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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1940)
TWO ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY J 5, 1940.. News of Douglas County Sutheriin on mitthoa. Alliert tiodrrnyof Yom-ulla waa ............. ..." 7." ... visiting frlenilK in town Saturday. SLTHMtLIN, .May IS-Wayne .Mr. and Mra. II. K. Krnsler and Norrlu sulTored a Bttvoro injury to t family of Florida hitvti iiurchHtted )lln li'KU Friday ovenliiK wlllla 6111-!""' llv Vincent projii'ity weal of ployed hi logging oernlloua on Hook creek In Coos county. He watt tuken to Mercy ',ioa.itul In JtoHcblti'K whore Ilia iujilrlea were attended anil lie la now aide to be day from Bandon to anond some Hum here with his daughter, Mra. Honry Haigo, and son. J. W. Cul ver. . , . ' ) , ' 1 Mr. and Mra. R. C. Chapman of .Myrtle Creek apent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Don Hone at their home (mat of town. . r l.yle Smith anil Kdgnr Shirley drove' to KuKcnu Monday to attend to l.ualneaa. , Johnny Neely, a former reaident town anil are occupying It. of Sulherllii. returned laat week (He Munch of WemllliiT r,,..,...,- Horn the coaal wnero ne nua oeeu realdeut of Kulherlln valley, was greeting frlcnda liere Kiituriluy. "tiranditd" Culver arrived Satui'- . . VOTE FOR ; Fm M. E. RITTER lAf Republican Candidate for - I the Nomination for sxp' coroner For Douglas County ' . , : ' : (l'llld Adv.) FRENCH STATESMAN HORIZONTAL I, 7 President of France. 1 1 To devour. 12 Limbless animate. J 5 Over (contraction). 16 Rodent. 17 Talismans, 10 Turkish commander. 21 Misfortune!. 23 Males. 24 Orbit point. 26 Mexican dollars. 27 Blackbird. 28 Golf clubs. 2D To unfasten. 31 Mixture. 32 English title. 33 Onager. 34 Note in scale. Answer to Previous Panto E!5i2S' i ' ; vote for r, pi Wm. (Bill) Moar . Republican Candidate for the k&&0 Nomination for . ' County . YAl 1 Commissioner A Business Man for County Businoss (Puld Adv.) fwwr; -arwTOi?w, Vff, rfcj Our Uixaa muwt bo equalized ho thai cacti will pay Ills Just share it nil no more. My training In lltla office liiHiircH courteoiiH, econoin leal bimlnuHH udmiidHtratlutt. Robert L Helliwell Republican Candidate for the Nomination for - ASSESSOR DOUGLAS, COUNTY, OREGON (l'ald Adv.) 41 Northwest (abbr.). , 42 Sesame. 43 Adhered ' closely. 45 Mournful poem. 47 Coin. , 36 Position of a 49 Constellation. 9 Causes, golC ball. SO Presumptive. 10 Impelling. 37 Common verb. S3 Obstructs. 13 Cougarsi 38 Pound 56 He was 14 Cotton (abbr.). president in driUinf. ay Distinctly iw. theory. S7 Confession. employed, and has accepted em ployment at the llnnanza mine. Mrs. B. It. Kdgeconill of Fleano, Calif., la vlaltlng her mother, Mra. Jon I'ealioily for the next two Week a. Mra. Mary Sellerk, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Selleck ami Jena Woods were dinner gueata Sunday of Mr. and Mra. Claud Corf at Oakland. Mra. Henry Marge anil Mra. Dick Valentine went to Cotlage (irove Kntiirilav In attend to ImhIih'hh anil vlfll relative!. Mr. itnd Mra. Frank Culver of Manilnu vialted with relatives and friends here laat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorgo Norrls, who until recently occupied the Billy Vincent place weat of town, have rented the former flllatrun ranch and have- moved there. Mra. Marie Shipe and Mr. anil Mr. Illll llurdeatv and son. Hilly "f Kime'in. annul Sunday with Mra. M,,l"lo Vogelpohl. Mlna Wllnia, Anderaou. of Port!. land, apent the week-end here with parenta. Mr. and Mra. Theo dore Anderaon on Calanoola Htreet. Mra. .lack Culver Sr.. and Mra. .lack Culver. Jr.. alinpneil and at tended to hualneaa in Kugene Mon dev. Word haa been received hero Mint. Illll I'ltnlietle, uncle of Dave Pit. chctte. wiih hurt unite aei-lotialv In 'u automnliile aceldeut near (Irand Hondo liiHt Kl'ldtv. Mr. and Mra. Clifford Horner and Mr. and Mra. Ortn Nelson apent the week-end on n rialiing trip at Lake Talikentloli. Mra. A. (I .Smith atieut the week end In Cnrvallla viaillng with her son, Jnmea, wlio la attending Ore eon State and at Knirene where alio vialted .Mr. n ml Mra. Domild Street. Mlaa Phvllla MiiiiiiIiik mill Mra. Civile llolman aliopped and attend ed to bitalneaa In lloaehurg Mon-dav. Mr. and Mra. Frank Daley anent the week-end In Omnia I'aaa 1 whore thev got a truck load of "','" V"'"'"' Ln,,nel- their rurnltllre. Tllev are innvli' "ul oienooo waa spent in cut 'nto the Mnrdln houae on Fourth tl"K ,g"" "0 cleanltig up the uveuito. r '"" lul Ht Mr. and Mra. Owen Hone end ilaui'hler. Donna Fae went to Cor-' VERTICAL 2 Yeast. 3 Fine muslin. 4 And. 5 Soft cap. 6 Razor clam, 7 Upright shaft. 51 Whirlwind, 8 Exclamation. 52 Neuter democracy. 17 Convincing. 18 Navigable. 20 His legislative house is called National 22 Pertaining to lore. 25 Green quartz, 30 Killed.' 35 Aslant. 38 To bandage. 40 Razor-billed, auk. s .42 Concise. 44 Spike. 46 Beasts' home. 48 Part of a - j ' circle. 50 Measure of area. pronoun. ' S3 Road (abbr.),, . MSouth. .:' Carolina (abbr.). 16 His land is a 55 South Dakota , or (abbr.). IT i ii5 w I is i n i i p i t.. 1. 1 IT r rT "fe" 3 W r 2T""-2T -zrg - 55 -fe- Iff ' iW-f-iT-w Wrr- 3T73Tr" if! 3T4fa ' rpr " nfe" LISU "TiT ' r - 50 -: T-rrtrrT Z 1 11 1 i I n 1 M V aawpTi. . t,fl C-i VOTE FOR Thomas C. Hartfiel Republican Candidate for District Attorney "Honest, Impartial, Force ful Administration of justice." Hear my radio talks over Station KRNR Thursday, May 9, 6:95 p. m. Monday, May 13, 8:55 p. m. Wed., May 15, 8:55 p, m. t I'll til Adv.) Nazi Parachute Tactics Described DAYTON. O.. May 14. (AP) Wright Field IJ. s. army officers said' today the war department has studied ror about four years plana to combat possible attack by ra chute troppa. - The officers, Insisting on anon ymity, said defense tactics have been pertectod but must romuln secret. Germany's blitzkrieg In Belgium j anil The Netherlands Indicates, I iney said, that the iiazia vastly im proved parachute tactics Initiated by Russia In Finland. Ttin arrnv man aviilalna.l riiul Herman soldiers leap from traJia- pori ptanes at low altltudea, whero aa the Russians Jumped at l.UUU or more feet and exposed themselves to machine gunners below. 'IVie atluck technique of nazl 'parachute troops was outlined by 'the officers thus: i Bombers strafe and bomb land ing points, driving defenders to cov er. In their wake are transport planes carrying up to 45 men equip ped with liglit machine guns, auto matic rifles, grenades and even light trench mortars. Wearing tuickopenlng par a cliutea, the troops leave their trans ports from altitudes as low as 2110 feet while coniuat planes cover t'helr descent by koeplng defense machine gnnuera occupied. .Quick ly, the 'chute aoldlers unhitch their harueaaes, hunt cover, mount ma. chine guns and hold their position until reinforcements descend from other planes. Dale Sackett and Mis: Sackett's Carole and Milton" from' Klamath" mother, Mrs. Spour ami two sons, I Falls. My Present Platform Is For Economical, ' - - Efflolent Administration - VOTI 5t X FOB H. B. ROADMAN PRESENT COUNTY COMMISSIONER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION Primaries May 17. 1910 (Paid Adv.) Azalea , mm t I W ELECT Gift Thornton Itepiibllcun Camlidate for the Nouiiuatloa for SHIR IFF el Dmgtos County Over 7 years experience as deputy in this county. (Paid Adv.) 1 :110 a liusinoaR meeting waa held and officers for the ensuing year were elected In- i-niiiu n,n i i , ,. euiiiing ii. i. t onn re-eiecteii cnair with relatives. Mlsa llarhan, Rose """! ".,e flH9ocliillon, K. H. Fenn. 'iay:n s "y:l,.v-, an" Mra Vl e p. ' 1" V'0"1"' Mr-!Chnrlos Crlteaer elected directors. n, L . ? " , . The association voted to sponsor n h , , p ""J".v"" " '"'ll money to be m- i I, l ! ";."'.,.W','.V used In ruing up the cemetery. ner the week-end. C. I. ( he"itier- lulu's bus left here early Prbluy ' "B remaining iiMcrnnon noma innrlilng with the group anil rlrat WIM'" "I'"'1' in cleaning woods and thev visited tlie cauinim at Cor' Sl'",''1 hruotn frotn the. couiolej'y villus anil lien he cniillu 111II1II..L. i 'ul1111"' ''alr-Vlcw Inline, peulletilliir.v. at Oabiirn Miinsou of POrtlnlld Snlem. also the luiliislrlii school spent the week-end wtth hla uncle, for bovs at Woiidburii and lllenrc atmt and cousin, Mr. and Mrs. to Port Intnl. There .lantxen beach. I t'luner .loliuson and Mlsa Helen. China town. Ihe docks nnd several ,l'' Haaon la a former Melrose shows were I alien In. Tllev return-1 resident. ed bv way of the coast. Those en. M''s- A- Anderson, her dauuh loving Ihe ti-ln were- l- ,ni t.. ters. .Mrs. Agues Smith anil Miss Chiiniberlulu. Hugh Wnhl. Unebei I'-lnma Anilerson returned homo ' Valley, spent Mother's day at the) Jlr- '""I Mrs. Peter Smith. Bur AJAl.UA, Mav 15. Mia. Alllc Oarrlson, Jim White, Mrs. John I lantxcr. Mrs. Iowell Curtis and sons, Lee and Robert, anil Mrs. ; Tom Hunaaker were among those ahnpping lu Roseburg Thursday. i Joe Anderaon left Tritiny for 11-1 llhnls, where lie wilt spend a cou ple of weeks visiting relatives. I The Azalea VflA Softball team defeated Canyopvllle Sunday by a score of 7 to 5. S..K. .pallia spcuL u couple- of lava ihe first of the week In Pbrr- Mrs Civile Healer ' ' '" visiung ui imn-an i.. ;..,.i ' I daughter, .Mr. and Mrs. Allen lllcklng nnd Mrs. Maureno Down I s"i","' , , and n.. Kmi.ile Owens eume .... ' 0'nl Knll miller was a Roseblllg Iron Coqullle Saturday and will '""V,', .,, .' spend s-nne time af tliu home of ' ; ,f,'" hBfl,tle; w n-; Cell, and .Henry Ireland. i !;' ved here Prtttay evening and ', , , ,, , will visit liulelmltely with his son Miss Rlioi a Arnold Mm.. I rank ' , .innuhter-ln-liiw. Mr. anil Mrs. Ailuinek and Mlas Nella -Aniold ,, ey smith, went to l osehurg Sutidi' to at The VCA met Saturday night for !','," li ..'',.t."g "' t0"1' fir regular meeting. After the With the Wind. I hey wore aj-jhoHlness session games and diinc coiupanleil by Mrs Roy J. Carmill.1,, Ket wljl,.e,r ftel. w.hl,.H .re. I wno spin inc. aiiernoon visuing r,.of hnlBt8 Km.e ,.ved. There .Mr. Curnull. who Is roeclvlng treat-; ..... ,.,.....,... ,., the yeterans. hospital William .limtzer and Orval .lohna I f1 I it If iiikIimI In hitKlni'HH nt Anhliinil ' Mp 1,1,(1 'J"n M. Ort-'fw viondv allLntoon and TueHday. i.iM , aim n''viiiW " c- rvir, aim ivti'H. noiniey nmiiii' wure In KuKflHii Saturday. lltosoburB Imsiness callers Satur- ,Iunii AilaiiK'k and Moll rot; Am- day. old went buck to work at Stand-j Krod tin IT from It (mo burg wna ley Brothers loK;iug taiiil tliu'liero on IhihIuchs Friday, first ol' the week. Don Smith left- WtMlwsday for .Miss Norma Kyron, who Is teach !' t'aur.. wliere Jie will visit I n it In the Ki'adp school In Cninas , niends. I i55!T VOTE FOR m I) r Ihpnp) Hpnrinrkcnn Dtmecratic Candidate for the Nomination for County Commissioner My past experience quail Mch nto for the po sition of County Commissioner. An honest and elTldenl administration. Primaries May 17, 1940, Vote 50 X (PaUl Adv.) ineut at tli pre. RE-ELECT i Harry C. Stearns Republican Candidate for County Coroner Subject to Primaries May 17, 1940 (l'ald Adv.) l-'tslier. chaperons, ami the stu-l Tuesday from several days spent dents: nnrothy Clliinil.erliiln. Hnu-j11' f'U'tlnnd visiting her son and tile Alcorn, Hetty Hinge, l.uelln iluughlei'-ln-liiw, Mr. and Mrs. Al I'leuard. I Inzel Ci'ileuian. (lenevleve ' Alldersnll and visiting oil the llermniiil. Carol Hall. Kiinlre Da-1 -McKemcle-rtvur with her son-in-law via. Lewis Allen, ICverelt Owens 1,11,11 daughter, Mr. and .Mrs. tinner Humid Iti-nwii, Arthur Wel.her Herherg. They plan to go to the Warren Smith Inger. and Roliert Held Melrose MICI.HDsrc. May 14. -The an. llltlll meeting of the .Melrose Ceme tery wns held Monday Meet a man who is on his toes you don't believe it, watch him tomor row. His job is a tough one, but he's not afraid of it. He greets each dawn as a dare, carries more than his quota of work yet, stilt finds time for civic affairs, charities and public problems. But, when day is done, he remembers that both body and mind must relax . . . rebuild ... get ready to tackle to morrow. He lives with a purpose, so he turns to his family and friends ... to his books and pipe . , , to his garden and hob bies. . . to laughter and music He enjoys life. Many kinds of things can make your mo ments of well-applied leisure bright, friend ly and productive. There's a time and a place for Budweiscr in every one of your busy days. It's a companion when you're alone with your family . a Perfect Host when you entertain MrKcnie una in this week nnd will bi iu-rnmpit tiled by another dnuuhtor. Mrs. . (). Sands trom. and small son. Roniiy. Jolt n ( I tit rh en r t of I ji ( ; ra n d e I'M'n., vlNlteil over the wei'k-end ami Mondav with Mr. nnd' Mrs. V. S, Woodruff. Mi (loarheurt. is n former Melrose resident, having resided at Melrose forty years auo on the plaee now owned by the I'mnk and .fume Httrxik heirs and this Is his rlrat vUdt back here. Ho could see nttiny changes in the Mel ruse vicinity and wns pleased at re newing sn many old itrrpmlutanceH. Clmrle t hurehlll left Krtday for the McKenzle river to Join hi soti-ln-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kloyd Finn, and they will no to Yakloui, Wash., to visit friends. The KlRarose school will hold their UM day nlenut at the school house Sunday. May 11'. The Klmiiose people nlleiullns the weddiitK of Cletni Thackery aud Helen Ilaeklund at Myrtle ( ' roek. w ero t h i? In Iter's pa ren Is. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iltirklund and Tour brothers. Victor, Paul. Arthur mill Otto llafklunil. and sisters, MIrh Alice and Mfsp Poiolhy lliickliind, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sltmren.. Alvin Anderson and 51 r. and Mr.. J. (. Hacklund. Miss rteda Kelt Is earlni: for, Mrs. John I'entney of Unsehnrg, 1 who is reM)t ltd to he (ptiie ill at , her l)otue on Stephens street. Olallo home .. her mother Mrs Iiinlu ton and Marjnrle smith made a jtyron. ... ... : ;tt'li to Itosehurg Sunday. They '.Mi's.' Rex' Walker from ltiisehuiT lsn visited Uyee Wilson, haa heen atnytng at the home of, and iMra. Charlie ..Thoinaa hen imrenta,. .Mr. ami. Mrs. William -'""'a m",lB veral trips to Myrtle .Morgan, l-ir the past week earing I'olnt this week alter household for her mother, who has heen ! goods. . quite, sil k with an attack of flu. HIM Jnntzer and sons. Illllie and She ia somewhat Improved lu .Tinkle. Vernle Knatman. Ben health at t.resent. and (Jrviil Johns silent Sat- Mlsa Virginia Hyron eanic dow n urday evening at Grants Pass, from lOiiaene Friday evening to! Mi's. .I.ihn Feldmlller and Mra. spend Mother's day with her fani-! I'raukle Schroeder spent Saturday lly here. Sunday afternoon she In tlrants Pass on buslnesa. and her sister. Miss N'iriiiii Hyron. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlie King, Mr. vialted their father, I'Veil Hyron. at and Mrs. Him King aud children, the Veterans hospital In Hoseburg. ' .liitlet and Patricia Leo. ami Albert Jamie Ailnniek. who Is driving a 'King all of Grauta Push spent Sun bulldozer ut Stauilley Ill-others log liliiy visiting here with the ror King rump, was homo over the nior's sou-ln-law anil daughter, Mr. week-end. I and Mrs. Carroll Stevenson. Work on the It. C. Heater exten- .Mrs. Ora Condl'ay and daughter. sum to the West Douglas It.K.A.I Colleen, and Kdlth Draily visited electric lino Is progressing nicely. ' at Mays Creek Sunday evening -S i GLENN N. (Bert) RIDDLE Rtpublican Candidate FOR ASSESSOR Former and Fruit Grower Entire life in Douglas County Six years legislative experience. (Paid Adv.) John Hyron and Hill Jaeuby from Lookinunluss were falling trees ami clearinir riht-of-wuy lust week mid it is hoped to et tint wive strunK and meters installed early thiH week. (Malta srhool will close Frldny, May IT. Miss Uhoda Arnold and her pupils have prepared an ex cellent protfinnt which will be pi e- attended to business hi lloscbtinr settled Friday ul let noon following . Monday. wit't Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1, A. Worthington. I- N. Ilarrell transacted Imsi-, uep-s in H'osehnri? Friday. T. II. Davis, census enumerator from Sutherliii, whs here on uh1 ness Sunday. Mrs. Henry Coedecke, Mr. nnd frs. Jnke Flshet, Otto Stevenson Ot.Al.l.A. May l.V-Mr, and Mrs, Ualph I W ater w ent to Mnppy Vrtl le Sunday lo spemt Mother's day with ltalph'4 parents. a picnic dinner tn which nil patrons and Iriends of the school Itnve heeu invited. Mtss Arnold has been re tuiued as teacher lor another year, mak it m her fourth year in the local sch'itd. i ' Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Adiuns -atid daughters from Hoseburc : visited' at the l"ied Hyron bouie Sunday. Mr, Admits is superintendent of the West Hondas Klectrie Cooperative and came here front Olympin. Washington, tit February. Enjoy Dny at Coast Mr. and Mrs. Hert Wells and their niece. Mrs. horothy Hunt aud two chil dren, imnald and Mary Klleu, and Mis Hetty Shoemaker, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Norman (ilasseoek and o'.itldren front. Ilosehurtf vls Itnd here Saturday with friends. Mrs. Herbert. Salvage, returned to-her home hero the last of the week after spending thu past two weeks in Uosebury. Cuests nt the homo of Mrs. Ivy Sarkett and Jim llooth Sunday in eluded Mr. and Mrs. Junior llooth from i ? rn ve creek . ,t r. n n d M rs. For Republican Nomination for County Commissioner VOTE FOR J. P. SMICK CANYONVILLE, OREGOW Geographically situated to give to the County Court well rounded representation. (l'ald Adv.) aud enjoyed Sunday at eoast points. ANHIUSlR.tUSCM , MnidLweisei? itimivs mi) iB9i: 1rinx BudwtiMr 31 for five day. On the sixth day try J to drink a sweet beer. You will want Budweiser's flavor thereafter. - "J "Capabla and Economical AdminlsfraHon of County Business" RLt "Dick" Preston Republican Candidate for fho Nomination For County Commissioner ' Vott 58 X R. L. Prasfon 'rllu iiU's Kililuy. May 17, HHu. Re-Elect J V. LONG Republican Candidate for District Attorney DOUGLAS COUNTY (Present Incumbent) Native of Douglas County. Experienced as your District Altor. ney from 1S37 to present. I offer my record as the test of my ability. . ' (Paid Adv.) V 5 I -' tin'' $ La: j Ml (I'aid Adv.) S--77 ! ifil..-i..i.i.t .tl tl ter.