ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1940. SEVEN SERIAL STORY - GHOST DETOUR BY OREN ARNOLD CAST OF CHARACTER II'iSKI.Ki: IIAI.K m,. t'linirt TINK lAI.MK- PariiiMS ia a 2MII1IIHT lumhl VflltlllH lit CUlllI- rn'?t, lli'K BAVrnoPT nii.l FRANK UN IjAUKAWA V They also ( iind an iniiMt'st in (Juldcresl. Yostfrd.-iy: Jilclt Agrees to help Rost-li't and Christine mail their phs( (li'Umr vcniurt?. Meanwhile li f'iliH thtt mysterious money nrk wiih paper, preimreB to hide the i-wd $i',(H0 elsewhere. The t'lrlH nre ulrt'ilily HUllinped with 'leniure! HIAPTKR IV "Where?" "I (innnn, I we'll (hink of romeflihiK." ' hrlHlinn Fpntteil hln face wllh 'he rius.'ilU'.lH. He was olivlouly thinking hiinl. Imt his expression was dial of a hoy who hail n eemiine mlvenlitre ut hand. "Ho'h the henl-limkhiK- tiling!" Uoselee una lelliiiK heisell' in (liat nwift moment, hIuHiik down at him. "I hope lmihiiiK happens to spoil il!" common sense luld her that Bhe should never have offered any '1 linn u nor f-onsiiltel him nhont tnoiti'y found on 1ier jirop erivj iiitles.s she l;new him to he thoroiifihly responsible and trust v.orthy. Mm ihi-n, youth doesn't rely loo iniieh on what oldsters call common si.nse; youth pets uU)K pieliy uell on trial and nor, Impulse and intuition. Hose lee lalit knew sninHhilif? about judinK men already. She saw no reason to he wary of InVk Han eiol't jiirft hiM-fiiisr. he happened to pearo her and Christine filly at their first meWhiir. Me had played rhosl. in pood faith, to Hay the least. "Yeah, ntiil work tint a plan to nmhiish Die rubbers, after that,' Tiny KpoKo eiit)itisi;islic;illy aain. "Sa-a-ay, we pot a Job on our hands!" Christ Inn sljrliei!, elahorately. "Just one of those lazy, languid rummers," she drawled. "Whew! M yon and Die fullback friend plan anyihliiK else exclt Imr, Hoselen, I TAarn you I shall stand ritfht. hero and explode!" Hefuie X o'clock next morning Itosdee and Christine were back ni tle-ir nlnnt town (wis tint; up I he ioiii;Ii main street ill )ose-i-f's coupe. The sun had already dispelled any pilosis that had lurked in evening shadows. 1ml the ph-hi i cm lie (pialily of the place impressed both pirls now. "It's darlinc!" (Miristinc ex claimed, staring again at the ram shackle ImildiiiKS. "We're point; to have ourselves n time! Koselee predicted. To their surprise (hey found not only I lick llancroft, hut Franklin l.arraway as well. Franklin had first surprised Ills hmldy by ar riving the previous midnight, hnurtt aJiead of pcheduHv '1 almost shot him for a tfliost or a robber," Dick grinned, after lutroilin'lions. "He came rattling in. calling me tinmen. But he's Fold on the ghost detour idea. I'd of broken his long neck if he jiailn't been, see'.'" "ho you break many necks. Air. Bancroii ?" Christine impiired, loftily. "Stop quarreling," ltoselee or dered. "I I own this place. I am also your boss. (let to work. All of you. I's, I mean. Now listen " She had many plans. She and Christine hail talked until a late hour t heiusel ves. This was al ready July, and the highway two miles away was zooming with laa senyers, people wilh money in their pockets and atlventure in their hearts, people who would gladly pay a dollar each to in spect n genuine ghost town. Koselee talked a lot, and it swelled to a discussion. : very body had Ideas. Franklin caught lh" cMiilni'iiin nf liilM'Pst. til Die project, lie had worked on the school papers ami edited the year hook, he knew a lot about pro motion and advertising. "Okay then. Mr. I-arraway, you and Christine lake over the job of con tacting the travel agencies and making a deal with them." "And I know how to wangle some help from the highway maintenance crew. I ran get the old dirt road from the highway cleared of shrubs and joshua growth and opened up for cars again." said luck. That's ducky, and I have hired Mrs. Hoean to come and cook for ti s and maybe cook for any guests v. ho want meals In the Ace High hotel.' Hoseiee put in. "Who is Mrs. Ilogan? She's a middle-aged widow who has been a prosper,- Pi mm il never wasted in cup bottoms It dissolves too quickly. r3 (HI : SUGAR canev COPYRIGHT. 1939. NA fitRVICe. IMC tor in the hills, and who lias often worked for dad. She'll be here today." "I ihink we might to have some prospectors and Indians und cow hoys around for atmosphere." Christine added, "so I'll see to It, and I'll handle the bookkeeping ami the records and do anything1 else you say." The powwow was extremely serious nobody on earth can be more serious, when the mood strikes them, than ordinarily gay and ebullient college youths. And these four were still collegians at heart. They hadn't been out of school a mouth. "You nre not (no disappointed. Mr. Lnrraway?" Koselee inquired, after the conference had ended. "At one breaking up your sum mer plans, I mean?" "I am delighted! I hnd no defi nite plans." "Ihi yoti want any references? Or anything? I I never had any body working for me before!" "There'll he labor trouble," Franklin predicted gravely. "I am thinking of going on strike un less I get Saturday night off. I wish to lake another of your em ployes to a dance." "Who? What dance?" "Miss Fainter, here. Purely there's a dance somewhere?" "There's not any 'where' around here! This Is isolated. It's a short run of !M miles to Boulder dam, if that helps!" "Besides that, you haven't ask ed me!" Christine snapped, pre tending anger. "We haven't even met socially!" Franklin sighed heavily, sllll acting. "Ah me, I might have known it. Nothing Is perfect any more, however sweet the promise. I briefly foresaw an Idyllic sum mer, Willi adventure, mone y romance, love all the things of abundant living served to me in j reckless abundance. But now alas!" "Alas, my foot!" Hoseiee gri maced at him, breaking his play-' acting spell. "I'll fire you at once if you (hm't get to work. I in tend to he hard-boiled." They all had to laugh at. her then. If anybody in Christendom looked the opposile of hardness and meanness, if was flalnly Utile rrT , """ " " '.'"".-'.'TT . ue row M "1 lt& ,Nas . jut t :iv : l Airway's blended from choice coffees famous for deep body and mellow flavor!" he said. "It's roasted daily. Delivered to my store straight from the ovens a few hours away. And to cinch this estra goodness, Airway's left in the bran. I grind it fresh when you buy!' FEATURED BY SAFEWAY Coprright, 1940, Dwliht FJwirJi Compinr Sin f ftnemo l.oiAngrln Porllintl L)nr 011)1 STiihmgton, U. C Roseleo Pale. She came almost to Franklin's rtlioulder. She looked slightly pluinpisli, as if she might be Dick's baby sister. She had a dimple that was as elusive as light, flashing beautifully when you least expected, gone when you didn't want it to be. "Correct," Franklin turned seri ous now. "What's first?" "The money," said lUck. "Oh. That's right. 1 had he roine so Interested In making money out of (ioldrrest that 1 forgot we already hnd 112,000!" Rose lee looked alarmed, without immediate cause. "Shouldn't we She never realized that she turned automatically to him for advice in that significant moment. It was a precedent that she was to follow more and more. '(! lor-ree. no ! The sheriff's n half day's run from hero. Be sides, what's he got that 1 haven't got My weight fluctuates, mad am, between Sou and 2ol pounds. I'd like a chance of capturing u robber, if robber it is." "Suppose it isn't n robber?" Christine said, "Suppose it's it's "Well, Ihero yon are." paid Franklin Larraway. "We don't know whose money it Ih. Dick's rigid. A - sheriff might just ball up t:!ie works. So let's figure onl something to trap the man or men who put the money there. Mean lime, of course, the money should he hidden." "It's under the hotel floor," Dick explained. "Not safe enough." "We agreed to bury il," Rose tee exclaimed. "Let's go do it now!" "In the old mine shnfl," Mrk suggested. "Okay! flrand!" They made nil expedition of il, all four wal.ed a hundred yards down Into the sloping gullet of the long abandoned (ioldcrest mine, guided by Dick's pocket flashlight. The place -was earthy of smell, eerie to see, almost frightening, "Nothing more dangerous down here than maybe a scorpion or two,". Dick declared, confidently. I've already explored II," They found a spot, behind nn COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 110 No. Jackion I won't sacrifice quality for economy ever! But Airway's low price tempted me. I asked about it. Was Airway good coffee? If so, how could they sell it for so little? And that's when my grocer told me a thing or two!" If Airway's low price baffles you . . . remember this! Fast roaster-to-grocer delivery cuts down handling charge... makes fancy containers unnecessary. Why not try Airway on the roaster's money-back guarantee? See for your self how mellow-rich, how fresh, how thrifty it really is!" old SxS inch post that supported some of the loose rock ou the mine shaft ceting and wall, The shaft was about eight feet high. mil perhaps six wido, a mere hallway of Intense darkness lead ing into the mountain. Dicks flashlight was as impotent as It had been at the bank vault the night before. Dick had a rusted miner s pick l hey hail found outside, a thing with a weak and broken handle, but conceivably of some value still, lie gave the flashlight to Franklin, raised his stubby-handled pick to start digging a hole. Crack! In the poor light Dick mis judged the ceiling height. Ills pick serancd n rock, was reflected po Flour Values Kitchen Craft, 49 lb $1.49 Harvest Bios- M A som. 49 lb Umpqua Chief, 49 lb $1.39 lmHI Iliili We reserve the right to limit. W DUCHESS,, ' No sales to dealers. v ruituy nun, j tvj. m m . ORANGES 25c I r j Sweel and juicy. 2 doien , fiaWV, Pop I 9 ox. can 6tf II I II Reg. 5c I Emmjmm iu m ihi whnii a mm m m l Sunkist. doien JLVV ; LETTUCE in - S5 Fresh and crjso. 3 heads X W DERBY PEPPERS 1fl Iriitis Fancy Bell, Lb IVv LOGANBERRIES 4r 1 Large fancy local, 3 boxes I IV Bleacher CRATE $1.0? ,2galon 17" . 1 PAkJAV WHITE KING S ToiletSoap S bars.. S bars ....14 JELLO FREEZING MIX 2 for 19c CHOCOLATE DROPS 2 lb 15c SCOCO SHORTENING 16lb $1.89 RAISINS Thompson's Seedless, 4-tb. Pkg. .. 17c TANG LUNCH MEAT 12 can 2 for 45c BREAD Julia L" Wri9ht iCr UlbHw arge 0ave, 2 for WALNUTS Oregon ungraded, 2 lb 21c HERSHEY BARS3,or 10c PANCAKE FLOUR S(erry 98 49c POTATO CHIPS 15cPkg 13c OYSTERS Coot Bay, 2 cans .... 19c RIPE OLIVES Large can , 11c DEVILED MEAT .,.,,. 9c PEANUT BUTTER B2',n 19c SUNBRITE CLEANSER c,n 4c JELLS RITE PECTIN 3, 35c LEMON JUICE 2can. 19c PEErS GRAN. SOAP L.fB. 15c that It lilt the supporting post of wood. Instantly there was a crash ami a deafening roar. "Umk out!" Dick yelled. He jumped back, striking Franklin us h did so. The flush light fell from FruuklLu'a hands, and the roaring ended In a hlgh pitcbed feminine scream. I To be continued) Just a Kid SWEET SPRINGS. Mo. Thom as A. Willis 'retired" from furm- l,i lit r.T. In nn.itl ri trniltU'lll RtOTO. IBs old age has lasted another AO years. He's retired from llie store business, too, hut still gets around without a cane. Amerlea'i Favorite CORN FLAKES S 6c Contain Vitamins B' t 'D' PEP , 1 lc Shreds of Whole When ' 11 ((RUMBLES ' He Anti-Dewey Man Ousted by N. Y. Republicans ALBANY. N. Y., June 12. (AP) Thomas F. Dewey triumphed in u showdown test of his home slate strength today when New York's delovaliou i.o the - republican na tional convention voted to oust National Commit teemau Kennel b F. Simpson, hostile lo Dewey's mesideiilial aspiralVms. The densities, by a count of R& lo :t7, nominated J. Russe) Sprague of Na?rau county lo replace Simp son. New York City leader whose leud with Dewey has split the New York state organization for nmiifhs. Su-Purb Washing Powder 24 oz. m Pkg ! Sugar Belle PEAS MILK CHERUB BRAND 5 cans 2Jc EDWARDS COFFEE 4 77C Nob Hill Coffee 2 Lb 35C Airway Coffee 5 ib. 35C Canterbury Black Tea Delicious Iced vhb 25C Ivory Flakes large 23 C SB FOR EASIER I ban! WASH PAYS i Indicated cherry production was well above overage in nine of the RODEO june i5-i6 , :y CANYONVILLE Brahma Bulls . . Bronc Riding . . Calf Roping and Riding . . Mexican Steer Riding . . Bulldoggin' SHOW STARTS 2 P. M. Rusliod direct from I ho kilchon, Duchess has no in-between costs. PIEDMONT MAYONNAISE Rich, rrtust flavor and creamy smoothness 7 everyone likes. QUART a4 J0 MARSHMAL LOWS, Fluffiest, cello pkg. lb. 10tf JeKlell & 3 10 Pork & Beans 1 25c Shredded Win it 15c RIT7 crackers- 1Cc 111 I m Pound box V Briargale Green Country Home --BEANS -CORN 3 BUTTER GRADE A LOCAL 28c Lb. Our guarantoe means that Satisfied or your money back! BACON Mild Sugar Curo, -Lb LUNCH MEAT Beef Roast Fancy branded ALg steer beef, Ib 14 2 V Veal Steak Tender and 4 Ml juicy, Ib. Liver Serve it often, 1 C 4 2 Ib A3V Pure Ground Beef Freshly 15C ground, Ib. 12 commercial states, the crop re 'porting board said. - ' 25c KRAFT, Philadel. phia cream cheese 2 pkg 15tf 29c FANCY GRADE No. 2 Tin, FOR CHEESE OREGON MADE 15c Lb. you must be completely Minced Ham, 10c Livor Sausage Bologna, Ib. . Frankfurters Skinless, Ib. . 12?iC Bacon Squares For season- HA inq, Ib IK Cottage Cheese 12!iC Ling Cod Pint Fresh ocean caught. rd: 12?ic VAN CAMP'S Hominy IRIVAY COFFEE 6C 303 tin