fr6SE6UR( fliWiREVlfeW, R6Sf.6UR&, 6RE60M, TUESBaY, MAY 14, 1940. r jurors urawnror Court Term Here Juror to servo during Iho May tonn of rlrciill ronrt were drawn today, f'ouniy Clerk Hoy Agee re ports. Tin inriii Ik scheduled lo begin May 27, and Indications uro only n few ruses will bo hoard. Those ki'IpcIhI for service aro: - f'too Anderson. Itoseburg. Mel rose HI.; Theodore J. Andrews, Srottslmrg: Krnest Harker, Hose burg; Km nit ltemls. Ilosolmig; (huh! W. Huolli, (lloiidnle; Lellov Rlioll. LoolllllKKlflHH M, Church. Nosehiirg; R M. Oomnlon, Ttnuohavu ; I ferhort I . f'onnlnr, Glide; Jiih. ?,. Con'', Ilt ton; II. h. f'owh'H 1 train: .1. p, f'ustor. Olallit; R Fnkln. tilendiile; Morris V. Falrlruiks. Canvonville; Sadie Ko" Iim.i. Ocblimd; Don Kergimon, Oak land: Wolfgang: Kest, Itoseburg; 1 newsa V"lcMir, Itosehurg. Si fir Itt.; (',. N. Clllani. Winchester; Mowf'id II, iJreeii, f:iinyoiivflle; M.i . lml Harness, rtof'-biii':; .Iuiiich If. Tlvde. Itnsehurg. III. No. 1; Cliarles Kroi'ul. Cai'"iM Valley; Kva Marks, Tfofudmitf. HL No. 2 ft. V. Mat thews. havM Creek: fi, A. Mitunln, Oakland: TliomaM Seolt. Kosehurg, Melrose Itt.; Kudie Smith, Uorte burg; Arthur ,1. Tuck, Itoseburg; Norman 'enlliorly, Kr.otlHlmrg; Ititlib Woslenbelser, ftoedsiorl. Resistance of Holland Wiped Out by Germans (Continued from page 1 "Iroiiir.ndouH." Uerlln sources de nied u. : Nazis reported IHO enemy planes wero destroyed yesterday mid 70 morn todfiy In Iho Kndtm area, raising tho total allied Iohhub lo morn Ihnn Tho I'Tencn sum morn limn 400 (icniinn ninnes lifid BRAND'S AFTER THE SHOW 8ANDWICHES FOUNTAIN DANCING Brand's on th Highway Open till 1 a. m. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. D. B. Bubar 116 No. Jickton PHONE 21 TAXI PHONE 21 MRS. LULA C. GORRELL University Trained 110 yeui'H t)uiii:i('o In ti'iKdihlK and ttcltnol ailmlnlHtrallon, Candidate for County School Superintendent ll'ald Adv.) f 1 -v. . Bli Ii !' STANDING ON THE RECORD? Ray B. Compton, candidate for District Attorney, will lift the curtain and take another look at "the record." Hear him Tuesday evening, at 6:45 p.m. over station KRNR. (Pnli! Adv.) PUPF-FuPF-FPf PROFESSOR MAROLV A MOMEW TO SPARE.W TRUST SOU WERE NOT VEXED BV NAV TARDlMESS HMP 1STM1SO0R COPR 1MO ir Hit. rNVlCC INC. T. M. RCC. boon pill out of acllon In Iho flvn- day old PonfllRt. Ilinvy riKlillnit alailnil liml nlnlil and (-onllniiod today with nndl- mlultdicd rnry alonK tho .Mimihc Hon. Krnnoh and llolalan Iroopa rdl hack on nh-onK didoiiHi In a Hlrnlutffi! wll lid ra wul. A Vrnnl linlllo was roimrlod do. volnpliiK for Iho pohkokkIoii of Hi-iihmHh. fiiidlii) of Holuium. Nazlt Drive Wedge UNn. Hip ofllilal (.; i in ii ji nowd ai;oiW'y, aflKorlod tho IIoIkIiiii anil Dulrh lirmiiH hud boon Hoparlili'd liy a noworfiil (lorman wodxo. Tho iii'wa Ikpih'V alHo di'idarpil ilormun IroonH had thrown nark Kmiudi and llidulan 1'orppn at tho (Inllo rlvor, In MolKliiin, and pur HiM'd thpin toward l-otivttlu. Tho Kromdi conoodod tho "pro- hahlo" fall of hlnlorlc Kpdall 10 mllp.i IiihIiIp tho Pronrh bonier In tho fnrllllPd I'rani'o llPlKlan ilo fonup zoiip dlrpptlv boforp Krnnre's "III Up Mnnlnol" llnu ox temdon lo Ihc North sen. II wn boro Ihat Prnnro suffprPd hor most dlsnslroiiH dofpnl of Hip It'i-iiiif-n-Pi-iiiiKliin war In 1K70. (Inrt, lommanilpr-lu-phlof of Die IIHttHh pxiipdlllonnry forro in tho lowhilldH, oliPPl'i'd his troops with a niPHHiiKo; "Tho hIi-ukkIp will Iip bard anil Iopk. iul wo can ln conlldpnt of lliinl vlctnry." In Ilnnip and othor Italian pIIIps. Iho riiinio of nnllnlllpd fpolltiK hlnzpd pvpr hlitlipr. IhlllHh iniisuls In llaly worn ro ported ndvlslnir llrlllsh pIIIkpiib to loavo Iho ponniry. Parachutlit Lynched (Ipriuan parilPliiltll worn IP porlpd duinpod ronn Iho sky Inlo llrlisspls. capital of IIpIkIuiii. A Pipnch lipws lillPiiry (I lavas) dis patch said they wpio pounced on bv the Inhabitants as fast as Iboy louched isround and one was lvnc bed allpr he tried lo uso his llreanns. One thliw hnlh the nllh's and the (limniuiH amopil on: that the current action was the slarl or a meat, decisive encnuntpr IipIwppii tho full t'oipps of the oiiposlnt! nnnlps on which may pivot Ihc oulconiP or Hip war. Nail Leadera Jubilant llPllln iillthoilimd souicps dp clsieil thai Herman molorlied nnd mochnnlMMl units. coopeiallni: Willi the air force, had made such amnilnK proKiess In the past 24 hours thai Iho Polish caiupalKU now looks only like a "weak pre ludo." They asserted I he alllPd Konornl slart had lost Its henil completely. It was said thai tho "tsrentesi Joy" prevailed atnoni! the tiPrnian Rpneral staff. Miltlsh troops rushed to bolstpr thp hiird-pt'OKBPil llellans who were Efficient Buslnecs Adminictratlon H. A. Adams MYRTLE CREEK. OREGON Democratic Candidate for tho Nomination for County Commissioner (Paid Adv.) u.ttk WELL MOKAY M0M61EUR MAH VOU REMEM 8AIRE TO BR-R-RiNJ ZE BEDSHEETS, MO?- f40K AV; LET US SKEEPON Z.t TRAIN SH& PUFF AWAV 60M6THIM6 TO if. . MT. Off. , Tailing back, apiiarpntly on tin IHi.o,. M.,U.AII.,. ,,.,.,.,1 I A rpperciissloll of Iho (lei'lillill invasion or ino rs'oiiiprianus was a JapaiiPRO protest aualiiKt reiiorl cd anil-Jaianpsp denionsti-atlons al llatavhi, In Iho Dutch lOast Indies. In lvl,.n f'ilv ii IiIl'Ii iiirii-hil of the foiplun ministry declared tlllll llin .Mi'Xclill Koveriimeni, con vinced Hint tile I'nlted Slates would enter the war eventually, would observe "benevolent neutral ity" und cooierate with the United Slates without InvolvInK bersPlf. Move to Increase Turkey Consumption Finds Favor (Continued from page It MoiiH for tnrkpys to admit wpIkIiIb considerably ovor IhoBe previously Hppcltied, which will make tl Ioh- wlble t'fir tlm volHians facllltUn ihrouKhout tlm Vountry to aid In cleaning up Iho Iuip nuinboiH of pmllciilaiiy mri?f blnlH which r dlffhrult to sell on tho open mar ket. Proposal Wins Favor Ainonrf other letters uro tho fol lowing : It. T. JONKtf, (lovernor or Ail ona"All Htul liiHtlluilonK will iihhIhI In every way poMHlhlu.In ro ducliiK I ho turkey mirpltiH of I ho Untied HlnloH." II AUG IJ 10. STASKKN, flnvor nor of MlnnoHOla "Duo to Hie laiRO Biipply and low price we have served turkey more freiiieiitly I hull In former years. If the nit- ualinn coiKinueH we will continue t( dt bo for ecunonitn reasons." M. I. KOUKNKH. chairman Norlli Pakotu board of administration--"Wo can nurture yon that we will do everything within our power to naafrtt this program. ltOY 10. AYKUS. Rovornor of Montana"! believe, there is merit in your miRKeHtlons and that If they uro fo lowed out U will inure in the benefit of the turkey misers." HAY SIMOAIt. imymuHtei' Kener- al of the l!. S. navy "In order to encourage tho niiilier use or tur Itev In the navy, a letter ivan clr cullzed to the naval service snunostlnc tho use of turkey when preimrhiK lulls-of la i. C. A. ll()TTt)laFSKN. governor of Idaho "Your letter strikes u responsive chord In Idaho for the reason that we are n large turkey protlncliiR stale." IIAUItY KNOX, chairman lexas state hoard of control "I nssure yon that I think It is a (rood Idea." UIOIiUlOliT It. (n;u.UK, Rover- nor of Marylaiul "ve irusi u win be possible to cooperate, with you In this respect. State Delegation Aids Senator Charles L. McNury. Senator Hulus ll dman. Coiitiress- men James .Mott, Walter fierce ami Homer Annell. comprislnR Ore poll's tleteKatlon in congress, each knowleclKet tho letter ami nave nersonal assistance by referriim the HUKne.mionn directly to heads of fedoral depai'tnicnls. Many Kovernors, purchasinp tu'cnts, execullve Hecretaries and others lespohded to the letter by rcportiiiK that the sUKKCHtlons are bcliiK transmitted to the respective purchasing depart ments. AmonK replies i-eceived wero thoso from (lovernor Clarenco l. Martin, state of Washington; (lovernor William M. VMnderhilt. Ithode Island; I'ul-, bert U Olson. California; (Jover-i nor Charles A. Spramie, Oreson; : (Jovernoi John W. Hvtcker. (Hilo;' (toveruor Itaymond K. llnldwln.' Connecticut: Charles U. Taylor, ' ORDER YOUR FUEL NOW! Ory 4-ft. Dry 16.nch . 8wdutt Mill Endt Planer Enda , $3.00 cord H.60 load $2.50 unit $4.00 load $4.50 load Wa have green wood on hand Ms-Jar HaaaU MM UMM.'-wTMAT MftM GCT AEVELftK A ICE PlCK.'BOR ftTuNMEL PLUM8 THROUSH MAW ,15 SOINi' TO SRA8 THAT RATTLER I CAlW'T FOLLV MlSTAH MAJOR FUM HERE -J 0 11 ' nJjVsotf HAS T6LL MAB.THA, ANVWAY aHBjslant dlrnctor, Civilian Con servation Corps; finvornor O'fhin lei, Texas; (lovernor James, I'enn sylvanla; (iovcrnor 1'rentlco Coop er. TennesHoe; (Jovernor Payne Hatncr. Kansns; fJovornor Henry II. Hlood, ltah; fJovornor Krancls P. Murphy. New Hampshire; (iov- ernor Julius P. Hell, Wisconsin; (Jovernor Carl 10. Ilalley, Arkansas; f lovernor 10. D. Itlvers. fJeorKia: Jrmeph V. ('Ionry, commissioner, division of standards and pur chases. State of New York; Ciov ernor Homer A. Holt, West Vir- inia; (lovernor Kred P. Cone l'toridn. Surplus Slash Assured In addllloii to all these direct ro nlh'H. In which cooperallon is tilhdKiMl or reference, Is made that the sUL'Keslions havo been submit- fed to proper departments, the chamber ol commorcn has received scores of other letters from numer ous Institutional beads and others in which an increased use of tur kevs Is reported. Whether the program succeeds In entit-clv dlsposim of tho sur plus depends upon Iho extent of the cooperation. nceoroin to w . O. Harding, secretary of the local chamber of commerce, but tho let ters so far received show that the effect will be to at least bring about n material reilnctlon In the volume of storage stocks. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore.. May H. (AP) COUNTRY M 10 ATS Sell ing price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, 1iS-i5u lbs.. tt-94c; vealers, fancy, i:ii-Mc lb.; light-thin, lu-llc; heavy, lu-llc lb.; "lambs, spring, Hi-17c; yearl ings, U-i:tc lb.; ewes, fi-7e lb.; good cutter cows, IIA-lilc lb.; dinner ows. Si-?c lb.; hulls. 12-12JC. nitlOSSKI) TUltKKYS Selling orices: Hens, No. 1, 13.1.1c lb.; turns; 9-lOc lb. ONIONS -Oregon No. 1, 2.110 2.10 per 50-ib. bag; Yakima. (....) per r.n.lh. Iag; sets, while, fijc; brown, rJc lb.; new Texas wax (....) per Mi lb. bag. POTATOKR Yakima Gems. (....); Heschutes. J 1.90-2.00; Kla math (Tule lake), SI. 75 cwt.; local whites. !iOc box: do sacks, $1.50 cental: Malln. Sl.Sli-2.U0 cen tal; southern yams, S2.40-2.50 crate. All other nroduco prices steady. unchanged. PORTLAND, May 14. (AP) tR S. Dept. Agr.) HOfirt: Mar ket slow, uneveidy steady to 10c lower; good choice H.V215 lb. drive-ins $(i.S.ri-7.00; late sales mostlv $ivnu, lown: medium grades ti.M)-75; 22.V2S5 lb. ti.0U-5il: light- lghts mostly ICOiVi'i; packing sows s;.2i.-(:i; lew feeder pigs i.2.. choice quolubto to S5.75. CATT1-K: Calves: very sl-w but steadv on kinds available; steers and heifers scarce, quotable steady; medlum-i)od ted 1 .Veers Monday JS.7ri-10.00; few cutlery heifers $'i,50-tl.uu: common-medium grades salable $H.2r.-S,2ri; good fed heifers eligible to $11.00; cutler-common Uows $4,755.75: cnnnnrs down to $:i.7:; rut rlnlry type cowb Hulaltle uniilnd $11.00 with dry lot klndx olilblo 10 $6.70; fgood l)(!uf cowti Billable $7.Z.1-Ui), or iihovo; cultor common IiiiIIh $r,.r,(l-C.iiu ; niiMllinn Kind Krndi-n tii.2S-7.nn; food- ilioiro viulii'fl $K.M)!).fin; inndium Kiniit t7.nn-ti.nn. SHKKI': Marli't nbout mcndy; ioo'l-rholfn Hiirinu lambs moMly s.7.r: oulHlfindlnu lots oIlKild" lo; nioillum-iiood cinilfs .1w Till; cominnn down lo $7.00; fi'W modlnm-ROod pwoh $2.2ri-H.on. WHEAT r'OriTI.A.NI), Oip., May M. (AIM Olif-n lllKh Low C'Ioho ilny nil 0 SI 1 Sept : 0 H5 SI 81 VITAL STATISTICS FUNERAL SERVICES MOOItK 1-llHo L. Mooro. 7S. Itoseburg: ut family residence. Wasbinmon and Hose Sts.. 2 p. in. Thursday. Intimate friends Invit ed. No flowers. Ilurlal In Ma sonic cemeiery. Flood Control Proposals Include Umpqua s Basin WASHINCTON, May 14, ( AP) ProKident Iloosevelt'tt i. 11 1 tin 1 (riinn-eHH nb'eiidv bad anthorl.rfd enough navigation nnd flood control projects lor soverai i-.--.ik tn efitno. the house f!ood on- trol committee has proposed that new inithorlzalions amounting to $l!)1,0u0,000 bo approved this year. Tho proposed progrnin, like the navigation projects, would not be started until fiscal 1!H2. Construc tion would be spread over five In stead of seven years. Programs which the bill would authorize Included: ITmpiiua river basin, Oregon: $17(5,000 for leveGH nnd channel hUPi'OVoniontH to protect seven ag ricultural areas and a flood wall at Ueedsport. House, in Reversal, Votes Farm Tenant Loan Fund WASHINGTON, May If (AP) The house, reversing itself, voted today .to provide $50,000,000 for farm tenant loans out of Recon struction Finance corporation funds. Threo months ago, the chamber refused lo inereaso a $70,000,000 litnd provided In a previous inoau ure. The senate, however, Insist ed on (ho Increase und the house agreed to change Its position today by a roll call voto of 197 to 153. The .$50,000,000 is not a direct ap propriation from the treasury hut will bo loaned to the secretary of airrlculture by tho Reconstruction KInance corporation for relendlug. Two States Voting in Preferential Primaries (Continued from pngp 1) and Herbert S. Migelow, sponsor of I he old ago pension plan defeated in Ohio last year. Senator Seeks Governorship A factional democratic si niggle in West Virginia included the un usual situation of a senator, M. M. Neely. trying for tho nomination for governor. Senator Rush R Holt, youngest senator ever lo take his seat, was up for rennmlnatlon against Judge Harley Kilgore, former Governor IT. G. Kump, and State Senator I. Ilu hi shahau. The republican senatorial con Your Congressman James W. MOTT Ilia re-nomination and election insures eon tinucri, active, experi enced and effective representation in Con gress fait Ail Moll fur CnngrrM OimmlllM H. k Canaday Republican Candidate for the Nomination for , District Attorney Have practiced law In Oregon eighteen yeart. Was register U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, eleven years. state Representative from Douglas County at last session of legislature. For Im partial enforcement of the laws. Most earnestly sclicit your vote ' at the coming primaries. May 17, 1940. mum test was fought botween formor Key. Carl ifaclunann, lormer uov ernor 10. P. .Morgan, Circuit Judge Decatur Rod g era, and State Sena tor Thomas H. Sweeney. Maine republicans yesterday nominated their firm woman can didate for congress. She is Mrs. Margaret Smith. 'Mi, who wants to complete tho unexpired term of her late husband, Rep. Clyde H, Smith. The democrats did not enter a can didate for the special election June 3. Surplus Commodities Buys in Oregon Shown Portland' May 14. ap Uncle Sam paid S1G4.175 last year for Oregon commodities distribut ed by the surplus commodities cor poration, Paul I), Ross, distribu tion director of the state welfare commission, said yesterday. Tho purchases included 7fi.:i50 bushels of fresh appli'H, 120,000 pounds of oat cereal, 3,780 barrels of wheat cereal, 1050 barrels of Graham flour Imo barrels of while flour, 7000 (rases of evaporated milk, 1.110,000 pounds of onions. 19.000 boxes of pears und 10.SO0 bushels of fresh prunes. Speed on American Navy Increase Program Urged (Continued trom page 1) Helgium hi the United States yes terday from last week's order freezing withdrawals. The treasury secretary gave the two governments blanket exemp tions from President Hoosevelfs order last week prohibiting with drawal Trom tho United States of any funds of the governments or people of Holland, Helgium and Lnxeni bourg. The effect of tho blanket li censes to the Ikdgian und Dutch governments to withdraw their own funds was to limit the presi dent h reeling order to citizens and business firms of the lnvuded mil ions. Included in Ihn exemption were four hanks and trading companies Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Cotniilloil by Tho Aoclntiil Prnsn. May 14: 30 Id IS '110 Incl'Is HR's Ufa Sfka Tuesday lil.Ii ir.4 !H.O -42.9 I'rev. day .... fi5.7 lfi.2 3C,.4 45. S Month lino .. 71.7 1S.8 39.1) RIM Year iiko .... 03.5 17.2 35.6 41.0 HMO high .... 74.2 IIIHI low 65.7 20.5 16.2 411.6 36.4 BONDS 21) 10 10 111 Fun. :i!M 39.6 47.5 60.9 53.5 311.6 ItH's Inil'ls I Tllosdny Prov. ilay . ..M.sMiij.n :ir,.ft . 55.7 102.0 95.9 Month IIKO Yi'Hl' iiko . Ill III high . llllll low ... - liH.3 1II2.S . 54.7 911.2 .. 59.9 :. 55.7 1111.(1 97.2 91.9 97.5 95.9 TALK J3L G0LW1IGI9 For Delegate to the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION 1 Delegates to the Republican Nominating Con vention face the task of nominating a Republi can who can and will defeat the New Deal. We should be represented there. VOTE: ) y GUY CORDON OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. "COMMON SENSE RE Ol A Sate tor j of The Netherlands East Indiea. No explanation was given ut tut iui poBe of the broad exemptions. The Dutch and Belgian govern ments were reported to have large deposits of cash and gold In this country, although tho amount of money released Dy the ordor could not be learned. A I IV John R. Standley Republican Candidate for the Nomination for SHERIFF OF DOUGLAS COUNTY "Fair and Economical Administration" ; . (Paid Adv.) IT UP! Tell Your Friends About Voting for This intvr-rtlsiwnt raid for by Douelas County friends of Cuy Cordon r 1 . VOTE FOR WILUAM BAIN OF ALBANY for Deleaate to the Republican .National Convention li'aiu vu. j VOTE FOR J. Earl Pickens Republican Candidate for the Nomination for ASSESSOR ECONOMY WITH EFFICIENCY (PuVAtlr.) D.H.LENOX Democratic Candidate for COUNTY TREASURER Prasent Incumbont DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON Member Townsend Club No. I . (Pali! Adv.) 1 pi- 'it MM (Paid Adv.)