ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1940 FIVE Livestock GOOD Hi hundred pound tenm nnd harness, cheap, or will trade lor light car. C. L. Sprny. liurden . Vulli-y, liouto 1, Wil bur. FOR SAMS Work horse, 15110 pounds. No blemishes. Make Rood logger. P. K. Heaver, Kdonbowor. WANTKD Milk cow. weanling pigs, heifer 10 freshen wilhiu 3 inoiitha. Kvu E. May, Tiller. FOR SALK Fresh milk Boat. H. E. lllootl, Dixouvllle Storo. WANTKI Yearling bull. M. H. Knunitt. L'iuu.uu. Foil SAMS Saddio or pack horsu. Phono 12F31. COCKER Spaniels. Phone 386-J. Fuel llUIlN WOOD OR SAWDUST Safe Convenient And it costs so little. IIOSEUI RG LUMUEU CO. Phone 282 CHOICE, dry. easy splitting, old growth fir wood. South End Fuol Company. j Wanted j JK YtU: Imvo liirm pi'iiiucn to Ht'll.j 11 will hf. In your iKlvuiitiiRO !o ppi- thp ItOSKlll'lKl POlMntY CO.. U'Ht S. StephciiH Street. HIDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Douglas Market. Dentistry Hit. NEUHAS (as When Desired Masonic llltlg. Phone 4S? in, r,. W. Mrhall. Med. . Uldg ALLEY OOP LOOKIT 'IM GO--Th' PAPCjUMN'.ED ) j OL CROOK: Hto N'.ADE A WELL, 1 GUESS " AS WELL AMBLE dACK 1 U uiuci: c ,o 7 m Wi-t naW I A CLEAN GETAWA.... AN' THAT'S THE EN.VOFV A'.AZOtIA.-WE CAN'T DO H LMSE LF UP y-i MuRK V.l TTj JV I THERE AIN'T A: 4V WAV ( QUEEN HIPPOLVTA'S J ANV GOOD HERE C'MON A r':ISei . Lf 7J Y JuST VFSrfXt. f t IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Financial Difficulties Again ' By Morrill dosser C I PUT THE SHOT 48 TMES , MILO , ) f WHAT D'VA 11 f MlLDA COMES ALL ( J4 J"E $0 PUJS L MOftE HI I AND I'M DROOPING GIMME l J GOT MEAM , HAVE lit THE .TIME AND JL L W AES FOR II EQUALS 50 , AND I , A LEMONADE I --T"T f AMY I GOT AN" ' I ALL DISH HER OUT AN ft k ANOTHER C BO p , PLUS MORE ECLAIRS, L rXfA I DOU6H? ) DOUSH? X I GONE. ECLAIR EACH TIME", Mf f ONE I rf ( SU9TRACTED FROM NEXT Sirrf V LEFT W J W , LIKE YOU SAID--- V-i V- WEEK'S ALLOWANCE fiUWcPA fe1 ' HERE THAT pRIEND YOU OWE MET I TSl X JIY EQUALS FINANOAU BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES , It Won't Be Long Now - By Edgar Martin WmrL' ":iii AtriwE r r fAl J jj'fiX NNl U'-y r-rc-aSll-C-- J L. .. S. ' J .com, two b wca sehvice. inc. t. m ico. u. 5. T. Off WASH TUBBS The Ruse By Roy Crone furWA.T iM.MF MPL Hi, : Y- - --f 'IfT -iincE. tmevVe PSSSa LtVfST we em Y easy. hold om . ' ' "1 f M6. 1 60IKI' me..bi6 backet rukimim' PULL- PW' ei6MT J IJfl 4 If i-OOKIMS FOP WE fvf AROUMD K UoME.'Ja WNUTES 1 J THRO DE6E CL DRV LEAVES iO DEV ! X LEFT: WE'LL v-A?lin Q. vJ IS OUTSIDE, I'D yLl LlloO-m IMK EA6y 6ETTIM' AWAV? LEAW that SWAB Jf 1J(42 ljR?" 1 JKS B6TTEPO) fW1, SVJU J WIMWROp. Ll 7T-"T'")l OL CROOK HES MADE A CLEAN GETAWAi... AM THERE AINT A:4V V.-AV .1 CAN STOP IM II , - 1 rJldji ) .I,, . I ,-cor ,W;-Mi.w.l im f i rr mrl H-S.. Jt Rtal Estate FOR SALE, or trade for Eugone property,- 48 acres near Clove land, 12 miles west of Uoseburg. Good house, bam, chicken houses, fruit, well fenced, elec tric llKhts, water. For sale 20 ucres, limber, in Melrose Orch ard tract. For sale Koeuler plant, second hand, in good con dition. Would be nice for a sum mer home. Inquire at Farm Uu roau Co-op Exchunge In Rose burg. FOR SALE at sacrifice liberal terms one 5-room, modern house on acreage; one i and one 4-roont house; all adjoining Uoseburg. Box 832, c-o News-lie-view. FEDERAL lal'n bank farms. Rea sonable prices; convenient terms Lists available at Die National Farm loan Offico, Perkins Uulld lug, lloscburg. TWELVE ACRES, two miles N. of Roseburg, long frontage on high way to trade for small, modern home. Fred Fisher. Phone 26F3. FOU SALE 5-room rustic home on North rmpquu. Fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Glide, Ore gon. - FOU SALK Modern remodeled 5 room house. 606 S. Vine street, Rose burg. FURNISHED house for rent or sale. 2s;t Scenic Hrive, Atthland, Oregon. FOU SALE 13 acres, modern j house. A. F. Morris, Rifle Uange road. Hoy, Grain, Feed 2S AGUES standing hay for sale or harvest on shares. 2i miles west of Roseburg. J. O. NewlanU. Phone 435-L. For Sale Miscellaneous GET better results with our SPE CIAL OUTHOARD MOTOR OIL. NEW JOHNSON Ol'THOAHDS NOW ON DISPLAY. Powells Hardwaro. FOR G U A R A N T E K U M L' FF LE US. glass trailers and auto parts, go to SAKFF'S AUTO WRECKING HOUSE, 523 N. Main, l'houe 053. tures on Ward's new low priced j sots. MONTGOMERY WAltDI I'luiublng Icpt., plionu 95. I FOU SALK or trade Tor young cat-j tie KordHoli trtictor, guuran-1 teed good condition. M. It. Em-' mitt, Umpuuu. j STItAWIIKKltlES Bring con tainers, pick yournelf, 7fe crate. Mrs. M. Manning. West Melrose, 1 teenier road. ELECTRIC stove, 2-burner with 1 oven, J14.95, at Parslow Hardwure- STEELHEAI) flies and trout flies that are right, ut Powell's Hard ware. TROUT flies that catch Powell's Hardware. fish. I A NEW modern slorago locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rales. Cartons I lor sale. ( ALU KINDS painis, varnishes, brushes. Powell's Hardware. GET our CAULOAD PRICES ON NAILS. Sec Earl S. Powell. WINDOW screens, UUc each, at Powell's Hardware. PAINT SALE All paint ut very low prices. Powell's. REGU.AR size W. Lane. 'rench door. 120 One Good Turn Deserves Another ( ( C'MON," MERCURV, WE iSSf f ( v. j?.tt "WSS I'SKD walnut davenport extension table, folding leuf 10.N8 I'sed, Mb kidney davenport, good condition, cost S2J5.U0 new I'sed davenport only, rust, jexcol- lent condition, clean $17.S8 Used davenport and chair, roue rust, very good buy, only ....$2i).8ii Used duot'old, velvet cover, good condition ....S3.U0 Used -bed and spring $1.98 New odd set, 4 kitchen chairs, cream finished $4.K8 Used combiuuilon electric range, units on this range are being replaced with new $19. XN I'aed WeHtlnghouse electric range. excellent condition $-1. 8S Two used steel ice boxes, nice and A t-.j-il l.titr . 4Hl KSi LltUll. (I III "J v ...,--..-.. I'sed wood ice box, 200-pound jiacity, clean J5.88 1'ned refrigerator, 5 cubic feet, good condition $ MONTGOMERY WARD. Phone 05 THERMOS Jurs and bottles for the picnic lunch ut 1'arslow Jiartl . ware Co. 2 II. I. FA1HI1ANKS-MOUSE pump und engine. Huisi Ltros. ranch. Curry Instate. FOU SALE Porch swing, radio, fruit jars, small healer, washing machine, organ. 420 S. Pine. PKEWAY camp stoves, two-burn-er just the thing for the trailer $4.75. PaiHiow Hardware Co. GET turpentine and linseed oils hero at Powell's. DIG trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Wurd, 315 N. Jackson street. ' AUTO PAINT NOW. $1.35 quart. Rrushcs 10c. Powell's Hardware. Business Opportunities FOU SALE li-ycar leuse on 17- room hotel nnd restaurant. IH3 W. Lane, Rnselturg. Autos "CHEAPIES" FOU u short time you can buy 1 11080 cars for $11.00 down: 192S Ford panel. 1 1121) Plymouth coupe. l2a Chevrolet roadster. Vm Ford sedan. l!:iu Ponltac coupe, J iao DeSoto coupe. 11-30 Chevrolet coupe. 1!K10 lMirant coupe. Wliy walk whert you can buy any of thesov cars for less than $100.00? "Si" PILLAHD MOTOH CO. FOU SALE "15 Blandard Chevro let coupo, priced to sell. Mill Lueinls, 1 10 Wharton u venue, Uoseburg. FOU IMMEDIATE SALE Trade in allowance on new or used car at Itoneburg Motor Co. 617 Cobb. Rentals FOU RENT Sleeping room In modern home. Furuaco heat, basement garage. 1023 Winches ter. Phone 591-J. 5-ROOM, unfurnished house, sleep lug porch, garage. 010 S. Pine. Inuulre 501 S. Pine. IIAILEY . apartments 3 rooms, bath, garage. Adulis only. 117 S. Kane. MODERN, clean apartments. Norlhsidu Apartments. Phuno GROUND flow apartment. Vacant Juno 1. Call The Strange Shop. MohKHN. 4-room furnished house. Plionu -'H. 517 S. Stt'phi'US. KOHI.IIAdKN APAllTMUN'l'S Strictly modorn. Phone 550. FOR HUNT Well furnished house. Imi'lin' sin Norlh .luckson 5-RQO M house, garden and bor rlos. 839 Houck street. FURNISHED, 2-room, front apart-1 ment. 112 Brockway, ROOM and garage. Gentlomun pre forred. Phone 62(111. FUUNISHIOU housekeeping room. 424 Floed, corner Mill. MODERN, furnished upuvtmont. i)26 S. Main. Help Wanted WO.MAK, over CO, ! tuko oullro clmi'Ke of PKtuhllHhuu'iit, Jivo on premiflus. Must bo good cook. $:iu.oo month, uonrd mill room Kiiuruutoud. llox SIN), c-o Nowh ltovlew. CAPAUI.K woiimn for rvHtiiunuit work. Must ho Rood oook. Apply in person Kddy'v l.unch and Service Slnllon, Coos Junction. WANTICl) Couple, enretnker for women's clubhouso. l'houe 547-H or 477 U. Miscellaneous THE most money for your wool nnd mobulr at tho ItOKIOUUIiO l'OL'LTRV CO., 920 S. Stephens Street, Phone 279. Work Wanted WOMAN wants work liy day or week, llox K27, c-o News-Review. CAHINKT WORK made to order 542 N. Jackson, Roseburs. Poultry illADY CHICKS Rod Kock cross. U. I. Reds, Now Humusliirns and l,'Kliorns. 'ntzlg Hatchery. Sutherlin RL'THEHI.IN, Mmldi' Hrown May 28. rolnrufd lo Mrs. hor By V. T. Hamlin EXPERT SERVICE Whan There's Something You Want Don 8EE AN EXPERT The firm and Individual! listed beiow specialize In their work. 8ee them for expert service. . You should profit by their help. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Cuaebctr, 443 B. Stephens Also furnlturt repairing. ANTIQUES Tho StnuiKo Shop. 10(1 S. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Eimunh'a OnniKO. 128 S. Stopbons street. Phon 303. KnlKbl Porter, corner Douglas & Mai, tlouy, fender work. Painting. 8HEET METAL WORK Sinnlxer's, 444 N. Jackson St. FLUE CLEANING .1 Hew'ey. Phone M homo In Portland Inst Suiulny aft er a row ilayn visit with her non nil daugliter-ln-lttw, Mr. and Mra. Harry Jlrown. Miss Wilina IjiiIiI. who teuohe.i In tho Bchonla at Lakovlew, Ore., 1ibh c-oniiiloted hor acliool veur ami is at home with her parents .nr. una mih. w. . Ladd on Lau rel Heights. , A erow of to men under the ill- ruction of Superintendent E. M. NiihIi of the stalo hiKliuuy depart ment aro here for u atnv of sev eral weeks. Tho men will widen the pavement on the Pnclflo hlRh way for several miles In each di rection from town. The iiRphalt olunt is located on tho S. p. sill ing. I Chris Ilichman. well linown loral cheese maker, Is now employed at uio Kouoia lirotiiers cneeso plant In ltoHel)iuK. Mr. and Mrs. (luorxe PlanaKan of S!lo, Ore., are visiting for sev oral days at Hie B. A. Scllteman home on Fourth avenue. Mr. and Mis. Flanagan are parents of Mrs. Schlentan and are en route home from a trip to I.os Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trozelle have purchased tho property on Cell trul Ave., formerly known as tho Reed place, -nnd until recently oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. T). W. Humes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Trozelle expect to mliko extensive rnpulrs bolero occupying the prop erty. ' :"' Mrs. J. V.'. I.ndil Is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Av ery Lasswell anil family In Yon callu. Lenne Klggs, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Itlchard Higgs has been uuilo III at hor home on Will amette street. Mrs. Vein Ilolgulo anil Mr. (Yank llolgato shopped nnd ut limded to business in Uoseburg Kililay. Hveri-lt Owens left Thursday iniirninK for McMiiinville to visit with bis inrents for u conplo of diiys. Kverett's BrandfaHier from Kanstis Is also visiting at the Owens' home. Miss Margaret liny anil Mrs. Vein Jlolgnlu intended' tho Mem-oi-IhI services of tho Knsteru Btar loilgn In Onhlaiiil Thursday cvn nlng. Ilolh ladles nppi'iired on llin program In musical num bers. The Misses Helen and .luanll.l Allen, Mrs. Marguret Price anil Mrs. Jim ('rune lert Thursiluy morning for Portland where they will attend liio commencement exercises of the (iood Hamiiritan 'isplii'l Friday evening. May 2t. The Misses !)alu (ireen and Hetty I'i ice, former Sutherlin h I g li iiliool gniiluali'S. are among I hone In the graduating class. Miss Izeltu llelzler of Kllgen.i vWlii'd Wi'dnesilay with her friend. Miss Mama ret Hay. Clirr Thornton, deputy sberirr. -is hero on business Wednes day. , , Mrs. Anile Peplot was a liusl ness visitor I" ! n Wednesday hum the IHIper Clllnpool.1. Mrs Hubert. Hall. Verll Hoi gale and Kdgar Slack are spend iliK the weekend ill Portland via- g relatives and attending the lliisi-llllll g'H.'lO. Mrs. Anim tloiid. Mrs. Delmar Murphy, and Mli-s Irene Mur phy vlidlcd S lay Willi Mr. and Mm. Hill Miller In Happy valley. Mrs. Leslie Chapman or llliiin vlslii'il tills week ut the orville ("'reiir'i home. Wind bus been received here llial Cordon, s II son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vlsher. former Sulll eilln resident", broke Ids leg near the hip and will be forced to wear a east lor several weeks. Mrs. Florence doff Is ill at her home west of town, David HlKlsmund has Joined the lliiseburg Hying club and 'has tak en two lessons. Hen Flniiel, an other Sutherlin mun belonging to ihe club has madu his first solo fllubi. ODDITIES lie The Asaoi'laleil Press Frank Fisherman IXTFHS'ATIDNAI. V A I. I. S. Minn There's n business man hero who would delight Izaak Wal ton. He Inserted Ihe following ad vertisement In a paper: For sale: (iiiod paying business, will handle. Ideal loialiou. fiviier wauls to spend slimmer llshiim. Consideration MILWAIKKK Kinil Valon, PLUMBING Pete Crumett, Plumbing. Ph. 097. PAPERHANGING A PAINTING Paperh'ng, painting, kalsom'g, (urn. rotln. Free est. Phono MDYX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING: Roseburg Kiuctrlo. Phone 123. RADIO 8ERVICING Hargls Itadlo Service. Phone 196. Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-R. REFRIGERATION SERVICE E. C. Jones. Phone 139-L. LOCKSMITH Pscifie Key t'er. Phone 84S. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHA3. A. EDWABD8 God has given us Uio ability to dream, and this ability Is to be used for a powerful purpose. Wo muy not only build our dreams, visualizing deeds und kindnesses during each now duy, but wo may also transfer them Into enduring reulltios. Let us dream and then go forth to use that dream for the glory of (iod and the service of man. Victor Hugo wrote Borne during but meaningful lines. "I feel in mysel ftbe futuro llfo. I am like a forest cut down; the new shoots are stronger and livelier than ever. I am rising, i know, toward the stars. Tho sunshiny Is on my head. The earth gives me Its generous sap, h'st heaven lights me with the reflection of unknown worlds. Lovers build their dreams into lovely homes, scientific mechanics transform dreams into machines; tho fol lowers of Jesus make their dreams Into deeds of goodness. Paul aays: "1 wus not disobed ient unto tho heavenly vlBion." What do you ardently want to happen today? Our dreams, our hopos, und our expectations col or lll'u, making It cither luvoly or hideous. Amen, charged with disregarding a trarflo signal, told tho Juilgo ho wus 81 years old and had been driving "And," nddeil Valon, "this is my first offonse," Insiilt " SALT LAKIO CITY Mrs. l-owli M. Orifilth didn't mind so much tho theft of five gullous of gusollno, What Irked wus that tho thieves ruined her garden hose. Tlioy cut two foot from it to syphon tho fuel from her automobile. PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 What's in the Air Come, listen to this! TREASURE ISLAND MUSICALE " , 8:03 P, M. I'm going a-travcllng tonight with TWILIGHT TRAILS 8:45 P. M. Wonder If It's time for FULTON LEWIS, JR. 0:30 P. M. OTHER HIGHLIOII TONIGHT S PROG T5 ON RAM 5:30 p. m, 5: "15 p. m. 6:05 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:45 p. tr. .7:00 p. m. .7:30 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 8:16 p. in. Shaftcr Parkir Little Orphan Annie.. Nwa John B. Hughes Composer's 8er;ea Paging the Palt Ned Jordan, Secret Agent Leonard Keller's Orch. Alka Seltzer Newt . ... Jan Gartiir'a Orch Benny Goodman' Orch. 9:45 p. m. KRNR DIAL 1500 n). a- to