EuTCBtmU RF775-RtWW, RQSEBURg. CTESOTC, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1940. THRU i Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER FORMER ROSEBURG PIANO TEACHER PRESENT9 LARGE, RECITALS IN WYOMING Mi'H. 0. S. Hfinllnn, for 25 yi'iiiH mi liiHiruclor in jilatio in iliiK f(y, tut it Juki completed pro Minting' about two hundred unit loNy-l'lve HtudfiitH in four lnrtfe ivclrul.H at t'tuheilml ball in t'lH-ywine, Wyoming, arcordlntt to in t ni esiitiK itnKi';nii umioiinoo- Today's Pattern TRIM, TAILORED ALL-DAY FROCK I'ATTKHN Tin TIkto'h nothing like a trim tslilrt waislor to start off tho neasou wiili n flourish! This Anno Ad iiiiih style, Pattern 4106, is. perfect for duy-lowr. cvory-day wear, in;nlo up in linen, rot ton or one of the new rayons. Two wido front panels Kivn nice skirt lines, with lidditional style in optlonnl button-! ri mined pmUot-ef foots. Tho bod ire is nof toned with nut hers a Wove the waist and below the yokes. You minht like that youth lul nolchod collar in a crisp con trast, perhaps with cuffs of match ing fabric on the short sleeve style. The illustrated Sewer In structor will save you time and ef fort in making this attractive style! Pattern Hot! ts available in misses' and women's sizes 12. It. it;, is. 2u. :i't. :i2. !M. :u. ss. 4" and A2. Size Hi takes 3 718 yards inch fabric. Send FIKTKKN CKNTS (15c) Ji coins for this Anne Adams pat tern. Write plainly SIZK. NAME. AMUtKSS and STYI.K NTMBKU. Order the new AXNK ADAMS PATTKHN I MiK by Ibe next mail . . . and be clot lies-ready for sum mer! Within its pases you will find a complete wardrobe for either a traveling or an at nome sum mer. There are town and country tailoreds. the latest sportswear, airy sheers and cottons, enchant ing evening gowns. Fashions for every tine are shown, from magi cally slIminliiK matron frocks to spirited clothes for tots and each tn an easy-to-use pattern. HOOK FIKTKKN CKNTS. PATTERN FIKTKKN CKNTS. HOOK AND 1 A TT KltN TO t i ET ItKR, T W K N -TY-KIVK CKNTS. Send your order io News-Tlevlew Pattern Department, Kuscburg, Ore. DOUGLAS MARKET Meats and Groceries Specially priced meats are of first line quality, guaran teed or your money back. SWISS STEAK Baby beef, tender, tasty, COLORED FRYERS Fresh picked, fat and AAa plump, lb AW If TURKEYS The season is about over, lLl lb 1429 HAMS Half 4Qi or whole, lb ID BACON SQUARES Qg POT ROASTS r: ilVit Phont us at 350 inents received hero by friends. Tho recitals were Riven from June 3 lihroiiKh Friday, June 7. Mrs. HeiulliiH Is assisted In her Ileinlino school of music" by 1 wo pfuno Instructors, one of which is Miss Avis Nefcley. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Clayton Negley or RoseburK; a vocal instructor; dra matic art uni! oil painting teacher, and dance instructor. Mrs. Ilelnline has just left for St. Iouls, Missouri, where she will spend the next six weeks taking a sper-ial music study course. Miss Negley, who Is tissisllnR with the summer school work nt t:he studio, expects to return to Kose htirg In August to spend her vaca tion with her parents. MR AND MRS. SHORT ENTERTAIN FOR BAY VISITORS ON SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Victor Short en tertained at a lovely picnic lunch eon at their attractive; summer Cionio near Drew Sunday to honor the former's aunt. Miss Julia 1 1 inkle and Uoorge Hershey, of San Francisco. houseguests of Mrs. J. If. Short, of Clover creek. Mr. Hershey is department, mar shal for United States Spanish Win Veterans of California. Covers were placed for Miss 1 1 Inkle and Mr. Hershey, guest s of honor, Mrs. .1. H. Short, Claude, Hern ere and Maine Short, oi Clover creek, Carrie. Will and Jim Dixon, of Dixnnville; Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon mid daughter, Miss lleltv .lane and L. W. Metz- per. of Hopehurg, Wort'h Davis, of Happy valley, and the host ami hostess. Mr. and Mrs. trior Short. Miss Hinkle is a sister of Mrs. .1. II. Short, of Clover creek, and with Mr. Hershey left Wednesday for San Francisco, following n two weeks' vacation on Clover creek. HOUSEWARMING PARTY GIVEN MRS. DEL JEWETT A group of friends entertained at a charming hoiisowarmin" party Thursday evening for Mrs. Del Jewett at her attractive new home on Wharton avenue. Mcnutifu! gilts were presented to, Mrs. Jewett and the evening hours were enjovably spent in visiting. At ten o'clock n delight ml supper was served by Mm. Frank Krno and Mrs. P. J. Hmythe. assisted by Miss Hnmurdine Prlucen and Grace Freeman, to Mrs. Jewett. guest of honor. Mrs. Loomis, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Munson, Mrs. Ash worth and son, 1 -eland, Mrs. Hutch inson. Mrs. Slmmilkier, Mrs. Kohl, Mrs. nutlet ami Mrs. Princen. FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN AT SHORT HOME TUESDAY "A 'farewell party was given "nt the home of Mrs. J. H. Short on Clover creek Tuesday, June 11. to donor her hoiisegnests. Miss .Jiilbi Hinkle and George Hershey, of San Francisco. Those enjoying the affair hon oring Miss Hinkle and Mr. Her shey included: .Mrs. J. H. Short. Victor. Claude, Mable ami Pe-. niece Short. Carrie. Will and Jim Dixon, Allied Smith, of North liend. Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon and U . Mel'ger, of Roseburg. FORMER DRAIN TEACHER MARRIES ON MAY 25 DRAIN. June 13.-The follow ing marriage announcement re reived here by friends of Doxsey J. Itorden, who was a Tew years ago n Drain high school teacher, will Interest many. Mr. Hoxsey J. Horden and Miss Florence Fer srhwoiler were married at the Sacred Heart church. Gervais, May 2T by Rev. Martin Doberty. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferschweiler attended the couple. After the ceremony they left on a wedding trip to Canada. Thev will live at Jewel where Mr. fttorden has been principal for several years. Mrs. Honten nas been a teacher for the past three years. POETS CORNER EXPERIENCE My MERLK I! A M M ERSI.EY When, yesterday. I went with friends to beautify a grave, The graveyard seemed u ghostly place to me. Rut yesterday I did not understand. Rut God who understood was soon to make me see. Today, when I put flowers upon my sister's grave. I do not fear the ghostly tomb stones tall Instead a calm sweet peace now rests withir my heart. As if the God watched patiently o'er all. And now no more do I fear death for other loved ones. Although I know at first my heart will sadden. Rut as one mother comfortingly said : "God always takes the purest flow ers for his garden." So must each person learn to know of God and dftith. And how they may by seeds that they have sown. Kind in God's garden a happy home with loved ones. Hut no one knows the feeling till death claims one of their own. GIRLS! you need rich red BLOOD for BEAUTY So try tTdlft B Pinfcham' Ywretable Compound TABLETS marvelous to help build RED blood which means more strength, roster cheek, red der lips, brifthter ey":. ALSO help relieve functional monthly dutreut SIDE GLANCES C&fS 19JS "Sure, I'm low youM be, gelliu' married an'" you faced money! In Zane Grey Western aite tiievs "1 he Light of Western Slurs." featuring Virior Jorv and Jo Ann savers. "It's a i m msmM Walter Pidgeon. Deanna Durbin and Kay I-rancis, start of Its a Date." newest and best of Deanna s pictures, which opens Sunday at the Indian theatre for a three day showing. POST ENTERTAINS AUXILIARY MEMBERS DRAIN. June 13. The Kelley-Levens-Kruse post of American Legion, recently organized here, held a meeting at ihe club rooms Tuesday evening. The men act ed as hosts to the ladies, who ex pect to organize an auxiliary soon. Twelve new members were add ed to t:"ie post, this brings the membership up to :i7. The new members were from Kelhigg, Klk- KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Mile of Kidney Tubes Flunh Out Poisonous Waate If ymi lim-e nn Mtw uf m j.lii in ynur litwl, your i't Huh nt kviiwy tulwn may l 'ivt i?rl('t. 1 tifp tiny lil!-r tui'l tul! rr wfirkuut J:.y ari'i nielit to hflp Nmur ri-i ynur nyntou i( diti.rler of kihjy fun-linn permit ponuiiDiu matter to tfn.ain in ynur blwl, it may raiine riacjrmK bnrkarbp, rheunia'i'-. pain', W piinw, I rA ) an'l enry, K'i'.ri up mst'U, cllnr, puthn-M undtr tbe eym, lil t(hn aii't dtitirifA. r- ju'-ot or icanty tas-najri-a ilh rrinMirm f"I turTiiriii ',ttirtini'i i!:oi Ihm ii oRicthiDC KrotK wilb yuur k Kin cm or bl.vl'lT, tiJiy awl bln Ine name m rmwN, V) k ynur Jruff(ipt f'if Ioan'a 1'iih, irtl w rf'iHv t-v iMlliiir (r over 4U varn. 1 hev jtn- happy rel:l an-i blp l lie 1.1 mil tit . 8Y NCA StRVlCE. 1WC T M PLC U S PAT Off. loo, if your brother wns ' the future without siemliu' Date' l ton, Lcmia and Cuntcr. A lunch whv. served and 'he eve ning enjoyed by about 5o peo ple. New Vuckr-arm I Cream Deodorant safely j Stops Perspiration i I i. Loe$ not rot cresses, anci not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can beusiti right alter Muvmg. 3. Imtantly siops pcrspirjiien for 1 to ) tUys Reinovci udur fiom perspiration. 4. A pure, white, greuu'lcst, suitt Icsi vannhirtg cream. 5. Arrtd has been awarJcd the Approvil Seal ot (be American Institute of Laumlenng fur being harmless to fabrics. 23 MILLION i-iri of Arrid have boon sold. Try a Jai today I 39fl .,,, .. .i v,, .... ' Local News Here From Rccdsport vlaik Did.'il, of Ret'dspoit, spent today in this city ultemliiiH tit business. Spends Day Here Mrs. Murk Jordan, ol Sui hei lin, w as here shopping and visiting relatives yesIWiiay. Expected Here Tomorrow Miss Jouuilf Mm pliv. of Mai s!i tii 'lil, is expi'cled to arrive hi-n tnm trniw to visit at the home of .Miss Hetty jane Dio:i. Attending State Convention Miss Gladys H. Strong, Ritsrhui'i: piano teacher, is til tend lug the Stan- Mu;ii- Teachers association rotivciii it.n at Salem. Madilov, if this city. Is spending' u weik in Tai-oma siting her ids ter. Mis. (.'. E. I'rice. No-Hcicia Meeting Tho ltnsl ness and I'lolessioiiid Women's club u i!I linld lis werhly tm hiis- tess 12 o'clock luncheon Friday at the1 Hotel Hose. Arrivas F rom Eugene He Haishmait. of the Pioneer Grocery company. Kugene. arrived here this morning to remain until Sat urday attending lo business. At Rickli Home Mrs. T. 1). Hurry, of West Fork, Is spending several days in this city visiting at the homo of .Mr. and Mrs, K, O. Rirklj on 11 am ill on avenue. Food Sale Announced The mem bers ot St. Joseph's Altar society have planned an all-day conked food sale in be held Saturday. June l'tlh. at rfrKoau and lialdwin's. Son Is Born According to an nouiwemrntM recrivrd line by re l:tties ami friends, -'i son, ltcnja inin. was born Saturday. June K, to Mr. atiil Mrs. Wilbur Co'Miev, at oi vaili.;. Wilbur b; a irn niei'l.urg resident. Arrive From California Mr. and Mrs. .Iin Grant, nl Long P.eaeli. a lit., have arrived heir to spend a month visiting ndaiives and friends. Mrs. Grant i. ; sis ter (:J Mrs. H. C. Parslow. of (lose hum. and of Mr.;. L. L. Hell, of Dixonvilb-. Here From Salem Mis-'. Jean Geddt-s. student at Willamette uni versity at Salem, has arrived hem to spend a couple of wccVh visiting her parents. Mr. and M is. A. .1. Geddes, before leaving lor Lake Tuh'ie to work iluitng Hie summer months, D. A. R. io Meet Friday Th" last meet ing of I his season for members nf Cnippia clnipter of the I). A. It. is set for I'riday Jn observance of Klag day, when a t n e o'clock no-liontess picnic luncheon will be held al tin- home et M CM. W:iliiT V. Moti::rr on the j Re ; ton toad. LooMngi1us4. A .dmrt program w ill he itresenled i'txl Mrs. William Itell will give a talk on the Cuited Stales :lag. Salem Visitor Leaves Miss Kr.inres Ann lotl. danrhlef uf ('onuretsmait ami Mrs. James Molt. Salem, b it WVdtiesiku t n" Kir-rm- tin meet her motber. who i arrf' in". jihen. ruMii Was!iH'-'lou. D. C. Mis". I Mot! nas been here for several :d;iys as the y-iest of Miss Helen .l;ine Keir a' the home ol Mr. and Mii. T. I-'. Ken- on ih Pivouvill" vy.'-. Miss Keir. sliiilrnt at I'ni veisitv of Oremtn. plans to drive lo i K'igi lie tomorrow to briti'r Mrs. Jeannrtte Moiiu lo this thy for n The story that only TKR1LLIUG WESTERN ACTION mm tmmw . JSt ROMANCE . . I PLUS "CySESAR ROMERO British WarpSanes Deal Heavy Blows Germans, Italians Assailed in Various Localities With Success, London Reports, I.DN'DON, June HI.- A I') - - Vor the third day of unrelenting utr aliacks, l!riii:di lllers dived through .oi ti aircraft fire Vnlay and ciiine back to tiieir bases with accounts of smashed enemy hangars, ships set at ire ami I roup and supply ecu lers blasted in Norway, France and Africa. In .Vorwav: Lumbers who groped through !iii:-t and fo-j bmibed German sbii Ping in Rernen baihor bv the dull led glare of the fires they started along the waterfront. A fori, an anti-aircraft battery and ships in the harbor wt re reported hit. A German airdrome at Vernes alst was bombed, wrecking run ways v.ut haiuars. German ground new wb- rushed from their quar ters weio machine gunned by the diving planes. In the North sea: Planes "blind bombing" through lo- .-Harked two German destroy nil. bin could md see whether they were bit. la -'r;inee: Itrithdi navy fliers claimed their bombs blrw no u German motor speedboat and damaged other ships and ammunition barges in mo iioi man-held port of llottlogne. Operating from bases in Kgypt the west coasi province of Kenya and perhaps other fields, MrillHh bombers continued raids on Italian shins, airdromes, and land suppi and troop centers In Libya on the Mediterranean. Italiiin-coniptered Abvssinia. and Kritreii along the Red sea. Llfiiheim bombers were cn diteil with direct hits on air i rumen, forts and munitions diimpK in lliiirea. and tit Diredawa. Abys sinia. Macaaeu. near Arsab. acgoss the lower end of i lie Red sea Ironi ihe Hiiiish protectorate of Aden, and objectives al the towns of As uii'ia and Guru were attacked. Ports and Libya also were bombed a second lime. Menu while fliers Loin Kf.vpt Hint llritish South Alrira claimed thev scored heavy blows in their raids yoslordav on I root) and s upply baser, in Abys sinia. The P.riilsh also were attacked. German plates were seen over t In southeast coast of Knglaml. ap parently on a scouting mission, five Arabs were killed timl, six Y.omvled and one bomber, suppus rdlv Itr'lian. was shot down during r: ids on ai ls of Aden. Continued Italian attacks on Home From College Miss Mel en Cooney. student at Linlield col-lei-e at .McMinnvllle, has arrived here to spend the summer at her home on South Main street. D of U. V. to Meet Vloroneo NiL-.;ninale lent No. 15, Dauwh tris of Cuited Veterans of the Civil Wal will meet Friday night at 7::n o'clock at the armory. Softball Team to Practice The Kills' softball team will practice Saturday afternoon at I o'clock at Kinlay field. The practice meeting are open to all girls interested. Seriously III Will llayner, for meilv edfior of Ihe Sutherlfu Sun. is repotted lo be critically ill al his home in Sutlierltn. where he sul h ird a beait attack last l-Ylday. Move to Rcseburg Mr. ami Mrs. Harold lloyt have moved from La Gramle lo Ittistduirg. MlH. lloyt. 1 lor lin-) 1v Miss Anna May f ninth, I is ihe daughter "f Mr. ami Mrs. I'math of ibis city. Leave for San Francisco Miss 1 Julia Hinkle and Cenrge Hershey let i Wednesday for their homes in an Crancisio. following a two weeks' stay at Clover creek visit ing tin' toriuei's sister, Mrs. J. II. bort. TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Zane Grey could write! ACTION ! ADVENTURE! Shows 2.71 P. M. Mats. 25c Eves. 36c Kiddies 10c R H ml IHDV Malta. llritish naval stronghold In the Mediterranean, were mild to have killed at least 3(1 civilians and wounded ;t0 othent ami seven soldiers. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE COMPLAINTS VOCItT lOlxlo from II.oitipi S'imlit. liial'rlril al lUuti'lnirK. .May is, iis.; mii'lir. Willamette Valley Wool Brings Around 32 Cents rolfl'I.ANIi, Juno IS. AIM Market RmnTtH ronllriiKMl tho Halo ol" I.LTiII.iiiiii to ,7r,'l.("lii ponmlH of wcol wfthiii tlin InM ftiw ilayH ill ill' I'orllanil tt-alint; at'oa ontsttlo tlin ilNiiiicllo valley. Imorior ranw wools vent quot Ml from 27 to :io conlii a pound with crosHhri'ds at the hlKlu'f flKllre. W'lllaiiK'lto valley Halea wore re-IMtrti-il ar.ounfl rontH a pound. Tin. inarkel miKKfatcil that nhout .(.niio.nau iiounila worn held In Port land holmes. MARKET REPORTS LIVESTOCK PORTLAXI), June Lk (AP) Mv. 8. Dept. Agr.) HGIIS: Hutch ers steady compared with yester day's low (dose, later trade only steady: hulk good-clnice 170-225 lb. ii.(in-l(. latier early top; medium good $ri.srid)0; light llghtH $5.(M)-riD; 2.'lfi-(l. lb. biilrhern niostly JSri.2R.fitl; lew slaughter and feeder pigB packing sown steady SL00 r.o; odtl small type butcher bows S'l.dO and above. $ CATTLK: 1-YU 'ratHo lacking; grass steers slow, uneven, steady to weak; she stock steady with Wednesday, spots 2 fie lower; hulls steady; lew common-medium stock steers 37.00-25; odd head $ti.0l; medium grafs slaugliter steers ss.nn and above; grass heifers S7.25-S.25; culler to common S5.50 li.t'U: coimimi medium ciiwh $5.25 0.25: cannio -cutter 75-5.00; odd t head beef hulls $7.50; medium-1 good sausage bulls Stl.75-7.25; veal-. era steady, few good O.OOuO; common-medium ?N.5u. SIIKKP: Spring lambs steady, l.'c lower; Koud-choiec drl veins SS.:!5 5u; medium g.iod SN.OU-25; older classes steady; shorn $X)0. PRODUCE POItTLAND, June LI. (API Ml'TTKIt Prints. A grade :t0e lb. in parihiueni wrappers, :tlc in car tous; It grade 2!lc In parchment wrappers. IPte In cartons. IH'TTKItKAT FitHt qiinllly. maximum of .0 of 1 per cent acid- ilv, delivered in Portland. 2ii-7c Hi.; premium (piallty 2S-2Sic lb.; valley routes and country points, 2c less or 25c, lb.; second quality, 2c under first, or 25c lb. Cheese unchanged. COCNTHY M MATS Selling price to retailers: Count ry-killod hogs best butchers 125-150 lbs., S Mc; vealerif, fancy KIJ-Mc Hi.; light, thin 10-12c; heavy 10-1 1c; la in lis, springs, Iflc; yearlings 10 1 2c : ewes 4-tie lb. ; gootl cut ter cows 10c lh.; cauner cows lie lb.; hulls 1l-l2c lh. LIVIO POCLTHY lluylug price: No. 1 grade, Leghorn broilers 14-2 lbs., l.rie; fryera under :t IIih. Pic; Iryi'iH 22-4 lbs., 17c; roasters over I lbs. iSc; Leghorn hens, over Iha. 12c; lgboru hens under 31 lbs. luc; colored hens over 5 lbs., i.Ie: colored hens lm. to 5 lbs.. Ltc; old roost eitt 5c. in-esscd turkeys, onions, peaa Utiebanged. NICW FOTATOR3 California THE MOST BELOVED BELLE BROADWAY EVER KNEW! NowHaying tlltlAKROSSEH ) Alice FAYE-Don AM EC HE A l Henry FONDA 'Edward ARNOLD j r-CiWARRENWILLIAM,LE()CARILL-0 J j P,U8 preview Saturday Starts Sunday 3 Days! whites 60s. $1.20; 100, 2.2r-2.SK. Potatoes, hay nni-hanKeil. WOOl 1940, eastern Oreson inilKB 2li-2SJe; ernashred 80c; Wll lametln valley, 12 months, nominal :t2e lb.: lamli ( ) 111. MOHAIR 1910. 12 montliH W Hi. Caseara, hops unclmiired. WHEAT ' POIlTI.ANn Juno 13. (API Open IMkIi liw C'loso Sept 74 11 71 71 Moth Pests A rlienp, enBy, nnd pntirHy efTi'ctiv -way to protH't ynur elntoitig. blnaketH, furs, etc., from inuuy ili'Kiruciiv iimtli pfstH in to Kprinkie ynur clotluw, clin vlr and chcsOililivrally Willi Hl lt AtTl. HI IIACII known fur tmi vtarn acta u a swift lure repellent and itiawt icide odorltieft best iiroU't ttoa utiiiut uiuths llmt von lin vp pver trieil. In Handy SU'lfr Cans U5r up at Oruf, Growry, Srrtl Ston'ti unit lt Shoiw. PRONOUNCED QU'KACK Parkinson's "Food For Sale" This week the State Food Inspector scored Parkin- son s hood store iuuo Special Values FRIDAY AND SATURDAY June 14th and 15th FLOUR Umpqua Chief, C4 A 49 lb 71lJ7 SHORTENING 43C 25C 27C 25C 17C 20 29C 29C 25C IOC Fluffo. 4 lb CRACKERS Kris- py, 2-lb. Pkg PEANUT BUTTER 2-lb. jar SPAM For the picnic, per can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-ox. tin BEANS Festival, short cut. 3 tins PEAS Fountain, 3 tins TOMATOES Pheasant, 3 tins TISSUE M. D., 3 rolls FACIAL TISSUE 200-sheet, Pkg. ... Swift's Premium Bacon and Hams Complete supply of Canning Fixtures. COFFEE The best in bulk. SUPREME, llit Lb. 25c: 3 lb 13 323 W. Cass Phone 24 FREE DELIVERY Shews 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25o Eves. 35c Kiddies 10c kulnt i'uh out ytrur blwwl. Ott Luab