Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 16, 1940, Page 9, Image 9

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n !
Enter 2nd Round
The second round of the, Dun
ham doubles started this week at
the Kosoburg Bowling alleys.
t-r. ....
V Republican Candidate for
I ne Nomination for
' For Douglas County
-.. " , . (l'uld Adv.)
Tanulund and Worledgo headed the
Hist round 01 uie Handicap tour
nament with a score of ll'JS with
handicap .added. A. Miller bowled
second place with 1171.
Prize money for the first round
was won by the two leading teams.
With 13 teams participating, the
four low teams were dropped aft
er the first round, leaving nine to
I Earl Pickens
Rtpublicoa Candidate
for Hrt Nomination for
(Pd. Adv.)
5 Democratic Candidate for
Present Incumbent
Member Townsend Club
No. I
(l'uld Adv.)
Our luxes imiHt be equalized so
that each will pay his just share
und no more. My training In this
otfico insures a courteous, econom
ical business administration.
Robert L Helliwell
Republican Candidate for the
Nomination for
(l'uid Adv.)
Thomas C.
Republican Candidate for
"Honest, Impartial, Force
ful Administration of
Hear my radio talks over
Station KRNR
Thursday, May 9, 6:55 p. m.
Monday, May 13, 6:55 p n.
Wed., May 15, 6:55 p. m.
(I'aid Adv.)
Ho will Ki'ro no relalives, and will not spend one dollar of
your tax money (or any deputy.
Qualified lor fhc offico by moro than l yoan of aclivo
and tucccsiful practice tight here In Douglas county.
Hear his interesting message to all voters; listen lo KRNR
Thursday evening at 7:15 P. M.
Read his full statement of policy as contained on page 11
of your Votors' Pamphlet.
(r'4l'i Adv.)
roll the second reund. Four will
be elimlnicmt this week, leaving
five to roll the third round. The
four high teams then will go Into
tho six-game firfalBt
Scores of the first round, In ad
dition to those previously men
tioned were: Carr and Rodgers
1143. Davis and Patchett 1120,
Rose and Van Valzah 1124, Well
man and P. Thlele 1113, Zenor
and Stephens 1084, Spencer and C.
Black 1M64, Fisher and Fullerton
to 15. Stevenson and Lund 1044,
Murphy and Nasklns 1023, Camp
boll and Lehrbacb 981, Drown and
Gllkeson 958.
Roseliurg will be represented by
three five-man teams in the sec
ond annual Southern Oregon Han
dicap tournament at Med ford Sun
day. The local bowlers plan to
take part in the team events and
several of the players will enter
the doubles und singles matches.
National League
w I.
Cincinnati is It
Urvoklyn 15 5
New York 'l n
Chicago 12 ii
Philadelphia 8 11
St. l.nnia R
Boston , 6 13
Pittsburgh ..... 0 14
Pacific Coast League
w I.
San Diego ,
20 1!)
23 21
21 19
.....23 21
22 24
San Francisco
Los AniimoR
.20 23
Sacramento 21 25
I'ortiHiid n 23
American League unchanged
Newsome Continues to
Lead League's Hurlers
LOS ANtilCLKS. May 19. (API
Dick Newsome, San Diego hurl
or, continues to pace tho PaciTic
Coast league pitchers' record with
six victories and one defeat foi
st! .857 percentage.
League statistics covering
games through Tuesday show that
Tony Freitus of Sacramento is the
strike-out leader, having funned
13 hatters.
NOTIL'H To 4'lll'jmTOIIS
Notice Is hereby given Hint tho
utitJ.r.Hlffiitd iiuvo Itei-n duly nl
p.iltilt'U by onl.-r of thi! Cittllilv
Court of the State of Oregon for
IjoukImm County, HuinliiitttrHtrlx tit
lulminiHtrulur n-siHTiivi-ly of tin-enlaU-
of J. II. Porter, decerned.
All persons having rlulm uiciinxt
said estate urn hereby notified to
proHent tho sunn-, verified us requir
ed by law to tho iu
mlnlH ti-utrix and administrator at
the luw offices of Itlre tk urenu
In Hoseburg, Doualns County. Ore
gon, within six mouths from the
date of this notice.
tinted April l. liil".
AdinfniNli-Htrix and administrator
of tlie estate of J. 11. Pul ler, lie
ceased. .oticb ui', iI':tti.I':ii':.t
Notice Is hfr;ly Klvun tlmi lh
uniUrrsiiiiicd, nxi-i-utoi- f tliu nt
Wilt und Ti-Hluinuiil of JiiHu K. Insi
Ipy. (lecuuHitJ. h;iH f Did in tho
t.'ounty Court nt tho Si :t t f t)rc
Koii, for DuuIhs County, IiIh fiiml
at'toniit a a hiiiIi uxi'tuiur uiul xumI
court lin fixi-d Saturday. Juni; I,
I'JIO, at 10:JO uVlmk A. M.. us tin
H tin and tin 'i"irt room of khhI
rimrt US thu fir lifdrttiK oli-
Jeellotis. if liny, to n;Ul final u
ciniiit and tor Hit uutlloiuont th.-n.--uf.
Dntnl at IluHclHirg. On'Kotl, May
ciiai;i,i:s wii.kins insi.rv.
Kxx-iilnr ut tli' laist Will and TVh-laiiH-iit
of Julia 11. Umk-y, Jh.--
In tho rirrtnt Court of tho Hint-- of
Oriuon for loiufla I'ouuly.
Tlie L'niii'itiu HavinsH iiml Loan ,h
HorliiUon, a Curhorallon, I'lti lul If r,
vs. Gooiko It. liailahauuh. Nlln
1 ). Kitduhnuuli, Koy ('atcliinK.
Krhei Cali-hiim, c. A. Aiiich ajid
l'loiriH.o A mi's, Ih-ffiidanis.
No tint Is hficliy & v-ii I hat tiv
vlrlm: T a Writ oT i;x; ijti"ii and
( frdiT of Kalo InsiumI out of t !
aho out it led court in tlx; a 1 1 i v
entitled nt iiMo. on tin- L'fird da v of
April, !Jl. to tun dh;itod and rto
llvorod, foinniaiidliitf m- to H H ihu
following di.'ril.d real l'lopoi'ly,
K'.t Koiirtoon fli) in Andrh's Ad
dilifin to l In- City of Itost'iMir,
I'oiixlas Coiiiiiv. On-ii'iii,
to Matixfy th- sum of IIIKMB, with
(n1irt:dt thcr.-oii ut tlio rati- of
mt itnuuiii from June 1''. lU'lb. tin-fiirtli.-r
Mini of $::.". 17. ullh tnt.-n-Ml
thereon at xr,l por annum from March
II, I'j.ik, ihe fur Hot muiii of H7.'.7:.
wllh lntoiut tlo-roon at )r jiii
uuiil from AuuMiHt IW.'.'J, I In- fur
i hoi- Hum of I. Ofi. wi!h interest
t hereon at K per an n inn from
.Iun! HI, Iho further Mini of
Ul.HO. with llitoroxt thoron at J",
per annum from .hmo in. I ::;.. the
f iirt tict' huiii of $1 iH.od nt toi iioy'n
fees, tho furihor uni of ill.!.".
i'iihIh and d islni rH'tiie nt . and the
i-okIh of and upon said Writ. I will,
on TTKSIMY. th.: L'Stli day of ytv,
i:il(l. HI th hour of w- o'cloelc In
1 1n? forenoon ut t ho f rout door of
lilt; ccilirllllHIHf In ItoM-lnift?. 1 "t'lK-
laH county, oroKon, irrT tor i.aic
and fodl at puhlh- am-tiott lo tlx
InKhont htddor for cash In Icuul.
uljof-t lo redeinpl loir prt,vid"d
hy law aiil ulmvu flemill.ed i.,il
jiroiu rl v.
LA TKU and first inildilMil April
27 1910.
n;i:cv a. wKr.11.
STurlff of T 1 ' ' 1 1: 1 n - ff.inttv, fii.i;i.M.
nur i-!Jf j
niMUtiu jtjuau
Loses Test Game
Itosoburir high school's 1040 var
sity material, small,, light and
completely inexperienced, was ano
match' for the veteran senior combi
nation, composed entirely of foot
hill lettermen, which drubbed
them, 86 to 0, In a practice tflt
staged yesterday afternoon on Fin
lay field as the climax to the spring
training season.
The KRiitor eleven, sparked by
the elusive Pete Hut lor who wna
playing his first game in more than
a year, had little difficulty rolling
up the six-touch down margin, scor
ing once In the opening quarter,
three times In the second and nncu
each In the last two stanzas. The
winners were too heavy and too ex
perienced for the youngsters whose
lineup lw hided mostly junior high
school and sophomore players in
action for tho first time.
Entire Squad Used.
Coach Jim Watts used his entire
pqund of more than 25 players,
keeping a steady stream of re
nlacenients going Into the contest
in order that every player could, age. There Is enough sunshine De
get a taste of lieing under fire. I tween showers to keep crops from
Tho embryo varsity team showed i having too much moisture,
several flashes of defensive brll- Several of the c8iuldutr)i for
llance and displayed plenty of i "nlY ofrleea wer entertained at
rii.i i rh flphnn holisn Friday night, a
fight and determination. Poor
nunrterbacking. again from the
lack of experience, nullified any
attempts to unearth a scoring
punch of their own.
The entire squad will turn in
all equipment tonight, but on Mon
day, May 20, Coach Watts will
turn the group over to Ilosehurg's
new football coach, Jim Dnvls
present Heedsport high school . i)omtiv Stnnilley, Hill Williams
mentor, who will conduct two m Drlicu Dick; eighth grade. Jack
weeks of spring football proclieo church. Doiis Church. Virginia
prior to the close of school. Coach Cnon, l.orlne Perrv and Jeanne
Davis completes his work at Reeds-! Maw; seventh grade John Church,
port this week and will como here . Kranccs Churrh and Earlamae Pal
to Initiate local grid talent Into, nier; sixth grade. Lavontie Ain
the mysteries or the Davis system. I stein. Uouiso Klrkendall and Dob
A large turnout of veterans mid Perrv: filth grade Louise Church.
Veen material Is expected to greet
tne new concn wno win De In full nnil Oeraldlne inrusn; tounii
charge of Hoseburg high school j grade, Ardelle ltixler Jeanne
football next fall. I Church, Muybelln Stnnilley, Albert
Lineups: Warer ami Malle Wakefield: third
Seniors Pos. Varsity . grade. Lonnie Deun. Jlminie Gar
It. Puckelt LK Anderson relt and Velila McCann; second
S. McLaughlin... LT Cox grade. Kddie Goodell. George Pack-
t,.' '"
...ItK.... ..." . . . Cole
Norton (J Harrison'
"Utter 1.H E. McLaughlin
N'ortlyke Dir..
Rainiers, Beavers
Split Two Games
By Tho Associated Press
Klt;ht thousand funs saw a lot oi
erratic IiunoIiu I) lii.i nllii u.i..n
the Seattle Uuiniors ami I'ortland
Beavers opened a delayed series
lu Seattle hy splitlius'u double-l
The Beavers bombarded three
Seattle pitchers for IN hits anil a
Hi-4 victory in the first mime and
then lost tile seven innihj; nightcap
in tlie final inuiliK 3-2.
Kiu'ltt runs on six lilts und an er
ror in the sixth innhiK. ihcludlim
Hawkins' homer witlt two uhoard,
featured tin; first contest.
In the seventh InniuK of Hie
nlhl,-i tin, u,.i'. i-iiu lln.l u.lw.ti
Schuster scoriMl the winniiiK runl
as MunaKcr Frederick, I'oitl 1 home Iroiu I'oi llaml where she lias
first bum-mail, threw wildly lo the; been with Mr. Clltlip. who is in tlie
plate with the bases loaded after! hospital.
Miucnine Campbell's infield roller. Mrs. Iltilda McDonald. Mrs. Ca
The Sacramento Solium made it thi-rliie Cbeever and dauubter.
two in a low over the loaioio lead-l (leoraie Kay. Mrs. .Mahle .Muupin
ilia San IHcko I'ailres III Sacra-land Waller KssliliRnr were Win
meiito. acirliiK a S-S victory asl Chester Bay visitors Friday. The
Schmidt blanked the pace setters j pui ty bnuitht home several doaell
fin everv limine hut. the sixth.
t In that Innini! the I'adros blasleil
Ittll Salkelll di-ivine In two of them
out Tour hits to score three runs.
Willi a rlliule.
Hollywood otltbll and outliebled
San Francisco in Hollywood but
th" Seals won the name 4-1. It
wns the Seals second Htratcht vic
tory in Hie series and moved them
into a third place tie with the
Christopher's homer in lllo Fee
ond InnliiJ! with one on base Have
the Oakland Acorns a 7-1 victory
over the lm Allr.eles Allliels in
Oakland to even their series at one
Baccalaureate Service
Will Be Held May 26
WILlU'It, May Iff. Th ''"
fiilHiirt'fitf? HcrvtccK will bit ImH'I
tit tlt V'llhnr school aiKlllorlum,
VIhv 2ti, at 8 it. m. Thi arldrrn
w ill bo (Ii-IIvim imI hy Hcv. Orinul
'ViU-H, (liistor of Ihn Wilbur ri 1
111 1 In. i Hii rnthrwlfH r-hrtrnli 'I'hi.
' rdiniuriH't'HH'iit oxcrclsf'H will lw
nn Kriday. May 31, H p. in., with
lr. LotfT F. Hfck, asmx-tate pro
fessor of psyeholoKy. University
of (rfon, (tiviiiK tho main ai
ili'fjss. IIIk toplr will b'l, "KvffU'vt
fftl Kignn of it SucoohrjiiI JJlc."
Republican National
12 X Cake, Ralph H.
. ii tc
There are four In the class, Max
tuo iiiitnmuu, Ytiieututuiiaii, JuiV
lor Itrowa, salutoriuu; Kay Godley
ami Ellis BarUain.
Around the County
Camas Valley
CAMAS VAl.l.KY. May 10.
Mrs. Oran Standloy Is reported as
getting along nicely following nn
operation nt the Sacred Heart hos
pitul in Kugene. She has been
moved from Ihe hospital to the
borne of her sister, Mrs. Grace
Marker and will slay thero for at
least two weeks before coming
Neal Me Kail broke liis left arm
above tlie wrist Thursday morning
while pole vaulting nt the school
house. He was taken to Hoseburg
for medical care Immediately und
is celling along very well.
Mr. und Mrs. Krneat Wheeler
and .Mrs. Kthel Hrown attended
thu concert at tho Methodist church
in Hoseburg Monday evening.
The valley has been having n
few light showers which are help
ing grain and hay crops and gar
dens but as yet not doing any nam
very pleasant ovening being spent
bv all nresent
Clinton Atherlon of Hoseburg
visited friends In the valley Friday.
The honor toll for Ihe local
school for the last six weeks' per
iod was as follows: high school.
Don Coon, (iuy Moore. Neal Mc
rail, Dewey Huntley. Ariel Mentiol,
lOIdred Kathliey. lluil llueiiner,
Phyllis Crmtrli, Joanne Ijiwsnn
Coble aid. Anlilh Klrkendall, Jeanne
Redding ''""'usn' '"'lie Atkinson and Jack
WoliaKlolcert: first grade. Mary Luella
lli.i.b.n .limine Klnnilli'V. Donald
I Stnnilley. Gene Wafer and Helen i
KLKTON. Muy 15 Mr. anil
Mr. .1. O. lliilni-s, nr Seattle, are
vIhIIIuk relatives ami Mentis at
Miss Owretha Hudson's school
rlose.l at llridue. Kl iilay. Miss
iltnlson returnt;d h.otne Saturday.
She will teacli in tho same school
next year.
Mrs. iloy Butler returned home
Sunday from Florida where sho
was called hist January by the 111-
"'ss and death of her mother, Mrs.
Anna Myers.
Mrs. Marietta llalncs ami Miss
Iris Huines spent Sunday at Lake-
Hide. Mrs. Arna Johnson ami
urandson. Burner, of ScoltsbutB,
went with the Haines' car.
Mr. and Mis. Asa Andrews weroj
atlcmllliK in liustuess maueis in
iteedsort l-'liday.
Tlie Joseph lludfoll mid J. 1'!.
Haines families spent Sunday at
the itoherl. Uliulup home near Ha
ndle whoro a family picnic was en-
I inveit
Mrs. fluy f.'utllp hns returned
crabs to can.
Mrs. H. I,. Bossen went to For-
i rest Clove for over tile week-onil
ii 1E V I I Couol as a "coka" or full
' 5 l of drest-up details. In-and 198
, if M; If out ,nir-. Siies 12-20
i; 'V t)l.I changi to pastil slacks
j? If Monotono and striped col-
Iftf. tons. Soma with fumbo patch OfiC
ifeV' A' 11 Pock'',l & "-lelti. 12-20
V.' i V'. "Undergroduata" etew and
I boat neckv Short sleeves and "CQC
'nU' WOi'"""1'i" 'a,,e'''
Tim home la the sacred Inatl
tu Hon of otir lives, a place of
t-efuRO and rest, the abiding
place of the affections. God es
tablished the home many cen
turies ngo, when the world wna
new. At that time It wua the
chief Institution of the world,
und Gnd willed that It should
continue so. 11 tit In tho life of
our day, there 1b bo much rush,
so much business, so much en
tertaining we fftvo little time to
the home. Too frequently It Is
only a sleeping place. In each of
tho early day homes. In re
siKinse to God's command men t,
an altar wns erected and the
father, as the head of tho homo,
exercised the priestly office In
the offering of tho finer i flee on
tliuL altar. The altar should still
have Its place in tho borne with
the father as the priest, the
loader. lOvory day wo should of
fer on that altar our sacrifice
"a broken and a contrite heart."
Let us mil It a the home of our
family abode a place of rest and
a temple of worship, TIiIb is the
true nut uie of home, a place of
peace, free from doubt and di
vision; a sacred place; a vestal
temple, where none may come
hut those who can be received
with love, and respond with
love to all mankind. Amen.
to visit her dnuchter. Fa ye Dossen,
who Is attending school there. A
special program was arranged tor
the mothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlos Emerlck
spout the week-end In Salem at
tending to butnlnnHs matters.
Mrs. Agnes Jones, Pauline Howe
and llluiu'lie Knwe were Collage
Grove visitors Tuesday.
Miss Uentldlne FVfilcy was a
KcvdHport visitor Friday.
Mi-b. Kill th llowman spent tlie
week-end at her home In Kellogg.
The Klktin grade school had as
guests Kellogg and Oak Grove
schools Friday for play day. The
Moy If at FlorMct, Oregon
Boxing match., Saturday eve
ning at 8:00 p. m.
Queen's Ball Saturday evening
at 10:00 p. m.
Crowning of Queen at 11:00 a.
m. Sunday,
Pet Parade at 12:00 noon.
Free Sea Food Dinner at 1:00
p. m.
Baeeball Game at 2:30 p. m.
Dancing afternoon and evening.
MAY 19
You Are As Old
As Your Feet
Why have tired out feeling
paina in feet, ankle knea, lege
cases caused by somo form of
foot troubles
Dr. J. M. Inqalls
who make regular visits every
other Saturday to your city, la
licensed by the etate of Oregon
TRIST He gives complete foot
service. Weak or flat feet, corns,
caiouses. Ingrowing nails, trestv
ed without pain and with little
cost and trouble to you.
Call for appointment ercome In.
8 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Umpqua Hotel. Roseburg
Next visit Saturday, May 18th
children had a prop mm lu thu
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Ort'Kon for Douglas County.
Vera Kthcl Cade, I'lalntlfl, vs. lo-
dlo Cade, IXtfuiiUant.
Tu: Kudie cd. Um ahovn nnimd
ilcfundaul, and to J. V. Ixmic as
DiHtrioi Attorney for tfuughm
County, Oregon.
In the Nam a of tho Statu or Ore
gon: you ar hern by riulrcd to
appear and tuiawur tho vomplutnt
ftlml Rfraiimt you In tho ahove on
titled mitt within four wiaIch from
thu dato of tho firm puhlleution of
this HUimiioiiK, and If you fall to vo
nppoar and nnnwrr inltl complaltit.
plaintiff will apply tt tho court
for the relli-f donmndod In itaid
foiiiplaint, a Hiioelnct xtattiinunt of
which Im a follnwH: For a dis-ren
of divorce on the gimindx f cruelty
ankiitK for cuutody of m minor child.
Thin HummoiiM In Horvett upon ymi
by publication thort-of for it poriial
of onto each wuek for four cohho
I'utlve weokti in tho ItoHotxirg
Newa-Uevlcw, a lu-wnpaper uf ifvn
oral circulation ptihlitdiiMl In Douk
Iiih County, orogon. by order of
Honoruhhi Oarl 10. Wlmht-rly, Cir
cuit Judtfn of PouglnH County, Oro
gon, mado and dated April 23, DM0.
Dato of first publication April
15, 111 10.
SJL'-L'H Pork inn Building
ItoHohurg. OreKoti.
(liornoy (or in I'liiiniiti.
Notlre Is horehy Klvrn that tho
iitidei-HiMriiL'd udntinlslratrlx of the
tiitlato of Jtihu V, CliuKor, docoaHi'd,
Ikih filed' hor l-'lnnl Account In the
C'nunty Court of tho Sinto of Oro
gon for Do UK Ian County, and tit.'
Hon. MorrlH C. Howkor. .IiiiIko of
mild court, him appointed Wodne:
ilnv. tho 12th dav of Juno. nt
I ion o'clock In tho forenoon of net-l
'dav In tho count v court romn tn the
CoiirthoUKO In IloHehurg. iouffla
iinty, ( irogon. an tnw 1 inn htm
bmm ii"i.j' iMii.ii-..ii.,miiiiiii una
Coo as a Pond Lily in
Frosty While
Word Ar
fMIM "Co)
Mod9rn$' I
III . .vv i . t
I c A1 WARD ivnY-;4.
A ' DAY CiiEaRATEP;'.v
Open-toe sanJati, refreshing
is a long Itmonade I Charm
ing "little-sir," bow pumps 1
No matter the costume . . ,
whit goet with everything;
it's a "muat-have"! Only 1.98.
I 1
I i
Men's Oxford
Out itaading of
Handsome wing-tips In white
or brown-and-wliite. Cool.
Easy to clean. And light I
While T-straps or oxfords
on our famous Footshape
Ust for tin feet I 2 to J.
aco for hearing objections If nny,
nM Iili1 "t'nnt -tntl tht t
tl4mnt tlmraof. .
All poraons Interentod in mud e- ,
tnte lire hereby notified to flln their 1
objections, if any. to said Final Ai,
count at or before tho lime appoint
ed for final hearing ns aforesuliL
Dated this 9th day of Muy,
Administratrix of tlm rotate of .
John V. Cllnner. IcoaiMrd.
Unlvertrty TrilMd
20 yenrti experience in teaching
ami school administration, '
Candidate for
County School .
(Paid Adv.)
WHITE Ihey oral And smorfl
Ctirls9 Shs ...
and fh,y'i only j
For teen-age "and up"
there's no limit to the flattery
of our crepe-sola Dntchicftt
And they can "tako it" I
.11 1 Ho. Jackkuit 01
Phone 90 .