TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1940. 50CDEUW Monday, June 10 I'M. It. U I jiifin'K non deiioinlna tioiifil HHile Htmly class lo meet at 7 : 4 fi o'clock fn evening nl I JotiUiH hotel dining hull. Tuple oil "Pte liiniiiiir.v prepnraiiotiH lor t In opening the honk with seven Heals, Jtev., chapter f. It. 1. V. C. Inii lalioii ami instal lation of new officers. Ha Laubaca. Kdyth Gllinoiir nnd Mmun'i Saun ders In charge. Miifl Iiik at h o'clock lit flllhllOtlHC. Pits! .Millions Hub ol' ItOMftini'K chapier of Kusteni Sliu- to liolil out o'clock picnic luncheon at .1. ('.I Koyco home at Mxonvllle. .Mem bers asked lo brim; own (aide hci v fee. ('lira lo leave town at 12 o'clock. N. of W. Thlinhle cluh afternoon incjei ing al George CreiiHha w homo at 1 in West PounlaH Hti with Mis. Clifloii lloopf bos toss. Tuesday, June 1 1 ItosehuiK Itehekall lodi a( s o'clock In evening at I ' to meet , O. (. K. hall. Initiation. hlntiict No. 11 of O. S. ;. N. A. to meet at X o'clock in evenlliK -'it nurses' home at racillly. Ann Mc hciinnU, deletraie to Ameilcaii Nurses' association convention al Philadelphia last niiinlh. to uiv iv )urt. Plans lo lie made for sialo convention lo be held hem In Sep tember. K. S. flub aliernnon meelhiK home o Airs. ('. II. Wlckhain 7C Mill street. I'ottawiilomle Camp Klfo mmi to meet at 7 o'clock In evening at hi'liic o Kiutrdlau. Miss Kleanor Kks, lu l.nurelwooil. Wednesday, June 12 1, aillcs auxiliary to Urol herbood of liailway Trahimen lo meet al clubhouse at X o'clock In eveiihm. M. O. A, club lo meet in alier noon tit Intuit' of Mrs. l!eorne I'nu ei'H. liiveisdale Nappy llnitr cluh to) meet ill home of Mrs. Hale I (iuiicy. Pythian Slslem to iiieH nt o'clock fn evening nl K. ol r. nan for especially Important business session. . Members tuced lo he present. tileiiKary Sewlim tilth tit'ieniooti ineellnw at liome of Mrs. Nonnan (llaHcock with Mm. Kllcitwood as Joint hostess. W. C. T. I". to meet at in ailernoon al home of pieldciH. Mrs. ('. A. ChainhLMlin at s'Ui t'otirt street, McmheiH linked to bi'iii; HiMvhiK I'll' the lair. Mrs. ti. W. Iicepcr, devotions. Thursday, June 13 W. fl. A, al'teiunoll llieetlilK lit )wa o'clock al Maccahee hall. All members tilled lo lie present. KvHi'Ki't'cn I hunt! lOcoiiomics luh nil-day ineeiinu and poiluck nooii luncheon at home of Mis. Cvtil Nichols nt lliocktwiy. Kplscopal Kiilld invites iuhlic lo attend belielll lea Itil American Ked floss tuud to be held from two lo five o'clock In al let noon at M. F. Middelbiliu home. .Melbtidlsl bolies aid lo meet at one o dock ptitluck lum-beou at churth parlors willi Mrs. .1. I'. is-' born as chiilrmaii. assisted hj Mrs. J. II. Iloolb. Mrs I U. Iliddle. Mrs J J. !:. Campliell, Mrs. A. ('. Maisteisj ami Mi- I.uella ltbc I Lady Klks social meetUm at s I o'clock In evcnlim at temple. Prizes lor card play. founliy club ladles' cnlf tmniia iiieni play willi llrsl UlBhtiTH lee iiiK nil at S ia; second fighters. !i:tat and third fllKlileiH at !: 1". Politick luncheon at and i.iide at l Presbyterian missionary so iely lo meet at 2:-W in siilctinmii at borne of Mrs. Karl I llncli with Mrs. lv I.. Knapp and Mrs. Civtmc, Ware, assist Inn hostesses. Veai book ol prayer in tdiarne ol Mis. I. Me ft. I'liiest speakers. MHs Seal and Miss rarlMm, tlnt-t lots ol ltj,y Vacation Itlhle schtiol. lis. W. M. t.'ainiilndl 111 t hame of Imsl-1 I iit-ss nits'tlim. Friday, June 14 lllversitale Home Kciiuonilt s i luh JL' o't lot k put luck luncheon at raime hall. All nicuil'cis timed to nliciid. I-'hirelice Nii;hlhn;ale teiil. No 1.1. Daughters el I'nion Vtci ans id 1 1n- Civil War. I Mi 11 Mi-"., tn meet ai 7 ::t" in I'venini.'. al ui mot y. II. P. W. t no hostess 1J o'clock j weekly linn heon at Hotel liihr. j S.ltutd.i, June 15 , ItosehuiK Woniiiii's clllli 'vln', shop open all day upstairs la club house, opposile Minn's ludiiiii the-i a l re. MRS. ADRIAN FISHE.R i HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY ' Ml . Adi Ian Kishci vei y era- j clously eiiteilameil hci lnnUv Inn I at n dehuhllul one tlnrt salad , luncheon at h-r home v 'cdm-Hilay ; aflertioon. A beanttlut bowl ol pink! and lavetldei sweetpcas flanke.i j b itiati hint: t.ipets. uia. e the In hlc liners were pl.ned tin Mis II. V. tille and Mrs. John M K.ush. c nests, and Mis. I. I Wiiulerl:. Mrs. S. C. Ub luntmd. Mis. Phil harlh. Mis. J. P Mntsi to nimi be, . Mrs. Kiank l.oim and the bo-Mess. Alls. Klshet. Contnu:l briil Ce as en toved din inc tln nl I er noon vU M is t ! 1 1 e Innlnii hieli m ot e : i t Motsi henbat hci , . ccomI hi u h scoie, and Mrs. Loim the uaelinn pt l.t.. MRS. H. H. TURNER ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER Delightful Recital Given by Pupils Of Miss Strong and Mrs, Brand A very drlluhtful recital wus giv en t adwmced pupil.- ol Cladyx II. Strong ami voic( pupils of Mrs. Charlt-n Brand last Thin sdny eve ntug at ih liaptist church. Tin auditorium anil plniloim were lifa n I ltd I ly decorated which gav lovely Helling for the recital. The students showed u great dual of ahlllly arid talenl. Their mi in bora were chosen from the really worthwhile a veil an Inter esting literature lor piano and Voice. Tile pi ami HllldeutH pla ed wiih a Mood deal of brilliance, hav ing the basic (jnalitlcH ol good lone and iliylliiji and a musical coinop- t ltii of their numbers A nilllllier tl Hie voire slildclits have very promising wiln.'s. Their shmiiiK wiis pleasing ami muslci'l They naliu with pood futoipreta tioa and In Kood si vie. .Mistj Stionp was accompanist. , A lamt audience attended the recital and wcie very appreciative of the inleresiliiK pro:;jatn pie seilled. Miss Strom; presiuied Caiincn Cole. I, on Helen StrnuKc petty Mlirsters, Anila Votiuu. Ilaibat a Youiik. I'lorence 1 la mil Ion. Iletie (iwen, Mrs. Ma Itaiier. Mrs. Hiand presented Patiicla al I Short, Klhel i;)ifle. Mary Alice U'ol lord. Lowell IMssel). Audrey Mil ler, Kav (Jodley, Hetty .Maisl.-rs. tlhK! Veils Kc.lerer t'aniien Cole 'I'heine and Variations. Jteelhovcn Tim Swallow . Mlodard Koii Helen St ratlin I'll Take You Home Anlii, Kathleen Wcstondorl Mrs. Clyde H. Beard Presents Pupils In Very Charming Piano Recital An iiuiisuallv t'hai inine enlnn I of music has t n joyed by i appreciative Kronp of quests last i Sainrtlay evening at the atlradhc lesitlence of Hr. and Mrs. a. C. Kin- lay, when Mrs. Clyde " Hi lieard pieseuled her piano pupil lu mo;,t litlt-i st inje mid tbonaiijlil) prnpared. proiBram of uumbeis rauuinK fioui lliose oi heiunet's toj the more advanced pupils. 't'lienltideuls-. privileged with the ttse of llie evoutslte Sleinway Kl'llllil piano for Ihe oi-casiou, played wtih picas) ujj lone. expressivencfiN and accuracy lu meinot liiit: ; show in n cat id ul prepa tut Ion ami It a in in . Ci edllilu ad vaureaieiit in lacilit.v and musical leoMui; was recouliierl iiioi' tlit'lr plajlitK in former ie citnls. A very pb-asinc variety and joynienl was added to the put Klillll by Ihe lab-lit of three oral soloists, Marian Church, violinist : James Km I ay. ( laruit ilht. ami Mis Joseph I oe is. soprano Their tt roups of nilillhe!H were CaiciulU selecred and prepared and ere most enl b u-dawl tea lly received ti ihe audience. Accompaniment oi the solo r.roup.-t were plit cd ic. Mrs. lie. .id 'I be lecilal pitimam itn ludrd llie Udiow inu : I he (illder , . Lillle Waltz .Miuil.Mi Meaid The l.lltle Huh li Clin K The Kai tner in the Wauiies U Siihvi Dell Joanne The Calhcdral al Twilmhi Les Slplies : . . i . . i f t Violin Hel l ene Sla Ve (a valuta Itondiuo Ma. La. Ida WaiAiic"! Ilarliinailil lii Nei a.ia Kieislci Marian Chtiirh M. lo An anted hy William - Vieune.ic ily Tuesday Itomptel Kiaied Hi .illeinooii. A bc.tuiitul i f lllici spl 1 1 1 Li tlow .M S picliih. appoiulctl table : Aele pi. I lot S. C. It Wade, Mrs. hau Pn Ueiis and Mis. f Mts w ; Lc : 1-:, C. Paltcrsou. miosis, and 1 Chester loi u;,n Mis. I Lit I j Month. Mrs Paul Heh ea. .' . r lo I i nit and the ho; tc Turner. Hum si ore I rontiatt bi'idm .Mis Wade. r the play v tei noon won b 9 MRS. LEONARD RILEY ENTERTAINS AT CHARMING PARTY WEDNESDAY Mis. I.eouan! lilb- fin .-i tamed al a vei v hai nntii: o;o ihli t t i lock ik-MTt lunch eon. I he hi t tl n "rlli'v at llet alliaillxe bollie In l.anrclwo'Ml e,ne.-.l n allei noon Cecil Ibuntier loselmd- and maiden ban lorn macro" the sen lilt: lahtt'i. while bo ue bonilicls ot I lllleit spiitlU Ido-soniS I'i'lr UHCtl j ahoul llie loom-'. I l"oeis wcie placed tin Mis. II j Z.n h ui.eii Mts K ii. Kan ! ,iolph. boMi ol M.dt.'i I. Mt. lih-ini I ( W I'll. MtS J. P Mlllsl henh.M be Mi M II Man. v. Mis. .1 K I nl hud. Mrs. .dMtiu Ki.-h.-i. Mis L S Hall. Mis T. IL Ness 1 1 - . ,1 Olinschicd. Mrs. Kiank Coin, Mis V. li. Chi Icier. Mis S.oM Will iaius. M i-i Kiedoihk Chapman. .Ii . Mrs. el-, Rllex. G Kohlb alson Mis Finn Mrs J. u-. ii. M Huuii-. Mm K. Chde I'nllei ll and Mm (in. Mm Roheit Im Phil Han li Contract hi uu:o ing the pb .is. Hit a " lib Mts. Dims, ho i ot : i i 'bi isle - and Mm Hall pi Ue. ed dm i noon iioui -IMIIUIIIl- lituli -'i ond h u. Ii Utile Irish Girl I.olir I'atricia Slum Adatiio Crnzloli Scljero Scllilhert Itarchella .NV-vin e , I telly Maislers j a Mucu.-dila AlacAIurrougli I Alice Hlue Gown Tierney il I Klhel Gillie Il:i vaua N kills Mnun-Xuccii ' Polish Mazurka Virgil i Anila Voting t The Green CnHiedral. Ilaiiu My Love Rode hy .My Window Marv KmI Cnlbrealh ,M;iry Alice Woll'ord ! Wall in Flat Chopin Mullet Music hum "Rnsaitiuiide". .. Scliuhert-tJaiix Itarhaia Vouut; Without a Soiik VoipnaiiH Lintleu l.ea Williams Lowell ItusscH Slaili;bl : Macltoweil .Mm in u rine; ZepityiH leiiscii Niemann Klfiieni e Hamilton A Spirit l-'lower CjniipbellTiplon Come (tut hi llie Sei-I SpririK NiKht . ... (lilbcrtf: Audrey Milli-r Scotch Poem ... MacDowell IComanc . Sjliflius Itelle Owe l.'aiuoiir, 'I'oi. jours . Si eet lieai ls . .. . Vl Kay (iodic One Kinc Hay from " Muitfillv" Serenade Hetty Marsl linprniupln Op. I No. Firetlies . Mrs. Max lia ll l Frlnil lli-rlii-i-l ililllH- . I'llccini .. 'I'OSI-lli ... i i o' !cpas. H.ia.i Man h Lincoln Itonnie Anderson Lullaby . Itrahms A fiarden at KvcmIiik Kt kstein liuih KniKKf Sonata in C Minor .M leu ro Mm euienl I liimoi esipie Nem t Cruiin I 'oiothv Lnsrii Clarinet Tin- ISelh; of Si. Mary's Adams O' liry Those Teal s I 'e liii'L-o The Soiih oi Soims .. Moa James I' inlay Prelude in A Chopin Impromptu in C Sharp , inor . . . licinhold Unity Parkei j To tlie HisiiiK Sun I'orju.isen Polonaise in A Miimr Chopin .lark lib kit Vnral The An.-" er Lei i y Notlnn' Put Love Cat t ic Ja obs Loud A June Morning Willeb Mrs. Joseph Hei-ts A ticial hour folloued the pio iriatn and reti csbntentM re sei v e l lioui a vet v attraclivc l:o e -ctiv ered i)ti!h t lahb' i elifciod " ith a loeiy a 1 1 a u e mi cut ol fUmei a inly u it b si I . er t andelalua and hhte.l eamlles. Mrs. Hern Wikhi. of Saleiu. pleslded at 111'' plilit ll howl and Loiolhy Huch. M.uian Chun h. lloitnic Anderson and U n 1 iy Parker assisted in seivtni; I lie uuests, I :r. and M i s. Kiula maciously as.-isleil ahmit Die rooms and tn reiemiiK Ihe quests. TJie ln ey home made an al 1 1 a t ive si'ltliiK lor Ihe ociasiou uith htair 1 Mul floral ai ratiKcincnis. Mis llcaid. a conservatoi mad Hate, a state a i cdih'd piano lf.icli"i' and loi met i ott-ert .dory teacher ol piano and tlieoi o hai mom teai hes a 1 1 in H I i hiss of Nlndt nts iMi h jeni and pt'esents thciti aiinaalh on this otrasnMi. Cits h iik one ot lb' tlloM plt a.-lin: pi i Sellt-llion- tit the -elle-i rieii MARSH FIELD VISITORS HONORED AT DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR AT FREE MONT LODGE Mr ami M's Mali ( Mai lltKld, l i e Sliest le-pic. o Ot ItllliO) ( ,1 .1 ei ell'IIV e eiah suppei nine at I he sum ' pa atuidav lliel llxllO Mrs J K i i 1 1 1 ' i i , i i cmoiit. ' lo.Ue III.- .No ,t I h j I , ;nM' i i 11 Mm. i Mis. I! Miss Mis I I . 1 1 . . i l i.' i!,,!..., , . Mrs M.bu. Maiim' ' ;;" I,,M """'"'' l,li,h:" ,,n"," 1 M, Miss Heenl,i",,"," M,li I,,,n ;, 1 '" I -- ,,t f C Cllick. Mrs 'aulim Jos-,- ol Sal.m. Mis. .Mr and Mi . lio ! Mellon. Mr and man. Mr and M Mi nnd Mrs 1. Mm. H C. Wadih Mis lianv Ihbb A leasaul so lowed I l:c supf.r Mi Chap ! rdinii j t and s. .1 A lo-e ll and tun n al ee hour. MRS P. M. LEE IS HOSTESS TO BKIDGE CLUB ON WEDNtSDAY Mis p Al I.e.- .Hi. ,t, i bll.te,. ,-hl! ;,t a VCM . one l Im iy '. ..i. k salad 1 al be a ' it hi. ice o W "nlll.-Mlil etas si I A hi'auiilul l Pi untie the loo t Use ll-i-d about Tho-,-Mm. l. II 1l) Hit the includ' d Mi ii with 1 Kill t.ere i: c. I tn 1 1 . n k J 'nil. M's. II. . lurllel Hiati. Mis. G. Al Krci Pailcisoa and Mis. no mbet-s, and M i P..i tcr. a vnet C.iitii at i hi aUe io cd dill n iioin s the bt;h '"tt.-i tin- no; tie- pb-1 alle GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING ON THURSDAY M i'8. T. M. Wintiii'ml was a very chat mill1; hosiers to I he niojuh-M of the Garden Valley Women's cluh Thursday a Iter noon at t lie clunhni'ne. Gorgeous bouquets o1 Can I ei bury hdls. Madonna lilies and swet tpeas wore arranged at traciively ahout the roorun. Following l lie business session, a deliblitiul soda! hour was enjoved during which lovely refreshments were served by the Iristess. Mr.v Winnilnid lo: -Mis. I. K. Mynall Mrs. I'ercy ('roll. Mrs. K. II. Wood. .Mrs. John Wiiuiiford. Mrs. J. S. Leedy. Mrs. Ruby Ttlcer. Mrs. Itiilce I'annlt. Miss Charlotte Kliapp. Mrs. 10. L. Hushford, Mrs. Albert rtioMi, Mrs. It. A Ciilboiin. Mrs. Krank I iuuIuh, Mr. John I !)nniels. Mrs. Harvey Kwens. I'oii na retuu-oii. Mis. H. K. Graham Mis. li. S. Hutlon. Mrs. 1 1 null hit chie. Jr.. Mm. A. N. SchlK id -l Sits. ( I'-iti Schneider, Mrs. It i Sinclair. Mrs. '. Jake Tilt nhhiirg. L. Spray, Mrs XI i u I'.tlhtM 1 ' t.twl Mix I'rcil Wtods. nnd Mr Tin. next meeliim will be held eetillK will hff .li ne liuth at the cluldioiHe wi n i Mis. (Jiliteit Wood as hostess. An nual elect!')!! of ollicers will he held ami it is hoped thai uver meiuher will he present. I O BAPTIST WOMEN'S SOCIETY HAS INTERESTING MEETING i AT CHURCH ON THURSDAY Tw eriiy-nine inenibers ainj siv chiblren enjoyed Hie June all -lay nieetintf ol the KostdniiK Mupust WtHiicus society held Thursday at the .huicb parlors. Mrs. L. Kohl haKcn. Sr., president, conducted the business session, al which time plans ere made to fcive the junior and senior yrndiiuliUK yonnu peo ple ol the ItapHst church II rer-p-liotl ltdiowillt; the eveuillK clllin h service Sunday. June !uh. Tliere will be no meeiiui- of the society in July and Aimust. At noon Ihe members of Circle No. I! served a loely lunt lieon al ibeaiiiilully appoinled tallies. Mis. Claude Maker aided as chairman j the rei reat loual hour and preseui ei o delight! ul skits includ nm : -Tho ratal Hose." bv Mrs. O. L. -'"husou. Mrs, II. It. Roadman and ,rSi j. (j. iiulley. and "The Paiade i ol Itrides I join 1 S I lo the pies- ieiii day. oy .mis. iiiiuii v nipple. Irs. Leon Haas. Hoiolhy Nelson. ' Kraliees Irvine and Iiiiolm iic s I Tlie alleruoons iulerestiui: uiis : sionarv piourani , is in chare.- ot Airs. S. A. Saul ti. MISS MERYL WELLMAN I AND NORMAN HESS ARE , QUIETLY MARRIED ' Miss Meil Wellnuiii. daiiLbl. t of Mr and Mrs. (ib-n W.dlinan. ot this cit. and Norman lli'ss. sou ol Mrs Mora Hess, ot l i.-f hui . v. .-re I i i i 1 ly man let) at oue-thn t oi lock Saluida. June 1st. al t he Ilium- ol Hi. and Mrs. Charlo: A. Kilwards on South Kane si reel l'r. l-alw.u'ds peil'oimed lllc nil pi'ersive cereiiiony in the presence of the bride's patents. Mr. and Airs, t ib-n Wei I ma u : llie bridegroom's iivtl Jlfl Mr I'Moia I ;;l'.l Jil.-- W. Helaiiey. wore an attractive Tin- hrid lailleiir o! , blue access ' gardenias , inony t he w : I'm heon at dust v i use u iiii navy soties and a torsaue of Kollowine Ihe cere Weddinu pari en ;o cd it t''c Hotel Cintipia. ni Mr and Mrs lle-s left , lei w hi h tor coast points on a hoiiewnoon I 'pou their return here. t)ir will I.e at home lo lllell llteiels at -ll'i South Kane st reel I'.olb Mr ami Mrs. Hess aie w. II .vii iwn in Ibis iil. botli having at- t- llded la i. an op' sch.iols. Mrs Hess nl V.'lma's lli-iiui . will continue bet ess is eiuploj cd at stotlire. rator woi k and Ml lie- io.--ebll i: COUNTRY CLUB LADIES CONTINUE GOLF AND DRIDGE TOURNAMENT PLAY i'lie ladies ot t lie l!oi-hiir'-' ' 'oun I i y club i out inued the summer handicap L'ol I loiiMiatiielil dav Thsusdav nioiliiinz al Co- cluh course, followed b I illinK luiit li- eon at noon On ers w ere tor Mr., i: H Mrblaes. . Ml:'. K. P. V.IU Ne.s se, plnred aplaiu. retarj Mi , K. A Pe.,i .,m. Mis. L K Kies. Mrs lieiie liieeiie M's W. M. Mi Kaehern. Mrs W K. Oil. Mm Ken n. Hi W Kinaev. Miss Helen CaM-y. Mis II C. Steams. Mrs. L. Stearns. Mrs Haul- Kllswonb. Mts Ken n. Hi tMine. Mrs J. M .ludd .Mm Kiank Coen. Mrs J K. Hilb.rd ami Mis Paul lle.hb's. I'luttaci biiili:e was entoy-d dm iim lb-' .iitiitipon with Mm. Coin' w i lining 1 be IiilMi scon- and . M i s. rii 1'JKwiMtli Co- second hu:h score, in The liidtes Will leUllle Tlnll -'llf loin nament pla net 1 nnrsila iili lost tliuithM - teejiie itit at n I.., se, t.n.l l:;hlers nt 'Con mm third 1ll::tHcrs at ' lc U, Pot UUU Itihcneou win ne i n tin en .M BFTHEL NO. 8 OF JOB'S DAUGHTERS ' HOLDS MEETING 'I lie-da el:-l!-. -t'Mie J '.leGl.'lf I . s ot Job'- 1 ailh-- rs b- Id Its I htt revular ht-ille.-s tlh-eli:i2 tot jibe s'innnei witii Miss Faith Vtning.! !: line , ) ipn en. pi estdtnt:. j Mis- Caioln Cordon, imoiunii: 1 ipie-ii. . ad the' list o, t In lo w ( hiir'iceis ;(s IkIIow.-. cbaidaMi. Pa- itnta Glenn lih:,nian. Hons Chap tei ; musician. Joanne Hume: le-j : coid- i. Fio'cn.e liamilt u i ii!e. p.r-. Cori'nn: m nhc Mcttv i Mai-ti i -; nt: Ii no senuoi , P.ttrii la '. , ','U"le Otlrl'l Itlessellci , L"Ota ' j Pnintici , thMd tuessen-r'r. Kutlij .'.mi Until; second iiii-'1il:-t. Cat nun l.'e. i(:i ni s-eiiner. Kbiine. Kelt, si-riioi i v-Mmhan. Ihnbaia Gaiwooil; lunlor ciisl-idian. L'velvti Wile; inner iriiaid Haihni;i Cole tnan: outei ::naid. Ih tl p.nterstui jcuslodian ol lights. Ihhleuaid Uo.-c I Mil and s(, is i , lift? Marsl ers. I Ht h ern oi I lie tlllll M Im I hel lire S lelloxx s t (HOI (! UK ess R'illl Hansen . iMioor i-i im i M. Win-1, i Min-cbiei' . ; ;,-.ui; chap . I r aH'Hei . : V ..!.! Mae !i! . :misii iaii. She's Pretty as Pink Varies Monotony ftp I TP- f v j f .1 '"PIUS beautiful formal wcckling fiown is of bbv pink satin. The viiluniinous skirl, failing from underneath ti short front panrl, ends in ;i uiaccful train. The siittaic lU'ckhne is cilqed with a nai tw lull of net. Tlie limn wedding veil and halo of (lowers are :.lit. li l'ink, iiiiil the siunt tiver-veil is of ecru Ale neon lace, ap pluiued on pink net. Ilarbara Voium ; first mcsseimer, Itutb Virginia Wids!; ; second ines :;eni:ei. Harbata Ann Turner; tbild ntessciiL'er. S'lirley Carter; lourt b imssoiiMM. Pliyllis Hinsdale; filtb Kb-a nor .M icelli ; senior . tistoij'nn. .It an DiMard; junior cus todian. Kreib icka Hamilton ; inner ;Miat fl. Mildred Krohmader; nliV'i ::ua.d. K.nla McC'iweii. and custo dian ol liahls. (b-ralditie Stephens. I nsl alia lion ol m-w id l icers will In- hi Id Tuesday, Jnni' .", at the Ma-otlic lenilde. The public is cordially invite-! to attend. ALTAR SOCIETY IS ENTERTAINED AT CHARTIER HOME Mm. C. Chart ier entertained the St. .! t-eph's A liar society at bet hivelv (ounlrv home with a pol itick Inn. h on Thuisday. The al ternonii wa.s spent b plnMiit-' taines Mis. Chartier's sister. Lil lian Poliiala. plaved a number o' .-elec'iieis on the aecoidi;m. wliich lli:e!e lae ;titeMl"OIt a ltUL!e SUci OSS. A bo'ppii t ot eliow coreopsis made ; im elv C Iltei piece. Tl.Ose uresent were Mrs. Mivatt Mr Kitman. Mrs. Milan. Miss I rtianline I'liucen. Mrs. KramH. Mm. .leiiinnes. Mrs Hai er. Alts MrClell-illl Mrs. Willett. Miss 1.11 ban Pobia'a. 5 rs. Siiewia. M's pabi. A! m Pidk. M i s Smith. Mts. St i n l. On-. Mi s. Matthew.. Mrs. fi u; en, Jo. v Hammer. I-Mchard Chaitiei i bnciice Chaitier. Jr.. i:tei tin- hosiers. Mm. Chattier. MRS. A. I. REICH IS HONORED AT LOVELY SHOWER PARTY THURSDAY .Mis. M Kav immil K. Midih ibiin: and Mrs. 'arsio.t were joint Ims a very charmina one- 1 luilelieoll and surtudse i iv Th.;i day afternoon tesses at ihiii -ah slum er p. .1" H'.e fi :lle I.OM Mrs A. 1 lielcb. -n. Midd-Mmr Mis p.-in ten. Mi- J llO-ti-SSe. titer s nnds." Kenh beaulitul home, n i omplinietii to v.. ie plac-1 tor Mm. est ol honor. Mm. Robert x. Mrs. L. A Hlilaid.) y Smiih. Mrs. Clair K. Al- I; I. Maibitcl. and the! Mrs. Middclbiiri; and , Mm. Pa 1 Koihn elljt.ved 1n. !ie n the mono ' al hour i mil In inu room, ai askei nt lovely show presented to Mrs. a and islt tug w en hu ii I .. FINE ARTS DEPT. ENJOYS PICNIC SUPPER AND THEATRE PARTY The fun- a I'M department ot the Junior Woman's club euioei a do lii;hiiMl pti-nic supper in Ihe tar den it' Miss Kleanor Kies in lni retwood Wednesday evehim: allel u tn- ti pal muht as Ro-e theatre. I hese c:: ;o in- 1 1 MKs Fles nielude.i I t-ot in-ler. Mrs. 1 ; m. Jai 'i t 'hapmau :ijoi cd at the line w ith (bailee lts iiph M is I iei man. . William Hoim-mi o. Mi-s Mat and Mm l.on-; lew . Lnratii. Mrs. Sidnev Mtst Verla M.-l-iiiuldin .ll''t L.H.Ce. tuellli.ef. t !(' te- S CmIImis, ol W ll di . a LMteI. BETTY MARSTLRS 1 HOSTESS AT SLUMBER PARTY AND BREAKFAST dis ett :i o'.p ol ft i lllh'-V pui i her home i ciit"i ta inetl a dehcbtlul and v at i b in east Kos Mi-s Mai Hi 't' nm and mother. Mt e elllllC I Slste,! ; . ' p.iil ey he ' Ti.o..e e. nh the . Kos. oe ah. Vi F1..1. ,j v;r .tel-.n llss Hildc eln W.b- of Traditional White I a f , GRAY LADIES ENJOY DESSERT SUPPER AS GUESTS OF MRS. PARKINSON Mr. Thomas Parkinson enter tniiifd ihe tJrav Iidp-s. win are a branch ot the Red Cross. In the re creational service, at a delightful .even-thirty o'clock dessert -supper Wednesday evenlnu al the Hotel l'mpiiia. Mrs. J. C. MrCullistor, chairman of 1 he tjrotip. had rharire of the business meet iiiL'. and which was the last meeiiim lor the fiscal year. Plans were discussed for the sum mer months, duriim which lime the tiray Lady Service is disc mtinued at (he facility due to the fact that the pitieiits an- occupied with re creational act i v it ii s out of doois. A most iniorosiinu; miest of the eveniim was Airs. I-;. A. Post, secre lai y of t he I lunulas ctuniy chap ter of Red Cross, who told of Ihe ui -"Tn m-eds for supplies and ready mailt- garments for war n tuu:ees. which will be umler the di rection ot the producti'iti chairman br tin- ted Cross of this county. The Ciav Ladies will hold croup sewitn; das once a week durhi the summer months to make lav- tltes. 'Mititu llalinel dresses for j nblei- children and knit sweaters. Clicks, etc.. for adults. I liouatious of bits ol tape, bias ! hindlnus. white thread, yarns and I white buttons are bejni; solicited i and anyone bavin:; donations ol this tpe are retun-steil to leave same al the .losse furniture sioie on Jackson street. The first meetlim of ihe lall will I Ik- held iii September on the usuai ' date. Ihe first Kridav of the monlb. I Membeis will he iiitiiied as lo tin1 1 d -'ltiite plac - of the uieetiun. 1 Members ciijnyinn the evenini: ! wiili Mrs. Parkinson included: .vlrs. ..I C. McCallisler. Mrs. Leonard R ! Cob man Mm. Claude Maker. Miss : Marie Mai .-iis. Mrs. John AL ; IP-it h. Mrs. Mroadway. .Mrs. Georce I Wbarion. Mrs. 1.. W. Josse and Mrs IL C. Waddell anil the Imhiu i las county Red Cciss secrelar. Mrs. K. A. Post. MRS. GORDON STEWART i ELECTED PRESIDENT OF JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Cordon Slew art was elected president of Ihe Roscburg Junior WomniM t bib al a mcHing lo-bl Monday evening al Ihe club bouse illher new oiliceis Include: Firsi vice-pi evident. Mrs. Paul Smiih: second vii e-pi esideni. Mrs. William Fnrath: secretary. Mrs. Ralph Mer man; treasurer. Miss Hetty Shoe maker: seryeant-at-arms. Airs. Fletcher londm i ; director fin- one , veai. Mrs. Perrv Thiele. and direc tor for two years. .Mrs. Norman Airs. C. V. Wimaei ly has bet n i recuted by Ihe t ilth lo a I as ad- : isor lor the t online year. ' Mi-s Verla Alcl.ati;:hlin. presi j . dent. ciindlH led the llieelillt:. at j whbh lime it was announced thai . the tine arts department of the club bad purchased the nrsl t op I of "Horse and Ibitux l"ss.iy" b Charles A lltand m this ( ity. to ! he pi, ien'ed to llie RosebutX pul In lihrnr). it was voted to hae j tin- dub house sign n painted and j j .Mrs. Jack Chapman gave a report on the picnic supper and theatre I pai iy enacted U cdtiesiiuy niubt Ity the tine arts department. Miss McLaughlin teporied on the ! i lull's work assisting with Ihe Rett Ci-oss tliive lor funds ami staled that booths were maintained by i the club at the two local banks i and weie in charge ol Mis. Ralph ; (let man ami Miss Mi 1. aniridia. The Puliation coinnuit-i' up i pointeil tor the tomin year in I eluded: .Mm. L. C. Latham. Mis. ! Petiy Thiele and Mrs. Kdwin -. . i a Bride ,-. . - CCREKN STAR Ann Sheridan is lately in n .streamlined bridal Kown of'luslrous ivory silk satin. The bodice has a three-panel front, and the brief peplum is CJiUKhl into the waistline with a narrow belt. Fullness at the bark of the .skirl ends in a square train. The short veil of white tulle is 1 aliened with a topknot of orange blossoms. and Invited uuests instead of spon soring Ihe animal spring dance. The date of the card party will be announced later and the committee in chat-goof the aftair includes: Mrs, perry Thiele. Mrs. Adrian i Mowi-n and Mrs. Paul Smith. The j year bonk committee appointed In- eludes: Miss Metly Shoemaker. I Mrs. Jack Chapman. Mrs. C'lifloid Smiih and .Mrs. Paul Smith. Members present included: Mrs. j Jar k Chapman. Mrs. William I'u-1 rath. Mrs. Sidney Poim-nico, Mrs. Kdwin Gardner. Mrs. Perry Thiele. I .Mrs. Paul Smith, Mi-m. L. C. Lath run, m i s. r leicner t in ruuer, .m ihh Verla MeLattKhMn, Mrs. Adrian Mouen. Mrs. I. A. Pearson, Allss Kleanor Kies. Mrs. C. K. Smith audi Mrs. Ralph Herman, ami a Kuest, j .Mrs, Krank Kimball, nee (.atlan dine Hall, of Kugene. The Installation of ihe new olfl eers has been planned for June 17th. to be held al Ihe club house. HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Happy Hour chth of Rivers dale will meet next Wednesday af ternoon, June ll'th, at the home of Mrs. Dale Guiley. All members ate cordially Invited to be present. Tlu- lust meeting of (he dub v. as enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Krn est Gardner. Visiting and sewina I were enjoyed and later delicious refreshments were served by the j hostess, assisted by Airs. ' Join , liurkhart and Mrs. Allen Durkhuri. Those en toying the afternoon with Mis. Gardner included: Mis. Glen Cox, Mrs. T. II. lturr. Alts. John Miirkhatl. .Mrs. W. I-:, oti. .Mrs. Hale Guiley. .Mrs. Allen Murk- hio-t Me llaicy .im.-r. .Mrs. Ga j Mow-ery. Mrs. W. Common, .Mrs. fi. t ttcrback. Airs. Heb-ne Selhy. Mm., ! C K. Maiks and Airs. A. p. Caul j ner. the latter two guests of the! I day. BOUGHT ONCE... SO BUY HrW,,,V,..,,., T "k,hli 1, ( I c CX5-m K'Wc which tHl-cirtumJUnc. n'mm 5 furlu ""1 Ik' hu Vr ""'' 'W, ogem, ' thnugt, tht American Qtm ieiety. KNUDTSON'S JEWELERS MID WEEK BIBLE 1 CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY 1 The remilar mcetlnR of tho .MM. Week Whin cIahb was held last Thursday at tho homo of Mrg. j; I HoiHres. After the regular btislnoHH meet. ItiK, the lesson Ktudy . whs hold based on tho forepart of ucts, chapter eighteen. iMiring the soeitil hour that fol lowed, llie hostess, nssinteti by Mrs. It. Lehman and Mra. T. W. MorRnnj served lovely refreshments to uj follow ing friends and meinlKMs: Itev. and Mrs. Syhvester, Mrs. c. (iurthy. .Miss Vera Coetz, Mrs. c! Mortimer. Miss A. Mettscli. Mih. a SehlUk. Mrs. V. Voirt. Mis. A. (.'oeneiihutB, Mrs. Voigt, .Mrs. Aekley, Mrs. Richardson, Mia, ,. LonK. Mrs. P. Aekley, Mrs. C. llee crofl. Mrs. (i. Mctiiteen, Mrs, e. Smith. Mrs. Stinehagen. Mrs. Mor gan, Mrs. R. Hebard, .Mrs. Amler. son. Misj K. ScliHef fer nnd Mrs. V. Andraieff. The next meellnR will ho n pot luck birthday luncheon on June 20th at the Coenenhurg home hi Sutherliu. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. Kflie Rtiibldefield gracious ly enteiiafned the Roseburg Art and i; m broidery cluh Wednesday aflernoon al her home. Spring flow ers lent a colorful note to the rooms. Following the social hour Mrs. Stubbleitebl served lovely refresh ments to Mrs. Davis, a guest, and Mrs. J. L Stephenson. Mrs. Wil liam Mailey. Mrs. Kllen Cornell. .Mrs. Virginia Campbell. Mrs. ('., Cluck. Mrs. A. Neal, Mrs. Argio I teWitt. Mrs. l'alm, Mrs. S. I Hebard, Mrs. 11. V. Snyder. Mrs. L. W. labels and Mrs. .laim-H Miller. The next meeting will lie at the Kiskine home at inill Cobb street wiih Mrs. Miller as hostess. June 1 IM li . at which time Pollyanua day will he observed. POTLUCK SUPPER IS -V . ENJOYED AT WIMBERLY HOME SUNDAY EVENING k ,' The members of the Monday eo ninu bridge club and their hus bands enjoyed a delightful fried chicken pot I uck supper Sunday evening at the beautiful home. "Pine liidae," of Mr. ami Mrs. L. L. Wimberly. Gorgeous bouquets of sweetpeas ami mixed spring flow ers were ntt i actively arranged about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. K C. Patterson, guests, and .Mr. and Mis. Louis Fiillerlon, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, llennessy, Mr. and Mrs. Clile Kulleiion. .Mr. and Airs. Clyde Carstens and the host and hostess. Mr, and Mrs. Wimberly. Mr. -Curs tens showed a mi in her of bis beautiful phiure slides and " the social hours were en.joyably spent in playing bingo and visiting. B. F. CH1LSON IS HONORED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY TUESDAY NIGHT A group of friends gathered Tuesday evi-nimr at the home of Mrs. Viola Thursion to honor ll. K. Chilsou on his birthday aiiuher- , Those enjoying the evening wiih . Mr. Chflsou Included: Mr. and Airs, j K. F. Ciiteser. Mr. and Mrs. lien Kntse. Mr. and Mis. K. A. Fields, I Mr. and .Mrs. Ii. R. Harding. Air. and Mrs. Ray 1. Kimmey. Air. and ! Alts. Harry Wesley, Mrs. Hatlie I .McAfee. Mrs. Prudie Hidlnger, O. 1 l. New hard and llie hostess, Airs. tftia I tiui sLon. Five-hiimlred was enjoyed during Ihe pleasant evening hours wna lilph score prizes going to Air. Chilson and .Mrs. .McAfee. Later in the eening Airs. Thurston served delii iou.i refreshiiKUils. RFCFPTION TO RE GIVEN BAPTIST JR. AND SR. ZKRl YOUNG PEOPLE SUNDAY f The members of the Maptist church have planned a lovely re cetition for Sunday evening, June !Mh, in follow the church service in honor of the junior and .senior graduating students who belong lo the ltapti-t church. r ik. .i: j ... . i shal. .! an i Pat. nut tv .i.dnis.ui 1v. ... ; ,1m-. na.i lb'.l Mrs. II. II. I'm tier Iter bridge cluh at a oiH-thii ty o'c lock d' s; at hot home hi Wi! eitft-i t . tin d vorv )ovtd l-l l-llllM llCOM t Ro-ci-uitt AIi-s F tn. Mis I'cti-i v. Miss f II- 1.1, t t;.udncr The club oied to bold a an! paity tm the nieinhers. bu-b-4nds th . J mi. Mb .Mis Ft is -.on m hi 1'lie ,,,:, gill 'St plltf.