Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 12, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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Detroit Squeezes
Into Second Place
Bribes Holds Yonks to 5 Hits
as Boston Mauls Felltr
to Dofeat Cleveland.
ntuntlliiR I he winner will he In line
I'm- a lieitvyweiht title Hunt in
tin- fall.
(AnHUilutetl FrfrtH Spoon Wilier)
The Dpi rail. Tigers squeezed into
Hiu'uml "lace In the Aineriniu
)euKU vfHtnnhiy Uy (lefeutinK Hie
New York Yankee M while 11).
HdHtiin Kel Snx illxnonetl or (he
LhretttenluK Cleveland liulluiin !l 2.
Tommy llHdgfB never had Ins
vnrvw IneakiiiK any boiler Hutu
yettlenluy when he lield th Yanks
to five hit. ' He woui.l have had a
Hhutniit cxn-pl fur an error li
York. And IiIk lcjuiiiiial Rave
him the help of II In 1.4, liiHinling
three home run.
The Ked Nx defeated the In
dian hundHiiinely. Thev maiie ev-
en IlilH off Hub Keller In five
hmliiKH and nave him hit fourth de-
feat of ihiv fii'tiaon. .lark mhoii
kepi ne veil hits hy the indium
Heatlered and had the hWp of the
biic l)fil of Criuiin and William,
eiieh or whom hit home runs will)
men on bane.
Bucky Walter! Beaten,
('idler wanti'l the only wonder
uilrher lo lull Into a pit yeaterday
llui-ky Wuitem, who won nine
KUllH'H before he wim healen. w an
lionei upon hy the I'hillieK -I I
for bin net oud siiuinht xi'thuek.
Heik held (lie usually rugged Reds
lo Keveti liitK, two lesn than the
I'IiiIk rollerled. The detent, widen
ed the iliKlant-e between Cincinnati
and the iHire-malfiiij: Itiooklyn
DodHet-H, who were ruined out.
: One of the day's Imputest oeciir
. reucea wuh a I'mir-liil jiIIi-Imhk per
formance hy I'm 1 1 Jean In ucrmint
Uk for one luilf oT I he New York
Giants' double triumtdi over tle
Chlcano Ciibn,
I'ltul eume Hp with a heart -Ml ir
rliiK chow for his first National
lea it ue victory in I wo yearn, ;tU.
Mis HilcreHHtuI nliu I follow i d
idose upon a five-hit ulintont I.oln
maii piletied lo beat I ho C'nh.s 10
in the It rut KHine.
Vernon Kennedy, aiioilii'i- bat
tered veteran, landed i-lphudde up
an the St. Louis MrowiiK aaiu
whi)pti) the Washington Senator
$2. Kennedy wive up nine ,hiin,
one more than Dutch Leonard, hut
permitted only one walk and wuh
effective In Die plncheH.
'I'll I'hicutio While Sn kept
WnnliiimtoH from ilropiiuK to the
cellar by edging out the I'itilndel
phia Athletic 5-1 in a uiuht fcinue.
Billy Conn, Bob Pastor
Sign for 1 5-Round Bout
NKW YORK. June 13. (AI')
Ihdt I'atttor, Ni'W York ln-a vy
weiKht, and Hilly- Conn of L'llts
bui'Kh. I he llut heavyweight, chaui
plou, Lorlay w civ Kiuned lor u l-V
round linht here AiiK-Uf I t :t. Mlkt
sJiienhs of Hie liuth Century HjiorLr
uik club, announced.
It In believed there Is mi under-
Griliers to Play
Hy iht Artsociated 1'iess
National League
U. L.
Brooklyn t.:
( inciniiati ;ti i-,
New Yoik ;;
Chicago ,.21; L'l
f'hiiadclphla HI tu
'l'litKhuruh . ir.
St. Loiiin, :,
liiiKtou j; 7
American Lmanu
HohIiui -til Id
Detroit js
Cleveland JH 11
Nt-w Voik i'
hienuo TA
'Hi. lonls ; -7
'anliini;lon ... -M rtn
IMlilaileliihM is
Pacific Coast Lcnic
Seal He .
Oaklitnd Y,l
San Diexd :m
Mollywofid 3!) ;r,
San Krancim-o ;tl ;!7
Low Anneh'H , ;;;
1 II
.r!'i !
,t: i
. loo
The Asliliiii'l Tali-Jit team of the
Southern trertu ha.seUlil league
ha dioppfd out id tile IcuiMIe and
(Olleilt-il tilt) i; allien :;i J t I lt )
lor Hie halanct td He m-iihui, a -iiidiiiL'
tf word i-eicivid heie lo
ony, lb th's Ci ilier.s. Hh- l(
lejiin i.i Icairue, was sciieduli-cl
to play the Axhlaiid Talent learn
i, i. iMimtay. iiniiiedialely uikiii
receipt (;f lh new hu'l liiuhl of
the wiihdrawal. Ulil Sclnener.
mannycr ol the Ito.ieliuii; team, ar
iinii(i.i lor a Kiune at i-iulav Held
Suudav with I he Sulhe! lin
Idwii team, and assures a ood ex
hibitiou aine in local tans.
SiaHxticH compiled (od:i on tiie
bantu aldlitv of th:- It'tM-dn 1 1'
daeri so tar thi.- sea:;oii, Khow
l he loliowin:
CP ah i-
rs chalked up an eay Di to K win
in the Hist Mame of Uut nlsht's
i mind til (he il So' I ball lejKtie.
Kill. ion. h'ti -llin foj the Hutcht-i .
ailiiwi d only num scatlered hu.
( aimdiell. c. hteenson and Cabin,
link tunirt mi Hio mound lor t:-.e
misiie'.-s Men
f In ih; Hfeoud Citine. Saiher!in
he' a lecol l lor iuuh utoied 111 de
le.iirm I he Naiion.'.l Guard : to 2.
The prev i.i.tK iT-cord was lti inns
heid by the fllllcheiH. liOJIltlec
be'il i tie Huardsnif n to live hits,
three o! I hem bv Uultmei!:ter.
Nazis Admit U-Boat
Stopped U.S. Liner
Wild Pitch Loses
Game for Seattle
Hy Lie AsNocialeii PrtHiH
One wild pitch haH put the Se
attle HainieiH In a precarious po
sition and enhanced Oakland'.;
chance lo regain lop spot in the
Pacific Coasl leanue.
Noi only did the one bad he.r.e
endanger Seattle's circuit lead but
if meant the loss of Hist uhiew
in tiie pIlchlhK HluudiiiKs for Dick
Harrott, ftnininr iioundNiuaii.
In Hie ninth Inning of (lie Sea!
HeKan Dii-Ko Kiuiie last iiii;liS.
Marrelt hurled one Hiat weiii
awry ami enabled a runner lu
score liuni ibfi'd to lve Sail D!i'.i;o
a L'-to-l vlciory. inhetH Ise. I .wi
re! I held the Cadres to tour hits
and knocked in the Rainier' only
A home run hy Lou Ai i.iL-er,
Los Anueles second baseman, put
an abrupt end to Hie Loh Angeles
San Krancim-o tfame. Los Angeles
won 2 to 1 w.ien St I 'Inner broke
ui a pitcher's due) dial had Hie t
game tied at one each as it wvui
inio I he I i iiu I inniiiK.
oiiktaml moved vvithln six per-i-enlav'e
pidnts of Seattle alter
dowuiim Cortland 7 to 2. Salve
son. Oakland pitcher, held Cort
land scoreless until the eighth in
niliK while a Is males -idler ted
a seven 1 lilt lead.
Hollywood won lis secntb
si rain lit w hen ii dteated Sat ra
IIeo .' lo I.
17 :i 1" "
Witcher. o 1. .117 I 7 I H2
( hanev. lb .... 1 17 I I! 1 .---I
Hill ol 17 2 U .2!M
Ave-. 21. .:i 11 2 :t .2T!
U. Sanders, hs . T( IT. 1 1 - '
. Seheriier. c ..a IS 2 1 I -2J2
V. Sanders til. ' !' " '-' 2 .222
II, Schemer :!h ..". 22 2 t 1 12
I.iimi o.t. 5 20 :i 1 -L.f
liaker ul.-iut. r, 1 i l 2 u i:i
I p 15
Cofl 2 0 I 0 20.1
TV J in but. ae 1' "l D! .2,"
Two hae hit-; Il::kei Spoi -r L
Hill :l. Win her.
Three b:ie hi-- Sinner.
Dome nms None.
Miike (mi." Avery I. Hill
Uaker V. Schemer 7. V. renders
... Can- I. Siiinn .. H. Samb is 2.
Witcher 2. Chancy .
v.M' oti ball;; C Samli-rs. I
Schemer. Siiinn. Avery.
Butchers Win, So
Does Sutherlin
League Standings
CC W L I'd
luinhani's :t :t " ' 1
Ibeicock s :t I
Hubs Indians ... :i 2 I -t'.'L
Suliieihii . .. :! 2 1 'I'iT
(lakiaud :! 1 2 :i:t::
Tii"'l Ittisincs.i .Men ' 1 2 .'.'''
linn -in k oilers it :i
National t.uard :i u : .unit
I 'oil nil in l; llnee of Hie huilei:; lor
the Tired lluines .Men to earlier
a intril ot I 1 hit-:. Cmuc tclt's Hutch
Houciirk'. "M -f IB 1 1 2
Canine.! .Men UU2 HH 2 - ti ! !)
Kill-on and Mejern; ( uiipbell.
C. stf vensoii, Calvin uud Krell. D.
It H K
Siilhci!i:i ..'.is- i)42 4 2:t 11 1
Huanl.Miieu .. nl ol ) 2 5
Itotiti vce and Allen; .'jarr. Ha ye
i.tnl .lames.
Tiiuif-day's sanies: Ioueini:'.s
i rstis lluh':-. Indians; National
Cuaid e:-Mis Oakland.
Texos Town of Italy Raps
"Italy Across the Sea"
ITALY. Tex., June 1 L. (ACi -This
'iVas lown - populuiioii
a is ml l.o'to - wants tlie world to
know th it its tesidenis are not in
sympathy with the war course n:i
which the Duly of lletiito Musso
lini eiuhaikcd.
I in media tidy after .Mussolini's
entrance into the war, citizens of
Italy. Texas, assembled in a ina-s
mei'titiK and authorized the ollow
itm ci en m u ii ica I ion lo Cl esideiiL
Roosevidl :
"( Hi t his day. Italy, lhroui:h its
premier declared war uKainst
Krance and KiiKland. This declara
tion was from Italy across the (tea.
T.:ere is another Italy (Texas)
w ho.e e ii t 1 r e cit i.elisllip de
nounces tills action . , ."
Wife Also Dies ji Auto
Blow That Killed Mate
AI.IIANY. .1 u u t. 11 ( Ci
Mis. .1. I-'. Dooley or Albany, in
iuied May 27 in an automobile col
lision that killed her husband
oiitriu'it, died earlv today.
The Dooley car crashed into the
i'e:i r of a him her t t uck. .M rs.
I iooley suffered a skull fracture.
The couple w h en roule home
from a Knight:- of Columbus cou
vfttHoit at Heiid
IIKRLLV, June 12.-IAP) It
was a Herman submarine which
stopped the l.'nited States liner
Washington at dawn yesterday on
its retuyee-carryiiiK Kuiopeati voy
age, authorized dermaii sources
disclosel toduy.
I Ueae iriforinantu said that the
submarine learned t':it the lin
er was on a northern course, head
ed for Ireland.
The Herman Kovernnient was
said to have been ad vised that
the ship was KOfni; to Mordeaux.
France, and other suts and that
Hermany had not been told until
later in the day that she would
call at Ireland.
(Tie liner. carrytnK 1.U20 refu
t;ees from the war zones and a
crew of 57u, was stopped 24u miles
northwest of Lisbon, Corttijal.
tally yesterday as she was steam
:im tow urd Gal way, Ireland, to
pick up additional refunees. The
point of its encounter with the
submarine was about 1 1" miles
off the northwest coast of Spain.)
U. S. Plans Ignored .
Questioned concern Iiik the Unit
ed stales position fn the wur, the
spokesman said "rearming;, the
economic quest ion and the fort h
comiiiK presidential election are
all tilings which do not affect us
and hence there is no reason to
Thai is Hie formula applied to
all American problems, the spokes
:nan said.
Asked specifically about reports
of the possibility that Hie 1'nited
States minht chance Its status
that of a "non-belligerent," the
I nun that of a neutral state u
spokesman said:
"President Roosevelt himself
was asked about this question and
declined to answer. When the
president doesn't know, how am 1
ex nect ec lo answer?"
Cointlnt; out "fhe jirAit re
serve of Hie Herman press toward
America." the spokesman said,
"American nf lairs are at lairs of
America and Kuiopeati aflairs an:
those of Kuiope."
the annual tdute grange conven
tion, which opened yesterday.
"More legislation," he said, "has
been enacted during the last eight
yearn to has 1st axricultuto than in
J any prevloun 25 yearn. All of these
j attempts have failed to reestablish
uKiicuHure to prosperous condi
tions." Hill emphasized the grange's tra
ditional opposition to corporation
I farming and voiced disapproval of
Im-esent reciprocal trade treaties.
He advised Tanners to develop new
crops and hunt new uaaa for old
jed the Oregon strawberry crop
last week eased today with resump
tion of operations at the Western
Copoerage plant.
Cooperage unionist a and tho
management recessed the 14-week-old
strike at the plant for two
weeks to meet the pressing season
al need.
The union demanded that the
containers he shipped only to Oregon-Washington
users and not to
the company's California ware-hou.-'e.i
tor storage against future
labor troubles.
More Pickers Asked for
Oregon's Cherry Crop
The Oregon employment service
appealed for more pickers today
to harvest one of the largest
cherry crops In many years.
Strawberry picking will con
tinue for one to two weeks while
raspberries will be taken from vines beginning Wednesday.
'Absorption ol the strawberry pick
ers in the cherry orchards and
other berry fields will not relieve
the shortage. Karl R. Lovel, em
ployment official!, said,
Strike Pauses to Provide
Strawberry Barrels
PORTLAND. June 11. (AP
The barrel shortage that threaten-
italo-Canadians Pledge
Firm Loyalty to Canada
Country Club to Reopen
Golf Course to Public
The directors of the Rose burg
Country club, at a meeting last
night, deckled to reopen the golf
course to the public for regular
greens fee charges, effective im
mediately. Play on the part of
the public by payment of green
lees, was halted during the early
part of the season, but due to tho
fact that the vacation season is
approaching and that the home
tournaments for tao spring have
been finished, the course is to be
reopened to the public.
VANCOI'VKR, II. C. June 11.
( AP) "Unswerving loyalty" to
Canada in the face of Italy's de
claration of war was pledged by
more than 3o Halo-dumdumc
representing a score of Vancouver
wind district Kalian clubs, at u
mass meeting last night.
The Canadian-Italian War Vig
ilance association grew out of the
meeting and Angelo llrauca. Van
couver lawyer and member of the
Italian colony who presided, ask
ed for contributions lo open a
fund for purchase of an anilml-
Janee to be given t:!ie lied Cross
iy the association.
Ciic-nland ;s neariy three limes
as big as Texas, but has only 17,
mm inhabitants. Its capital is Gml
ihmbpnpttl;iii)ii :tl:t.
Sanding and Refinishing
Phone 651-J Phone 128
Temporary address R. F.
Oakland, Oregon
New Deal Faiis as Aid
to Farmer, Gill States
HALKM. June 11. (AO-New
deal measures to win hack pros
perity for agriculture "have not
solved the problems ami many id'
them may prove of great Injury"
State c. ramie Master Ray Hill (old
Open Season
1-iRANKLIN. Pit. Nollce fu Hie
Municipal building ol an Alielx-ny
river vii y -jtow n :
"The law requires thai all dos
he -licensed.- police are hereby no
irfr(ied in shoot all dos toiind run
ning loose without licenses. This
also applied to ennsiiibi.'f."
i mm
i fl -n si-n 1
2 Twice the ice cubes in half the time.
They frooie in minutes instead of hours,
3 50 saving in operation cost over units
of similar capacity used ten years ago.
4 A balanced budget "Pays for itself in savings'
by your once-a-week shopping.
This Is The Year To Buy Your
41 o
Automatic Electric
A hot water faucet con
nected to on automatic
electric water heater al
ways delivers hot water,
at any time of the day or
mght. For tho electric
water heater is entirely
automatic, keeps thewot
er always at the same
temperature. And because
the heating element is in
the water, the heater op
erates inexpensively.
It Will Give You Twice the
Value At Half The Cost!
For Water Heatino
8 tenths of one
cent per kilowatt
hour Average
Monthly Cost
' iiiaisiiw'T?
ii,.. i : wKI ;
Available in
All White
Porcelain at
Slight Increase
in Tri. '
Southern Oregon
are Talking About
Now On Display at Your
Electric Dealer or
I This compact range has the SAME I
1 CAPACITY as larger, more cx- I
nensive ranees... the nntv differ a
rncc is (he reduced storage and m
1 In Install
1 f y jii Genuine Block Porcelain Finish White Porcelain Top !
J1 Pay Only -2.55 Down
r and 1.50 Month &J&.
Now on Display at Your
Dealer or COPCO Store