1 ElSHt ftO$ifeUR6 NEWS-RcVIEW. ROSE6UR6,-6Rfefr6N, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1449. Your Congressman f.jmn.iiuMj...i ..i.)u immiii J '(J I . 3kj James W. MOTT He ii one of the recognized leaden of the National House of Representative!. He is at ilia post in Washing ton NOW protecting YOUR intercut. He hat placed the First Con gressional District of Oregon in the most commanding posi tion it has ever occupied, and has obtained for it more ben eficial legislation than it hat ever received before. Hit Re-Nomination and Election Assures Continued Active and Experienced Rep resentation in Congress. Reid Record Volert' Pimphlel Palil Ail Molt for Congreu Comiti.Mea HaIII W iwj iwiiuiiu irui icau Estimated 100,000 PAFIIS, May 1 5. f AP Nftlier IhihIh Koiflh'ii MiiiiKU'f Ilco N. Vim KlHloiitt PHtimatcd limi today thai li Iiuti-h army had HufiYrcd 1 0O.OoO tiifii killed or oin'-ffiin ill of I Ih Inlal hIimikIIi of 400,000. (Van KIcrfoMH, it civilian, may hiivn ovcrf'Htiinutf'd Hip rtoalb rut. If hia fiKtiii'H tr nv,viU, lo.iHns wuro many Union (trc-Hter Ilia n hat-j 25 hm cniit cuHinillloH, wounded an wi'll an d(;ad, woro conafdured vmy ':iKh lor IniKo Uivwn and tho ratio of dead to wounded was one to four.) Van Klnfff.-nB, howtivor, ftaid ol- land'n fleet wuh almost liittutt and had jofnml I he allied naval forctm. Me wild (hat roslHlanee was win tf mi in in tho eoaatal provinw) of .eeland and I hat trooim which ph caned Into Itelium would enler Hie allied a rm ion. lln milil Unit prolongation of op- pratfoiiH in Holland was 'lecided atuiiiHt Willi "iniltinnH of hoiiIh inmiaced with extermination," hut that "everyone known tho tenacity of tho Dulrh I am convinced we will naln final victory." Although moHt o Tho Nether-1 landH now has fallen to the Cer niaiiH, Van Kleffens Bald, tho Dutch empire Htill Htanda and all I(h re HourcoH will be plai'wl at the dlH pomil of the allien. Ho wild Dutch worn voiunteeriiiK their hci'vIimth IhrouKnoiit ttio world. Compilmentary Drinics on the Bottler Lijiii wuucjk wounry Primary Vote Expected (Continued from page 1 ---si lleraldiiiK Hie fact that thiti week in living nationally celehiutel an Nallonal Hottlud Carhonatcd lUtveraKo Week, Inet Cnratli, proprietor of tho JtoMelmrK hairy ami Hoda works, yftHterduy pre.iented the News Itevlnw oiKani.allon with Keveral caaes of Ice-cold liottled lieveniKOH. Above, (lefl Mr. rnralh handH HarrlH ICllHWOrth, News-It eview editor, a 21 hottle pacltaKe of asaorted liottled curhonated heveraseH. Air Force of Britain Deals Blows to Germans (Continued from pine 1) man pianos in n terrific hattto near Kedan . . . "Hepoaled low-flying nltnckn on enemy troops and tank roneontra- lionH wore made. It acknowledged loss of 35 IJrl tifh ilaiiitH. Dutch Trooos Join Allies Kven with (icrinan motorized troopn report (Ml pour hit; into the llaKim, an authorilalive Dutch source hero rtald Netherlands troops In southern Ilollaod who were nhlo to reach Helium were hefiiR made tho nucleus of u new army to continue the fight aealnst tho (ioniums. There was no es timate of the mini her. This source said most of Hol land s navy left Netherlands wa ters and already had arrived liriilHh ports. the (Jernmns to has linen Nautili a standstill. It was mlmillodlv too earlv trauKfi the resull-i of yesterday'ii; dates. In deference to tho air hattle hut royal - air force pllotB and KunnorB felt toilay that both li'elr fightei-B and bombers came off best in tho buttles which hroiiKbl down almost a dozen aid, Josephine county: James I). liurns, (lilllam county; Itohert R Cronen. Tillamook county; Italph M. Krwiii, .Multnomah county. I ho first coiiKreSKlonal district, j which inelmlea all of wtilern Ore Leon outside of Multnomah county, I will elect two district delegates , from each pa; ty. Guy Cordon In List DoukIuh county has one fundi .date (or district delegate on the re publican ballot, as (iuy Cordon, loimer district attorney, is seeking elrctlon. Other aspirants include William Iiain, I -.Inn county; Fred crick S. Lamport, Murion. county; alter Norblad, Clatsop county; Itaymond It. Itetcr, Jackson coun ty: Herman KchelberK. Marion county, and Hichard li. Swenson, I'olk county. Democratic candi dates am E. W. Klrkputrlek, Clack amas county; Arthur K. Me. Ma lum, Mnn county; CeorKe It. Mur ray, Lincoln county; A. hi. Hames. Jackson county; S, Stopbeuson Smith. Ijine county; J. V lilrlch, Marion county. McNary Offered to G. 0. P. OreRon republicans will have an onnortuulty to express a preferen tial voto for the stale's veteran Senator Charles L. McNary for to1 president. Other republican enndi- favorlte son" position of Senator McNary, have not permitted their names to go on the Oregon ballot. Demo eruts. however, will bo called upon to express a preference between a i r ' am v. a i -7 ; PINT $1.09 QUART $3.00 Whiskey may be bottled in bond at foui years of age and 100 ptoof. But beyond four, it takes on finer character. There is no substi tute for time, no short-cut to quality. The full taste advantage of an extra "Flavor-Year" Is yours in Ancient Age, at the milder 90 proof. This whiskey is Fy YEARS OLD Konlucky Straight Bourbon WhisU. Cop:. 1940, Schentuy DiBlilleiu Corp., Now York City dermim bombers, spread hij?h ex- third term for President Roosevelt plosives on Herman troop concen-' or the candidacy of Vice-President John N. (iarner, who will nppenr on the ballot in opposition to the president. No candidate for vice president is carried on either party ballot. For presidential electors 'each party has only five candidates i with five tn lin elected hv n.nch Tin. 'IM I. .. I.. II... !.. I lint OX HI. 1 ....l.ii I l.i.. . .. si I mi tlUllllltlll V, 111 ITUIIII llilMt Mill I . , . . (lt, IMIUIHIII1 ruiHilililLtm UIH VAi i. of (Jerrnan claims, announced IbatJ Ihoii- fiicos were tt.ieed Willi lim.hnk(, Umc colllltv; Kfl.n Craji, no lirltlsh uarsblp has been sunk. " dall, Multnomah county; Claude V i I si. I liiKalls tartfonH. bridges, depots, and rail heads far into the third releh's hitherto Inviolate territory. Tommies or the Hritish expedi-' Honary force followed orders calm lv, (,'oinu about their tasks as if ((thn whine of Herman . shells and tne tnumier oi nu.i ouniut-in um set on fire or seriously daimiK since the Herman Invasion of the low countries with the exception of one submarine." Yesterday Herman announce ment h claimed that two 111 Itish cruisers and nnc destroyer had been sunk off tint Dutch coast, a cruiser rind a l.VO'ii) inn steamer set on fire by bombs and an 8.000 ton steamer seriously damaged by air bombs. ALLIRS MASS FOR DECISIVE STAND AGAINST NAZI ONSET Hv DKKW M1DDMCTON WITH THK MltrriSH KXPKDI TIONAKY KDUCK IN Hi:L(llCM. May 15. (AIM (Passed by Held censor) The full power of the Herman armies swept southwest oday toward Ibe tiny triangle of Belgium where the allies were tnassed to make their last slnud In the low countries after 'the col lapse of Duth resistance. The binm-si hiitlle or the war. and perhaps Its inowt decisive, ap peared imminent. The nai arm ii'S. scrni'dcd by armored cars and ilubt divisions and accompanied by thousands of parachute troops. sped toward the llritish and ren cli battle positions. The situation probably was as i;rave as that of litl4, for the tier mans hi Hve days had forced the Dutch to I heir knees, overrun large sections of ltelidum and opened the way to the vital channel ports from which their strategy may dictate the loiin awnitfd blow to Kim land. Allied Air Power Rises The situation seemed lightened by only nun laclor tho rise to newer of the nllfi-il air arm which ASK YOUR M0BILGAS DEALER -afoufJfaa COMPLETE LUBRICATION JOB these Important Summer-proof Services 1. BATTERY: Tt with hydromtttr. In pt Cabl. CUan Itrminal. Add ditlilltd woWr If ncitary 2. COOIINO SYSTEM: InspKt for Kl and Itakt. Intpvct hot and clampt. 3. FAN BELTS: Iniptct for wor and do fMH. 4. CRANKCASE Oil: Impact level and condition of oil. 3. OIL FILTER: Intptct for nod of re placement. 6. AIR CLEANER: Imped for need of lervke. 7. SPARK PIUOS: Intpect. Clean, fell and mpaco electrvdet. WINDSHIELD WIPER UNIT; Imped wipe blade and arm. 9. UQHTS: Check for burned out lamp. 10. TRANSMISSION end DIFFERENTIAL tniped level and condition of lub ricant. 11. CHASSIS ond SPRINOS: tnipecl for need of lubrication. 12. TIRES and VALVESt tniped and re move all foreign material. IX FRONT WHEEL BEARINOS: Intpecl condition of lubricant, 14. Vacuum and clean Interior of cor empty ath rrayt. 15. Clean all gtatt. 14. Polith all chromium trim and clean dath panel. 17. Solvent clean tfeottncj wheel. It. Dutt cor body with clean duit cloth. of Seattle Go On Strike SICATTLK, May in. (AP) Reek Ins an increase in pay and n clos ed shop, approximately 1,300 ma chinists and blacksmiths in Seattle ami King county went on strike to dav in the larser plants. Picket lines were established at between .'IS and shops, almost all of which did not open because members of other unions refused to nuss ihrouKh t lie picket lines. Most of the shops picketed were those belonging to the metal trades of Washington. Inc., which said it would make, a statement later in (he day. I. A. SandviKcn, business nEent. of local 7!l. International AsRocIa lion of Machinists, estimated about 1.00(1 men, other than machinists and blacksmiths, were also idle. Ho said the machinists ask a five cents nu hour pay increase, double time for overtime, a closed shop and a week's vacation with pay. Tie) blacksmiths' demands are similar excent they ask 10 cents an hour pny increase. Killer Leads Officers to Body of 2nd Victim FOSSIL, Ore., May 15. (AP) Claude K. Cli.ie, 4:t, led officers to a shallow grave in Wheeler county's Spanish gulch mining district yes terday from which they dug tho Fiody of Kngeno Hosenstiel, 2ft, Port laud prospector. Sheriff I.elsay said Cline had confessed shouting Rosens! icl last August and (Jeorge Chetly. 35, Xenia, Ohio, a man who came west lo to prospecting, on May 2. ('line was traced to Seattle through Chetty's travelers checks and arrested. Chetty's body, dis covered last week, set off the in vestigation thai solved both kill ings, the sheriff said. Cline races a i mrder charge, fil ed lu the Wheeler county circuit court, In connection with Chetlv's death. Uenton county; J. O. John son, Washington county; Robert W. Sawyer, I)eschutes county. Democratic candidates are Amanda .1. Hart, Clackamas countv; John S. Marshall. Marion county; Law rence A. Trousdale, Multnomah county; Mary Crabam Walker, Multnomah county; Karl F. (iro hletie. Marion county. James W. Mott, the republican now serving in congress from the first district, will he opposed for rennminatiott on the republican ballot by Kenneth A, Urown of Ma rion county, while on the demo cratic ticket Charles A. Robertson of Polk county is the solo candi date. Treasurer Job Lures Five Five usoiraiits. three republicans and two democrats, are In the race for the state .treasurer nomina tions. Floyd J. Cook, Multnomah' countv; Karl 11111, Lane county, and Leslie M. . Scott, Multnomah county, each seeking -the. favor of tho republicans, while Lyman Ross, Washington county and A. L. Ilrown of Multnomah county arej competing for the democratic nod. i For attorney general, I. 11. Van i Winkle, Marion county, incumbent, i Is unopposed tor the republican 1 nomination and llruce Spalding of Polk county is the lone aspirant on the democratic ticket. C. W. Clark, serving as state senator from Douglas county, is unopposed on the republican bal lot and no candidate appears, on the democrat ballot. . With Jwo to be nominated by each party, the republican ticket) I carries Hie names of Robert C. tille of Roseburg and Carl C. Hill of Days Creek for representatives. white the democratic ballot has only one name, that of W. L. i Hedges of tiunliner. Douglas Job Aspirants Four Roseburg lawyers are tn the reimhlican race for district at- ujiney, wiui no listing by demo crats. Vying Tor the republican choice are II. A. Canaday, Hay H. Compton, Thomas C. Ilartfiel and J. V. Ijng, Incumbent. The position of county commis sioner is ono that has plenty of competition on the republican side and two aspirants among the dem ocrats. With only ono lo nominate, there are six republican candidates (1. A. Lindbloom. Win. Mour, U. L. Preston, 11. II. Roadman, incum bent; James P. Kmlck and R. L. Stearns. The democratic nomina tion is sought by I). 10. Ilendrlck son and II. A. AdamB. - County Clerk Hoy Agee, seeking reelection, is unopposed for the democratic nomination, and no re--publican has filed for the nomina tion by thuf party. Three candidates two republi cans and one deinoerat are in the race for county sheriff, which is being relinquished by .Sheriff Percy Webb, after two terms. Cliff Thornton, who has served as chief deputy under Webb, Is opposed for tho republican nomination by John It. Standley of Camas Valley while William lloeft, former Roseburg policeman, seeks the democratic nomination. Three republicans, Robert L. Helliwell, J. Karl Pickens and Clenn N. Riddle, are seeking Uie nomination for county assessor, a Job from which Hut-tin Helliwell, in cumbent, is retiring at the close of his term. There Is no democratic candidate. ' Kaeh party has a candidate for county treasurer, as I. H. Lonox, Incumbent, seeks tho democratic bid as a step in the race for reelec tion, while Oliver L. Johnson is a republican candidate. Harvey L, Kppstein is seeking to continue as county surveyor and is unopposed for the nomination. . Coroner II. C. Stearns, seeking nomination and reelection, is op posed for the republican nomina tion by M. B. Ritter. Tho respective ballots also will carry names of candidates for pre cinct committeemen and com mi t leewomen, while some wilt include district candidates, p'j!; ns justices of the peace, constables, port and road commissioners and trustees, etc. Voters of both parties also will receive at the polls a non-partisan ballot carrying the names of three candidates for the office of county school superintendent. The candidates are Kenneth F. Ilarne burg. Wilbur: Lulu C. Gorrell, Oakland,' and Stella Quine, Rose burg, incumbent. No ballots will be cast for cir cuit and supreme court judges in this district, as there are no con tests and, under the provisions of fie state law, where no contests exists the candidates will be cer tified to the November general election ballot. H. A. Canaday Republican Candidate) or the Nomination for District Attorney Have practiced law In Oregon eighteen years.' Was register U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, eleven years. State Representative from Douglas County at last cession of legislature. For Im partial enforcement of the laws. Most earnestly solicit your vote at the coming primaries, May 17, 1940. (Pahl Adv.) Efficient Business Administration H, A. Adams MYRTLE CREEK, OREGON Democratic Candidate for the Nomination for County Commissioner (Paid Adv.) Tho enamel used on automobile bod les now is made from a soy bean base that requires only wash ing to restore the natural luster, and grows harder after the car is In use. STANDING ON THE RECORD? Ray B. Compton, candidate for District Attorney," will lift the curtain and take another look at "the record." Hear him Tuesday evening, at 6:45 p.m. over station KRNR. (Paid Adv.) 1 &(iDnin ID IMS Jewish Doctor Kills Self Over Nazi Army Success SKATTUS. May 15. (AP) "VieHar llirsi'h. 54, a one-time Jew :sh physician who fled Hot many in tlClJ. committed suicide in his ipartment yesierdav because of lesnomleney over the success of the (ierman army, bis wife said. Coroner Mitlelstadt said dealh vns mused by a lethal hypodermic Inject ion. 1 tr. 1 1 Irsch pract iced in New York City for six years bo- ore commie Here. Kills Self as He Shows Brother How to Wield Gun ASTOHIA. Ori., May 15. (.r) -CimIHi' Jeldnoas. 19, of Klsip. fat illy wounded htmnplf in the rtitMt pl ntwht whllp tt'nrhltiK a r-vear- old brother how lo handle n fron tier model slxshooter. 0 o ONLY S2SA7 er S.SO-17 Ml FOR A COODYEAR TIRE IN THE 8.00-16 SIZE I 4.7S19 or 5.00-19 Ca.A priett with your old tint A Lot of Steel lturiiiR 19;tS, 3,St.:t.0tH refTiter ators. kitchen ranges, and electric washlim machines, were purchased In America. Production of these appliances consumed :Mto,000 gross tons of steel, MRS. LULA C. GORRELL University Trained years experlenee In teaching And sehool dmtnlstrUon. Candidate for County School Superintendent (Tald Adv.) If your needs call for a full-size, guaranteed tire i-f in the lowest price field, you want the new All American. Now you can get Goodyear Tires A in every price range, lor every driving need. I EASY-PAY TERMS! mot as you pay, If M A UlCCir A NICKEL A DAY I JJY " tAWV A,L .l., ... ..on .w hi.. n ail othtr CwwJj.dr T:-., A WEEK 12 to 20 weeks to pay VOTE FOR WILLIAM BAIN OF ALBANY for Delegate to the Republican National Convention (raid Adv.) ANY MATEDIAIS WHICH MAY BE NEEDED Will BE SUmiEO ONIY UPON YOUR AUTHORIZATION PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 ORDER YOUR FUEL KOW! Dry 4-ft. Dry t6-inch Sawdust .. Mill Ends Planer Ends .$3.00 cord 14.60 load $2.50 unit $4.00 load $4.50 load We have green wood on hand z 1 . Ui Q o GOODYEAR PATHF INDER A taranteed Gosdysar Tire at popular pricei. Only 50c a wok on Eaiy Pay Term. i 6.00-16 1I10 4.75-1 9 or 5.00-1 9 $5.78 5.25-18or5. 50-18 6.75 5.25-17 or 5.50-17 7.08 6 25-1 6 or 6.50-1 6 9.37 Cast srittt wfll rm sM Hra. Othtr am srM Is srtsutita Sm Iks tin si It Gmtfrt Oiiaisi 1U U ls I Z -s 3 o I Lifetime tT GUARANTEE J Every Goodyear Tire we sell Is I 4 M guaranleed in writing lor iu 1 FUU LIFE, without time or J i'W tOW COtT?iHIGH MlllE j ft ' GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE ' 1 1 k fit So. Jackson St Phone 220