TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG; OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1940: Turner Defeats Austin in 4th Round Bout Ends After Fifth Knockdown Notionolisto, Boilay Draw in Hot $ml-Fimil; Ftnton Scores First Round K. O. leo "The Lion" Turner, Oregon middleweight champion, success hilly defended IiIh title In-if last night by beat I tut Kenny AiiHtin. Omaha, in the fourth rouml of the scheduled 10-rouiid inn hi event, liifrliilMlitlne the first of a series of American Legion sponsored boxing curds for the sprfinr ami early HIIIUIIK1!' HO J SOIL In the torrid six-round semi final Young NultnualJsla, 12f pounds, Cortland, and Knife Hal Icy, 12 pounds, Aberdeen, fought to n i(ll aw uei'ision. in u npenui fii-m, I (tithe Kentmi. i:i:t. Knlherlin. knocked nut Muddy Wulmer. 'V, Vancouver, In I ho flrsi round. In the preliminaries 1'at O'Day, 1(12, Iteno, won a decision from lieu Uttlcfleld, 1 ."!(, (,'lirliallH. in a slow match, nnd Mox Car Kline, Hiu, bent Charlie Cier, lfi:i. Portland. The sameness and shiffKiiiK abil ity of Austin, Kill pounds, made a Rood showing attain"! 'I'm nor, wlio weighed In at KiK poundH, hut the Omaha hoy, who hus a long Hiring of knockouts to his credit. I wax dropped three times in the fourth round. after he had weather ed a terrlrlc battering, which dropped him to the cunvas twice in I ho third frame. Referee Halts Battle. The. two hoys started the sched uled 10 rounder at an unusually fast pace, with Turner boxing cleverly inside Austin's looping haymakers. In l he aecond round Austin shiit id to hard, jarring punches to the body and had the title holder on blows, look a hard battering from Hailey, hut remained the aggres sor throughout the battle, Ilolh hoys were reluctant to heed the bell and the referee was forced to drive them to their rornffrs. The draw decision met with popular ac claim. Fenton Quick Winner. Muddy Wftlmer, although a hard puncher, lamed only one minute J it n i.. ii i jumm Drieomi Aspirants Called Season's ' Practice Will Begin Saturday; Gam Scheduled With Myrtle Creek High. vnti ti'rniH. but furly in (he tliiril j anil 41 t.-oa or the fit'Kt roiintl rannil Tni-nfir iticivp hard riirht til thp bout with HabA Fpnlnn As I tinok' to Austfn'H Jaw. which drop-1 Walnitu shot nut a hard left. Kn- 1 n Ihn fl. f. ...'t..l. (Ill.-ln.l tlti.l..i' f ha Llni A lift. a count of flvo. Aunt in. still cron j oil Hi" Vanrotivpr boy off Ma IVct Ky, went Into a sht'll, but wan lib a short riKlit hook to the Jnw. HtrnlEhtimi'il uti hy a blow to thi-l Thp midline inellrlnary. he- slilt rollnwi'il by a short right tn.twwn Kllno, who Ruva his aililrrss W WHOLE FAMILY VOTES ....M SYES'FO TRIANGLE HOTCAKW n total HURRr ur breakfast the jaw and wax down aain, htit oniv lor a count of three, ile muii aed to hold briefly, then uiiIook ed a nun lull hit; body attack to force Turner on the delciiHive un til the hell. The colored champion wanted no time In the fourth round. Ah Aus tin came out gingerly protecting h!n aching jaw. Tinner slapped a not Id lot t to the body. Austin took the count of nine hut wan prompt ly dropped again for tt like count an "Jungletown." declaring he had only been out of the box earn for the pant two weeks, and Charlie filer, wus a good fight between two willing hut inexperienced young ster. Kline, uggreHHor through tvit wax given n earned deciKlon. The second four-rounder was a very slow engagement between O'Day and J.ittlefMd. both lanky boxers, until the last 30 seconds when the buys stood up for u toe-to-toe slugging match, after Little- wlth another body blow. He rose 1 fifltI ,ia,l Uf,(J dropped to one knee gamelv but u bnnl right to the face cent hi in reeling again, and Kid McCov, Kiitorprisp, retnnp. stop ped the battle, awarding Turner thi decision on a technical knnck 0 t. Semf-Flnal Torrid. True to advance predictions, the nix-round stmil flual fin Dinned the main attraction for (he. large crowd of fans. Voting Natioualista, with his unorthodox style, was faced by n cool and ('lever boxer In Krnie Mu I ley. Natlonalisla, wildly swing ing and clubbing his right hand Oregon's Own unit Only Sugar Salutes LaGrande. 4 Livestock and Scenic 'Center If you have ever been to LaGrande and the Grande Ronde Valley, no doubt you have been impressed - with their rich pastures and the countless bead of cattle grazing in them. Here, too, are endless acres of growing grain and hay and other field crops. In LaGrande itself, are new hotels, modern stores, a golf course, a beautiful park, a bathing resort and other attractions for the nccommodatibn and pleas ure of home folks or travelers. Here, too, is the Eastern Oregon College of Education, Oregon's only institution of higher learning east of the Cas cades. Adjacent to LaGrande are Wallowa Lake, Mt. Emily, Hot Lake Sanatorium and more than a thousand miles of fishinff streams. Hunting, also, is excellent. LaGrande and all eastern Oregon realize the importance of Oregon's new beet sugar indus try ... so we count on you, LaGrande, as you can count on us to make the best sugar that money can buy. for the count of nine. Tho knock down gave O'llay the edg need ed for u verdict. Boston Blanked By French's 2-Hitter FACTS ABOUT UNION COUNTY Shares Anthony Lakes recreational area; also contains Mt. Emily State 20,400 -acre game preserve. Main crops: grains, alfalfa, hay and clover, Noted for excellent cherries; also produces, apples,, peaches, apricots, . prunes, potatoes, truck garden crops. I 1 SUGAR i I Guaranteed I t a m U. t n i Iy 1 for Canning wMf0sI f H COMMY I i? tlrSSA.OftlBOH Hy .ID K( T1AILEY Aspocbited Press Spoils Writer Sometimes fH a little bard tt believe, hut the National league still is a pitchers' league. The gnmes yesterday should have sat isfied any doubters. I Tim rlnctnnnll Heds beat the Itrooklyn Dodgers fi-2 on the live hit huriinu of Thompson and u merry. go-rnnnd In the first inning: Larry French held the Itosfin Bees to two hits as the Chicago Cubs triumphed 2-0; lluhbell of the New York (iiants kept eight hits well scattered hi penning up the Pitts burgh Pirates S-S, and Higbe. the Philadelphia speedhaller. easily whipped the St. Louis Cardinals 6 :t on eleven hits. The game at HmnUlyn. which nut the Itrds back on top in the see sjiw race mr the league lead, started nut like a whirlwind with Cincinnati sending 11 men ti the Pluto and rcoiing all its five runs. Yel t he McKechnle men got only lour hits in the big blast. Krenrh's southpaw slans hd Most on helpless, but Strlucevich nearly matched him. For six inn ings each tgave up only one single. The Chicago runs came in the eiulil h wlipn uii error nut bVinirti ! on first, a triple by Hack brought him Inme. and a single by I ter mini scored Hack. The only i uns Hubbell perm it -'ed the Pirates were home runs by Hundley on the Hist pilch of the game and hy FMtott in (he fourth inning. Ail games In the American league were post (toned because of rain and cold weather. All boys eligible for American . Legion Junior baseball are urjyed by John Collins, manager, und Irving Hlegel, assistant manager, to turn out at Finlay field at I p. m. Saturday, May IS. to get the Reason's practice schedule under way. Hoys who turn out Sat unlay und who can qualify will be taken to Myrtle Creek on Mav 26 for a game with the Myrtle Creek high school team, Manager Collins an nounced. All boys born after Jan. 1. 19113. are eligible to participate in the American Legion Junior baseball activity. Pmpuun post of the Amer ican Legion ut Hoseburg each year has sponsored a junior team, and. hi addition, has held baseball classes for boys of the Interme diate and midget divisions. The practice of the county's 1J league schools in sponsoring baseball Is expected to be ,of great help this year In developing another strong Douglas county team, Yoiicalia and Myrtle Creek are each expected to contiibule players to the coun ty team, while other teams may produce acceptable talent. All boys of the county, within the age limit, are eligible to participate in junior baseball, ns the Legion post has authority to use boys from any point within the county for the local team. New Material Needed Almost a completely new squad must be organized this year. Indi cations are for two good twirlers, Applegate and Deliernardi from last yeur's team, while other nitcli ers may be picked up from some oi the h league leama. Itutter, Melvln Maker and Rice, from last year's squad, also are inside the age limit ami eligible for play this; year. Several good prospects are) available from last year's Inter mediate squud. Junior baseball in Rose burg suf fered considerably last year from lack of suitable competition, but this will be remedied 'this season, U is believed, as Kugone, Med ford and Murshfiold are expected to have teams, which will furnish a number of good games prior to the district and state eliminations. O.S.C. Boosts Race Lead With Win Over Vandals Wy The Associated Prees With Oregon State so far out in front it would he an almost im possible feat for anyone to catch up before the northern division. Pacili'! Const conference campaign ends and Oregon riding comfort ably in (recond plce the drive now has dr'VPlo'K'd Into a three-cornered race for the -face-Baling" third narrow march! today but la bolm, pressed hy Washington Slate and '"wihloBWn to H fifth .inWjJ yesterday when the OroKO, eh foots scored a S-4 victory ith n two-ran ninth Inning rally " htt tie. chasing twirler Sammy Ilakei to tho showers. The Oregon Stale Beave.s ton tinned unmolested by ehalMnK u ) In a !) 3 victory over the Idaho an ,nHl,in M .s"ow. largely because of Z eVl-ctlvenesH of Clayton 1-haw. who held the Vandals to five blows. Grnfl to Meet niversdale grange will meet Friday night at ?! 15 o'clock at Its hall, with Mrs. C K. Marks. Walter Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Ilobert Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. John Marks, Jr., In charge of refreshments. HO CM 7' run -r X5& .,rdc.n sVi. irt- if n . aOOP. .... r.OtT0 -- . n - . A rrwiuct munoHn a GROCERY PHONE 68 Speciah for Friday and Saturday LETTUCE Large heae local arown. At m - 2 heads Ijff, BEETS Local. First of the season. Bynch ONIONS New crop J White W, 4fbt...,3 CUCUMBERS Nice gT s:ie, fresh, each 5 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE sweetened Texas packed. Tall 46-ei. cans, 2 for 35C CERTO CarmtiK) season Is 3 bottles .... 45 MILK Borden's tall aa. cans 3 cans ViK CORN Evans Brand, Ore gon packed from genuine Golden Bantam, fQ 2 cans 7( WHEATIES 4tf 2 packages m DATES Dromedary, pitted and pasteurixed, Ct 2 packages tmJ Always a place to park at Morgan's. Use our new park- 1(1 IJ IWI. WDHHT1E SATIN SttKKAIR Tenmile Miss Klenor Cutler returned to school at Myrtle Creek Wednes day alter being absent the past week due to tooth trouble. Tues day Miss Cutler ami parents, Mr. and Mrs. pete Mil, shopped, and had dental work done in Jose burg. If m THf MUM m now method of coffftt) mokina Is dvlsd that colls for other than our Sfandord or Drip grinds tho moktri of OOLDIN WEST will grind to that now moasuro. THE MEN WHO TAKE T FOR LUNCH Z IN THE WEST IT'S Boy HOWDYI Posh over your copl It's no accident that tho West's reputation for hospitality Is so often expressed in the offc of a cup of coffeel It isn't acci dental that men who work know tho "quality ability" of Golden West, under every drinking test . . . know that at noon it is as satisfying as it was at early breakfastl In the West thero Is friend linessand Golden West Coffeel MAIN mm irl punSpun Salad Dressing is Red & White's contribution to nature's perfect work. It makes all calad3 taste better. Jnvitli, creamy tanture, Its rare spices, aged in the wood vinegar and pure golden salad oil gives ali your salads that delicate flvc and .individuality to hard to achieve with cheap dressings. Insist on SunSpun when you order "AtraTaa DresalKilViV pure jwgotdon sunshine It'a fresh as the morning dew it's smooth as double thick cream " '' It's economical! "-t' -;. ' ( . . i ' -r rni rTif ' SPECIAL FEATURES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 17 AND 18 Sunspun Salad Dressing Pints 20c Quarts . 33c Red & White Mayonnaise Pints 25c Quarts . 42c Tomatoes Blue & White Extra Standard No. 2 1-2 Cans, 3 for 25c OXYDOL ToilelTSoap CLEANSER Large Pkg. . 18c Lady Godiva 6 Bars for . . 29c Rod & white 3 cans for . . 10c FOR FLAVOR AND ECONOMY ALWAYS USE Special Slack J"ow labcl 45C 35C Green, Green label 8-oz. Pkg Red 4 While COFFEE 25c 3..73c Highest possible quality. Campbell's Tomato soup ; 3ci:ri5c Franco-American SPAGHETTI . No; 'X' 25c Sunshine KRISPY CRACKERS 27c Red A White GRAPEFRUIT N;2;z 25c Red & White Fancy Barllctt PEARS No;a 19c Red i White SIFTED PEAS No - 29c Red & White KIDNEY BEANS No 28c - ORIP tl STAN OAR 0 GRIND n l'Se n Will UISK'HS