Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 17, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
A "Comity Full-" hns boon plnn
nod for members of tho Rnschurg
Junior Woman's club and Sub
Jimlor group by the flue arts de
partment of the Junior Woman'
club for Monday evening, May 20
at 7 p. m. at the clubhouse.
Those attending are asked to dress
country style and bring a box lunch
for one of the box social. The
lunches will be sold for a small
Bum. Other entertainment for the
evening will include a white ele
phant sale, a punch booth, fortune
telling booth, bullooiiH and candy.
Introduction of candidates for of
llccs in the Junior Woman's club
will bo Included on tho program.
Thn program will be given by mem
bers of tho Sub-Junior group.
Committees wonting on the affair
Include: Fortunes, Mrs. Kidney 1)0
menlco; sculpture, art and poetry,
Mrs. Charles Ostrandor, Mrs. Perry
'Ihiele: white elephants ami coffee,
Mrs. William Unrntli; music, Mrs.
Jack Chapman, Miss Hetty Shoe
maker; Introduction of candidates.
Miss Verla McLoiighlln: punch.
Miss Marge Lange, Sirs. Kalph Her
man: balloons and candy. Mrs. L.
C. Iatham; boxes nnd Invitations,
Miss Bettv Shoemaker; signs, Miss
Eleanor Flos.
YONCAI.T.A. May 17. A Moth
er's Day program was enjoyed nt
the meeting of the Willing Workers
club, at Victor Hall. Wednesday af
ternoon, when Mrs. Hnitel Pereni
of Cottage Grove nnd Mrs. loyd
Wise entortalnod.'A short business
meeting wos held before the pro
gram. A delicious lunch was serv
ed to the following: Mrs. Mary
fioodell, Mrs. Tom Watson, Mrs.
Henry Wells, Mrs. Clarence Mc
Kern, Mrs. Hoy Gore, Mrs. Nettle
Ilnnnn. Mrs. Henry Parks, Mrs.
Hilly Bonn, Mrs. Joe Cellnrs. Mrs.
l.eo Cooley, Mrs. Nodra Galvannl,
Mrs. Kinmn Jackson. Mrs. Krma
Jackson, Mrs. Calvin Johnston,
Mrs. Lynn Taylor, Mrs. Krnest
Yroman. Mrs. Itny Turpln, Mrs.
Onev Wisdom, Mrs. Wllma Cpde
graph, Mrs. Joe Jackson, Mrs. Percy
Anplegate. Mrs. Iva Wheeler, Mrs.
Worth Woolman, Mrs. John Pot
ter nnd Mrs. Pereni nnd Mrs. Wise.
GI.EN'DALE. May 17. Mrs. C.
I,. Normoyle entertained the Merry-Co-Rnund
club and guests at her
homo on Gllbertson avenue Tues
day afternoon. Dessert wns serv
ed nt two o'clock, followed by an
afternoon of bridge.
In the afternoon's piny, Tills. E.
II. Harvey made high club score,
and Mrs. Francis Nelson received
high guest score. Traveling prize
wns awarded to Mrs. A. J. Fawcelt.
Guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. Kelson and Mrs. H. D.
Y 'Blood. Members present vre
Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Fawcett, Mrs.
A. O. Hennlnger, Mrs. C. J. Settl
er, Mrs. W. R. Purvine, Mrs. W. D.
Garrett, Mrs. Bessie Selmers, Mrs.
K. J. McMiillin, Miss Luella Cun
ningham, and the hostess, Mrs.
The Roseburg Woman's club
will bold Its Inst regular meeting
of the club year at a one-thirty
dessert-luncheon next Tuesdny at
the clubhouse with Mrs. A. H. Per
rin. chairman of the hostess com
mittee, assisted bv Mrs. Leonard
R. Coleman, Mrs. A. I. Retell. Mrs.
Frank Brown and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. L. A. Wells, president, will
conduct the meeting nnd Interest
ing roll call topic speakers will be
followed Itv n program on "Amerf
ennism" in charge of Mrs. Paul
The club will close its calendar
year at the annual picnic dated for
June 4th to be held at tho Bell log
cabin on the North Umpiiua, nt
which time the new officers will
be installed.
YONCALLA.' May 17. Mrs. Lloyd
Plnkstnn wns a gracious hostess to
the regular meeting of tho Elkhend
Home Economics club Thursdny
anernoon. After tile usual bus!
ness wns transacted, plnus were
made for tho summer work. A sn
elal hour was enjoyed with a de
licious lunch being served to the
following members nnd guests:
Mrs. Kenneth Muikey. Mrs. Hal
Hillings. Mrs. Herbert Hogan. Mrs.
Richard Rlggs and two children.
Mrs. Roy Medley, Mrs. Delmnr
Record. Mrs. O. H. Langdon, Mrs.
J. C. Jobe, Mrs. Fred Reeves, Mrs.
Walter Record. Mrs. Melva Rust,
Frank Bradford. Mrs. Snlllo Med
ley, and the hostess.
Mrs. Jack Parrott, assisted by her
daughter. Mrs. A. J. Standley. and
Mrs. Claude Church, was hostess to
n lovely shower party Thursday
afternoon honoring Miss Gwen
dolyn Wenver, a hrldeelect of the
coming summer. Following a social
hour the honor guest was seated
nt a table loaded with daintily
wrapped packages. The ninny benu
tlful gifts were opened nnd dis
played for the admiration of the
other guests. Later delicious re
freshments were served by the hos
tess and her daughters.
Those present for the afternoon
were the honor guest, Miss Gwen
dolyn Weaver, Mrs. T. W. Slegel.
Mrs. F. R. Brown, Mrs. C. V. Mey
er. Mrs. Story Martlndale, Mrs.
Hoglan. Mrs. Ethel Brown, Mrs.
Darrell Goodell, Mrs, C. W. Perry,
Mrs. Joe Klrkendnll, Mrs. E. A.
Thrush, Mrs. K. H. Thrush. Mrs. K.
A. Markbam, Mrs. Claude Church,
Mrs. E. II. Wheeler, Mrs. Lloyd
Hoborts, Mrs. Charles Crouch, Mrs.
H. C. Boyle, Mrs. C. Hot li, Mrs. I lee
Cuon, Mrs. T. G. Lnwson. Lulu Rob
erts, Margaret Brown. Corn Mark
ham, Dnuiece Coon, Mrs. Ed Nich
nls and Peggy. Coney from llnppy
Valley nnd Hie hostess, Mrs. Parrott.-
. GLRNDALE, May 17. Mrs.
Hello Brooks w-ns hostess at a
charming one-thirty o'clock dessert
luncheon nt the home of her moth
er, Mrs. Dora Harper, on Tuesday
Hiidgo was enjoyed during the
nfternoon, Mrs. Ruby Hugen re
ceiving high score and also travel
lug prize, and consolation going to
Mrs. M. A. Hates.
Those present included Mrs. Ha
t'en, .Mrs. Hates, Mr. F. N. Harrell,
Mrs. M. F. Nye, Mis. Hucl Belcher,
Mrs. C. B. Austin. Mrs. J. A.
Dewey of Hondo, Calif., Mrs. R. E.
Robinson, Mrs. Walter Kemp, Mrs.
Herman Aydelottc, Mrs. G. M.
Jones, Mrs. W. L. Dobyns, Mrs.
Harper and the hostess, Mrs.
, MKI.ROSK, May 17. Tuesday,
May il, Melrose grange will hold
its regular meeting beginning with
a 7:15 o'clock box supper. Besides
the boxes which the men will buy
for n smull sum, n hot vegetable
anil a drink will be served by the
grange ladles. The lecturer bus
asked that each member bring
their baby picture for the baby
contest. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Shore -of
Roseburg will furnish music on the
program. Mrs. Nettie Woodruff nnd
Oscar Houser also will give num
bers at the program hour. All
members are urged to attend.
Today's Pattern
Casual style . . . well-balanced
lines . . . and colorful imagination
moke tilts front-buttoned frock
Pattern 44M by Anne Adams, an
outstanding summer choice. Those
yokes nnd smart optional pockets
are Just MADis to carry on me pat
riotic irl-colors so popular this sea
sonred and nine on wnite: t-er-haps
you will prefer another stun
ning color combination or an all
one fabric. The softness of the frock
Is gaiheredln below the yokes and
Is smoothly trim at tne waisi-
line. A belt comes from the slen
rierlzlns front panel to tie in back
the squnre neckline Is cool and
Pattern "4433 Is available In
misses' nnd women's sizes 16. 1
20. 34. 36. 3S, 40, 42, 44 and 46
Size 36 takes 3 yards 35 Inch
fabric nnd one-half ynrd contrast.
coins for this Anne Adams pattern.
Write plainly SIZE, NAME. AD
Select your warm weather ward
robe from our new ANNE ADAMS
tering sport clothes for sun and
surf romantic evening gowns a
costume for the June bride the
correct thine for travel wear cot
tons for Informal and dress occa
sions and "pocket edition" styles
for children all the fashion Ingre
dients for a successful Summer de
signed for you by Anne Adams.
Ordei your copy today. The book
It fifteen cents but when ordered
with a pattern, which is also fif
teen cents. THE TWO TOGETHER
Send your order to News-Review,
Pattern Dept., Roseburg, Ore.
"Don't worry, about mc, sir
wife got married on
About forty members of the
Roseburg Business anil Profession
al Women' club plan to go to
Grants Pass Friday to attend the
stale convention over the week
end, nt which time they will hear
Dr. Edythe Horshey, of Helena,
Mont., us tho national representa
tive to the convention from the
Nntlonnl Federation of Women's
Dr. Hershey wns recently ap
pointed national henlth chairman
of the federation. She wns grant
ed tile first medical scholarship of
fered by the General Federation of
Women's clubs and after studying
nt University of Texas four years,
she received her doctor of medi
cine degree and served n two-year
Internship In the Jewish hospital
In Brooklyn, later returning to
Texas as director of tho medical
service in the Dallas public
schools and Is now director of the
division of maternal nnil child
health of the Montana state board
of health.
pleasant family gathering was held
Sunday nt Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. L.
Brewer's homo on N. Myrtle, com
plimenting -Mrs. Mary Whipple on
her 79th birthday, which occurs on
the lGth of the month. .Mrs. Whip
ple and daughter. Miss Annette,
were honor guests. Mr. and Mrs.
John Rice of Chirks Branch, nnd
Mrs. Huttle Jones, Joe Dcardorff
and son, Gall, wore dinner guests.
In the afternoon other friends
(Implied In to offer cdngintula-
lions, Mowers and gins,
Mrs. Whipple, Mrs. Hrewer, Mrs.
Jones and Mr. Rico are all that
remain of the family of the Into
John nnd Elizabeth Rice, early
Oregon pioneers.
' YONCALLA, May 17. The regu
lar meeting of Yoneulla circle,
Neighbors of Woodcraft, was held
Tuesday evening, with Guardian
Neighbor Nellie Stenseth In the
chair. Mrs. Carrie McKern was in
stalled as past guardian neighbor,
and was presented with a lovely
gift, as a token of her faithfulness
as guardian neighbor during the
Inst two years. A social hour was
enjoyed after the meeting with
Mrs. George Edes serving a deli
clous lunch. Mrs. Dnro Klngery re
ceived the penny prize.
OLALLA. May 17. Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Heater went to Happy
Valley Sunday to spend Mother's
day with It. C.'s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Heater. The family en
joyed a most delicious picnic din
ner served nt n long table under
the oak trees In the yard. Others
joining the family were GranW
father Heater, Miss Gladys John
son, Arthur Boyer nnd dnitghtor,
Anne. Mrs. Elsie Williams and
granddaughter,- Rowena Williams,
and C. C. McCann.
ELKTON, May 16. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Merle Godding entertained
Sunday with a dinner In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. I-ouls Sheffel of Mln
nesota. .Mrs. Sheffel Is a sister of
Mr. Godding.
The guests were Mr. nnd Mrs.
Louis Sheffel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hsines and family, Joyce Shef
fel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheffel,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holrnmb nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemo.
DRAIN. May 16 The Junior
senior banquet was held last week
at the high school. The follow
ing program was given: Toast
master. Llta Huebner: "The
Ships " Raymond Petty: class
history, Miriam Witty; response.
Harry Cool: class will, Tom Hueb
ner; class prophecy, Etta Booher;
-The Harbor." Floyd Light The
senior class motto Is, "Out of the
harbor, .Into the deep."
Pop says you nnil jour
a shoestring, loo."
AZALEA, May 16. Mrs. Henry
Smith entertained Sunday with n
party In honor of her daughter,
Janet's, fifth birthday anniversary.
At 3:30 refreshments or enne
nnd Ice cream were Berved to the
following: Janet Smith, guest of
honor, Bobby Quedecko, Guy
Thorue. Jackie Smith, Mary Lee
and- jane Rust.
Thev were entertained with
games by Thelnia Hell Spnuldiiig
YONCALLA. May 17. The an
nual junior sneuk day was held
Tuesday, when the two classes
sneaked to Rlltcoos lake for a pic
nic. The other two classes, sopho
mores and freshmen wont to the
Aimlegnte grove east of town
where they enjoyed a wiener roast.
A. R. Marsh, Bob Long, Delton
Thlel and Merle Muikey used
their cars to take the culprits on
their picnic.
The junior chapter of the World
Wide guild of tho First Dnpllst
cliiu-ch, will hold a Sliver Tea Sat
urday ofternoon between 2 and 6
lit the home or Mrs. H. W. Ander
son, 131 N. Main street. Members
and friends of the churches are in
SIlfCPAUD V.i Mr. nnd Mrs
F. C. Rhepard, of Glide, at Mercy
hospital, Thursday, May 16, a
daughter, Georgia Anna; weight
seven pounds six and one-fourlh
WILSON John Milton Wilson,
70, Yoncalla; services at Metho
dist church, Yoncalla, 2 p. m. Sun
day. JAMUS Colin Robert James:
services at Myrtle Creek nt 2 p.
. Saturday.
GRAY Oertmdo from Lewis F.
Cray: married June 2, 1938, Van
couver, Wnsh.;. cruelty.
Grand Jury of Douglas
Called to Meet May 20
The newly nppointed grand jury
has been called by District Attor
ney J. V. Ixmg to meet Monday.
May. 20, to Investigate cases re
ferred to that body, preparatory
to the regular term of circuit
court, set for May 27. Circuit
Judge Carl K. Wlniherly also has
advised attorneys to be In court
nt 10 a. m. Monday, at which time
he will call the docket and set
pending cases for trial.
The grand jury w-ns drawn at
ihe completion of the last term
nnd has not yet taken the oath of
office nor perfected organization.
Members are Hugh Ritchie, Gard
en valley; Frances Oerrctscn.
Roseburg; Jean Nichols, Brock
way; A. J. Lllburn, Roseburg;
W. Telford, Happy valley;
S.' Roberts, Roseburg, and
H. P.
Rice,; Myrtle Creek.
Music, Beverage Treat
Enjoyed by Rotarians
Members of the Roseburg Ro
tary Hub yesterday heard Misses
lils Brown and Eleanor Hessem
er give soprano and flute duet
numbers. They were accompanied
at the piano by Mrs. Frances Lln
tott. The program of music was
presented by 8. J. Shoemaker.
Krnest Unratb, proprietor of
the Roseburg Dairy and Soda
works, had placed bottles of car
bonated beverages at each plate
nnd spoke hrlefiy In observance of
Nntlonnl Bottled Beverage week.
Increasing tbe number of the
board of directors from five to
seven, tbe club yesterday elected
Bill Adair and Charles Emery to
tbe directorate.
Hers Yesterday Mrs. T. 11
RirlmnlH, of My i tin Crunk. Hlinp-
Iiu mid visit oil frioiulR hern yes
terday. Able to Be Out Mrs. L. t. Dodio,
who Iiuh been ill for Heverul
months ut her home, It able to be
out hkhIii.
Shops Here Mm. Shannon, who
n'slilt'H on thn Iloomm' hill rnrul.
HpiMit yostitriluy lnro BiiopphiK una
Here From 8prin afield Mrfl.
Alma UarncHH, of Hiiiingrielri, Ik
ripmidliiK u coiipln of dayn horn lim. Sh Jh h former reHhlent
of thlH city.
Confined to Home Mrs. J. Ro
land Parker in reported to bo con
fined to her homo on Cobb street,
whore she Is recovering from minor
Injuries suffered in a fall.
Vacationing Miss Margaret
Johnson, librarian at the Veterans
Administration facility, has left for
Tacomn, Wash., to spend her vaca
tion visiting relatives nnil friends.
Visiting Daughter Mrs. Minnie
Wllllts, of Cottage Grove, is hero
visiting her daughter, Miss Ilnllle
Wilms, cashier and bookkeeper
the local J. C. Penney coin-
puny store.
Confined to Home Mrs. Ooorge
Koblhagen Is reported to be con
fined to her homo on South Jack
son street, where she is recovor.
Ing from Injuries suffered in a
fall u few days ago.
Here From Portland Attorney
Oeorgo Neiiner, of Portland, hns
been spending the lust few days
In thin city attending In business
and vlsillng his mother-in-law, Mrs.
H. Cumpbell, in West Rnsohiirg.
Spend Day Here Mrs. Wndo
Worthingtnn and Mrs. Prlscilla
Hnl'iliilil, both residents of Can
yonvllle, silent yesterday hero
slimming and visiting at the home
or Mr. and Mrs. John William Rob
ertson on North Jackson street. -
Snending Few Days Here Mrs.
II. P. Conn, of Melrose, is spend
ing a few days In this city visit
ing 4ie( snn-in-1nw and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wllllnin Robert
son, on-North Jackson street
Camp Fire Girls Camn Fire
girls having doughnuts to deliver
Sre n'slred to'tmll nt Weber's bnk -
cry (rem- entranco) butwoeit nine
and three o'clock Sutuidny, M.-iv
1R. Tho local groups nre sponsor -
ing the minimi Bale here.
Convalescing Here Miss Eva
Baker, student nt Sacramento home nnd narrowly csenped
jnnolr college, Is spending several .drowning.
days here convalescing from a se- Mother's day was fittingly ob
rloiis nttack of poison oak. Her nerved at both churches Inst Run-
rather, R. G. Baker, went to Sac -
i-amonto to bring her home. She
expects to return to her studies nt
the college the first of the week. '" "pecim u . .. """
the pulnils made Ihe day mor
Go to Funersl Mr. and Mrs, p.lempresslye for the nltonilunts At
M. Lee, of this city, have, gone to '' "irlstlan cuc l"'yl''
Slnvton. Ore., to nltnnd the m. 'featuring the. day of Pentecost wns
nnral of J. N. Fisher, former Shell
Oil company salesman here, who
died suddenly at Hlllshoro this
week. The Lees formerly resided
nt Slnvton. and whllo there will
visit Mrs. Leo's father, Jake Miss
ner. .,
Back From Portland Fred A.
Knight, of Knight.Porter co,pany.
has returned here, following a two -
'UiL:ly '", P0"":'' S" ?JU8'n'?88 -
Grange to Meet South Deer
Creek will meet Saturday
hi" LnLl , . "" "V" n"
be followed by a social hour of
cards and gomes. Refreshments
will be served. .
. . 1,
D. A. R. Changes Meeting Ump-
nun rnapter ol the D. A. R. lira
i-imiiKcu us uieeiin? piece irom
the Goodboiirn home to the home
of Mrs. George M. Brown in West
Roseburg next Monday, when Mrs
lirown anil Mrs. W
V. Mlinger
will entertain nt a one-thirty ilea -
sert-innrneon. Mrs. John B. Run-
yan will present tho program on.lmken lo Mercy hospital In Rose-
'Oregon Poets
Klectlon of off I-1
cers will be held
Will Enjoy Vacation Dr. nnd
Mrs. Mark L. Underwood, of tills
plan to leave Saturday on
vacation trip to Wyoming, Arknn
sas, Iinlslnna and Oklahoma for
a month. They will be nccom
panled ns far as Casper. Wyo.. by
Mrs. Underwood's mother, Mrs.
Kmma Miller, who will remain
there for a visit with her son. B.
M. Miller. Dr. Underwood Is on
ihe medical staff of the Veterans
Administration i facility hospital
here. , ,
Benefit Dance Saturday The
Kdenbower Community club hns
invited the public to attend a
benefit dnnre Saturday night nt
s o'clock at the community hall.
The proceeds or the afralr will
go to the Roseburg swimming pool
fund. An orchestra has been en
gaged for the occasion and preced
ing the dance. Mr. and Mrs. M.
Miller, teacliers In the Kdenbow
er school, will present a group
of pupils In short skits. Refresh
ments will be sold later In the eve
ning. Dovolopinq and k
Printing roll of
' Vour choice of Enlargement
The Film Shop
822 No. Jackson &t'. Phon t-V
Reediport Visitor Here Willard
. illicit, III Maoiimiui i, oifniiL jun'
lei-dny In town attending to busi
ness. To Attend Sales School BUI
Hnrroii, local manager of the Tide
Water Associated Oil Co., la leav
ing Saturday to attend the com
pany's refinery Rules school In
California. . He also plans to visit
Snn Frunclsco and the World's
Brings Family Here Edward
Pei-iin. of this city, went to lied
ding, Cullf., this week nnd brought
his wife nnd two children, Kulh
erlne May and 1'rlscilln, and Mrs.
Perrln's mother, Mrs. 8. Smith,
bark to this city to mako their
homo In the Falbe apartments on
East Douglas street, Mr. Perrln is
an employee at the Lockwood Mo.
tor company.
Two Murderers, 25 Each,
Pay Death Chair Penalty
CHICAflO. May 17. (API
Two convicted nitirilnrers. l-'runk
Mii-hnlowski mill nnd Victor Nitk
owski, bulb 2f, were put to dentli
in the Cook county jail electric
chair today.
They were convicted of Rluyln
Viggo P. Peterson, (14, a tavern
owner, durng a holdup lust Octo
ber. Peterson's three sons wit
nessed the executions.
Henry Drewek, 22, ulso under
deutb sentence for the slaying,
was reprieved late yesterday un
til June 21.
Josephine Miners Bank
$12,000 From Clean-Up
Gold valued nt tnoro than l 2,0(10
wns deposited at a local bank hv
William Robertson and Virgil Hull
yesterday, the result of six weeks
quartz mining near Gnllce. It
weighed 379 ounces. On March 30,
the same operators weighed 0411
ounces from a rich vein In the
name mine, which for some time
had been cIobciI down becuuse of
lack of returns in between "hot
Around the County
Myrtle Creek
Leonard Larson has gone to Ne
braska for a visit with his moth
er, who is quite sick.
Quite a bit of excitement wns
felt In the east side of the vill
age about sundown last Saturdny
evening when Harold Bates came
hurrying down into town with the
announcement Hint Ills two-year
old son, Richard was lost. After
considerable scurrying around-
Moulting - In . the crook and so on,
the child wns found at (ho back
"I'le of the Bates' lot, silting down
. m the lull grass uud playing quiet
ly- " ben the tot hud just iiegun
walking lie ran away anil ion over
"m l,t'k u"nk npar M
"i"1 '" .
'presentation of beautiful bouquets
ive" nt the evening servic,
On Monday evening tho Cotton
Blossom quintet from the Plney
Woods school In Mississippi gave
n concert at the Christian church.
Tho hoilHO wns well tilled with
sympathetic listeners who npiiro
cliitod the spirituals and old time
songs sung by the blind boys.
' " fmoT of tl a race' lie e
'"" . " mS' ,," voices
1 Mrs. Ross offlMrhK has
,,,, vii. rnr ii,e nasi week
Irhotmnof ' ter'SniSLw'SS
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
,iIlrIK.B. Mrs., Rose Is recovering
fmln R0,.01ls illness. She went
,,, w(,Bllay.
Dr. ami Mrs. J. P. Wilson nnd
M.. j. Mlckelson, visited Alvln
Tills school Is for colored people
Wravw , t0 state hospital for
T.-B. Monday.
C. R. .lames, rancher on Norlh
Myrlle slciiped on n nail which
punctured his foot causing a bnd
,..,..,. I nn mnnlh flL'n
it lias noi
1 honied' and Mr. James has suffer-
n,i so much from It that he was
Ini re- Wednesday for troatnieiil.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mtearns
were here (mm Klamnth Falls
Siindnv. attending Ihe funeral of
fienl Weaver, where Mr. Stearns
was one of the pallbearers. A
large crowd of relatives anil
riieiids attended the graveside
services which were conducted bv
Dr. llrnv and the local Odd Fel
lows lodge.
Ted Shlrtclirr Is at Fish lake
trying out his luck this week.
Kil Ileiifro went in Portland
Mondiiv. Frank Muikey wns a
passenger with him ns far as Cot
tage Grove wnero ne visueu
Rice & Meyers
Sheet-Metal Work
Sheet Metal Work
Tailored lo Ihe Job
(27 N. Jackson St. Phona 320
Maccabee Hall
Public Dance
Saturday Night
Music by Rhythmeera
Everybody) Weleoma
Admlaelon 25o
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John
'in, till 1 ucnuuj uitui ituu.i, ,111,
Itenfro went to the city to bring
home his wife unit her Sister-in-law,
Mrs. tlenrge Norman, who has
been In I lie Good Snnuirjtnn bos-
pltul there following a major on-
eralloti.' .
A good many neonlo went to
Roseburg from here to see thn
show, "(lone With the Wind."
Days Crtk
DAYS CRF.HK, May IB. Mr. nnil
.ins. tin Hrnek and llnnnlil ll.onver
were among those shopping in
Roseburg Saturday.
Mrs. Archie Ferguson and sons,
lister nnd Norval. went to Marsh-
field Saturday to visit over Mo
thers nay with Mrs. Helen II. Per
kunoii. They returned Sunday by
way .of Reedsport where they stop
ped for a short visit with Mrs.
Ferguson's uncle. K, W. Stephens.
Mrs. Oru Condrny and daughter,
Colleen, of Azalea, were Sunduy
visitors nt the home of Mrs. Con
lruy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Perdue
nnd daughter. Frances, and Mar-
Inn Purdue were attending to busi
ness matters In Riiseburg Monday.
irvln Mather and his son. Char-
leyi went to Glendale Sunday eve
ning. The latter remained there
to resume work after spending the
week-end at his houin hero.
Mrs. J. A. S. Hod, la of Portlund
arrived here Sunday evening to
spend a few iinys will) ner orotner-In-hiw
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Raymond.
John Chancy, who Is serving on
the federal grand jury, baa, re
turned to Portland following a
week-end visit nt his home here.
Mis. W. G. 1111. who has been
spending several weeks hero with
her sou and -daughter-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. C. C. Hill, hns gone to
Dlxouvllle whero she will lio a
guest of her son-in liiw and daugh
ter, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Brown.
limit Crlspon, who has been
employed near Seattle for the past
several years has returned to bis
homo here anil tins accepiea em
ployment nt tho ".Mother Lode"
mine. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva Perdue anil
son, Johnny, nnd Mrs. Manilla Wld-
rlg attended the show at Aiyrue
Creek Saturday evening.
Claude Atheiton. who has Been
employed ut Ironside, Oregon, for
several weeks returned lo his homo
here Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. U Weaver wore
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mrs. Weaver's hr,othnr and slslor
Inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Reals,,
at Winchester and also nt the Per
ry DeVon homo in Roseburg.
Mr., and Mrs. John Amacher of
Winchester wore calling on friends
In this neighborhood Sunduy after
noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvln Helm of Med
ford were guests during the week
end nt the h,oine of Mrs. Helm's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Mont
gomery. 1 1
, Miss- Nettle .Mooro, Mrs. Alma
Lnnge nnd Howard Moore were
Roseburg visitors Saturday. Miss
Mome met her father. It.. A. Mooro.
there. and accompanied by George
Ucalyof Wilbur, who wns a guesi
at llin Mooro homo until Hiiniiny
nrternniin. . .
Mis. Muranrct Allen of Yoncalla
wos a visitor at the homo of her.
sister, Miss May Gross, during the.
week-eml. Saturday sue nnu .ui""
Gross shopped in Grants Pass. She
returned home. Kiiniiny evening
with Mr. Allen, who come after
her. - - '
Mr. and Mrs. John Nutter aim
son, Junior, who have been living
In Ginills- Pass, are spending some
time at the homo of Mrs. Nutter's
parents, Mr. nud Mrs. Henry itu-
cbor. Mr. Nutter has been assist
ing Fritz Snyder with nts upring
work for -several-tlnyn.
Sunday, guests nt the wade
Wortlilngton h,onio Included Mrs.
Worthliigton's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Colin, of Melrose, and
Mr; and Mrs. John W. ItoDertsou oi
Mr. hnd Mrs. Clarence Richard-.
son of Lorraine are spending a
week nt the Jala Hurhor Home.
.Mrs. Richardson was Mertlce Ha-
chor belore her marriage last fall.
Mr. uud Mrs. Ie Wehile ami
children. Clara. Roy and Uirry.
visited during the week-end at the
Sutton. -
Mrs. Maggie Snyder, Mrs. Zed
Chancy, Don Hnyder und Richard
und llurbitrn Snyder worn vlsillng
nnd stripping In Roseburg Satur
Miss May Gross anil Miss Mar
jory Church attended the showing
of "Gone With tho Wind" In Rose
burg Monday evening.
National League
W I, Pet.
.Cincinnati 1U S .764
Brooklyn 15 5 .760
New York 12 9 .571
Chicago 13 It .542
Philadelphia 8 11 .421
St. Louis 15 .3IK
Boston ,. It .300
Pittsburgh . II I I .3(10
American League
Boston IK 0 .750
Clovulund 14 K .t:il!
Detroit 12 11 .522
Philadelphia .11 12 .47R
Washington 10 13 .435
St. 1-oiiIh S 13 .409
Chicago 9 13 .409
New York 7 1 1 .333
Pacific Coast League
Kan Diego 211 20 .505
Seattle . 22 1!1 .537
Oakland"....: 25 22 .532
Sun Franclaco ..23 22 ,511
Hollywood 23 24 .489
Los Angeles 21 23 .477
Sacramento ...17 24 .415
Portlund 17 24 .415
waosa alll
Preview Saturday
- Night
' Willi -
"West of ;
Carson City"
Starts Sunday
'The Farmer's
"Grandpa Goes
to Town"
-1 wrTamosom$ Jm3
i InMMMrrilit s"1"1
rlltCMSIII f
Starts ViT,
eflltio M sue?
IM aa4 rUweL