FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940. Imm4 DMr KM PMBrfar T newi-nericw uv Mfwbfr of Th Aoclatrd Irr Tha AjwociatAd PreM la exclualv I? entitled to the ua for republica tion of all newt dlnpatohes credited to It or not otherwlMs credited In this paper and to all local now published herein. All rights of re publication of special d lip tehee uerem are mimo reserved. 'HARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor Entered as second class matter stay 17, ltfzu, at tna post ornce at Rone burg, Oregon, under aot of ( aiarcn a, ism. Represented by . mw York 371 Mafllaon Ave. Cal kn-360 N. Michigan Ava. mm Vrtiufn22n -BlLlI gtreetlle troll 3(1X4 W. Grand Boulevard la Aasxlra 4.13 a Hiirlna- Htraet toatlla 6D3 iltowart strait Port land 620 8. w. Sixth Slraut t. 4ii n. T.ntn atreat .0tmt0i a obaerlplloa Ratca Ually.per year by mall... 95.0U pally, 8 monlha by malt 2.&0 Pally, 3 montha by mall 1.25 Pally, by carrier per manlli 66 pally, by carrier per year 7.80 Every ataio, county and city official or board Ihut bfinilla publiu money should publish at regular Intorvala an accounting' of It, allowing where and bow audi dollar la spent. TIiIm la a fundamental principle of demo cratic (overnmont T()IJAV, ovor tho entire United . StHti of America, we lire colic ' bi'ftllng King (lily. It was on June 11, 1777, Mini congress considered a resolution providing for the crentlon and of ficial authorization of the find. lAmorlcan flag. There la nothing actually In tho record to show that congrepa ever approved tho resolution, llowovor, wo do know that on Juno 14, 1777, the congress whh .considering tho flug prnbliui. Lo Kcnd haa It thai Washington or -dered a flag and that Betsy Hons made It. That la a good oilgln mid, record of the transaction or 'not, wo ahall hnllove thai today we actually celebrated a blrthdny of the flag. ' Bui with the socund war Willi England It did fly In all ita glory. , . . me record la straight ri-oin thai point: that the stars, an an- cient ayuiuol of India, Persia and -Kgypt, symbolize dominion, sovcr- Vlmtv that onlv n,.,nark llol. .clgnty, that only DenmlWk, Hoi- lund, Switzerland have older brings, that a shipmaster, one Cant. -Wllllam Driver of Kalom, Mas.., I .first called It "Old (llory," in 18:11. nnd finally Unit the Stur Hpangled Planner Inspired liy the flag In 1812 did not orflcinlly become a nutlonal unthem until approved by cougrcsa and President Hoover In llMI. ... This year the observance of flag ,jlay hna far more thnn usual nig "niftcance. ' It la n wnnilerfnl thing 4hnt we yet have a flag lo honor that wo hnvo not felt the heel ' 7r lh. ei.,1 ,,..e- Tl, ,,!. -not yef nitgnt no used in tne -previous aentenco, but with pro. inr preparation wo will not nerd to consider the possibility of los ing our flug and our national ent- ?y. Bince last Fla(f day King day Jor tho Unflnd HlaleH, that la Po land, Karlelan Finland, f)eumark, Norway, Uixombourfr, Holland and llolKitim have pasriod out of exft Mtce na natlonn. Shortly Jerore lb China. Kthlopia. AtiHtria. 'ichoHlnvakla and Albania weio j'l'iiHhed by InvaHloit and their et iateuco ended. ' e htkely before tho preaenl atriiK Kle Ik ended other nation a will be lenioved from the niapa. Hut wn have Houiethtuff on tltlti t ntitlnnnt that la worth prnnervliiR, vorlh, ntrltlhtK for. Wo want no Itiflltratlon of Kuropenn poll) leal control on either of the American continents. We want to trade In the American with whom wo jlcano when no please and In whatever nhlpa wo please. To pre tterve thl.H situation we inusl pre pare. The flag of thn 1'nlted State must wave In all Its Klory and with all honor not only today but forever. Editorials on News (Cos tinned froa L) where warships can't en. Itul with tmt rmnmerce NATIONS STAliVK. and the bulk of Inlermttioiuil com jnen e moves by water. If he can't control the scan, I Ml let- will hme In the lour; run. Just lis Natiletm did. pltKSIOKNT It O O S K V 10 lT . apeakltiR on the day or Italy's fiitrnnce Into the war on Inn side nf the Ocrmaita, says: "We (Ihe V. S. will pursue two nbvlniw and SIMI'LTANKOIS courses. Wu will extend (o the op ponent of force (ineaniitK llrllalu and 1'Yance) the material rehourtes pf l!iis nation and al Ihe same time wo will harness and speed up the use of loose resources in order that we ourselves In the America may hae equipment and training equal to the tnsk of ANY EMKIl GBNCY and every dofonse." Head It as you will, Hint stale, inenl fulls Just short of a declara tion of war. VOU may approve it. You may -'-disapprove It. But you must ad mit that It commllB us to a pro gram of SUPREME EFFICIENCY In tho task of preparation we are undertaking. Wherever wo are go ing, we mustn't lie caught short of what wo will need. New Pill Is Bar To Scarlet Fever lly HOWARD W. HLAKKHI.KH (Associated Pcpbh Science Editor) NKW YORK, June HI. A pill which Immunizes ami hint scarlet fever wan announced to the Ameri can Medical association today. These pills are a substitute for vacctnatlon and are taken wflh a Urtnk of water. They were developed by Dr. George P Dick and Gladys Henry Dick, who devised tho Bcarlet fever vaccine. The pills have boon ti led on 1'2 persons, the Dtcka reported. They are taken dally for two or three weeks. Of these tent cases, 01 per cent were immunized and the rcKl had transient scarlatina rushes. The plllu me not now recom mended ad a RtJiteral substitute for vaccination, Ihe Dicks stated. They should Ihi lined on persons for whom acratches are risky, who are ullegrlc to hfvea, who have had j hearls or when apeed is urgent dur-. UK an epidemic. I It look eight yeniH lo Ret a ill o it I h IiiiiminlnliiK snhHtancu M'lilch human beings could take, j At the atari the Dick developed a liquid which Immunized hut such' enormous quantities had to he drunk that It wax not practicable. Next (I me a white powder. ' which also immunized, lint this niudo people seaslek. Finally tho pills lit tablet. form were developed. A con tins: over the tablet prevents It from dissolving in the stomach, and ho avoidH nausea. Dissolution occurs In the intestines. Northwest 20-30 Clubs to Convene at Medford MKOPORO, Ore., Juno I I. (API Thn Jllltiiiiil i-nnvintlnii nf ll nnrtllU-rKl .IIhI i-l.-t r Mm nuani-1J tion of 20 30 chilis will be held: I hero Saturday and Sunday. One! j WnHhliiBtnn and ten Oregon cluip i tei-a will bo represented by 75 .delegates. Ah Sli unk or San Anlnnin.1 rxaH' "lio111 President of tho rinlstlor. on a tour or the west .will niinmi . Nnii 11 aii,. ni firnnta Pass, stale American I,c- "m coinnmndpr will deliver an ad dress. Kd tiulllnun of Portland. district governor, will preltlile. Rotary Hears Flag Day Address by Dr. Edwards An Inspiring address by llic licv. ('has. A. I'Jdwards was delivered be fore tho Hosebiirg Itotury ilnli yesterday in observance of King day. Itnlary club members planned a politick dinner meeting for next Thursday evening nt tho summer mr- ,- ''cat I II VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE DECREES MrilLK Klmer from Anna Ma rie Mtihle. Married at Vancouver, Wn. In October, 19:,r. Cruelty. Skyscrapers I.OH ANfiKLKS The Rev. Dr. K Nelson Allen will have In use a stepladder If he kisses this bride. Clifford Thorne. the groom. Is 0 rent, fi and his fiancee. Hazel Rii-h. is nearly as tall. The maid of honor and best man also are more, than (1 feel. KRNR Mutual Broadoaitlnj Syatam 1800 KllooyotM IIKMAININI1 ridlJIIH l.'llll- I'll III llotv Cetllei 1 :ll -Tea 'rime panco. I: in -SlnfetiietMt. M MS. S:ii0-Talk by Wendell TtlHAV , MILS. WlUklc. .KIllH. r.::ill Hltafter ParKcr. MIIH. 5:45 Little Orphan Annie, Oval. tine, mbs. H:'i0-TonlBhl's Tune. :05 Newa, Calif. Pacific Utill. ties Co. 6:10 Newa Review News Flashca. l!:ir lllnner Itatiee. t:30 John B. Hughes, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS. K: IT, Melody Time. 7:iHi Pacing the Pnst.'.MHS. 7: lii- Mulusl Maeslros. 7::m liun Kanger. MHS. ti:ou Phil Hauls- Orchestra. MIIS. S::io - rVstivnl Varieties. MHS. 0:00 Alka Stltrcr News. MBS. U: I.". I'M Kil.pali Ick's (lielieslra, mum. !)::!"- Pillion Lewis. Jr.. MUM. !l: l, - KoliyniMid Atnerituli glon Plains. Mils. 1 1 :uo Sign off. SA I'l llli.W. JPNK I.', 7:mi siuff nnd N'ousense. 7:30 News-Review of the Air. 7:40 - News. Stale and Local. 7: l.'t - ttltnpMidy lo Wax. K:on Pincers (itch. MIIS. S:30 - Virginia Spencer. I'lanicl. MIIS. S: lo -Interlude. :& MrKarUlltl Twins. M IIS. H : mi )un Aires. Tenor. MBS. !: World Fair Symphonic OUT OUR WAY KiOSM THIS fVAACHIME IS ' ALMOST ErjrriRELY ALTTOrAACTIC VOU DOM'T HAVE TO DO VERY MUCH BUT JUST KEEP YOUR. EVE ON IT-Akl'- Hand, MHS. ):00 Songs of Yesteryear, Cop co. : l.r This and That In Melody. 30 llghtim Noble's Orcll., MHS. 00 Concert in Coiilrnst, .MUM. 3(1 Posalbln Pails News, MHS. 45 Uairymaid Milking Con test. M HS. 0(1 l.ii,w.h.,mi Diiiw-i, ::15 Buck Roqera' Popsicle Pro gram, MBS. 4T, News, State and Locul. 50 News-Revtow of the Air. :IMI Knhn's Orel., MIIS. : 15 .Ion ltlne's Orcll., MHS. :.'1U Kent Handicap, Delaware ltace Track. MHS. :(I0 Inleiiudc. llu Hiiro Monaco's Orcll., MIIS. 30 Dramas or Youth, MHS. 00 At Your rommnnd. 30 Huddy Malevllle's Oreli., MIIS. 00 Wythe Williams, Cuinincu- lator, MHS. 15 Ceorge Stearney'a Orcll., M HS. :30 Tea Time Dance. 40- Kd Klupntl irk's O r c b., MIIS. :00 Hawull Calls, MHS. 311 Mozart Opera Holies, MHS. : mi Tonight's Tune. :00 News, Calif. Pacific Utili ties. :10 News - Review Newa Flashes. 15 Dinner Dunce. 30 John 11. MiiEhes, MHS. 45 Preview of National Politi cal Conventions, MHS. 00 Hob Nlchol's Huwaliun Her enaders, MHS. 15 Mill mil Maesti-os. 30- Kitdie Murphy's MHS. on linpctinl Intrigue, 30 Call lloli's Orcll., Oil - News. MIIS. 15 Sattirdav Niuht O r c h. M HS. , MHS. Party, Wing Cigarettes, MBS. 00 Sign OIL Si:XI)AY, JUNK Hi S:oll - St. JnHcph Jiniioi- Choir, MIIS. S:30 Voice ol' Pniili(.cy Choir MHS. N:I5 Ciimiry Chorus, M US. BOY HORIZONTAL Answer (a 1 Hoy ruler ol '0t hH'E;A-irL-f LJllNiAfl Yugoslavia. 9 Ho was lik-Kirf prince until 1031. Mr- 1.1 Vulgar. 14 Sugar. 1 fi A bench. 17 Vestige. 1!) Consumer 21 Domestic .-lave. 22 Spiritus n:.per. 23 To seize. 24 Controlled. 2(i Mcli k weight unit. 30 Decorous. 34 Hast fiber. 35 Dined. UNI: E.MS iSIIANiliL tllV I IE A tU-,'3lT7rriA,'r IA,Uii !AYi I cnNUEtoCfapij in Brooch. 50 Yes. SI DycslulT. 53 Genus of beets. 55 To decay. 57 His father was d or sluin In 1H34. VKKTICAL 2 Frosts. 3 Giantess. 4 Sporl. 37 Genus of slugs. 38 Data. 3!1 Hcncfitcd. 43 Witty saying. 43 Golf toucher. 44 Musical note. 43 Enrolls. t-j: C f r f i' r i" i" j 3 2 3 JUill si r c3 PI y JO j, 1 71 w nE rn 1 1 1 n 1 1 n THEM COLLEGE KIDS IS TAKIWT MECHAMICAL GAS STATIONS EB. EWGINEERJW VWHEkJ I WAS A KID A COLLEGE IF ONE GUV IS GUV WAS A RARITY WHEW WE REALLY WEEDED EM, BUT NOW, WHEKl EVEKVTHING IS FIXED IT DON'T TAKE. MUCH THIWKIKJ, THEY'RE TURK! IN EM OUT BV TH THOUSANDS PVfDV VFA.D? -it' THE THlMklNG MACHIWE : do Morning Muslcalu. :15 The Chaplain Speaks, Rev. Perry Smith. :30 American WildlUc, MHS. :4.r Symphony. :00 Rnluto of the Amotions, MIIS. :15 Romance of the Hl'Ways, creynound Lines, MBS. 30 Possilde HHC News from London, MHS. 45 Palmer Houso Concert Or chestra, MHS. 00 Baptist Church, on Santa Cruz Ocean swims, MHS. i :30-Nobody's Children, MHS. Mill -Sunday Varieties. :30 Rendezvous, MHS. :00 ICddie Murphy's Orcboslra. MHS. : 30 Show of tho Week, MIIS. :00 Tropical Serenade, MHS, :30 Sigrid Schultz, Germans' . MHS. : 10 Musical Interlude. MHS. : 15 Freddy Martin's Orehcstru. MIIS. oil American Forr.ui.of the Air MIIS. 00 Old Fashioned Revival, MBS :00 Awsocluted Press Bulletin MIIS. 05 WON Symphonic Hour, MIIS. 30 The Angelus Hour, Dr. C. A Edwards. CO Favorite Songs of Yours and Mine, Hansen Motor Co. 15 The Quiet Hour. 15 Hill Medina's Orchestra. MIIS. mi Jack. Dcuuy'a Orchestra, MIIS. 15 Tli Pastor's Study. MHS. 30 Minion Gould's Orchestra, MIIS. 00--News, MHS. 15 - Evening Melodies. 30 -Sign off. Expected Home Soon Miss Cay Hllbal'. w liii recenlly underwent an enierneney appendeclnmy at Sac red Heart hospital in Kiikciio, Is ex peeled to bn able lo leave tile hos pital Sunday or Monday and return here lo spend Ihe summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hubar. on I'.nst Lane street. RULER Previous Puzzle 18 Not digestible 20 A rules in his stead. 24 Daubs. . 25 To blunt 27 Hurried. 28 Wine vessel. 20 Note in scale. 31 Doctor (abbr.). 32 Intention. 33 Also. 35 Lava. 36 Ell. 40 To choose by ballot. 41 Ireland 43 Virgin pictured mourning. 46 Arrests. 47 Lixiviums. 48 Spore cluster! 49 Yucca fiber. 52 Male child. S4 Like. 56 You. Mtr i ic ll. ,f, sm -Lll-f SPair (nbbr.). 6 Fortune. 7 Succinct Race horse. 8 Credit (abbr.). 10 To root up. 1 1 13onos. 12 7 dnys. 15 Goddess of vegetation. 16 His land's capital. m I.Sil AM mm 31 tyWCkm X JUST TH SAME AS ( CHICKEM FARMS- KAAKIM' a liviw', FkETTV 5COM 30 EVEKV6COV GOES INTO ITTHEfsJ v NOBODY MAKES l A LIVIN" ONE GOOD U.VIW& . MAKES A THOU SAM ' POOR. ONES.' o-wituMS CQWI. 1719 BV WI SIHVICI, INC. Ig'lA- SOTM'K fK N.I.K III' UTV tO.M'AI.I.A WATKII IIO.M), SIOIIIMI NKIIIKs Netlee Is tmrutiy given t In. t uli'd bids will tie rui-elvcit liy . llu; niiiicrmiif'ii iiei iiiiiei- 01 (lie i liy ir Yuiiciilla, ori'Heu, up to anil iu lillillnu: i::lu o'eliM'k 1'. M. en Tues day, till) KiM-nnd (lay nf .luly, ttllll. jaitil luiilieillalcly Ihoreafli'l- ptlhlie- ly olM-ned liy tliu Cunuiiuli 1'iiiiiii-il el Main i-iiy, nir nil ixmie ui (lUd.Oil par value (if Water Itomls, Hi'i'onil Series, prupesed to hu Is sued for tlie eularHemcut of the water system of said elly, said Omuls tu la issued In denuniina tieliH nf lrll0.0ll csiii, earh to lie daleil July I, It' 10, to bear flltcreiH Hi'inl-annually i,n January and July lal uf eaeli yeiir at lull ti pur anliiitii, prfu- lituil and Interest liayalite at the office of the Treasurer of the said rily of Yoiieiilla. at Youi-alla, Ore-aoii- nnd lo oiittiire si-iially in uu- ie.-il onlcr us rolluws Prin- Nos. Maturity eipat I July I, Kill 6011 'i July I, Iti IS ... Sua :t ' July 1. nun ... tiau I and July 1, 1 ! 1 7 ... l.nna (,iil 7 July I. In IS ... I.aau h anil 9 July 1. IS 19 . . . I.imio 111 and II July I. ;..- . . . I.Olin II', 1.1 and I I Julv 1. 1951 . . . 1.50.1 1.1. If, anil 17 July I, 195 ... l.Slill IS lo Jl, Until llli-lll.ilv,.. July I, 1953 ... VJ'IO 1'! lo 'J.". Iiolli Ineluslve, July I, 19.V1 ... 2,0a0 '1ft to :tii, both ineluslve, July I, lii.".; .... J.roo ::i m ::r,. i,.,tii llM-lusive. July I, 19.1'J .. L'.Kia :u to ll. tmih Imiuslve. July I. 19.17 ... .' now 12 to 47, liolh Ineltisivi'. July 1, .....oay IS to .'::. liolh Iniiuslve. July 1. 1959 ... 'J.aa.i SI lo HO, hoth luiiusivu, July 1, 19(tll ... ".5"" $:;n,ifH) Tin- riuht will Ihj rcm-rved l m f-uiii any tf saiil hurKN. or any imri, ill i in- hiiiii "i f...i.v i tipk-H tlHTfOf, at idiy .Itiinniry iniuri.-.Ht-myiiiK tliitu ir iiftt-r .Iiiniinry 1. Ittll. al thn ur value llifri'i-r nn'l iicrruetl ttiit-ruHl. frmn surpliiH fuiMlM iivnltubli- In the .sliikiiiK fund prnviclrtl fur t lie ptiy nitlit uf nnii I IjoihIh. J,.l,l I u -lll n..l In. Uf.lfl f.t- li'HH Dihii pur ii i id iiit'i'iK'! inltrr isl, mill all iiifhliTM will !" r-'tiir- whh-h thfv tni)'Hc t' imiicuhh.- xaiil Imiul.i. imt I'M- Unit "t it pur a nnii in. i-.hcii ui'i hi mi i iM-rfllipM iiii-il liy a r.-rt if fetl iil( nn n liimlf flui ii ir liiiHim-MM In tho Slalo if li-" K"ri. drawn in r..i-..i ..r n... citt' i.r Yiimi'uIIii. (licKim, fnr lint Ii-sx thnn twn Z'A per cent (if tlio pur value nf Ih lit, nils Mil fur. tu ln f orf ;i I"l ti the rltv In ciise the Mii.-iowsful Md dcr Hlnill fail lo oniplele his pur rliawe in mTiiritutn'i willi lliv term of hiH hid. Tin Common Council r'-Hcrvc tin' I'iKht lo reject hiiv it all hidf All hfddcrfl mIiiiII HHildfy them Helve. afl to tltc h'Uiility of mill iiond.i, fop wlitcli purpose tm n Mcrlpt of proc4.-cillnfi of til' 'lty o Viiiir-iillii In ctinnect inn with naif bund isyue will lie furnished by tlio Ueci.rdtr or ihe City to all pio.s pcetho iMMia-ftdi' Idddcr.s. upon ap plication Ihcrefor. Ilv order of Hip Common Cnuiici of the City of Yiiiniilhi. iiri'Kun. billed and first puhll-iheil till.' llth day ut Amu: into. II. C. .lOtlNSiiX. lU-corder of I ho City of Voinalla. Minn: ok rivw. sk'1ti.i;ii:.t Nothc (n tiprePy jriveii thai the inidmf iK'M'd, aduiiiii.sli-at rix of t lo 4'Mtnte of l-'ruiik Cattt, deccaned, ha filed her l''inal AccmiiuI ii uu.-Ii ailntinislinlrix In thn Cinmty oui t i.f lite Slllle of l.-lCim. for leil.K- l.-i.i County, and f he Hon. MoitI" C. Hi. whet-, judire of n-iid :oint hn, lv rilr dol v mtide khu h!m cd. ftxril Motidav. Julv 1..: h. Mi-', a I the hour of tun t.Vlo.-k tn It- fore noon s the time, and ih.- "o-iuty Court Itonrn tn the Cn-irl i'm tlnsclMinr. oreBon. : the pla for hcaritm ohjei-t mmih. .f any to.-r.1 i-r in yald (''llial Account and Ihe yet -Itcnieiit Iheieof. All t-f.-:o'o in terested III fiild relate arc ln-rt h" iinllfinl to file, their o. Ipct 1 .,-4 if any they hrtye. tn rmitl l-'lual A-- i-iiini hi or ifiuri' no' nine tu-i nr final hfarliiR. patvd und first puldln'uvl .tu,:e tt. lit in. ItKKSlK t'AIN. Adnilnintriitrtx id" the rt;it if Kraitk Cain, I tc'iuasi'd. Irn H. rchldh'. Attorney for Katali. mitk i: to ni:mriB.s In tlip i.iintv t'Miirt of th Hi(e i.f tteKon rr l,4uKlan fount . In Ho- Mutter of Ihe Im i: f CharlcM 1 Mintmm. 1 nTii --t Noth-i- hereiv in ulven. tint lln- undermiird, hy order of tin- ' Iv CouM of Ihe State of t'-.-ion. for I'otmhin Coiint. ha .'p-rHillt4-d executor of the f. tit 'v mid Ttaimnl of t.'lmrlfii tf.ri!in n. dcceasp'l. AM pTfon niivinie m n i m n BKtn" tl. of l liarle I.nni liaiu, ! ;inei, hereby rr notified to preiicnt dm (uiiitr. vertflt'd im ie quired lv law. to the mid ".'; tit. d at lln otritcH of HalliiliirK t,"l In die lioiiian rsaliou-u tliiiH HutldiitK. In Koseh'irn. P :i:1.ih Coiintv, OreKoti. within !- ( noMiths from the duto of t'lU le the. Jtuted Jun .. i:mm Cla.lli:NCK U fil'NHAM. fcxretitor of thr, Uisl Will an. I T tnifiii or v n.irit'S I'unti.iui, n-vcuticd. Sunday HU i wAio DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. BDWAXDS The flag means more than as- nlallnn anil rau-inl ft lu thA I symbol of our national unity, our national endeavor, our na tional aspiration. It tells you of the struggle for independence of nuion preserved, of liberty and union one and Inseparable, of the sacrifices of brave men and women to whom the Ideals and honor of this nation have been dearer than life. It means America) first; it means an tin divided allegiance; It means America united, strong and effi cient, equal to her tasks. It means that you cannot be saved by the valor and devotion of your nnceatoi-a; that to each generation conies ita patriotic duty; and that upon your will ingness to sacrifice and endure as those before you have sacri ficed and endured vesta the na tional hope. It speaks of equal rights; of the Inspiration of free Institutions exemplified and vindicated; of liberty under law Intelligently conceived and impartially administered. There is not a thread In It but scorns self-indulgence, weaknesa and rapacity. It in eloquent of out community Interests, outweigh ing all divergencies of opinion, and of our common destiny. God preserve our flag. Amen. THE ROSEBURG METHODIST CHURCH Tho pastor, Dr. Louis Mngln, will preach at 11:00 a. in. and S.00 p. in. Sunday. This Is the last Sun day of the conference year nnd the pastor will leave for Portland Tues day to attend the meeting of tho annual Oregon conference. The church school meets at 9:45 a. in and the two youtb organizations, the High School league and the In termedlato league at 7:00 p. in. The midweek service Wednesday evening at 7:30 will bo led by Rev. Levi White. Tho church Is located at the corner of Hast Lane and South Main streets. DILLARD CIRCUIT Tenmilo Methodist church: Wor ship service at 9: 45. Sunday school at 10: 15 a. in. Camas Valley Methodist church: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. Dillard .Methodist church: Sun day school at 10 a. m. Evening preaching service at H p. m. Looklneglass Methodist church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Kpworth league at 7.J5 p. m. Our state conference convenes at the First Methodist church at Port- . land, Wednesday, June 19. The ,wh- tor will be Icavins on Tuesday or i Wednesday of that week. He lakes this opportunity to thank each anil every individual who nan cooperat ed in any way, In helulnR to mako the work ot tho pant year a suc cess. C. E. ttrittatn, pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible school. J:I5 a. m. Clussen for all ases. Church service, 10:15. Sermon, "The Crucible of Calvary." John A. Harney, minister. Christian Knduavor, 7:0U n. m. Church serv ice, 8:0') p. tn. Sermon: "The Jews." Wednesday evening, 7:30, 1 libit; class. THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of L'mpfiua and Harvanl. Sunday school at ft:il5, with the Hiipertntrndcnt, Paul Uaird, lu i hnrRo. MornlnR worship at 10:15. Testimony meetiiiR nt H: 15 In charge nf C. L. DaRe. Kvenins ser vices bcginnitiR at G: 15, with Y. P. ineetinR. Kvenlnst preaching serv ice at 7:30. Mid-week prayer meet tint Wednesday evening at 8:00. John ft. Poet, pustor. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Kdenbower district. J. I). Ker iiutt, iniulster. Sunday school. 10 a. in., Mrs. Chus. Hughes, superin tendent. Morning devotions, II u. in. A Kather's tiny address will be given. YouuR People's meeting. 7:I1U p. m, Kvonlng servico, 8:0M p. in. Prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 8 p. in. An Invitation is given to you to attend these serv ices. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST III!! 1-3. ltouglas street. Regular services Sunday at 11:00 a. tn. Sub ject of lesson: "Cod Ihe Preserver of Man." Sunday school convenes at It: lan. m. Wednesday evening meetings whb-h Include testimonies of healing and remarks on Chris tian Science are held at 8 o'clock. The reading room at 317 Perkins building, is open daily except Sun days and holidays from 10 to 1:110 p. in. Hern the ISihle and all au thorized Christian Science litera ture may be read, borrowed or sub scribed for. The public is cordially InvitPd to attend the chuiTh serv ices and to visit the reading room. SUTHERLIN METHODIST CHURCH .OrttiHl It. Trick, pastor. Suuday will be the last Sunday before the O iff i mi aiinttnl muft-reure. Sunday school at 1 t orHMk: .Mrs. P. A. Comstoek, superintendent. At the nmruini; worship at 11 o'eloek, the sermon topic will be, "I Hclieve." BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Is Men's day at Ihe llaptist rhun h. Or. K. W. Starring. exeriiUvw sei-relaxy of the Oregon Itaptlst stain convention will speak al btith services. Ir. Starring will be- Introduced by men of the church. The l'aily Vacation Hlhle school, umior the leadership of Mlxa Mary C. Ares will close with a meat program of demonstration on Friday evenlna. Pareuts and , friends are urged to be preseat. The tlaiHlst pastor, Hev. . P. Scoute. is returning early lu the i week (rum Oakland. Calif., and will bo In his pulpit next Sunday. Dr. James Whitcomb Brougher and his sons, Russell and Jim. are soon to be In Roseburg for services. CLEVELAND CHURCH OF GOD Cleveland school district Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Your Sunday school class needs I your help. Come, bring your chil dren and keep yonr scnool grow ing. Song and preaching service at 11 a. in. with song and preach ing services in the evening at 7:45. Those services are brought to you twico each (Sunday -without cost and without price. You should not fail to come and enjoy tnese ser vices. A hearty welcome to all. Mrs. John Parry, superintendent. John M Evans, pastor. The Pilgrim Holiness Church, 477 South Jackson atreet. The Rev. Orval C .Keller, pastor. Sun day school meets at 9:30 a. m.: morning worship at 10:30 to 11:30 a. m.; Sunday evening service at 8 p. m.: young people's meeting every Sunday night at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday ulght'at 8 o'clock. Due to the absence of the pas tor, the Rev. Keller, who will be at the Pilgrim camp meeting at Medford for the next two Sundays, arrangements are being made to engage special speakers for all the services. Dou't miss one of them. St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Mis souri Synod), Corey and Military street, Wei Roseburg. Tho ser vice of Sunday, Juno 16, begins at 11 a. m. Tho pastor will re port on the district convention of the Lutheran church held at Tn coma. Wash., during the past week, thn topic of the sermonie report being, "t Must Re About My Father's Business," The Sunday school moots at 9:45 a. m. The mid-v fk clnss meets Thursday at the home of Mrs, A. Coenenberg in Sutherlln for a potluck lunch eon. All the women of the con gregation are cordially invited. Thoso desiring transportation to and from Sutherlln aro requested to can inn president or the class., Mrs. R. Kaine. A short meeting of the choir will be held Sunday! morning alter the service. W. A. : Sylwester, 1170 Military streot, . pastor. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS t Klder Frlsehnecker, of Monti, Utah, who has been In Roseburcr' as a misimary for the Church ofi p.un viiirai ui ijuiier mv nam is for so vera I months, has been trans ferred to Portland. Elder Carson of Brlggs. Idaho, has arrived to take- his place. 1 ho Sunday school fs held every aSunday morning in tho Woman's Club ball at 130 S. .Taelrunn (0vor-v. one is tnvited to attend. No collec tions taken. CHURCH OF CHRIST Mnnln tn LMnnkn... t i house. Rlble school at 9:4"; a. m. So r in nn 11 u ,.. o .. u t Thoughts. Words nnd Deeds." Children's drill at 8:30 p. m. Ser mon at 7:45 p. m. Subject, "Flee. FrillriWH Pffhl " U'tr.r.... .,1 cd to ull visitors. Homer Pippin. FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Located at the end of West Commercial Ave. A. Harold Pers- ing. pustor. Service tonieht at 7:45. Devotional and preaching. Sermon "The Five Judgments of iJod on Adam nnd live." Services for Sunday. Sunday school at .1:4ft. John Klliott in charge. Lei's make this a banner Sunday. Ior- ng worship beginn ng at 11 o"c!ock. Special Father's day message. Young people meet at 6:30. Children's church a. i:30. Evangelistic service at 7:45. Mess age by the pastor. Services for the week are as rollows: Tuesday night at 7:45. special children's hofr with songs hy the children at this service. Friday night at 7:45, devotional and preaching. Thomas Letsom, Native of Douglas, Dies at 83 Thomas Letsom. 83, died Wed- itosday evening at his farm home east of Youcalla after n short ill ness, lie was burn on the Letsom donation laud claim lu Sootts vat ley on May 13. IS57, and had re sided there continuously until his dt-ath. Mr. ftsom. who was nev er married, is survived by three sisters. Mrs. Mary C-oodell and Mrs. Martha Harris, Yoncalla, and Mrs. Lit ha Hedrick, Drain, and a brother,- K. W Letsom, Yontalla. Services will be held tn the Metho dist church at Yoncalla Saturday at 3 p. in. Interment will be in the Yoncalla 'cemetery. Arrange ments are In care- of the Stearns nmrtuiiry, Oakland. I'Crmf Spittl. .11 Aarf Mi ,, rk, , n. I., ,ii Th ti,mK u.i i, V Pucins FuriERRL Home . nw aHMI Blitzkrieg Posts Speedy Successes fly the jssotinteil Preua Adolf Hitler's natl legions pour ed through the gates of Hurls to day, ninth day of the hlittkiieff drive -toward the capital started by the Germans June 5. In the Franco-Prussian war, the Germans bombarded Paris for three and one-half months before the city surrendered. The Paris development In the nail timetable of Invasion marked the 35th day after Germany opened her westward sweep through the low countries. At the same time the fuehrer an nounced conclusion of the cam paign in Norway which began April 9. Other notations In the record of nazi conquest: Poland Invaded Sept 1. 1939; fall of Warsaw announced Sept. 27; capitulation of "last editor of military resistance" Oct. 1. Denmark Invaded and occupied In a day, April 9, 1910. Norway Invaded April 9; virtu ally abandoned to Germans by May 3; King Haakon arrived in London June 10 after resistance In north ended. Luxembourg Invaded and vir tually wholly occupied in one day, May 10. Netherlands Invaded May 10; commander - in - chief capitulated May II. Belgium Invaded May 10; King !,copolU ordered nrms laid down May i. War Movies Have Uncertain Status HOLLYWOOD. June IX f AIM Those In movie land, who hold that war pictures will do good busi ness In war time will know soon whether several such vonturea were ill-timed or pieces of smart showmanship. Nearly every company is makiMc; or planning war films, but one studio announced today it Isn't making any battle epics and doesn't intend to. "We believe there's enough war In the papors and on the air," said IIKO Production Chief J. J. Nolan. "We're striving for lighter enter tainment. A spokpsmau for unothcr studio explained; "Tho Industry is gambling 5, 000,000 or so. If the public doesn't want, war pictures, we'll find It out soon. Dttt we have a hunch a good allied victory or two would be the impulse' needed to put them over." Ilest box office attraction of re cent months with a war angle was "The Fighting 69th." "Confessions of a Nnxl Sdi-." whlr'h nrnfmlai hnelllUlnB In hol.tir nuu,.n.l ... date. In time with the spurred "fifth column" drive. Its first week '""My Son. My Son." a dramatic effort, did a generally dlnanoolnt ing business, exhibitors reported..;, iiio'i ' uaii a tioxen oiuers, including Charlie Chaplin's expert sivo sloty kidding dictators, which is due to lie released lu .Septem ber. If the next few weeks' box office rciwrts show the public docs mil want war on the screens also, wnti'li Hollywood do n quick change to the light and airy form ot en tertainmentmusicals, the reliable old chases anil, as they say in the trade, "leg stuff." (Hy tho way. what's Marleno Dietrich doing these days? i A new superhighway may ue i "mobile curb" to dlvldo the rand way into lanes. At a push of n billion. I ho curbs will rlso so that luring the rush hour the heavy flow ot traffic will have more lanes. davalopet your 8 ax. rn poiurt film, givta 2 ENLARGEMENT? Sand your film. Prompt service. SaHi foetlon guaranteed. R,0rlntt 3e toeh, minimum order 25c. Send coin. Hmd-mtJi pUtmu, not wtUi-mtit . . TW0-1IT ILM CO. farHanJ ta, 4m Qraaaf PORTLAND'S Most Dlsfinerfvt Hotel INVITES YOU . . . , Friendly Servlr.a Home-Llko Roorit Wonderful Food Stnslble Rate Broadway Oak Portland "VETO CREATOR' (Com CrMtori - ,.'H.I IM i HOTEL m BENSON silk T anM hvrna. "T.l , a,mn. Slum,, a. J . a, , n,,, M Ihif fimuilikaulu. . . r