V RtW5-RVIW, RO?tllUpf3;,OJr?6ftN, THURSDAY, JULY n, 1940. ' ter LaGuardia Blasts Mussolini's Act Scorn of World Brought Down Upon Italy, Mayor Asserts; Italians Loyal to U. S. OTTAWA, Jtin.. -2-AV) MHynr l-'iotclhi Cnnnlia of N-w irk ii.sMt'iii'i) yi'Micntuy thut "MtiKHolini Iiiih (l )iivt ii I Jm ll.illnn pfultli l a t'linioiiH WW in hln tiny and Ki.lijwtfd Ih.-in to I In scorn ol tho world for iu,nUimy yul to tonuf." "NVvor beforo liavn reriliirlefl of clvjUatlon been Kiifld.'iily sIumhm! hy mm individual and an entire na- llmi tlnown bark to hfirhni iwni," lm Mild. "In k'iiliiK with our national policy, It Mown an llm Monroe Doc ll'liiM, vi uiakf! II cleat- lo the world wi will nnl r-'coL-nizi' nor jx'rniil any Hiiifijm of novcrclniy ot any territory or i,'iHHennion on tJllH Irf'llilHplHTO ll.V film, (OMlIH'rtt or oMciwIhc," Kaii) llm mayor. n"ind almighty iias kIvcii iih IIiIh jHinlHh'ii and wn nwrvo the linlit to nick our own eiicmieH in liuiilic." . J He fpokft nl tho npcjiliiLf hchhIoii of Him annual roimmlion of I he Canadian Federal Ion nl' Mii.voih and .MunlcljialliieK. PORTLAND ITALIANS RAP IL DUCE'S WAR ENTRANCE -PORTLAND, June 12. fAP) ItallanK condemned .MiiHHoHnl'H tn nance in tin Kiii-;)H-an win- loday ami denied the. fxlHciirf of an Ifallan fusclM iiiovenienl here. "I rHHliho II. iitmieiisi'ly," coin nienled ('hatles Dilllo, jiaHt rom inander ol Home post, American l.erfon. "IterardleHS of what Muh follni'H (iiarle wan, ho Hhotildn'l htivo vont to war there Is no aup jMirt fioui local Italians." Krin-sl M. .larhetla, in-esident or Him .Mullouoiiiali-fti'puldican clnh. wild "Itio war in frowned upon hy local IlallauH. Italy was ttoltli.K alone all right. Homo day Ihe Took the Starch Out of Spuds 5j Zinnias Leading In Popularity Race Zinnias art Urn most popular lioweiH In America. In making I heir way lo ihin Mnlrmw.M they Juive overtaken Hweel. peas, intern at.'d peiunlas. which Mt HI urn popular lo he ruth, but. aro frail iiiK zinniaH in Ihe race,, TIM' meril which rontribtilns rnoHt lo the. zlnnia'H hiktph1 is probably Ihe east with which It is grown. A tropical plant, wind endures i ho honest weather, it is Ihe heKintier'H ideal flower, Kor mlnnlhiK fpilckly In warm weather-, grow Ink rapidly to flowerl-tg sie. and l lien producing blossoms ahundaully until frost kills it. I .ate planted zinnias nro best sown whero tlie.y are lo remain to avoid tho check of transplanting. I'lant tiiree or four seeds to a hill, hills 2-1 feet, apart for Ihe lare flowering types nd IK Itiches tor llm dwarf sorts, then thin (o a sin gin plant. They will inako rapid growth, especially If ennoningtl with u complete plant food. To enrouraKo largo flowers, fin pty a teaspoonful of plant fund around each plant after buds ap pear. Slir it Into ihe noil, taking care not to allow it to touch uterus or foliage. If It should get on. foliage, brush or wash. off. .in man have siiowu remarkable ability lo Improve in size and col or, under ihe encouragement of plant breeders. Their color range Jm one of the largest, Including nearly ail the spectrum except real blues. In size they range from Ihe liny gracllllrna or cupld type, through many intermediate sizes to the dahlia flowered and ('alifornia giant classes, which can be grown to diameter of six in ches. And Ihey have been bred into a remarkable variety of forms. Small flowered zinnias aro In some ways heller border flowers than the giant flowered classes; they product! mom I lowers, liebl above Die foliage, on bushy plants, Hay Fever Denotes High Intelligence ANN' AltnOJC, Mich., .lutio (J. t.W't Pel ween sneezes I his mini hier, Die bay fever sufferer may lind consolation In Die liiouthl thai perhaps he Is smaller than Die next man. From data compiled over a nine- ami their variety of forms make interesting lextiire effects. The shaggy Fantasy type, and the scabiosa flowered 'zinnias make pleasing rut flower arrange ments, while the small flowered singles are excellent for low bowl bouquets. All zinnias take about Ihe same culture, and all show re markable ability to withstand rough treatment, while responding generously to good care. Progress has been made in breeding Die various strains true 1o type, and dei-Hopiny more brilliant colons. year period, In which records of his nller?y department worn coin pared with the results of student entrance examinations. Or. Pueiia Ventura Jimenez of Die University of Micbiaii has developed the theory that there Is a definite re lationship between a higher degree uf Iiili'llh'tme and an allergic con dition. He hue noted thai siudenls milTcr !ng from hay lever, asthma and ec zema are generally rated from fi lo o per c.'iil hb-her than non-nller-i:ic students In Ihe mental achieve-r-nl tests. "These statistics nro proved from a mathematical standpoint," says Dr. .Ihmnez. a middle-aged tialive of Puerto Pico who was graduated from the university r years ago and has practiced for the last 1" years in Die university health ner vice. "The element of chance has been removed." Dr. Jimenez belives the conclu sions can be appli''! to all age groups, for then' is a sequence of allergic events, lie says, which may lie exiu"Msed as eczema in infancy, ft nn-iniotina! disturbances in childhood, hay fever lit adolescence or early youth, asthma In vlril age, bronchitis later on In life, bron chiectasis sill! later on, and myo i ai dilis in old age. STERILIZATION LAWS The first sterilization law In tho Phi led Stales was passed in n. ilianu in Pio?; the first. Kuropean law wast passed In lti-S in I he Swiss Canto ile Valid. Approxi mately stales or Ihe Union now have laws providing for the PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 compulsory or voluntary gterllN zntloi) of mcntnlly ilol'luleril per- SOllH. For leally d e 1 1 c i o u i baked apples, top each with a spoonful of B- ; SUGAR j r-sJ- pure It's okay, K'fls now you can eat potatoes wunout gaining weight. Thank George II. Chis holrn, horticulturist on the es tate of the late Samuel Unler meyer at Yonkers, N. Y. By grafting tomato plants onto or dinary Irish spuds, he produced a sturchless potato. Above, he points to his new hybrid, which he calls "topato." three dictators will he In n fight and Dien she will so all." UNION PACIFIC '3 Famous Trains frnm Pnrlljinil J' ALL AIR-CONDITIONED 1 StrtamMiwr 3934 houta to Chicago. 8-aalllnaamonllilr,6 30 p. m., on lat,7lh, 13th, 19th, 25th. Mak. i.,arvallona. No aitta lai.. Portland Roaa dally 9:33 p. m. '! Pacific Llmltod dally 8 00 a. nu fy PorlarSarrraonrfrr.. A Pillowt in all Coachem Eumple ol Low Fares East ft I HUM POHTLAM) 1 Round Trip t to Chicago CtfuC in Coach 9D) Vi One Way Only $39.50 190 Sit. Bookl.ll on Woild'B rain. Son Valley, Idaho and National Parka r.m.iill Kltl TIIK.ItN I'M It'll' Ai:KVT, , mil. .1. t' I'I'MMIMI, I'AMS. AlitAT. 1'ilt.irk llli.k, I'.il- lii.il. ALIENS GET EDICT FROM EMPLOYER IN CHICAGO CIIICAdO, .limn 12 (Al') All lllli'MH clllploycil III II ChlrllKO ll'H lauriilil chitlii I'lU'i'il I In flliiict In iluv ol' m-lliiiK Ihclr lirsl t'lll.'ii- Hlllp pillHTK Willllll L llMllliKllI I'l' lusiim ilK'ir Juhtt. "If they ilon't tiiki' nut uiiirn. Ilii-y'll Iiiivp In 1'Hili lor work i?lsi' wln.'i'c," ili'ilan'il I'icHhIi'iil Knlmrl iiiiiiii'. "Thnso avIio nro mil shIIk Ih'cl wild Miin (iiiiinlry ulioiilil In' kIiIpihmI. liiick." Klii'l mid two lirnllii-ra, nil n'- liiiiniiili'iirw. wt'fo limn In (li'i'lliiiny I anil linvi loii lii'i'it Ami'i'lfiilt elll-zi-im AlfillK l.tllMI illliloyna, 7Ti j with rciiiml lo 1ii ulii'ii", liino "f I Ihi'iit (icriii.'itw. Klii'l Kiilil l.KKHS, KiiRllllltl, III"'' 12- I ( Al'). An til'Killl Killliti'i' ol' lllllliHl tll'H t llOMll'll llll l(!ll '"I IllH tiiiiilv -istirtly loility: I I'm lliiitsh it 1 1 . 1 tho monkey Is 1 fiom liulia." No Alaskan Jobs Available, Advice Workers should not nilKrato lo AliiHka tr any other secllon or the count i v In peanh of John willimit flr.il obliiinliiK clearance through one ef (treim'.i l!l einployment of fices, was ihe wiuiiIiik loday of I,. ('. Slnll, stale director. Mr. SIoII'h slatenieiit was pvnnipt ed by advices Irom Alastui thut inaiTiirnln news circulated aloni; Ihe Pacific coast, has resulleil In an early rush of workers to the northern territory. "An Associated Press article last night stated the need for workers in Alaska," said n tele iriani received this morning from Joseph T. Flultne, director of the Alaska .errllnrl.il employment ser vice at. Juneau. "This statement Is false. "Alaska, has surplus workers in all trades. In fact there in n seri ous unemployment problem. "Please endeavor lo check tho needless minralion of job seekers lo Ihe territory. If the Bllimtlon thaiiKes mid any skilled workers arc needed, limy will be obtained throimh regular clearance channels." MOST MISPRONOUNCED AmoiiK the niosr frequently mis pronounced words In the English language are: Address, automo bile, acclhnale, dirigible, itiaga- zlne. museum, hospitable, and positively. 'S """'"""T the Vurdm'ctnv WHITE SATIN i.lill iW' WWW , ' i 1 1 iii i in m. f f Specials for Friday and Saturday, June 14th and 15th Dole's Pineapple Juice 46-oz. can 29c Sugar 10 lb cloth sack 45 OREGON MDU Tall Can, 4 cans 25 Corn Beef 12 oz. can 119 WHITE WONDER SOAP 5 bar, 15c THRIFT DEPARTMENT (LOW PRICES ON COSMETICS AND REMEDIES) TOOTHPASTE,,,,,,,, 29c ALKA SELTZER 40t, 49c TOILET SOAP j""; 29c MINERAL OIL sel$1s29 SANITARY NAPKINS;-. ,25c M.D. TOILET TISSUE , 25c Pop Corn FairySoap 3-lb. Pkg. ... 17c 3- 13c mm YOUR VEGETABLES ALWAYS id LOCAL LETTUCE 2 H GREEN BEANS 2,b 19c TOMATOES Rod rpe 2, b 15C NEW POTATOES io,b 25$ RED ONIONS 3 b 14C LEMONS Large, dozen 15C WATERMELON ,b 5c CANTALOUPES , ,. 25c BUNCH VEGETABLES 3b.cn, 10c Carrots, Beets, Onions, Radishes, Turnips. mV SHORTENING 3 lb can 45 VAN CAMP'S Pork & Beans 16 oz. can, 2 for 15 Palmolive Shave Geam r 33 i VALUABLE ; i COUPON j 1-Quart I Juice Jug jand this coupon! j 15c j Matches 12c Carton BEAUTY SHOP HENNINGER'S MART Creason Bldg. Call 522 for Appointment $5.00 M.ichmetess $m $m Permanent Wave J Kreem Oil Permanent Wave. $5.00. can be used on all textures of hair. Tru Oil. $3.95, especially good on dyed or bleached hair. Also white or grey Tru-Art, $1.95. Oil Solution Manicures, 50c; 35c on Thursday. BACON SUGAR CURED BEEF ROAST lb 13 c DILL PICKLES 8c Nice and crisp. BEEFSTEAKS Tender steer beef. BACON Sliced and rined, Lb Lb. 19c WIENERS BEEF BOIL and Lunch Meats, Lb 17c 13ic Nice and meaty. 12c VEAL STEAK lb 174 c No. I prime veal. Sugar Cured, 4 by the piece, Lb.' 2 Corn, Peas, String Beans 2 Cans 15c HZZI FLOUR SAVINGS fHfe r,T""c"'."- $1.39 ! W f."TL- ..$1.39 i WJ!9F ' FISHER'S BLEND aj MuiaHTtrjno. id ?17 ' " SPERRVS PANCAKE jW 9-lb. sack )JV BUTTER FRESH EGGS Local Made Grade A Large Lb 28C Do.en 15C IUI rvnrvn rvn II la r SCHILLING LiJ if vl5onkiis- IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD COFFEE &49C NO. 1. TELEPHONE S22 NO. 2, TELEPHONE 39 Two klndt Pertelator and Drip