SIX ROSEBURS REWS.REVIEW, R0SE8URS, dRrfetto, MONDAY, MAY 20, 1940". Yearbook of R.H.S. Issued to Students Tlio HMO Issue or "The I7in ijrnin." yearbook (r Kiisoliiirg senior hlr.h nohool W(tH distributed lo sliulcnis toiluy. Tim Hiiiiual this year in troduces several new features. 11 is far mum prnhlscly illustrated limn ever before, Willi Mil pholn kiiiih. Photographic wink was lllm by I lut C.'iiiiiiri-u rluli of I tin high school, iiinl engraving was by the Hosehllrg NeWH-UovieW. The hook was primed uml liimml by 1 he News-llovlew commercial jirlnl- IllK ilnimrl mi-ill. and offers a new type style which makes the annual particularly readable. The yearbook, hy means or photo graphs ami reading mailer, oIIith a vnry complete report on Ihe school, IIh studcnls, varloiiH de partments, activities anil athletics. Hetty Mae Whipple was editor ol IIiIh year's I'mpfjila anil Illll Chal mers manager. Record Army Bill Gets Committee's Approval fronllnued rrom pane 1) department wnnl-l to .x'-'ti'l I . air corpK lo 10,000 planer. Tliu chief of stuff remarked President Konsovelt had spoken or it total or DO.IMiO planes n year, hut hhI (I. "we ure thinking of a force or pianos." The army In limited lo 6.000 at present. Secretary Mnrgcnlhau told porters lust night that obtaining Hnfflelent ongineH was the princi pal ! I f 1 1 n 1 1 y In putting l li I h pro gram lulu effect. "While the industry Is working two or three shifts a day." he ttaiil, "II Itt not making enoul'.ll engines." The Henate apprDprlallohH com mllleu made puhlle teHilmuny from Mnjor (lenenil II. II. Arnold, chief of the army air corps, that Amorl eun aircraft producllon now Ih uhonl 340 planeH u month, lhat It Ik expected to inereiiKe to K00 month tlila summer, and that it should reach an estimated poien tlal cupncliy of l.lilK monthly liy December. lbs., 13c; old roosters, 4c, liltEKHICI) TIJIIKHVS Rolling prices: liens. No. , ja-14Jc Hi.: tnms, fj-loc lb. ONIONS Oregon No. 1, $2.00 2.16 per Co Ih. ban; Yakima ( I, per JlO-lb. bats; sols, white, CJc; brown, GJc lb.; new California wax, fins, ta.'w; Texas wax, S2.dll. NHW l'OTATOKS California whiles, r,0s, II.2H, I'OTATOHH-- Vaklma Coins (....); Iieschllles, tl.ini-2.lin; Klamnlh ITillo Lake). tl.H0 ettl.; lurid whites, Ijlir box; do sacks, 11.50 l.llll celilnl; Mnllii, $2.00 cenlnl; southern yaiiiH, t2.40-y.r,il crnlo. HAY KelliiiK price to rnlallera: Alfalfa, No. 1, tl5.r,o ion; oal-vcleh, ti:.0o ion; clover, Ion: lim. olby, easlern Oregon, 17.0n -ls.00 Ion; valley timolby, $14.00 ion, Portland. WOOI, 194(1, eastern Oregon, fine, medium, 2:iJ-27Jc; crossbred, .j'oiac; wiiuimene valley, J2 months, nominal, 32c lb.; lamb, 25c lb. MOIIAIIt loin, 12 months, Wi th. CASfAnAISIO peel, 7e ,. HOI'S -Oregon, l!i:m, 2(1 .lllc lb.; Ill 10 conlrncls, :iilc lb.; lino seed less, 82c lb. McNary's Oregon Vote Tods Roosevelt Total 'Continued rrom page 1) LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Or.. May 20. (AP) IWTTKIlPrlntH, A ki-iiiIc, Ulljt: III. In imniimcnt wiapH'it. 'Min II). hi (ihIoiih; 11 knuIo, -Xi: Ih. In imn.'hmciit. wiiippiTH, 2!lio Ih. In cttrtonn. UUTT KHFAT FlrHt finality, maxlnuiiit ol' .0 or I wv v.out acid ity, (li'livcicl In Portland, liUJ-i!7c lb.; valley rmili'H ninl (-ouiitry pointH, 2k Ichh, or 25it lit.: hitoihI finality, 2c ntnlfi' firm, or 2r- lb. CIIKKSK Si'lllnt; itrlen lo Petri-: land I'otailcrH:, Tlllainitok tripli'lH, J!lc lb.; loaf, lHc r. o. I. Prfci lo wlioloHiilcrH, tilph'ln, 17t! th.; loaf, IKc ih. f. o. b. 'I'illainook. KCKiS IluyftiK prlri'H: Kxtrart, la r tie, Ifi-Kir; RiaiidardK. larK'. Me; vxIiiih, itifulltiiii, i:t-; do utandaidtt, l.'tc do.. COUNTltV MIOATfl ScllliiK print) to I'ciailiirH: ('ound-y-kllh'd llOKH, lll'Hi liatclUM-H, lrt-lfil) lhn., !) !I4; vealcrrt, fancy, llSJ-llo Ih.; IlKhl-tliin, Kl-llic; heavy, il "c Hi.; lamlm, HprhiK, Hi-17c; ycailliiKH, ln-12c Ih.; owes, -l-fir h.; nond cut ler roWH, yj-lnr Ih.; rainier rows, S-!tr lit.; hullR, Ili-lL'i' Ih. 1JVK POI'lntY lluyiiiE prim: No. I Kiado: LckIuhii brollern, 1,1 lo 1 llm., ITtt.'; fryei'M, iimlir II llm., lie; rryeiH. :t to I lh lir; i-oal-cr, over 4 IIih.. 1S-; l.i'Khoiu hens, over ItJ Hih., lie; LeKhnin lii'iiH, un der 3c lltit., lia; colored henn, uver Ti IIih., lllc; colored Iiciih, I II is. lit fi I'ORTf-A.Vn. fre.. Mr.v 9U i AP) ( (J. K. ),.,,(. A(fr, j((J(iS .Marki-t. very hIow: :ir. til inriul 1 f SO lower; Kood-eholc lS-ai5 Ih. drivx'-JiiH nioHlly (1.00; Jew early win u.iu-iu; cunoanw moHtly fi.2.1; 2:Ut-2tiU Ih. hiilclieiH ri.r,0-7r; IfKht IlKhtH inosily C.25-i;; packing koivh 3.7r.2.r,; feeder pl8 luiHold; IhhI held iihov fi.UO. CATTI.K Calves uneven; He.ern generally meudy, aomri late Halen weaker; cows and heifer teady lo wenk, InHlances 25 ow- hiillK weak: vealerw MienHu medluiii-ifood fed Hleers 8.ri(Mt.7:i; lew loailH IlKht Hleerfl I0.00-J.1; lew iieiid ami one cur exnerittwni. ill KiierH 10.2i; Kloirkern 7.imr.0; lew fed heirei-H,; nxper!-nienlally-fed liell'erH In !).r0: coin. nion-medliitri ln;lferH fi.2fi-8.2fij cut-tei'-coniinon cowh A.U)-tiS,u; enii neiH down in :i.7fi: fat dairy tvnn cowh up to G.Ou; koikI beef rowi Ji f(M; medium Rood liKht Call- JornlaH 7-IU-r(it; KaunaKo hulls fi.00-1 (.; beef ImiIIh 7.00-2.1: chfdce vealoi'H !i.00. SIIKKP -Sprinjf lambs tderidy; laiiKhler eweH Hlrrmir: vnnd. choice HprhiKcrs moHlly R.7.ri; lew lol K.!io!.oo; mediiim-Kood KiadcH H.ii.r0; common down to 7.00; lew old f-rop l.-iinhs -f, (lit: in,.'. dium-good ewe.H 2.r.0:i.2fi ; load iichi i'hth ; WHEAT PORTLAND, Ore, M,fV 20 (AP- Mav Sepl. 0"U Ilirh i.uw Musi . .. 7'l 7:i 70 70 dlKlrlcl repuhllf-an nomlimtion. Commonwealth Score Tli Oregon ('ommnuwealil) ed nraiion, democrulic leli-wlngeiH, bad live candldatcH amiiiiK the lo delcKatcH flcied (o the dfunocra lie national convention In Friday" primary election. Included were two commonwealth officers. H, SiepheiiHon Smith. Kuftcne, Ttrosi dent ( first dlHtrlct), and jiavld Kpps, Portland, executive board member (ihird district) LoIiih Lantley of Portland and ( larenc Hyde of KiiKeue, both rt'deiiuion-lndorseil and pro-Hoose veil, won In the state, at la rife. .( I' t'lrfch, Hulein, Indorsed in the first, district, will attend the can- vemlon with Smith. OtheiH voted in Included Willis Mahouey and .1. Morrow, In l tin democrutiir national delegate (state at law) race wlih 1572 of J precincts (n. Ralph M. Kr win was u siiftiii? fifth however. Harry I). Ilolvln ami Will M. Peterson were well In front In the second district., and John J. Jleck liiiin In I he I bird. Ex-Governor Martin Loses Kx (iovernor Charles . .Martin ami other ant I third term demo crats fulled to win approval as delegates. Two CIO men won election to the stale IcKiHhidire from Mult nomah county, John II. Sullivan, business agent of the woodwork ers, and A. Hugh Adams, long shoreman. On the other hand, Ihe stnte's 10 member delegation to (lie re-, publican national convention re flected political experience and conservation. P b 1 1 Metscbam, Porlland boielmiiri, led the ticket for the slate at lurge. Walter Tooze. Portland Inwyer, Robert S. Karrell, Sr., Portland, tlm former If. S. senator Robert Stanlfeld, I'tnaltlla county, also will repre sent the state at large. Norblad, Lamport Win Frederick S. Lamport of Salem won along wllb Walter Norblad Jr.. Astoria, ex-state representative, in the first district. Mrs. Jim-riot Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Compiled hy The Associated Press .May 20: H 15 Ifi CI) lud'ls lilt's I'I's SCks Monday Prev. day . Month ago Year fij;o .... 1!H0 hiuli .. HMO low .... .. 57. S 71. 1! . (M .5 ...71.2 20,5 . 57.S 1 U BONDS 10 115 1 l.:t is Jl 17.S :i2.(i :i2 2 :ts.x :k:.5 umi 92.2 lu. i; 4(1.4 50.0 15.7 52.2 I0.-I Ryan. Itend, vice-president of the republican state central enmm It tee, and W. 10. Saylor, Pendleton, won In Ihe second district. The veteran parly worker, II. K. Col lier, attorney, and William A. Kk wall, former judge and former congressman, won In Ihe. Multno mah district. Archie Met !o wan of TJurns. pledged lo Thomas K. Dewey for president. trailed the McNury- pledged Metschau by IU.huo vole-. Richard Swenson, Moumoiilli edi tor wIiomk second cIkiIco was ! wry. lost In Die first district. English Channel Now Nazi Blitzkrieg Goal (Continued from pace 1) declared WeyhaiKl wan an old-Htyle fighter who cannot meet the mod ern (icrman attack. The nigh comma no h repurm nun day on the rapidly developing mili tary Rltuation said that the allies bad continued to withdraw on all fronts In Relginm and Franco over the week-end, yielding more than prisoners and Buffering heavy caslualtles. Despite Ihe uni'dcnllng fury of Die nazl onslaught, a British spokesman said there was "no rea son to lose heart or courage." The withdrawal of rirltlsh troops on the allied west wing, he said, was to conftuni with the shifting position In the south. The situation was admittedly al most as dark as that which con fronted the allies in 1!H, wben Kaiser Wilhcim summoned all of dermany's waning powers In a ter rifle offensive that came near tr, HUCCCHH. On (he Belgian front, (ho Cer- mans sab! tijpy were advancing wem irom Antwerp and Hninsels but the liiillsb maintained lines in ibis sector still held. Ttie nriiisb ailmlralty. In a brief ommiiiiirme, announced the de stroyer Whllley had been damag ed hy Oerman bombers am beach ed with the loss of four men. The sue or the action was not 'Indicated. Kugland sought to sten tin Tiro- duct Ion in her war Industries and nuiid up be.r defense nea nst Inva- slon. An assertion yesterday . bv Prime Minister Churchill that con siderations of private property would not be permitted to inter fere with the nation's war effort was laken as an indication that the government might assume control of a largo number of fac tories producing war tnateriuls. Approximately 8,000 children, in southeastern coastal provinces in Kngland were transferred to Wales for greater safety In event of air raids. Italy Still Silent Italy's future policy, a Bourco of anxiety to Ihe allies, remuined undetermined. Foreign Minister Clano. In an address yesterday in Milan, as- , serted Italy "intends to keep faith ! in her engagements" nresum- ! ably a reference lo her mutual as sistance pact with fiermany. Clano Is arranging lo go lo Al baniaItaly's Balkan outpost to morrow as a sequel to bis advice to Italians yesterday to be ready for n cull from Premier Mussolini to gal!) the nation's aspirations. DESTRUCTION OF BRITISH ARMY NOW GERMANS' AIM 10 10 Monday Prev. day Month ago .. Year ago . pun high lit in (IW Nt'W lows, lilt's lud'ls I t's Fen. :i. ino.5 y:i.:t .52.0 luo,. ul.o 57.S n:u 5i.2 iiw.r. 5!l!t iu:u 2.0 lnil.1 !7 I P5.5 117.5 !H.O 3S.ll :I7 t! Hi 7 i;i.;i r.:i.5 :i7.c "somewhere in Ihe west" the fue hrer Issued a decree announcing that territory occupied by d'crinan Iroops lu llm thrust into Belgium would be attached to the Rhine province. At the same lime Hitler moved In consolidate nazl continents in the lowlands by appointing Arthur Seysz-lnqnai t, formerly deputy governor of Oermau-occupled Po land, as commissioner for The Netherlands. Thai the allien realize the grav ity of their situation, Cermans! said, was disclosed In their replace ment of Ceneral (iameliu by Cen erul W'eygand as allied comuutnder-in-chief. The switch brought only derision from (let'infiii comment aloes, who BKKLLV. May 20. (AP) The Oeriniiii drive across Franco veered today toward the Knglish chan nel, apparently with the aim of de- strovhig the British army. Although the high command did not definitely slato its ob jectives, the (ierman communi- oue point oil out that ua.f forces had st ruck west ward off th.1 road lo Paris and had gained 20 to Ilo miles on a line northward from St. Qucnlin between Per ouue and Cambral. (lermaus estimated a successful drive to the coast might Isolate :tn0.ooO British soldiers on the al lies' northern flnnl: They snid allied counter-attacks in Ihe St. Queutin-Peronne-Cnnv bral salient the Somme baltle flcld of IIHI't-and near the Bel gian border between Maubeuge and Yalencicnnes, had been beaten back. , The high command declared the pounding German onslaughts were splitting the allies the British falling back toward the channel ami the Belgians and French seeking a southern outlet toward Valenciennes and Maubeuge. Capture of the Inner fort system Rice & Meyers Sheet-Metal Workf Sheet Metal Work Tailored to the Job 537 N. J.ickon St. Phone 330 PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 H. C. STEARNS Funeral Director Llcentrd Lady AailiUnt Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORE. Any Dlitance, Any Tlme Otif tervlce, li for ALL, and meeta EVERY NEED ORDER YOUR FUEL NOW! Dry 4 ft. $3.00 cord Dry 16 Inch .. H.S0 load 8awdut ....$2.50 unit Mill Enda $4.00 load Planer Enda $4.50 load We have green wood on hand BOYS! ENTER THE FORD GOOD DRIVERS' LEAGUE NATION-WIDE DRIVING CONTEST $30,000 in Prizes CONSISTING OF 48 University Scholarships 96 Free Trips to New York World's Fair Championship Cups to State and National Winners All Boys of High School Age Are Eligible Secure Your Entry Blank From Your Local Ford Dealer Lockwood Motors, Inc. ROSEBURG, OREGON ut JAoga an well as all hut one fart nt Niimur, wuh claimed by the hi Kh irommaiid. (A HiUIhIi mill Miry pnnbA' man anlil llm Helelaim hi III were holding Urge and Nh iihi r.) i Logging Truck Driver Injured by Deflected Ax AZALEA, Old., May 20. JniriCH Heath, Hiuployi'il tut liuiU driver liy ):. I,. Jolum, logKliiR tun inirlor on Aipli!Kaln cieHk, was severely Injured Thurmluy after, noon, when he aurrereU a deep axo out on the neck. While waiting for lila truck to he loaded he was wuti hlni; one of ihe loaders chop a knot from a log. The axe was deflected nnd Ihe hlude struck Mr. Heath on the back of the neck. He was given f!r::t !i by ' Faweett of (ilendale and then wbh rushed to it hospital at (IrantH J'as.s. New Wheat Loan Rate to Average 64 Cents Bushel WASHINGTON. May 20, f AP) Secretary Wallace announced today that the wheat loan ralo on the lino crop would average 64 centn a bushel as ugainst an aver age of (i3 cents last year. The announcement followed n week In Vhlch wheat prices drop- ped aa much as ,14 cents ft bu shel. Agriculture department offi cials said Ihe average lonn raW of l4 centa togeiuer wiiu puiily payments of IB cents assured wheat farmers cooperating In the federal crop control program of a return of at least M coins a bu shel on the farm regardless of market prices. REGULAR MEETING t'nipqua post, No. 10, Amorlcnn Legion, Tuesday, .Muy 21. Final membership drive, llring in those dues. (Adv.) AD.TT'TANT. Developing and m m Printing roll of 8 Z5C Your choice of Enlar8emen7' The Film Shop 222 No. Jackaon St. PhonVlY Floor Sanding and RefinUhins CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J Phone 12 Temporary addreia R. F. D, Oakland, Oregon ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ,. til iJ 7 nr4 ' nin r ' at low 1; mm uiu PRICE that's just what You Get if You Take Advantage of this Unparalleled Combination Offer l Hot Q Range $A9so this. j-.ttprence .ooce. 'n!,t,ites.rc eot .t- To OH" ' . nc a.,rP5W"- . Can o"s' t it doV rV eotber- - Vr.ll f::::?;u -"O X WWW Uss www if avu rmw www TV I 1 -.WWW 1 ILJl for n,T I A l 111 II Installed $4.96 Down and $3.02 Monthly V