I if I ll'lau ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1940. FIVE Livestock jOOI seven-year-old work iniire, weight lI'iO. Has colt, month old, from good draft hoi ho and lired back to same horse. Art Ityeburd, Voneullu. FOR SALK 1 six-jtHlloii Jwwy vow, $75.00; 1 yearling Gui'msey bull. W. A. Hliukoit, .Myrtle Creek. FOR SAI.K :tii liead Sliropuliire ewes and lamlm. Geo) Re Sund- j berg, Melrose Star. j VANTEI Mare, s to 10 years old. I 1300 to M0U pounds. Joe Heiden-j reieh, jibonc JF;i. FOR SALK (iood a year-old cow with or without calf. Fred Fish er. 26 F3. FOR SALIC or trade, for sheep, fine young horses. F. M. Kruse, You- calm. ; HEAVY work team, seven and nine! years old. I. W. llooue, Glendale. I FOR SALE Haddio or puck horse. Rhone 12F31. COCKKIt Spaniels. Fhone SK6-J. Fuel Rl'RN WOOIJ OR SAWDUST Safe Convenient And it costs so little. liOKKIH'lW LlLMIlKIi CO. l'houe L'S- Miscellaneous THIS most money Tor your wool and mohair at the ROSKRl'Rti i poi LTitv co.. !(2o s. Stephens) Street. Phono 2711. I Lost and Found LOST Ulack grip Highway !!t near Wolf Creek. Mav 25. Re ward. II. Itratsberg, 7H3 IMli South, Sea'Me. ALLEY OOP Oop Loves It By V. T. Hamlin f , , ' ALLEV LOO THE CMEMV'S ' , ) ( k . d "7, "'TM0RE. E "!CV9-2 l" I 7 AM CLEAN 'EM OUT I S v h. O !(Pv.CT Gf' - fii t Tito annual meeting or the stock- DRWEM FROM ' l V CAM DEFEND THIS fj 7 'l2-$lL. lT i A "S rSmV holders of the I'mptiun Savings and THE GATES OF a ? WALL ALOME.' ' J y 'S1lJ1 j H ffTkj 1 A. h JfW Association will bo hold at t AMAZONIA MY &$f!i ' ) J VVf'V tVa LKi J?Tr mk Wm 'A l S-wV jSwl. 1,7 N"'111 Jackson Htreet, Rose- ALLEy OOP'S fOtJ?4 1.1 J IT saS'MBy 0TmT--i&'V rmmmtr UrV Tamv hunt. Onwm, on Wcilneadny. Juno Mmf)Amk WmKW&mMm' y.ck so HErB co. HECKLES AMD HIS F8ICTDS SltmtTJi - By M.rflll Hto.r f ifS'.XS"ZXX'"SrXl .- " ' ' ' " ( V" t , -I f gSrjf fcaaiiBLiiLiaiBaaS JBj'tt 'atarrh, atthma, blood preiture, dropay, rheumatlam, VO'I CAN TfeU. HILDA VOL) Xgf-Zi&glM--. HAVE YOU HEARD HER ' J NOPE.' 1 CONF ; WELL.DOVOU f tTS.S eciema, atomach ulcer, and hemorrhaao all dlaap- ?AW ME WORKING TO TAKE OFF W SAV AMYTHINS ABOUT p GO ROUND ; THINK 1 CAN I'LL SAY YOU NOW WHAT t, pear. "WEIGHT AND TELL HER I'VE f IT DOMT f: GIVING ME A DATE ? ' LISTEMIN' FOR. I SEE HER,? CAN YOU THE HECK DID J&'iv Call or Write LOST Ten pounds J snow, I ' I THAT KIND A f S , A can See her. THAT LITTLE JK Rosaburg, Oregon . much.' J M V News j-s y I three- j squirt meam fcattTAJ ,.,:, - PrrT , i-C7k BLOCK? BTMaj? , j. H. Leon, 2N.JACKS0NST. -T 0" ( si$ J' J 3Pm" -f 'sAWAy s Horballat BRANCH OFFICE MEDFORD, OREGuN " " " ' - - I THE AMERICAN RED CROSS -J .., ymijp -A H M. ' WAR REUEF C0UP0N X. X I a!oj I ' l ' ' 'vffJ IA I 'i For ,l,e Amer'ean Cross who are soliciting funds for relief (30Ct I ifeFll ' Y$y ! XrrX.l-fck yg HEREBY SUBSCRIBE $ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Good and Sore By Edgar Martin Signature awwu MW nm "L"I" -" , , i 2 Paymenta may be left at News-Review or Roseburo Banks. fTi - '. HSAW COMEb Ml Pucb MF ) ytAKMSi , HOK, . 1 MWil-Ww ) af I O ": R ' EM W 6"T , -3 JW , 1 1 1 AfACt A-bVOUfeAS -bWE o'. 90' LVV. OWl VOO Ti 1 wyT f &tfk 'AtKl VJt , , -J. WASH TUBBS A TraitreM . . . By Roy Crane J "THATTITA MOW THERE AS SMART A LA-bS A EVER VE ( LEADIKl' DE LAMB TO 7 f WE AMI G0WUA bTAB AM 0L' PAL LIKE IteA ( S0METHIU6 TROUBLIN6 Y IT'5 itOTWM', I V LAID EVE S OW I TOLD "TO LUCE EAVAV FR01A 1 SL AU6HTEP . ' MEHEARTIEl OH.IJO! LEASTvAV5 NOTUUTH ( VOU, TITA? 'OU'tE BECOWE f EASY. 1. ..I WAS JACWE'S. AMD HERE SHE C0KAES, HAV4D 1M HAWO.AS IF SHE I HA! BULL ? JlTr ?Ec.iMLlC1 ! lM. raw.n -Sit miikMrJ UftA-siiai mnmmwt )asaryy -y g -. .. ma-gi-vi i '-w l i 1 1 Help Wanted WANTKI Man (or inmh work. Young married man preU'i n-d. House, , etc., furnislied. tiood proposition for steady man. Uox 835, c-o News-Review. WANTED Man and wifo (o lake over cufe In Koseburg. For In-1 tot iitation, write Jiox KM, co Netts-Jtevfew. WANTi;i Middle aged house keeper, care of elderly lady. Small wages. McAboy Itros., Hrockway. IJIltL for housework. 21 years or over. Room, board. H.OO week. References. Uox fsiS, c-o News Review. WANTED Vonng man as cook's ( helper; must bo experienced. I Wolf Creek Tavern, Wolf Creek, Oregon. - i C'AI'AHl.E womon for restaurant j work. Must be pood cook. Apply In person. Eddy's, Coos .unction. WANTED (ilrl for housework and care of children. $15.00 per mouth. Apply at Country Club. WAX'TKI) -Ctrl nr umn;in I'm1 light housework. $12. oo month.' llox S:iti. c-o News-Review. ' Dentistry DR. NEItltAS (las When Desired Masonic Dldg. Phono INS or. G. W. Marshall. Med. 4. Jlldg. Work Wanted WAXTKIi Custcin mowing. Kalph Carnes, Roscbuig. Oregon, Route 1. Phone 5F1. CAHINKT WORK inaile to order i r.2 N, .larl(on. Ilis.nit VGETTINK A FOOTHOLD ON yr'J M fl AN'T IT ZCT For Sole Miscellaneous I'SKI) electric refrigerator, cheap; used tieneral Kleetric water heater; good used electric range, $15.00; line, used twin bedroom sit, ti pieces, real value; used davenport sets, cheap. Judd's Furniture. FOR .SALK Odd lot box smings. $24.75 value at $1 1.75: f:0.UM Simmons inner-spring anil malch ing box springs, $2!.;0. limited quau t i ty ; used console rati io, $5.5o. Judd's Furniture. FOR SA I. Iv Stra wherries, f'onio and get them. Rest varieties, heavy pickings, 75e crate, llring containers. Not Sundays. Art 1 laird, I'mpqua. FOR SALELuige crib and mat tmss, Lloyd carriage, sulky, fruit t-nu tmlli.v -Inihou lino ln II mower in excellent condition, -tos Kast Lane. t FOR OL'AHANTKKD MlKKLEHS, ' " glass trailers and auto parts, go 1 to SARFF'S ALTO WHI-'CKINC I . HOUSE, 523 N. Main. Phono 553.1 , A NKW modern storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Alliactive rates. Cartons for sale. FOIl SALK- One SOO watt. 32 volt ! Deb-o light plant, npcralcd 1 1 months. C. R. Rurch, lllachly, t )rcgon. UK1 trade-in allowance g;ven on your old fnrtiiiure. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. FOR SALK Aster ami zinnia plants. I'm- dozen. Mrs. John Kelly, I21fi North Jackson. KOR SA1 K ht'crine: mower, nnl fhapo. J.'.U.uo. Tom Short, -Myr-1 1 - Creek. WOOIHtoU' elcetric wumIiim', flll.W. ll'i So. I'ili" TUB ORANtlB TRFC'K has just received another load of very sweet summer juice oranges; rtne larpc lemons, lc each; new crop of beautiful grapefruit at very attractive prices. Again we are featuring h combination rase as an extra special at $2.15 a crate; li box each of profes sionally packed juice oranges nud grapefruit and a dozen nice lemons. This fruit will all keep more than 3 weeks. The orange truck. Just north of Koseburg on Highway yJ. Oranges aro lc each and up. IKONItlTE mangle, deluxe model, SUM. DO new. Ons water heater, guaranteed, $7!f.5u new. llolb slightly used. Reasonable lor cash. 408 E. Lane. FOR BALK Mght plant, all new i batteries, large capacity, ideal lor lodging camp, summer home, etc. See Karl Wiley at Hansen Motor Co. Poultry LIST your poultry you have to sell won ut, win nave mtyci iiimk lust of tills week wanting colored hens, Leghorn hens, colored fry ers. Will pay top ciLsli prices. Cull at OruiiLo truck or write Frank Cox, c-o Ceneral Delivery, Jioseburg. Oregon, .OU SALK 30 White Leghorn pullets. 35c eah. Karsten, Route 1, Itox S. Wonted IK YOI lum inrm itrouuro to sol!, 11 will he In vour mivanlapp to fee iho KdSMHI'RU l'tiUl.TUV CO., !t20 S. Sli')hons Street. IilDKS. Highest rath prli oa. Leave eat'H on. IhnikI.'ir Market Rentals COMl'LKTKLY rurnistaod modern five-room home, to responsible utliilts. Closi) in. 121 8. Chad wick. 692-H. HOl'SK FOR R KNT 5 rooms, sleeping porch. 5IS S. Stephens street. Phono 3K22. FOR KENT 5-room, nicely finish ed house. Adults. Inquiry 817 South Main street. Fl'RNISIIKD rooms, with or with out board. ' Ladles preferred. 1SS-J. ItAILKV apartments S rooms, bath, garage. Adults only. 117 S. Kane. KOllLIIAliEN APARTM KNTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. Fl'RNISHKD, 2-room, front apart ment. 112 Hrockway. Kl'KNlSHKl) houekee)ltig room. 421 Flood, corner Mill. NOIfl'llSlDIO ArAHTMICNTS $I2.(IU up. I'houc Hlill-J. 5-KOO.M Ihiiiho, near Soltlloia Home, ts.tili. 112 llioirkway. tlllolND floor aiiatliuent. Dull - The SlraiiKe Shop. ITUNISIIi:i AI'AHT.MUNTS lor lent. DoukIhh llolol. Al'AU'l.MKNTS for rent. l'aKe's, I'lione 212. MOM'.ilN. furnliiliud apartment, 926 S. .Main. KI KXISIIKII apartment. 101 N Jackson. Business Opportunities Oil SALK 3-year lease on 17- room hotel anil restaurant. 313 W. I.atie, Itosehtnc. Real Estate TIIR KB acres, more or less. Kx-: celtent location for poultry, liar- gain price because of sickness. Other small tracts, large farms ' and business properties. Kvory. , tliititr In Hpnl KrIhIb ami IntMir. ' ance. Fred A. tioff, 122 S. Steph ens. Phone .IS. FEDERAL, land umik farina. Rea sonable nricea; eonveulcnt tortnn. I.iflU available at tbe National Farm lxjan Office, Pel k I in HullU IttK. Ho8eburK, KOU HALK 6-rooiii niHtlo homo on North I'mpnnn. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, (ilido, Ore gon. KOU SAI.K lleautlllll house. Mod em, arttatic. Close in. Inquire 30S North Stopbena. FOR SALK Modorn romodeleil 5 room house. 0U6 S. Pine Htreet, Hoscburg. FOIl SA1.1-; 13 acnm, modern liotiHo. A. F. MorrlH, Rifle Ratine road. 7-ROOM modern home for aale. Easy terms. Phone SII7-J. U. S. Bans Amateur Radio Link With Nations Abroad WASHINGTON', June B. (API T )i e I'edi-rul communications commission today prohibited ama teur radio communication by sta tions in this country with foreign stations. Approximately 55,000 amateurs are licensed hyliie commission. The prohibition, which became effective immediately, does not apply to amateur communication between licensed amateur stations in the continental 1'nited Klates and its territories and possessions. EXPERT SERVICE When Thara't Something You Want Don 6EE AN EXPERT Tha firma and Individuate Hated below apeclallie In their work. See them (or expert aervice. You ahould profit by their help. GENERAL SAW FILING Howrd Casebeer, 443 8. Stephen Alao furniture repairing. ANTIQUES Tbe Strange Shop, lull S. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Epaugh'g Garage. 128 Stephens street. Phone 803. Knight Porter, comer Houulaa & Mala. Body, fender work. Painting. 8HEET METAL WORK Slnntirer's. 444 N. Jacksnp St. Gov. Wilson Renominated By Iowa Republicans l)i;S MOINES, la., Juno 4. (AP) On tho basis of unofficial re turns, (iovoruor George A. Wilson today had won rcnominntion nver two opponents in the republican party's largest Iowa primary turn out in thu litHt six years, Wilson will meet John K. Valen tine of Centervllle, lai, in tbe fait general election for tho governor ship. Valentine, a former fedoral district attorney, wns nominated hy the dcmocrnlH yesterday,. Navy Secretary Edison Tenders Resignation WASHINGTON. June 4. (AP) President Roosevelt accepted today the resignation or Charles Edison, secretary of the navy, ef fective June lit. Edison resigned to run for the governorship of New Jersey on the democratic ticket. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING . Hit lediil'ing timil'ou PLUMBING Pete Cruniott, Plumbing. Ph. 697. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Koseburg Electric. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Hnrgia Radio Service. Phone 196. Lund Radio Service. Phone a 4. REFRIGERATION SERVICE IC. C. Jonas. Phone 139-L. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Rnr. Phone 848. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS "Enoch . walked with God," hrilllantiy illuminating are somo condensed biographies. Only a Tew verses about Enoch, yet what is said could fill volumes. These dynamic words, few though they he, reveal that in tho very morning of history a man made tho highest spiritual discovery possible ho found that God was available as a friend and companion, and he walked and talked with Cod. Imagination la left to rill In all the glory and wonder Implied In these words. This early spirit ual pioneer paved tho way for succeeding generations. No saint of tho twentieth century can cherish a higher thought than to "walk with God." To many or our present generation, lire ia just rush und lever, but Enoch walked walked with God. God calls for a balanced lifo, but just hero wo rail because we over crowd our days and overload our strength. Hurry is spiritual bankruptcy. Only a constant walk and companionship with God t un bring to our hearts the peace that passeth all under standing, "My pence I leave with yon, my peace 1 give unto you." Amen, Stopa Here C. J. Schubert, Jr., lactory representative for tho Com. mercial Stntlonory company, Loa Angeles, atopped over here to spend Tuesday attending to bush ness and 'visiting friends en route south. is liaMiig lrgcl praclicc asain.'J