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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1940)
V SIX ROSEBURO NEWS-REVlEW, R6SBUR6, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1940. Damage Suit Oyer f New Road Aired Thfl clrtiil court C'tr Ihj'IkIhk county, niHMiii" in (Ik ivfiiibir May 1'ini, Uidiiy Knl; up thf of 111)' or P. K. Ilarknr mid boirs or ilin entitle or A. Murker from lHIU!lffH IllloWfil in ('OtUH'i'tL'Hl Willi liw rcloctilion or the Dixon- vllli(;iMr nimi. Tin nppcMant is! nskinp dumam-H of $t,Uu for land taken for rtebt of way through IiIk property for Ihe newly constructed jMxonvure section of Ibe North I mptjiiH road. The jury was taken to IHxonville tills fillernoon to view the property 000 was men recessed over Me morial iliiy. The lakiiiK of test! jnony will be smiled Frhliiy moin- The hirv which veslei-d:n' nurr1 thn ciihi' of ihe itoui-hiH Creditors! riHHociallou nKiiHiHl CJaudo 10. and Alyrlle Crockett returned a verdict lor the defendants The nssnciu tion wan miIiik on a claim of .lobn Mandril Id for approximately 5700 on mi allegation that ho hail been employed by the defendants to cut Wood The defendants, who wero sua- lumen ny the Jury, contended that they had offered AlaiiKfield room mid hoard in return for labor and lhat ft hud been expressly Hinted tliut they were iiuuhle to pay Wiiuefl. Additional 600 Million to Be Asked for Army 1 Con Mimed from pukb ) JiindH, it whr mild at (ho white house, niose from the fact -lhat vhen 1'rcKtdent ItnoHevell recently presented to coiiKieHH tils national llefeilHe IllfRHUKP, rHIIiik fl tlmt I,1X2,0(MHM proKrarn. ihe army )iud not had lim to make mil esti XllllfeH or lis needs. One Informed pertain spoke of n possibility of KellliiK H.Otm new litfbllnt; planes protnplly. In Mr. Hoosnvelfs rirlitlnnl de fense recommendal ioiiH to ennttress little acluul ensb for purchase of airplanes wan included. The supplement 11 ry progium in-j f noted nothing lor tin navv as yet Ah emmress buckled down to Ihe ndmiilcdiv tlnrnv problem of rals iuK new taxed and of borrowing moro motley, a presidential com "mission of seven the general hi 11 ft" appointed yesterday to muster tin country's vast economic .resources converged on Ihe capital In start thn wheels of artniimeniH produc tion spinning lit top speed. Tax Plans Criticized New proposed taxes earmarked ppeelffriilly to liquidate Ihe :!. (xm.nmi.fmo "national defense loan," evoked comment. The taxes would he eileciive lor tne five-year period but their iin 1uro Immediately stirred wide lif lereuces of opinion. Senator U'l ler (IX. Mont.) railed l ho new tax program a ''stop-gap." He sahl lie favored (i suggestion by Senator Ityrd (P., Vn.) that a 10 per cent cut be made in government expenditures other than those lor defense jun'- ))OSOH. Semi tin Adams (I)., Colo.) de fer! bed I be proposals as "Just a posture." Kepubllcan congressional rear 'lion generally was In support of the administration program, al though some made il plain that they would volo for an increase in the debt limllatlou only be muse it wan coupled with a tax Incrense. New Levies Listed The proposed 111 per ceul super tax on corporate and Individual Income would be levied oh or January l, l'tin and would provide tin estimated .Mi',iHW,litHl. These taxes would become payable March 25, I'Ml, when first-quarter payments on 11 10 Incomes fall due. Other sections of the bill pro vide: A 10 per cent Increase In all excise taxes except the fid low In ; Jour lleius: Gasoline Present tax one cent per gallon; proposed new tax 1J rents. Kstlmaled yield from in- ! crease, sinn.iiiio.itiH). f.'lgareites Prewent tax $:t tier 1 l.noo; new tax. ?:t.f.o. Ksitmated Vlehl. $70,000.11110. Liquor Present tax JLVl!"i per 1 gallon; new tax .I. Kslimated yield. $xr..ouo.nou. I leer Present t a x $.ri per hu r rel; new tax Ksllmatcd yield t.'iK.non.uoo. It was understood that the ex cise tax boosts including Miotic on gasoline beer, Hqiii'i' and Hp a r- FREE WOMEN'S BOWLING SCHOOL Professional Instruction for Beginners Women and Girls Only Ages 13 Years and Up Classes each Tuesday from 10 to 11 a. m. for four weeks, starting Tuesday, June 4. If Interested, sign coupon below and leave at Roseburg Alleys. Namo Address The World's News Seen Through Tiik Christian Science Monitor An Int't national IWy .Vcn iwftT PuhliiMtd by Till; ( HKM'1 V M II At K IM 111 IMIIM! fK lt:iY One. .t.i.i Mr.vt, H.m.iii. Ma.lHwlt it Truthful Comtrutttvr Unbiim-d Vrrt from S-naiionaI. im t dnorial Are Ttmrly ami lmtrurtivr and Id Daily Irattirrt, ToBtthrr with lire Weekly Mi;jnl Srriion, Mjke thr Monitor an IiK-jI Nrnapjpcr (or the lloiuf. Prtfr i: 00 Yr.irlv. or jl I 00 a Month S.iturdjy hiuc. inrlpdint: M.iK.iine Section. J1J.60 a Year. Introductory Otlcr, 6 Inuei 2 Cim. Obtainable at; J ft ten would become ffferllvo u () IjpffinniiiK f t)"' iH'Xt fiscal ; year, .Inly I. j Defense Aidei Named Ah finance com mil ice in both Iioiishs Ih'Kiiii kiuo work on the lux inHtlon, lii nevfii members named by I'rfsldi'itl NuosevHt yp teriliiy to form 11 nutlutiul dcfensp eonnnisKlon weri asked to hold thi'ir fii'fll meet luff hm e tonior rnw. .Mr. HooHevcit siild that I he rlx iih-ii mid one woiiihii drawn from the ran kit of busini-sK, liihor. 'jo- eminent 11 ml consumers -would lmvi Ihe Job of neeiiiK that de fense orders ure filled as expedi tiously an possible. I be appointments evoked frit I l eul comment from Alf M. Lundon, U'.',d republican presidential nom inee. lie called it a "cap and gown commission," unit said that tbo presirlent failed "to recogni the necessity of calling In experts In masH production." The personnel of the delense commission follows: 1 -Kdward It. Kiel I lulus, Jr., chairman of the, 1'nlted Stales Sleel corporation, who will be in charge of iuduslrlal materials. 2 William S. Knudsen, presi dent of (ieiicrul .Motors corpora Hon In charge of industrial pro duct ion. Il Sidney Hlllman. president f (be Amalgamated Clothing Work erH of America, supervising em ployment problems. (--Chester C, Imvls, federal re servo board member and former agricultural adjustment admini strator, in charge of farm pro ducts. f Ralph liitdd, chairman :f the board of the llurllngton rail way, assigned to transport ni Um. f! Leon Henderson, member of Ihe securities commission, deal ing with stabilization of whole sale prices. 7MIsh Harriet Klllott, dean of women of North Carolina nnlvets Ity, who will have thn Job r pro led ing consumer interests. Air Force Expansion Voted The house yesterday passed and Kent to the senate a bill to authorize 11 Sl.lItT.nnu.oiiO expan sion of the navy's air rnreo, Karlier In the day the house had voted uo to 1 lor legislation designed lo speed up warship to:i- sl ruction. The aviation expansion meas ure, which carried no hinds, would give the navy pi.oou plamM in conlrasl lo the present minimum of 'i.nno alrcralt and Ki.Ouo pilois. The measure also would autbor i.e construction and expansion of u fur Hung system or nawil ah bases which would cost apiU'oxl nuitely $111. 1:12. Told Truth PKN VKIt. Albert K. Cosman was wakened by a noise. H saw two men at Ihe rear of a nearby invent. He called and asked I hem what I hey were doing. "Just cleaning up." one replied. Cosman went back to sleep. Next truning the tavern opera tor found a -PHi.pnund sale contain ing S'u'i was missing, and f-"i trotn the cash drawer Sutherlin St'TIIKltLIN. May 22.-Mr. and Mrs. Itlaine McCormnck have mov ed to the Almon Cook place 011 Ihe u Piter Calapooia where Mr. Me ('01 mack will be nearer his work. Miss Pauline Lucblet hand of Port html spent the weekend here fsiilng at Hie homes of Mr. and Mrs. Prank llolgate and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lticblei hand. Miss Luchterband Is n slsler or Mrs. llolgate and MP. Luchterband. Mrs. II. C. Wilmot und sou. Dick. and WiPiam lidding left Saturday morning for Sacramento. ( nl Mor ula. Kn route to Ihe southern city they stoppeil at (iranls Pass to look al come mining pin'tcrly. Mrs. Itrltlaiit Slack and Mrs. Savllla Ibtniber left Saturday lor Portland where Mrs. Hutuber will ....nil. r.n- unvni'l.l vi-.u.lm to visit her daughter. Mrs. Bill Walson.' and son. I a Verne 1 lumber, and their latnllies. Mrs. Slack return- CARD OF THANKS We wish lo exlemb our ,-tincere thanks for the many card and friendly letters received while in the hospital. Ml. ami Mrs. C. W. Cluck. Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Works Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 527 N. Jackion St. Phone 320 notni ed here Monday evening. A Southern Pacific bridge crew has been making extensive tepairs to the trestles just south of town. Mrs. Corn Allen, mid daughters, Helen and .luanita, visited with relatives In Collage Orove Sun day. They were accompanied home by Mrs, Mary Wlchter. mother of l rs. Allen, and Mrs. Mai joi ie Kates, a sister of Mrs. Allen. The two ladies expect lo visit here lor a week. .Mrs. Mark Jordan has been qulle 111 at her home hut fs Improving. Mrs. Hurwaid Itose spent I ;ies day In Itoselmi g visiting her mo ther. Mrs. Ida Kills. .Mrs. Henry I'enb-y arrived hen- Sat 111 day from Klamath Palls where she has been visiting for several weeks. The Itebekah Indue is sponsoi Ing a dance at the Coniinuuitv ball next Saturday night. May 2.". IHck Pit-man's orchestra .vlll furnish Ihe music. A meeting will be held Krldav l.r..,.,. Mfii' ',i t.i n,r. ,. l.nil.l. lug for't'he purpose of organizing a Kov Scout troop. Kenucih Miller of Oak In ltd will be present lo ex plain nil mailers pertaining to the organization. AM parents witu hovs of 12 veaiH or over who an Interested are Invited to all end this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hcorue Sbamp at llu lr home wesi of lown Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Viola Sbuinp will be glad to hear that she has returned home from Ihe hospital in None burg where slm has been recover ing from 11 fall she received a few weeks ago. Mm. Sbamp l much improved hut in tMW conl'incd to her bed. Mrs. Jack Culver, Jr.. Mrs. Hen ry (large and Mrs. John Turner attended the C'alapooia club last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw or Itosebing vlsiled at the Kenneth Haley home last Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Hoss returned lo her home here Sunday night I mm Mc- Minnvllle win-re she had visited tier daughter. Miss Kathleen Itoss. who is a student nt Linnville col lege. Hale Turner, who has been unite 111 al his home with a light ease of pneumonia. Is able to be out again. Prank O. Young euiemi tne e tan's general hospital In Itose- bnrg Monday allernoou for tieal ments. The Nonpareil school closed last Priday. The teacher. Miss (.ladys Williams, has been retained tor an other yar. Germans Tighten Trap on Allies in Flanders Continued fiom page 1) tug nazl ground Iroojis and bomb iug lot I reserves at Bremen and Hamburg. The allied armies of the center apparently were concentrating their ethuts in two separate sec tors. One allied push was reported In the area nl (be Soiunie river. An other attack uiih poised further oust, along Tio Aisne river, where :iti divisions, or between I'lO.ttiiu and tiou.dini men. were massed. The (icrmnus pounded 011 with all their might of air power, lanks ami artillery on the allied divisions crushed Into a triangle a round Lille about 2a miles wide and 55 miles long. Nazis described this area as be ing based on the channel const, about au miles wide but tapered sharply to about 2'" miles and reaching a point at St. Ai ni.ttid. about 20 miles southeast of Lille. The London air ministry an nounced lhat the royal air force at tacked Ihe tiermatis "continuously yesterday, last night and today." At least 22 enemy planes were brought down, "All our aircraft re turned," the announcement said. u s -is J 1 f A Only $119.95 on Easy Terms That Feaxur ,i cerve Save 0"7::..dThrlttn.r ""::.V..m lubrlc.. Judd s Furniture Store Bomb Blast Interrupts Canadian Defense Meet VKHNO.V, II. C, May 29. (Canadian Press)--A bomb ex do sioii fntenupterl Ihe meeting of leaders of the Vernon district vol tin leer home defense unit In the Canadian Legion ball last night. The home made bomb planted In an a shea 11 in the rear of th building exploded wll b a roar, shattering several windows in the ball. AlthoiiL'b rear windows in I the room whejp the men were in ecu ng ei ; ui loum no umu wu.t injured. Officers said the bomb was ap parently made of stumping pow der packed In it kettle. War Bulletins " " PAUIS, May 2!(.--(APl A gov loday ernnient sokesman said American airplanes are now arriv ing In Prance "in considerable quantities" and are hliiwing Iheli snperiot llv in action over "any thing on Hie front." LONDON. Miiy 2!l CAP) Mill tarv circles reported today that German planes bombed ami sank two hospital ships crossing the Knulish channel, with serious Liss of ilie, several days ago, PARIS. May 2!i. (AP) The newspaper Paris Sole reported to day ihe Itelgian royal children had arrived al Lisbon, where Ihey are expected If) remain for the rest ol I hi.' war. A Lisbon dispatch said they Icll CahotH, Prance, by auto moiiile last Sunday. The children. Princess Josephine Chai lotie. 1 2. Crown Prince liau doiiiii, !i. and Prince Albert. 7. had been seul to refuge in France while their father. King Leopold, remained with the Ilclgian army. Their mother. (Jucen Astrld, was killed in an automobile accident in Switzerland in PO'r. WASHINGTON, May 2!. (APt - Secretary Hull said loday active i;'ins idem Hon was being given to the 1 toss i hi t i 1 y ol receiving Ileluian retugecH in the 1'nlted Slates. VlflO. Spain. May 2!t. (API Tie I'crman submarine offensive on allied shipping was resumed to day with an attack on two ships live miles from Salvora island, oil Spain's northwestern coast. A French merchantman, the Ma rie J'ise, about ".n"" Ions, was tor pt-doe.l ami sunk. The Itritish tank er Teleiia. of T.loo tons, was bat-!,..-, 1 hi- shclltli i but remained afloat ami was being towed Into 'lyt. vii-'or. WITH TllK HUITISII A III PttltCK IN PI tANCK. May , l A P t i.ow-nivini; nrius-!l nunm ers are hlitiujr bard and often to ease the iierce (ieriuati pressure on allied troops ifi!lititi a way out ol Plaiiden.. ' .1 1111 1, 1 i-mcnm I i-iiluilltl-4 miiks and armored trucks were attacked! tepcHiedly today with bmnUs nmi machine kuu fire by planes which plunged as low as "hh feet over their tarirets. SOMKWIIKIIK IN TllK SOPTII- 1 a l 1 tti-f t iuli hnniM lieirun todaV the construction of concrete ma cliineyun posts on Ihe promenade of this port, to strengthen Its de fenses imainsl parachute troops. Machiueiiuns in sand bagued em placements already guard Ihe beach. - . LONDON. May II!!. f A P I Ainericans were placed under alien res! rid tuns in Kuglaud today for Hie lirst lime since the outbreaU ot war. They were included, with all other neutrals as well as nationals n countries allied with Mritain. tin- der ft curfew and activity limita tion to become effective June '.i. They ate forbidden to own or "control" a bicycle, motor vehicle, seagoing craft or aircraft. Those without settled residences must report to police on Hie day ihe order becomes effective. if an alien spends il night In a pri vate home the householder Is re quired 10 notify police. Norwegian Port of Narvik Captured From Germans f Continued from pnfio 1) of action anil enveloping the craft in smoke, ami heuvlly damaged three cruisers, a destroyer ami a freighter. Troop landings at Ankanes, Norway, also were tjombed. It was reported.) Fists Fly as Democrats of Texas Back Garner (Continued from pnfie 1) forces won control. New Mexico For F. R. Despite the Texas convention's attitude, Mr. Koosevelt already has received Hie pledges of more (ban a majority of the delegates to ihe democratic national convention in Chicago July l"i. New Mexico democrats In slate convention l;l Mondny Instructed their six dele gales to vote for the president's re nomination If be wishes it. Says F. R. Will Accent In Washington Senator Wheeler (D-.Mont.) predicted thai President Roosevelt would accept renoinina Hon. "Heeauso of the war hysteria that is now sweeping the country." Wheeler told reporters, "I find many republicans who had been bitterly opposed to his renotnina lion and election saying that thej would support him against any re publican who may be named." Coiticldetiially. Senator Van Nuys tli-lnd.l said that "the present criti cal times" made fi necessary for the president "to give a conclusive, es-oriio statement as to whether he would accept the nomination." SENATOR ANDREWS BEATS TOWNSENDER IN FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. .May 2'A. 1 AP) P. S. Senator Charles O. Andrews is the Florida democra tic party's nominee for the sen ale. Andrews, (!:!-year-old for m e r school teacher and lawyer, won renoniination by a wide margin fiver .terrv W. Carter, Towns-end- I America's Favorite Gasoline With HIGHER OCTANE at LOWER PRICES They Burn With a PUSH Instead of a POP Ask Your Mobilgas Dealer Today endorsed member of the state rail road com mission, In yesterday's run-off primary. SAN FHANCISCO, May 29. (AP) A one-chamber legislature of ko members, elected for four Wonder whatever became of....? ANHIUIII.IUICH Maim tit VTirU-FamtM Biir IBuudlweiseir tiM MM MA. V. . Mf. HE MAKE THIS TEST: Drink Budweiser g for five days. On the sixth day try H to drink a sweet beer. You will want 4 MoWLl SOCONV-VACUUM LOWEK HIGHER A New and Better Premium Gasoline is (ETHYL) Also -a still better years at 300 monthly salaries, was suggested In nn Initiative con stitutional amendment proposal placed before Attorney Oeneral Warren lor circulation titling. The state senate, under tlnj proposal, would be discontinued Budweiser's flavor thereafter. , PKICE! OCTANE wit mm and the state would he redlvlded politically on the basis of the' 19t0 census for selection of the 80 legislators. Proponent of the measure wart Max liadfn, University of Callfor nia pi-ofessor of law. Did his classmates lose track of him? How could they ? He was the sort of friend that all of us would want to keep . . , mostly because of his under standing slant on life and people and things. He was active in athletics, yet his studies never suffered . . . nor did overwork cheat him of recreation and relaxation. Light-hearted, yet serious when problems faced him . . . always masterof his worries. He avoided idlers, but added constantly to his circle of sincere friends. He was courageous without being reckless, confident with out being cocksure . . . moderate in all things. Everybody said he'd make good. He has. If you, too, like everything in mod eration, you'll like Budweiser, the Beverage of Moderation. You can count upon it anytime to be a pleasant companion and, when you entertain, Budweiser is a Perfect Host. 1 f W,. Hill CUI 1140 HlWf.IWllK IIC. SI NO. I ('HKISTIAN SC1KNCK HKAPIN'i ;;w I'ei kins nmhiiMp ltosebm K. Ort'Koti GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION A Str-Vacua Ctmpty 321 No. Jackson St Telephone 26