RPSEBUE5 REWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, PRE50T1, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940. Awards Presented AtRoseburg High Two Scholarships Included In ;; ; Toktnt of Recognition of ; Outstanding Records. State Tennis Champions "'In M'o pmuial nwfinl uHnfMnhly Monday, 100 nwimln wore Riven iu tliR iniMiiljiim of lli! KiihrIiiii'x nwriUir high wrtiool timler u now 'JNIi-m InuiignruiHil Hi Ik yeur. Thin new nyHlfm Im-lutlt'H in flwuni lo llio iiuUfuiKllriK xtmli'iil In fanh ilcpurtMiont. TIipko ilo- liarttiienlul uwiiriln wnre Klvin by I'rlnilpul ('. II. Hennl lo: Faith .Younk, rroni din KiiKllHh depart nient; Sn My Clinke, fnrulKU Ihiik- iiukii: unity Mue Wlilpplo, coni' rnercinl; Jim' Flnlay, imtthermi- IU:h: Mary I'eliM'NOti, honu' won iiiiIck: lion llarnion, iibiIciiIiiiic; l'nt Glenn, Konlal Hi'lenrn; Turn - ncai'onnl e.iliiftition; I. It Shanklln, nrlonpo; Ilorln AlmH i- , iinyHlcnl filui-iillon; lion Krone!, lioyn' physical eviration; Lowell RiihhpII. kIpa f:lll)i, anil llette. Owen, orrlifHlr'i. '" A rilunun wan nrcHeiilpiI lo five nilUUinillllK BtllllenlH, 'Iho IiuhIh of iIiIh awrird In on one year of rolivlly. It wa preiienieil lo Mnetiyn Walroil for Hrrtioluntliip Karl WInrd for boyn' hpnrtKinan Ktilp; Valuta Crneker for Klrln' fiportKmaiiMhlp; Hatty Mat Whip pl for Klrla' nehlevemont: and Jim Flnluy for lioyi' urhleve merit. .Mr. 1 Hon rd preHentert' the rellr Ini! Ktutlerit liody office Willi pin I'W'm'iIb. TIioko reeelvlnt; thi'iii worn: Priwlilenl, Merrill Hurl: neerolnry, Vidtnii Crocker; treas urer. Hilrieiwrrie HmJii imI : and v-arrlor fiuard chief, KranclH Wat- Two Get Scholarihlos Mrn. K. T). I.yili- prewmioil Caro lyn Allen and I'ullh Yuuni; Willi FcliolarablpK to f'oltov poMiiko In Nevada, MIhkoiii-I. Theno hcIioI 11'Hlilpn are lumeil on a IiIkIi bcIioI nHtla KtanilliiK, . Tim debate nwarda worn lvon liy MIhh Ainamla Andernon to Sally Clarke, Kallh Yoiiiik. flay Iloerner, Cecil I'leren, Klalne I'Pll. Mc.Afou Camphell and Ktuiirl Klal tery. ;' Miw nrown orenonloil Hip Or nni!n "rt" awards lo Shirley Me l.nuKiillri. editor of Hip hi IioiiI pa per, ami OreKii AdaniH, hunlnenH manager or Hie paper. Mia. M. W'alldnH Kiivn Alhalln Taylor Iho prealilont'H pin or ihn Jiomn pponoinlea eluli. Marlon ClonliP ippplvi'd firm honorable mention inr oiiihihihihik wiw , tlm chili and Deri hit Moon receiv ed BOP.ond honoralilp menllon. lroy lllatt pieHenlcil Hip naiiRch and Mnib aplencn award to (lend Powell for hln exception ally fine work In hcIpiipp. Leonard Hlley preBenled plnB to Jletty MllB Wlllliple. edllnr or Iho "llnipiinii," nnd Hill Chalmern. IlianiiliPr of thn "Unipiinn." 'Ihn ofricerB of Hip Clrla' lea pnn wore ulvpn plna by Miss AHoc Uelond. The lilrls recelvlnn I Up 'plllB 'worn: Prealdcnt, Faith YounK: vIcopreKldenlK, Kniin.i jiiu . lilHhiiuin ami Hnllv Clarkp; smiretnry. IKirolhy While: liens urtir, llelly J""!! !:rii; Beicenni-ai-ariii, Mary Nancy llohi'rm: ciiatiidlnnn of coHluinn room, Caro lyn Allan and -Carolyn Cordon; OIIK lender, Miiri;aiot Cordon, and - plnnlm, Anlln Ynunc. MIbb tleland iilan preenpd Ihe nMilPVement cup lo Hetly Mae Whipple as a reBiilt or the (llrl.i' leaKue election. . Letters Preented Homer Crow prpspnted tennis lotleiB lo McAreo Camphell, Shir lev McLailKlilln. Clyde Cnral Paul Cacy. Larry Anderson, Holt Sullivan, Lowell Ithodeii, John Nosb and Helwln McKay, mali nger. Imlivlilual plaoiii'S ror state dollhloH champlonsliip were pro se'nted to Clyde Carslens anil Paul Cacy. ., 'I'lirty-rivp nllilellr awards wimp presented by Mis Muriel While, llelly Mae Whipple and Velina Crocker received Hip tl. A. A. awards, the highest honor a alrl nan attain In athletics. I torn Ma" Fletelier. Freda Marker. Polls AhePl, Itolierla Kdwards anil loio ty CrorkPr received "(Vs." Those aid Hal point awards. Twenty. Hliillt fills received "ll's" or lilllll crsls. These are ino-polnt and r,il poinl awards. repeclively. The Kills Inler.lass haskelliall trophy was prpsenled lo .Maxim' llnlley, sophoniorp class presl liall and fooibnll cups v ere pru dent. The hoys' inierclass basket BPlllod to Hob Norlon. aenlor clas: lireslilent and Hilly (ioodlow. Jun ior class president, respecllvely. Coach Jim Walls presenled track lidters lo l-;i-liti-l Carson. .11 in Fllib'V. Ilei'shel livid and Hilly Coodlow. Karl WInrd win presented the sportsmanship award. Mr. Heard presenled Hie valedic torian plaipie lo Fallh Yoiiiik, and Hip Intel-class rivalry cup lo Huh Norlon, president of the class oi '411. ante i VI A I via Of? J J 'W?h:-;.. .. V - WIW I'layers Dl ' l Wm WMm W II LHM'it,,,... Carr, Rodgers Win Bowling Doubles Total Scort of 2,187 Posted by Dunham Handicap Victors Despite Poor Beginning. li. K. f'lirr ami .lin k IlodKfTH, fol lowiiiK a poor marl, foruccl into tin liiit aixl won I In- luiih;iiii (lrinhc:i h:iii'lic;ii howling (ournnnii'iiL it I Dim itoschiMK alli-yH lust nielli with a lodil Hi-mi' ol V. W. VVor- It'll uiil itiiy 'iuinihitxl loltfd 2HK. In wish on I J,ymun Spi'iiriT and Ocil I'.Uiv'a In tin riixlh uml II iiiil panic, to lake second ptatji. SpfiM i-r ami (Hack wcru hIx piim on WnrlfilK' ami Tannlund in tti flfih (,'anip, hut laK'od on thf IiikI Kiiiih' to roll a tola) of ' The .Miller broihtTH, who held hkh Hfore Tor the elimination rounds and who were favorites to win In ihn finalK till a terrific slumo ami dropped Into foiinh place with Hcoie at U'J. 'I'lin four dnnhlex teainn rollod nix Oilmen each in Die final rmmd latt nlKht. Carr and KodeiH in the third fcame oveiiamn the lead of Snem-er and Hlaek and proceed lo widen Ihn Kitp, holding a iii-pin iiiaiym a the final Kaine ot derway. Tin; second lac coniesi was a ha i lie all ol (lie way, with Wor hde and Tunnlund, hoth of the veterans facility, trailing uliwhtly hehlnil Spencer and Hlack until (he Una) game, when ihey put on the pressure and rolled a score of 111)' Iu H'i.r lo lake second money. Scores; 1 2 I 5-6 177 ln'J 171 ISii I'd Hilt V.W 17ii 171 U2 174 :sio :i79 :ni :nr, :ns :u;r, 71!) in:iti j : 7 r 172:1 2ss i;:i i.mj ir,s n7 ir.i 171 171 inr. i is isti i:j :i:ti ::n :iui -mu :t:s7 i;7Ti !tsi i::si i7is 2is ir,7 iti:i ir.y imi n;r m i::i 171 171 172 li;:t His 2s :::i7 &w itM :ts 2fn (i:Ti rwt Mti i:i!) i K!S l!n l!i:i Vri is:( lfis. lhU l'Jti 15ti I'll) 17X 2UI 1127 3h 'AW 402 MA tit;2 7 1 : 102 Hfil lh2f 21X7 Yanks Battle Way To Fourth Place riciiiren annve are ( lyile Carslens, Jr., and I'aul ( in y. Iloseliina Illlill ni hool sliiileiits. who in innli lii s ill I'oi-lland Kridny and Salllrday won Ihn (IrcKon Stale tennis doubles chiiniplonship. Tlie two yonnu ten. Ills players are shown Willi llieli- lonch, limner W. Crow, and are hold IliR tlm i-lailiplonshlp i-ei-lllli-ales awarded hy Ilie'Oreuon Slain lliKll School Allilelic associallon. I Seniors Win Rivalry Cup I ' ; L. ; I " aided in con- Sporer Top Hitter Of Beth's Grillers litis Sporer, pllcher for lleth's Crill, ra, ItosehurK's learn In the S-nilhern Oregon liuschall league, Is leading (lie Kosehui'ij liullers wlih six liiis In II limes ut hat. dtiriliK Hirei sanies in which ho has played. Hie bailing; nvcrue.es sIiowmI loday. Wllcher. oulliclder. was in se-ond idaci' wilh five hits tor eight times at hal. The loam as a whole shows a team nvnrnun of .2SS with .'H hils out ol' lis Hnies at list in tliree league games. The team lias made 1)i runs and nine erron.. J Hailing averages of the Individ llal playecs are as follows: t , ria,-r gp ah ii live. , Sourer :i ii ii .r.tr, Wllcher '! s 1 .Mm lAverv 2 s :i .:!7r, I I-'. Schemer :i II I .:iii l ri., ui-y 2 !i :i .:i:i:i 11:11 :i in :i .I'M II. Schertier :: 1:1 :i .2:11 Sanders :! in 2 .2011 (lolf 2 f, 1 .2011 Shlnn :l i:i 1 .1177 Hai r :l 3 11 .0110 Standings National League I lie Inter, lass cup. one ol Hie 1110,1 valued trophies au necllon Willi sluileiil in livilii-M oacli year al Itosehurg senior high Bchool, was raptured this ear hy Hie senior class. I'iclurcl ahove are I'rlnripal t'lyde II. Heard and Hob Notion, pieshlent f Hie srlilor I'lass, as tlm hitler accepleil Hie int-ri la.-is i up and oiiKialulatoiis fioin the prinrlpal. Clean Politics" Bill Again Okayed I Sprague Going East to I Attend Governors' Meet -Cov. WASHINGTON', May L'H.-fAl') Tin1! Iiouho judiciary cinuniillee today apin' ed the senateap proved Hatch hill to extend lo fed oral-stale einpinyes resti Icllnus political activity now upplied 1 federal employes alone. The commit too which our shelved the legislation then reven ed Itself and agreed to j;lve It fur t her t'ouslderat lint waa report WAI.KM. .May L'!l. (AIM Ch;illes A. Sptiii'iic will leave I'oitlaiid toj.otrow for a mldwesl ern trip on which he will he ah M'lit iiotu the stale until June Hi. : Spiaker of the 1' mse Krnest 1(. ,, I'atland. Condon ropulilieaii. will f ( hecoiue acting governor, and will' j spend part ol the lime iu Salem.! I he governor will he iu Ihiluth. .Minn., on June 2 and :i for the nu tinnal c'liilerence of Movornois, tol I'd. Hrooldyn L'l s .72-1 Cincinnati 22 In .ass New York 17 12 .'.Mi Chicago S hi .:.2!i I'hiladelphii! ll in .t(7 St. Louis 12 20 .UU Hoston !i is .:t:i: l'lltslinri;h !l 20 .."il" American League W I, Pet. Moslon 20 U .i!!Mi Cleveliiud 2H 12 .1125 Hot roll 17 14 .a IS New York 15 17 .4t!!t Chhauo ir l!t .141 St. I.miis 14 IS .43K WashhiKton l'i 2H .42f I'liihulelphia 12 l!l .:!S7 Pacific Coast League W . Pel. ;ii r,i4 : over thn San Itieo I'adres, who delealeil I.oM AUkhIch WW, a lull Kiime. Although oiithit 11-7 hy (he Ilea vers I he Oakland Acorna scored a S-4 vlcfny in 1'ortland. CaiHWHll, the Oakland slowLuller, ho it down in tho pinches. j Spa ece, who relieved JUichor on; the mound for the Heavers In thei fourth inniiiK, Impressed the largo 1'ortland crowd when ho retired! two halters on four pitched halls. From then on. unlil ho stepped aside for u pinch hitter in the eighth he permitted only a single Acorn lo reach first. It was on a walk. l-'reitas, tiny southpaw, held the San I'Ynneisco Seals in check as the Sacramento Kilnus scored a .'t-2 victory in their series opener. R.H.S. Economics Club Elects New Officers Seattle . San I liego . . j Oakland I lollvwood San Francisco Sacramento ... . l.os Aniieles . I'-iitland .ftis .4. IS .44i! .41 Seattle Lead Reduced by Loss to Hollywood, 3-2 hy the vole of have approv it; to 7. The Hutch legislation hrmulcn the so called Hatch politics" act passetl last y Hy the Associated Press 1 iu! whom he will maue an address on(1. im ' M mm s in (omman.i o; el', lie wih no to Monmouth I i. ...,! 'ci..u i..f i it'... o,.i.. III., his alma mater. to;ttaiuiers in a hrilliaur mound duel iin honoiaiy degree on Junej In Seattle :t 2, The detent reduced Sealtle's Pacific Coast leaitue h-nd i l eli i i oil. Would j rece clean-, I tr tor feileral workers. It would apply to state workers paid iu whole or in part hy federal luuds the ad's ie slriclious uu "pernicious" political activity. It also would limit Iho expendi tures of a national campaign com mittee lo ?:t.:ionn.ooo hi any cam paign, i In in:iii iho republican na tional committee disbursed J S.inl" -f2l and the demot-tatic national committee $'.,u;to.MS. ) rtiuuner provision would limit mini i him I'tuiui it'll I ri itill liillf by any one jum ntt lo .""i mm wm : goodvear . TIRES t7i fflUV W600-1G Cath prlco with your old tiro v GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE A" " A j The Homo Kconomics eluh of Uosehiitg senior high held tin; last mooting of the school year Tuesday. .May 14, at which lime the following; officers for next year were elected : President, Horothy White; vice-president, Kvaiigellito Feyprleson ; secretary, l.i-la Wilson ; treasurer, Helen Johnson ; historian, Marilyn Harp. ham; song leader. Hetty .Mar s' tors; cus tod inn, Mary ifohtnd. and remitter, Ha Mess. Installa tion of these officers will ho hold at the beginning- of the school year next fall. Muring HIM and la4o Ihn theme fur the eluh meetings has been the subject of "Vocations for Wo men." Many very Interesting talks have been given hy women engaged In various vocations t throughout the school year. Th umns last guest speaker of the year was Mrs. Kllen Post, a graduate nurse, now activ in social serv ice, who spoke nu the vocation of nursing. The welfare project of the chin for the year has been that of making stuffed toys which have been given to the children's ward of the local hospital. The club also contributed to the scholar ship fund of Iho National Hume Kconomics association. This fund Is used to bring women students of foreign countries lo colleges and universities iu the I'nltel States. HAVE YOU TRIED MACA YEAST? (GRANULAR TORM) The Way to Easy Bakings! v.y .rrnsoN iiaii.ky Associated Press Sports Writer The New York Yankees have ar rived hack iu (ho first division of the American league and apparent ly have finally found the trail that can load to their coveted filth c-in-secutive world championship. The YankH humbled the Wash ington Senators 124 and XI in a doubleheador yesterday lo attain six victories in their last seven games in fact, nine victories in 12 games since thai demoralizing eight-game losing streak. Today New York Is only fi' games out of first place and easily can he riding tlm crest before the Fourth of Jnlv. The Yanks will plav three game: wilh the league loading Hoston Hod Sox tomorrow and Friday. In subduing the Senators, (ho McCarthvmon tallied 12 runs on II hils iu the first game and Kookic Marvin Hruer limited Washington lo seven hits in the second. Red Sox Post Victory The Ited Sox tight eued I heir hold on first place at least tompir- iiilv hy doleatiug Iho Philadelphia Athletic -) in a night game after he second t ace ( eve arid Indians had lost lo Detroit K-.'t. The Yankees' leap from sixth to fourth place was made possible by the (Milcago White Sox dropping both ends of a douhleheader to the SI. Louis Hrowns, lo ll and i-a. The Cincinnati Hods dropped a "-2 decision to Pittsburgh, their first loss t't Iho IMratos Ibis year, and slumped substantially into sec ond plate in the National leaguo behiud Itrooklyn. The Chicago fuhs were shut out by the St. Umis Curdinals f.-U on the four-hit hurling of Lanier. The Urooklyn Dodders cut down the Phillies 1-2 lor their lit'lh con secutive victory and Fitzsimmons' fourth without defeat in a niht game. Holman Backs Ban On "Reds " Nazis WASHINGTON, May 2:.- ( P) Senator Holman (It Ore. i joined Senator Reynolds (D-N. (M in urging Iho senate to bar members of the communist party and nai organizations from employment by linns doing an interstate business. Reynolds asked the action during consideration of the hill iSPiT'H to regulate oppressive labir prae- medlately enact legislation lo r' iUire the registration of all fire arms in the Fniled States. Ho sent House Speaker Itank hoad a proposed 1,111 calling tor re gistration ol firearms, recording of iii:carin transfers and a nominal lax on each tratisier. As drawn, the law would apply lo( firearms already owned hy indi-. vhluals as well as to all future pur chases. Firearms would he regis- toieil whh tiio nearest internal) revenue office. ' PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 r ... -www lit tt r; t k iiiv "v f y in mi - ..it tMLY! "lorful .for only 25c and 3 labels from... mm MODERN HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER This Special Offer is too good to last long! So, get a supply of 3 cans of POWOW today... and send the labels with 25c for YOUR set! You'll enjoy using these distinctive glasses ...you'll enjoy using POWOW. It cleans cleaner, with lest work... and leaves your hands soft and natural. For POWOW lathers like soap; washes dirt away instead of scratch ing things clean! Get 3 cans today.. .send labels with 25c to towow CO. & PodIui Sti , Oakland "The devastating labor troubles wo had recently on the I'acilic coast," Holman said, "were fomeiit fd, puided and conducted by aliens." Holman said there had boon no trouble between the emnlnvers and labor that it was a jurisdictional I li'4ht between labor racketeers ui : honest labor." j 1 Holman staled ho knew of one case where an employer lost $luo.- hoi) in n short time because of dii i ferences between labor nroupfl. I "This all was earriii! on." ho ex- i claimed, "by alien h-aders." Key t.oids said the uazi organization members tool; their orders from i Her) in and the communist party , j mem hers Irnm Moscow. in a new mow at ' Mltli col-1 " Attorney (ioneral Jackson , ted today that congress im- 3 REASONS FOR BUYING YOUR WINTER FUEL NOW 1. Save hy buying gretn wood ... let it dry during the summer weather. J. We are now cutting an exceptionally good quality old growth fir. 3. Take advantage of our hudget plan or discount plan. Piece your orders early so as to insure prompt delivery OLD GROWTH FIR SLAB WOOD 4-ft. green, per cord $2.00 I6-In. green, per cord . . . .$J.OO Mill Ends, 2 loads for $7.75 ALSO . . WE STILL HAVE A STOCK OF DRY WOOD ON HAND. PINT tl OS QUART l 00 Whiskey may be bottled In bond at lout yeats ol aqe and 100 piool But beyond four, it lakes on finei chatacter. There is nc substi tute lot lime, no short-cut lo quality. The full taste advantage ol an extra "Flavor-Year" is yours in Anclenl Aqe. at (lie milder 90 prool. This whukey is T YEARS OLD Koriii.kv tl:3ht Bouibcn wlt;?iy. net Bciliod fn Pml Copr. 10. SchnIfY Distillers Corp , NYC MACA is a new form of yeast for home baking -no other rqunli its unique combination of advantages. About two years ago, MACA wai announced in a restricted district. Since then thm demand hai grown by figurative leapa and btmnda. And this, mind you, with prnctically uo tales effort or drive behind it. What does this indicate? To us it seen it an extraordinary endorsement of the product itself, mute testimony that housewives like it ! Well. hTi.v do tbey like it so much? These may be the reasons: (1 MACA s a dry granular yeant, fet it works fast, (il It is kepabie aimplyon the pantry shelf . That is, It retains its ferment quality lor days or even weeks without refrigeration. Women have written us that "MACA rfave me my biMst thrill in 14 year baking experience"; that "MACA has the good pointa of both dry yeast and wet or 'fresh' yemst". Enthusiastic, genuine and honest expressions maybe you'll feel the same way once you try MACA. No tricks to work; no magic to per form ; nothing new to leatn. Just follow your favorite straight dough method and you should have success ful baking results. Try MACA YEAST today. You can get it at moat grocers' or your store Will gladly order it for you. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. 1790 N. Ashland Avt., Chicago, III. at roue XOCM pICT WAV1 iMLn lm IKS' SMS? rfTiCyirrn l. 2 l,',KOj:T:W:Tiyr:mi!iii;l.Hi'iTITTrl The Style lilt of the Year Found Only on Chevrolet and on Higher-Priced Cars Supreme on Ind. Sea and in the Air 181 Inches from Front of Grille to Rear ol Body EE j AutomaticOnly 20 Drl-er Effort ntii.lfhii'i.liHg Smoother. Steadier. Safer The Utt Word In Safety For Smoother. More Reliable Operation A Six Costs Uu to Run than an Eluht itnv:a:in-ia:.i.:iaqi,T.ii:ita.:i:i:.Bii:inii.Ti:iw:m7Jli;l On Sptcial 0 Lux. and Moifer D. Lux S.rl. EYE IT TRY IT BUY IT! mffiw No efhtr car, reoordfen of price, combines all these Chevrolel quality ftatures. Ns other car, reooro'aii of priet, ton match Chev rolet In public demand. 659 . MASTER 85 business cooPE '--oHon based vl" notice. on roi7 "Oe with. IKANSEft MOTOR C. 101 So. JockMii Sr. Phono 220 OAK AND STEPHENS STS. ROSEBURG, OREGON