho held at SlnnlgerV cnmp, "Inltlebnr" on tho North Unipqua. Delicious refreshments were served to the following members and guests: Stella Spencer, Vir ginia Hosen, Lois Duncan, Mrs. W. K. Hlount. of Walla Walla, Wash., Arlene Meyers, UeBs Stark, Kthel Carpenter. ,Lcna C. -Porter, Vel ma M. Merman, He.becca Crockett, Carrie Dell, Mrs, Purge Mason, Jr., or Klamath Fulls Claire Tison, Na dine Pinkerlon. Ann Bovlngdon. Virginia Mill!), Mrs. Grovor C. Ti son, Goldie Iirunn, Althea Caraway, Gladys HuslUn Laura lies. Dolma Grobe, Martha Perry, Dorothy Nor ton, Lnvola McMlllen, Margaret N.' Johnson, Lucille M. Lenox, Kdyth Gilmour, lna Farusvvorth, Ha Lau bach, Katie Slnniger, Hazel Doer ner, Margret Anne Saunders. M. Hazel Dixon, Gene Mills, Vera Fredrickson and Nance Fltzsim- MRS. IVAN PICKENS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Tvan Pickens entertained I ner dthiko cmn at a cnarmmg one i,.i, i..i. 1,..., i,. .... Fowler street Friday' afternoon. Colorful pottery ware and a bowl glllhirdiiis, larkspur ami other !"rtns ,""9S0",R """ - Coyn ,'. f,. E, F. Tandy, Mrs. Fred Lnckwood and Mra. R, U. Coen, guests, and Mrs. C. B. Wade, Miss Helen CitHey, Mrs.. Chpsler Morgan, Mrs, Clair K. Allen nnd Mrs. P. M. Lee, members. Contract bridge was enjoyed noon Ihours with Mrs. P. M. Leo win- day In the beautiful garden of M and Mrs. J. C. Iloyce nt Dlxonvllle. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Il.oyce. Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. II. L. Whipple. Mrs. John E. I linn vim. Miss GlndvB 1 1 ask In . Miss l0lhBl Webb, Mrs. Ouy Cordon and ' " ' w "' ''" " Mr"- ''olln "uchunan, of Astoria, n h . A pleasant social afternoon fol lowed the liinche.on hour. PICNIC HONORING SALEM VISITOR8 IS ENJOYED AT UMPQUA PARK Barbara and Shirley Johnson, of Salem, nieces of Mrs. C. It. Mole of this city, were honored on-the tinner's birthday at a delightful picnic nt rmKiia park Saturday arternoon given by Mrs. Mole and .Mrs. Vernon Keel. Those enjoying the occnslon wllh Barbara and Shirley Included Tom my MrCown. Unhide Mote. Shir ley and Tills Beeves and Tommy Keel. POETS CORNER A FATHER'S PRAYER IJy J. Margaret Anhcraft. Ijord ht-ar my prayer six several dnys And on the Bnvrnlh Rtilric my wuyn; Then this boon I auk nf Thee Be with my boy whnro e'er he bo. Oo wllh hfm conwtantly thf day Hp with him through tho uitit 1 pray; Guide him and guard each hour, each mile So he will he Becure the wlillo. Grant him a reasonable Mirr-en, watch over hfm hln life to blon On bended knne thin prayer I make To Thee oh Lord, for Jesua nake. Local News Working Hero lion ClU'im, a ro cent arrival from i'ortland, Is woric ing at tho Cleanurs, Floweri Given to Office A beau tiful boutiuet of Ullos, leiihlnillins and clarkia was presented to the News-ltevlow office tills niorulug by Dr. Cutlierlno MrNell. At Gerretsen Home Mrs. Charles Ilollowny, of .Medford, has arrived hero . to spend several weeks visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. anil Mrs. Will II. '(lorretsen, on Illakeley Ktieet. Returns to Junction City Miss Klslo Peterson lert Thursday night ' for her homo in Junction City, fol lowing a few dnys In this city vis iting her unelo and aunt, Mr, nut! I Mrs. H, T. Hansen, on Kust Doug las street. Bible Class to Meet Dr. I). I.. Dunn's iion-dtuiniiiliiatlnnnl Illblo study class will meet Monday night at 7:4fi o'clock. at the Douglas ho tel dining hall to take up the study of The Healed Hook. Dr. Dunn reports that the class attendance ban been excellent during the lnat several weeks. Leave For Portland Mrs. L. Al bright, nee. Kthel Smith, and ten-moiilh-old daughter, Pamela, left Krlday for their home In Portland, following a few days In Gleiidale visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. I. II. Smith. Mrs. Albright was accompany d back to Portland by her father. Shu formerly worked In the Douglas county assessor's office lion;. Here From Coqullle Mrs. flay O'Miiru, of Couiiille, came to flose- I burg yesterday to attend the show er party given by Mrs. It. u Whip ple ii 11 cl Mrs. (Inrdon Stewart for Miss Meredith Anne Jenkins, nnd following the party left for (Men dale to spend tho weolt-end visit ing Mr. and Mis. Francis Nelson, Mrs. Nelson, neo Sabiiin. Neibas, also iitlemlcd the party hero. Leave for Home Mrs. Charles Edwards, Jr., nee llolen Woirord, nnd daughter, Marlleo, left today Tor their homo nt Klamath Falls, following a two weeks' Btay here visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wolford. and oilier relatives and friends. Her parents took her as fur as Kiigene, where she took tho train for home, Mr. and Mrs. Woll'ord plan to go on to Portland for a couple of days. Back From Portland Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Turner and Mrs. A. R. Taylor, of Koseburg; Mrs. Pink slon, worthy mnlron of Oakland chapter, and Mrs. John Ilaliuson, also of the Oakland chapter, re turned to their homes Friday, fol lowing a four-day sltiy In Portlanil attending the Oregon grand chap ter of KttBtcrii Star. Mrs. Taylor Is worthy matron of Ttosoburg chapter. SUNDAY MONDAY - TUESDAY Never More Lovely -- Never in Better Voice! PREVIEW TONIGHT Expected Her Monday Miss Shirley Mug Oriinn, student nurse at The Dalles hospital, la expected to arrive hero Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. Irvin Iirunn, Arriving Sunday Miss Derfla Dunn and Vernon Pearson, of 10 u Kone, will arrive hero Sunday to spend the day visiting the form er's rather, Dr. 11. U Dunn. In land Dunn, son of Dr., Dunn, lias been BiiemitnK the last week here visiting und plana to return to Eu gene Sunday evening with his sis tor and Mr. Tearaon. The four plan to spend a part nf Sunday on the North tTlllpqua. STARTING SUNDAY FOR FOUR DAYS IT'S A LOVE AND LAUGH LARK!!! MELVYN 1 HERE I PLUS HIT NO. 2 'The Light of Western Stars" and "The Cisco Kid and the Lady" with KAY FRANCIS f I n W -2 WALTER PIDGEON yp aSs Lewis Howard Eugene Pallette .0' v? fK'"j Harry Owens and His Orchestra (JJ Jfc Sd 8hows 2:30-7-9 P. M. Mat. 2!w Fwt n Kiddies 10c Return! Hero Mr, and Mra. J, H. Wolford have returned to their home here, following a week's stay In Portland viBlting relatives anrl enjoying the Rose festival, . . Here for Week-End Mr. anil MrB. S. Q. Selllck arrived here' Friday from Eugene to spend tho week-end visiting friends. 'They ' formerly mnde their borne here. Will Visit in Colorado Miss Dora naker, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. It. G. linker, of this city, has loft tor Groeloy, Colo., to Bpend tho summer months visiting relatives and friends. RICHARD OREENE AM A STRAIiGER She's in tropical trouble with two ardent Romeos in. Romantic Hawaiil ENDS TODAY