ROSFDURg NFWS-RFVir.W, ftOSP&tJR'6, fcfollrS&K YHURSDAY, JUNE A, 1910. Caution Advised On Fifth Column Authorities Alone Should Deal With Suspects, Oregon's Legion Commander Says. fin A NTS I'AKS, .limn f.. (AP) A Witvi' of imhlWi (oitcr-rn over I(iHHlhU Mil h column ix livhi'-H ban Minii'lt nt-inly ivery Oivkoii iom itiiiii it y In tlu 2" i;ty, n t;n linen! ('(iHiiniill'hT Nii-1 It. Allen llf llllf AnHMiriill J ,).' iOIl Klillnl licit- Wcdiif'sdiiy upon IiIh return Iiomh Iron) a Hiati'wiflc hwIiik unci iificr vicu'tuK reports fiom post. oni- IlllllHleiH, Nearly every ruin hi unity, in varying deKiee. io mjj i J lias liml presented lu M tin priitileni of jmlKltiK inn tntih or falsity ol r j.oilM which have; hnimlr-'l pil- trlols an well an snhversiVH uwut iih "fifth i oltrmnlHtK." Alii-n auM thai, these ronimtinl ties aro now heijiniiiiiK to realize, however, that, any ill reel aetlun by inivale Individuals "would he jum the, Ihihf; the 'illih ruliiiiin' hoys wonhl have us do, lor It would bring about, a condition b-mliiiK Ui dlHHejiHion, leauet cah ami tnirea koiiIiik action, If not to unlawful acts ri'SiiltliiK in riot and blood Hhed. "In fact, past cxperlencf lins shown us that Hir very men who 1 nclt o to lavless direct uelion Foinetlmt'H do ho to dlvrrt sitHplcion from their own wiiivr-rsivn ai tlvl tfefl." Leuion Plan Offered Allen called to Hi" attention of tlm puhlic thai 11m- l.f-ion lias for 21 years been combatting "horera from within" find thai. Iho Amcrl can- Ij'Klon of Urepon has adopti-H a ohm of neti'm vhich today was placed In etfect locally fur their oiuanialions by tint pout comman ders of Iho I. A. V.. the V. F. ' Iho LpkUm, and the 10 i't R. Signed by Allen and William R TJrowno of Purl land, department chairman uf the radical acliviles cftminittef of the. Legion, a state iieiil, to post, commaniifis said :, 'Alarmists In our mhlnL would have us, lieiuiriK of some reported rjuup or individual acting hhI vernely lo the best Interest of our people, take Die law in our own hands. This we itiunl not do; (bis we cannot do; lor we. as Legion naires, aie pledged to maintain law anil order." The statement railed for all members to report nil observal Ions of auspicious activities to post commanders who in turn will re port, lo department headquarters ami they to authorized federal and state law enforcement aKeiuies. To I ho Impatient, the bulletin In jiost commanders cautioned: "You may bear nothiiiK morn of thw matter. If you do nut hear fur ther you will have no cause fur worry. Proper authorities will he InvestiKiitinK. You niii't beat any enemy by letting him know your in formation." "Tolerance ami vigilance must Htand side by side." Allen declared. Career Hers, Now n y i r v Army Increase to 400,000 Proposed WASH I NT. TOM, .Tune fi. (AP) General Ceurge Marshall propos ed today Unit thn regular army bo enlarged to 4na,nno men, nu In ereawo whb h he said ho hoped would nvold any necessity of call ing Iho national guard Into nrtlvo service. The chief of filaff told reporlers (hat plans were complete for or ganizing :i:!.r).(u)0 men of u possible augmented army Into 12 divisions, two of which would he fully arm ored, mechanized divisions sucb as have played a flpectnrttlar rolo in the Kiiropean war. Of the remaining troops, tunny would In assigned to the air corps, Marshall sold. Pending defense legislation rnlts for expanding the tvuulnr army: onlv by about Mi, 000 men to the full peace time limit of ifsn.i-mi. General Marshall said that "by augmenting the regular army we ran strengthen our forces more quiclily than by calling on the na tional guard." The newest national defense es tlmales submitted to congress yes terday. Marshall also disclosed, contained provision to equip fmir inerhnnized divisions, one of which already has been created by ex panding the seventh cavalry bri gade, lie said today that one of the nine "streamlined" tit fan try divl shins to be created by the regular army would lime its headquarters at Camp Old, Calif. l-'ivo of Hie tlhfufont alreroh' are Brcausc her husband objected to her following her acting career, Hainer, movie actress. Bought and obtained a divorce in a ls Angeles court. She's shown on Uio wilnesn stand. in service and n sixth Is being set up at Port. Jieiiniiif.;, (hi. Body of Milady Cooler Than Man's nyIIOVATtr W. IlLAKKSLKK Associated Press ScIimh-o HdHor NKW YOUK, June C. Women's feet and hands average 5 degree oler tlmri men's, (heir arms 4 degreeH eta)ler, legs ami head 1 rid trunk half a degree cooler than those of the male. These measurements worn re ported to the American Industrial Hygiene association by Professor Yaglow. of the Harvard school of puhlic health. They Illustrate n dilemma of 1 1n air-conditioning engineer who, Prof. agifiu said, gets a howl Iron) the men when bo makes the room comfortable for tin women. In spile of the fundamental tem perature differences of the sexes, he said that, licit li could be happy if both would wear similar weight lothing. This means less for men in summer ami more for wo men in winter. Men dressed In women's siiiii- mer clothing', weight l.S pounds, compared with 5 pounds of usual male attire, demanded a tempera ture of SO for comfort, despite the fuel that. In male attire they had bowled" previously at 7ti as ton hd. "Reversely." he said, "when wo- ; men were men's winter rbiihes S.;t pound Instead of I'll po.uids, the average of women's indoor winter garb) the coiutorlable air leniierature was just as low : (To.ri) as that preferred by men ' in mate clothing." To a vol') the present rlslis of too great change between alr-eon-ditloned rooms ami outdoors. Prof, l.agloii said indoor 1 em pel -attire should he raised in summer, 1 e duced in winter. i To prove It Is possible to recon- 1 rile the differences of the sexes, lot pointed out that both men and women agree they are most com fortable with a mean skin torn- peratnre of Jtl.a to !t;t. mM . I J HKil II.LI'll 11 "aye-tmis milk IS THRIFTY PUTS MOO KE CREAM IN YOUR COOKING I" It's viirru rlch-tMt milk evaporated by liordt'ii's. Vurra Ihrity. loo thrre bclnit nearly the same as a quart of whole milk in each US oi.can. Vurra nourishing and every drop is Irradiated with sunshine Vitamin 1). The br'r-and lo buy Borden's, naturally! Do buy today I 1ST jVltf-flfllMf niMutr ELSIE SAYS IF IT'S 73cmkiA IT'S GOJ TO BE GOOD Population Gains In Oregon Shown PonTI.ANI). .limn B. (AD I,HII. ('oiiiiK'iitiia, f-uMti'in Oregon iniiiiliK In n, Bhiiwil out Hh i-Imm with Hvlc liliili' tiMlny llio inHllu iliin In iimiH 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 if Kieuii-r llKIII In lli.'IO. The lomininilly li:nl 10 rf m!1'.iiIk nt the but ri'iwiiH. Toiluy II lian W.i'l. tnllrtlf, unolti'T IllilliuK town, Jiiintii'it Irnm otk rcltleiit ti-n yi-ai-H iiko to 111. HnkiT'H poiiiilut ion r(IHf from 7',8 to 9,211 anil Similiter ro IKirti'il un liirri'iiHi' from lf4 lo Mont Ori'KOll c-llii'H Khowi'fl op ul.'iliun inciT'jiacK, Uyron (.'urney, eeiiHUH HiiiK'rvlsiir, annoiuii-e'l, al thnlll'll IhiM-e were MlU'llt il "If iif at Aatorla, Condon, Tlurnfl and I.a Grande. IllnnH, near Jltirna, i llinlied from 217 lo (17(1. 1'ofiiilaiioiin, with the figure listed firxl, ilieludeil: I'rlneville H7 lo 20!i2; Ilend Shis lo ln.n'i'l: niiliiioiid fjfti to l77; (.'uliyon Cily 2CI lo III): I'mlrle CHy 4:iK to CIO: Hood Klver 27.17 In II2S1: IMiniH 2.r,'j lo 212:1; Mines 217 lo I77H; Nyiwn X21 to i.',2; fliilnrio liill lo :i.ril7; Vale VS1 to I0S2. Siilem 2fli;r, to nO,77; Dallas 2?l"r, lo :ir,r,'l; l-'reewnler 7.'I2 to kill; Mlllon ir.TIi to 1711; i'enilleton Hii2l to hSM); l.n flramle !0r,0 to se:il: Condon !lll lo sr. I ; ArllnK ton tJiil to (left; ('orva)lis 7T.S5 to (.219; North Ilend 41112 to 4271; Eu cene IK.fif'l to 20.!l")f,; Albany M2C lo 5112(1. KoselinrB ISC2 to 4sr,l; OreEon Cily ',7111 to ilini: Tillamook 2",4!i lo 2?:t'i: MeMinnville L"ii7 to fturir, Conttllln 2722 lo 3327; Klamath Palls 1(l.on:i to (i.:ir,!i; llairway rial lo 4IH: Huntington o:t to 7:i!i; Hli'lillitlil 212 to 2.r,4; Whitney 2li lo l'J. Oregon Jobs Upped by Strawberry Harvesting SAI.EM, Jtilin u. (AP) Improv ed jolj conditions In Oreaon were lefleeleit today in slate unemploy ment rnuipensutlon eominlsKlon re ports that lienefits paid in May were 22 per rent less than in April and that thero wern o.flol job plaeemeuts In .May, hich mark for the year. rneinfiloynient cheeks tolallnR :iks.",iis were mailed dining .May. About half the new jobs were in (lie lieny fields near Portland. Quits Law Guild Because Communism Not Rapped WASHINGTON, .lime fi. (AP) -Adolf A. lieile, Jr.. resigned to day from the Nalloiial Lawyers I' II 1 1, 1 liceaiHc, lie said, lis man aemeni was not prepan1'! "to lake any stand Willi conflicts vllb the communist party line." Ilerle, assistant seerelary "f slate, wrote in his tesianation: 'The .National Lawyers guild was formed in I tin hope that ex pression might be given lo the liberal sentiment in ibe American bar. ' It Is now obvious that the pres ent management of the guild is not prepared to take any Bland which conflicts wilb the commun ist party line. I'mler these cir cumstances, and In company. 1 itiiiii-. with mot prof revive American leaders. I bavn no fur ther interest in It " , Holies reignatlnn followed those of Attorney tleneral lfobert II Jackson and Nathan Margold, solicitor of Inierlor department. Piano - Voice RECITAL Given by Pupils of GLADYS H. STRONG MRS. CHARLES BRAND Thursday Evening, June 6 8 P. M. First Baptist Church onBagsl t CH and U0ARJ' Cartons F" j 1; pure ,1 trcANEN! It meant pure Cane Sugar, very line, very uniform. jrerywlnieg v rr m m r l warn a mm v m a m r i w y -t rr i zxl. s? sci. i rlj3 Special Values for SM''''' " '-I-SlITl 1 lb Can T&m Prince Albert TOBACCO, Pearl Shortening 4 lb. pkg. 35 IP & G Soap giant bar, 6 for 2 5 Golden West Coffee u 23 ...45c Soft Tip BROOMS 65 GWSO large pkg. 117' l HKPOtlA CHUT ML MArjijyAr Hi FLOUR SAYINGS UMPQUA CHIEF 49 lb - CASTLE 49 lb DRIFTED SNOW 49 lb - FISHER'S FARINA 9-1 b. sack $1.39 $1.39 $1.69 39c PICNIC SUPPLIES PLATES, Napkins, Dishes, Forks, Spoons, Cups, Straws, pkg 9 15c pkg. POTATO CHIPS. 2 pkg 25tf SHRIMP, dry pack, 2 cans 25(i RIPE OLIVES, tall can, 2 cans 25tf Sweet Pickles, at. jar 29d BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE, qt. jar 430 I :piog-pruf 1 gem razor $ Igiant tube,' & V BARBASOL 5 GEM BLADES nn icsorani SWIFT'S HAMS, Vi or whole, lb 19c GOVT. INSPECTED BEEF ROAST; Swift's Steer Beef, lb.' 13c VEAL STEAK, prime and tasty, lb.1 19c BACON, seasoning, lb 9c LUNCH MEATS, lb mc ACCODTCH Dl tIC ftftUT lUCDCTIAU ml ASSORTED, PLUS GOVT. INSPECTION CHEESE Brookfitld, lb PORK STEAK Grain fed, lb. BEAUTY SHOP HENNINGER'S MART Creason Bldg. Call 552 for Appointment $5.00 Machineless mm Permanent Wave 3 3 Kreem Oil Permanent Wave, $5.00, can be used on all textures of hair. Tru Oil, $3.95, especially good on dyed or bleached hair. Also white or grey Tru-Art, $1.95. Oil Solution Manicures, 50c; 35c on Thursday. THRIFT DEPARTMENT (LOW PRICES ON COSMETICS AND REMEDIES) COLGATE PERFUMED S0AP4barS19e 39c Aspirin, 100's 29(! 15c Sanitary Napkins, 12's, 2 for 25( 15c Epsom Salts, 1 lb 2 35c Mum Deodorant 290 SUPER SPECIAL 2-20C TUBES TOOTH PASTE 29C 50c Woodbury's Castile Shampoo 39(J 60c Alka Seltzer 50c Jergen's Lotion 395 25c Ex-Lax 230 $1.49 Mineral Oil, 1 gal $1.29 20c Modess, 2 for 39 STANDARD OIL CO. FLY SPRAY 1. gallon can 98C VALUABLE COUPON I set glass coasters to match water glasses on last week's coupon 6 coasters and this coupon 15c CORN. PEAS, ST. BEANS 2 cans 15C DEL MONTE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 2 eons A5V McKENZIE STRING tmA BEANS 3 for Z9( JOSEPHINE TOMA- 4 ttk TOES No. 2 Vj can XVK OKRA AND TOMA- 4 C TOES No. 2 can ....DIE CLAPP'SBABY ITrt FOOD 3 cans AjK CERTO .. . 15C SURE JELL 3 Pkgs EGG NOODLES 4 C Large Pkg 13 VI FARINA- XQgft 9-lb. sack HERSHEY'S COCOA Qa -8.01 OC COCONUT Ct Mb. Pkg JELL DESSERT 4 Pkgs 25C SHREDDED WHEAT 3 Pkgs A 3 K PAR SOAP CAA POWDER 91 WHITE WONDER 4 C t SOAP 5 for 13 V. SALAD DRESSING or SANDWICH , SPREAD Of. jar .... LUMBER JACK AC SYRUP No. 5 can 43C HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP iA, Mb. tin 1UV. BELL PEPPERS Lb 13C ASPARAGUS 1 -lb. bunch 6C LETTUCE Large heads, 2 for 9C CARROTS Spring crop, 3 bunches 10c EGGPLANT Large size, each 10c GREEN BEANS 2 - 19C APRICOTS 2, b 19C LEMONS Large, dozen 15C WATERMELONS Lb 3C CORN Vi dozen 23C CANTALOUPES Large. 3 for 25c 17C 15C Chickens, Premium Lamb, Liver, Bacon Backs, Pickles mi JNJLIV mm INART NO. 1, TELEPHONE 522 NO. 2, TELEPHONE 39