Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 27, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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Decision Frett Union on
Sit-Down Strike Damages
(Continued from page 1)
hy llio union lo reatraln Intpratnte
The nurnone of llio sit-down. lh
fclrctilt court aulil. win lo unlonlzi.
tho plantl
A J711.M2 JuilKment hail liwn
prnnteil Apex by the feilernl ilia
trlct court al Phllailelnhla.
Stono until that If. when there
Has no aiilmlnntlal effect on In
leiRtotn comtuerco. "w were to
holt) that a local factory strike
stopiiliiK pioilucllon anil ship
went of its proiluct Inleratato.
Violate the Rhnrmnn law, iiraotl
Hilly every Btrlko In modern In
dustry would ho brought within
the Jurisdiction or the federal
court, under the Sherman act, to
remedy local law violation!."
In Ills dimwit. Chief Juntlre
lliiKhe aborted that "thin court
liun nnver heretofore decided that
a direct and Intentional otntruc
tlon or prevention of tho slilnini-iit
of (,'oodn In Interstate commerce
v,nn not n violation of tho Slier
niun act."
Wage-Hour Law Wins
A C-to-4 Riipremo court ileclnlon
Jiclil in effect that the working
liours of an eMtlmated 200,000
fniloyeB of motor carriers ex
eluding drivers v.em aubject to
the wage-hour law.
In a decision by Justice Hood,
Iho court sustained a contention
tiy tho Interstate commerce com
merce commission that Its power
to regulate the hours of service
at moloi-carrle, employes applies
only to those whoac duties ntfect
tardy of operation.
Doth the ICC and tho wage-hour
fidnilnlstratlon took the position
that nil other employes estiniat--d
at 200,000 clerks, stenograph
ers, bookkeepers, accountants,
warehousemen and similar em
ployeswere subject lo tlio fair
labor fltiindards act.
Tho American Trucking Asso
ciations, Inc., of Washington, H
CM brought (he litigation.
Britain Fails to Halt
Italy In Plans for War
(Continued from page IK
sued to expand tho production of
nrtlllory anil lo conserve (ho na
tions wwotlne suppl)s by sus
pending civilian motor traffic
June 1. ,
2. Manners bearing the words
"War, War!" and "Puce, we want
to march" wero raised before
tho premier In Mussolini forum
at the end of the gymnastic ex
hibition by 10.000 fusclBl youths.
MiiBBollnl watched impassively.
3. Foreign Minister Claim re
turned from a tour of Albania
conquered and annexed by Italy In
April. 100 in which he received
j.iedges of Albanian support In
ony Italian' war effort.
The governor of the Important
llrlllsh navul haso of Malta today
ordered iitliiow from 11 p. m. lo fi
a.-m effoctlve -tonight, as a de
fense precaution against para
chute invasion. The public was
wnrnod -violators' of tho cuirew
would risk bclni; Bhot.
The warnings eniphaslwMl the
death penalty for .treachery.
Appeal for Unity Given
; Nation by Roosevelt
(Continued front page ,1)
ministration's promise to advance
KFC money (o private Industry lo
help expand factories and person
nel under, the preparedness pro
gram. Past Spending Cited.
After opening his talk with an
See 113 Miles of Pacific Ocean Shore
all by Daylight!
Our lowest coach ares to Los Angeles and the I;ase
are good on the famoal Itrcamlincd Dtfligblt from San
Francisco to Los Angeles the most beautiful trains in the
world 1 Morning Dtyligbt leaves San Francisco at 8:15
a.m.j Noon Daylight at 12 Noon. Examples of low fares
in chair cars and coaches on Southern Pacific:
Southorn Pacific
J. E. CLARK, Agent. Phone 11,
appeal to aid the Red Cross war re
lief fund, Mr. Roosevelt detailed
advances In the army and navy
during his seven years In office.
The navy received JlJK7.flO0.O0O
mnro slnco 193:!, -he said, than It
did In the seven years before that
date. For that money ho explain
ed. 21f, fighting shlPH were laid
down or commissioned, personnel
rose from 79,000 to 145,000, and use
ful navy aircraft Increased from
1.127 to 2.KH2 planes on hand nnd
on order.
The army received $1,292,000,000
more since l!i:t:i, ho continued, than
In the seven preceding yenrs. Hlnee
19.1:1 It purchased fi.fH 0 planeB, the
president Bald, making these other
army comparisons:
Enlisted men 1033, 122,000;
1910, practically doubled.
Ajitl-nlrcrurt guns 193.1, 355;
1910, 1,700.
Modern Infantry mortars 1933.
24: 1940, 1,000.
Modern tanks, armored cars
193.1. 48; 1940, 1.700.
Pllotfl 1933, 1.263: 1940. 3.200.
Former I'rosldenl Hoover will
preBent bis views on national de
fense In a radio speech tonight nt
8:30 p. in. (6:30 p. m. Pacific stan
dard time).
IlKm.l.V. May 27 (API Presi
dent ltoosevelt'B fireside talk last
night was regarded by authorized
German sources today as having
touched on (he United States own
Germany never has been a
threat In the western hemisphere,
IbeKo sources said, and If Ameri
ca feels she needs bettor defenses
It cannot be because of any Ger
man designs.
They declared that Germany re
spected the slogan "America for
Americans," but also expected
America lo reaped the slogan
"Europe for the Europiums."
Gigantic Battle Rages
for Channel Mastery
(Continued from page 1)
Calais silll was III their bands.
At nerlln, the death of Prince
Wllhehn of Prussia, oldest son of
former Crown Prlnco Filcdrlch
LONDON, May 27. (AIM fioh
ort MontKomery, AmonVnn motion
picture jirlor, Ims 1hmi. accei.ttHl hb
mi nmhulHtU'c driver Tor Hie Anicii
ciin flelil HPivlcn it ml ex pert h tn
inave rot l ianco U cilncHiluv or
Tod tiy lio wiir hiixy miiwrlntPiitl
Ink tho HoHlne of hlx country home
tn JHtcKiitKliamHlilre.
II In wife will return to tho 1'nlteil
Sliiies on Iho ProKtclcnt lloonevelt,
now en rou to to tialway.
PAIUS. May 27. f AIM Krwin
II. Will in of New York, n driver
with an American ambulance unit
In northern Kninco. whk reported
today to have been slightly injured
hy u rolltipHinj? wall whilo rescuing
a baby in a (iermnn air bombard
ment. The child watt unhurt. i
Waits Ih il hoii of the luto Rid
ley WallH, New York banker. i
AI.KXANIHtlA, May 27. (AIM
The Kprvpliau (Juliette uuve some
editorial advice to tin reiulorn on
the subject or radio broadcasts to
day. t
ICvvry niiuulo you xoend llnten-
1 it K to enemy broadcasts, in a min-'
uto spent In thn service or littler. !
It said, adding that listening Is
"treasonable in vttov.l If not tn-j
tent." I
V INI 1,1
Wllbelm, from a wound received
while fighting in Flunders was an
nounced. One other member of tho
house of Hobenzollern, Prince Os
car, a cousin, died on the Polish
front last fall.
The French acknowledged the
loss of Boulogne hut declured the
German advance had made no con
siderable progrcBB for 48 hours.
There was a new note of optimism
In the attitude of the French high
British Swap Generals
The nrltlBh hail a new high com
mander. Just as the French gained
one a week ago. I.leut. -General Sir
John Greer IJ11I became chief of
the Imperial general staff. General
.Sir Edmund ironside, who had held
that office, was given command of
tho home force.
This apparently Indicated the
French nnd llrltish would UHe new
triictics against the German drive
and ulso that more vigorous mea
sures would be taken to build up
the defense of Great Hrltnin. Iron
side won promotion for building up
Boseburg Wews-
Home Economist
In charge of the school
Gibraltar's defenses; now his task
is the same at home.
Heavy, blows against the Ger
mans by Urituiu's royal air force
were reported in a series of five
coinmuiiUiucB yesterday; at the
sumo time the llrltish announced
the loss of the destroyer Wessox In
a German air attack. .
Alien! Rounded Up
At home the intensive British
drive against the firth column peril
took a sudden turn; more than 3,
000 German and Austrian women
wero arrested for InternineiH on
(be Isle of Man for the war's urn
tlon, anil scores of p.-tcifisis, grum
blers, soap box orators and sus
pec(ed members of the outluwed
Irish republican army wero Juried.
.Meanwhile, Eire (Ireland), striv
ing to maintain her neutrality and
hold her gains in n (iOO-year fight
for independence, prepared to coun
ter any invasion or blow nt Kng
land by placing the army virtually
on a war basis. Army reservists
and volunteers nre being culled.
The Churchill government mov
We're proud to announce that BARBARA MILLER
wiftfjRni I
ed toward better relations with
ltilHHin by dispatching Kir Stafford
Crlpps, laborlte member of parlia
ment, to Moscow on uu economic
While the empire Joined King
George and Queen Kliiiheth In
(heir iiuGonal day of prayer, and
armament plants worked at full
speed throughout the week-end,
Scotland Yard rounded up another
score of llrltish fascists in a drive
againBt Kjtential filth columnists.
The government at the same time
announced u new lira of 15 south
east coast towns as "evacuation
areas" and prepared to move chil
dren to safer places, among them
were Hover, only 22 miles across
the channel from Calais, and Folke
stone, 20 miles from German-held
The American Petroleum Instl
tne reports new reserves contain
ing 12.1iio.oi;ij.uoo barrels of oil
were discovered In the IT. S. during
the last four years. Tills equals
li. s. production for the first 70
w-iir or (ho Industry.
From Your Grocer
Mrs. A. C. Ruiter, Former
Roseburg Resident, Dies
Mrs. Ada Campbell Ituiter, 47, a
native of Hosclmrg and u resident
hero mull 1928, died at Kugene,
May 25. Surviving uro her hus
band, George V. Ituiter. an em
ploye of the Southern Pacific coiu
oany, nnd one son. Funeral serv
ices will be belli nt tho Vealch
ciiapel iu t:ugeno at 2 p. m. Tues
day. Cutting, Reminder
MINNKAPOUS. Virgil Ander
son pried the frost shields off the
window of his car. put them in
the buck Beat and Inrr.-it about
iheni. Hut .Miss Myrtle llovness.
25, won't.
Anderson nnd bis wife Invited
her to ride home with them from
a party. She sat down In the back
seat upon the glass shields. Then
site rode lo a hospital und wo
trenli-d for seven cuts.
Stock and Bond
Compiled by The Associate!:
May 27:
30 15 15 Oo j
Indls lilt's CCs SCks !
Monday 55.0 13.9 31.9 I'.fc.S
l'lov. day 51.3 13.5 31.3 38.1
Month ago ... 71.9 1K.S 38.9 5n.2
Your ago 07.1! 19.2 -37.5 17.8
11)40 high 74.2 20.5 40.C 52 2
1910 low 53.5 13.1 31.1 37.7
' 20 10 10 10
lilt's Ind'l! I't'B Fgn.
Monday 49.0 llfl.O 91.(1 38.0
Prev. day 48.8 99.2 91.0 38.1
Month ago .... 5K.0 103.2 97.2 47.3
Year ugo 50. 5 99.7 90.1 112.2
Pltfl high 59.9 103.(1 97.5 53.5 j
1910 low 48.5 911.2 90.3 37.4 j
ft j
- DXFfJUA CHm -1
Muiainfjniu i
The mllllnry salute slgnlfleB nn
ostentatious baling of the weapon
hand to show that no Javelins,
ilslols. or daggers, are concealed
' Floor
Sanding and Refinishing
Phone 651-J Phone 128
Temporary address R. F. D.,
Oakland, Oregon
Funeral Director
Licensed Lady Assistant
Phone 472
Any Distance, Any Time
Our service is for ALL, and
Friday, May 28-29-3 1st
am selects