ROSEBURG NEWSREVIEW. ROSEBURS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1940. FIVE mm sw IIISIII JLIfMi r -f Livestock JEHSKYS. Either a 4-year-old, Riving 3i gallons daily, H5.0: ur a purebred (not registered! 7-year-old, giving 5 gallons. See them at 6:00 p. in. llonebruko, Melrose. (1001) 13 hundred pound team and harness, cheap, or will trade for light car. C. L. Spray, (larileu Valley, Jlouto 1, Wil bur. KtlU SALE 3 head work horses, w eight around 1500. Also mowing machine rake, plow, harrows, etc. Goin Mill, Days Creek. WANT a quiet worn horse to cultl vale corn. Must work double or single. Box 820, co News-Review. HKAUTIFUL, light Uuff, Cocker niiuiuei, regiBieiwu, mnic, nine months, houseuroke. 637 S. .Main. WANTED Milk cow, weanling pigs, heifer to freshen within 3 mouths. Eva E. May, Tiller. toll SALE Saddie or puck horse. Phono J2K31. COCREU Spaniels. Phone 386-J. Wanted IF YOU have Hum prouueo lo sell II will be to your advantage to see Ihn HOSEIll'RO POULTRY CO., 920 S. Stephens Street. I WANTEIt Rent or lease on small j luriusiit-u noiif, ciufiu iu Lumber Co. Phono 711-J after 5 p. in. liiDES. Highest cash prices. Leave ears on. Duuglas Market. Dentistry Dlt. NEItHAS Gas When Desired Masonic lildg. Phono 4X8 Dr. (1. W. Marshall, Med. A. Wdg, ALLEY OOP THUEE TIMES IVE r HALT' NOW VOU'RE SMACKED- BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES -L... AO'vit OWOVMV-O SHE IS NOVv ? WASH TU6BS ( THREE TIMES IVE HOLLERED if n ( V'HALT' NOW VOU'RE GONNA GET fcl --TfK? SMACKED f Yv. OH.WHV WON'T V IJ - f7 J THIS .TALOPV sLl rW I 7 V X ( G0 FARTER? JgQVC f"b -JC& V ANOTHER TIRE? T Slffh I- . " IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS s&t pur fetrS?! r- -) SO FAR SO 600D. DAWSOM'S SHRIKV PISHIMS 16 A BLIMD MR HIS SUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO WASH f WHO CAM "MR. SOUTHERN BE? Real Estatt SHOUT TIME ONLY 10 acres, improved, on Coos Day highway, in miles from ltoseburg. $250.00 cash. Leroy St. Arnold, Looking glass Star Route. FEDERAL land bank farms. Ilea sonublo prices; convenient terms. Lists available ut tho National Farm Loan Office, Perkins Uuild ing, Roseburg. TWELVE ACRES, two miles N. of Koscburg, long frontage on high way to trade for small, modern home. Fred Fisher. Phone 20F3. FOR SALE 5-rooih rustic home on North Umpqua. fireplace, elec tricity. L. W. Jordan, Ulide, Ore gon. FOR SALE Modern remodeled 5 loom house. U0U s. Pine street, Roseburg. FOR SALE 13 acres, mpdern house. A. F. Morris, Riflo Range road. Help Wanted WOMAN, over 50. lo take entire charge of establishment, live on promises. Must be good cook. $30.00 month, hoard and room guaranteed. Box 830, co News Review. WANTED Ambitious woman who has need of added income. Ex perience not necessary. Write llox 828, c-o News-Review, giving namo and address for personal Interview. WAITRESSES WANTED AT ONCE, llcth's Grille. Hay, Grain, Feed 28 ACRES standing liny for sale or harvest on shares. 2-1 miles west of Roseburg. J. O. Newland. Phone 43.1-L. HOLLERED GONNA GET OH.WHV WON THIS .TALOPV GO FARTER? WHAT Ih I'D BLOW, ANOTHER. TIRE r. e,OOT. J . JZ IkJ MUST BE r some con- For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE General Electric vac uum cleaner, special J27.15. regular $44.50 valuo; Magic Aire cleaner, with. attachments, $39.60; usod General Electric refrigerator, excellent condition, cheap; good used vacuum, $7.50; all enamol Westinghouse electric range, $12.50. JL'DDS FURNITURE STORE. 2-UOTTOM tractor plow, sulky plow, corn cultivator, 2-section barrow, 2-scctlou spriugtoolh, hay cutter, 5 h. p. engine. A. E. Kent. Phone 435-J. GET bettor results w ith our SPE-1 t'lAL OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL. I NEW JOHNSON OUTHOAltDS NOW ON DISPLAY. Powell's j Hardware. j FOR GUARANTEED MUFFLERS, glass trailers ann auto parts, go i Ir. SM1VV S AUTO WRECKING '. HOUSE, 523 N. Main. Phone 553. TRADE IN your old bathroom fix-1 lures on Ward's new low priced sets. Jlimii.uJir.ili auij , Plumbing Dept., phono 95. i BERRIES You pick them, in your containers, 75c crate. Norman Ellis, 0 miles west Melrose Store. PEAS tor canning. Dc pound deliv ered 2c you pick. Phone 19F5. Lindblooni. STEELHEAD files anil trout flies Hint are right, at Powell's Hard ware. TROUT flies that Powell's llardwaro. calch fish. A NEW modern storage locker system at Douglas Ice and Stor age Co. Attractive rates. Cartons tor sale. ALL KINDS brushes. Pow paints, varnishes, IPs Hardware. Time One Man A Break tJKS2u , VWKiG "FOR GRoctRS't'b Now He DEV AIM' COWWECTED WIT' W6 SMU&6LIW' BUSINESS ''CEPN' JOb' BULL, US CAJUWS, , JAKE DE TRUC DRWEBU Z 1 kltrTlnM. I FOR SALE New Mohawk Wilton rug. 0x12, regulurly $125.00, spe cial $57.50; . new 7x10. $37.00; bedroom rug for $10.95; easy, rubber-tired wheel chuir; ull whlto enamel apartment house electric rungo, only UBed about 3 weeks. See ma quick. J. M. Judd. STRAWnnilRllOS Bring con tainers, pick yourself, 75c crate. .Mrs. M. .Manning, West Melrose, I'oeruer road. FOR SALE Porch awing, radio, fruit Jars, small heater, washing machine, organ. 420 S. Pino. GET turpentine and linseed oils here at Powell's. BIO trade-in allowance given on your old furniture. Montgomery Ward, 315 N. Jackson streeL FOR SALE Used McCornmck mower, $25.00. Bonobrake, Mel rose'. .., ALTO PAIM NOW, $1.35 quart. Brushes 10c. Powell's Hardware. TRADE in your old furniture, at full valuo, to Judd s on the new. ,,,,. ,. , ,.,). phu'KS ON a ILS. See Karl S. Powell. WINDOW screens. 30c each, at Powell's Hardware. PAINT SALE All paint at very low prices. Powell's. Poultry WANTED liens and fryers. Port land quotations paid. Kreu pick up service. Box 135. Camas Vul ley. . FRYERS for salo. Itllle Range Road, Nelson Bros. Lost and Found LOST Key attached to bluo cord. Kinder please leave at News-Review. Out rnmmm Knows NO A DEN VI MS , MORE CHOC YOURSELF MALTS L THOSE no more J Things CANDY BARS- k WILL. --- NO MORE 1 PROVE WHIPPED CRfANM VOLI ARE WOE .' WOE FORCEFUL. lAriF r-VotJ HAVE P, A TO DOMINATE Knows RUBY I A1N' IT? BOT TEV r podeo (ill Si fi iv. T'oa-qhU J!w a If i) ' xlrtJ v.' EOV - iv4m ( Jk UQO-CC! DAT FALLA. HE PLANTV" BEEfi 'N' TOUSH 'N' A WOLF. HE BULLS PAROMEB. L j . iw nr nr.l -jtrficfiKC t u ctn. u I rtT. err. ' . Business Opportunities OPPORTUNITY for aggressive ; merchant who will invest $li,0u0 (part credit, part cash) to be- come distributor of a . niajor ' brand of tires and auto supplies; ; average gross profit 33 Vi on monthly sales of $2,000; expenses small. This is an opportunity for a man to make an exceptionally GOOD SECURE PROFIT with .nominal investment. Willo Box 831, c-o News-Review. AUTO CAMP 7 cabins, modern ' home. Inn. All furnished. Gas tdalion. Room for grocery. 10 .acres, lol highway, near Coos llay. Sale because of sickness. $3,000 handles. Johnson, Box 25, v Huuscr, Oregon. FOR SALE 3-year lease on 17 room hotel and restaurant, 313 W. Lane, Roseburg. . Miscellaneous LOOKINGGLASS Cemetery Asso - ciutiun announces its annual clean-up day on Tuesday, May 28. Henry Jones, secretary. THE most money for your wool and iiinhalr ut the ROSEIUIRU POULTRY CO., 020 S. Stophens Street, Phono 270. OH SALE .McConulck binder, riding cultivator. Trado horses for truck. A. G. Webber, Slither iin. DANCE Evergreen (Irnugu hall, Saturday evening, May 25. Work Wanted WOMAN wants work by day or week. Box 827. c-o News-ltoview. CABINET WORK made to order RI2 N. .lneltsnn. Ttnselmrir. 7 9 . A GENTLEMAN THREE ROWS BACK 19 ill SAVS PUNCH THE LADY ON THE? SNOOr ' li Jl . 00 EVES LIKE A AIM' WOTHIM1 LINK'. HfcS WIT' EVES LAK Rentals FOR RENT Thoroughly modern G-room house with basement, laundry tubs and furnace, at 212 Rico St. Phone 338-Y. Vacant June 1. FOR RENT Sleeping room In modern home. Furnace limit, basement Kara no. 1023 Wiuchos tur. Phono G'Jl-J. BAILEY aparluieats 3 rooms, bath, garage. AUulls only. 117 S. Kane. MODERN, clean apartments. Northsldo Apartments. Pbouo 369-4. FOR RENT 6-rooni house. Phono 655-J or call at 501 S. Stephens. GROUND floor apartment. Vacant June 1. Call The Strange Shop.. KOHL1IAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. FOR HUNT Well furnished house. Inquire 810 North Jackson. FURNISHED, 2-room, front upart mout. 112 Brockway. ROOM and garage. Gantloman pre ferred. Phono 020-11. FOR RENT Furnished, 3 rooms, lower. UIU S. Pine. MODERN, furnished apartment. 92tj S. Main. Fuel BURN WOOD OR SAWDUST Safe Convenient And it costs so little. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phono 282 CHOICE, dry, easy splitting, old growth fir wood. South End Fuel Company. By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser By Edgar Martin VOO &y V'CrtSlt. iOfeT HM5 RiDOEKJ OKIE? C OjO c 'r2 By Roy Crane WOLF? JUMPING BLUE BLATESfl n't THE SAME BUBy ! THE MISblMS ... the ELU5IUE"MR.'&0UTHtRN": fit -A; t rJ EXPERT SERVICE When Thtre'i Somathlng Vou Want Don SEE AN EXPERT Tha firms and Individual! Ittted fealow apaclallia In their work. Sea them for expert aerviee. You ahould profit by their help. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebei-r, U3 8. Stapbant Aleo furniture repairing. ANTIQUES The Strange Shop. 106 S. Main St. AUTO REPAIRING Alba Spaugh's Qnrose. 138 8. Stephena atroet. Phone 303. Knight Porter, corner Pouglua & Mala, iiouy, fender worK. Painting. SHEET METAL WORK Sinnlger'a. 444 N. Jackson St. FLUE CLEANING ,1 . Bea-'ar. Phona 1H Feller Wins His Own Game 2 Ways iiy ji'dson iiAii.KV (AHHot'latml Prosa Spnrta Writer) At St. LoiiIh lust night Kellnr pitched and battod the Clovoland Indiana to n 3-D doclslon over the Urowna, allowing only soveu scul tored lilts, airlking out nine but lis and holnlliE hlniBi'lf tn the fli'Bt home run of his major league! career. Tho victory rnlaod Poller Into possession, possibly permanent, at the American lunKlle circuit's Ditching lead with six wins and two losses. In nnothor night game, the Now York (Hauls doluated the Boston Ileus 81. A pitching performance that ri valled Keller's was provided in tho ChlcuKo White Sox's 81 decision ovor the Detroit Tigers, nigney permitted Just throe hits and fan ned six. In seven of the nine (rallies ho retired tho Tigers In or der. KlKliey's efforts were nenilv mulched by Tommy Bridges, who Meld Chicago to three hits In anven iimliiKS before giving wuy to a plnch-hlttor. These were the dav's onlv t.mlnr league games. Standing! Ily Tho .ssocialeil J'ross National League li' i. ni (Mlltllinall is s .uiiii llrooklyn t n B12 New Vorlt id n ,5'ij 'Jl11.1.'"1?" 17 l'i .ri7 fntiaiieiiihia u ij jr.s s'- luls 10 17 .570 Hoston (j in ,m I'lllsourgh c 18 M American League w I. l,l IIOHlmi Ill K .7114 Cleveland .....111. lo .1155 I'd roll 1(3 M .(317 ( IIK-Hlto H 10 .4(17 WHslilimlin i;( 17 ,4:t:i I'lilladeliihia 12 10 .1211 St. Louis U 10 .107 New Vnrk 11 17 .31 Pacific Coast League W I. I'd Seattle 28 21 .671 San DIcbo :0 2:1 .riiili Hollywood 29 2(1 .f.27 Oakland 2!) 20 .r.27 San KranclHeo 2(1 20 .500 Los Angeles 26 27 ,4M SHcrumento 2;i :t2 .lis I'ortlund 20 21) .108 The Australian Ued Cross has mobile "blood tanks" to nr.ovide soldiers with transfusions on the hattlcllcld. Hold Everything! CPU lW IT Ml. 111. Ill IMC T - U U ' ' f'W "Concrnlulntionst Tlio iron cuulrul of your blood ia O. U," PLUMBING i'olo CruiiiuU. PlumblnK. Ph. 697. PAPERH ANQING A PAINTING Paperb'ng, painting, kalsom'g, turn, refin. Free eat. Phone 1 19YX. RADIO ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Roaeburg Electric. Phone 123. RADIO SERVICING Margie liaiiln Service. Phone 1911. Lund Radio Service. Phone 84. Radio Doctors. Phone 167-R. REFRIGERATION SERVICE G. C. Jonea. Phone 139-L. LOCKSMITH Paclfin Kw Rtr. Phone S4. Seattle Finally Attains League Top (Ily the Associated Press) The Seattle Itaiuiors topped thd Pucifle coast league baseball heap toilay, thanks to a rookie pitcher named Ira Scribner and the Salt Francisco Seals. While. Bcrilmer was holding the Oakland Oaks to four hits Inst night to enable the rtalnlors to win, :i-0, the Seals were humbling the San Diego Padres, erstwhile league leaders, 5-0. The Itaiuiors, 19.19 nonnnnt win ners, began their spurt to the top last Tuesiluy, from third nlace. Three of their four successive vic tories over the Oaks were shut' outs. .11st night's game was finished under the protest or Oaks' Manug or Vergot, who challenged Umpire Duron's ruling that Luhy was out on u roll I fly. First lliisoiinui Archil caught the fly, hut an cutbuslaHttO ait In the rirnt busn line stands reached out and snatched tho bal( from Archie's glove. Four San Diego errors helped tho Seals tn their victory, in Hani (lllisnn held tho Padres to four hita for his fourth shutout triumph ot the season. The Seals scored their first two runs in Ih eaecnnd inning when Padre Pitcher Dick New some stumbled .while taking it throw, and dropped the hull, " Los Angeles dufnatcd Racru nienlo. 8-fl, tho Angola Inking nil their runs and 12 of tholr 14 hlta off Under lii tho first five Innings., The Hollywood Stars trimmed Purtland'a lloavorr.. M, the gams turning intn a snoring sproo In tho eighth and ninth whon the Stars; tallied thrno times and the Ilcav. era twice III oach of the frames, llltlnor, star nioundsmgn, held tho Heavers to flvo bits until lin got Into trouhlo In tho eighth und waa siiccwled by llltliorn. Ilarrclli new Portland pllchor, was the vie tlm of one earned and two unearn ed runs until ho made way for a pinch hlttor, The earned run was1 Lnfirinldur I lei mull's home run in the sixth. KINSHIP SPEED llorilBSTKK. Hid. (API In 1 nionlhs. Mrs. KdwaiU A? 11111 of near Monterey became n bride, mo Hint', mother-ln-lnw and grand mother. 1 Then .Mrs. Lulu Mcdbnurn, sha married Altiim In September Hits. Subsequently two sous mid a daughter by u former marriage woru wed. All three couples had children and Mrs. Altiim herself gavo birth to a daughter.