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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1940)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1940. SERIAL STORY BLACKOUT BY RUTH AYERS COPVRIOMT. tftSw. NCA BERVICK. INC. CAST OF CHARACTER l A It V CAItllOlX- Aini'ilcmi liiHhlnii expert, in (.(iniiuii l 11 j In;; uurtlme. VINCKNT (iltKlMI - nolilii-r f fortune, in Utvv with .Mary. ('AULA .MAlil llKTTA a mys- IcriniiH London mi:jtlili. Mt. :ilhi;i;t i.knox -tuuwo:. Burvlng wil.i Jirlilnh army. YKSTIOltl-AY: Iti'lcuai'd ly A. A. I'. wanlMUK, Mary Ik liunliil in Kcoiland Vaiil In tell licr Hlnry of Carla'R plot to Hiul an itirpluiH carrier. TIim tragedy (k a veil m I Cai'la ruptured and Vincent will (KcaiiH t lift Mi lug mjtnul althriUL'li Ih may be luternwl lr l urn lhn or tin- wiir. Mary hurrlen to ;il liorl. (cIIn ti fin hIm loves him, hut muni Htand by Vincent. ('HAl'TlOlt XMV Wlien Alary reached Kolii H(ii" nhi whh Ktai'l Iff tn rind a caller. A nhriveled III tic old man wan wtittlim. Mary I nn ml something f "miliar about trim although slm rouhl lint place litin at flrwl. Hut when h: Hpolce, nlie remembered the tnbac eniilat from the kIioji mnr Via oent'n lodging. "I've a not' for you, Mrs. Tionox." lie handed lier a folded pupm. She recognized Vincent's writing. "Hurling." he read. "I must sn you nl mifp. It't tenihly inr pnrtani. Will you pleiiw riimi! with thi' bearer?" It whh Binned Willi the letter "V." I .Mary (IhkIkmI cold waler on her lace. Willi u quick make-up she ittiis ready. I "I'm lo ko with you." hIic told !llii' old man. He Hudiled. When they reached the hop this HhutteiK were Klill driiwn. The proprietor drew a key from hl.t poi-kei and let her In the from j dour, I "IIm'h In Hie back room," lie di rer ted Mary. She walker! ihroiigh the Hhop, rich with the odor of ti hundred mellow blends. In tie: dfiu light ol the room behind the eon nters, Mary miw Vincent a hlanclied face. . "I'm In one of my customary Jams." Me wait debonair, hut Ills laee wit awhi'ti. "Scot la ml Yard HeeuiH in want me. I wiim lucky enough to Hee two or their men before Hmy saw me, J ducked in here lo he out of th way. That'H why I asked you to come hero. I had lo Kee ynu." "1 know about your Jam. Vin cent," idle xfiulce Holtly. "I had to he the one lo inform on you. ('aria .Marclieim Mdimpeil ine yenlerday. While I was at her limine. I heard idaiiK for the Kink Iiik or the all plane currier. Regency." "You? You told thorn?" Vin cent Hlraltrhiened. "Why, Mary. j couldn't yon wee what It won hi ' mean ? What might happen to I me?" "I wan'l llilnl.lng of you," Hhrt nald with lire. "I whh thinking of HiivfiiR the Regency and the liven ol a ilimmand men!" He Ht joked the scar on IjIh tein- 1ET S OIL AND SAY WFBE COMING !" imi II i Every holiday moment will mean more if you know accommoda tions are reserved, or meetings with friends arranged. Avoid dis appointment. Telephone ahead! Long Distance is inexpensive, N and the answer is part of the v I M l. ',: 'X! J message 1 "" V I THE PACIFIC TEUPH0ME"'wi' I T 4' ANOTEUGRAPH COMPANY v. j f m.!jL Telephone l 121 So. Stephens St. V. V V . V . V". V .'V !"v".'V7V"i"V""Y' ; TOMORROW! ; HAPPY t Kl l UJtlJiJN 5 5 ?. Less Work! More Fun! Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 5 pie with indecision. Mary softened. "Hut because of what I did you will get a break. You won't face a firing Bguad. But you will be I (iter lied for the dura tion of the war." "I mippotio ilila meaiii you're (brunch with mo." Ulu muuuer (bunged. ""No." nhe aiiMwnml, "I'm Koiner to Hlick by you. I feel it'n the leaat I can do Hlnce I had to involve you." Me readied for her hand, "Thin may be our hint time to gether. Let 8 make the bent of It. ir I had only an hour with you I could make everything clear. I want to tell you about Curia uhoiit what a fool wlie made of me. Come," he wan commanding;. "I've a car at the nlde. loot's ride." HIh plight wan ho ricttpemte and he anled mich a little thing. Mary hud not the heart to refiine him. She allowed heraelf lo be led out a Hide door and Into a tluv rwo-Hcuter Vlncenl hud borrowed . "You asked about f'urla and 1 told you the truth." he deftly di reded the little cur through the thronga of London'd work hound. ("But not all of It. I wan ashamed to ten it an. I gue8. The night of the air raid, I did receive a meifKagfl from Carla, aa you KUOHatui. Inadvertently, I told her we were Hailing on the Moravia at 3 o'clock. I hud no idea this piece of information wuh vital to her. I know we'd been warned to aeerecy hut I regarded Carla uk u friend. Hut what a friend she turned out to be!" "You've never told ine the trun ntory of bow you mifiried the Mo ravia's ealling. Was Curia In that, loo'!" "Yes. of courHe." His voice huh full or dlHilluftlon. "It watt a Btall. Something about a nick uncle in KriHtol. I flew her there. I whh tricked Into it. believing I'd have plenty of time to get back and will with you. Miit something went wrong with the plune anil .1 pan cuked In a field, miles from no where. I know now ahe had it all planned. She thought I'd be use ful to her and she didn't wunt jne to sail on the Moravia." "You knew she sent an nam ored continental hoy on tho boat?" Mary's words rung bitterly. i ea, I learned It later. Sin tricked him Into sailing -to watch you." I "Me why uie?" ( "She was ' afraid you knew riomethliig or miftpecUtd RonwthluK through me. When she found you didn't die after all, sire was fian- lie." Tb ecar was well out of London., An Induxtrlul suburb gave way to open fleldH. In the flat couiUiy, I tne single bangar of a small air- port loomed like a large barn, j Vincent drew the car to a spot before a sandy spread of ground. "But Vincent?" Mary was aghast. "You're not quilting you're not Tunning away?" ! "You said you were going lo slick by me," he replied as be snapped back the emergency brake. "No matter what I've done. I love you and I've found a way out for both of us." She was uncomprehending. "I've made my plans," be con tinued decisively. "I knew some thing wua wrong when I saw those Scotliiid Yard men and I acted fast. If I stav here and am in terned it will wreck my whole Hie. I won t go to prison, it would oe hopeless for both of us." she drew back In horror. "I've plans for us, a beautiful honeymoon. We'll see tbe sparkle. FREE WOMEN'S IOWLING SCHOOL Professional Instruction for Beginners Women ami Girls Only Ages 13 Years and Up Clanas each Tuesday from 10 -to 11 a. m. for four weeks, starting Tuesday, June 4. If interested, sign coupon below and leave at Roseburg Alleys. Name Address .. ' I - of tlie sun on the blue Meilllcr raiiouu. We'll Kwllu In Its wutoia and tonal un its warm biuiiIs. At night the moon will conio up out of Africa. You'll see the jiulnis Kllhnuultecl iigaiuist it, back unu bending In the wind." (To be continued) The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper Publiihid by THE CHRISTIAN' Si'lKNCK PUBLISHING SOCIETY ' (Inc. Norway hlret-L, Huatun, .Mwsaihusf tli is Truthful ComtmctiveUnbiaied Free from Scnfational hm Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price 1112.00 Ycnrly, or Jfl.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Sect ion, $2.60 a Year, introductory Offer, 6 Issues 23 Cents. Obtainable At: CHRISTIAN RCIKNCE UKAIUNU ItOOM 317 Perkins llnildiiig liosulmrg. Oregon H ave you ever tasted true European-type Pilsner? It is brewed refreshingly dry and pale. In body it is almost champagne-like It is a light and lively beer ... a beer that goes better with food In fact, with or without food, true Pilsner is preferred throughout the world by those who know what makes a beer fine Here in America we brew a true European type Pilsner . . . one which many have judged equal to the finest imported. We invite you to taste this beer . . . Brown Derby Pilsner. After your first long, satisfy ing sip, we think you'll agree . . . our Brown Derby Pilsner is as choice a brew and as true a Pilsner as connoisseurs acclaim it. Get some Brown Derby Pilsner to sample tonight. Your purchase is at our risk ... for every bottle is sold with this printed under standing, which we ask you now to read : 1HE HEF.K hV THIS BOTTLE is the true European-type l'ilsner: A light, lively beer. A beer that goes better with food. It is produced according to our exclusive Ifrmcri Derby Pilsner formula and constantly checked by our ow n quality control. It is made with costly malt and hops selected for delicacy of flavor. . . brewed refreshingly dry and almost champagne-like in body. If you don't agree this beer is as line as claimed above or if you are dissatisfied with the contents of this package in any way, return it to the Safeway store where it was purchased and your full purchase price x ill be refunded. &S- .SissSS In'rt ! I gftSM9 lilliiii A A 'JV A A ' A A A ' A A A V