fc&SEBUR& FjEWihCVlCW, feOSftURS. ORfeOti, TUESDAY, MAY 14, I94tf. THREE I 4 Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER DORCAS SOCIETY PLANS ACTIVITIES 10I.KTON. May la. The Unrein sociely mot at tho church Wed nesday nrternoon. Tho ItntlPH started quilting n (illllt for Mrs. Klla Fenley. The society will serve n tmltoy dinner In the I. O. O. P. hall elec tion iluy. The dinner will he I'.u'e tr.rln style. Following the business menllnz n nrngrnm was given o'. which fine P'UrlcIa Iiogele and Mra. Petn Peart each sang, lira. Ida Thoin ns and n. Mildred IleGoai.'i gave n Mother's day reading Mrs. Katie Kmeriek presented Mis. Flfzubeth Owens a bounuot for being the oldest mother prot ein Mrs. Mildred Definalh was ,ie-pi-nled flowers for being the young est inolher and having the young est child. Mrs. 10(11 1 li dates was presented n bouquet for having tho most, children and Mrs. Fnnnio t'lcinn for having next to tho most children. Mrs. l,ennn Iliiell and Mrs flhidys flriri'lth were tho hostesses for the tiny. There were present Mrs. Hell Peart. Mrs. Laura flnstafson, Airs. Nell Phillips, Mrs. Katie Daly, Ma Kiln Fcnlcy, Miss Iris Haines, Mrs. Malde Hinder. Mrs. France life I den, Mrs. Mildred DcGnath. Mrs. Klizalieth Owens, Mrs. Ida T'lomas, Mrs. .Mary firuhbe, Mrs. Lena Tlos sen, Mrs. Kvelyn Hinder, Mrs. Edith dates, Mrs. Edith A lams, ."Virs. flludvs Griffith, Mrs. Fannie Clnnio, Mrs. Leona Huell, Mrs, 1 helnin Itegole, Mrs. Katie Enier- ick, Mrs, Carol Clorman, Mrs, Grace PMvyors and n number of small children. LADIES AID HAS MEETING THURSDAY KUTIircrtLIN'. May 13. The La dles Aid held their regular meetliiK at the Methodist church Thurs day arternoon with Mrs. Maude Vngclpohl and Mrs. Wilson Hart shorn as hostesses. A pleasing program was presented eonslting of n reading by Dickie Coonen herg; piano solo, Mabel Ross; and a reading by Itev. Ortnal B. Trick. Later a delicious lunch of jello, Today's Pattern A DAINTY, CRISP, YOKED DRESS PATTERN 4455 'TIs the season to look flower- like nnd romantic. An easy effect in this be-frllled frock, Anne Ad- nms' Pattern 4455. Everything about It Is soft and bewitching, from the flnring lines of its donblo- panelled skirt to the soft curves of Its neckline and pretty yones. The gently bloused bodice is fitted in by straight darts above the front waist nnd radiating darts below the yokes. Sew on gay buttons or go completely feminine with saucy bows nnd lace edging all around yokes nnd sleeves. Choose a filmy sheer fabric or colorful print . . . nnd follow the Sewing Instructor for expert results. Pattern 4455 is available in misses' nnd women's stees 14, 16. IK. 20. 32, 34. 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 1 yards lace edging. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME. AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Select your warm weather ward robe from our new ANNE ADAMS SI MMER PATTERN BOOK! Flat tering snort clothes Tor sun and surf romantic evening gowns a costume for the June bride the correct thing for travel wear cot tons for informal and dress occa sions and "pocket edition" styles for children all the fashion Ingre dients for a successful summer de signed for you by Anne Adams. Order your copy today. The book Is fifteen cents but when ordered with a pattern, which Is also fif teen cents. THE TWO TOGETHER ARE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send your order to News-Review, Pattern Department, Roseburg, Or, una Borvod nt (luL-Orutei) with pfnli. nnpltUm and dainty pink rose ImdH to the following: Mir. Wil liam C. woods, Mrs. Tom Hand, Mth. JeH Cooper, Mra. O. A. Jn pobaen, MrH. Nelllo Parker, Mrs. D. W. Hunker, Mrs. Myrtle Kunkle, Mib A. P. Sluck, Mrs. Elton Ilever. Mrs. Mabel Itoss, Mrs. Theodore Anderson, Mrs. Anton Coenenberg. Miss Freuda Schaefer, Mrs. Juck Culver Sr., Mrs. Mary Mitch am, Miss Mabel Williams, Mrs. Max ter Davis. Mis. Anna Hunkenson, Mis. Savilla liamher. Mis. Lloyd Cameron, Mrs. Todd (itthreatli, Mrs. Kichard Valentine, Mrs. Al bert JoelBon, Mrs. Mill Welch, Mrs. P. A. Comstocli, Uev. Ormal X. Trick, Dickie CoenenuerK and the hosteHsoH, Mrs. Voelpohl and Mrs, Hartshorn. MRS. HUNTINGTON IS HONORED AT SHOWER CM.rONDAI.K, May 13. Mrs. XI. Ti. fiardner and Mrs. C. K. lllidso en-lei-tained at a charming fihowp, parly at the Gardner home on fill hertfion avenue on Wednesday uft ernoon, honoring Mrs. R C. Jlunt ington. Dessert luncheon was serv ed at one o'clock. The afternoon was spent ln openlns the many lovely Kifts received by Mrs. Hunt ington and In visiting. Those bid den to the affair were Mrs. B. 13. Mouchetto, Mrs. Francis Nelson, Mis. C. L. Normoyle, Mrs. Ella Leach. Mrs. J. K. Howard, Mrs. M. K. Culhertson, Mrs. Wm. WuiircIi, Mrs O. M. Jones, Mrs. Arthur Paschelke. Miss Iaura Raess. Mrs. y. L. Dnbyns, Mrs. Lloyd linker, Mrs. Lew Hansen, Mrs. Ilud Pelch er. Mrs. A. J. Fawcett, Mrs. M. A. Hates. Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. C. O. fiari-ott, Mrs, F. R. Cunningham, Mrs. M. F. Nye, Mrs. C. J. Set her. Mrs. O. fi. Bother. Mrs. H. X). Vniood. Mrs W. R Garrett, Mrs. Mossie Seimers. MIsh Luella Cnn ninghnm. Mrs. W. T. Harbour, Mrs. Ira Lewis and Mrs. A. G. Hen ninger. MRS. MABEL POOLE HONORED AT DINNER YONCALLA, May 14. Honoring Mrs. Mabel Pooie, who has been tho teacher In the TTayhurst school for the last two years, and who will teach In a larger school near Snrhigt'ield next year, Mrs. Emma Miller entertained at a most de lightful dinner at her home Wed nesday evening. After dinner the hours were spent in visiting and select readings. Mrs. George Ham ilton, school clerk gave some Inter esting experiences during her re cent trip to San Francisco. Mrs. Poole read a most interesting ar ticle from the June number of the American magazine, "A New Key to the Unknown" by Waldemar Knempffort. Every one pronounc ed it a most thrilling article. Mrs. Poole's many friends regret to lose her but wish her much suc cess in her new field of leaching. PRESBYTERIAN AID TO MEET THURSDAY Tho Presbyterian Ladies Aid society will meet at a onc-thi In I o'clock dessert-luncheon at church parlors Thursday with Mrs. Karl Ullrich, hostess chairman, as sisted bv Mrs. E. It. Metwer. Mrs. E. S. Hall. Mrs. Georse M. Brown and Mrs. J. P. Barker. cukfl ami coffoo tultleH bwiiilifuily Mrs W. M. Chalmers, prestneni, uaifc Lnr.r,iv, may it. nv wlll conduct the reeular meetinKily surprise party was Riven by a and Madame M. .T. Shoemaker will conduct the devotions. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES TO MEET ON THURSDAY The ladles of the BoseburK Country club will meet Thursday orulng for the summer golt lour - nnment piny. The first fllghters will tee off at S:45; second fllght ers nt !) o'clock and third flighlers at !):15 o'clock. Potluck luncheon will be served at the club house at 12:30 o'clock and the summer bridge tournament play will open at 1:30 o clock. W. F. M. S. TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the Methodist church will meet Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. II. Churchill with Mrs. John M. Rnish as program leader and Mrs. H. A. Hercher in charge of the de votions. Guest Bpeaker of the aft ernoon will be Mrs. C. E. Roberts. Members nnd their friends have been invited to enjoy the meeting. MID-WEEK BIBLE CLASS ! TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Mid-Week Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet Thursday afternoon nt two o'clock nt the home of Mrs. Roy Ilehnrd at 734 South Pine street with Mrs. Russell Knlne and Miss era (looli! assisting hostesses. All members nnd friends are invited. EASTERN STAR TO MEET THURSDAY Roseburg chapter of Eastern Star will he entertained Thursday night at S o'clock at the Masonic temple by the non-resident mem bers as hostesses nnd with Mrs. T. O. Wntson nnd Mrs. C. G. Van Val zah acting as joint chairmen. Mrs. A. B. Taylor, worthy matron, will preside. AJ1 members and visiting members are Invited to be present COSTS IISS TO (111 THAN 'yytK POWDIRS OR MSTCS! Amtitnr dlieovtryl Oat tpplieitlon of DENTUR-EZB will tnik your lot pltti fit like ntw foi wtiks. Not a pow dif or p new-trpt plaitic Out actually reltnetplateil Ont tubecontaina twera) application. Tbguaajida of a thuaiastlc uacra. DENTUR-EZE gS"""! CHAPMAN'8 DRUG STORE Roseburg, Oregon SIDE GLANCES jBfegg; m.n com two iy ik. acRvicr we. t. m. tc, u, "Your business needs variety, Cluck well! Doesn't any body ever try to produce a new kind of carrot or boan?" POTLUCK DINNER AND PROGRAM IS ENJOYED YONCALLA, M a y 14. M I s s Irene Manpin closed a most sue renhful year of school work at the Pleasant Valley (Duck Egg) school Friday. A potluck dinner was en fyci nt noon, with all tho ice cieun one could eat. after whi;h ii u;ry Interesting program w.is given. Incu'entally it also Includ ed a musin recital given by Mra. Fn d Merk for her pupils during the last year. Miss Doris Klngory and Miss lie -y ni Gibson receiv ed their ftth grade diplomas. The follow n,x? program wa.i giv en. Group singing, reading, Paul Allen, "I Wonder"; piano solo, DoiIh KIngery, "Spinning Song"; Intermediate chorus, piano solo. "Ginger Snap Brigade," Paul Al len ; reuding, "For Mother," Rose Brant; playlet, "Mother'B Sur prise"; reading, "Mother's Hair pin," James Brant; duet, Rose Brant and Donald Kingery ; reud ing, i )onald Kingery; vocal solo, Mary Vian; piano solo, "Spring Flowers," Rose Brant: .reading, "Which Loved Best," Mary Vian; trio, "Planting Rice," Rose Brant, Mary Vian and Donald Kingery; reading, "A Mother's Hands," Bet ty Gibson; piano solo, "Guitar Ser enade," Rose Brant; reading, "Va cation Time," Rose Geider; read ing, "Somebody's Mother," Evelyn Geider. I'pper c!iorus. Reading. "School Days," Doris Kingery; group singing. "Mother" wus the a very useful I Kill iiiiiii iiiu iJiijiin. MRS. MARY McKINLEY HONORED ON BIRTHDAY . .... croup of friends culling on rs, Mary McKlnley Friday evening to celebrate her birthday nnnlver:i nry. Klne Rifts were presented to Mrs. McKinley and lovely refreshmenrs were served by Mrs. Anna hliirt- Lf ,) M,.s. ii,iby Million to the i guPst 0f honor and Mrs. Grace val- entitle, Mrs. Lulu Wright, Mrs. Anna Potter and Mrs. Lily Sharpe. The evening social hours were en joyably spent In visiting and play ing cards. SUPPER AND PROGRAM IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR YONCALLA, May 14. About 125 friends enjoyed a very fine pro gram given by the Klwanls club of Roseburg Thursday evening, spon sored by the Elkhead Home Econ LAST TIMES TODAY ROBT. MONTGOMERY EDWARD ARNOLD In 'Earl of Chicago' and ANDY DEVINE 'Danger on Wheels' WEDNESDAY IS PAL NIGHT PLUS 2ND FEATURE 1 0tH0.WI Shows 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25o Eves. 35c Kiddles 10c Jjjlff)Tlr i. pat, orr.1 omies club for the 4-H scholarship. Clarinet solo, several accordion numbers, trio music was followed by very clever magician tricks put on by Roy Bellows. The one-act play, 'The MartiiiH and the Mc Coys" was a fitting climax to u very I'lno program. A delicious sup per was served following tho pro gram. ' COMMUNITY CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING YONCALLA, May 14. Mrs. John Weber and Mrs. Leslie Chapman were gracious hostesses to the re gular meeting of the Hayhurst club, Thursday afternoon in the Hayhurst conimut)ily hall. It was voted to give an Invitation dance and party in the hall, Saturday eve ning, May 24. with the Yoncnlln or chestra furnishing the music. A delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting to the follow ing Invited guests: Mrs. Stella Quine and daughter, of Roseburg, Mrs. Orville French of Sutllcrlln, Mrs. Frank Chapman, Divide; Mrs. John Phillips of Leona. Mrs. George Cooley of Yoncalhi, Mrs. Homes, Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Whltted from Chapman's mill camp, and the following members, Mrs. Ithoda Ityehard, Mrs. diet Miller, Mrs. lOmmil Miller, Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Eugenln Krommlngo. Mrs. Henry Hubbell. Mrs. Pete Peterson, Mrs. Elmr Kruse, Mrs. Maire Swanson, Mrs. Mabel Williams, Mrs. Bertha Mor In, and Mrs. Ruth Phillips. A spoil ing contest was enjoyed with Mrs. Atlanta Hubbell winning the prize. MRS. ADAMS IS HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. Edna Adams graciously en. tertalned the members of the Pi nochle club at her homo Wednes day afternoon. Dainty refreshments were serv ed at 1:30 to the following mem bers, Mrs. Kenneth Copelund, Mrs. R. M. Ferber. Mrs. Arthur Elledgc, Mrs. Chas. EilRle, Mrs. ("has Mc- Mahan, Mrs. Joe Copelaml, Mrs. O. Under, Mrs. Geo. Jennings, Mrs. II. Meyers. Mrs. 10. S. Lamoreaux. Mrs. Harold Peterson, Mrs. Alfred Hand and Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Kenneth Copelnnd held high score. Mi's. O. Rader, consolation and Mrs. Alfred Hand won the penny prize. t CUIBHOUSI Isll ICE ' ''' ENAMELOID wor paint WVt ImM it w $977 Ma IT I 6AUOH IMCIAL I3.M dlf rCOATM IC net p., oi iu $977. ' Ml H.I? 11.11 Churchill PORCH KCK PMfTT VMUlliM smion tneux FREE ;rr "M MRS. WILLIAM CORWITH NATiOfvAu KMEoiutr(T AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY . : :&ft Mra. William Corwith, of Itnek vlllo Centre, New York, national nresldcnt of American Legion iinxll iary, will be in Portland May in, it has been announced hero hy Mrs. Hoy (). Young, district president of American Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Corwith will ho entertained ut the veterans' hospital for breakfast with a luncheon at the Deathman hotel to which all auxiliary mem bers are Invited. An open meeting at tho Women's club In the eve ning will be the most Important features of Iho day. Any mem bers from Itosoburg who will be In Portland should plan to attend Mrs. i oung stated, Mrs. William Corwith, of Hock vlllo Center, New York, is leading the American Legion Auxiliary s 500,000 women this year as their national president. Under her ad ministration tho organization Is making largo membership gains In every part of the country nnd Is achieving groat progress In ka pro gram of civic and patriotic servlco. Mrs. Corwith was unanimously elected to the presidency nt the national convention In Chicago last September, following a dozen years of prominent service In lo cal, stale and national offices. A charter member of tho Itocltv: Centre Unit, she demonstrated her ability for Auxiliary leadership in tho activities ol this unit. T stale organization called for her services, first as a committee chair man. then as vice president and president of the department In IMG, Mrs. Curwllh was ap pointed to tako charge of tho Aux iliary's radio broudcastlng activi ties as chafrman of the national radio committee. So successful was her work In this field that she was twice re-appointed and was completing her third year at tho head of this Important committee when elected national president. She Improved nnd expanded tho auxiliary's broadcasting from local stations and on national chains, I personally directing many national gyLMON VALLEY CLUB broadcasts. I T0 meet AT POTLUCK When the auxiliary went (n New, LUNCHEON THURSDAY York City for Its national conven- The Kylnion Valley club will Hon In 19:i7, Mra. Corwltll was meet lit a one o'clock linllllcli chairman of the national conveu- luncheon Thursday. May lUth. at Hon committee In charge of nr-'lho home of Mrs. Clarence Char- rnugements for the convention nnd tile entertainment of the thousands of women who attended. Horn In Hillsdale. New York, In ISilS, Mrs. Corwllh attended the nubile schools (hero, then tho New York Slate Colleen for Tenchem ...l,.. U. .i 1 1 iw.i.... of arts degree In 1018.' Shn was! a member of Psi Gamma sororlly and vice-president of her senior class. Following her graduation, she taught for several years In the schools of New York slate. She Is uctlve In tho work of the Fed erated clubs of Rockvillo Cenlre, and a leader In local civic and RHEUMATISM-NEURITIS "I unx tlnwn flic niniillit Hill) iu'IIiIMk iiikI ilipiimitlljtm mid vyi-i In illr, Kimnit Cn- M'V'- Cnnipmiiul ii Hfr sim-r. I CJiimiit innlsi' jinir CuiniMiiinil t'iiiiii1i." BlUtM'd. Ili'v, W. T. Tuiil. ItiiNt MlnUli-r, :i72H H. K, MnirK.ui Si.. I'lirtliti.l. Un r.ist-v' Ciirntiiiiiiiii Stilit At lit UK Hi "mm SALE PRICE SEMI-LUSTRE Wnk.Ws WiH tWik ft KlItlMM t4 tlthXSXM . , Vm M' 9 Gst I it SALE ' PRICE . 0.1 2" $115 1" las tl t.ii LE PRICE 9? SEE THE UNIQUE COLOR BOOK ON DISPLAY IN OUR STORE Hardware Co. IRONMONGERS phliinlhroitc organizations. tun- luiKit'iiiiy lu auxiliary inmii UtTahip eomoB through the world win survlco of her husband, who wus a sorgoant In the quurtermus ler corns, at Camp Dix, New Jer sey, und her brother, Haymond Sweet, u sergeant in Company K, ao3 Infantry, 7Mh division. COMFORT CLUB HA3 ENJOYABLE MEETING MIOLnnsK, May 14. Mra. Kd (Hubs and Mm. K. I. Cooper were hnHtesKea to (he EljjurOHe Comfort club at the homo of tho former In Went ItosehurK. The rooms were decorated with houiie(n of beautiful roses. Tho meethiK waa called to or der by the retiring president. Mm. Hilder Johnson and following the business meeting the officers for tbe ensuing year were Installed by Nettle Woodruff. Tbe club decided to make a lay ette for the Hed Cross nt Jtoseburg. The presldfHit appointed Daisy Ward und Sara HolmqufHt to jmr- ehase material to work with and Thursday afternoon. May lf Iho club will meet at the home of Aulla Klarli to cul. out the gar inentH. A summary of tho years work and Dub acllvltlea was read by An ita Stark, and a program of read ings and household hlulH was en joyed. Clara Ktuhba won the club apron and Mrs. Mary Dunham won the cluh prize ami I'reuu fsanu alroiu won the-radio contest prize. The next meeting will bo at ihe home of Mrs. A. S. Anderson and each mem nor unending is 10 uiiiih a ilHt of questions and answers, A handkerchief shower wus giv en Mrs. Milder Johnson, tho retir ing president. Tho officers for the ensuing year are Thelma Rund burg, proHident; Freda Sandstrom, vice-president; Kiln Johnson, sou retary; ni JTohnquip.t, treasurer, and Nettle Woodruff publicity chairman. Following tho enjoyable meeting a social hour was hold und deli cious refreshments were served by Mrs. Class and Mrs. Cooper nnd assisted by Mrs. Mary Dunham and Mrs. l.avern Nlckens. Those enjoying the afternoon In cluded -Mrs. Sara llolmqulst, Mr.i. Alberta Hence. Mrs. Kmma Coop er. Mrs. Clara Klublm and 'Jackie, MIsh Dorothy Jlacklund, Mrs. Freda Sandstrom and son, Itonny, Mrs. Anita Stark. Mrs. Cortrude Oniys, Mrs. Vlnnie Cooper, Mrs. Mahlo Macklund. Mrs. Daisy Ward. . Mra. Catherlno Horn und son, "one. Mrs. Don I'auKey -am oauK..- Mary' Dunham. Mrs. Hilder John son, Mrs. Nettle Woodruff and Mrs. (ilatts. COUNTY P.-T. A. r.niiNP.IL TO MEET .The Douglas Counly P.-T. A. .council lias noen iiivueu w no.-. Tlnirsiluy, May Kith, at two o chick n, thn )lom0 of M,.. h. 11. Carter ut ,12s Mli(ury street. Representatives f,., ii p -T. A.'s in the county are rcqilei Bled to attend :he meeting. ller. All members nro corciiany in , vlled to lie present. I 'UNITED WORKERS CLASS TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Hulled Workers clasfl of Hie 'Christian church Rlblo BcllOO Will 1 meet at Hie home of MI'S. W. II. Carter. 8:111 llouek street, "ay afternoon at i o clock. Thui'B- LAST TIMES TODAY 2 Shows Daily 2:15 and 8 p. m. ALL SEATS RESERVED Matinees 75c Evenings $1.10 Tax Included r e.niis a if u thp wiNnl IN A Yitiimcoloii STARTS WEDNESDAY Filmod almost entirely on the McKenzie near Eugene. hnniijiyiiiii A Fine Historic Portrayal of . with RAYMOND1 MASSEY 3 Local News Enjoy Trip to Coat Mr. und Mm. A. D. Pun' and Bon, Donulil, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Chrlalnr, ol' tlila city, enjoyed a trip to oonsl points and Inuk Sunday, Visits Dughtr Mrs. V. W. Willis, of Cniiyonvllle, spent Sun iluy und Mondiiy In Hoselmrg visit' Iiik her dnnKhtor, Miss Kvelyn, nn employe or (lie RosebnrR tiruneh of tho U. S. National bunk. Returns Here Mrs. M. Hazel Olxnii resumed her teuchluK at llenson Hehonl yoHtorday, follow Iiik the wnok-ond In Corvullis visit Iiik her diuiKhter, Miss Hetlyjune, Klnilent al Oregon State eolleKe. Back From Euflene Mr, and Mrs. II. F. Shields returned tn their home in this eity yesterday, follow ing Iho week-end In KiiKeno vslll Inn Iho former's son-in-law and diuiKhler, Mr. and Mrs. l.lffn Ktnrmor. Home From Portland Mrs. W. M. Chalmers has returned to her homo on South Pine street, follow ing a visit since last Wednesday In Portland, She was joined there for tho weok-end by her son, mil. wno accompanied her homo. Meeting Postponed The Past Presidents club of tleorgo Starnr er auxiliary to United Spanish War Velerans has postponed Its meeting from UiIb week until Fri day, May Ut, nt a one-thirty des sert-luncheon nt .the home of Mrs. W. C, Prints In West Jtoseburg. Goes to Grants Pass Mrs. Al lie Darker, of this city, lias left, for (Iranls Pass tn visit her son-ln-law anil daughter. Mr. und Mrs. Clydo Adair, Jr., and tho Adulrs' new bnbv daughter. ' Mis. Adulr was formerly Miss liesslo luirkor of this city. Return to Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stearns have, re turned to their homo in Kiamntn Falls, following a trip to Myrtle Creek Sunday to attend the funornl service of Clolnnd Weaver. Tho Stearns family formerly resided In Roseburg nnd Myrtle Creek. Drlnas Parents Home Paul llntiBor and Miss Mnxlno Dartlny drove to Portland Sunday to lirlnK tho fonnnr B narenta, Mr, and Mrfl, A. Tl. HouKer, hack to their home In thiB elty. The Ilouaors have heen In Portland for aovoral weeks vlBltlnK tholr Bon-in-lnw and ilangh ter, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. noil. GREENS P.-T. A. TO MEET ON THUR8DAY Tho Greens P.-T. A. will hold ItB last meeting of this school year on Thursday, May lis. Installation of olllcoi'B will ho held. Mrs. Carl Schmidt will havo charge of the re freshments. The meeting has been clmngod to Thursday evening In stead or Friday evening on account of election day on Frldny. GMMSS CARBONATED BEVERAGES are good-good tor the whole fam ily. So good, in tact, that doctors recommend them! Carbonated beverages increase the appetite, speed up food ab sorptiongive you added energy. Request our brand. Request our "BIG CHIEF" Brand at your Favorite Dealer Roseburg Dairy & Soda Works Telephone 186 ROT ' Hers Monday James Drnmhuo, -ol tne depnriineni ot interior, Tort land, wub n huslness visitor In this city yesterday. Spend Monday Here Mr. and Mrs. MHon rtollenbaiigh, of Cnii yonvllle, spent Monday In this elty nltondliiK tn business, Return Home Mr. . and Mrs.J Piiul Dussenu returned to their homo in this elty yesterday, fol lowing; the week-end ut llandnn visiting 'the lutter's snn-ln-tuw nnd dnughler, Mr. nnd Mrs. James K. Croxnll. Leave for Portland Mrs. Charles Fox and daughter. Joanne, huvo re turned to their home in Portland, following a few days In this city visiting the former's parents, At torney nnd Mis. A. N. Orcntt. on Chitdwlek street. Former Residents Visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Uiron Johnson nnd Binall Bon. I.nrry, have returned to their homo ut Dexter, Ore., following n couplo of days In . this city visiting Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. (). I.. Johnson, nil Knst Douglas slruol. Return to Glendale Mr. nnd Mrs. Jess llnwmnn and daugliler. .wary Ann. invo en for I heir home at Glendale. Ore., following a few ilnys here visiting Mrs. now mini's pnients, Mr. und Mrs. Cor nell in tho Kohllingen apnrtmenls. Camao Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. C, C. " Frances, of Camus. Wash., havo arrived In ltoseliurK to visit Iho former's brothor-ln-law and alater, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Itodlters. at the Hill Crest Auto eourt, before proceedini; to coast y polnlR and hack to Washington. Visit at Patterron Home Mr. nnd Mi-B, Thomas Horley, of Lob Aniteles, wero in ItosehurK yester day to visit the former's mothor, . Mrs. T. F. Patterson, for a snort tlino, before iirocoedliiK to Port hind, whom Mr. Sorley will work temporarily hororo returning Bouth. .Mr. Korley Ib a former resident of this city. Reported Improving Clcnrge Cluck, who Is In tho hospital In Forest Orovo will! a fractured back, Is now reported to bo Bteailily Im proving. He Is still In a eiiat and upon lining discharged from tho hospital, will go to Portland to havo n special lirnro fitted before returning to his homo In WcHt Hoseliurg. Visiting at Pettey Home Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Dalton, or Pueblo, Colorado, and liny Harrel, of Lou Angeles, havo arrlVeil In Jtose burg to Bpend a week or so visit- ' lug Mr. Dulton's brother-in-law and Bister, Mr. and Mib. B. A. Pettey. Mr. Hn'rrol Is a nephew of Mrfl. Ittey. ThlB Is the visitors' first trip to Oregon and they report that thoy are greatly Impressed with the beauty and climate ol this vicinity. GIRLS! you need , rich red ; BLOOD for BEAUTY So try Lydla ff. Plnkham'ii Vegetable Compound TABLETS marvelous to help build RED blood which means more utrenRth. rosier cheeks, red der llp, brighter eyes. ALSO hWp relieve functional monthly UUtreul MEEK ; m me: m m ?J'IW-.Vi I Jfl!--- ill