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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1940)
' R05EBUR5 REW5-REVTEW, OKEgQK, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1940. TIWE1 Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER LADIES AID AND MISSIONARY SOCIETY HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ill Atoll, June lil. Tlio lant Meet ing of Uih Ijidiea Missionary Aid MM-lHy of ihe (Hide ltaptlK church was held lit the Albert De licrnardl home, when Mrs. DeBer mmli with bw motlier, Mrs. II. I). Conniiie, ami her sister, Mrs. John Harney, from Tto:eburK entertain n the society in n charming man ner. The devotional, services were lt-ri by Mrs. Floyd Hick num. and .Mrs. J. It. Denhuin, prayer leader chairman. Business reports were made, missionary quotas adopted, and the ladies discussed the pos sibility of a social feature to be l:eid in the near future. Lloyd S. fox who arrived recently from I. out; liiacli. Calif., to uttend the talt roll ven tion, Rave an excel lent report of the meeting ami ex .ended helirul sugeestfons Unit liavt; bii-n offered by state work ers. Mrs. Cox ulso told of the work which they have been do ing in the far south. The lie v. Lloyd fox and Mrs. fox formerly rerved the (Hide church, w here they have retained their member ship. Mrs. Cox also extended fcreetingB from the Sterling Under bills. Luring tho social hour dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Maurice Matthews, Mrs. Charles Vlerk. Mrs. fieorge Case beer, Mrs. K. D. Chapman, Mrs. L. S. fox, Mrs. P. S. IllaUely. Mrs. Lark in Itlce, Mrs. Vern Sbrum, Mrs. Itobert Hawley, Mrs. Ken Loss. Mrs. Floyd Hickman and louglas, Mrs. J. R. Denham, Mrs. I'aul Caswell, Mrs. Asher Agee. Mrs. (Jeorge Anderson, Mrs. Fred Asnm and Jeannette, by the hos tesses. Mrs. Albert DeHernurdi, Mrs. II. I). Connine, and Mrs. John Harney, guest. The June meeting of the society will be held on the nineteenth of l.!ie month, nt 2 p. m. at the Ro bert Hawley borne. Hock creek i rout hatchery at which time Mrs. J. It. Denham and Mrs. Floyd Hickman will nsslst Mrs. Hawley os hostesses. EDEN LADIES AID TO SPONSOR ICE CREAM AND STRAWBERRY SOCIAL The Kden Ladies Aid of the E!g:i roso church has issued a most cor dial invitation to the public to en joy a delightful ice-cream and strawberry pocial at tho church Wednesday evening, Juno 12th. . Today's Pattern DAINTY BLOUSE AND SKIRT PATTKKX 4 US Here's a "ilnlly flouhle" thai makes n ileliKhtful ensnnne for 'mnst any occasion. Patlern 44 1 S is n useful shirtwnist-anl-skirt outfit. ilesitiiiiMl by Anne Atlnms in ile mure, eay yo's style. You may match the two pieces nr mix them with eriual effectiveness. The skirt is smartly panelled down the Iront and has n wide, smooth-fit- tine nalsthand and NO SIHK SKAMS! The softly feminine waist is llous"d below n quaintly squared yoke. Kilpe the prim hiuh round neckline, the yoke and the sleeve bands with pretty lace and add a perky ribbon bow. Or have the yoke and sleevebands in contrast. There's no end to the nay ideas ou may use! Pattern 44 IS is avnllable in misses' sizes 11'. 14. l'l. it and 2" Size 14. blouse and skirt, takes 4 T-t yards .15 inch fabric and 2J yards rufflina. send KIFTKES CEXT.S (15cl In coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZK. NAME. AD DRESS and STYLE M'MUKR. Send your order to the News-Re' view. Pattern Department, Kose lurg. Oregon. MARJORY HICKMAN AND RAYMOND FOX MARRY fil.UJi:, June 10. A bountiful weddinu eeremony was performed in the (Hide liaptlHl churctt fin Wednesday morning at ten. when Miss .Marjory Hickman, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd Hickman of (Jlide becamo tlie brido of Huy mond Fox or lloschurg, son of .Mr. and Mrs. John Fox. The ring ceremony was used and J. R. Den bam conducted the services. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was attended by Miss Delia (iarber. Ernest Fox acted as best man. Miss Dicka lon Denham played the wedding march. "Oh Promise Me" was sung by Fred Asam. David Asam ushered. The church was beauti fully decorated and many rela tives and friends assembled for the occasion. A reception was held at tho home of the bride. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Fox. Frank Fox. Jr.. Ernest Fox. Mrs. Dennis Huffing ton, Mrs. Frank Fox nnd daugh ters, Allien Ort. Robert Hickman, Dnvld Asam, Mrs. J. K. Ilinurh. Alene iirauch, Mrs. Ceorge Hor ton and children, Cieorgiu nnd Don ald. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer and children. Anita, Donald, Stan ley and Roy; Mrs. (Iarber and daughters, Delia and Winona; Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cox. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. II. Denham and children, nlcka Ion and Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Asam and Jeannctte and host and hostesses, Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Hickman and children Mil dred, Ralph nnd Douglas. Mrs. Raymond Fox uttended the (Hide high school before moving to Roseburg. Following a honey, moon trin in California tho bride and gioom will make their home in Roseburg. STUDY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING The Creen's Study club met at the home of Mrs. Joseph Porter last Tuesday for a very enjoyable meeting. A delicious potluck luncheon was served at 12:110 to the following members. . Mrs. W. A. Davis, Mis. (leo. Holm, Mrs. Ivan Lander, Mrs. Carl Schmidt, Mrs. J. W. Howard. Mrs. Merle Austin, Mrs. Hurl Agee. Mrs. Cecil I'essler. Mrs. Norman Fisher. Mrs. A. V. Louusliury. Mrs. John Hess. Miss F.t'mu Schmidt nnd Miss Evafaye J'essler. During the afternoon, shower gifts were viewed and wrapped to be sent to Mrs. Hermit Fessler (Cecil Porter) or Philllpsburg, Mont. Sowing nnd visiting were also enjoyed during the uftcr noon. The next regular meeting will be a 12;ilo pen luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ivan Lander in llappv valley on June IS. "v RELIEF REBEKAH LODGE MEETS RI1IDLH. June 10. Relief Re heknh lodgo met In regular ses sion Wednesday evening with Hel ena Riddle. N. (I., and Sally Law rence, V. (!.. in the chilli's. (Iliiilys Williams, delegate to the Itebeknll assembly, gave a report of her visit to the grand lodge. El'I'le Lndgerwood won the door prize. All interesting program was given for the contest which closes the next meeting. A committee con sisting of Flora Dean, Ella Ham lin and Willaiuetta Logsdon. Reiv ed a lovely birthday supper, honor ing the members whose birthdays are in May and June. Those hon ored were. Josie Pinner. Lorn Riddle. Alice Creen. Margaret Kiminel, Elsie Riddle and Minnie James. NURSES TO MEET AT FACILITY TUESDAY Miss Ann Mcllerniolt, delegate to the American Nurses association national convention at Philadelphia last month, will report on the con vention nt an interesting meeting or the district No. 11 or Oregon State (Iraduate Nurses association announced for Tuesday night, June 11th. at s o'clock at the nurses home at tho veterans' administra tion facility. Plans will also be made for the convention of Oregon S. (1. N. A. to be held in Roseburg In September. Every member is urged to lie pres ent. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD REHEARSAL FOR INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS The Junior Woman's club has an nounced a rehearsal meeting for Till o'clock Wednesday evening to he held nt the club house to prac tice for the installation of new offi cers ceremony dated for next Mon day night. June 17th. The fine arts department of the cluli has announced a meeting for six o'clock Thursday night to be held at the home of Eleanor Fies in Laurelwood to copy poetry. NADINE AND BETTY WOOD HONORED AT PARTY CI.IDE. June 10 A farewell party for Nadine and Hetty Wood was held at Eleanor Moore's home Inst Wednesday from one to four. Those who were present were Pauline nnd Dorothy Fueston. .Mil dred Hickman, Naomi Schloeman. Joyce and Junior Weaver. Joyce Everts, Norma Jean Shnim, HoIh by Casebeer ami Eleanor Moore. Lovely refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. Agnes Moore, assisted by Margaret Itlakely. B. P. W. C. TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING The PusineBs and Professional Women's club will hold an Import ant meeting tonight at S o'clock at the clubhouse, at which time initiation will take place and in stallation of the new officers will be held. Ila Laubacb. Edyth (ill mour and Margret Saunders are In charge of the evening. All mem bers are requested to be present, I ' i -. tint COPt. 1WO gV HIA SIBVICt INC. T. W. REG. U. 8. PAT. "It's Lassie and lior new pups, Mr. Emerson I thought muybc you'd like lo put something in the paper besides ; war and politics." Methodists Plan To Alter Edifice Financing to Com From Sale of Former M. E. South Property; Conference Held. IMiins lo dispone of tlio property or tins former Methodist church. South, ntut to remodel tho present Pit-Hl Methodist ehnrch buihiinp. hiive been favored by the loe:il con ffrPKHlfon, it wnH announced today hy Pastor Louis Mukui. The Methodist church, in which the two former Methodist h.idies now united, han had a very fiueceKslul year. Dr. Mufcin reports in marlziiiK the reportH ttt the fourth quarterly conference and annual membership meeting hehl last week. The church, in addition to per fecting; the union between the two proupH, ban added 70 new nnnieH, 2t )iy bajulsm, and has lost seven from the membership roll by death, ho reports. The board of trustees has been piven authority to sell the Metho dist church, Smith, property, in cludiiiK the church building and it Is planned to use the proceeds from the pale in remodeling the buildlnn now in use. Activities Detailed. Heports were made at the an nual meeting by Mrs, It. L. Whip ple, representing the I,ndlcs Aid society; Mrs. J. H. Hailey of the Women's Home Missionary society; Mrs. If. A. Canaday, Women's Home Missionary society nnd Mrs. W. J. Adair for the missionary so ciety of the former Methodist church, South. Heports from the youth orKanizatlons were made by Miss Maxlne Hand, president of the Rnworth ligue and Mrs. Klovd WIIhou, advisor to the Kpwortb leneue and Intermediate league. Other reports covered the activi ties of the Sunday school, church finances nnd other activities. The financial report showed a budget of :i."ie0 raised Murine: the yenr and all bills paid. The church raised more than S-)uO for missions and church hencvolenees. A resolution. Introduced by T. K. flood bourne, was unanlmouslv adopted expressintr apprecielion for the work and Dr. and Mrs. MuKin in conducting the local pas torate. Dr. Sydney W. Hall, superinten dent of the Cascade district, who presided over the meeting highly complimented the pastor nnd the church membership for the excel lent showlnc for the year. Officers Chosen. In selecting officers for the com ing vear. the congregation elpctrd H. A. Cannday general superin tendent of the church school. U. K. Goodbniiine was elected lav b'ndnr and Clamnce Hand distri' t lav h-ader. Trustees chosen were H. A. Cannday. C. A. Chambrlin. Lu cian Cobb. .T. P. DMtard. Pael Cd des. J. ?.. Paris, Fred Southwick, Kmest Curat h anil Flovd Wilson. Slewnnls elected were Mrs. J. . Itooth. W. J. Adair. Minnie P'-ll, .tack Moucock. Mrs. Ina IMbar. Y. W. Chape. Crorgn Churchll!. Mis. It. A. Hercher, Mrs. A. S. Cner. Ned Dixon. Charles Foree, f(. V.. r,ooiltK)iirne. I.. D. Hnrvpv. (i W. Krell. W. Iepnr. I.. M. U!ly. Mrs. A. C. Marsters. It. W. tnrs. Roscoe Marsters. J. E. Me Ctintock. Bruce MelUs. .1. P. f- i born. Mrs. A. K. Pettey, If. I). Oulne. John M. Iliish. CIfpnc Rand, Lawrenre Rand. Flv.aril Smllh. C. K. Thomas. Farl Wib-y, Mrs. Floyd Wilson. C. W. Wright. Hen Zennr. Other nffirprn tnrlnd- ed Mrs. Flovd Wilson, recordingj slpwnnl: C. V, Wricht. worM st I vice treasurer; L. K. Goodbourne and Floyd Wilson, head ushers. Accord Assures Barrels for Strawberry Crop PORTLAND. Ore.. June 7 f AP The API and Western Coonerntre cotnnanv prevented rot nf a bnmn er strawberry crop for at least two weeks by agreeing on a wage dls putp truce todav. Four hundred workers, demand ing a 71 cent an hour wage In fry QaJbraRfc m mi OFF. crease, have been on strike for 14 weeks The company declined to oiler more than 2i c-eiitB. I'nder the temporary agreement, however, the cooperage firm grant ed the full Increase through June 21 ami the berry barrel seetlon re opened immediately. Growers said picking was at a standstill in some sections and that work would cease in oilier fields unless supplies were obtained at once. Narvik Abandoned To Nazi Forces STOCKHOLM. June 10. AP Ciunnan troops In northern Nor way, saved from what appeared to be certain defeat by the withdraw al of allied forces and the resultant capitulation of the Norwegian army, moved back today into the haltered Narvik area, from which they were driven after a siege of several weeks. Reports from Norway said the allies, who begun their withdrawal in deepest secrecy last Wednes day, left considerable tpiantlties of war materials, ulthnugli Uuy ren dered most of It useless. Further reports that the British destroyed If) modern pursuit planes gave credence to (Jermany's report that the llrltish aircraft car rier (llorious had been sunk In a North sea engagement. British authorities called the Cerman report a "He" but the de struction of the planes Unhealed Ihe British were unable to return them to Fngland. King Haakon, the crown prince and the entire Norwegian govern ment fled lo Kngland. The Norwegian storting decided on capitulation on the advice of Cciicrnl Huge, the commander-Inch tef. Pointing out It was Impossible to continue the struggle without al lied aid. the declaration said: "If wo continue to fight It would only mean complete destruction. The Cerman invaders do not save peaceful villages and civilians. "The necessity of war forced tin; allies to gather all their forces on other fronts, where all soldiers and all materials are necessary," Ihe proclamation said. Addressed to "Norwegian men and women," (Jen. liuge's state ment said : "The first phase of the war is over. We are meeting a dark pe riod but the fight will continue at 'other fronts, where there also arc Norwegians. "We will not finish this war un til we again live under the Norwe gian flag as free men." or In tin' oiiiity (Viiirl of Ilio St:il- of ( In-Kon for I Mm in la fount v. Ill I ll- Mji Hit of t lie KM lit ti 'f IjoiikIjih Walle. t ereaMl. Notice Is loTeliy iv cn t hut t h" Alrnmi!tr:ilrix of the IX ate of hounlaj Waite. '-nHe,, ' fib-'! in the County Court or t!i. Slut of Orciron. her Final Account an nu li AdininiNtratrlv. ntut tin- Court lias five. I .lulv tie- !tth. 1!MO. tit Hie hour of 11) oVIo. k A. M. it the offii e t ttie County .Indue of I lotiuliift County. t rei,'on, in t he t out thouxe at I'okcImii u, ) lotn?)'"1 t'ounty, Oregon, as the i:oi.- place for the henrlnir of nhjc 1 im-.-to Haiti Final Amninl. if a ay. at 1 III" Hrlth-mi-nt thereof. P.ttetl mid firm puhl -ut Mi in pith luy of Jim.', IM'i. KVA I.ANK WA'Ti: AilmlnU - it-i-c. Stomach Ulcer Pains? How to Forget Them An Important discovery for Blom ach ulcer pains caused by excess acid Is the use of bismuth. It coats the lining of the stomach on the sensitive parts, thus preventing the Irritating action of digestive secre tions nnd foods, l.'dga Tablets con tain bismuth and other valuable Ingredients in a balanced formula. They have been praised by thou sands. Try a box of t.dga for relief of ulcer and stomach pain, indigestion, gas pains, for heart bum, burning sensntton. bloat nnd nhr conditions caused by excess Acid. L'dga Tablets are safe to use and niuut help or your money re funded. At Chapman's Pharmacy and good drug stores everywhere (Adv ) Local News Leaves For Corvaltii Vndu Mae Hells, daughter of Mr. and .Mi. F. 1. lletts, of Clengury. left this morning for CorvalliH lo attend the 4-H summer school. Sewing Club to Meet The Clengary Sewing club . will meet Wednesday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Norman (Ilascock with Mrs. P.llenwood acting as joint hostess. Returns to Work Marvin Mid land has returned to his work at the Douglas Forest Protective as sociation in this city, following a abort time visiting at his home in Voucalla. Visits Here Arthur Porter, of Kugi'tie, arrived here Saturday night to spend a few days visiting Hill Davis. He is a former resident of this city and is ti brother of Frederick J. Porter. Go to Grants Pass Mr. anil Mrs. I,. L. Wimberly returned to their home here last night, following u trip to Grants Pass to take the foriner'H mother, Mrs. Ira Wim berly, of Koseburg, who remained there for a visit with relatives ami friends. Go to Convention Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Conn, delegates from Mel rose grunge, left Sunday for Sa lem to allend the slate grange ses sion. They were accompanied by their daughter, .Mrs. Wade Wnrlli liigion, and her children, Iteverly Jean and Wade, Jr.. or Canyon villi;. Leave For Corvallls Mrs. Rob ert siamm and daughter, Martha Marie, returned to their home yes terday in t'nrvallis, following n visit since Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh llluliie, Jr., In tinrden valley. They were uccompanled to l.'orvallis by Miss Jean Hltehie, who will spend the next several weeks at the 4-11 summer school. Attend Tire Company Meeting - 'I'll, mi and I'. S. Iloud, of the (). K. Tire company in lids city, went to Yreka. Callr.. yesterday lo allend the district convention of Ihe t). K. Tire company dealers of the west coaHt. Harold V. James, of Ucnver, Colo., an official of the company, was the principal speaker at the convention. Leaves for North Mrs. Lilian Tabke. of Astoria, who has been spending ihe last several weeks here visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Scull Wil Hums, in l,:iurelwnod, left Sunday for rorlland lo spend a few days from there will go to Shcltnn, Wash., to spend five weeks visit ing her son and duughtcr-ln-law, Mr. and .Mrs, Itobert Tabke. Leave For Albany Mr. nnd Mrs. II. It. Wcslbrnok lefl today for (heir home ut the Hotel Albany In Albany, following a visit over Ihe week-end at the homo nr Mrs. Andrew J. Ford. They were accom panied home by Ml. W'esl brook's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weslbrnok, of San Jose, Calif., who have been visiting here with ihe hitler's mother, Mrs. Flook, for several days. UtaH Visitors Leave Mr. nnd Mrs. Jtnlih MilhM- ami children, lii'iiy .Iran. Itnli-h, Jr., CloHn, Col leon ami Carolyn, of Moub, I'tali, have It-It for San Francisco to at tenl the fair, afler which they will prori'Pfl home via Loh AilKeles, fol lowing n visit here wllh their nncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mih. John Mnrkhari, and coiiKiiiH, Mr. and Mi-h. Ileit Krntte ami Mr. and Mr. Allan Ditrkharl. They plan lo tttnp over at lloulrler dam mid enjoy a l rip throiiKh .ion national park on Iheir rMurn home from 1oh An Kelow. ... Whit? Our Chtf't good utiblti, I f court. ArlitMMiic itiahi. Rytl roittf. King f vtgttabUt . . . plump nil frth. Jtf Hng hr. Mbm n(ic, you'll ijf. You lfv lilt ling t th lmpril r Roettvtlt. And like a king, yu may brtthfnt In ... ut, at ttira hI. In fact tit chargta art aUaiingly Uw. Wh.d In rtfan1, (top at th Imptrial r ReoMvtlt . . . Jwit a Week r rw Irom tht eantar f things: lhft, itorat, banka and thailraa. :' 7? I fVfif Yow liv like King lVHtTE Good Old Days Hon Amecho and Alice Paye, coming Tuesday to the Indian in "Lillian Itussell." . Rebekah Lodge to Meet Rose hurg Iteheknh lodgo No. 41 will rns.1 Tiiouiliiv iilulil nt K o'clock at the I. O. t). F. hall. Initiation will he held. Camp Fire Group to Meet Tho Pnllawatninln V. l Flro group will meet Tuesduy night at 7 o' clock ut the homo of tho guardian, Miss Klcannr Kles. Convaleaclng Mrs. L. K. Wade, wife of the distributing salesman for the Shell Oil company here. Is reported lo he convalescing at her home, following a recent minor op eration. Returna Here Mrs. W. V. Good win returned to her work as chief operator at the local telephone of- flco thin morn nig. louowing ine weekend In F.ugeno visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood. Stop Over Here Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Hulley nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hob Carroll, residents of lOllgeno. stopped over here Sutnrduy to visit wllh Mr. nnit Mrs. l,. J. crar ton, en route to fiold Hunch to at tend to business. Retumi Here Mrs. Homer Rand has returned to her homo in ttiis clly, following severul days in F.ugeno receiving medical utten tlnu. Her mother, Mrs. Khiina Kriekson, of Portland, has arriv ed here (o bo wllh her while she is 111. Return From Wedding Trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwin ft. Young, Jr., re lurncd to Oakland, Oregon, today, following a wedding trip to Califor nia. Mr. and Mrs. Young were mar t-leu May z;i, at noise, inano, ,-virs. Young Is a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Franklin David Heastand, or llolse. Mr. Young Is n Hludent ot the school or law at University or Washington nnd the sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwln ti. Young, Sr., of Oak land. Graduates from High School It. W. "Mob" Staler, son of Mr., and Mrs. 11. It. Slater, formerly or this city and now residents of itedwdod, Calif,, was graduated this inonlh, from Ihe high school In Iteilwopd, according to announcements re ceived here. ; Hob is a grandso'n'.pf W. I). Duko of this city nnd-yvus formerly n tfows-Hnvlew carrier.' Since being graduated from high school, ho has .bean working In San Francisco. His brother, Dale,- also a former News-Review carrier. Vls now employed In a similar Job far Ihe Iteilwootl newspaper. .:':'" l STARTS 6howa 2-7 9 P. M. Mats. 25c Evct. 35c Children' 10c T ltiE BEUrOf NEW YORK .71 ! Enjoy Sunday Mr. nd Mrs. C. W. l.undoen. of IIiIh cij, enjoyed nrwndliiK Sunday at nandon Uracil. Suffers Fracturtd Ltg (Iootkb nradliurn, onn of. tho ownertt of tho ContmmnrH' Market ut Mandi field, formerly a roKiiloni of this city, suffered a fractured right leg Thursday In a full while dellverine groceries. He ttns taken to a hos pital or medical attention. Orchestra to Meet In Fall Tho llnsehurg concert orchestra prac ticemeetings havo been discon tinued during tho summer months and. will resume meeting in the early full. The orchestra, organiz ed here four years ago, is under the direction of Attorney If. A. Canaday. . The orchestra closes us year annually by presenting a concert, the last one being re ported ss tlie finest to ho given by the group. Returtl to Roseburg Mrs. M. 1L Muncy nnd small daughter, Darhi, relumed lo tholr homo on West Douglas street, following a ten- duy slay In Head visiting the for mers nroiner nnit sister-ln-luw, Mr; and Mrs. Chester Johnson, while Mr. .Muncy was on a prize, winning trip to the oil refinery nt Martinez, Calif., as an Associated Oil company truck salesman. Mr. Muncy returned to his work at the local plant, this morning. Mechanics Course Offered by NYA Earl I. nice. NVA district super visor, announces that from June 10 to August 10 courses In aviation mechanics, nulo mechnn cs. nnd commercial design at the Kugene vocntinnnl school are open to young men of Douglas county, IS to 25 years qi age, eligible to N A place ment. Several assignments are now available to NYA Camp Skluner untie. Kugene, Oregon. ThoBo as signed to this resident project at tend the Kugene vocational school four hours each day. In this wny I ho youth can earn money while training. Qualification Listed Qualifications necessary for re gistration in tho aviation mecha nics course are: hirrh school gradu ation; at least one yenr of mechani cal drawing; experience and abil ity along mechanical lines; high school grades should ho nhove average. Qualifications necessary for nuln mechanics course ore; no education reipiirement; a real interest und it possible, eiperlence In auto me chanics or related work. However n youth with less than tenth grade education -1 carefully scrutinized beware ncceijlahce. Ouullfirailnns necessary for turn- nierclnl -design nre: an Interest apn .inis mciii. The fee .'lor: the nvlatlon inn- ehnulcs coiirso; Is .fr.,00 per month , nfifl.fttr thi(' o.llpr courses $2.00. per liiuiiipi. j until -!n:it5.;i,rti iininu tflllhOf to re.niuJti for the full sum tuer session;.-'iShipt i of these youth may hi! lulmRtdflp the' fall session i)oliiii(ng Sodtcuiliet- !. , Application's-, should" ihe mailed Immediately' in' Kitrl '.l.- ftice, NYA illstrlct (tffjee, "Cout1 House, Med: 'ford. Oregon. ' ;' ' .' ' TOMORR6W (TUESDAY) iFor5Days! . ADDED March of Time Boy Scout Cabin Erected by Eagles A delegation from tho Kagles lodge at Itoselmrg spent Sunday ut the Hoy Scout camp nt Wolf creek, whero they erected tho first of flvn shelter cahlna to ho used for tho forthcoming summer camp. Other . cabins are to he constructed with funds dnnnted for that purpose by the Hotary' club, Musonfc lodgo and conunandery, Kiks lodge, 1. O. O. F. lodge and Klwanis club. A largo mess hall also Is to he construct ed, and a committee composed of E. A. nrltton. W. H. Oerretsen nnd mil Unrath Is soliciting donations to provide funds for purchase of materials. Construction of the mess hall and cabins, together with a general clean-up af the camp grounds, will he started following the return or Mr. Hrltlon, 4-II club leader, from summer Bchool. lie left toduy for Corvnllin to attend the school nnd will return Juno 21. Mr. nrltton states that nrrungements have been mndo to have tho camp in readiness for use by July 14 when the summer camp of. Hoy ScoulH will start. TODAY AND TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY PAL NIGHT isle of Destiny" AND Enemy Agent LAST TIMES TODAY ' tu Hin miuTi mi ittmmi nccin lSoiDfigieiffti mom mi mii jjtFjzSrrJ1! httuttui