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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1940)
FIVE MII1HI.1 1.ILI U.J ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940. Livestock JERSEY milk raw for Bale . . . al ho li-inch rotary pump in good condition. A. M. Shaffer, Canyou villo, Ore. EOR SALE Weuner pigs. Olio or dozen. 1). V. McDowell, 2 210 iiiIIob cast of Kelley 's Kornor. FOR SALE Wcanor pigs. Harvey, Curry Estate Lloyd FOR SALE Safiuie or pack Uoiao. Phone 12F31. COCKER Spaniels. Phone &86J. Work Wanted STENOGRAPHER, '94 youi'B' ex perience. Competent, reliable. Wlhhes full or part-time work. Box 840 co News-Review. WANTED Hay baling. Good ' work guaranteed. Phone 838-U. P. I. Bettn. SLACK, 79c. Buttons, buckles cov ered. Hemstitching Shop, 124 W. Cass Btreet. CABINET WORK made to order 542 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Trade FOR TRADE 22-foot sport cruis er what have you. Tourist trado Income. Heo ilomliickson' at bridge in Glcnada, Ore. FOR TRADE Heifers for sheep. One three-year-old colt, .weight 1 100 or trade for sheep. Dan Tay lor, Days Creek. Wanted J ' r' fl- : 150 USED galvanized bottom prune traya.'Stato iirico and dinien- eiOM.'llox c-o Ncws-Rovluw. lilDBS. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Dougltts Market. ALLEY OOP The Mind Reader By V. T. Hamlin f-AMT VOl I cpe ALL RlflHT 3lT YEft COUMCIL TOTHEI f"" "'vyfc' I rsf Ui TELL ME. ..THIS "V-'SAy ALLEV, YOU WOULDN'T AusyKc f(j&rN&4 n I li SLV wwy er-JVbe gettimg amv wb notion GOVERNMENT SEVER TO RESCUE TH' QUEEN.' wrvt QUITE J O fo I I , ,1? J"' SUPPOSE THArf INTO YOUR HEAD FUNCTION GOTTA 21 SO.' n ftJ I blM BA5ArS2X'& J 5SWfi JtP A ABOUT CROWNS EH? TV , IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Line of Least Resistance By Merrill Blosser r YOU MEAN Qtm. TyeS.AYOUMS MAN WHo) "V2, RT,F JjSI, , '-Sf JT?ElM f TH' HECK WITH fjHg FIRST V I . ppimom is I i ;u;pieT w Teviwfi CAT ALL 'HAT You'll I me To BE RAT it i'M GONMA Lc -' THiNkS tou 1 WHO . oSe That? J ToSsubmCI his -$L BRB S gS&afZxr To fU Jl A troubles in FOOD L ou were . r-. $9'.. P J&ffZ loin and let I be so big j Xf X T-Tr-c -'liw ' 'HE WHOLE COSMIC THE CHOPS BALL J THINK fOU WONT GET ' ' j 1 W m6a pzyi , BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Not Jealous, But ' . ' . By Edgar Martin VOO W-VOEU't TOLO ME I TWt iOB 1 f CORA ,V0CW POtslU OoaOT TO f ' .V's!5t&' f SOT.?. TrXitSi VOO'O AlWSife A300T f 0 FlWO OWE. GOOO . 6rVE W'T lfW6 rVKiOV OUT Jmm I ,TOO I VOCSNt WOv2Wf4' taHW w vous llhWiNSJ. :iiillillir A 1 1 1 . . IT f Z vst-vy , J r, PiAWb FOVi THE rr I i!HLkl (m7&VX flTi .A I I lFfq i PCS I COME. , OEAW .. CTSs f I ( i ..I gBjBStll1 1 ' 1 M . ii in , j WASH TUBES All Ashore . . . 1 By Roy Crane : fe i i! lit' IfYl1" Un rtfoopsl sorAEBOBVs "i f there, bv -sbacious let it siiok... oeu JPT : twbabv, let hLTyTTl maJlAa Ji NS Oa fcwM '"" ) ' Rental MODERN: 5-room house: a lovely home- - for responsible party. Newly decorated, completely fur nished, electric range and re frigerator. Nice yard, garage. Will considor lease. Will ho ready June lsth. 337 E. 2nd Avo. Mrs. ifughes. COMPLETELY furnished, niodorn, five-room homo, 1o responsible adults. Close in. 121 S. Chad wick, 692-Rj or call O. W. Young & Son. FOR RENT o-room modem house, partly furnished, clean-and at tractive. Call Frances Llntott at Parslow Hdwe. Co. FOR RENT 5-room nicely furnish ed house. Adults. Inquire 817 South Main street. FOR RENT OR SALE Modern 5 room house, 8 mllos out. Walter Iveake, Dixonville. - , 4-ROOM ruruisiied apartment, hot and cold water furnished. 1127, Harvard Ave. KOIILHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phouc 500. j FURNISHED, 2-voom, front apart ment. 112 Brockway. NOH'mSIDE APARTMENTS $12.00 up, Phone 36'J-J. 5-ROOM house, noar SoldlotE Homo, JS.00. .112 Brockway. GROUND floor apartment. Cull Tho Strange Shop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent. IJouglas Hotel. APARTMENTS for rent. Phono 242. Page's. MODERN, furnished apartment. 026 S. Main. FURNISHED apartment. 424 Flocd, corner Mill CLEAN furnished front apartment.) 62S S. Pino. - j 3-KOOM, furnished liouso. Inquire 641 Fitter. Help Wanted GIRL Want ambitious girl to work lor 1 tuition to beauty school, assisting in dispensary. Room, board. Wrllo Hollywood University of Beauty, llioadway Building, Portland. RELIABLE man tako care store route. New plan of distribution. No selling. Earn excellent weok )y income. I). & W. Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. WANTED (litis to pick young berriesJune 17th. Shelter fur nished. V. K. Holcomb, Kellogg. EXPERIENCED faller, long Job. Inquire Stanwood & Brinn Bros. Mill, Camas Valley. MAN and wife wanted to work on ranch. J. M. Cabot, Tenmile. Impounded UNLESS claimed within 4S hours from date of notice, all dogs de scribed below will be sold or kill ed us provided in city ordlnan itnoe No. 1014. Large mixed while and tan bob tailed male. Large while and tun . male, mix wire hair terrier. Medium tan and white long-tailed male lorrier. Tom Fletcher, City Enforcement officer. Phone 2F4. June 13, 1840, 6:00 p. m. Lost and Found HOY'S BICYCLE lied and black, license No. 335,' taken from in front of Kohlhagen apartments Monday evening. Reward for re turn. 301 Kohlhagen aims. For Sale Miscellaneous i t FOR SALE Advance ltuiiiloy, 10 foot comblno, rubber tires, re cleaner In good coudltlon, ready to work. SteaiiiB and Cheno wetli, Oakland, Ore, FOR SALE Giant zinnias and marigolds 10 cents lozen. Very sturdy plants. ('nil 'mornings or evenings, 315 South Main street, Mrs. Bert Courtney. FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass trallors and auto parts, go to SARFF'3 AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, r23 N. Main. Phone 653. TRACTOR MOWER for FordSOll, 6-foot. Nearly new. Want to buy good binder. Walter Leake, IMxonvllle. A NEW modern storage locker system at Douglas Ice anil Stor age Co, Attractive rates. Cartons ' for sale. CHERRIES Royal Annes and Lamberts, 2c pound. Pick 'em yourself, F. E. Weaver, Riddle, Ore. 1 BIG trade-In allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. jj.Ain s ruKMAij firess, uress, iiiuj a uttiiiiiiB niiiL, uiou ,iuiv Jars. fi27 Hamilton. ONE GAS 11ANGE, one Montana bufralo rug. Mill Btroot Btoro, . S05 Mill street. CHERRIES, Hings, ltoynl Amies, Lamberts. Also new honey. Phone S6F3. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, disc and plow. Ralph St. Onge, 1)11 lnrd. FOR SALE Wind charger. One large tottery. G. W. Shook, Oak land. . FOR SALE Lurgo piano. First class condition. Call 369-J. BUTCHER EQUIPMENT Two cases, 8x10 ft. Step in box, sllc or, scales, sausage machlno. Ex cellent condition. Liberty Mar ket. Medford, FOR SALE Trailer house. Equip t pcd. Box 842, c-o News-Review. FOR SALE Cedar Whllloy, ;lendulo. posts, Hen WOODROW electric washer, $10.00. 446 So. Pine. Autos FOR SALE OR TRADE for prop erty, 4-passenger .Bulck coupo. 211 Washington. . FOR SALE 193 1 Chevrolet pick wp. Inquire EaBt Side Sorvfco .'Station. FOR SALE '35 Willys panel.' MinUhii K,!u-.nta nnv 1U1f! rltt, ! Fuel PHONE 282 18-lttch and 4-foot green slab wood Orders recelvo prompt attention NOW. Rosoburg Lumber Com pany. Miscellaneous CUSTOM CANNING. Tuesdays and Fridays. Hurd's Cannery, Kdonhowor. Bring your fruit, vegetables or meat and let us can them for you,. Phono tifio. Dentistry DR. NERBAS Gas When Desired Masonic Bldg. Phono 488 Dr. G. W. Marshall, Med. A. Bldg. Poultry FOR SAI.Ii 3u Whito Loghorn : pullets, -35c each. Karsten, Route .' 1, Box 8. BA II Y chicks. Walzlg Hatchery. Root Estate 100 ACRES, 2 miles from UnipnuA, J-inlle river front, now 6-rooin liouso, chicken house, brooder house and barn, 8 acres alfalfa, one cow, 50 head sheop, 4 springs, wuler piped in house. C. S. McFarlund, Wilbur, Oregon. SO. CALIF, homes, ranches. In come to exchange for Oregon ranches. List yours. Describe in full. Coming to Oregon July 1st. Exchanges only. H. M, Ovurton, Broker, 205 N. Central, Gloudalo, Calif. WANTED Small acreage with wood, water. Trailer house pail payment, some, or balance, cash. Must be bargain. 3 choice Iota In Sweetwater, Texas, with some Improvements to trade. Box R4l, co News-Review, FEDERAL laho. tonic (arms. Roa Bonablo prices; convenient terms. Lists available at the National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Build ing, Rosoburg. . KOn SALE 5-room rustic home on North Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. 'OR SALE, reasonable, fl ''acres huul, 7 miles from Rosoburg. Ern est S. Chuluo, Box 240, Niagara Falls, Now York. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Doug las county property, Portland lot, E. 08th St. M. Gaston, 441) Fow ler St. Phone 33. CHOICE BUILDING sites on N. Umpqua. $2 per front foot. Box 839. co Nowb-RovIow. FOR SALE Modern remodeled 6 room house. 606 S. Pino street, Rosehurg. EXPERT SERVICE When There's Something You Went Done SEE AN EXPERT The flrme and Individuals Hated below epeelaliie In their work. 8ee them for expert eervtoe. You sheuld profit by their help. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebeef, 443 S. Stbpbens AIbo furniture repsirl-JK. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 8. Main St. auto Repairing Alba Spangh's Garage. 128 8. Stephens street. Phon 303. Knight Porter, corner Douglas & Mala. Body, fender work. Painting. 8HE6T METAL WORK Slnntger's. 444 N. Jacksop St. Cmyonvftle CANYONV1LLE, Juno l4.--MnV-vln Pardee of Silver Creek fulls snont last woolt vlsltlntt his moth er. Ho also painted hor l.cnse while hero. Mr. Hud Mis. ,11m Ilosltlns- of Medford visited Sunday, at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chironco Moore. Mrs. Bollnda Eustordaj-, who has boon oiiflncd to 4ior bed for sovornl woelis since iher return from the hospital Is now ablo 10 sit up a part of each day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mlllor and sister, Mary Alice Hoots or 'Glen dale are now making tholr bonis here as Mr, Miller Is engascd in logfilng for the local sawmill. They aro living In the cabin be longing to Grace Robertson. Hob Mlllor and Hubert flnroy r.iid Bill Jones and Oslo MeMnll en of (llondnle wont to Rosoburg to try out for the American Legion basoDail team, mil und Hob quali fied and received tholr mitts. Tho other hoys will i-oturn for a noc ond tiy out In a few days. Mrs. T. L. Weavor is attending a convention of the Eastern Stur lodge in Portland this .week. Mr. Weavor accompanied hor as far as Eugena Sunday. Mrs. Klla Heals, sistor of Mrs. Weaver, al so went with thorn as far as Win 'cheslpr where she visited at the YICK SO HERB CO. HOURS 10 A, M. TO 0 P. M. THURSOAY, FRIDAY, SATUROAY ONLY : Chintse herb remedies have alleviated for disorder of goitre, stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, olend, pile, catarrh, asthma, blood pressure, dropsy, rheumatism, ectema, stomach ulcer, and hemorrhage all disappear. ' Call or Write Roscburej, Oregon 132 N. JACKSON ST. 7 BRANCH OFFICE MEDFORD, OREGON J. H. i-eong HerbalUt VACANT AUGUST 1ST Roseburg Electric Building Will sell-lease as is-or remodel to suit. If interested, write Mr. Harold Hudson, c-o Yakima Electric, Yaki ma, Washington. mm cfli iw rr mu vici. imc t m no. t, i m nt. fe-'y "liooill Now lit- tuio more knot mid yoti i?ass yinir Scout Icsl!" PLUMBING Peto Crumott, Plunihlng. Ph. 607. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Rosoburg Electric Phone 123. Radio servicing Margin Radio Service. Phone 1M, Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. REFRIGERATION 8ERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. . LOCKSMITH Pacific Key fier. Phone 4 home of Mr, and Mrs. Luke Heals. : J. D. Edwards was a visitor at the Bay Bartley homo over tho week-end. - , - Joanolte Dodge, Beverly Hart ley and Gcorgotta Meano at tended practice for Job's Daugh ters insinuation of ofllcors in Myrtle t'reek - Tuesday. Installn tlon will tako place Thursday mo iling. Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Hart ley will accompany the girls. 1 Molllo Sullivan has bcoti ill and unable to Work In the post office Mils week. - Dortha May: Elliott, who recently returned from Cor vallis Is assisting hor mother In the office. Mrs. Dick Steele and daughter, Peggy, were shopping In Hobo. burg Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Hamberg und boh, Harold und daughter, Elinor, Mrs. Ray Paulson and daughter, Bar bara, and Evelyn Paulson of Asa loa visited at Tillor S:::nlay with Mr. llamborg. Mr. Paulson and son, Everett, who aro employed there. Leon Nichols returned to Bridge Sunday atter spending the week end with his family. Eminent neither nnd boh, . Bill of Glendale are trucking log) from Myrtle Creek to the local sawmill. They have ranted lbs garage belonging to (trace Ro bertson to store their trucks. verfthing!