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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1940)
FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1940. Iwucd liullr ISscvvt nuudny br tk Netta-ttrvlen l In. Heiiibrr if The A MRfirld iril Vrrmm The Anticipated i'rwm In exclusive ly entitled to the use for republkn tton of ull nvwi dlsptftchuH crudlted to it or nut otherwise credited in this paper and to nil local nw puUJifh.'d herein. All rights of ro- Cublk'utton of BpfiL-lai dispatches erein aru aUo reuurvud. BARKIS KLLSWOKTH Editor Entered nn econd eittn mntUr May 17, lat). at the Pt office at Roseburg, Onon, under act of March 2, 187. Represented by EST-HOLaDAY rw York 271 Alridlvon Ave. f'hl- ftHEO StiO N. NiclilKHR AVM. HMD FrnnvUro- !3fl Hindi Street Oc troi! :ioS4 W. Grand Bouleviird horn AiiltflfN 133 H. Sprluif Street lira l (If tioa iitewart Htm it Port land liiiO S W. Sixth Hueol -St. Loui ill Tenth Street P U B II S HC y I A T 1 0 N tfulierrlutlou llatea Dally, per year by mall Dally, IS inonllia by mail Dally, 3 months by ma. II Dally, by carrier per month. Dally. bj carrier uer year ... 1.26 Kvery Htaio, county and eily official or board Mint handles public money Hhoiild publish fit reciilur Intervals an in . minliiitf df it, vhuwiiiK whero mid liovv oath dollar Is spent. TIiih Im n. fundamental prlm-iplo of dt.-uio-crutlu government, ' " 1 1 IK 1 1 ncliool mid cuiM'Ke sue i hVntH wur iH unreal. They Know It to ho horrible but they can ' have no notion of what lint word ; actually means. Th fathora of many of them know too much ; about H but they tlo not like to ' talk on lh mibjext. It wilt bo the blending of all blessings if these you us people never have 1o learn tit fii-Ht bum) whiit Mm youtiK men or Pruueo ami (liual Britain ure now being taught. Strength, armed might, necnis In Im the ntilv thlUK (bat (Ollillrt In International relations today. 1 We cannot afford to be weal;. The ; best chance wo have of Having our young people from leuinlti': about wan i to rapidly become ho powerfully defended tbul no " no wur on earth would dare hi- ' tacit us. j A few days ago wti received : letter fiom a Kin, a ttophomoro in college. She Ik a young Japan ese k'iI and Is phiiinliiK In mitho u vlalt lo lir-r natlvp land Ibl " KuninuM". Tin rcaHon she wro'n 1 tllO IctttT lO UH WHH Hull SllO llflllit to wrlto wiinc ariUloa about the r (trli'iit for inibllrulioii in iiowapa pt'iH licit!. Slut uxpmMs I" tbia way lo earn inoiicy t-nouKb lo de- fray muiio or Mm cunt id ln-r lilp. ' 11 In a khhI itk'U and tbo link lady limy In MirueHsful. One paragraph In thu bdtcr v-in-clally alliaclfd our attenllon - hvrv 11 1: "Just now tbo papi-i . an- lilb-d with Hlotlts or haiit"! and bloodshed. Kuropi' i in n ttirrlhlo Bin to. Ilowi'wr acron the hlue I'aeltitr tlii'tv Ih trarupiil fly and peart'. There, cultuie lies Intact." IMiew! Tin- day the above mentioned letter arrived in our mail, Mi W newspaper carried (he follow Iik headline on the lion) piiKe: "JAl'S I'l.AN HAII.V ItOMIllNC T'J SNA I Clll'NdKINM HIMKIT." Surh rullnre; Such liaiiiiil ity! How unreal it all is in ibis vimim .Japanese i;iil. She i.inuoi even Imagine Hie nielli of a bomb splinleied Chinese hume. Sh" bus tiol I he l emolesl ( Hieepl ii;i (d the appeatanee id lanbM Ih rdi. liiHten and blood that tit e :i ll lio: liu man lu liii;. Naiurally not v ery ouiik per ;un l.s .so nale. Hill I Iik eMietne i-;ihi nl l.ii li n utnlel Htaiidlli : serves In iUushale tin point. T!l yollUK people nl (nilay, living i.l the- pi-at-c and liennty of our tree land have onl the amie.l o cihle notion nl w.ii leall 1-. We ran well allord to spend !: deielise, treti to tlie point ot s;u r II iee, It' by doili;; so e a the.'ie yolitlK.stel s tluiu ever Know jut; lliote about -e:iUIUr "U.i I Editorials on New (Continued from pas 1.) a in I'lfniiu.ii v i.Ii i. What ill Itlllll) I'Dl'NT Ik K' ttiim i lllniii' ' M'Iiiiiis III lui:i: llilltibi l iili. Klj j po( yenrs Hr'u' birn lisliniiil In pi c:mIii-I'h nl flir iliutillu' iu Hi-nrilty- III'' b'l-h ftr iini.luci' lh ' Mllllllcr flic Mlll'llls. till' lllrlli-r llm n li n. rlr- riilcsH w c Uiinl In llinl . i.l i - Mi-lvrH 111 llii' h-lilhlii liri-dfruiui-ut ul tin. Hi II l.ll i i III llt'lKimn hIhi pniyi'il I'" I'.nli-h lU'.lilini: plain-Fi In rlniM' 111- Urnniili Iuiih'.i. i'1-H away lull iliilu'l Ii.ivi tlii-iu In liiM ail-n lin y I 'II i.N T I.XIST. we've got to abandon thin doclrlnu of scarcity. lit a bad pinch, when you nued plenty of weapons to defend your self, the doctrine of acarclty b3 comiiB the rankeHt of all absurdi ties. If you doubt that, usk the Jlrit isli Infuiiti-yiucii who needed sup porlhiK plaiitis but DIDN'T UWIC tiii:.m. npHIS Is the greatest Industrial nation on earth. If sensibly organized and permitted to oper ate on business princlpleH, our reat inaiiufaeturlnK jilants can inovido us Ql'H'KI.V with Miq weapons we need. Hut if we let i he politicians hatnslrfni; our lu diiKlrbil plants, as they've been doliiK for years, we'll come out at the little end of the horn. Editorial on Hitler Draws Nazi Blacklisting ItO.STON, June 1. f Al') The HoKton Traveler announced today that It had been "blacklisted" by the (ionium consulate In I tost on because of an editorial published on May 2H which was critical of A dolt Hitler and his methods of warfare. The following letter was ad tressed to the city editor of Hie Traveler on Ihe letterhead or the Cennaii consulate and signed by an attache under the words "the (ieruian consul": "This consulate has read Hie Ittorlal 'Let I'h lie Jteallstlc': published by your paper of .May w'tt. In which the head of a nation, with w hoiu Ihe Culled States oi American entertains diplomatic ndat ions, is insulted in such uu- efvilied exiiresKloiiH that Mils con sulate in the future must refuse In (,'lve your paper any confirma tion in whatever matter it may be. Tint editorial, reprinted by Ihe paper loday, denounced Miller per sonally and said that he would "never be heal en by the 'rules of civilized warfare.' " The consulate's letter was sign ed "llohnie," who Is an assistant lo the Herman consul. New Type of Synthetic Rubber Produced in U. S. I-'LK.MIMITOX, N. .1.. .lime I. - fAP) W. S. Parish, president id' Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, announced today that company technicians had developed a new ' type of synthetic rubber wit h ! which Standard oil would be able lo supply "any required (uaiililies" In Ihe I'tilled States. The new rubber, he said, has I it named "butyl." j "We believe," said Parish, "that butyl Is MiH-rinr to natural rubber lor many uses. It is a I read v in production at our liayu nl Kli,a betb. N. J.I laboratory where two tons have been made. Parish said the new "hutvl" Is not as resistant lo nil as is "hntia" made in (Jeiinany, but that In some other respects the new rubber is superior to the Cerman discovery. u. S. Ambulance Driver Prisoner of Germans i;w VtHtK. June n. (API Lawrence A. Jump, driver for th American volunteer ambulance corps in Kin op,, who was report ed missing recently. Is safe in a Herman prison camp at Stuttgart, the AVAC saiil today. .lames Wood Johnson, a relative of Jump, telegraphed this message- "State department reports Law rence Jump in prison near Stutl nart. They are arranging his re lease" Johnson said International law calls lor the i elurn nf American ambulance drivers lo the ('tilled Slates when they are caplurcd by Hcrniauy. Jump is a Dartmouth graduate and a native nl Oakland. Calil. Colored Singers Dated at Roseburg Christian Church The "Cnl Inn Hlossntu Sf liners." a colored male uuailel from I'inev Woods. Miss,, will be heard in a concei t al tlic umliloi iuin ol (let l-'trst Chrisiiau church ol iioe buig at S p in.. Friday. June 7. The ipiaiht Is on Its annuo l-mr I epl cm-tiling the Pllicv iei school Im i-oloi ell people. Tile liroup Is well known in KiKi-bui . li,i tnii been w HI i ccei yd mi for mer vi-tls to ibis city. 'I'h.. pro oi music .nid tc.idim.s ,ii be open to the public No admis Hon will Im chained, but a mIi.i olleiing will be taken Fathcr of Roseourg Resident Passes Away U iili.i'ii U imhi iimiI. v. t .. t !- i "I II. I.yilli li.illiy. .in.l., . -. 1 I'V III.' I linn (in nl ril miii.,,iiv in l:. . initii, iliitl MiuiiUy ;, hi., j I in i "i v illi... I hi' chil i Mr. I: iili v ii n.iln . i.l liiwii. h i. I I. . i n I I l Hi. Ill i.l I'm V;llis ,.r . l;,, I" .-'III' Slltvl,l 111.-, ll. I ii Mill', .nut .i ,l,,ntlili i', ; it i-4 w .-ic h.M in i't.i ;i!l llns ;itt Interviews Add Zest to Kiwanis Club Meeting A uni'iili' lininiin i , n ji.y. il liy lin. Ki.M'tuin; Kiw.nii , tub at it-. ii i:iluv 'I u.-d Iuin ii. ..", In 11 IM 1 1 1 'I II 1 il I Win- liili-f-vii-Mi by M:ir-li,,ll I'l ii.ia ill i.ulii' -llllll'tl MiMt 'III.- Illl.'l..s ltiiU.;ll' mil in my l''i,.lnit I., i Is ( "in i'i iiiiii; liu. iii w 111,'tiiln i s anil Ill'tS lli.l'ii- tlli'lll lii'tli'l in IIUUIIIIl'll In tin- i bih l ln tli' inlliilti' talk by a i lull iiiriiilii'i' Ma.s irlvt'U by ,lai l Whailiui 'l'ii, M.bii. hy .lai k Wiuiiki .,,,, , I., ii,,. , ,i tt'l'lilllllni ill. OUT OUR WAY yA SNAP IT QUICK, A iSaWHH ' MISTER., BE.FOR.E I - Governors Decry Dictator Trend DCU'TII. June '. - (AIM -The national governor's conference went into its final sessions today with speakers expressing virtually iden tical conclusions that a "dictator ship" iu one tin m or another, is a itsil possibility lu the I'nited States, and that something should be done lo block it. (Jovernor Jennie D. AiUep nl Vermont miggesied that an Increas ing I rend toward public ownership of land constitutes a threat to democratic government. "The rush of invading armies I h rough the low countries of Ku rope has suddenly robbed us ol our last landed seem ity. isola tion." in- said. "We are shocked mid bewilder ed. Hut what disturbs us more is I bat h"te hi America. I hose who advocate fiiilitin:: loin I it a Hun gov ernments by abandoning all our democratic prnecsses nf govern ment and luiuinc our republic into a totalitarian slate, Met a ready hearing." Cuvernor Raymond I-'.. Haldwin of Connecticut also wat lied nguinsl extension of tin' powers of the fed eral gowrumeni. He asserted Mint In the mailer of national defense the states should have on i in pot taut voice. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting 8yatm 1600 Kilocycle, UHMAIMNd HOIKS 'luli.W l;llll-. Slii'i'h anil (iuiils. MIES. I : - .iitiol. Kki'lrlii'S. 5:00 Townscnd Prograin. MBS. ."i : I ft - Syiiipliiiny. :.::ili sii:illi'l' rarUi-i'. MltS. 5:45 Little Orphan Annie, Ova, tine. MBS. II:iiii Tnnl);lif.i Tlllir. C:05 News. Calif. Pacific Utilities. 6:10 News Review News Flashes. !. I T.-. I linn, 'i' 1 ,. 6:30 John B. huynes, Avalon Cigarettes, MBS. Ii IT. MilMiciil .Mniiii'iils. 7: lu Mllslrlll Mill-si ins. 7::lu - 1.HIM1 Uaim.'i', MIIS. N:'Ml lOxriiisilion l-'ama---. MltS. Ih'illlV (illllllillilll S (ll'l ll.'M Im. MltS. Alka Seltzer News. MBS. 9:00- ::m l-'iiiUili l.i'wt;;. Jr.. MltS l.'i .Inn t ; at Inn s i i i ! it. MIIS. 1 l'i:llii Sii;ii nil. I'lll IISII.W. .11 Ni: II 7 l"l Stuff anil Niiiiii i 7: 30 News-Review of the Air. 7:-IC News. State and Local. 7 1".'uniy in V;i 8:0C NciyhUors of Woodcraft. MBS, - ::' Tliifi and Thill In Mc lml . 8:15 Carters of Elm Street. Oval tine, MBS. II mi ll:i..v (iahu. MltS. 9:30 Man About Town. . lu Ki'-'li I'll In Mil-nr. MltS 10:00 Adventures of Uncle Jimmy, Cofico. 10:15 Ma Perkins. Proctor and Gamble. MBS. lu :;u I-'iani-ls Claim's ' i i In-yi .i MIIS. 10:15 Bachelor'a Childien. Old Dutch Cleanser. MBS. 1 1 : CO Our Prlrndly Neighbors, Alka Seltzer. MBS. II I.. II. in v c .,. ., im II I. I In In ;.li.i. .M IIS I I .'a'- I 'ha Ai-.iii'V, V I ' I r In '.-1 1 u MltS. I I Ii. MulHH'l I iililiti.'.:. r- I'i iu MIIS. I '.' im l.illli in nil I u. II. I-. 1:15Sports News. D n n )i a m Translcr and Lowell Hurd- ware. I - L'" llilllln ut liamliiin U':15 News. State and Local. 1J:50 News-Review of the Air. 1 : 00 Henninger's Man on the Street. , I I I i i'h I'i. iv tmli:i. '.. MIIS. '.' '"' l iiin t iiininaiid :m l.iinuuii. iSiilirnii b. it it., in-. M IIS '' I". Altiituali l.t-itiitii Ni-n luiias.-. Mils. I '"I I' 1,1'in.. Ji.. Mils :t l.'i l.iniM,., Talks It IH,., MIIS. t-toThe Quiet Hour. I " W i 'II S ni.lin:n . MIIS. THE QUICK CHANGER I :tii I : lu AllUTirtlll Kiiniily Unliilisuh. I iiiniy wi.bii.'8 I'liKuiiut i- Miumly. MIIS Ti Tun Tillin Dailcu. 1 5 A 1 1 iiur Mi MIIH. r.:::n--ShalH.i- l-nrlii-r, MIIS. 5:45 Little Orphan Annie. Oval tine, MBS. 11:1111 TiiiilitlH'M 'I'lllin. 6:05 News, Calif. Pacific Utilities Company. 6:10 Ii: l.'i li::in II: lu News-Review News Flashes. liinncr Miince. -Juliii II. Ihlf.'lii's. MIIS. II .Mull Slurii's Willi Mfl Vulitur. MIIS. I'UKini; I lie I'asl, .MIIS. -Millital Miii'StruH. ('illllllillilll l'U-ll-llllll('l, MIIS. f'altliii'liia Muloilius. MIIS. ilrill' U'illiains' OiilH.mni. : lu s : tin -S:3u MIIS. 8: 15 Twilight Trails. Avalon Cigarettes. MBS. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. MBS. : 1 - - :lli-n .Sli iliK.s, MIIS. ti::tii -l-'iilliui Lewis, j,-., MIIS. !' : lu - Jit y Joy's (in licsli u MIIS. I":uil -Smii nil. Hop Growers Will Vote on Marketing Agreement WASIIIXCTO;:. June t. (.y- A federal marketing am- meni for imps proutireii tn ( alifornla. Oic gun and Washington, will be sub milled to the indiishy for approval b'-fojc .lime in, the agricultural de partment announced tmtav. Billots are being mailed to all growers, and the agreement is be ing submitted in Imp handlers for their approval. The plan does, not establish or li Ihe quantity nf Mil" or Pit I hops which may be handled In in terstate nr loteinn commerce, hut authorizes tsinh action should the market w arrant. MAP 1lt)ltIZOT.L 1 M.ip cit Ueiinuin roimtry in Abiu. V To cil.infic. 1 Hislit lo M int'ciition. 1J A portion of this country, Arabia. M Kti'ppcJ upon. 1 J I-'imi ful. 16 .Meuuuvc of Answer to PVALLE 1 .Hti',,wBbItU b. A 1 itlJB.?.rtRL:E TOS U I .OBPLUSTEREUB - AJL'A w t'pi-. 34 Pert girl. TV Miti-iiiil toitn. ;iu l-ik'cti tc lorm. l.'.N.iUtlut poU'Ci' Ut' t.iCtlU6 o uucs 1 'I K.uli uuri. ;iT To liuius. -il Mi't.uicl. Credit I'lTuif. (ubbr.). -J t.ciH'iuI tlorc 33 M.ikc.i on w heels. amende. I llou .eluild th. liis and t 'ble;. Si Yellow L-!i yi'.iv. I'O Oe.-'eit fruit. 31 N'.ltne of Switril.u;rl. 1.1 Sm. ill tuber. uJ Ment.illy .'oitnil. 41 Aceotnplishos. 411 llutlditu: site. 43 Circ;. 44 To bother. 43 Feudal lieuctiee. 4fi Stalk. 47 Appllera of PluMer. 50 It oi'iiipies n in tvullmcstern IH A MATtl Met ABfAvs u a 'g lHaF -r-j- -rr.u-- 5 ji i i i i i I I -p 1 -L-t Iv WlUlami 6S 1 I I 1 i.ieveiHnn i.rnwns Leading Red Sox ipy Ihe Associated Press) Cleveland's Indians were the oiny one of the American l-'iicito lender.-) to Improve their position yesterday, splitting a 'r with the Washington Senator.!. 2-7, and It brought tiien- wil!iin half a game of the pace-im-hing Kosioii lied Sox. who were stopped ."1 :t as ihe St. T.nuis Ilrowtis eml ed u seven-game losing Htrcal-. The New York. Yanliei s" parade w as d"loured by the left handed slants of Chicago's KU Smith and a 1 - hit onslaught topped by K Hind's tenth and eleventh homers ol tlie season. The score was 7-3. The 1 bird place Detroit Tigers a!sn were stopped. SM. at Phila delphia alter getting four runs in Ihe first frame. The Cincinnati Reds skidded to out physically and appears destiu a 5-4 defeat at Hie hands of Ihe ed lo grow into a lull-Hedged New York (Hants and lost a game heavyweight. of their lead over the Brooklyn Hodgors. It was the fifth consecu tive triumph for Carl Hubbell. Till! Modttcrs trounced the St. I.ouis Cardii;:i!s 1 o-l in a night inline. The Pittsburgh Pirates roused out of their lethargy under the nunis 10 crnsn uie iioston Bees 1 1-2. The Chicago Cubs amassed 't hits iu thumping Hie Phillies 120. George Finley Confirmed as Land Office Register WASHINGTON. June .Y (AP) - The senate confirmed the nom- illation of tleolge Kinley. Rose- burg. Ore., us a land ofliee reg- ister yesterday. PUZZLE Previous Puzzle 19 It borders the fbody of Uou par; i water) on Uic west. 20 Taxi. 21 To fit. 22 Nearly lialf of it is dry land. 23 Tannins pot. 24 Blowers. 25 Indian. 26 Musical note. 27 To ridicule. 29 To state again 30 Platform. 33 Dispatched. 34 Cock's comb. 36 Tempers. 37 Depression. 38 Chamber of law. 40 Kim. 4 1 Double. 42 Dregs. 44 Influenza. ZZ. m 1 ,c? IW5 IR AO I I ACE Ajia. 51 Hurry. VK1STICAL 1 Rrtidy. 2 Less thoioughly cooked. 3 Whit. 4 Sleeper's couch. 5 Within. 6 Perfume. 7 Amazes. 8 Deposited. 45 Brother. 46 Spain (abbr.). 9 To card wool. 47 Postscript 10 Magazine fabbr.). writers. 48 Hxelaraation. 1 1 To clear. 49 Southeast 17 Merriment. (abbr.). Turpin Loses 1-0 Game to Oakland By the Associated Press Killed Individualism found n new toothold today in tho Pacific (oast Jluseball leugue. The attack of each winning team In last night's encounters centered around the outstanding performance of one player. rankle Haw kins, Port! and t hi nl baseman, with u perfect ukdit at bat, knocked In ull of his team's runs as Portland defeated Hollywood 6 to 2. Hawkins smack ed out u home run and three singles in four trips to the plate. Henry Pippen made his debut with Oakland by blanking leugue leading Seattle. 1 lo I), on 7-lii' pitching. Some 5.600 fans turned out to see the new pitcher whom the Oaks bought from Metro it. Turpin. Seattle hurler, allowed (he Oaks eiKht hits, Pippen's victory puts Oakland within striking distance of first place, one game behind their op ponents. Art (iaiibaldl. Sacramento third baseman, smashed out a double and a triple as the Soions won from l-os Angeles A to 2. 'I he vic tory enabled Sacramento to Jump couple oi notches in the stand ings, from sixth place to fourth. Hyron 1 1 umphreys registered his filth consecutive victory us he pitched San Diego to u 4 to 0 tri- ti i n ph over San Francisco. He is sued Just five hits and allowed only one San Francisco player to reach third base. Conn Plans Entry h "Heavy" Class DKTltOIT. June 5. t API I I'h no aecret that heavyweights pay the biggest income taxes among the boeis. That'll the principal reason I til I v Conn, a '---vear-old j plttHburgh Irishman who prefers dollars to a title, will make this third defense of Hie Kit-pound championship tonight his last. Herealter. Conn says, he will cam paign among some big boys. Conn, who climbed to the cham pionship only II months auo. meets a man Ue has already coiuiuered Cus l.esuevich, of Clifisidc Park. N. J. They light over the l.Vround route and promoters talk of a turn out of lu.ou customers and gate re ceipts of around 5:.5,ouo. The charm of coin is not Conn's only reason for ijuitling as Ihe I .'ah liht-heav y weight champion iu history. In recent months the six-foot -one-inch battler has filled Conn will not be the first )h:ht heuvyw eight champion to quit bis title tor competition among I he heav weights, but precedent is against his 1 hances for success. (ieorgCtJ Carpenlier, .lack Me lauey and Tommy I.oughrau are among the men who found the heavyweight division no soft touch after mopping up in their own class. Standings By the Associated Press American League W. D. Pet. .lint .BIH ..Mil Boston Plevehmd ... Detroit Nw York ... Chicauo Ill Ill .... IS Ill lu .1 I asiiinginn ' Philadelphia .1111 .tin I St. I Louis National League ('tiM'inn.'iti US llrouklyii .. New York chii'itno I'llilUlll'lllllill I I 1 1 1 I St 1. on is lliislun I'ittsliu riih .11 Pacific Coast League Seattle L'l Oakland San l;ieK' Sacramento Sun Francisco Hullyvi nod l.os Almeles . . Portland .ITS Russo-Allied Accord in Near East Is Possible I.CNDON. June .V- -f AD Soviet liiisstiii) circles in l.oiitiou said to day that Russia views her interests iu (he Black sea and the eastern Mediterranean as parallel with those nf Mie allies. These sources, surveying ihe In ternational sit mil urn in the liuht of .Moscow's acceptance of Sir Stat ion! Cripps. b it w ing lahni i(c member of parliament, as Britain's new ambassador, hinted that there at least was a 1:0ml possibility ol diplomatic cooperation between Ihe Kremlin and (lie allies in the near cast. Prance's move to name Ktik La bi num. former Kreiich resident general in Tunisia and umbas.-ador A GREAT IMPROVEMENT Made with the Ccllstof patent ed process which combines super-softness with comfort, in visibility ana completcpro tection. Sold by drug gists, uroccr and cVpaitmmt store in the M. D. SvniMry hr. 1 2 for 15 cents. to republican Spain, as ambassa dor to Moscow in place of Paul Rinile Naggiar, also was cited as a fuctor iu improving soviet-allied relations. A Kuasian source said, however, that Britain "must show by deeds as well as words an honest desire lor friendship with Russia." rr ir l m m r The summer bowling league opened a seven weeks' schedule at the Roseburg Alleys last night with four teams participating In the starting' round. Kd Brown's Standard station team took three straight games from Sandy's Place, while Cecil's Sandwich shop took two out of three from Tanulund's Terriers. Kd Brown rolled high single game with a score of Hu5. Cecil Black had high series. yii.S. Kvelyn Worledge had high score for lady bowlers with 155 and Dorothy Chapman had high series score for ladles, Scores: Brown's Station Chapman 1 I'i 1 .Srt 5 3 '.0 Brown lati H2 Jef an;; Itidetiour Ylt 153 llti Wl Campbell 1 12 tl! 113 371 Totals .Itif) 5S9 17 IS Sandy's Place Young 121 1 1! lis ;ir.s Sanders 112 Hi.. 11U Kdwards SU SI PIS 311 Baker BtH 113 120 311 Totals I.-!" IM 1!J2 1373 Tannlund's Terriers V. Worledge 112 132 110 3s I I-:. Worledge l.'iS lf.7 11 131 II. May 122 7! 77 27S Taiinlund 1 Hi 177 173 l!M! Totals filiS Tilfi I7ti LIS!) Sandwich Shop Mr. Lehrbach ... 120 llti IH2 3!IS R. I.ehrbach 1 IS 111! Pi7 330 Al. Black 11.". 1 in 127 112 C. Black I!JU lt7 IS 1 ."3 Totals .. .".73 a33 ,177 I0i3 Indians, Business SoftballersWin League Standings til' w Pet. l.HIIU 1.IIOM l.OlliJ l.eoo .UO'I .noil .nun .000 Dunhams 1 Boucoclts 1 1 Hub Indians 1 I Business Men 1 1 Oakland 1 n Sutherliu 1 0 Hancock Oilers I o i National Cuaid . t 0 Games Thursday Dunham's Transfermen versus j Oakland; second game, turncock's , Butchers versus Hancock Oilers. Ily KVKHKTT CliOl Cl! A hit; six-run Till iiiiiinu rally by Ihe llaueoi'k Oilers lei! slinti of vii-lory last niidil as Hub's Italians t-laiiiiltn.r the yomufst leain in ihe Sottbal lu iiiiii'. won s lo 6 in the seeoiul lotititl of seliedliletl league play. Tlie Iliiltults luiillHleil Moure, Oiler pitcher, for s runs oil' 6 lilts anil lu errors, while ('ampin-II kept ; the s hits nariieri'il hy ihe Oilers , Mell seattelt-il. j In the sei-olul tfalne a six-run out- j hurst in the iirst iiiuiiiK by th.. ! Tiretl llilsiness Men enabled them to I ilile the Niititilial (iitardslueii 1.'. lo s. The Kalne was a comedy of errors on tin part of Ihe KUalds men. who threw aiiay the bull time and again to allow unearned runs to cross the plate. Thu tirsl i;iiiutty til' the se:ion ABSORBENT like hospital cotton Highly absorbent for perfect cleansing... hygienic. ..sterilized a dozen times for purity... soft as fine facial tissue. ..meets Ihe most exacting re quirements. ..SAFE! was recorded last night when Her bert Heinz, catching for the Busi ness Men, had a finger dislocated in the first inning. Scores; n 11 ic Oilers 000 OOtl 66 8 Id Indians uol mil S 6 4 .Moore and Frlschknecht; Camp hell and Norton, Owen. Natl. Huard 01 1 0U3 0 S 8 0 Business men ..(iuT 170 15 12 2 Ma it and Wells; Kilison and Heinz, Schemer. Here For the Week Frederick )0. Hurtling, Swift company sales man at Kugene and formerly a resident of this city, has arrived here to spend the week attending to property interests and visiting friends. )anmoore Hotel in Portland Meets Public Demand Docauso after several mouths study the management of the Han nioore hotel in Portland has found certain demands are made by the people who visit Portland and stop In hotels . . many of these demand are now being met at the Man moore . . first reasonable rntes, room without bath single rate $1.50 instead of a dollar for the second person in the room a charge of 50 cents is made . . Room with bath $2.(0 single. $2.50 double nre the minimum rates . . . second the Dun mooro hotel makes no charge- for your car in their fireproof garaga . . the garage is free . . third . . . cheerful bright rooms, many ol which have soft Monteray or Car mel colored furniture . . four; fain ily or group rates . . a family of four, two adults and two children may have two connecting rooms with bath for as low rate as $1.00 per day . . recently $IO,0Uiu0 was ttpent on improvements at tho Ma ti ll 10 ore and now tho manager, Ray W. Clark, formerly iu business in Roseburg, announced that the Man moo ir- huH tho 11KST HOTtih KOOM VALl'K in Portland and he suggests that you try the U?u moore on your next trip . . he also says that if you are not pleased w ith tho rate and appointments ot the rooms at the Man moore he will pay your taxi fare to another ho te . . The Motel Manmoore is at 12th ami S. W. Morrison streets. I -ni.-b.-- ;Vi -l ijjji TTrinjnvnr-vVi"!! . if'. famous Convenient Location Coffee Shop Buffet Tavern Dining and Banquet Room! Famously Fine Food Modern Appointment! luxurious Outside Roomi Gauge Opposite A Wecome Awaits You I'i VMM!H.","t .,VHW.m. 'Ug