STK dQ5E6urt WEWS-REVTEW, ROTEBURS, PRggbM, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1940. Grange Head Backs Defense Program HAI.KM. June 12. I API The rmiiL'c "iimsi support ad-unlf mi Uounl itcfi-nfii' am) complete pre J .HI'HflflfHH." Louis .1. TuIhc of Co Iniiiliiifl. Oil', i, mauler fir tin im limiitl rraiii?'. MeiO'ii plied I ho Ore con stale yvmit'o today. The li-lcpnun. read fit If if state I'imiiko coiu'enifon. yu'ul; "In I It i h hour of world tragedy 11m grange faces I r h jrfi'iiti'Hi nppnr runny I or constructive service. Vi must supr.'irt adequate national de lense iiinl complete preparedness I in prniiire ;hoii)i proclaim II faith in tb'iuoentey and iho Amerl can way of life, ami we should keep awav from the hat f 1i'IJk of l-.uronc. The national t-'iaiiio dial hllROS the (frilIIK of Ihe Stiltr of Oi'i'p'iii to Increase nictiibiivliii lovallv ami enthusiasm. National Welfare depends mi ualioiiiil unity Art master nt the national Kinn I njnlti cha Ileum the ii anyi's nf the treat northwest to set an ample to the ii jo hi ilL-lniiii-' i.'ji our proannu and In pntrioiisui ami In iirof.' !!. ' The j.'rnnic voli-d In hold It I'll) convention In Newport. Ob-nii I.. Adams 'it Vtni Sal-:u was it elected treasurer. hind" with Itii Intent, perhaps, lo maw i no I'nittd states into t lie conflict. German War Machine Surges Nearer Paris f Con tinned from pn( 1) llniiH in an effort to keep rein I'orecuienlH fi'oin mnvfiitf up to rid In Itu defense ol' tin' hall-emptied capital. The French replied with horn!) Injf expeditions extending "dcp" into ihe (.ermiin In I im lor, the l'ri'iir-li spokesman miiil. II! said the (icrmaiiK cvimi were throwing 1 licit' training, tanks Into Hi- hatllo. l,ONI)0. Juii. 12. (A l The nir mini.itry iiiiuouoccd I hi inval air fon t in a ten minute action. suppnrling the allies armies ii-h! nt-tin-; 111 rlj;ht wing ol' Ihi' ;rinan thrust, dropped hint) explosive ami Incendiary bombs at tin rain ol over inn a minute. Thn rii hi, executed yesterday. wiim oil of a series imalnsl (;! man coin'eninitions -tJii t lico mI of lloiii'ii. Tin1 nlr in In 1st ry saiil con voys were wrecked, mechanized columns scattered ami mail Jniie tlnim blocked. Tin announcement Hail 2U (lor m ii n armored vehicle; rpci'ivi-il n lull salvo if honihn ami that Hi li'j: tanks wi'it invilipi in Hinnki (li'ln In w In)) heavy honihs foil arouml thi'iu. Tin uniHmnrciiH'iil nald thai other laitfi'lH "micci'HHrnlly attack Im-lmli'il an anli-airrialt ha I 1iry iinar Li SamlclyH nml a iimm-Ii anfi'il cnliiinii at liat lifvlllc. Tin royal all' Torn alni htni!'i military nlijiM-i ivi's at t'nlnmii nml i'lKi'vh'i-i in wi'stii'tn fh-rmany yes ti'iilay, tin air inlnlstiy announi'i'il tniiiMhl. Mrs. Roosevelt Favors Compulsory Training NKW VOIiK. Jiiiin 12 (API-Mi-ri. I-Vanklin II. Koosfvi'll said to May nlm favored nnlver.sal cmiiiajl holy irainliif.' f.or men am) woiim-ii d' nil aM'H in rlvllian IHien or en deavor whiih coulif. in limo ol' im lirinai eini'iTi-ncy, hi directed in waiil Hi' proneciiiinii if war. She safil. liwevr, thai hIi- still wax opposed In erinsci (fit inn I'm-, military service. .1 i h. ItnoHPveh hii Id I he nut Inn "Hhould r-iuir of every individual iv imiuhrt or a ymtr !' e(tial 11'alniHK with everyom el hp." "I don'l car who they are," kIio added, "ami liirlH as vv-ll aH hoys Kl-.'iiild Ik Ini-lmlefl. "Thin Ihlnklni' that von can meet a h'auiil'nllv-)hmnel mai-hino with- i'lll preta ration in iiiiit iioiihpiisi'." i-ht added, Vou can'l meet pf. licicnry with Incrricipiicy," Fayette Woodhouse, 90, Dies in West Roseburg r nyei in Woodli'iiisc, IM), a r'H(- li-nt ot U'est KoHclmrK. (lied at his homo on I.mnmia avenue fdinrilv helore noon unlay. The hndy was removed 10 111 KnHehiii'K I nd takliiK enmpany narloiH. I'uneral amini.'eiui'riia have not in-n madi VITAL STATISTICS BORN flllV.N Tn .Mr. nml Mra I K llrmm. nl Caimm Vu lev. in Mi.rrv h'iHltal, torlny. Juno 12. a non; Ikmi. II imiiikiIs i-li-ht innl OIK lO'illl OIIIK-tfH. MARRIAGE LICENSES IIOIIMON-IIKIIAKII Jiihn Mil- Kill IIimIkiiii, Kiiki'Imiik. nml Mil.hH '.tlii'l llili;iri, ('ttli(iia. MARKET REPORTS NYA Dept. Ready For Forest Fires f'ORVAl.l.lS. June II. C AIM If you have a Cm cm fire litis surn- mr Just rail the fire ifcmirtmcnl. huvh K. (',. Maxim, asHlstunt dean f fnii-Htiy at OifKoii Stall' rnlli-Kp. who lias Jusl i-ompM'ti-d seitifiK up lire dcpai liiK-nl" IVir ihiH pur- (lOHP. Starling with tin NYA nuinuier (n-ojeet for rnllej!' Hludont-i, the Hchnol of fori'Slry, in cooperation wilh u half dozen other state and federal Inrestry uKencies, has es- lahlishi'd whut may jirove lo he history making i'Xp-riment in for est fire control. tin Ihe I'pavy ArhoreLnin. seven miles north of here, then will he maintained all summer a camp of some 6.1 men students in foieslry, in cnar(e 01 (icoie u. Schroeder. jiMsiHtant profeHsor of t'orostry uml a recnKiiized specialist In forest lire fiKhUnj?. The student will hn Inilned in )!: latPHt methnds and will he on call in o anywhere in ihe state in muliipli-K nf five men. While in camp here they will hi (.aid only t'-Ui it monih hy NYA from which they will pay ihi-ir own hoard on a co-operutiv' haslH. When called out I hey will receive regular for est fire flfhlers waes. reported Unit fiearhflrt'H criminal record, secured hy Hherlff Percy W'ehb, showed numeroiis ronvlc tions for fraud find petty swindles. A sentence of onn year In the penitentiary was Imposed upon Otis K. White. 18, of Portland, who pleaded Kuilty to huiKlary. White, ihe court was told hy IdHtriet At torney J. V. Loon, was Implicated in recent hnrKlaiies at Imilu. (.'lareni-P Sider, 20. of J'nrtlaml, arrested In conneciion with Ihe hurxlary of a resilience at Hut her- lilt .pleaded Kllilty hill JihIko Willi- herly postpniied passinn senlenc. i penditiff fm l her Investlfathin of his past record. U. S. Naval Expansion Receives "Go" Signal (Continued from pago ) dian horder. The louj;las Ah--craft corporation or Huvh. ink, Calif., successor In the N'nilhnip 'ompany, was reported lo Jiavo agreed 10 accept mem In payment amend the f 1.073.84,910 rallef, hill hy prnvidliiK permission for the, president lo order elementary muiiary irnininp ror ccx boys who uesired it. Senator (Jeorxo tl)., (Jr.) Part ed the dispute by proposinK "vol untary elementary military train Injf," for ihe IIuO.oimi hoys. In ad dilion to training In non-rouihat-ant services recommended hv tlie adininislnition. I'his drew opposition yesterday from Democrat le .ader Hark lev ami Senator Byrnes III.. S. ('.) They aiKiied that lite wur depart ment did not want to train th t (l, enrntlee for mm hat warfare, hut sorely needed trained cooks. phoiOKraphers, mechanics a n d other skilled workers. l-'ew objections developed to President Jtoosevelt's request to add to the measure a $r,ii,iiO'f.0()0 fund to supplement Kuropean re lief activities of the American Jted t 'ross. Fisherman Lost Off Columbia River Bar AKTOJIIA, Ore., Jnm, 12, (AP) A derelict fiHhitiL' hoal. the IHver, its motor riinnittK and troll lllj? lines out, menaced for a lin.i- the Ha I in on Ih-Pt off (I.,, ('ntiiinlii.-i bar yesterday aftr the oneratoi- apparently fell overboard and drowned. Kiaherineii said the Divi-r went out yesterday inoniinj; will) Alex Salmini'ti of A.stnria ahoard. They said he prohnhly fell while lend hiK lines. Ho k the second fisher man to disappear from a boat In this season. LIVESTOCK POHThANIi, Ore., Juno 12.-APl--lir. H. Iiepl. Am.) HOtiS: ItiiicheiM steady, later sales hie nwer holer Mamie E. Cachelin of Dixonville Passes On ISKItUN, June 12. (API Au thorized derma n sources said lo day dial II would he a "crime" lor the I'renrh to defend Paris as tin Poles defended Warsaw and I hey evpi-csscd I heir ulmoHt concern for the fate of the capital In the cve:it It should he so defended. Warsaw, hesieed and under at tack lor nearly a month last fall. BiiH largely In ruins lieloie was surrendered. The tleruiaus empha.ied thai (mlicaliniis were hccouiiliK cle-cer every diiy that the doclaraiiomt ot l''l'enrh leaders that they would de lend Paris was a mere "pretext" In accuse the (iermaii army of "k:il I u cm hande" cull lira I diHraie. This silu.-iiton. In Ihe view of mi Ihori.ed l in cs. x cteai ly alined at elalti':!ihii' a "I .iwtl ania c'i-:e n;i .iamie I-,, cachelin. r.'i, wife of rie.i n. ( acnejin. inxonvllle. died II S 111' Mi' IT I tier wiim. C.ll..,.. early top Sti.K, on pari loadiiim a Ioiik illnefs. I'lll Ih .; few .H.U. later tHlt Mrs. ( 'nrln.lln i... f.. Hid hulk uood ch iice 175.2211 Ih. ls.ii in 'i ...'.i ..... .. , , . j-.-iat io.,io Dixonville with her family :in .m, MKiii nmiiH 9:1.1m , years auo. ;.n; packitm sows stead at Sl.on-j Survivinir are her htishand; a miionin ii-ntii out iiuotaiiie son. Kdward II. Caihelln. .ldf')rd. of new planes 10 he deliver;.! Jute to the army. The concentration at Jfoulton was said to have hceil decided no on as the most direct way of pp I'M Ihe ships, which are ?, w 1 years old. lo tin allien, I In airplanes helnir traded I in areot n lype o which Ihe armv open ordered scores. Put the nir orps decided last year to substi tute littht bombers with lonpei ratip for the aitack planes. 'Ihe laiter have been used receut'y as transport craft. They are Binfle-motor mono planes, each armed with flvo imc ililne-t-uns and carrying 20 small or four l a rm bombs or jillem-i-'iM'l.-' a load of chemicals f ir si:mke screens. They we dc- siciM'i especially to hurra s en- my troops from I-w nPiludr.'. Other Surpluses to Be Sold Stephen Karly, presidential f"1'- i'U:m, ulso reported that tho war dfpfi l men 1 had in formed pros! den' Unosevelt today that II was .inj; "excell'iit pnirfre" in si:reys of materials and sunplies th-i may he inivautacoil-.) ,. ( d surplus. These will be tii.-r.ed over to a sub(d'ary pale I'li-npany, set ui by the I'ni.nd 'i; l-s Steel comp.iuy far ivvale to 'ie allies. T'lese were .iieps In vlrcn "ni l f o tin allies" passed fr.nn 'lie siofrati staj-e to a nro'ram of ac- Convention's Finale Neared by Veterans Continued from page 1) $1.7 t'ATTI.K: Knt Ire offerint? grassy iiillle, steers steady lo weak; she idock : lead ; bulls sIioiik; vealers stroin; to .liie higher; .scnlicrc.l lois cnuimoii medium crass slecra $7.lin- N.r.o: package r.' 57 fill; fed ste h;',hlwi l'.:is Hl.2'i; tas fat helf ern $S,rn; few common; lew commou-uiedllliu beef cows -ST.. fWl il. 2.1; ca liners and cutters ."'l.nii-fi.yri ; common inedium hulls 1.7.1-7.00: odd head good choice vealers !i..1u Iti.uO; common med ium S7.2ri-ii.oii. SIIKKP: Sih (in? lambs stead v. sheep scarce, unchaimed ; ':ood- 1 Mnice tlri v i -i 11 sprlui; lambs lin. I'M ter lop; medium -food S 110 :t.i; mid (Hi lb. 7 nu r.n; few shorn ye.ii liiejs Sfi llP Id; niedinni -choice shorn f ia:ivhr ewes S2."M :!.uil. PRODUCE poirn.wh. tin... (API -All Portland prices steady, uuchaur'i WHEAT and I wo daiiKhlers, Mrs. P. M Chase and Mrs. Alfred Mcljiln. both n'Hiilents of Portland, Oregon. The bodv has been removed to I Ihe Poschui k I'mlei -taking coin I pa 11 v l a rh is. l-'unei al ana imc lb. stock steers! ,ltn have nnl been cmilpleled. absent; pond I Oldsters Loudest War Talkers, 20-30 Head Says PtUtTLANli. June 12. (API Oldstei-H who won't have to Iiiiit are talking war loudest. National President M. Ahhe Strmik ot the 'Jii-Iiu clubs declared here last ninht. The San Antonio, Texas, visi tor said the young men who would become soldiers oppose any conllict short ol actual invasion or viola lino of the Monroe doctrine. He will attend the stale convention at Med ford Ibis week-end June 12. P r o d u c d. PiiltTI.AMi. June 12 - (API lipen I Huh l4ow Clo PI. .. 71 71 71 7 Swindler, Burglar Get Prison Sentences Here nrs in the s imposed SOMETHING NEW! fee Cream and Cold Drinks served to you in your car these hot days and evenings. YOU'LL ENJOY IT HOURS 11 A. M. TOI A. M. SULLY'S DRIVE IN 820 South Stephens St. A sentence of iwn slate penitentiary here today upon J. (Jejirhart. 12 ol San Kraniisco, who pleaded yuitiy in circuit court to a charge ni nmainin money lenses. Ji;dKO Carl false pre Wiinherly Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Compiled by The Associated Press June 12:" ::o 11 1.1 60 Ind'ls lilt's .17.2 III Leaders on Capitol hill resorted to h'Hislal ivo shori cuts, working ihe pro visions for assistance into the S1.U21.(il!l,l!22 sheaf or nation al preparedness hills now in thu final clearance slant's. Kxtension of the Kuropean com bat zone to blanket the entire Mediterranean was ordered hy the president., ending American borne ma lit hue commerce with Italy. Itoth senate and house respond ed yesterday to the call the chief executive sounded Monday at Charlottesville. Ya. The senate voted 67 to IS to empower him to "trade hi" worl i wur weapons- from ritles to field artillery lo manufacturers, who then would he free to resell them (o the allies. Wheeler Threatens Bolt Senator Wheeler il., Mont.) de clared In the senate today he won Id " brea k with t he demon a tic party" if It became a "wat parly" and added that he would not support any presidential can didate "who Is uoing to try to Ret us Into ibis war." "I don't want to have to break wICi the administration." Wheeler lold his colleagues. "I don't want to have to break with the demo- ralic party. Im t If it becomes iceessaiy lo break with the demo cratic patty, shall break with i(, if it becomes a war party. "I'm not going; to supoi't any candidate for president who's ;:o ing to try to gel us inio this war." Wheeler, who differed tdiarply w ith tae administration o v e r President Roosevelt's supreme court riorgani.ation plan, has more recently been reported on friendly terms with the president. lit made his assertion todav Hit ter Senator Holt (Ii.. W. Ya.) had asserted that ihe sale of army and navy enulpnient to the allies had been accomplished "under subterfuge and under hypocrisy." Would Train CCC Also today Senator Con tin I ly III.. Tex. I declared that CCC en-: rollees "should have had military training from the very beginning"' and urged the senate to make It ; available from now on. j He argued in behalf of n con- j trov ery-caustni; p r o p o s a 1 to visitors in attendance, was report ed lo b? ihe largesl in ihe h is lory of Ihe oiTiiuizaiiou. , -' Banquet Enjoyed . The delegates ami visitors last nil-lit enjoyed a most delightful turkey banquet at the First Chris tian church. The banquet room had beerf decorated in. a unique manner hy Helen Paneoast of liridge. and her commit I pp. The decorations portrayed the Oregon forests and pioneer days, with potted trees, including a great many of the va rieties of timber, gracing thn long tables. At the speuker's table was a miniature scene, with log cabin, covered wagon and human nml ani mal figures to form it typical pio neer homestead. The convention program was In charge of F. M. Coniptoti, past commander of the Spanish-American War camp at Hosehurg. Fea turing the program were addresses by National Commander LpwIs J. Murphy. South Iteml. In., and Mrs. la'ly Cinsburg. Philadelphia, na tional commander of the I). A. Y. auxiliary. Music was furnished lim ing the banquet by Firman's or chestra. Yocal solos were given hy Helen Paneoast and C. II. Miller oi i jama in raits. I'ljmo accom paniments were played hy Yirgiuia Young. Following ihe banquet the dele gates, visitors ami many guests en joyed tlie annual Commander's hall held at the armory. tnry objectives (n Abyssinia. (Rthiopla.) "Kxtenslvo damage to build ings, personnel, roads and equip ment wiim done." "Although heavy mnnlilne-gun flip w as encountered all our al craft returned aafely." Abyssinia, or Klhlopla, is the African kingdom which' Italy took from Haile Selassie In Pi:i.r-:i6. Planes belonging to the flriltsh dominion of South Africa have been operating from bases in Ken ya colony on the east Africa coasi which has 'IJoo miles of frontier with Italian Somaliland and I! .In miles of frontier with Kthiopta. From bases just inside Kenya, planes would have 4UU miles to fly to reach Addis Ababa, eapilal of Ktlilopiu and 610 air miles to ross completely over Klhiopia lo Italian held Kritrea. Italy Reports Aerial Combats on Two Fronts (Continued from page 1) the deployment of forces at var ious points. British Reports Given (Itritish rcpnris told of Italian air raids on Malta; advices leach ing tleneva said Clown Prince Cmherto planned to throw his Italian shock troops against the French in the .southern marl time Alps; ami the Swiss telegraphic agency reported attacks on French 'Tunisia and Corsica. I The I h it lsh a Iso sa id t heir planes bombed Kalian air bases in Libya ami Kritrea, in east Africa, and that south African planes raided Italian Moyale, near Kenya colony. (Al Nice, all was reported quiet on the lti era border, although all bridges between It illy an I France were reported blow u up.) BRITISH BOMBERS ATTACK ITALIANS IN ETHIOPIA PltKTnlUA. South Africa, .hint 12. - ( A P) - The first South Afri can war communique said day: "Sou I h A f i it an air force he bombers yesterday attacked mill- Good Used Farm Machinery Usedl.N.C. 17-22 Horse Power Baler. UsedFI2 International Tractor on r'hbpr. Used No. 6 Ol iver Combine. Used Size N. Papec Hay Cutter. Complete with Pipe Used Several Good Mowing Machines. New and used Oliver Combines and other equipment at reason able prices. , FARM MACHINERY EXCHANGE So. Stephens St. Roseburg. Oregon . UVilni-Kilny I l-icv. ii.,)' j Mull III in, I Yi'iir imo , I I!' 10 hlKll I 111 I" Inw Vt-tlni'!ilny I'ri'V. ilny . . Monlli iipu Vi'ilr nun .. ism hlch .. 11' III low .... ".1. 5 II I 1.V3 IS.l I t's Sl'ks :il'.:. 4H.s "ii :svi a;. 10 Ii .!".! Kll's lii.rit I'fs Kxn ro:i !i-i ii 0 ;ir, . s Jin i hi s 5:i.:i mi. I oT.ti I no.-. l:t.ii is.:! iis.n 35. 1 U.S. 0 lil'.l M.r, :i:..l PAUSE REFRESH CARL'S TAVERN GRILLE SAVE TIRE WEAR BEAR STEERING AND FRAME SERVICE Come in for free checkup STEPHENS AUTO CO. 323 No. Main St. "MP on iii m . THE TIUCK or VAtut CMC. lv you th. mo.f pulling EASE Cb. with .oftly cushioned ' ?iUu'. j M"om; of cat scientifically ihaped to reit ... ..j.ii-omy irucM. riulun. you whn you drive. And top-tiie, matched comfort roomy, RIDER. (actory-built.etKamatyled bodieel Check OMC rlc Aeolitrt the 3 leweitl Tim payment, through our own liMAC I'lan nt lowp.t nv.illahlo rut.-i, ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. Oak and Rose StreeH Rosebura. Ore. 3 SVf'NFV, Australia, June 12. (AP) The Italian liner linmolo, !t,7S0 tons, was fired and sfiit tied loday hy her crew, tlie navy minis) ry announced, when she was in l ereepi cd by a n A usl ra I Ian merchant cruiser in m Id-Pacific. The Romoto carried .r..0b0 hides of wool from Australia. The mi vv minister's annnunrp- ment said the crew tnolt to bonis after setting the ship nhlan. No further details were known. ETHIOPIAN TROOPS COOP UP 4 ITALIAN GARRISONS LONDON. June 12. f AP) The Laborite Daily Herald declared to day that 2Oii,0iM F.thinplaii troops, wearing thn uniform of former Kmperor Haile Selassie, are batll iiiK the Italians In fascist-occupied Klhiopia. The Herald, which did not Rive, the source of Us information, said (hut the Neeus, now in Kneland, "is prepnred to return and lead his troops against the Italians with ilritiHh help. In the northwest provinces of Co jam and Harar. four Harrison towns are surrounded by Kthio piaus. and the Italians flare not veu- re out. the Herald said. "The Ktbfopians aro equipped with rifles and machine guns." House-Backed Tax Bill Awaits Senate Action (Continued from page 1) federal expenditures by 10 per cent. Senator Ih Follello (Pro.. Wis. ) said I hat he would force full discussion of an excess pro fits tax on munitions and war ma terials. All present Income .taxpayers would have their pay men Is In creased, and 2,000.000 more per sons would have to pay Income taxes because personal income tax exemptions nf married persons would he lowered from $2,fi00 to 82,, ooo and of sinslft persons frmi SI ,000 to 8800, Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Works Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 627 N. Jackson St. Phone 920 PLEASE! MR. FARMER! LET US PAY YOU SOME MONEY! Cash money. The kind of money you use to Luy gasoline and pay taxes. Patronize the Farm Bureau Service Station, and let us give you back the profits IN CASH. 1 "SEE US FIRST WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY" DOUGLAS COUNTY Fira Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG, OREGON CAIItO, June 12. ( AP) Ttoyal r force bombers bf Ihe middle east command apain raided Libya today, directing their principal at tack on the naval air base at To briik. The attack on the base, which was also raided yesterday, was de scribed as "successful." Tobruk is on Ihe Mediterranean coast of Libya, about inu miles west of the Hp vidian border. Wave after wave of Blenheims, the British announcement said, swept over the Italian harbor. The bombers scored one direct hit on a hi rue warship apparently used as a supply vessel, the Itritish said. The ship bet; an to burn fiercely. Ihe airmen reported, anil Ihe crew apparently were tryiiij? to beach il. Two submarines also were re ported to have been hit. No Brit lsh casualties were reported, 3 REASONS FOR BUYING YOUR WINTER FUEL NOW 1. Save by buying green wood ... let it dry during the summer weather. 2. We are now cutting an exceptionally good quality old growth fir. 3. Take advantage of our budget plan or di&count plan. Place your orders early so as to insure prompt delivery OLD GROWTH FIR SLAB WOOD 4-ft. green, per cord . . . 16-in. green, per cord . . Mill Ends. 2 loads for ... ALSO . . WE STILL HAVE A STOCK OF DRY WOOD ON HAND. $2.00 .$3.00 $7.75 REMEMBER FATHER'S DAY -OUNE 16 th! ImM. " HAS VUAT Bffle Hffltfuf One day in the year when Dad really conies into his own Father's Day! Make it worthwhile with a gift of excellence, in quality as well as style! You can at Penney's! Here are just a few to prove it! Men, TIES M Gift Boxed Ja7 55c iff In colorful coniblffiitlong to sot off his whol ottt I'll ! Uosllientiy oiisirui lcil, wrinkle rcslstiim. Give TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS BELTS Handsomely Qoxed Ready to Give! Play safe: fbonse white It's bound to click" with his wardrobe! In smooth weave broadcloth, propor tionately sized and Sanforized I fabric shrinkage w ill not exceed 1 ri ) for perfect fit! Wiltproof collars! in MAKE DAD PROUD WITH ONE OF THESE! BILLFOLDS Pine all leath er, Klft boxed! SUSPENDED In white, lijiht tone Kuhardine. 1.8S 98c GIFT SOCKS 4 for Kino raon in smart clocks! 1.00 RAZOR BLADES Single or dott- ble edge. 2." for SPORT SLACKS Gabardine tweed t ta worsted. SLIPPERS Opii-;is or ever- plica in soft Klove. POLO SHIRTS I.Uht t-ntlon with ir;iy stri)is. Cool: SWEATERS Sltwt'H'Sfl style in June wool. SWIM TRUNKS Rayon salin with "LaMex"! MB. Wooi: y&C 1.98 49 98 (Jeniilne leather! Leather ered buckles. Iloxed! PAJAMAS for Summer! .49 Styled by Gentry for tops conilotl n II 1 1 style! Klnslie or dniwstiinK tO.s. All fast rolors! SPORT SHIRT for Cool Style! 98c In feather lisht rayon or open weave cotton for summer ease! Smartly tailored for looks too: