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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1940)
1 fJJf) 1 'MMMIiMjmm f . , t - f f : - i t i I . r f t t . j 5(DCDEinY SMidf CtftMfar Monday, My 20 dr. 11. I llnMi'i non dmiomlin tloual fllble Muily cliins tn nicfl at 7:45 in evening at dlnliiK all of DoiikIhm hntnl. Public Invited. Junior Wnniiin'n club niPinliei-ff mid Suli..liititor Ki'imp to enjoy "County Fair" miclfil jit c-lunb6UHft In evening. ' I). A. B. to meet at 1:30 deaaort-tutu-heon fit bnme of Mm. Oeorfte M. Ilrown. Election of office. Pi-oki-him planned on ''Oregon I'oeia" by Mra. J. K. Kunynn. ' HitrTudiile rrntiKn to preaent lost of afnlea of benefit five hun fired card partfea' at 8 o'clock in eveninx at hull. and re freKhmenta. i'uiiliu lnrltful. , flf'iiaoii P.-f. A. la meet at threo In rirternoon at aolioolbouxe. Panel dlaruHnlfm on ' auimner' ijlnygrounil, acllvltiea. Ne offltera to take officii.-' ' ' . Knlaconal llnllil to meet at 8 o'clock In evening fit home of Mra. Leonard Rtlcy In I,anTol wood. - 1 . Tuttfifty, May 21 Melr6KB graime to hold regular meeting following n 7:Ji no Kupiier at hall. ItoHeburg Wumiih'it clnb !: ilnmiefMum-heon Ht rlnlihoiiHo In chargo Of Mra. A. II. Perrili, lira. Ionnrti A. Coleman, Mr. A. I. Helen. Mra. Frank firnwn and Mra. Tnomila Rnrnfnera. ProgMm on "Anierlcanlani" tn cliurge of Mra. Paul (leildea. Young People's I-eaKUn: of SI. Paill'a Lutheran ehrtreh lo meet at 7:3ft In evening nt home of Mr. and Mra. Rumen Kalne. Alpha Zctd Thota Rho fllrla club meeting at 7:3" o'clock nt I. 0. O. F. hall. II. K. (. club 1:30 luncheon meeting fit home of Mra. Virginia Campbell on l!mpiii avenue. Wednesday, May 22 UlciiRary Sewing club afternoon meeting at Home .of Mra. lone BchaeffeT, j. T. U In meet at 1:15 hi aft rrnnon at llaiillal church parlora. Donglaa unit of Pro-America to Meet nt two o'clock at Womnn'a clnhhouae with Mra. A. K. Kent ua pronrmrt clialrman. W. C. T. II. meeting at lo o'clock at home of Mra. H. 1.. Win. Mra. r. A. Chamhorlln In charge. Mra. W. M. Campbell, iiroRimn. nnd Mra. (1. W. leper, devotion". Mra. (Ille lo be by Mra. .1. II, Oaborn and Mr. C. II. Wk bam. Pythian Slatei'a regular nieetlng nt 8 In evening at, K. of P. hall to lie followed hy nodal hour ami will Join Willi the Knight. Im- re freahmenta. Thuriday, May 23 W. H. A. to meet at Iwq o'clock In afternoon at Maocahee hall. Ijidlea of fniinlry olnb aumnier golf tournament piny -with flral lllghtera twins off nt 8: IS: aec nm fllghtera at anil third flight era at 9 : ir. Politick luncheon at 12:311 ami f-oliditot bridge loiirnn mem piny nt l:8n. I,ndy Kllm aoclal meeting nt 8 o'clock In evening nt temple. Prima for card plnya. Friday, May 24 l-'lorence . Nightingale Tenl ,r. 15 liaiightera of I'nlon Veteran of the Civil War lSliMSfllt to meet nl 1:30 In eveilriig n armory. Paal Presldenta flnli of (ieorge Kinrmer niixlllnry to I'nlted Span lull War Velerana to meet at 1:30 ili'Racrl-lnnchron at home of Mra. W. C. Print,: , It. P. C. no-hoHtetta 12 o clock Inncheon at lintel I'mpiinii. Saturday, May 25 lloxeblirg Women' club aenlco hnp open all-dav iinxtnlr III clnli house nepoalle Hnnfa Indian II"- "'loirden Valley Women'a club food and candy aale at. Powell Hardware More, lo rnlao money to make repair on clubhouae. St. Joncph'a Allnr aoclcly lmlie aule at Kaaion' grocery nlore ' Mra. J. VlcClemenl. chairman, a aisled by Mr. I"i"d Itltrmnn. Lndlca of Master Masiina lo en lertaln Porllan.l ladle at 8 o'clock 1. ,..,ln, nl Masonic lemlilc. I'rlr,c Tor pinochle and bridge , play Mrs. ,1. P. Motschelilmi'lic.' and Mrs. I.croy llialt in rliarmi. MRS. A. J. ELLISON j ENTERTAINS BRIDGE I CLUB ON WEDNESDAY j Mr. A. .1. KUlMon was il niosl j grai loua hosicss Wcilncsiluy. when j flin enli'i'tnllied her brldee club al j a lovely one-ililrty o'clock dessert ; lum lieun at her home on Kasl caasi street. Snapilnicon and ianslis frirmcd a pretty dcvtrallvo inottl i for the occasion. Covers were placed lor Mrs. rtcott Wllllnius. a guest, ami Mr A. P. Tnvlor. Mra. I.eroy Hlall. Mra. It. It. Turner. .Mi. P M. U'. Mr. T. II. flnir. Mrs. o. M. Kicll llllil Ml K. C. Patterson. Contract bridge was en)od dur ing the pleasnnt efterne.m hour with Mr. Patterson winning lite high aiore pi lrc. NATIONAL OUABO AUXILIARY MEETS The nntlbrml guard anklllaiy met al the heme of Mr. Hohert llarvle Moiulny evening with Miss France I'alteraon e Joint holes. First I.I. fleorglii Jackim preslilcd over (he bulne eton end Mia Fran cue Petleraon wee elected company clerk. A aoclal hour wa enjnynl at (he clone of the incetliiK. The next j ' meeting will bo Mny 271 II nt J:.m! In the evening at the home of j Mta. TV'alluio Rohertion at ill' l; I BlebBeha ttwl.- ' ix T!;: . HI?. By. LOTUS (CNICHf PORTft IbADOORA CLUB H08TE99 : TO NYOIA TEMPLE ... OFFICERS AT DINNER ; j , Memliera of the Hailoura club. Ifaughtera of the Nile entertelnefl Mra. Faye Wright, uueen or Ny die Temple in Porllnnd end her of ficer. Dorothy Newcaalle, Agnea Williams and Jessie Smith, at a charming Kevee o clock dinner- irarly at Hie Jlofel Rose Tuesday evening. The tablif. which waa In charge of Mr, fieri Well and Mra. H. R. Kdwarda, wa beautifully flec6rnted vrllh a bowl of bapdragena and colorful favor basket. Cover were tiluegd for the four giiedt of honor and the following: ftaoVmra clnb meinbera: Mra. William Hell, presi dent : Mra. A. 1. Young. Mr. Bert Well, Mr.. II. It. Krfward. Mra. Albert Mleelll. Mr. Will H. Cor reten, Mrs. f). R. Dales, Mr, fleorge If. Smith and Mr. I.yle Mnrater. , A very Intereatlng meeting anil aoclal hour followed the dinner. : ' Delphian club has INTERESTING MEiTINd WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. ; Mra. C. R. Fream ncleil aa pro gram leader on fhe anbject, "The World War and Ita Consequences" t an lntereflng meeting of the Delphian club held t her home on Mouth Stephen atrent Wednesday efiernorm. Thiwe enawerlng roll call Includ ed the president. Mra. William Hell, Mr. Waahlnglon Ihighea, Mr. C. ft Fream, Mr. Kermclh Ford, Mra. flarwood, Ir. Ray mond PurelOT, Mr. C. A. t'hem berllrt, Mr, A. J. roiing, Mr. C. K. Banning. Mr. Hoy II. Yonog and 1r. . C. MoCalllnler. Plans were made, for the closing miwtfiiii of tlte clnb year to he field at g plenle at the liell log cabin on tho North ITmpqna, at which time the last lesson of the year will be enjoyed end election of of ficers will be held. CATHOLIC CARD PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Inst of a erlea of five charming benefit curd pnille to lie sponsored by St. Joseph Al tar society was held nt Hie Catho lic parish hall Wednesday evening with Mrs. K. U Dolnn us general riiiilrinnn. Mrs. A. H. Taylor won the grand prize ror Hie serlea lii contract bridge wllh Mrs, George Cren shaw winning tho grand five-hundred prize. High score prize in conlrnct bridge fin- the evening wa Award ed to I,. W. Melzger. with W. (I. Piitlerson winning tfte flve-hun-dred . prize. Refreshments were served at llio close of the curd ulny. Mr. IVrinu wa nsslsted with tile party bv Mr. R. I.. Carpenter. Mrs. (irrln Wand. Mrs. I rod itltz- nian. Mr. Mary Bryan and Mrs. Kiln Wiindllng. MRS. J. O. OSBORN ENTERTAINS SOCIAL EIGHT CLUB AND GUESTS Mr. J. 11. Oshrtrn very gracious ly entertained the Hnclnl Kight club and n number of guesfs nt a harming one o'clock luncheon at her Attractive home In Weal Hose burg Tuesday afternoon. A gorgeon bnnnuet of rosea graced the beautifully appointed serving fable, whore covers were i placed for Mrs. l,onls Magin, Mr. M. F. Rice. Mrs. .fame Jerry. Mis Mlua liile, of Salem, nnd Mrs. J. A.! Muchanan. of Astoria, grfests. and the following club memhera: Mr, j J. II. Iloolh. Mrs. . II. Riddle, Mrs. Wnshlugtoll Hughes. Mrs. II. I.. I (Hies. Mrs. A. C. Murster. Mrs.! P. T. Iliilmr. Mr. I,. A. Wells and! the hosiesa, Mrs. Osborn. I Sewing and visiting were enjoyed during the pleasant afternoon hour. I MRS. FRANK COEN 13 J HOSTESS TO BRIDGE ' CLUB ON MONDAY 1 Mrs. Frank Coen very arm iously I entertained her bridge clnb at n j charming one-thirty o'clock des sert-luucheon at her beniitllul home In I jiurelwood Monday aflernooii. An attractive lace clotli covered Ihe serving table, which was cen tered by a rolorfnl bouquet of mixed spring loners. Cicvers were placed lot- Mrs. rc. ti. Kohlhagco and -Mrs. Lconanl Riley, guests, and Mrs. tl. R. Hess. Mrs. A. II. Parr, Mis. linger llalley. Mrs. Fr.iterii k Clinpnmn. Jr.. Mrs. : r mm l.eno. Mrs. Morlen and J. Sioit Williams nnd Mrs. Frederick i " r''nt- committee appointed In J. Porier. n'ludes: Carmen Clnrh. Kvelyn Conirmi bridge was enjoyed dur-1 fredrlchson and Velma Herman. In Ihe pit nsniit aflei noon hours j Second nomination of officers ullh Mrs Kiihlhiiceii ulniiliii: llie was held. Two vlnltOT were pres. guest pi lie and Mrs. Wllllnius the i uhib prize. GLENGARY SEWING OLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEITING AT McGHEHEV HOME The (Jleni-'ary Scwlnil clnb held h icry interesMnn nnd pujoyable ueeting Wednesilay Ht the home of Mis. Arthur McdhHiry. iMninn tho husinefl.' mcetint;, Mefl C'toBs reflof work wan dtm . tun ed and a i-ollvetlun whs taken tor relief In Poland and KtnUnd. A lordly hanken hlef showef whs a I vcii the (mule and n heantlhil birthday vake wan prevented to hrr. At tho close of th doclal hour delldims rcfifshnionfs were ierv. ed hy Mrs. JMitiehey, L The club will meet Wediu-fdHy, Ma i;nd. t tin bum nl Miv louc Sohat l(i!f. r - ? r.s- R5 JiU0 GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HA8 ENJOYABLE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY The Harden Valley Women' club held a moat enjoyable meeting at the clubhouse Thursday afternoon with Mr. Jake Thornbnrg a hoa teaa. Beautiful bouquet of roes formed an attractive decorative motif for the occasion. During an Interesting business session, arrangementa were made for a cooked fowl and candy ! lo be held al Powell' Herdware Mr. Schloeman. alled Hj' Mr, store In Rnseburg, Saturday. May, Albert m. served delicious re 26. The proeeeda of the le are . fresitment to Mr, N. M. Nel to be used lor building repair on son. Mr. I,. Kolhagen SC., Mrs. the clubhouse. I '. P. Rnoddy. Mr. Wllltard Mr. A delightful social hour follow, (lee. Mra. O. W. Flndley. Mr. S. e.1 ,l,,rin i,leh lellclon refresh- A. firmer and Mr. Charles Mohr. ment were erveil by the liotess,,The net meeting place will b Mr. Tnnrnnnrg to Mrs. uuoy Tucker, Mrs. Hruee Parrott, Miss Patricia Dougla. Mrs. (I, C. Bailey. Mra. K. I,. Bashford. Mr. Albert Brown. Mr. R. A. Calhoun. Mrs. John Daniel. Mr. Harvey Kwens. Mrs. H. K. Graham and daughter, Thelme. Mia. R. S. IIHIton. Mrs. W, I). Love, Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Jr.. Mrs. A. N. Schneider, Mrs. Clem Schneider, Mr. Peter Sin clair, Mr. C. I.. Spray. Mra. Hu bert Wood and Mr. Fred Wood. The next nieetlng of tho club will be held In the clubhouse June Alh with Mrs. T. M. Wllmlford as hostess. EASTERN STAR HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON THUR0AY EVENING Roaeburg Chanter of fearlern the mooting were: Betty Find Star met Tf.urdnv evening with (lay, Dorl Williams, Freda Dark- the non-relit.-nt member .T-r'ng e, Ivmrnn Ixiu Dlshmart, Kffle na hostesses Including: Mir. T. (I. Calkins, Virginia Ollmnur Mary V.'alson nnd Mrs. C. 0. Van'nh. Roland. Carmen Abeel. Bobby Ed- tolnt chairmen, assisted by M:i. wrd. Pat McCllntock. Betty Mae I,. Garwood. Mra. Yates, Mrs. Whipple. Doris Abeel, Dorothy Frank Long. J. C. Hume, Homer Cnimniott. Betty Marnier, Ilolty mow and Charle Kmery. Mr. A. B. Taylor, worthy mat - roll, presided over Ihe chapter! meeting, which wna followed by a verv charming program In charge of Mra. Homer Grow, who present-m. it,! Up Mnrrli It. ftnftfh who nlnv. ed two violin number. "To a Wild I Mrs. fllen Mrk was compliment Rose" by MacDowell and "Melody" t"'l at a very lovely shower party by Krelalor; reading by Mlaa Mar- Friday afternoon given by Mrs. earet Pago; vocal aoloa, "Dawn",f- A. Horton. Mra. Tessle Jones liv Citrraii nd "l.eas Than ihe end Mrs. h. Andru at the letters Cloud" bv McGIII, sung by Mrs. (home. th. f.,fii.,ii, r.. in .!,.' Beautlfnl gift were presented bv Arlene Watson, and 'vocal aolos,1," Mi. K-Irk from Mrs. C. V. An bv R. M. Church wllh Mr, fioai-h j""' ' , 'wl ii' ""u M"' Drv Those Tears.", by Del niego.j ';"' ?A-C "'1 and "Where My Caravan Has Rest-1,'"'"' "' A' "! ''.....r!'. . V. 'o ?i ed," bv l.ollr. Mra. Grow acted an accompanist Following the program a delight ful aoclal hour wan enjoyed and re-1 freahmenta were aerved. COUNTRY CLUB LA0lES CONTINUE GOLF AND BRIDGE TOURNAMENTS The Indies of the Roseburg Coun- try club continued their summer, MB9- pAuL GED0ES TO golf tournament play ThursdiiyjPRES6NT PROGRAM FOR morning with Mr. ,. K. McClln- R0SE8URG WOMAN'S CLUB lock winning In fhe first flight: I Miss Helen Cnsev In the second I Mr. Paul flndde will present flight, and Mrs. Harris Kllsworth nn Intereatlng program on "Anierl- In the aoconil lllght. Pollock luncheon was served noon to Mr, ft. I). Bridges, cnp tain. Mr. K. B. Van Ness, secre-'nett liiry. Mrs. J. F. Dlllnrd. Mrs, Paul (leddes. Mr. I K. McCllnlnck, Mr. W. K. Oil. Mr. Arthur H. Monntford. Mr. J. R, Mountford. Mr, flene Crcene, Mra. J. M. Judd. Mis Helen Cnsev. Mr. Her ri F.llaworlh, Mr. Kenneth W. Klnnev, MIh Jane Hoffman, Mrs. John K. Mark. Mrs. Frnnk Coen, Mr. H. C. Stearnn and Mrs. W. M McKachern. In Ihe afternoon the' croup was Joined hy Mr. If. T. llnnnen, Mr. J. C. Hume and Mrs. Carl K. Wlmherly. Tho bridge tournament play was held nd high .core for the play, 6MT'gr,-rAIN9 CHRISTMAS waa held by Mrs. Bridges with , .T , nvr,v UPPER Mr. Coen winning second hlgh0LU9 AT t0V6LV RESEBKAH LODGE HAS REGULAR MEETING AT HALL TUESDAY NIGHT ....,.,.. ,.. . ., ,, " " met In regnlar session Tnesday ey-1 'nl"f Ihe 1. I). O, F. Jail wllh ,ho Junior degree tff Initialing ..,,.., ... ,n,r, raioe. J, ,,,rr0, M I'. D. l. Ilnbnr, worth, noble grand, presided nd.Mril. j,. c. Church. Mra. Ony for appolu cd the following tl.lllng. ,,. Mr, j It Whrlon, Mrs. I.. committee: Lillian Nelson, Kffle. m,-i...i..i, u ii n n,.. Plans were made lor a social meeting to be held at Ihe hall May -Sth. Tho refreshment committee appointed for that meeting In- eludes: 1-ora - llounshell. I. or Darby, Dora Schmidt. Mgle Pent. "" 'nr 'be meeting. Mrs. WIIIKs. of Cto1flf Orovo. and Mrs, Scott of Or tint s Frs. ' MA, AND MAS. MTCM ftNTCRTAlN BRlDGg CLUi ON SATURDAY CVCNtNO Mr. and Mrs W ,T. IVters entcr tnlned their Md rlttb t 11 dp llghtful flpvin-thlrty o'clorH dessnrt supper nt their nttrnrttvo homi on West First street Suttjrdny ln. CnvrM wr plueprt for Mr. uml Mr. Ivan Plrkens, Mr snd Mrn. K. 8. MrriHln. Mr. nnd Mm. Fred Lockwood, Mr. and Mr. FL P. i. m Mr! K n vn Nss nnd the host ami hoatew. Mr. ami 1 peters. if tontraet brldtre ettMrd 4rtr J ,, the pleasnnt oven in jj hours lith sror pnta coH to Mr. and Mw. T.wkuwU and Mr. 'Veen,-- NE WiMVlgW. AOSIlUftS, BAPTIST CIRCLES " v. ; ENJOY MEETINQfJ ' Circle No. i of th Rolmr Rsptlsl Wtma' ocle(y met at the home of Mr. Elizabeth French at S35 West Moaner (Mreev for delightful 1:30 desaert-mnrh. eon. Mr. l,ee Merchant eondncC ed the busines meetinti with Mr. II. P. Sconce presenting a tery trt. apiratlonal devotional service. The Modal hour were apent wortlnj on the tmllL ' The next meeting will be held nl the home of Mr. Inez Carson at 1117 Harvard avenue. Those preaenl were Mra. Mollle VIoffKt. Mr. Alvln Tipton. Mr. Merchant. Mr. Inez Caraon. Mr. I.ols Burton, Mr5. I.. Andru. Mr. Ilruy, Mr. H. P. Sconce, Mr. Leon Ilea and Mre. French. Circle No. met Thursday at the borne of Ml. August Hohloe man with Mr. N. M. Nolsort con ducting tho business aeaslon and Mr. I.. Kohlhagen Sr., presenting a very line devotional service on IUIIII Itin. viiioin!fiftinK ijuvv. Al me tea nonr. rne noiea. announced Inter. AUP-JUNIOR GIRLS ISNJOY INTERESTING. MEETING THURSDAY The Sub-Junior girls met al Ihe Woman'a nlnhhonse Thursday eve ning. Hetty. Mae Whipple, presi dent of the club, presided at the meeting. Discussion waa held on the ronst Million, objects of the club, and the slogan. . The clnb received a clover In vitation from tho Junior Woman's clnb to attend their county fair tn he given Monday evening at the clubhouse, Mary Walter, looal beaaly Op erator, gave a demonstration mani cure for the glrla. It was greatly n loved bv all. Those Attending Shoemaker, ami mo advisor, mra. ,"""1"" ) 4 . LOVELY SHOWER GIVEN MRS. KIRK FRIDAY AT ANORUS HOME H.' William. Mr. R. H. An- Tthoetts! Mrs! Ona flnnimero. Mrs. Tessle Jones MrS. Kd llayllss, Mrs. Illa Arm- rone. Mrs. C. A. Horton. Mrs. r. F. McLaughlin. Mrs. Charle Neal and Mrs. L. Andnis. Sewing and visiting wore enjoy ed and later delicious refresh ment were served by tho hos tesses. Icnnlsm" at the 1:30 dcssert-luncli- t'eon and lust meeting ot tne year t the Hosf Tnesda Rosehura Woman club lay. Hosfessen Include, Mrs. A. II. Penin. chairman, Mrs. Leonard R, Coleman. Mra. A. I. Ilelch, Mrs. Frank Brown and Mr. Thomas Snmmers. Mr. Homer flrow. music chair man, has annonnced fhat Mr. Vora MoCHntock Jone will bo tho guest artists on tho program and will sing. "Ideslo." by Tostl and "The Swing." by Ward-Stephens. nccompame i.y .me. "" 1 veiis. iiiuamviii, m v.,- dncl the meeting ami Interesting roll-call topics will be presented. Mrs. Ivan Pickens entertained the member of Ihe Christina club Bt a very charming aoven o'clock supper party al her homo on Fow ler street Tuesday evening. Cecil Drunncr rosebud graced I lie . ..i.,,i iki i,, W(iro rMnged for Mrs. Clair H ,,,ni str8i n. wade, Mr. ler. Mrs. II. I). Bridges and tho hostess. Mrs. Pickens. Sewing and visiting were enjoy ed during the ' pleasnnt social honr. . . -. t MOTHERS OAY 0INNER ENJOYED AT SCOTT l HOME ON SUNDAY A dellghlfnl tnrkey dinner ccb lirated Mother day Sunday at tho attractive home of Mr.. and Mr, T. w. Scott, when they entertained ttwlr Aon-ln-lnw and datiffHtflr. Mr. and Mr. Waltr Hampton, ot H re me r ton. Wash., tbctr smt-(i law and daufhtr. Mr, and Mra.' James Mamptoti and son. (ilenn. of j Portland; their nn anil tlaiichter In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Krrt-.t tV'hot-' ic nnd dunghter. Virginia, ot Mvrl Hp Croea: Ollltert Honnt. of Til ler, and Mr. Sadie Pouell. of Koselmrff. . j Ithodwlendrons and sweet pi as t forniotl a beaiitirul decorative mo j tif for the occasion, 1 BEARD FAMILY TO BE GUESTS AT MARSH HOME IN YONCALLA SUNDAY Prtnrlpal Cldr lteard. of the cn lor blitb Mcltvol. and Mrs. Heard and two children, Marlln aud Don-' aid. of this I'll, will .30 to YiMKijl In Stiuda). vliete they be dlD QMGOH. SATURDAY, MAY l, lUO. UftS&e Ust Ker This One Doesn't Frown on Femininity Sa fatH M0J4 Puff $ptlijnr ort CiifVUt By ROSKTTR HARGROVE NBA Service Staff Correspondent. 1 PARIS. Women will remain women In fhhj war. Fashion make no attempt to camouflage the fem Inine form. "Boyish bob" and "boyish 'forms" made femininity unfashionable In the last war. 1fou ilnw't nee them todav. True, twenty year ago, akirts were short Otit this war has not only taken inones off skirts, hut has shrank waist lines lo spotlight curve Which the last war sought to conceal. SEX APPEAL IS NOT BLATANT ' ' f ; paquln's mldseasoh collection demonstrated elearly enough that women shoo HI nnd would go 011 being their feminine Solves. Skirt just reaching below the knee drew till the more attention to fit ted bodlceai , . Klonlng gown desflfied for non belligerent countries were not lack ing In e appeal. Yet this i done with a great amount of reticence and discretion. The beauteous spy of the 1916 dra, clad In her fish scalo. sitten. sheath would today be Immediately spoiled for what he as and cause a near-riot in any smart cauareL ' Thl war's modes are world's more sabtle. .Mvlyneux, on the. other hnnd. creates clothes which, whilo Ihoy may not attract the attention Pa quilt's do, always look' just right. Molynenx's discretion takes tho form of Slender, straight, or mod erately swinging pleated or circu lar skirts for daytime dresses. - EVENING GOWNS ARE SOFTLY FEMININE For evening, hd sllows the equal ly slim sheath affair, which aome- time burst out. Imt very recor- ously, In rows of flat tiotinccs or soft flares BomcW here In Ihe region of tho knees. HIS chiffon evening gowns arc soft and unobtrusively feminine, even the colors are ten der. Ilo has revived many of those shades which our mothers called "ladylike" mole, greys with a pinkish cast, dove grey, penrl and faded pinks and grciges. Ho likes ail the flower fdttea anil a very bright nnd deep blue which har- monlzes with white as well as black, besides fashioning entire dresses. Molyftoux does not show a single molded bodice on the contrnry, he prefers tho bloused line and ner guests at the hpme of Princi pal and Mrs, Arlcy Marsh. - Following the dinner Mr, Benrd will deliver the baccalaureate ad dress for the Yoncatla senior grail Hating class and Mrs. Heard will play -a piano solo on tho evening's - program. MRS, HENRY ERSKINE ENTERTAINS CLUB Mm. Henry Krsklno entertained tho II. K. O. club at a lovely 1:30 luncheon at her home on Cobb street Tuesday. A beautiful hand made lace cloth covered the table, which was centered by a bowl of snapdragons, . Five hundred was enjoyed dur ing the afternoon with Mrs. Dave Meyers and Mrs. Chauncey Dunn winning high scores. The cluh will meet May 21 at 1:30 luncheon nt tho home of Mrs. Virginia Campbell on I'mpqita avenne. Those enjoving the allernooii with Mrs. Krsklno Included: Mrs. Clifton Hooper. Mrs. Harry Ijhr. Mra. C. w. Owen, Mrs. Virginia Campbell. Mrs. Myrtle Norwood. Mrs. Lawrence Krogei, Mr. Percy Myers, Mrs. Chsuncey Dunn and Mrs. Dave Meyers. D. A. R. TO MEET NEXT MONDAY Vmpann chapter of tho D. A. n. will meet at a 1:311 dessert-luncheon nnzt Monday at the home of Mrs. George M-. Brown with Mrs. W. V. Monger as Joint hostess. Mrs. Hay S. Petrcquln. regent. will conduct fhe meeting and new officers will ho elected. Mrs. John K. Runyan will present the program on "Oregon Poets." BENEFIT CARO PARTY TO BE HBLO MONOAY The last of a series of delight ful benefit five hundred card par ties to he sponsored Iry Rlversdale grange will bo held al o'clock next Monday evening at the hall. Prizes will he swardeii anil re freshments will be served. A most cordis! Invitation has been extend ed to the publlo to attend. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO . MEET NEAT MONDAY . . S. George's Kplscopnl gttlld wilt nioel next Monday at 8 o'clock at tho home of Mrs. Leonard Riley In Lnnrelwood. Mrs. Carl F. Spauld Ing. president, will conduct the busines session, which will be tollo-wed hy w soelwl honr. STARCH Won't Make You Pork Vow may know how to slurch your rMhea so" they're fresh and Ann . . . but you'ru willed when Ihe work's all tnrer. Hotter lot us do tho family washing and Ironing eaH wpeh so you lan be frc$h irxr. TILEPHONE 83 NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY ,"'..r X Ay . I EX-Pi' nf- him 'H k " Meiyneux clolhes may not always be exciting, but they usually manage lo look "just right." Here's one of his afternoon dresses, showing the new apron effect. It's of blue faille and the hat is of one white straw, trimmed with blue grosgrain ribbon. makes both blouse and dress tops distinctly full. Sleeves are simple, long or short. Solving the problem of what to wear 1n the evening Is still fraught with difficulties. Pftnuili suggests qnaembles. a seml-fitted jacket DR. AND MRS. STEWART ENTERTAIN POST CLUB ON WEDNESDAY EVENING Dr. and Mrs. K. fl. Stcwurt en tertained tho Po5t club at their boauttful new home in Latlrclwood on Wednesday evening. Bouquets of roses. Iris, Spanish broom und other spring flowers, lent a colorful noto to the attractive rooms. Contract bridge was enjoyed during the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Mountford and the former's mother, Mrs. J. R. Mount ford, Colonel and Mrs. E. F. Tan dy Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Van Ness. Dr. and Mrs. Mark U I'uderwond. Mrs. John M. Iiaish. Dr. Daniel Calvin mid Dr. Louis Cohen. High score for the evening's play was held by Dr. Van Ness. Following the bridge play Mrs. Stewart served a lovely buffet sup per. MR. AND MRS. HOCHRADEL HONORED AT LOVELY PARTY AT PARKER HOMg Mr. and Mrs. A.-J. Hochradel were pleasantly entcrtnlned at a lovely party Thursday evening at the h.oinr of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker on South Stephens street. Cards were enjoyed during the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hoch radel winning the high score prizes and consolnMoil prizes going to .Mrs. 11. N. Uuscnburk and C. W. Parker. Lulur In the ei-enins. Mrs. Park er, assisted by Mrs. C. K. Marks, served lovely refreshments. Those enjoying tho ovenlng with Mr. and Mrs. Parker honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hochradel included: Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Marks and Mr. and Mrs. D. N. llusuiibark. MRS. FRED HAMILTON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON TUESDAY Mrs. Fred Ilmnllton entertained her hrldrto club at a very lively one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at her attractive home on lllakclcy street Tuesday altcrnoon. Cuvers were plnced nt prettily' apimlnted tallies for Mrs. G. W. Marshall. Mrs. Roy Catching. Mrs. B. O. Ilii kll. Mrs. O. V. Wimbeiiy. Mrs. s. J. Hlitteinnkf r. Mrs. Gelrge I Wharton. Mrs. W. F. Harris. Mis. (I. f. r'inliiy. Mrs. A. J. Hochradel. Mis. Homer Grow. Mr. II. L Whipple and Mrs. Harry S. tllnrk. Contract bridge was In plav dur ing the afternoon with Mr. George Wharton, winning the hluh score prize. ' Up over a dress with street-lengili skirt, but with a more or lejs back less bodice. The theory is that there Is not much dancing being done In Purls in these limes und bodices are the cynosure of all eye in smart restaiiranls. SENIOR GUILD HAS MEETING TUESDAY AT SNODDY HOME The Senior Wnid Wide Guild of the lluptlst church met Tuesday evening ut the C. P. Snoddy home with Miss Ruth Snoddyj president, in charge. Members present in cluded Miss Snoddy. Phronia Perry, Mhi-v Alice Wolford, Rosemary nnd Ktitliryn Irving, Cloydene Duiiiy. Mary Peterson. Hetty Jean Brd. Wanda Jurgens. Lela Wilson and the advisor. Mrs. lut llyrd. Later in the evening the biys of tho senior U.Y.P.L'. joined the group and included: Marvin llnii' meister. Klwood Nelson. Leslie Cole. Leslie Miller, Gordon Arm strong, Klniur Giles anil liny Mor gan. Gnmes were enjoyed ami later lovely refreshments were. Her L'l-ved. MRS. J. R. WHARTON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB WEDNESDAY NIGHT .Mis. J. R. Whaiton very jjrae imifly entertained hir liridso einh at a channlni; weven o'clock mip per at her attractive home on i;ist iViiiKlas street Wednesday ';ve ning. Covers wore placed at a beauti fully appointed talilo for M:c Itroadway nnd Mrs. O. M. Herrle. cue.s(H. 11 ml Mrs, Clair K. Alien. Mrs. C. It. Wade, Mrs. Chester Mor 2itn. Mrs. l. IV Huhar. .Mrs. Guy Cordon and Mrs. Halph Quine. C(nlraet hriiine was enjoyed dm Inn tne even tne hours with Mrs. Itroadway winning the Kiie;r iuie nnd Mrs, f'onlnn. the Hub pri 7.0 I w r Your best insurance of tmc value in dianinnrl. come, from ch , from fif m d, mond tioncd reputation. We shaf gUdlv exnlam lh. f.. quahtic, .hh define .hjTh oT ,v diamonH .. - shall gladly assist you in making . selctUon f which you and she can altvavs be proud. Ctl,on ot Prt,l v r ufenllfie J, ,, Ibmgb ti, American Gem Socitiy. KNUDTSON'S JEWELERS eWai? ft, goi acu, S.m I mrs". ' owen" is" ' v ' " ' , ' I UUlvirLifeCNTCC AT I CHARMING SHOWER f- ' Mrs. Allen Moore, Mr. H. J. ' Chandler. Jr.. Mr. James HenbeBt, Mr. .1. L. Saunders, Mrs. David Hill. Miss Carol fames and Misa Frances Metzger were hostesses at a very charming shower party at the former's home Tuesday night in compliment to Mrs. Dale Owen. The decorations were especially lovely In a pink and . blue motif, while the games and eiiloitalnuiant lor the evening carried out a very enjoyable social hour for the oc casion. . Beautiful gifts were presented to Mrs. Owen from the hostesses and the following guests: Mrs. C. W. Owen. Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mrs. Albert Kronke. Mis. F. H. Apple hol'f. Mrs. Gilbert Illnomqnlst. Mr. B. J. Gilbert. Mrs. Glen Marshall, Mrs. Henry Weber. '.Mrs. Howard Hatrield, Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence. Mrs. Josopll l-'esl Mm. Lawrence Krogei. Mrs. Hurley Winn: Mrs. William Calhoun. Mrs. Hurry .I-ohr, Mrs. Stewart Cooper. Mrs. Ray mond Asbury. Mrs. V. It. Bucking ham. Mrs. Thomas Havens. Mrs. Forrest McKay. Mrs. Maurice We ber. Mrs. George Piper. Mrs. S. J. Black. Mrs. W. I), linnis, Miss Nellie Stiles. Miss Klsle Ileese. Miss Ruth Kershner, Miss tleuhih Maynard, Miss Florence Wassom and Joan and Donald Waro. Following the social hour, dc ll,io"s refreshments were' served at tables beautifully appointed in a pink and blue color-scheme. At- ' tractive favors and placecards added to the table arrangementa. . . MRS. NEAL HOSTESS TO THIMBLE CLUB MONDAY AFTERNOON Mis. Alfred Ncnl was hostess 10 Ihe N. ol W- Thimble club at her home on Fleser street Mon- -day afternoon. A short business meeting wall conducted by the president, .Mrs. II, W. Taylor, fol lowed by a social hour of sewing and games. The club especially enjoyed Mrs. Anna Mencci's many selections on the accordion. Mrs. Meucci Is an accomplished musi cian rrom Poi'tlund, where sho is a radio artist. She loft Wednes day for her home, following a visit here with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Medill. Mrs. Neul served lovely refresh ments at live o'clock assisted by Mrs. Irvin Neat. Bouquets of snap dragons ami marigolds were used about the rooms. Those present were Mrs. Anna Meucci and Mrs. Irvin Neat, guesls, Mrs. Clifton Hooper. Mrs. Harry Lohr, Mrs. Multle Meillll. Mrs. George Cren shaw. Mrs. Henry Krskine, Mis. Paul Heaver. Mis. Lee Honnshell, Mrs. Gertrude Alirend. Mrs. Corn Dourlo. Mrs. C. W. Owen. Mrs. Listen Darby. Mrs. B. W. Taylor and the hestcss. Mrs. Neal. The next meeting will lie a pot--luck affair May 27 ut the homo of Mrs. Lislon Darby on Oak street. W.F.M.R. HAS ' , - INTERESTING" MtETING " AT CHURCHILL HOME Tho Woman's Foreign .MiHsion nry sorit'ty of th- MWluxlist chnrcli hp'irt nn iiiUMC'Stint; intRtiuT Thurs day afliMrioon nt Uin homo of Mrs. K." II. Churchill on Kast Cuss HtlOft. FtillnwltiK n Hrcli! of praynr. M run It. A. INu'eher jtiivu the'dovo tionals on "Pf-aeo." A ranrth'Httht tnv Ht 'wardship service was "-in rharp of .Mrs. G. W. I-opprr with Mrs. J. R. Ilailey. president, eon- . ,iU(.tjnK (he business session, I r!( John M. Ralph, urogram halrnuin. presented Mrs, ('. 1'". Ftoberts. who gave an intensely In trestin? tall; rn vital news of I ho dav and woman's place In tho world today. Following tho pro gram Mrs. Churchill served Lea. ' ART AND EMBROIDERY ', -CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY . The Ktrsehurg Art and Kmhroid ery club held an enjoyable immt iiiii Weoni-sday afternoon nt thoi home of Mrs. Henry Woi-thiiiKtoir nn Kast Iriine street. Lovely BpriiiK'1' l lower.1; lent a eolirful note to the rooms. . - Kollowinu the social hour delic ious refreshments were served by Hie hnstess, assisted by Mra. H. V. (Continued from page 3) GIFT OF ALL 4i!Wrl ,