n H iimiii.mi.iu.i.iiuniiii.' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 3. 1940. FIVE 1 ll'l H H LS HI I J "1 Jrl, ll I I. 4 i J J f. ;! IS . t; Livestock HOOD scven-ymir-olil work mine, uckbt lno. Has colt, immth old. from good illult horso and broil bai k to same horse. Al l Hydiurd, VotiL-alla. FOIl SALE Hood Jr-rney bull, nlnotoon monlha old, 140.00. I. H. Thompson, C. V. Star Koute, Hosobui'K. Ft HI SA1.K 3 Rood inilcll cows; 200 Sinonthsulcl It. 1. pullets. Kiinnlll Hull, Wilbur, L'inpqua road. FOR SAI.H 1 Blxiiiillon Ji'l'Bcy row, 75.0o: 1 yraiilnf! liucrnsey bull. V. A. lllaikert, Alyrtle Crock. FOIl SALE or trade for good cows i gooil 1 100 pound 4-year-olil j mare. Phone 6F21. ! FOIl SALE 3:. head Shropshire! ewiiH aiul laiiios. ticorgc anno lierg. Melrose Star. j FOIl SALE About 200 wolhi-r goats. W. !. Paul, South Deer Creek. Plump 1IF2I. FOIl SALE Oood S yeal old cow witli or without calf. Fred Fish er, 20F3. FOU SALE or tnule lor sheep, fine yonlii; horses. F. M. Krilso, Yon riillu. GOOD Meaner pigs. Lewin Parker, DiMinville road. Phono 36F3I. FOR SALE Jersey Cows. Inquire K25 Miller St. FOR SALE Saddic or pack horse. Phone 12F31. FOU SALE 3 feeder pigs. 802 W. Lane. COCKER Spaniels. PhoiB 3S6-J. ALLEY OOP .-aoIW: V WhU NtvtK rvwt I I .,rtU .1 WEIL, WOULD YOU GALS 1. I WT I THrMK. 'llHU WEVE D0WE IT IF GEKJElMLJJjTV f - ' HO 60 YOU ) TmO n ' LIKE THEAR. WHAT N I f YOU'RE A BUNCH v GG gothere By golly, WSfc -general I soTV.. M k rmtle-braiVjed . ,SLAST X WHHE THAT WAS JV Vfp IS HOT STUFrjJ 00fiy"L I yOU?,. f BOOBS.' f,--i u A,?A. vt i :lr",r"i cy-u.j ' W , 7- . Im tj 6-3 J V. SimmjW -copgrrwe Bv.ntA stavice. wc. t. m. beo. u. s pt. off. . IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENP5 No Battle Toaay wy Merrill Biosser ?Hc OAVt iwt iHt uoK.t( . -in . ilkiaArf'i TMAT JUSr I CAM I TAKE MY X VI I t"ian run. Tuu,cMf J-is BJ v,ut. tvtc i TO SHOW HER APPRECIATION! 1 ," . friJ DANDY ' 'IT I HELP IT GIRL. AWAy DONT M LUCKY FOR My GOOD UP AGAIN , ) FOR ALL THE ECLAIRS X'VE . Ir.. U ' SO HAPPEMS IF YOU FROM ME. J WANT 1 D,-PS.ITIN 'S.56- .SOMe lltAB ! GIVEN HER.' ' A h,)ifflWv TuA-r I paio . liAAMTin are VQtl? YOUR L THAN MY FIST' I 1 - ITW;4 I . . . - I I I t I I BT.V j . r I j. . X ' fm B-isS ECLAIRS THINK SOCK YA YOU CAN P VX X i Vlil C-t LJCBB ) &5 vl ly-K CMAEo jx -t have? V(LVd " X' TICK SO HERB CO. ' OT- f 1 m ' Altit)LfRO'A M6? Y lflLs Ifl VX-CU.O'J V &?ZZmmS. HOURS 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. JfjkJ ' ol Ir ( CSUKSH-"' v-rt f&$ T) Thursday, fricjay, Saturday only ' ' ' vQyV J ' 'tytfiufhQ&lSl 1 jS3fmXC''--. flVivi 3 f .("v VUr 7 a Bsi Chines hrb remedle have alleviated for disorder iC U XS. WiVrrV W KrvU' Wt lla 3' nj'A&s, S -Cv-J?- ITrH of oaltre, itonwch, liver, kidney, Madder, glnd, plto, fy f HX1 .A' AUS' V'.'-lall i? v Jl "S LLl ( 'tV JbkrQ ca,arrhi ahma, blood preaiure, dropty, rheumatism, y i ' l7' IJl J" 'xX ' ? J'ta- Sn"' fcT y ec"""' t""c" "lcr "! hemorrhage all dlap- , Ajfi ti MgafX J.H.Leong "2 iJlSoT "sT. , , ' " , ' J. " i i i ii i Herbalist BRANCH OFFICE MEDFORO, OREGuN BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A Lady of Action By Edgar Martin . ' LtT v..S MOIAJ...I Tou 0. ViMS. ttAtK.t I yEb'.awT of t-.oo'bi f " " 1 ft .HyTT1 f i " ' """T"! T I wotAl tAWf HOUb I rtOWORtO.V VOO vOtWt Ari i THtet A,t VCiVb Of t 1 i 4V$I OWrW'.WHEW M$m - - - " . til iBlao I ' & WASH TUBBS G-Men Not Wanted . . By Roy Crane CVJ f ' i 6CACI0US' - i I TTTi VTITA! 6ACBE TOMWERR5'. fOR frtAME,l f PpOF ! ME, 1 OH,VA! I HEAR Alt ABOUT ) JfST OM, DEN 1 1 tM. i I WHAT A Ir-u-mm-- . j ; - S ME,r T'WIK VOU PAT RAS-IoWCIE JAOOE.' PLAWTY MCKAY. IT. HE DE (3-MAm Y HE A.U MO .jn? XZJI VER' 61 AP : WW'jllTTf'tt f VTrV vJ t RECEPTION! A, J ,'' L' CAL, BULL PAtJSOW.COWIU' ALWAYS FIShT- BV ne way, ti:a, L J I l)fU t hL) ! "NJ TO KWON VDU, Nkll ifftMl'F'jfjK. I V M r "1" jt 6CI T FEEy Dl5 CAP'Ny ii vj Real Estate l-'KDKUAL land burnt rarnis. Ilea sonublo pric-os; convenient lerm. Lints available at the National Farm 1-onn Office, Perkins lluilil lug, Koseburg. FOlt KALE! 5-room rustlo borne on North Umpqua. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. l-'Olt SALIC Ilea lit if ill house. .Mod ern, artistic. Close in. Inquire 30S North Stephens. FOH SALK Modern remodeled 5 room house. 606 S. Tine street, HoReburg. FOIl SALE 13 acres, modern house. A. F. Motrin, ltlfle Range road. 7-itt)DM modern homo for Knsy terms. Phono S07-J. Help Wanted sale. WANTED Man and wife to lake over cafe In ItoHoburK. For in formation, writo llox 8:11, c-o News-ltevlew. OIltL for liousework, 21 years or over, ltoom, bonril. $;!.ou week. Iteferellees. Itox 833, c-o Ncws lteview. WANTED Couple, caretaker for women's clubhouse. I'lione 517-lt or 177-11. Fuel BURN WOOD till SAWDUST Safe Convenient And It costs so little. HOSEBl'RO LUMBER CO. Phone 282 Miscellaneous THE most money Tor your wool and mohair nt the HOSEHURC POULTRY CO.. 920 S. Stephens Si reel. Phono 27ft. For Sale MitcellaDeous I'Snil electric rofriKoialor, cheap; lined lieneral . Klectric watur heater; good lined electric rauKe, $15.00; fine, used twin bedroom set, 0 pieceu. real value; used Unvenporl sets, cheap. Judd's Furniture.' FOIl SALE Strawberries. Come and get them. Host varieties, heavy pickings, 75c crate. Urine containers. Not Sundays. Art ' llaird, I'mpqua. j FOIl GUAIIANTKKI) MUFFLERS, glass trailers and auto parts, go to SARFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 523 N. Muln. Phono 553. A NEW modem storage locker system ut Douglas ice and Stor-! age Co. Attractive rales. Cartons I for sale. FOR SALE One SoO watt, 32 -volt Delco light plant, operated 14 nionlhs. C. R. lillll.lt, lt!;y Illy. Oregon. Willi U M I,1 fill Tit A III,1. fc'nl-flxmi M. It. Eiumlti. I'mpqua. 'ETl'NIAS. zinnias, marigolds, etc., separate colors. Mrs. Foster lllltner, West Koseburg. BIO trade-In allowance g;ven on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson street. FOR SALE Deering mower, good shape, $30.00. Tom Short, Myr tle Creek. FOR SALE -Walter A. Wood mow er, extra bar. cheap. Musgrove, Sulherlin. FOR SALE Aster and zinnia plants, 15c dozen. Mrs. John Kelly. WOOI HlOW electric washer, ?10.00. lir, So. Pine. That's Telling 'Em FOIl SALE Odd lot box springs, 24.75 value at $14.75; MS.ut) Simmons inner-spring and match ing box springs, $29.50. limited quantity; used eonsolo radio, $5.5o. Jutld's Furniture. Rentals COMPLETELY furnished modern five-room home, to responsible adults. Close in. 121 S. Chud wlck. 692-lt. IIOl'SH FOU RENT 5 rooms. Bleeping porch. 5IS S. Stephens street. IMlone 3F22. FOR RENT 5-room, nicely finish ed house. Adults. Inquire. 817 South Main street. ' NICELY furnished 5-room hollsu. close in. Adults only. Inquire 950 Cobb SL FPHNISHKD housekeeping room, lights, water, $s.00. S2S Hamiltou street. I1AILEY apartments 3 rooms, bath, garago. Adults only. 117 S. Kane. KOHLHAtlEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. FURNISHED. 2-roiim. front apart ment. 112 Brockway. Fl'RNISHKp housekeeping room. 121 Flood, corner Mill. NORI'HSIDE APARTMENTS $12.00 up. Phone 36U-.L 5-ltOOM house, near Soldiers Home, fk.oo. 112 llroekwuy. GROUND floor apartment, t.'all The Strange Shop. MODERN, furnished apartment. 926 S. .Main. CLEAN, furnished front apart ment. 528 S. Pino. FURNISHED nimrtmellt. -101 N. Jackson. Poultry LIST your poultry you have to sell with us. will havo buyer here last of Uiis week wauling colored ' hens, Leghorn hens, colored fry . era. Will pay top cash prices. Call at Orange truck or write Frank Cox, c-o General Delivery, Koseburg, Oregon. BABY CHICKS Red Rock croas, R. I. lteds, New Hampsliires und Leghorns. W'atzig Hutchery. FOIl SALE 30 White 'leghorn pullets, 35c each, Karsten, Route 1. llox ti. Wanted IF YOU have tarm produce to sell, it will bo to your advautuge to see Iho IlOSIClrURU POULTRY CO., 920 S. Stephens Street. hIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market Work Wanted CAHINKT WORK made to order 642 N. Jackson, Koseburg. HAY HAUNii. (inml work gimnui Inert. I'lione S:i8-H. Business Opportunities FOH SAIJ-; 3-year louse on 17 nioni hotel and rerUuuiaul. 313 W. J.umi, ItusuhuTK- Lost and Found LOST Murk Ri'lp MiBllWHV !l!t npjir Wolf Crpok, May 2". Un wind. II. HrHtsbciR, 7103 48 til South, KruUle. Dentistry OH. N Kit HAS (las When Uosired Masonic Itldg. I'hono 1K8 Dr. O. W. Marslmll. Med. A. nide. Hoy. Grain, Feed FOH SALE 3 aires of ont nml votrh huy, slamling. Mr. Harry V. Wood. Glide. Days Creek DAYS CItKKK, Juno 3. Frank Fate and Herbert Haclior wore anions thoHO trammeling business in Myrtlo Creek Saturday. Mr. and Mra Owen K. Cheno weth and children. Janet and Or ville, who have been livtiiR on up per Woods creek for tho past sev eral mouths left Saturday for Corning, Calif., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wesoman of (Mrndale, nnenl the week-end here visiting relatltes. Their daughter. Miss Hetty Lou, who had heon here n week returned home with them. Wayne Smith and Mahle Moore went to tho ritkott Ituttc lookout Sunday to visit Miss Mnnre's cousin, John Hutchinson, who is stationed there. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Worthing ton and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Worth inctiin vtUuruod Thursday from CorvHlIis where they had been at tending (be stale convention of HebokaliH. li-vUi M her aud Ills son. Char ley, were ImsiueKH visitors In Myr tle Creek Saturday evening. John CliHtiey. who hatt been serv itiK on tho foderal grand jurtj in rorllund has returned home and resumed his duties as Janitor at the local school. Mr. and Mrs. William Bromley, who worn guests at tho homo of Mrs. Hroin ley's parents. Mr. aud Mrs. Waller Hutchinson, for sev eral days loft Thursday for Ash land v. hero they will visit Mr. Hcoinloy's mother, Mra. Clinton ItaiiKtimau. Mr. and Mrs. Ho be it Campbell anil daughter, Itebucca, of Yon ciilla, were guests recently at tho By V. T. Hamlin n EXPERT SERVICE When There' Something You Want Don 6EE AN EXPERT ' Th firm, and Individual! lilted below aptclallze In their work. 8 them for expert service. You should profit by their help. GENERAL SAW FILING PLUMBING " l'eto Crumott, Plumbing. Ph. SD7. Howard Casebeer, U3 8. Stephen Also furniture repalrlig, RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING ANTIQUES Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. The Strange Shop. 106 S. Main St. RADIO SERVICING AUTO REPAIRING ' Hnrgis Harllo Service. Phone 188. . Luud Radio Service. Phone 4. Alba Spuh'B GaraKe. 128 S. Radio imcinr. pimn. i7 n Stephen atrcet. Phone 303. Hndio Uoctor. Phon It7-R. KnlRhl Porter, corner RouRla. & REFRIGERATION SERVICE Mala. Body, fender work. Painting. K. c. Jones. Phone 139-U . 8HEET METAL WORK LOCKSMITH Slnnleer'a. 444 N. Jaclonit St. homo of MIkh May (Jross. Mr. aud Mrs. Kurl Sumner and, daughter, Douiiu. weru filiopplng fit HuselmrK Weduosdny. i Mrs. Georgia Phillips of Santa Cruz, Culir., arrived Thursday ev euiiiR to spend a few days at tho KiiU Snyder home. Mrs. Phillips formerly made her homo here. John Sutton was attending to to business matters In Hosebui'K Thursday. Miss Nettle Mooro left Wednes day inornlnK for Ashland whore she was the guest of fiiendH and relatives unlii Friday evening; when she left for Konauzu where she plans to visit at the A. C. Dun can home for a cnuplo of weeks. Mrs. Dun cun will ho remembered here ns Mannlu Cllmoro, who mado her homo hero many years. Ivan Welch was a Canyouvlltc visitor Saturday evening. Mrs. Mae Morse and her son and duiiKhler, Johnny am) Mur.ln Sutton, wore fruests Sunday even tug at tho Krank Woosler home. Mrs. Wooster's mother, Mrs. Km m a Mather. Is upending some time at the Wooster homo after n visit at the home of her son, Irvtn Mather. Delia and Doris Wright, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright of Hoseliuig, wqro. guests at the homo of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Wright, Satur day und Sunduy. Their parents. who had been visiting in Med ford luring the week-end came for them Sunday evening. Mr. und Mrs. Alex Worthlngtou. Mr. und Mrs. Halpb Weaver und Mr. aud Mrs. Howard (ireen went to the- cemetery In Cunyonvlllo Sunday afternoon and clennert'iip tho fuuilly plot In preparation for Memorial day. Mr. und Mrs. Alva Perdue and son. Johnny, and Mrs. Mu'Hfa Widrlg attended the show In Myr tle Creek Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. (Juy Cook were Hoseburg visitors Friday after noon. Miss (iem Huehlnson ami Miss MM ti Montgomery attended the graduation enerelscs ut thn Can youvlllo fllblo Academy Friday ev ening. Miss May Gross spent tho Week end at her home in Youculla. Mr. aud Mrs. Ted Perdun and iiniLrhtfr. Frances, and Murlou t)tnny, it's llir btiv f rit-nl Parifin Key Rer. Phone 348. Perdue transacted business in Itoso burg Monday. Sunday visitors at the Howard ' Ward home included Mr. and Mrs. llenry DoWaid, Mrs. Kmmu Do Wald and Maurice Matthews. Mrs. Ivan Welch nnd ami, Noel,, ami Mrs. Hoy Duncan aud daugh ters, .lean and Norma, were busi ness visitors in Hoseburg Monday. Ira flrock mado a trip to Ten mile Sunduy. Pete tMam left Sunday evening for the Columbia national, forest in western Washington where he will assume his duties with (he forest service. Among those calling at tho Fritz Snyder home Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. John Chanoy. Mrs. Maggie Snyder and Itaymond Snyder, Hud Gaulko was a guest at the Snyder homo Thursday evening. , Among tlio.sn attending the re cital at-tho Illble academy at Can yonvillo Wednesday evening wero Mr. and Mrs. William Hromlny, Mrs. Waller Hutchinson, Miss Hilda Montgomery. Miss Kndn Mao Poole. Mrs. Guy Mi-Gee, and Miss Gem und Miss Wlletha Hutchinson. Miss Gem Hutchinson, who has been a music pupil of Mrs. Adeln Shaefer for some time prosented two piano selections, "Hising Tide" and 'Tumble Weed." Opbir Perdue and son, Hillle, aud Sam Pei-due wore Canyonvillu visitors Saturday. Mrs. Ray Wright took care o( the Mllo store Thursday afternoon while tho proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hlgglus, went to Grants Pass to consult an oculist concerning trouble Mrs. Hlgglus lias been hav lug with one of hoi' eyes. Honald I-offor aud his son. Ducky, of Can yonvillu wero also cullers at the Higglns home Thursday. Mr. Lof for wont ou to Tiller to visit his father, J. D. Ifrer. Mrs. T. L. Weaver returned tho latter part of tho wnek from Kit gene where sho attended tho post master's convention und also visit ed her sister. Mis. Fd Miller. Mrs. Cordon Clark, Mrs. Guy Cook and Pete Warn took little Sheran Clark to Myrtlo Crook for medical attention Friday morning. Though quite Hi at that time sho Is mncn netter now. ! We'll r off early tonight !" m I': v.. ' tr. Ii